

高三任务型阅读常用词汇及词组转换归纳类常用词汇:原因和结果:reason (for) , result; cause (of) , effect; consequence 异同点与优缺点:difference , similarity;

advantage/benefit , disadvantage 功能:function 观点:opinion , view (on/about) , viewpoint , idea ;态度attitude

to/towards 评论、评价:comment (on) , remark (on/upon) , assessment 表方式、方法:means , way (to do) , method (of) ; solution , approach ( to doing sth. ); take measures/ steps to do sth. 目的:purpose , aim , goal 积极:positive ,; optimistic 消极negative 建议:advice [不可数] , suggestion , tip 概括、总结: summary , conclusion 特点:feature , characteristic 种类:kind , type , category , class 精神上:mentally(adv) ,身体上physically(adv) 影响: influence , impact , effect (on ) 情形,状况: situation,condition 建立:build , create , establish , found 出现:appear ,occur(red) 实现,完成:reach , realize , accomplish 必要,必需: must /necessity 方面,项目条款:item / aspect 材料: materials 知识消息:knowledge / information 日程计划: schedule / agenda 百分比:percentage 性别:sex 年龄: age 满意:satisfaction(名词) satisfy(动词) satisfied

忧虑,担忧,焦急: concern (不)熟悉:familiar /unfamiliar 个人,个人的: individual 细节:description , detail 文化: culture 责任: (take) responsibility 贡献: (make) contributions to 重要: value importance significance

比较: contrast、compare(动词)comparison(名词)时期: period / time

存在: existence(名词) exist(动词)花费: cost / expense 人口: population 天气与气候: weather[u] / climate [c] 位置: location 主题: theme 背景: setting,background 情节: plot 高潮: climax 结尾:ending 反对者:, opponent 支持者supporter 标题、话题:title; topic 观点:ideas / opinions / views / thoughts 理由:reason/reasons; why 起因:cause; why 过程:process; course; procedure 结果:result/results; consequence/consequences 结论:conclusion 解决的办法:solution 现象:phenomenon/phenomena 因素:

factor/factors instruction/instructions 损失:damage/damages; harm/harms; 地点:place/location/where 事件:event 内容:content 起源:origin 分析:analysis /analyses 问题problem/problems; doubt/doubts ; question/questions 质量:quality 证据:evidence 阶段:period;stage 日期:date 特点characteristic/characteristics; feature/features 目的:aim/aims;

purpose/purposes; goal/goals; intention/intentions 国籍:nationality 技能:skill 成就:achievement 全面发展:all-round development


1.100 years = 1 century = 10 decades

2.take advantage of = make use of

3.parental attention = with the help / aid / assistance of parents

4.oppose the move = be against the move = object to = disagree with

5.consider … = take … into consideration / account

6.at the beginning = at first

7.be responsible for = take / shoulder / bear responsibility for

9.in search of = seek / search/look for a better job.

10.housing-related reasons = reasons related / linked/relevant to / connected

with housing

11.take an active part in = take part in sth. actively

13.be hooked on headphones = be addicted to headphones

14.valuable information = information of great value

15.understand clearly = have a clear understanding of sth.

16.affect = have an effect / influence / impact on sth.

17.matter = count = be very important = be of importance = make sense = make

a difference

18.kills sb. = sth. costs sb. sth. = claim one's life

19.make an apology = apologize to sb.

20.be over = end = put …to an end

21.despite = in spite of

22.share less than 2% = account for less than 2%= make up

23.online = on the Internet

24.learn good citizenship = learn to be good citizens

25.list the things that you are good at = list what / all you are good at

26.explain sth. = make an explanation

27.offer sth. to sb. = provide / supply sth. for sb.

28.besides = on top of = in addition to = apart from

29.be better than = be superior to

30.approve of = subscribe to = be in favor / support of = favor sth.

31.have access to = be acceptable / accessible / available to

32.stop = quit = give up

https://www.360docs.net/doc/d916369574.html,pensate for = make up for

34.in part = partly

35.every year = yearly = annually

https://www.360docs.net/doc/d916369574.html,e up = run out of (主动)

37.run out = give out = be used up (被动)

38.be accused of = be charged with

39.most of the people = the majority of the people

40.cater to /for one's needs / demands /requirements = satisfy / meet one's ….

41.starve to death = die of hunger/ starvation

42.be tired out = be worn out = be exhausted = be weary

43.socially responsible = social responsibility

44.sth. benefit sb. = be beneficial to sb. = be of benefit to = sb. benefit from sth .

https://www.360docs.net/doc/d916369574.html,mit oneself to doing sth. = promise to do sth.

46.make full use of = make the most of


任务型阅读常用词汇词性转换 动词变名词 1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve---achievement 成就 advertise--- advertisement// advertising agree— agreement apartment 公寓 amusement 娱乐 argue---argument争吵 commit奉献—commitment develop---development disgree—disagreement department 局,部 experiment 实验,试验 equip 装备---equipment 装备,器材 govern 统治—government 政府 manage---management 经营管理 2.V+ tion 结尾 admit 承认—admis sion attract吸引—attraction 有吸引力的事或人;令人向往的地方conclude—conclusion 结论 compete—competition 竞争,比赛 discuss—discussion 讨论 educate-----education decide----decision describe—description描写,描绘 express 表达----expression 词语;表达方式 graduate 毕业—graduation operate 操作,动手术—operation organize----organization imagine—imagination 想象力 introduce—introduction 介绍 instruct—instruction 指导,介绍 invent—inventor / invention invite—invitation pollute----pollution 污染 predict---prediction 预言 pronounce ---pronunciation impress 给人印象—impression 印象 permit 允许-----permission suggest-建议,暗示--suggestion solve解决-----solution 解决方法 3.V+ ance 结尾


任务型阅读专项练习和答案 一、英语任务型阅读 1.阅读信息,为每段选择恰当的标题。 Here is a page from a magazine named Future. Read the following information about things that may happen in the future. ________⑴Cars will run on solar power(太阳能)or electricity and will be much cleaner. They will be much safer. For example, if you are too close to another car or if you are driving dangerously, your car will slow down by itself. ________⑵Because there won't be any spare land, new cities will have to be built in the sea. Some cities on water will have two levels. People will live on the upper level, and the lower level will be used for traffic, shops and factories. ________⑶Biotechnology will make food better and healthier. Plants that are not affected by insects or illnesses will be developed. The taste of fruits and vegetables will be better and food will be kept longer. ________⑷New technology will be used to make TVs that are only 5cm thick. They will have pictures that are as clear as photos. Electrical appliances will be quieter and will be controlled by computer. They will also use 50% less power. ________⑸Many new ways to cure illnesses will be successful by using products of genetic engineering (基因产品). Cures will be found for the flu and the common cold. However, some new illnesses will appear. 【解析】【分析】文章大意:介绍了未来社会在能源交通,城市建设,生物技术以及医药方面的一些变化。 A. Better and healthier food will be developed with the help of biotechnology. 在生物技术的帮助下,将开发出更好、更健康的食品。 B. TVs made by new technology are not only 5cm thick but also as clear as photos. 新技术生产的电视机不仅有5厘米厚,而且像照片一样清晰。 C. Cars will be much cleaner and safer if they run on solar power or electricity. 如果汽车使用太阳能或电力,将会更加清洁和安全。 D. Some new illnesses will appear though many new ways to cure illnesses will be successful. 一些新的疾病将会出现,尽管许多治疗疾病的新方法将会成功。 E. The future cities will be built in the sea because of less land. 未来的城市将建在海里,因为陆地较少。 (1)根据文中语句Cars will run on solar power(太阳能)or electricity and will be much cleaner. 提示可知,此段讲述的是新能源汽车的优点,故选C。


公务员考试行测备考指导:言语理解常考词语辨析汇总 【华图教育阅读提示】华图公务员考试研究中心通过对十年来国家公务员录用考试及各省市公务员录用考试行政职业能力测验真题中言语理解与表达真题的研究,归纳总结了言语理解与表达常考100组词语,并对其进行了辨析。本文节选了部分词语及辨析供考生复习参考。 1.安定--安宁--安谧--安静--平静--清静 安定:生活形势等平静正常,稳定。生活安定。 安宁:秩序正常,没有骚扰。边境安宁。 安谧:安宁,安静。主要指环境气氛。 安静:没有声音,安稳平静。 平静:着重指平稳,没有不安与动荡。常形容心情、表情、势态等。 清静:着重指不嘈杂、不杂乱。 2.安顿--安放--安置--安排 安顿:安稳,使人或事物有着落,着重指安排妥当,使有确实的着落。 安放:使物件处于一定的位置,是具体的动作。 安置:使人或事物有着落。着重指使工作、生活等有适当的位置。多是处理人事工作的活动。 安排:着重于分清先后、主次、轻重缓急、有条有理地处理人和事。多指工作上的处理活动。 3.懊悔--懊恼--懊丧--沮丧--颓丧 都是形容词,因未满足心愿而悔恨、烦恼。 懊悔:着重指后悔,是心里恨自己不该做错了事或说错了话。 懊恼:着重指烦恼,心里不痛快,是对别人或自己的言行感到烦恼。 懊丧:形容因做事或环境不利而失意,情绪低落,精神不振。懊丧:着重指烦恼而丧气,心中郁闷。

4.沮丧--颓丧 沮丧:沮,气色败坏。着重指受挫折后灰心失望。 颓丧:颓,委靡不振。着重指情绪低落,意志消沉。 5.傲慢--高傲--骄傲 都是形容词,都有自高自大或自豪自尊之意。 傲慢:着重指态度上轻慢,目中无人。也可用于褒义,表示自尊而不可侮。 高傲:贬义着重指思想情绪上把自己看得过高。用于褒义时表示自豪而又高尚。 骄傲:泛指满足已有的成绩,自以为了不起。用于褒义时多表示自豪。也可以作名词。如:李白、杜甫和他们的诗,是中华民族的骄傲。 6.把持--操纵--控制 都有按自己的意图掌握住、支配。 把持:是贬义词,指公开独占权位。对象常是政权、权力、职位以及地区、单位等。 操纵:中性词。指掌管、使用机器等。引申指用不正当手段暗中支配、控制人或社会性的较重大的事物。 控制:中性词。只指不让任意活动或超出范围。对象常是速度、数字、交通、生产以及思想、感情等。 7.把握--掌握 都是动词。用自己能力,把某种事物抓住、控制住。对象可以是某些具体的或抽象的事物。 把握,对象多是具体事物。有时作“有”的宾语,表示对事情能做得到或做得好的信心、力量或根据,是名词。如:有把握。 掌握:比“把握”多一层意思,即不仅能把握住,而且能充分支配运用并控制。对象多指抽象事物,如政策、命运、方法、知识、技术、专业、语言、情况等。 8.颁布--公布 都是动词。公开发布。对象多是宪法、纲领、法律、法令、条例等。


高考英语任务型阅读解题技巧(一) 一.任务型阅读题型特点: 江苏高考英语任务型阅读题目要求:根据所读,用恰当的词语补全全文提纲,概括关键内容。一般而言,任务型阅读提供了两种示例:表格式和树状式。 二.任务型阅读的解题技巧: 1.在阅读文章之前,快速浏览并了解题型,明白阅读任务,以便能快速查找到有用信息,提高解题速度及准确性。 2.通读,复读文章,把握短文的主题思想,弄清文章大意,获取关键信息。 3.根据题目要求,对信息进行梳理加工,并用正确的形式表达出来。 三.任务型阅读解题策略: 1. 注意词形转换,反义词,同义词,语态问题 2.注意句子结构的转换 3. 选用其他词来释义 4.学会归纳概括词汇 概括性词汇: 因果: cause(s) ; reason(s) ; analysis ; effect(s); result(s); consequence(s) 态度:attitude(s) ;opinion(s);manner

比较:comparison(s) 异同: difference(s) ; similarity(similarities) 优劣:benefit与disadvantage ;weakness与strength;advantage 与disadvantage;(shortcome; drawback)缺点 目的:purpose;aim;goal;target 建议:advice;suggestion;proposal ;tip;recommendation 问题:problem;trouble;matter;question;issue 方式:means(of); method(s)(of); way(s)(of); approach(es)(to); solution(s)(to); how to do 总结:summary;conclusion 特点:feature(s); characteristic(s) 重要性:significance; importance; meaning 定义:definition 来源:source;origin 用途: use ;usage;function 种类:kind;type;category 步骤:steps;procedures; process 评论:comment;remark;assessment 反应:response;reaction 词形转换: 1.grow----growth


英语任务型阅读练习题含答案及解析 一、英语任务型阅读 1.从方框中选择恰当的句子补全短文,使文章内容完整、通顺。 Improving Listening Sills in the Classroom Listening is a skill that needs to be learned and used well to be able to succeed in any environment. In the classroom, great listening skills mean the difference between a successful student and one who struggles (挣扎) in school. Come to class rested. ________ When your body is well taken care of, your mental (精神的) focus will be much better. If you come to class sleepy or tired, it may be impossible for you to keep your eyes open and concentrate (集中) on what the teacher is saying. ________ Have everything you need at the start of the class. If you have homework, make sure you are ready to hand it in. Bring out your notebook and pen so you can start taking down notes Also, try to read your textbooks before coming into class. It will help you understand more easily what your teacher is talking about. ________ When you're in the front of the class, you'll have an easier time hearing what the teacher has to say you won't have a daydream when the teacher is near you. Take down notes. Write down what you hear in class. ________ It will also make you concentrate more on what is being said So you can properly take notes. Try to concentrate when you are in class so that you are able to get the key points during a lecture. ________ Once you learn techniques to help you with this skill, you should see an improvement in your listening. 【解析】【分析】主要讲了提高英语听力的技巧。 A. Be prepared.做好准备。 B. Sit near the teachers.坐在老师旁边。 C. Listening is a skill that is developed little by little.听力是一种逐渐发展起来的技能。 D. This makes it easier to remember what is being discussed.这使人们更容易记住正在讨论的内容。 E. Make sure you had a good night's sleep and had a good breakfast.确保你晚上睡得好,早餐吃得好。 (1)根据后句When your body is well taken care of, your mental (精神的)focus will be much better.当你的身体得到很好的照顾,你的精神集中会更好,可知前句讲得是睡好,故


“任务型阅读”的解题技巧 经常我们会听到这样一句话,“得阅读者,得英语考试”。任务型阅读也是阅读理解题型之一,它要求学生能理解文章的基本结构,并根据文中提供的信息,用恰当的词汇完成图表填空,也就是说对学生的读和写的能力,都有较高的要求。 上周日,和几个初三学生一起总结他们第一次月考的英语试卷,都纷纷反映,他们失分较多的都是任务型阅读。有的觉得“难以找到一个合适词的形式来填空”,有的感觉“不会概括”。那么,任务型阅读有什么样的解题步骤和解题思路呢? 首先我们先从解题步骤开始分析。在读文章之前,先观察题目中图表的类型,是表格式,还是树状图。1,看是否有标题/是否需要填标题(注意利用所给标题,了解文章大意)。2,浏览表格,大致了解文章结构(注意利用已给信息,了解文章主线)。 然后阅读文章,进行填词。1,通览全文,利用表格中的信息提示,准确地在文中找到答案的信息来源。2,选词要能完整且准确的表达出文中信息的意思。建议先确定词意,再定词性,最后确定所选词的适当的词形变化。 这一步骤要注意字母的大小写;动词要注意时态、语态、主谓一致;名词要注意单复数、所有格形式;形容词或副词要注意各自不同的修饰功能(形容词修饰名词,不定代词;副词修饰动词、形容词);连词和介词要注意行文的逻辑关系。 最后,填词后,再通读表格。一方面要确保答案与表格内容的一致性;另一方面注意语义是否流畅,确保语义、语法两方面都正确。重点检查以下几项:大小写、名词单复数、动词时态语态、形容词和副词的转化、固定搭配、固定句型。 下面咱们再从任务型阅读的填词类型这一角度,来总结一些做题技巧。表格中所填的词,主要分以下三类:使用原词、变形转换、总结概括


任务型阅读归纳类常用词汇 话题:topic主题:theme定义:definition 原因:reason (for) , cause (of)后果,结果result; consequence 异同点:difference , similarity;功能:function 优缺点advantage/benefit , disadvantage;strengths and weaknesses 观点与态度:opinion , view (on/about) , viewpoint , idea;attitude to/towards 评论、评价:comment (on) , remark (on/upon) , assessment 解决问题的方法/措施:means of doing sth ;way to do sth; method (of) doing sth ;a solution to sth ; an approach ( to doing sth. );take measures to do sth.目的:purpose , aim , goal 积极和消极:positive ,negative; optimistic建议:advice [u] , suggestion , tip概括、总结:summary , conclusion特点:feature , characteristic种类:kind , type , category , class 精神上与身体上:mentally and physically影响:influence , impact , effect (on )当前情形,状况: present situation;current situation 建立:build , create , establish , found 出现:appear, occur(occurred)实现/完成:reach , realize , accomplish必要,必需: must /necessity方面,项目条款:item / aspect 材料: materials知识消息:knowledge / information日程计划: schedule / agenda百分比:percentage 性别:sex年龄:age成绩,成就achievement 满意:satisfaction忧虑,担忧,焦灼: concern (不)熟悉:familiar /unfamiliar个人,个人的: individual

上海市中考英语英语 任务型阅读理解试题(含答案)

上海市中考英语英语任务型阅读理解试题(含答案) 一、英语任务型阅读 1.根据短文内容,回答下列各题。 Do you obey the rules in your school? How do you like your school rules? A lot of school rules are similar around the world, but some are different. Every school has their own rules. There are some rules in Japanese schools. The students are not allowed to dye(染) their hair and should keep the hair Japanese black colour. They are not allowed to wear earrings, either. Almost all schools required students to wear uniforms in the past but now half of the schools require uniforms. The students feel happy to wear all kinds of clothes. The students mustn't be late for school. If they are late, they can't get into the school gate because the school gate is closed. In Japan, students are not allowed to have part-time jobs because they may not concentrate on their study. American schools have their own rules. For example, in Morton High School, students are not allowed to choose their own clothes. They must get to school and leave school on time. They must wear sports shoes in gym class. They should keep quiet in the school bus. In America, the students can have part- time jobs in their free time. (1)Why are the students not allowed to have part time jobs in Japan? (不超过8个词) (2)What must the students in Morton High School wear in gym class? (不超过5个词) (3)There must be some rules in your school. Give one example, please. (请自拟—句话作答) 【答案】(1)Because they may not concentrate on their study. (2)They must wear sports shoes. (3)You must be quiet if you enter the school building. (言之有理即可) 【解析】【分析】大意:世界上很多学校校规相似,但一些学校的校规却不相同,本文着重介绍日本学校一些校规和美国学校的一些校规的不同。 (1)根据In Japan, students are not allowed to have part-time jobs because they may not concentrate on their study.可知,日本学生不允许兼职因为他们可能不能专注于自己的学习,故填Because they may not concentrate on their study。 (2)根据They must wear sports shoes in gym class.可知,他们体育课必须穿运动鞋,故填They must wear sports shoes。 (3)在我们学校,学生要求进到教学楼必须保持安静,故填You must be quiet if you enter the school building。 【点评】考查任务型阅读,注意首先理解问题所问,带着问题从原文找到答案。 2.根据短文及表格内容列要点。 In order to learn how the students in our school spend money, we made a survey by asking them some questions. First, we asked them how much money they spent last month. And then we asked how much money they spent on snacks, books, movies, computer games, phones, transportation and other things last month. Our maths teacher helped us make a graph(图表) of their answers as follows.


一、高中英语任务型阅读 1.请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。 Decoding the young brain There was a funny experiment to see how a young child would answer a specific question compared to an adult. After the adult had spent some time speaking with the child, he asked the child, “What do you think about me?” The child answered, “You talk too much.” When the adult performed the same experiment with another adult, the reply to the same question was, “I think you're a very interesting person.” Even if the adult f elt the same way as the child, his brain allowed him to take a moment,consider the question, and come up with an answer. He could have been annoyed, but his answer didn't reflect it because he was being polite. The secret lies in the science of the developing brain. The child's honest answer was reflected in the fact that his brain wasn't equipped to filter(过滤) information before answering the question. As a result, he was honest, but he said something that may have been hurtful. However, the child did not intentionally hurt the adult; it's just the way his brain works. As a child grows into adolescence and then into adulthood, that changes. The human brain is made up of billions of neurons(神经元). In order for our body to execute a command, like getting up from a chair and walking to the other room, the neurons in the brain have to communicate with each other. They also help us employ our senses like taste and touch and help us remember things. When the neurons send messages, perhaps one sensation(感觉) the person feels is excitement about eating a cookie because it is so delicious. Later, if that person smells a cookie or hears someone talking about a cookie, it can spark the electrical signals that call up the memory of eating the delicious cookie. In an adult, he or she may remember that eating too many cookies can have consequences, like weight gain. But because the younger brain is more impulsive(冲动的), the desire to feel the pleasure of the sweet treat outweighs the consequences. That is becau se when a child is young, his brain is “wired” in such a way that he seeks pleasure and is more willing to take risks than an adult. This affects his decision-making process and it is why younger people tend to be more impulsive. Sometimes parents have to tell their children over and over again before the child remembers that something is dangerous or risky. How many times have we heard a parent say, “I tell her this all the time, but she never listens!” To conclude, what we know about the young brain is that children are more likely than adults to be impulsive. It isn't always necessarily because they are being naughty; it may very well be because of their brains. So the next time you ask a child what he really thinks of you, be prepared for any kind of answer.

最新广东省广州市中考语文附录七 常用词语辨析

附录七常用词语辨析 1.【必须必需】必须:表示事理上和情理上必要;一定要。必需:一定要有;不可少。 例句:①学习必须刻苦钻研。 ②煤铁等是发展工业所必需的原料。 2.【诚恳诚挚】诚恳:侧重表示恳切,多指人的态度。诚挚:侧重表示真挚,多指感情。 例句:①虚伪的迎合是友谊的毒剂,诚恳的批评是友爱的厚礼。 ②会谈和会见是在诚挚友好的气氛中进行的。 3.【颤抖颤动】颤抖:多指因担心、害怕、寒冷或感情激动时肢体的抖动。颤动:多指人或事物在外力的作用下而发生的短暂而频繁的振动。 例句:①那个惊悚的画面让我颤抖不已。 ②当我睁开眼睛时,发现地面在颤动。 4.【振动震动】振动:物体通过一个中心位置,不断做往复运动。摆的运动就是振动。震动:①颤动;使颤动。②(重大的事情、消息等)使人心不平静。 例句:①当你拉小提琴时,琴弦就会振动。 ②春雷震动着山谷。 5.【预订预定】预订:事先订约购买东西(一般要交一定租定金,甚至全额)。预定:指预先决定或制定。例句:①如果你想要一张好位子的话,就得及早预订。 ②此书预定作教科书用。 6.【制订制定】制订:创制拟定。制定:定出(法律、规程、政策等)。 例句:①我想和你仔细商量一下再制订计划。 ②新法律现已制定,不得撤销。 7.【质疑置疑】质疑:提出疑问。置疑:表示怀疑,多用于否定。 例句:①助手质疑我的实验结论。 ②地球绕着太阳转,这是不容置疑的客观规律。 8.【义气意气】义气:指刚正之气。也指为情谊而甘愿替别人承担风险或作自我牺牲的气度。意气:指志向与气概。也指精神、神色、志趣等。 例句:①他太讲义气,损害了原则。 ②处理事情不能意气用事。 9.【本义本意】本义:词语本来的意义。本意:原来的意思或意图。 例句:①这个词不能按本义去理解。 ②他的本意还是好的,只是话说得重了些。 10.【功夫工夫】功夫:①本领;造诣。②指武术。③(做事)所耗费的时间和精力。工夫:①时间(指占用的时间);②空闲时间;③时候(多用于方言)。 例句:①这个杂技演员真有功夫! ②今晚我有很多工作要做,没工夫看电视。


任务型阅读常用词汇及词组转换 1. 归纳类常用词汇: 原因和结果:reason (for) , result; cause (of) , effect; consequence 异同点与优缺点:difference , similarity;advantage/benefit , disadvantage 功能:function 观点与态度:opinion , view (on/about) , viewpoint , idea ;attitude to/towards 评论、评价:comment (on) , remark (on/upon) , assessment 表方式、方法:means , way , method (of) ; solution , approach ( to doing sth. ); take measures to do sth. 目的:purpose , aim , goal 积极和消极:positive ,negative; optimistic 建议:advice [u] , suggestion , tip 概括、总结: summary , conclusion 特点:feature , characteristic 种类:kind , type , category , class 精神上与身体上:mentally,physically 影响:influence , impact , effect (on ) 情形,状况situation,condition 建立:build , create , establish , found 出现:appear, occur(red) 实现,完成:reach , realize , accomplish 必要,必需: must /necessity 方面,项目条款:item / aspect 材料: materials 知识消息:knowledge / information 日程计划: schedule / agenda 百分比:percentage 性别:sex年龄:age 满意:satisfaction 忧虑,担忧,焦急: concern (不)熟悉:familiar /unfamiliar 个人,个人的: individual 细节:description , detail文化culture 责任: (take) responsibility 贡献: (make) contributions to 重要: value importance significance 比较: contrast comparison 时期: period / time存在: existence exist 花费: cost / expense人口: population 天气与气候: weather[u] / climate [c]位置: location 主题: theme背景: setting,background 情节: plot高潮: climax 结尾:ending反对者与支持者:supporter , opponent 2. 同义转换类常用句型: 1.100 years = 1 century = 10 decades 2. take advantage of = make use of 3. parental attention = with the help / aid / assistance of parents 4. oppose the move = be against the move = object to = disagree with 5. consider … = take … into consideration / account 6. at the beginning = at first 7. be responsible for = take / shoulder / bear responsibility for 8. since the beginning of human evolution = throughout human history 9. Americans have been migrating south and west for decades in search of better job opportunities. = Americans have been migrating south and west for decades, seeking a better job. / searching /looking for a better job. 10. housing-related reasons = reasons related / linked/relevant to / connected with housing 11. take an active part in = take part in sth. actively


1 In America, boys and girls like watching TV. Some children spend six hours a day at school and four to six hours a day in front of the TV sets. Some children even watch TV for eight hours or more on Saturday. Television is like books and films. A child can learn both good things and bad things from it. (1)Some TV programs help children to understand the news, the people and places in other countries. With TV, children do not have to go to the movies. They can listen to interesting music or watch a game at home. (2)But some programs are bad for children, so parents sometimes should help them to find other interesting and useful things to do. How many hours a day do some children at school?___________________ How many hours a day do some children watch TV on Saturday?________ 将(1)句译成汉语___________________________________________. 将(2)句译成汉语___________________________________________. The parents had better not let their children watch ________on TV. A. good programs B. bad programs C. news D. weather report 2 (This is an interview to a teenager.) Interviewer: Thanks for coming in for the interview, Susan. Susan: That’s ok. Interviewer: ok, how often do you exercise? Susan: Every day. Interviewer: How often do you eat vegetables and fruit? Susan: I eat vegetables ten or eleven times a week, and I eat fruit every day. Interviewer: All right! So how many hours do you sleep every night? Susan: Nine. I need lots of sleep. Interviewer: How often do you drink milk? Susan: Never. I can’t stand milk. It’s awful. Interviewer: What about junk food? Susan: Yeah, I love it. I guess I eat once or twice a week. Interviewer: Well, thank you very much. Susan: You’re welcome. 根据对话内容及首字母提示完成短文。(注意每格词数不等) Susan is pretty healthy. She e_________ every day, and her eating h________ are pretty good. She eats fruit every day and vegetables t__________ a week. Of c_________ she loves j________ food, too, but she tries to eat only o_________ a week. And she s_________ nine hours every night. So you see, she looks a__________ her health well. And it makes a big d__________ to her grades. Good food and exercise h___________ her to study better. 3 你的好朋友要去英国,他想了解在英国如何去看病,读下面的短文,比较两国的差异。There is a National Health Service in Britain. People usually call it “the NHS”. When people are ill, they can get free treatment (治疗). ①The government pays for the treatment. In Britain everyone has a local doctor. The local doctor is a general practitioner (全科医生)(GP). A GP is a
