



Hello and wele to the north sea park visit tour. You must have heard of "let us once more sculls again" the popular song! Song is people went boating on the north sea.

Beihai park was built in the liao dynasty, dating back nearly one thousand years of history, is existing in our country the most glorious, preserves one of most plete imperial garden, is the art of Chinese historical gardens masterpiece. Beihai park covers an area of 69 hectares, of which there are 39 hectares of water surface, is mainly posed of jade island, east and north shore scenic spot. Its scenery is both momentum and graceful and restrained.

Beihai park is the most famous is the white pagoda. White tower is located in the center of the jade island, was built in the qing shunzhi eight years (in 1651), is the most significant building beihai park. It is a Tibetan lama tower,

35.9 meters high, from Kentucky, tower, treasure of three parts, it is the relics, lama scripture, and the mantle, with the "wave"). You see, in the set off of blue sky, towering pagoda is particularly dignified and beautiful, is the symbol of beihai park.

Beihai park there is a famous poem, it is to use yellow, purple, white, blue, red, green, and blue seven colour of masonry, a total of 635 dragon. China is now only three nine dragon screen, only the north sea is the double dragon, is one of the most beautiful one of the three nine dragon screen.

Numerous beihai park landscape, I said, let us sing at the same time, while walking slowly to visit beihai park! "Let us once more, paddle ship on the small waves, the sea reflects the beauty of the white tower, surrounded by green trees and red walls..."

The north sea is located in the central area of this city, and there is a bridge between zhongnanhai, a total area of 1063 mu, which aounted for more than half of the water, is China's oldest existing, the most plete imperial garden. Its richly

colorful cultural relics, unique style of landscape art, beautiful beautiful lakes and mountains and renowned Chinese and foreign, visitors to visit here ten million visitors each year.

The construction of the north sea is the result of an ancient myth: it is said that on the vastness of the east China sea, there are three fairmount called penglai, yingzhou, the abbot; Immortal gods lived on the hill. After qin shi huang unified China, the alchemist chui fook are sent to the east China sea looking for medicine, but found nothing. In the han dynasty, the emperor also dreaming of immortal, can find there is still no results, then ordered in changan north dug a big pool, "too liquid pool", three rockery pool pile up, respectively in penglai, guangling chau, named abbot three fairmount. Since then, suessive emperors like follow "a pool of three mountains" in the form of a royal building today. Is this form - the north sea to the north sea symbol "too liquid pool", "jade island" is the penglai, the original in the water "TuanCheng" and "rhinoceros hill station" is symbol of yingzhou and the abbot. Garden has a "lu gong cave", "immortal temples",

"fairy bearing dew copper plate" and many other relics of pursuing immortality.

Tourists friends:

You are good, wele you to the north sea park visit tour.

Beihai park is located in the center of Bei __g, is my garden extant most glorious, preserves one of most plete imperial garden, it has a history of nearly one thousand years

The development of the north sea garden started in liao dynasty, __ again on the foundation of liao dynasty start-up Yu Dading nieen years (1179 years) to build great size too ning palace. So the kremlin lineage imperial gardens in China "a pool of three mountains" regulation, and move the bian city gen yue palace garden of taihu in jade island. To yuan four years (1267 years), back Kublai Khan etheric ning GongQiongHua island as the center construction, mostly jade island and the lake is classified as emperor, givennames longevity hill, too fluid pool in the eighteenth year of yongle (1420) Ming dynasty formally moved the capital Bei __g, longevity hill, too fluid

pool bee YuYuan west of the Forbidden City, aording to the west. In the Ming dynasty toward the south to develop the surface of the water, forming the pattern of the three sea. From the west in the Ming dynasty, qing dynasty qianlong period to massive rebuilding of the north sea, laid the scale and structure of ever since. After the xinhai revolution in 1925, the north sea park opening to the outside world. After new China was founded in 1949, the party and the government of the north sea park, attention to the protection of the huge sum of money to repair, in 1961 published by the state council as one of the first batch of dominated key cultural relics protection units.

The north sea is the art of Chinese historical gardens masterpiece. Dominated covers an area of 69 hectares, including the water of 39 hectares), is mainly posed of jade island, east and north shore scenic spot jade verdant trees on the island, the house has, pavilions, strewn at random have send, white tower stands a mountain, as the symbol of the park and around the weeping willows with city which lent, great rooms, original zhai, meditation, fast snow hall, the five dragon pavilions and the nine dragon screen, small buddhist paradise, and many other famous attractions, the north sea garden upholds hong kuo

momentum of the north gardens and jiangnan private garden charm gracefuls and restrained is varied, and with the magnificent imperial palaces and religious temple solemn, diversity and one integrated mass, is the treasure of the Chinese garden art. The north sea is located in the northwest of Bei __g the imperial palace, is the size of the existing in our country has a long history, magnificent ancient imperial palaces. Known as the world "XianShanQiongGe" here was the liao, __, yuan, Ming and qing dynasty five dynasties royal "detached palace YuYuan Ming and qing dynasties, the north sea with China, the south China sea called the three hoi ching qianlong year large-scale expansion, the existing building is then built more, basically is the pattern of the now.

Beihai district can be divided into the jade island, TuanCheng, four north sea on the east and the north part of the center of the jade island is dominated, architecture, landscape on the island heavy and plicated and changeful, in eastern north sea surface is given priority to with the buddhist architecture, YongAnSi, enlightenment temple, tower, from bottom to top, strewn at random discretion, notably the towering pagoda is the most eye-catching; Such as floor of west yue heart temple, igawa

clouds series construction is given priority to, otherwise read ancient building, ripple hall, double rainbow pavilions and many rockery tunnel, corridors, winding path construction, etc.

Many buildings on both sides of the north east, north, each has its own characteristics, there are original, city of lent, great and small buddhist paradise PuJian, meditation, such as five dragon pavilions and the nine dragon screen YuanZhongYuan and buddhist temple building north hainan to edgewater TuanCheng, standing in yongan bridge connected to the jade island; TuanCheng construction aording to the central axis symmetry layout, main chengguang temple is located in the central, large scale, modelling is exquisite. Beihai park covers an area of 68 hectares, of which the surface of the water of 39 hectares total view of the north sea dominated architectural layout, the monastery as the center, take jade island as the main body of landscape in all directions. The top of the hill stands the white dagoba, built in the qing shunzhi eight years (in 1651), such as books and mantle around inside the lama DianGe is linked together, forming ZhongXingPengYue north shore of east lake, there are several yards, temple

building near the lake if the five dragon pavilions like gone with the wind, constitutes the north sea and a unique landscape. Is located in the north shore of the nine dragon screen is majestic, for China's one of only three nine dragon screen "fangshan" to business in the garden of the qing dynasty palace is famous for its food.



北武当山导游词3篇 北武当山导游词3篇 北武当山导游词一: 北武当山,位于山西省吕梁地域方山县境内,古称龙王山,又名真武山,明代修复玄天大殿后,依据非玄武不足以当之之意,更名为武当山,因位于北方,故改称北武当山。这里既有赏心悦目标天然景观,又有历史长远的人文景观,是我国北方有名的道教圣地。1990年被山西省国民政府民族宗教事务局同意为道教运动场合,1994年1月被国务院颁布为国度级重点景致名我。 北武当山原是五里土路五里沙,五里石阶往上爬。现公路早已开通,乘车可达万神庙,上山石阶有1455级,险恶处均置有铁索扶手。此山坐落在群山围绕之中,其做作景观奇峻奇丽,素有春粉、夏绿、秋红、 冬白之誉,加上峻峭峭拔的石阶、古老恢宏的庙宇,堪称集雄、奇、险、秀于一体。 万为奇怪壮观的是,千姿百态的古松跟自然雕饰的怪石,如: 神仙指路松、擎天探海松、鸳鸯松、龟蛇头智、古猿望日、石猪受难个个状态真切、栩栩如生。峰顶建有真武庙,据古碑记录,创立于唐时,重修于明季,山上我个大小庙宇有道教活动,壮盛时代在明、清两代,每逢农历三月初一至初 三,是古庙会期,届时香烟围绕,游人云集。

北武当山道观现有道人十多个,观内存有泥塑、壁画、石碑等文物,存在可贵的历史研讨价值。当代文人学者登临此山,无不题词作画;香客游人游历此山,无不流连忘返。 北武当山导游词二: 女士们、先生们: 你们好!欢迎你们来到车城十堰!我们今天将要游览的是道教圣地武当山。武当山又名太和山,相传为上古玄武得道飞升之地,有非真武不足当之之谓,故名,是著名的道教圣地,也是国家重点风景名胜区。武当山位于湖北十堰市丹江口市,它最早的寺观为唐代所建,明永乐年间,明成祖在京建完故宫后,由工部侍郎郭瑾率原班人马,浩浩荡荡开进武当山,共建造7宫,2观,36庵和72崖庙等建筑群。 武当山,自古以来就是天下名山。它在湖北省北部,北通秦岭,南接巴山,连绵起伏,纵横400多公里,有72峰,主峰天柱峰海拔1612米,其余各峰均倾向天柱,蔚为奇观。宋代书法家米芾曾为武当山写下了刚劲有力的第一山三个大字。作为旅游胜地,武当山主要有三方面的特色。 武当山上有宏伟的古建筑。据说,在建筑的规模上,超过了五岳。早在1300年前的唐代贞观年间,武当山即兴建五龙祠,宣扬道教。以后道教逐渐增多,武当山便成了道教名山。历代以来,许多著名道家如周之尹喜、汉之阴长生、晋之谢允、唐之吕纯阳、五代陈抟、宋之寂然子、元之张守清、明之张三丰等均在武当山修炼过。其中,张三丰把道家的太极阴阳与武功相结合,以静制动,以柔克刚,创立武当拳派,一时名振天下。


英文导游词并附带中文解释 ----WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改---- 平遥古城英语导游词 Ladies and gentlemen, this time we are going to visit the famous Pingyao County. Pingyao County is one of the cultural heritages of the world heritage list. Please keep the floor clean during the tour. If you have any questions, you can ask me. We first came to the first tourist spot: South Street. The composition of Pingyao County is crisscrossed four streets, eight small streets, seventy-two winding streets, and now we come to the South Street of four Avenue. You see, on both sides of the street, old and famous shops are flourishing traditional commercial streets. During the Qing Dynasty, South Street controlled more than fifty percent of the financial institutions in the country. West Street is known as "the first street of Finance in Qing Dynasty", and it is a main street directly connected with East Street. And the East Avenue North and South Street intersection, North Street is to the west central street. Eight small streets and seventy-two lanes are named in the nearby buildings or marked signs; some are named in the temple


介绍广西德天瀑布的导游词范文4篇An introduction to the guide words of Guangxi Detian w aterfall 编订:JinTai College

介绍广西德天瀑布的导游词范文4篇 前言:导游词是导游人员引导游客观光游览时的讲解词,是导游员同游客交流思想,向游客传播文化知识的工具,也是应用写作研究的文体之一。本文档根据导游词内容要求和针对旅游地点是广西的特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:介绍广西德天瀑布的导游词范文 2、篇章2:德天瀑布导游词文档 3、篇章3:德天瀑布导游词文档 4、篇章4:德天瀑布导游词文档 篇章1:介绍广西德天瀑布的导游词范文 德天瀑布位于广西壮族自治区崇左市大新县硕龙镇德天村,中国与越南边境处的归春河上游,瀑布气势磅礴、蔚为壮观,与紧邻的越南板约瀑布(“B?n Gi?c 空气中,弥漫着泥土芳香;小路旁,沉甸甸的芭蕉挂在树枝上;池塘里,一群鸭子正在水中嬉戏。这里的一草一木,一沟一渠,都呈现出一种原

始自然的美。在这里,你只要按下相机的快门,拍出的相片都是一幅绝佳的风景照。 这里翠竹绕岸,农舍点缀,独木桥横,稻穗摇曳,农夫荷锄,牧童戏水,风光俊朗清逸,极富南国田园气息。美有丽的山峰,明镜似的小河,划入天际的扁舟,满洒的翠竹,绿油油的稻田,乡土风味十足的水车、水渠与独木桥。 泛舟河上,可感受竹丛山峰蓝天白云倒影如镜,再衬以小桥流水,百鸟啼鸣,以及村舍中的鸡鸣狗吠,是一处难求的令人迷醉的田园风光。 明仕的山光水色的确迷人。这里,青山绿水,相互辉映,形成许多秀丽景点,而最为人称道的,莫过于明仕河。 明仕河发源于越南,从念斗屯流入我国,向东南流经本县的谨汤、明仕、堪圩、芦山、后益等,至雷平镇的科度屯对面与黑水河汇合,全长44.13公里。明仕山水田园风光集中在明仕至拔浪一带。风景区河段长约8公里,目前已开发的河段2.2公里。在已开发的河段,游客可以乘坐竹排,顺流而下,饱览两岸迷人景色。这里,你会看到典型的喀斯特峰林地貌景观,看到凤尾萧萧,龙吟嘀嘀的碧江竹影,看到古风淳厚的壮族村落,看到威武的将军山,灵秀的通天洞,奇特的万乳崖,


武隆天生三桥导游词 wtt为大家收集的武隆天生三桥导游词,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 各位游客: 大家好! 欢迎来到武隆观光游览,我是武隆喀什特服务中心的.专职导游,今天由我为大家提供导游服务,希望我们的服务能让您在在此玩得开心愉快! 早在10多年前,科学家就对武隆喀斯特景区进行了不断的系统的深入研究,到20xx年6月27日,由重庆武隆、云南石林和贵州荔波共同组成的“中国南方喀斯特”。而武隆也是重庆唯一的一处世界自然遗产。天生三桥,是武隆喀斯特自然遗产的核心区,其核心景观就是世界规模最大且独一无二的天生三桥。 天龙桥 现在我们来到天龙桥下,天龙桥似三座桥中最形象的,桥高235米,厚150米,宽,147米,平均拱高96米,平均跨度34米。它的主要特点是形象逼真,就像人造的。曾经有一位桥梁专家参观后说:“我造了一辈子的桥,都没有造出这么雄壮美观的桥来!”可以说我们的天生三桥的魅力绝不亚于人造的。

不知各位朋友,看没有看过张艺谋的大片《满城尽带进带黄金甲》,它唯一的外景拍摄基地——天福官驿。就是在咋们的天生三桥。由于在这里拍摄了武打戏,整个峡谷平添了几分侠气。 青龙桥 第二座桥是青龙桥。又名中龙桥,是天生三桥中最宏伟险峻的一座。因雨后飞瀑自桥面倾泻成雾,日照成彩虹,似青龙扶摇直上而得名。桥面高度为281m,是三座天生桥中最高者;平均拱孔高度103m;桥面厚度168m,拱孔跨度13-58m,平均31m;桥面宽124m。为世界喀斯特天生桥高度之最。从桥下仰视,拱孔高旷,壁立千仞;洞顶逐次崩塌断面呈弧形平行分布,展示着天坑、天生桥的形成、演化过程。 黑龙桥 之后,我们将穿过青龙桥和四周的石崖所构成的“神鹰天坑”。就来到我们的第三座桥——黑龙桥。关于黑龙桥,有一首诗写道:“无限风光处,景致各不同;探得神仙意地,美在不言中。”黑龙桥面高223m,平均拱孔高116m,为三桥中最高者;桥厚107m;拱孔跨度16-49m;桥面宽达193m,亦为三桥中宽度最大者。黑龙桥为羊水河峡谷上位置最下游的天生桥,桥名古已有之,因其拱洞幽深暗黑,似有一条黑龙蜿蜒于洞顶而得名。 黑龙桥洞道的侧壁及顶部窝穴、溶孔、天锅、流痕等溶蚀形态十分普遍,反映了古伏流的水流特征。洞壁北侧发育有雾泉、


北京北海公园导游词(超级完整版1)_导游培训材料_导游证考试必读 游客朋友们,您们好,欢迎您到北海公园参观游览。 当您走进这座有着近千年历史的皇家园林,当您仰望美丽的白塔感受着人间仙境般的秀美,急于要走进园中去享受北海山水的时候,我建议您驻足留步,用您几分钟的时间,听我介绍一下北海公园的总体概况,为您的参观游览做一个导游。 北海公园是我国历史最悠久、保存最完整的皇家园林之一。这座拥有近千年历史的园林开发始于辽会同元年(公元938年),金大定六年至十九年(公元1166-1179年)世宗完颜雍(yōng)又在辽初创的基础上建成一座规模宏大的皇家离宫—太宁宫。太宁宫沿袭中国皇家园林“一池三山”的规制,即北海和中海是太液池,琼华岛如”蓬莱”,团城为”瀛(yíng)洲”,中海犀(xī)山台似”方丈”。并将北宋汴京艮(gèn)岳御园中的太湖石移置于琼华岛上。至元四年(公元1267年),元世祖忽必烈营建大都,将琼华岛及其所在的湖泊被划入皇城,赐名万寿山、太液池。永乐十八年(公元1420年)明朝正式迁都北京,万寿山、太液池成为紫禁城西面的御苑,称西苑。清朝承袭明代的西苑,乾隆七年至四十四年(公元1742-1779年)对北海进行大规模的改建,奠定了此后的规模和格局。 辛亥革命后,1925年北海辟为公园对外开放。新中国成立后,党和政府对北海公园的保护极为重视,拨巨资予以修葺,1961年被国务院公布为第一批全国重点文物保护单位。 北海是中国历史园林的艺术杰作。全园占地面积69万平方米(其中水面面积39万平方米),主要由琼华岛、东岸、北岸景区组成。 走过由汉白玉雕琢的永安桥、穿过堆云牌楼,您就来到了琼华岛。琼华岛上树木苍郁,殿宇栉(zhì)比,亭台楼阁,错落有致,白塔耸立山巅,成为公园的标志。走进永安寺的山门,拾阶而上您可以登上白塔。关于永安寺的壮丽景观我将在您到达时详细介绍。您走下白塔沿岛步行,你可以欣赏到又一些美景。西侧,那里有著名的“阅古楼” 内存有三希堂法帖,它是享誉世界上最著名的书法作品集成。西北面被一组沿湖长廊所环抱,北面山坡上,可见到相传为秦汉时期的文物“铜仙承露盘”;东侧山脚下是琼岛春阴碑,它是老北京著名的燕京八景之一。“半月城”亦称般若香台,在东坡依山而建;下面是“般若香台牌楼”,过“陟山桥”折而向北就来到东岸景区。 沿湖建有北京目前历史最悠久的船坞;环湖的垂柳掩映着东岸的著名景点——濠濮间、画舫斋。 濠濮间是一处马蹄形小山围成的水潭,在这座人工建造的皇家园林中现出它独特的野趣。由濠濮间向北就是画舫斋,著名的古树——唐槐就在其中,画舫斋以其宁静、幽雅的园林意境名扬中外。出画舫斋西门就可看到清代“先蚕坛”的大门。从先蚕坛北过桥向西而行就到达北岸景区。


Fenghuang Ancient City Hello, everyone!Welcome to the state-level historical and cultural city Fenghuang Ancient City for sightseeing. Fenghuang ancient city is a typical minority gathering area, inhabiting 28 ethnic groups such as Miao, Han and Tujia. There are some ancient gate towers, ancient Ming and Qing courtyards and slate streets in the city are still elegant. There is Nanhuashan National Forest Park and Huangsiqiao ancient town in Tang dynasty outside the ancient city. Fenghuang ancient city is a glorious place that has nurtured outstanding people, especially in modern times. Xiong Xiling (former premier of the Republic of China), Shen Congwen (a famous writer) and Huang Yongyu (a prominent painter)are all from Fenghuang ancient city. The Border Town, A Girl from Hunan, Exterminate the Banditi in Western Hunan Province and other more than ten films and Tvs were taken in this old town. This is the former residence of Shen Congwen, Mr Shen was a famous writer and archaeologist in China. The courtyard was built by his grandfather Shen Hongfu in the first year of Reign of Qing Emperor Tongzhi. It is a typical ancient courtyard in the south of China. Mr. Shen was born in this place in 1902, and he also spent his childhood and boyhood here. He left for


Three natural bridges The Wulong Karst (Chinese: 武隆喀斯特) is a natural karst landscape located within the borders of Wulong County, Chongqing Municipality.It is divided into three areas containing the Three Natural Bridges, the Qingkou Tiankeng (箐口天坑) and Furong Cave respectively. It is a part of the Wulong Karst National Geology Park as well as part of the South China Karst, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 20 kilometres (12 mi) southeast of Wulong County town, the area lies on the border of Baiguo and Hetao villages. The Three Natural Bridges are a series of natural limestone石灰岩bridges located in fairy mountain Town (仙女山镇), Wulong County.They lie within the Wulong Karst National Geology Park, itself a part of the South China Karst-Wulong Karst UNESCO World Heritage Site.In Chinese, the bridges are all named after dragons, namely the Tianglong (literally Sky Dragon) Qinglong (literally Azure蔚蓝的Dragon) and Heilong (literally Black Dragon) bridges. Spanning the Yangshui River, a tributary支流of the Wu River, the bridges are at the centre of a 20 square kilometres (7.7 sq mi) conservation area. Given that the distance between the upper end of the Tianlong Bridge and the lower end of the Heilong Bridge is only 1,500 metres (4,900 ft), these are not the longest natural bridges. However, they are the only such group of karst structures in the world. Between the bridges lie the Qinglong and Shenying tiankengs which have a depth of 276–285 meters and a circumference圆周of 300–522 meters. Wulong Karst Landscapes National Geological Park (武隆天坑地缝国家地质公园) is one of the largest geological parks in Chongqing. With amazing topography marked by awe-inspiring karst landscapes (landscape shaped by the dissolution of a layer or layers of soluble bedrocks), the park features a series of dolines, sinkholes, bridges, springs and cascading waters. The park includes three famous attraction spots: Wulong dolines, three karst bridges and Wulong sinkholes/chasms. Wulong boasts the world's largest scale karst bridges and the second largest series of dolines; the underground sinkholes/chasms are equally amazing. Visitors can ride the elevators zooming down from the cliff tops and witness the three karst bridges in all its grandeur, 100 meters (328 feet) underground. The karst bridges are the main attractions of the park. Three arched bridges are formed consecutively in the 1.2 km (0.75 miles) distance – they are named Tianlong Bridge, Qinglong Bridge and Heilong Bridge. The height, width and spanning distance of all three bridges are above 150 meters (492 feet), 200 meters (656 feet) and 300 meters (984 feet) respectively; presently they are the largest karst bridges in the world. There are also two dolines formed by dissolution of bedrocks: the Tianlong Sinkhole and Shenying Sinkhole. They are perfectly situated in


武隆天生三桥导游词范文3篇武隆天生三桥导游词范文篇1 各位团友大家好! 欢迎大家来到武隆观光游览,我是武隆喀什特服务中心的专职导游小范,今天由我为大家提供导游服务,希望我们的服务能让您在在此玩得开心愉快! 首先,简单介绍一下武隆喀斯特地貌,20XX年6月27日,在第31届遗产大会上,由重庆武隆、云南石林、贵州荔波共同被评为“中国南方喀斯特”而武隆也是重庆唯一的一处世界自然遗产。天生三桥,是武隆喀斯特自然遗产的核心区,其核心景观就是世界规模最大且独一无二的天生三桥。这里风景优美,集山、水、瀑、峡、桥和天坑,组成一幅完美的自然山水画。大家知道“天生三桥”是怎么得名的吗?那就是因为这里有三座自然形成的石桥,而且每一座桥都气势雄伟,因此人们就叫它“天生三桥”。张艺谋导演首次来到天生三桥,他刚走到天龙桥下,就被这里的美景深深的震撼了,他感叹的说:“真没想到,中国还有这么独特的地方”。 好了,游客朋友们,现在我们来到了天龙桥下,天龙桥是三座桥中最形象逼真的,就像人造的。,桥高235米,厚150米,宽,147米,曾经有一位桥梁专家参观后说:“我造了一辈子的桥,都没有造出这么雄壮美观的桥来!”我们重庆本来就有桥都的美誉,可以说我们的天生三桥的魅力绝不低于人造的桥。不知各位朋友,有没有看过张艺谋的大片《满城尽带黄金甲》,它唯一的外景拍摄地——天福官驿,,就是在我们的天生三桥取景,由于在这里拍摄了武打戏,为整个峡谷平添了几分侠气。各位朋友们,你们是否有一种身临其境的感觉了呢? 第二座桥是青龙桥。又名中龙桥,是天生三桥中最宏伟险峻的一座。因雨后飞瀑自桥面倾泻成雾,日照成彩虹,似青龙扶摇直上而得名。桥面高度为281m,是三座天生桥中最高者;平均拱孔高度103m;桥面厚度168m,拱孔跨度13-58m,平均31m;桥面宽124m。为世界喀斯特天生桥高度之最。从桥下仰视,拱孔高旷,壁立千仞;洞顶逐次崩塌断面呈弧形平行分布,展示着天坑、天生桥的形成、演化过程。


五篇精选北海公园导游词 北海公园导游词1 各位游客朋友,你们知道吗?北海是一座浪漫的城市。它精致、整洁、漂亮的市容市貌,富于中国古典柔情的景色风格,奠定了其他城市无法比拟的浪漫情怀。 浪漫是与生俱来的,往往是可望不可及的一种潜质、一种风格、一种状态。城市也一样。城市的浪漫,在于它的动和静,清晨和黄昏,街头和共巷尾,旭日中的娇嫩和明月下的诗意。北海,正是以其平静而宽容的点点滴滴,在南中国海边不经意构筑了一片浪漫。 现在正是夕阳西下时分,我们刚穿过了现代气味十足的市中心北部湾广场,沿着四川北路一直往大海的方向,走着走着,就会和那条百年老街谋面了。大家前面的这条老街叫珠海路,迷蒙的阳光掠过残旧的楼顶,破碎地洒落在街道上。街道是多年前改造过的沥青路,沥青里的石子在残旧中探头探脑,用不足为道的力量让珠海路蜿蜒、绵长。街道全由二三层的受西方券拱式建筑影响并融入中国古代建筑精髓的楼房夹拥而成,宽八九米,长三四里。街道两旁是方典型的骑楼,骑楼与两排楼房一路相簇相拥,像亲人一般温厚。此时,孤独一人或情侣成伴,走进珠海路,踩

着那些年代久远的旧路,缓缓而行。如果有细细的雨,那最好了。俩人撑着一把雨伞或是共举一张雨披,牵手、相拥。也可走在骑楼下,骑楼里干干爽爽的,人从一个个门口走过,骑楼外雨线如丝缕,景恬而驻欢,就这样在老街中走着,什么也不用说,让耳朵倾听隔着楼顶吹来的海风的诉说。让那骑楼、窗、门、浮雕、屋顶饰物引领,一步步离开现代的尘嚣。一种渐渐走向往日岁月,置身百年之前的感觉油然而生,百年前的烦俗,近在咫尺却过远在天涯,它们一下子都扑面而来! 柔软的细沙与裸露的火山岩石杂陈南滩头。沙是不含任何杂质的雪白的沙,石是光滑结实的黑色的石。走过一片沙,抬抬脚便登上岩石了。一快连一快的岩石,一直把你引向大海。当你回头望一望来时的“路”,“路”仍完好地站在海水中,黑黑的,屹立着,让兴奋的心松弛、平和。而远处的细沙,白布一般,轻轻起伏,好大一匹!这里太安静了,安静得仿佛是梦里的景致。远处的船舨一只只慢慢滑过,头顶偶尔传来三两声海鸟的鸣叫,太阳像一个道具,那么近,那么真切、纯粹。此时不妨找快平整的岩石躺下来,闭上眼睛。天空是蔚蓝是灰暗,天上有云或无云,都无关紧要,让耳朵享受一下,让远远近近、轻轻重重的涛声,左耳进,右耳出,让它们覆盖和安抚我们一天比一天烦躁的心灵! 银滩最迷人的时候是在清晨和傍晚。海风轻拂,彩霞满天,踩在细细的沙子上,慢慢地走,你感觉不到脚下的是沙,而是棉


凤凰古城的英文导游词 ladies and gentlemen , welcome to Fenghuang, the place where we"re arriving is "one of the two most beautiful town in China"----the old town of fenghuang, it"s a very important point that connects huaihua hunan and tongren guizhou together.and it"s the hometown of mr shengcongwen. fenghuang has wonderful natural landscapes,it"s very hot for travelling since the old time. even a lot of teleplays were produced here.fenghuang is also a dradle for famous people ,shencongwen and xiongxiling are both spent their childhood here. now, let"s set out to enjoy these fantastic good views. THE FORMER RESIDENCE OF SHENCONGWEN Dajingmen Gate witnessed the prosperity and downfall of the frontier tea-horse trade in the Ming Dynasty. It also made merchants both home and abroad gather in the leather metropolis, i.e. It became an important commercial pass because of the well-known leather, lamb and dried mushroom.. This is the former residence of shencongwen,a very famous auther, archaeologist and historian in china. lined in the zhongying street in the south part of the fenghuang old town, the residence is a typical spacious ancient countryard with special tectonic style of ming and qing dynasty. walk into the yard, you can find that there is a small patio in the center of the countryard. which is built with red rock. around the patio , there are about 10 rooms which are small but decorated by special carved wooden windows .it"s so beautiful. this countryard is built by mr shen"s grandfather in 1866 on dec.28,1902. shencongwen was born in the old countyard.and spent his childhood here. in 1917,when he was 15 years old, mr shen left family and joined the army. from 1917 to 1922, mr shen had lived with soildiers, farmers, workers and some other


天生三桥导游词 尊敬的各位游客朋友: 大家好! 欢迎来到世界自然遗产、国家五A级景区--天生三硚参观游览,很高兴成为本次行程的讲解员,首先,请允许我做一下自我介绍,我姓*,大家可以叫我小*,希望我的真诚服务能换来您的满意笑容。在游览中,如果您对我们景区有什么建设或是我讲得不够清楚的,请您提出,我将尽我所能为您解答。希望能带给大家一个愉快的游程。谢谢大家! 今天咱们观赏的天生三硚景区游道全长2公里,单向游览,时间在90分钟左右。为了有一个安全而愉快的游程,在这里,小*给大家几点温馨提示:一请您注意安全,不要攀登悬崖和超越游览路线;二请您配合我们的工作,维护景区的设施设备和浏览秩序;三护林防火,保护环境卫生,景区为大家准备了清新的空气,现在我们所处的地方,平均海拔1000米,每立方米的负氧离子是1万—2万个,是重庆解放碑的66倍(重庆解放碑300-500个/立方米),请吸烟的朋友洗洗肺,景区内是全程禁止吸烟的。另外,最重要的,请大家保管好手中的电子门票,以备出口乘车使用。 各位朋友,首先呢,我先简单介绍一下武隆喀斯特地貌,2007年6月27日,在第31届遗产大会上,由重庆武隆、云南石林、贵州荔波共同被评为“中国南方喀斯特”而武隆也是重庆唯一的一处世界自然遗产。天生三桥,是武隆喀斯特自然遗产的核心区,其核心景观就是世界规模最大且独一无二的天生三桥。这里风景优美,集山、水、瀑、峡、桥和天坑,组成一幅完美的自然山水画。大家知道“天生三桥”是怎么得名的吗?那就是因为这里有三座自然形成的石桥,而且每一座桥都气势雄伟,因此人们就叫它“天生三桥”。张艺谋导演首次来到天生三桥,他刚走到天龙桥下,就被这里的美景深深的震撼了,他感叹的说:“真没想到,中国还有这么独特的地方”。 游客朋友们请注意,现在我们来到了天龙桥下,天龙桥是三座桥中唯一一座双拱桥,由一个桥墩、两个桥孔构成。请大家抬头看,天龙桥的桥洞洞壁四四方方,非常平整,宛如人造,这就是大自然的鬼斧神工,其实它是由流水冲蚀天然形成。天龙桥是三座石桥中最酷似人工桥梁的一座。桥体总高度达到了235米,其中桥厚150米,跨度达到了75米,平均拱高96米,无论从力学还是从建筑学上都非常的稳固,完全对得起重庆“桥都”的称号。 天龙桥最奇特的地方,除了酷似人工桥之外,还有一个就是它的桥墩部分。在桥墩内部有一个迷宫型的洞穴,据当地老百姓讲那是土匪藏身的地方,后来他们在里面练硝制造火药,进去的时候必须以绳索为记号,不然会迷失方向。主洞的长度有400多米,在主洞的四周发育有大大小小的通道,形成了洞中有洞,洞洞相连的奇特洞穴。在2010年10月份吸引了湖南卫视勇往直前栏目来这里探险呢! 第二座桥是青龙桥。又名中龙桥,是天生三桥中最宏伟险峻的一座。因雨后飞瀑自桥面倾泻成雾,日照成彩虹,似青龙扶摇直上而得名。桥面高度为281m,是三座天生桥中最高者;平均拱孔高度103m;桥面厚度168m,拱孔跨度13-58m,平均31m;桥面宽124m。为世界喀斯特天生桥高度之最。从桥下仰视,拱孔高旷,壁立千仞;洞顶逐次崩塌断面呈弧形平行分布,展示着天坑、天生桥的形成、演化过程。 好了,穿过青龙桥,我们来到第三座桥——黑龙桥。关于黑龙桥,有一首诗写道:“无限风光处,景致各不同;探得神仙意地,美在不言中。”黑龙桥面高223米,桥面宽达193米。是三桥中最高者,也是最宽者。高居世界第一,宽居世界第二,黑龙桥为羊水河峡谷上位置最下游的天生桥,洞内幽深黑暗,就像一条黑龙盘旋在洞顶,所以得名桥名黑龙桥。黑龙桥洞的侧壁及顶部有很多的窝穴、溶孔、流痕等,溶蚀形态十分普遍,它反映了古代的水流特征。洞壁北侧发育有4处美丽的悬挂泉,风格迥异。呆会儿大家可以亲眼观看,据当地老年人讲,解放前,有山民曾经藏在那里面躲避过土匪。 好了,现在,我把时间交给你们,大家可以自由参观和游览,看过美景之后,等会我们还可以品尝仙女山烤全羊、芙蓉江野生鱼等美食。希望大家以一份满意的心情而归!


北海公园导游词精选 北海公园导游词精选 北海公园的导游词应该怎样介绍呢?以下是WTT收集的相关导游词,仅供大家阅读参考! 北海公园导游词一 游客朋友们: 您们好,欢迎您到北海公园参观游览。 北海公园位于北京市的中心,是我园现存最悠久、保存最完整的皇家园林之一,距今已有近千年的历史。辛亥革命后,1925年北海辟为公园对外开放。1949年新中国成立后,党和政府对北海公园的保护极为重视,拨巨资予以修葺,1961年被国务院公布为第一批全园重点文物保护单位。 北海是中国历史园林的艺术杰作。全园占地69公顷(其中水面39公顷),主要由琼华岛、东岸、北岸景区组成。琼华岛上树木苍郁,殿宇栉比,亭台楼阁,错落有致,白塔耸立山巅,成为公园的标志,环湖垂柳掩映着濠濮间、画舫斋、静心斋、天王殿、快雪堂、九龙壁、五龙亭、小西天等众多著名景点,北海园林博采众长,有北方园林的宏阔气势和江南私家园林婉约多姿的风韵,并蓄帝王宫苑的.富丽堂皇及宗教寺院

的庄严肃穆,气象万千而又浑然一体,是中国园林艺术的瑰宝。 北海公园导游词二 游客朋友们: 您们好,欢迎您到北海公园参观游览。 北海公园位于北京市的中心,是我园现存最悠久、保存最完整的皇家园林之一,距今已有近千年的历史。 北海是中国历史园林的艺术杰作。全园占地69公顷(其中水面39公顷),主要由琼华岛、东岸、北岸景区组成琼华岛上树木苍郁,殿宇栉比,亭台楼阁,错落有致,白塔耸立山巅,成为公园的标志,环湖垂柳掩映着濠濮间、画舫斋、静心斋、天王殿、快雪堂、九龙壁、五龙亭、小西天等众多著名景点,北海园林博采众长,有北方园林的宏阔气势和江南私家园林婉约多姿的风韵,并蓄帝王宫苑的富丽堂皇及宗教寺院的庄严肃穆,气象万千而又浑然一体,是中国园林艺术的瑰宝。北海位于北京故宫西北,是我国现存历史悠久、规模宏伟的一处古代帝王宫苑。素有人间“仙山琼阁”之美誉这里原是辽、金、元、明、清五个朝代的皇家“离宫御苑。明、清两代,北海与中海、南海合称三海清乾隆年间大规模扩建,现存建筑多为那时所建,基本上已是现在的格局了。


湖南凤凰古城中英文导游词 凤凰古城国家历史文化名城,曾被新西兰著名作家路易艾黎称赞为中国最美丽的小城。这里与吉首的德夯苗寨,永顺的猛洞河,贵州的梵净山相毗邻,是怀化、吉首、贵州铜仁三地之间的必经之路。 209国道和湘黔省道从县境穿叉过,铜仁大兴机场距县城仅27公里,交通实为便利。 各位朋友,大家好–吗?(声音洪亮)今天小导和大家一起去闯闯美丽的龙潭虎穴–—湘西,解放初期湘西就一直有中国的盲肠之称。闭塞的交通、恶劣的环境、一种诡异的鬼神文化、一群忠厚血性的蛮人,构成了原始神秘又不失美艳的大湘西,等候大家千年之久的凤凰古城就坐落在这样的环境之中。 不远千里,花钱若干,再加上四个半小时的车程,我们就能身临其境的感受中国最美丽的小城的绝世风貌了。漫漫的征程一点都不会让我们寂寞,一小时后我们将闻到刘晓庆米豆腐的清香、茶叶飘香的古丈今天还留有宋祖英的嘹亮歌声、高度自治的州政府吉首会让你感受土司自治的遗风、209国道的按摩路定会一扫旅途的疲劳,凤凰古城就在200多公里的那头静静的等着我们。 五代十国,天下割据,各国之间的门户之争非常激烈,楚王马殷与湘西部落的战争就发生在湘西门户永顺县的酉水之畔。江西人士彭士愁定居在永顺后凭借其厚重的德性竟然被推举为土家部落首领,马殷之子马希范(第二代楚王)为了征服湘西的山民,便与彭在酉水(猛洞河)发生了大规模的战争,结果双方僵持不下,被迫签订了有名的溪州停战协议,并将协议内容可在国家二级文物溪州铜柱上。按照协议,湘西各部落开始进入了自治管理的阶段,这就是在湘西延续了800多年的土司制度的诞生,当年酉水旁边的一个小村落也成 了历史上第一个土司王府所在地,这个村庄到现在还被称为王村,如果不是因为上世纪80年代的一次大事情,我想王村之名还不会落寞下去。 1986年,一群扛着古怪仪器的人来到了这里,一番折腾之后竟然成就了第七界中国电影金鸡奖的传世佳作芙蓉镇。姜文饰演的右派分子秦书田和刘晓庆饰演的豆腐西施胡玉英在 四清五反的运动中不顾环境的艰辛,依然决定将爱情进行到底,在当时感动了多少性情中人啊,这部影片也成了大导演谢晋的扛鼎之作。导演走了,米豆腐的香味却留了下来,昔日胡玉英的113号豆腐店生意还是那么火爆,电影看过了,芙蓉镇的名字也随之留了下来,现在很多人只知道有芙蓉镇,而不知王村在何处。 (进入古丈) 影后的豆腐我们也吃了,芙蓉镇的美艳也见识过了,过了身后不远的芙蓉镇大桥我们就到了湘西的金凤凰宋祖英的家乡了,同时也是著名歌唱家何继光的家乡。 2003年,宋祖英 在世界的音乐殿堂维也纳金色大厅进行了首个华人演唱会,吸引了全世界的眼光。婉转动听的山歌让人如痴如醉;全身上下光芒四射的苗家盛装更是人人叹为观止。苗家人为什么 那么喜欢唱歌和苗家人为什么那么崇拜银饰就成了耐人寻味的问题。


重庆天生三桥导游词 下面是为大家整理的重庆天生三桥导游词,欢迎参考!篇一:重庆天生三桥导游词天生三桥,属于典型的喀斯特地貌,罕见的地质奇观旅游区,也是电影《满城尽带黄金甲》和《变形金刚4》的取景地。 景区位于武隆县仙女山镇,游客一般是在仙女镇的游客中心购票后,乘坐景区提供的环保车到达景区。 天生三桥由天龙桥、青龙桥、黑龙桥三座天生石拱桥组成,是亚洲最大的天生桥群。 三座桥横跨在羊水河峡谷之上,石桥的跨度和距离峡谷底部均在百米以上。 三座石桥将峡谷两岸的山体连在一起,形成了“三桥夹两坑的奇特景观。 石桥之间所夹的坑,也称为“天坑。 游客进入景区后,可以乘坐观光电梯下到谷底(电梯费用包括在门票内)的天坑中,再沿着坑底幽静的小道步行游览。 此时环顾四周,满目苍翠,有溪水流淌;抬头仰望,四处是悬崖万丈,有山泉从上飞泻而下。 在天龙桥附近的天坑中,建有仿唐建筑“天福客栈,就是张艺谋导演的《满城尽带黄金甲》中唯一的外景地,这座客栈耗资千万。 这里还是《变形金刚4》的中国取景地,如今景区内还有电影中机械怪物的造型。

游玩后,你可以走到景区出口,途中有一段上坡路,也可以乘坐电瓶车到出口(15元/人,不包含在门票内)。 游客在景区出口,可以乘坐环保车回到镇上的游客中心,或者在这里乘坐环保车前往附近的龙水峡地缝继续游玩(需要先购买地缝的门票才能乘车前往)。 天生三桥风景区内,林木清秀,植被丰厚,苍翠欲滴,飞泉流瀑遍布其间,包容了山、水、泉、峡、峰、瀑等众多景色。 灌木丛生,覆盖三桥,更显得三桥历经千年之沧桑。 天生三桥由天龙桥、青龙桥、黑龙桥组成,气势磅礴、恢宏,是亚洲最大的天生桥群。 天龙桥顶天立地,桥高200米,跨度300米,因位居三桥第一,犹如飞龙在天,故而得名“天龙。 天龙桥下另有天生坑,坑内又生洞,且洞洞相连恍如克里特岛上的米诺斯迷宫,令人倍感神奇;青龙桥位居第二,是三桥之中垂直落差最大的一座。 桥高350米,跨度400米。 桥身青翠,藤蔓缠绕。 待到日落西山,余晖尽洒,青龙桥下凉风习习,桥身也因日光的关系而变成了暗绿色,远观正似一条青龙欲飞冲天;黑龙桥位居最后,桥色深暗,正如一条黑龙横卧于此。 同时,黑龙桥还暗含各式清泉,“三迭泉、“一线泉、“珍珠泉等不


北海公园导游词必看 北海公园导游词1 游客朋友们,您们好,欢迎您到北海公园参观游览。 举世闻名的九龙壁是一座精美华丽的琉璃建筑。建于清乾隆二十一年(公元1756年),已有200多年的历史。传说是乾隆皇帝看了山西大同城内明朝代王府门前的九龙壁后仿建的。壁高6.65米,厚1.2米,长25.86米。 壁的两面用黄、白、紫、绿、赭、蓝等七色琉璃砖瓦镶砌而成,两面各有九条彩色大蟠龙和海水江崖,蟠龙飞腾戏珠于波涛云际之中,造型活泼,姿态各异,栩栩如生。 壁的东端镶有山石、海水、流云、日出等图案;西侧嵌有海水、流云、及明月图案。 壁的正脊、垂脊、筒瓦、陇垂等地方都有龙的踪迹。九龙壁顶呈“庑(五)殿式”,有一条正脊,四条垂脊,正脊前后各有九条龙,垂脊左右各有一条龙,正脊两侧有两只吞脊兽,它的身上前后也各有一条龙,这样五条脊上就有30条龙。 往下,每条瓦脊前面的筒瓦(俗称猫头既“烧饼形”的筒瓦盖)、陇垂(俗称羊尾巴滴子)、檐的下面,镶嵌的琉璃龙砖(壁四周共有

筒瓦252块,陇垂251块,龙砖82块)各有一条龙,在正脊两侧“吞脊兽”下,东、西还各有一个“烧饼形”的 筒瓦盖,上面也各有一条龙,加上跃于云雾之中的18条蛟龙, 总共就有大小蟠龙635条。 中国现存三座古代九龙壁,一个在山西,一个在北海,一个在故宫,唯独这座是双面壁。 北海九龙壁,堪称举世闻名。但说起北海大西天经厂却鲜为人知,其实九龙壁就是大西天经厂前面的照壁,九龙壁的后面就是大西天经厂。大西天经厂建于清乾隆二十一年(1756年)。以前,这里一直是皇家进行佛事活动和储藏大藏经雕版的场所,这组建筑群落就是北海大西天经厂。 游客朋友:从九龙壁向北可以看到珍贵的元代遗物铁影壁和珍藏王羲之书法石刻的快雪堂书法博物馆,请您继续参观游览。 北海公园导游词2 各位游客朋友们: 大家好! 欢迎来到景色宜人的北海公园。大家都叫我小王,今天,很高兴能成为大家的导游。
