


姓名:_______________ 班级:_______________ 成绩:________________ 一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

( )1.. Eddie is eight years old, but we have seve n can dies only. We n eed ______ can die.

A. only one

B. one more

C. some more

D. one much

( )2. They are ______ at th ___________ n ews.

A. excited, excited

B. excit ing, excited

C. excit ing, excit ing

D. excited, excit ing

( )3. Guo Jingming is one of ____ teen ager writers today, thoughsome old writers don like him very much.

A. more famous B . most famous

B. C. the most famous D. famous

( )4. My best friend is a girl _________ r ound eyes and long hair.

A. has

B. with

C. had

D. is hav ing

( )5. Mr Li made Tom _____________ his homework after school. This made Tom

A. to do, sad

B. do, sadly

C. do, un happy

D. does, un happy

( )6. His legs are very long and they ______________ un der the desk.

A. not fit

B. don 'fit

C. aren'tfit

D. does n'fit

( )7. Look! My little brother _________ a smile on his face.

A .has B. is weari ng C. wear D. with

( )8. Whe n she feels _______ , I talk to her and make her happy.

A. bored or un happy

B. bori ng or happy

C. bored or happy

D. bori ng or un happy

( )9. --What' s your best frie nd like?

A. He is fine. Thank you.

B. He is a doctor.

C. He likes watch ing TV.

D. He is helpful and gen erous.

( )10. Soccer is beco ming _____________ in China today.

A. most and most popular

B. most popular

C. more popular and popular

D. more and more popular

( )11.Kitty is ________ of the twin sisters. She is weaker in her less ons tha n her sister.

A. lazy

B. lazier

C. the lazier

D. the laziest

( )12.The doctor asked him to take more ________ t o keep ________ .

A exercise ; fit B. exercises ; fit

C. exercises ; health

D. Exercises ; healthy

( )13.The taxi is going _______ faster tha n the bus.


B. much

C. more

D. Most

( )14. Nancy spe nt half an hour ________ the pia no every day.

A. to practice play ing

B. practis ing play ing

C. practis ing to play

D. to practise to play

( )15. The twi ns usually ______ home at 4:30 pm after school.

A. arrive at

B. reach to

C. get to

D. arrive


David is a middle school stude nt. He had lived in a small 1 for fiftee n years. It was a small place with only five families living there. His father, Mr. Hill, was a rich farmer and later on he 2 a shop in our tow n. He bought a house here last mon th. His _3 moved to the new house and his son began to study in our class. But he had 4 friends ,here. At first he ofte n played by 5 .

t His n eighbor Cathy is a kind girl. She has many frie nds. She finds the boy n ever talks with an ybody and decides to help him. David 6 to stay with her and talks to her a lot. Now they ' re good friends.

One after noon, Cathy told David, “It ' ll be my sixtee nth birthday tomorrow. I

birthday party. Would you like to come? ”

“_7_. I ' gdad to, ” the boy said happily.

David got home and thought of a 8 he could give to Cathy. He was sorry that he _9 to ask the girl what she liked. He couldn ' t telephone her because he didn

10 . At that moment Mrs. Hill came and asked, “ What' s the matter, dear? '

“ What would you like if it was your sixtee nth birthday, Mom? ”

a Nothing, ”the woma n said, “ 1 just wish I were sixtee n.

( )1. A. town B. city C. village D. country

( )2. A.open B. opens C. opened D. ope ning

( )3. A. home B. shop C. buildi ng D. family

( )4. A. a few B. few C. a little D. little

( )5. A. himself B. him C. his D. he

( )6. A. enjoy B. enjoys C. like D. likes

( )7. A. Well B. No C. Sorry D. Certai nly

( )8. A.book B. dress C. prese nt D. pen

( )9. A. forgot B. forget C. remember D.


( )10. A. home B. nu mber C. place D. Address

三、根据对话内容从方框内选择恰当的句子补全对话。其中有两项是多余的。( 5分) A: You look unhappy today.1. ________

B: Yesterday whe n I got home I found my pare nts read ing my diary .I got very

an gry.Should n't I keep my own secrets?

A: Of course you can keep your secrets.2. _______

B: No, but I shouted at them.They did n't say a word.They just kept silenl.3. ______

A: In fact, your pare nts should n't read your diary.They should respect(your privac y 隐私).4. ______ They want to make sure you aren't in any trouble and they want to

un dersta nd your life and study better in this way.Maybe you hurt your pare nts.

B:I agree.5. ______

A: Say sorry to them.Try talking to them more.Let them know what you are doing so that they won't worry about you so much.

B: OK.I'll do as you told me.

A. Did you quarrel with your parents?

B. But your pare nts are just worried about you.

C. That's a good idea.

D. Now I feel very sad.

E. What should I do now?

F. Whats the matter?

G. I'm sorry to hear that.



We are all busy talk ing about and using the Intern et , but how many of us know the history of the In ternet?

Many people are surprised when they find that the Internet was set up in the 1960s. At that time, computers were large and expe nsive. Computer n etworks did n't work well. If one computer in the n etwork broke dow n, the n the whole n etwork stopped. So a new n etwork system had to be set up. It should be good eno ugh to be used by many differe nt computers. If part of the n etwork was not work in g, in formati on could be sent through ano ther part. I n this way computer n etwork system would keep on worki ng all the time.

At first the Internet was only used by the gover nment 政府),but in the early 1970s, universities , hospitals and banks were allowed允许)to use it too. However, computers were still very expensive and the Internet was difficult to use. By the start of the 1990s, computers became cheaper and easier to use. Scie ntists had also developed softwafe件() that made "surfi ng"(浏览)the Internet more convenient 方便).

Today it is easy to get on-line and it is said that millions of people use the Internet every day. Sending e-mail is more and more popular among students.

The Internet has now become one of the most important parts of people's life.

1. The Internet has a history of more than __ years.

A. sixty

B. ten

C. thirty

D. twenty

2. A new n etwork system was set up to ___ .

A. make computers cheaper

B. make itself keep on worki ng all the time

C. break dow n the whole n etwork

D. make computers large and expe nsive

3. At first the Internet was only used by ______ .

A. the gover nment

B. uni versities

C. hospitals and banks

D. schools

4. _____ made "surfi ng" the Internet more convenient.

A. Computers

B. Scie ntists

C. Software

D. I nformatio n

5. Which of the following is true?

A. In the 1960s, computer networks worked well.

B. In the early 1970s, the Internet was easy to use.

C. Sending e-mail is now more popular among stude nts tha n before.

D. Today it's still not easy to get on-li ne.


A friend of mine n amed Paul received an expe nsive car from his brother as a Christmas presen t On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office a street urchin顽童)was walk ing around the shining car. “Is this your car, Paul?” he asked Paul an swered “ Yes, my brother gave it to me for Christmas ” The boy was surprised “You mean your brother gave it to you and it didn' t cost you anything? Boy, I wish…” He hesitated犹豫).

Of course, Paul knew what he was going to wish for He was going to wish he had a brother like that. But what the boy said surprised Paul greatly.

“I wish, ” the boy went on, “that I could be a brother like that ” Paul looked at the boy in surprise, the n he said agai n, “Would you like to take a ride in my car?”

“Oh yes, I' d love that.”

After a short ride,the boy turned and with his eyes shiningsaid, “Paul, would you mind (介意)driving in front of my house ?”

Paul smiled a little. He thought he knew what the boy wan ted He wan ted to show his n eighbours that he could ride home in a big car. But Paul was wrong aga in. “ Will you stop where those two steps are the boy asked

He ran up to the steps. The n in a short while Paul heard him coming back, but he was not coming fast. He was carrying his little crippled (残疾的)brother. He sat him down on the step and poin ted to the car.

“ There she is, Buddy, just like I told you upstairs. His brother gave it to him for Christmas and it didn't cost him a cen(美分).And some day I'm going to give you one just like it… then you can see for yourself all the nice things in the Christmas windows that'I ve been trying to tell you about. ”

Paul got out and lifted the boy to the front seat of his car. The shinin g-eyed older brother climbed in beside him and the three of them began an unforgettable难忘的)holiday ride.

6. The street urchin was very surprised when ________

A . Paul received an expensive car

B . Paul told him about the car

C . he saw the shining car

D . he was walking around the car

7. From the story we can see the urchin _______ A. wished to give his brother a car

B. wan ted Pau ' s brother to give him a car

C. wished he could have a brother like Paul s

D. wished Paul could be a brother like that

8. The urchin asked Paul to stop his car in front of his house ______ A . to show his neighbours the big car B . to show he had a rich friend C . to let his brother ride in the car D . to tell his brother about his wish 9 . We can infer (推断)from the story that ______ . A. Paul couldn ' t understand the urchin

B . the urch in had a deep love for his brother

C . the urchi n wished to have a rich brother

D . the urchi n ' s wish came true in the end

10 . The best n ame of the n ame story is _____ _ A . A Christmas Prese nt B . A Street Urch in C . A Brother Like That D . An Un forgettable Holiday Ride


“Cool ” is a word with many meanings Its old meaning is used to express (表达)a temperature that is a little bit cold. As the world has changed the word has had many differe nt meaning . “ Cool ” can be used to express feeli ngs of in terest in almost any thing When you see a famous car in the streetmaybe you will say , “ It' s cool . ” You may think , “He ' s so coo l,” when you see your favourite footballer.

We all maximize (扩大)the meaning of'cool ” . You can use it in stead of many words such as “new ” or “surprising ” . Here '

way the word is used. A teacher asked her students to write about the waterfall 瀑布)had visited . On one student s paper was just the one sentence 句子),“It' s so cool .

Maybe he thought it was the best way to show what he saw and felt But the story also shows a scarcity (缺乏)of words . Without “ cool ” , some people have no words to show the same meaning So it is quite important to keep some credibility

(可信 性). “ cool ”? I can . And I think they are also very cool .

11. We know that the word “ cool has had ______ .

A . only one meaning

B . no meanings

C . many differe nt meanings

D . the same meaning

12 . In the passage the word “express' means “ _______ ” .

A . see B. show C . know D . feel

13 . If you are ______ something you may say “It ' s cool . ” A . in terested in B . angry about C . afraid of D . un happy with

14.The writer takes an example to show he is ________ the way the word is used

A . pleased with

B . stra nge to

C . worried about

D . careful with 15 . In the passage the writer suggests (暗示)that the word “cool” ________________________ . A.ca n be used in stead of many words https://www.360docs.net/doc/e41026094.html,ually means someth ing in terest ing C.ca n make your life colourful D . may not be as cool as it seems D

Now let ' s think about television and our life at home. day almost all the homes have televisi on sets. There are many in terest ing TV programs that we can enjoy with our family. Well, how many hours do you watch television a day? You spend a lot of time watching TV don ' t you?

TV can ope n our eyes and min ds. It also gives us a lot of useful in formati on that we can not learn at school. For example, we don ' t go out but we can know the things all over

world every day.

On the other hand, it takes away much good time to think carefully, for talking with our family and for reading books. We sometimes find that we sit in front of a TV set without thinking of any thi ng. It is very importa nt for us to select good TV programs. We must try to make good use of it to plan our lives better.


A. 根据句意和汉语提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。

I. __________________ Learning (外国的)Ian guages is fun.

2.ln class, we ofte n ___________ (讨论)the problems with our classmates.

3.1 hate the __________ (广告)whe n I watch TV.

4. Different countries have different ___________ 文化).

5. With your ______ (支持),we will win the match.

B. 根据短文意思和所给首字母,写出一个完整正确的单词。

6. He ofte n o _____ me help whe n I am in n eed.

7.1 like her bright s _______ eyes.

8. My sister has long s __________ hair.

9. We liste n to music at I .

10. Do you have any p ______ for the weeke nd?

C. 用所给词的适当形式填空.

1. ________ ( Brita in)En glish is differe nt from America n En glish in some ways.

2. Every one likes to stay with Lily because she is very ____________ ( humour).

3. Mr Smith had a __________ (discuss) with us about the film just now.

4. The childre n can'wait ________ (ope n) the box whe n he got home.

5. Mike does n'do his homework as __________ (careful) as his stude nts.


1 Amy是我最好的朋友。





My Best friend




四、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40 分)





l.foreign 2.discuss 3.advertisements/advertisement 4.cultures 5.support


7.smili ng

8.straight 9」un chtime 10.pla ns



2. humorous

3. discussion

4. to open

5. carefully


初中英语八年级上册 全册

新目标人教版初中英语八年级上册精品教案全册 Love me love my dog!! Wish Love to fill around the world! 教学工作计划 【一】.本学期的指导思想: 1、要面向全体学生,关注每个学生的情感,激发他们学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心,培养创新精神; 2、整体设计目标,体现灵活开放,目标设计以学生技能,语言知识,情感态度,学习策略和文化意识的发展为基础; 3、突出学生主体,尊重个体差异; 4、采用活动途径,倡导体验参与,即采用任务型的教学模式,让学生在老师的指导下通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功; 5、注重过程评价,促进学生发展,建立能激励学生学习兴趣和自主学习能力发展的评价体系。 总之,让学生在使用英语中学习英语,让学生成为Good User 而不仅仅是Learner。让英语成为学生学习生活中最实用的工具而非累赘,让他们在使用和学习英语的过程中,体味到轻松和成功的快乐,而不是无尽的担忧和恐惧。 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢49

【二】.所教班级学生基本情况分析: 本届八年级学生的英语基础方面还很薄弱,经过上学期我们两位英语老师的不懈努力,年段学生的基础知识得到了加强,学习态度也有所好转。但是学生整体的惰性还是很强,自觉性很差。 另外,学生在情感态度,学习策略方面还存在诸多需要进一步解决的问题。例如:很多学生不能明确学习英语的目的,没有真正认识到学习英语的目的在于交流;有些同学在学习中缺乏小组合作意识;大多数同学没有养成良好的学习习惯,不能做好课前预习课后复习,学习没有计划性和策略性;不善于发现和总结语言规律,不注意知识的巩固和积累。 【三】奋斗目标: 钻研新课标,提高教学水平,真正做到教学相长,努力达到学校规定的教学指标。 【四】具体措施: 1. 每天背诵课文中的对话。目的:要求学生背诵并默写,培养语感。 2. 每天记5个生词,2个常用句子或习语。实施:利用“互测及教师抽查”及时检查,保证效果并坚持下去。 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢49


江苏省兴化市昭阳湖初级中学2013-2014学年七年级上学期期末考 试语文试题(无答案) (考试用时:150分钟满分:150分) 一、积累与运用(共30分) 1.根据拼音在田字格内写出相应的汉字。(4分) 一进校园,映入眼帘的是一朵朵shèng kāi的紫藤花,一股紫藤花香扑鼻而来,让我感到前所未有的愉悦和shūchàng。 2.下列加点的成语使用有错误的一项是(2分) ( ▲ ) A.优秀的文学作品对人的影响,是潜移默化的。 B.富有创造性的人总是孜孜不倦地汲取知识,使自己学识渊博。 C.夏正当春华秋实之间,正是一个承前启后、生命交替的旺季。 D.我班学习委员经常向各位老师请教,这种不耻下问的精神值得我们学习。 3.下列句子中没有语病的一项是(2分)(▲) A.张继科夺得乒乓球男子单打冠军的原因,是他长期刻苦训练的结果。 B.通过三十多年的改革开放,我国人民的生活水平得到不断改善。 C.改版后的《新闻联播》,一改过去相对严肃的形象,显得更有亲和力,让人耳目一新。 D.是否具有安全保障措施,是保证2014年俄罗斯索契冬奥会成功的重要条件之一。 4.根据提示补写名句或填写课文原句。(8分,①-⑥每题1分,第⑦题2分) ①多行不义,__________▲__________。②______▲_________,桑榆非晚。 ③________▲______,其不善者而改之。④中庭地白树栖鸦,________▲_______。 ⑤舒活舒活筋骨,___________▲__________,各做各的一份儿事去。(《春》) ⑥是她那对世界无私的爱丰富了我, _____ ▲______ _。(《童年的朋友》) ⑦辛弃疾《西江月》一词中通过嗅觉和听觉来捕捉夏夜景物特征,给人印象鲜明而深刻的两句是:__________▲__________,_____________▲____________。 5.名著阅读。(6分) (1)1876年,____▲____ (国籍)文学史上诞生了一部充满童趣的小说,这就是____▲____(人名)写的《汤姆·索亚历险记》。(2分) (2)你觉得汤姆·索亚是一个什么样的孩子?请结合小说的有关情节谈一谈(2分) _________________________________▲_________________________________________ (3)印第安人乔在坟地杀死鲁宾逊医生,表面原因是鲁宾逊不肯多付五块钱,其实乔早就


苏科版数学八(下)第七章 《数据的收集、整理、描述》教材分析和教学建议 兴化市楚水初级中学邓昌滨 一、教材分析 1、地位与作用 为了对生活中的事物作出合理的决策或可靠的预测,必须掌握数据的收集、整理方法,并会对结果作科学地分析和恰当的描述.为了逐步提高学生应用数学的能力,使学生更好的适应社会发展的需求.因此有必要给学生适当介绍一些数据的收集、整理、描述的初步知识,这对提高学生的实践能力和应用能力是大有好处的.“数据的收集、整理、描述”主要研究现实生活中的数据和客观世界中的随机现象,它通过对数据收集、整理、描述和分析以及对事件发生可能性的刻画,来帮助人们作出合理的推断和预测. 2、主要内容 本章是统计部分的第一章,内容包括:利用全面调查与抽样调查收集和整理数据;利用统计图表描述数据;展现收集、整理、描述和分析数据得出结论的统计调查的基本过程.本章数据处理的一般过程如下: 1、课标对教材的总体要求 初中阶段关于“统计”的教学,主要是培养学生的统计观念,即:能从统计的角度思考与数据信息有关的问题;能通过收集数据、描述数据、分析数据的过程作出合理的决策;能对数据的来源、处理数据的方法、以及由此得到的结果进行合理的质疑. 2、课标对本章内容的具体要求 (1)了解通过全面调查和抽样调查收集数据的方法;会设计简单的调查问卷收集数据;能根据问题查找有关资料,获得数据信息.——注意统计思想的渗透与体现,能根据数据思考

与处理问题. (2)通过抽样调查,初步感受抽样的必要性,体会用样本估计总体的思想——注意用样本估计总体是归纳法在统计中的一种运用,抽样调查是一个重点内容. (3)了解频数及频数分布,掌握划记法,会用表格整理数据表示频数分布,体会表格在整理数据中的作用——注意引导学生参与到统计的活动中去,在过程(收集和整理数据方面)中学习. (3)学会用简单频数分布直方图和折线图描述数据的方法,进一步体会统计图表在描述数据中的作用,会根据问题需要选择适当的统计图描述数据——注意决定组距与组数是一个教学难点. (4)通过实际参与收集、整理、描述和分析数据的活动,经历统计的一般过程,感受统计在生活和生产中的作用,增强学习统计的兴趣,初步建立统计的观念,培养重视调查研究的良好习惯和科学态度——注意挖掘现实生活中的素材进行教学,同时在选择真实素材进行教学时还要注意数据的真实性,要培养学生尊重客观事实、实事求是的科学态度. 三、教学重点与难点 1、教学重点 (1)计算频数和频率. (2)从扇形统计图、条形统计图、折线统计图中获取信息. 2、教学难点 (1)分析统计图表, 获取有用的信息. (2)认识各类统计图表的优缺点,选择恰当的统计图表来表示数据. 四、教材编写特点 从《标准》上看,内容的安排呈现螺旋上升,在三个学段均有安排,教学要求随着学段的升高逐渐提高.“数据的收集、整理和描述”侧重在收集、整理和描述数据上,涉及的分析数据比较简单,“数据集中趋势和离散程度”侧重分析数据上. 五、教学建议 1、组织学生开展活动,让学生明确调查对象,分析真实数据,提倡学生发表自己的意见和看法,使学生的学习在合作探究活动中进行. 2、使学生经历数据处理的过程:收集数据、整理数据、分析数据.注重学生的实践活动,鼓励学生通过自己的思考、实践以及与他人的讨论,寻求合理的答案,获得数学说理的经验.


☆◆☆中考数学中的规律型问题☆◆☆ 例1、(09江苏)下面是按一定规律排列的一列数: 第1个数: 11122-?? -+ ??? ; 第2个数:2311(1)(1)1113234???? ---??-++ + ??? ??????? ; 第3个数:234511(1)(1)(1)(1)11111423456???????? -----??-++ +++ ??????? ??????????? ; …… 第n 个数:232111(1)(1)(1)111112342n n n -???? ?? ----??-++++ ??? ? ?+?????? ?? . 那么,在第10个数、第11个数、第12个数、第13个数中,最大的数是( ) A .第10个数 B .第11个数 C .第12个数 D .第13个数 【答案】A 例2、(09孝感)对于每个非零自然数n ,抛物线2 211(1) (1) n n n n n y x x +++=- + 与x 轴交于 A n 、 B n 两点,以n n A B 表示这两点间的距离,则112220092009A B A B A B ++ +的值是( ) A . 20092008 B . 20082009 C . 20102009 D . 20092010 【答案】D 例3、(09重庆)观察下列图形,则第n 个图形中三角形的个数是( ) A .22n + B .44n + C .44n - D .4n 【答案】D . …… 第1个 第2个 第3个

例4、(09河北)希腊著名的毕达哥拉斯学派把1、3、6、10 … 这样的数称为“三角形数”,而把1、4、9、16 … 这样的数称为“正方形数”. 从图7中可以发现,任何一个大于1 的“正方形数”都可以看作两个相邻“三角形数”之和.下列等式中,符合这一规律的是( ) A .13 = 3+10 B .25 = 9+16 C .36 = 15+21 D .49 = 18+31 【答案】C 例5、(09内江)把一张纸片剪成4块,再从所得的纸片中任取若干块,每块又剪成4块,像这样依次地进行下去,到剪完某一次为止,那么2007,2008,2009,2010这四个数中______________可能是剪出的纸片数。 【答案】2008 例6、(09仙桃)如图所示,直线y =x +1与y 轴相交于点A 1,以OA 1为边作正方形OA 1B 1C 1,记作第一个正方形;然后延长C 1B 1与直线y =x +1相交于点A 2,再以C 1A 2为边作正方形C 1A 2B 2C 2,记作第二个正方形;同样延长C 2B 2与直线y =x +1相交于点A 3,再以C 2A 3为边作正方形C 2A 3B 3C 3,记作第三个正方形;…依此类推,则第n 个正方形的边长为________________. 【答案】n 例7、(09泸州)如图1,已知Rt △ABC 中,AC=3,BC= 4,过直角顶点C 作CA 1⊥A B ,垂足为A 1,再过A 1作A 1C 1⊥BC ,垂足为C 1,过C 1作C 1A 2⊥AB ,垂足为A 2,再过A 2作A 2C 2⊥BC ,垂足为C 2,…,这样一直做下去,得到了一组线段CA 1,A 1C 1,12C A ,…,则CA 1= , 5 55 4C A A C 4=1+3 9=3+6 16=6+10 …


江苏省兴化市昭阳湖初级中学2019-2020年八年级上学期英语第二次质量抽测(无答案) 兴化市昭阳湖初级中学 2019-2020学年度第一学期第二次质量抽测八年级英语试卷 (考试用时:90分钟 满分100分) 第一部分 选择题(共55分) 一、 选择填空 (每小题1分,满分20分) ( ) 1. - What do you think of _____ natural reserve you visited last week? - It’s great. It is ____ ideal home for wildlife. A. the; a B. the; an C. a; an D. an; an ( ) 2、Shanghai is bigger than ______ in Jiangsu and bigger than _______ in China. A. any city; any city B. any city; any other city C. any other city; the other cities D. any other city;any city ( ) 3.Heilongjiang is____of China. It’s usually very cold in winter there. A.to the north-east B.in the north-east C.in the north-west D.to the north-west ( ) 4—Some people in the western part of China are in need. —Yes, that’s true. Everyone in our class _______ some food and clothes _______ them. A. provide, with B. provides, for C. offers, / D. offer, to ( ) 5.We should do what we can ________ the hunters. A. prevents B. to preventing C. prevent D. to prevent ( ) 6.—How many cranes did you see on the lake last Sunday? —_________. They all flew to the south last month. A. Nothing B. Nobody C. No one D. None ( ) 7________ animals are in danger and there will be _______ space for them if we don’t take any action. A.More and more; more and more B. Less and less; less and less C. More and more; less and less D. Less and less; more and more ( ) 8. fail the final exam, he studies English day and night. A. In order to B. So as to C. In order not to D. So as not to ( ) 9.—May I take this magazine out of the reading room? — No, you ___________. You read it here. A.mustn’t B.mightn’t C. needn’t D. won’t ( )1 0.Today the forests are in danger. We must_______ down too many trees. A. prevent people from cutting B. keep people from cutting C. stop people cutting D. all the above ( ) 11. I often hear the girl_____ next door. When I passed the door, I heard her _____. A.sing; singing B. sings; sing C. sing; sings D. singing; sing ( )12. You won’t feel the ______ of so many trees if people continue to cut______. A. beautiful; them down B. beauty; them down C. beautiful; down them D. beauty; down them ( ) 13. _______ of the work_______ too hard for me, so I can't finish it without any help. A. Sixty percent; is B. Sixty percents; are C. Sixty percents; is D. Sixty percent; are ( )14. Millie hopes_______ something for those rare animals. A. to do B. more people to do C. more people can do D. A and C 学校 班级________ 姓名_______________ 学号__________考试号 ·· ······ ··· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·· ····· ·· · ·· 密 · · ·· ·· ·· ·· · ·· ·· ·· · ·· 封 · · ·· ···· ·· · ·· ·· · ·· ·· 线 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ······


附件:2014年江苏省基础教育青年教师教学基本功大赛 获奖名单 小学音乐 一等奖(8人) 陆韵梅南通市崇川学校 崔海鹏如皋市安定小学 盛昕熳常州市局前街小学教育集团 李静常州市第二实验小学 彭剑慧连云港市东港小学 吕乐怡无锡市洛社中心小学 薛冰江阴市晨光实验小学 薛张悦苏州高新区金色小学 二等奖(8人) 季洁南京市琅琊路小学天润城分校 王龄萱连云港市解放路小学 郑倩徐州市淮西小学 吴琳苏州工业园区星洲学校 王蕊南京师范大学附属小学 王霞盐城市实验小学 丁音音扬州市沙口小学 张敏东台市第一小学教育集团

三等奖(9人) 余亚镇江市金山小学 张莉莉淮安市实验小学 李淑娟丹阳市新区实验小学 王梓徐州市黄山中心小学 方畅妍泰州九龙实验学校 朱秀秀宿迁市泗洪县明德学校 徐静宿迁第一实验小学 张妤淮阴师范学院第一附属小学胥洁雯扬州宝应开发区国际学校 小学品德 一等奖(8人) 徐美玲镇江扬中市第二实验小学 乐琰盐城市毓龙路实验学校 胡清南京市赤壁路小学 华琳智苏州工业园区星湾学校 吴梦玉淮安市曙光双语学校 王苏泰州市实验小学 沈红霞南通市海门实验学校附属小学鲁剑锋无锡市新区坊前实验小学

二等奖(8人) 卞小利连云港师专第二附属小学 郭筱凯常州市第二实验小学 梁翠芳宿迁市沭阳县南湖小学 桂冠群无锡市塔影中心小学 王燕镇江扬中市油坊中心小学 黄俊俊南通市如东县实验小学 陈萍盐城东台市实验小学 王成宿迁市泗洪县第一实验学校 三等奖(10人) 李竞淮安市实验小学 陈蕾南京市晓庄学院第一实验小学胡静苏州张家港市梁丰小学 赵余霞泰州靖江市城中小学 许丽扬州市江都区真武小学 宋梅徐州市青年路小学 朱翠莹扬州市江都区龙川小学 王颖徐州邳州市英华实验学校 李桦常州市怀德苑小学 马丽连云港市大庆路小学


Unit 1Where did you go on vacation? 教学课题第一课时Section A(1a-2d ) 【知识目标】 Important words:anyone,anywhere,wonderful,few,most Important phrases:quite a few,on vacation,anything interesting Important sentences: 1.Where did you/he/she/they go on vacation? 教学目标 2.Did you/he/she/they go to Central Park? 【能力目标】 能用目标语言谈论过去发生的事件。 【情感目标】 通过听力训练、角色扮演等方式, 学会与他人分享经历,并提高学生的英语听说能力。 重点 :动词一般过去时态的应用。 教学重难点 难点 :动词过去式的变化规则。 教学过程 ◆Step 1Leading in 1.Guess:Get Ss to guess what the teacher did on vacation: Where did I go on vacation? What did I do on vacation? 2.Free talk:Guide Ss to talk about their own vacation. How was your summer vacation? Where did you go on vacation? ③D id you do anything special/great? ④D id you go anywhere interesting/beautiful...? ⑤D id you meet anyone interesting? 设计意 图通过情境设计, 从学生身边的问题导入新课, 减少难度 , 从而调动了学生参与课堂教学活动的热 情 , 提高学生的学习积极性。 ◆Step 2合作探究 出示一些假期活动的图片(见课件 ),根据问题进行互动交流学习。 ◆Step 31a Match the activities with the pictures.(见课件 ) ◆Step 4 Pair work Make conversations about the people in the picture.(1c) ◆Step 5 Listening 1b 1.Students read the names and guess their activities.(结合 1a中的短语) 2.Listen to the tape and number the people in the picture [1-5]. 3.Check the answers.(见课件 )


2020-2021学年度江苏省兴化市昭阳湖初中 九年级上册语文复习每日一练(七) 班级: 姓名: 一、单选题 1.下列语句中加下划线成语使用有误的一项是() A. 该讨论要抓紧讨论,不要言不及义、推托扯皮!既然是该办的事就不要等!就不能慢! B. 面对当下严峻的国际形势,中国智慧、中国方案等对世界经济的引领效果与日俱增。 C. 有些人往往是话说得富丽堂皇,行动上却总是见不得阳光。这种人只能迷惑别人一时,最终会落得 被人唾弃的下场。 D. “众人抬柴火焰高”这句名言理至易明,告诉了我们大家都行动起来才能实现“共同富裕”。 2.下列句子没有语病的一项是 A. 为了防止酒驾事件不再发生,交通监察部门加大了整治力度。 B. 学校开展地震安全常识教育活动,可以增强同学们的自我安全保护。 C. 通过这次失败,使我明白了一个道理:粗心马虎原来就是自己成功路途最大的障碍。 D. 这篇小说充满了对社会不公的强烈控诉,以及对有尊严的、轰轰烈烈的生活的憧憬。 3.下面句中标点符号使用不正确的一项是() A. 我们在田野散步:我,我的母亲,我的妻子和儿子。 B. 她絮絮叨叨的说着:“看完菊花,咱们就去‘仿膳’”。 C. “你要是愿意,就明天?”她说。 D. “你现在就去把它要回来!”妈妈坚定地说:“那么东西贵重的东西怎么能送人呢?” 二、填空题 4.给下列加横线字的读音。 镶()响晴()绿萍() 贮蓄()髻()澄清() 水藻()蓝汪汪()薄雪() 三、默写 5.补写出下列名篇名句中的空缺部分。 (1),路远莫致之。 (2)东皋薄暮望,。 (3)最爱湖东行不足,。 (4)晴川历历汉阳树,。 (5),志在千里。 (6)悬泉瀑布,,,良多趣味。 (7)《赠从弟(其二)》中与陈毅诗句“大雪压青松,青松挺且直”意境相似的诗句 是,_。 (8)出自不同诗作的诗句组合在一起,有时能产生新的意境。例如:“独坐幽篁里”,“吹笛到天明”; “古今幽恨几时平”,“吹笛到天明”。请从李白的《早发白帝城》《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》或《春夜洛城闻笛》中任选一句,与“万里送行舟”配成一个新意境。“_________”,万里送行舟”。 四、综合性学习 6.阅读下面的材料,按要求完成题目。 材料一据报道,第24届汉堡世界鸟类学大会宣称,全球约1万种鸟类中,大约2000种鸟类的生存面临危机。第25届巴西世界鸟类学大会上,专家警告,未来的50年内平均每年将有一种以上的鸟类从地球上灭绝,死于非命的数量将逐年增加。 材料二据科学研究发现,由于噪音,城市中70%以上的鸟类出现了变频、喑哑等鸣叫异化和遗传劣化的现象,灯光和药物造成了大量鸟类习性改变、集体中毒、意外碰撞死亡等现象的发生。 (1)研读以上材料,写出你探究的结果。


江苏省兴化市昭阳湖初级中学2019-2020学年八年级上学期 第一次月考语文试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、字词书写 1.根据拼音在田字格内按序写出相应的汉字。 七十载沧桑巨变,七十载壮丽征程。我校“我和我的祖国”文艺演出现场,节目精彩纷chéng,同学们用yì扬顿挫的朗诵、激情四溢的歌舞来祝福伟大的祖国。整个活动zhāng xiǎn了同学们积极向上的精神风貌。 二、选择题 2.下列句子中,标点符号使用有误 ..的一项是() A.在云南,他关心洱海的水能否更干净、更清澈。 B.浩瀚的大海可以作证:为了这一梦想成真,古老的中华民族,已经等了近百年;人民海军官兵,已经期盼了半个多世纪。 C.这是“新约”上的句子罢,但经托尔斯泰新近引用过的。 D.“兴化是个宜居的城市,环境优美,让人心情平静。” 兴化驻城作家、美国著名作家大卫·范恩说,“兴化是著名的水乡,被水包围,而水就是一个非常好的写作意象。” 3.下列加点的成语使用有错误的一项是() A.长江风平浪静 ....,我军万船齐发,直取对岸。 B.如梦初醒的观众用震耳欲聋 ....的掌声和欢呼声,来向他们喜爱的运动员表达由衷的赞赏。 C.当年的共和国奋斗者已经年逾花甲,让我们为他们点赞,有了他们昨日的殚精竭虑 ....,才有了今天的幸福生活。 D.新通车的长安北路,融入了范仲淹在兴化任职、岳家军在乌巾荡抗金、张荣在得胜 湖大捷等历史元素,令人眼花缭乱 ....。

三、情景默写 4.根据提示补写名句或填写课文原句。 ⑴_____________,猎马带禽归。(王绩《野望》) ⑵大漠孤烟直,_____________。(王维《使至塞上》) ⑶《黄鹤楼》中抒发诗人思乡之情的句子是“_____________,_____________。” ⑷李白《渡荆门送别》中“________,_______”两句用游动的视角来描写景物的变化。 ⑸郦道元《三峡》中侧面烘托三峡两岸山高峻陡峭的句子是___________,_____________。 四、名著阅读 5.名著阅读。 ⑴太阳光强有力地穿过海水层,我可以清楚地分辨一百米以内的物体。潜艇的探照灯射出十分清楚的亮光,在水下黑暗的地方,可以指示我们回到潜艇上去。海底岩石上铺着最美丽的形形色色的植虫动物,我首先就被这种特有的景象怔住了。 这段文字节选自凡尔纳的小说《________》,文中的“我”的名字是________。 ⑵诺贝尔文学奖获得者勒·克莱齐奥曾说:“老舍的作品,真实地写出了人性的美与丑。” 请仿照示例,从《骆驼祥子》一书中再选择一位人物作介绍。 示例:小福子牺牲自己,承担养活全家的重任--她很无私。 ____________________________________________________________________ ⑶下列有关名著说法错误的一项是(__________) A.罗广斌、杨益言合著的《红岩》塑造了江姐、许云峰、余新江等一批意志坚定的共 产党人形象。 B.《创业史》讲述了以郭振山为代表的新一代农民,坚持互助互帮,为建设农村合作社事业而奋斗的故事。 C.《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》是“哈利·波特”系列的最后一部,主要探讨了爱和拯救、忠诚和背叛、善恶共生等话题。 D.在《基地》中,年轻的数学家盖尔来到银河帝国的中心川陀,他希望加入哈里谢顿 博士的研究计划,却被谢顿告知川陀将在三个世纪之内变成一团废墟。 五、综合性学习 6.专题与语文实践活动。 学习了“新闻阅读、采访和写作”这一单元后,你参加了学校举行的以“我是学校小记者”为主题的综合性学习活动,请你完成题目。 本报讯菊香染秋,蟹肥膏黄。在这秋高气爽的季节里,水乡大地品蟹赏菊旅游


关于公布2010年泰州市中学数学论文 评比结果的通知 各市(区)教育局教研室、泰州经济开发区社会事业局,市直各有关学校: 2010年泰州市中学数学论文评比活动已经结束,共评出初中论文一等奖29篇、二等奖68篇、三等奖94篇;高中论文一等奖22篇、二等奖45篇、三等奖72篇。现将评比结果予以公布。(见附件) 泰州市教育局教研室 二〇一一年元月十八日

附件: 泰州市中学数学论文评比结果 (从左向右依次是姓名、论文标题、作者单位) 初中组 一等奖(29篇) 凌治国发展空间观念培养创新能力靖江市靖城中学 巫锦娟合作学习之我见靖江市靖城中学 叶玲学生自主学习,让数学课堂更有魅力靖江市刘国钧中学附中江亚兴浅谈数学教学中创新能力的培养靖江市实验学校 陆军让课堂充满灵动和智慧靖江市外国语学校 朱晶浅谈数学试卷评讲课的有效性泰兴实验初级中学 张林生浅谈数学课后作业的设计泰兴市大生初中 高飞浅谈解题反思对学生解题能力培养的作用泰兴市济川中学 刘纪明让学生数学课上的错误变为“亮钻”泰兴市宣堡初级中学吴建兰农村初中数学老师如何利用多媒体教学泰兴宣堡初级中学 陈东进浅谈数学“高效”课堂的构建姜堰市二附中 王永宽对课堂教学有效性的几点思考姜堰市三水学校 翟爱国初中数学课堂教学实施评价的评价与反思姜堰市四中 杨牛扣实践新课程理念,优化课堂教学姜堰市四中 杭燕初中生数学符号化的学习障碍及其对策姜堰市南苑学校 张寿彬七年级数学教学中的缺失归因及对策姜堰市南苑学校 任宏章有效数学思维的实践分析与培养途径兴化市板桥初中 顾厚春中考数学复习课引导探究方法例说兴化市板桥初中 孙春阳作业设计的现状雨存在问题的对策兴化市楚水学校 范爱琴浅析新理念下的数学活动课兴化市楚水学校 石彩萍初中数学例题及习题教学的影响因素兴化市垛田初中 朱桂贤实施分层教学,力促减负增效兴化市老圩中心校 丁鹏堂让数学课堂活起来的几点策略兴化市沈伦中心校 杨美华我的教材观兴化市文正学校 顾广林浅谈新课标理念下学生批判性思维的培养泰州九龙实验学校 叶新和好问题情境的标准高港许庄初中 朱菊明从“圆的定义”的教学谈创设问题情境高港中学 朱静精心设“导”引生入胜省泰州中学附属初中孙颖浅谈有效性课堂教学的构建泰州市明珠实验学校 二等奖(68篇) 侯华芬初中学生数学阅读能力的培养靖江市城南中学 朱远康初中数学课外实践活动初探靖江市礼士中学 刘铮浅谈初中数学课堂的有效教学靖江市刘国钧中学附中沈金福例说“正难侧反”的数学思想靖江市刘国钧中学附中


2019—2020学年度兴化市板桥初级中学实验中学第一学期初二质量抽测初中语文 八年级语文质量抽测试卷 〔考试时刻:150分钟总分值:150分〕 第一部分选择题〔12分〕 1.以下词语中加点的字,注音全部正确的一项为哪一项〔〕 A.决眦.〔zì〕红桧.〔huì〕阿房 ..〔ēpáng 〕毛骨悚.然〔sǒng〕 B.愚氓.〔méng〕差.使〔chāi〕潋滟 ..〔liànyàn〕鳞次栉.比〔zhì〕 C.虬.干〔qiú〕券.门〔quàn〕呜咽 ..〔wūyè〕退避三舍.〔shè〕 D.幢.顶〔dòng〕女红.〔gōng〕逶迤 ..〔wēiyí〕踉.踉跄.跄〔liàngqiàng〕2.以下标点运用正确的一项为哪一项〔〕 A.他没到过中国,却讲〝我的最大妄图是到中国去,从长城的这一端走到那一端。〞B.我咨询那个卖牡蛎的人,〝应对您多少钞票?先生。〞 C.小孩们都明白,在远离美国的地点——中国,有他们的祖父和外祖母在想念着他们。 D.鲁迅是喜爱百草园呢?依旧喜爱三味书屋? 3.以下各句中,加点的成语使用不恰当的一项为哪一项〔〕 A.学习是一个长期积存的过程,那种一曝十寒 ....的做法是不可取的。 B.〝一江春水向东流〞这一奇异的比喻把李煜的愁绪抒发得淋漓尽致 ....。 C.每逢税务大检查,总有一些不法商人随机应变 ....,弄虚作假,妄图躲过应有的惩处。 D.雅典奥运会上,刘翔在男子110米栏竞赛中一举夺冠,一夜间成了家喻户晓 ....的人物。4.以下句子没有语病的一项为哪一项〔〕 A.不要认为岩石是牢固不坏的,它无时无刻不经受着从各方面来的〝攻击〞。 B.我生长在戏剧之家,淮剧对我一点都不生疏。 C.北京申奥成功,我就萌发了想学好外语,2018年去北京当个理想者,为奥运服务。 D.材料厂通过技术革新,成本下降了一倍,而产值却增长10%。 5.对以下句中加点词的讲明全部正确的一项为哪一项〔〕 A.叶徒.相似〔只〕心乐.之〔欢乐〕因.恸绝良久〔因此,就〕 B.犬牙差互 ..〔狗的牙齿〕反取病.焉〔辱〕下.见小潭〔向下〕C.以.其境过清〔因为〕但.少闲人〔只〕语时了.不悲〔完全〕


系统复习资料 八年级上册英语课文原文 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? Section A 2d Rick:Hi,Helen、Long time no see、 Helen:Hi,Rick、Yes,I was on vacation last month、 Rick:Oh,did you go anywhere interesting? Helen:Yes,I went to Guizhou with my family、 Rick:Wow!Did you see H uangguoshu Waterfall? Helen:Yes,I did、It was wonderful!We took quite a few photos there、What about you?Did you do anything special last month? Rick:Not really、I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax、, Section B 2b Did Jane have a good time on Monday?What about on Tuesday? Monday,July 15th I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family、It was sunny and hot,so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel、My sister and I tried paragliding、I felt like I was a bird、It was so exciting!For lunch,we had something very special-Malaysian yellow noodles、They were delicious!In the afternoon,we rode bicycles to Georgetown、There are a lot of new buildings now,but many of the old buildings are still there、In We ld Quay,a really old place in Georgetown,we saw the houses of the Chinese traders from 100 years ago、I wonder what life was like here in the past、I really enjoyed walking around the town、 Tuesday,July 16th What a difference a day makes!My father and I decided to go to Penang Hill today、We wanted to walk up to the top,but then it started raining a little so we decided to take the train、We waited over an hour for the train because there were too many people、When we got to the top,it was raining really hard、We didn't have an umbrella so we were wet and cold、It was terrible!And because of the bad weather,we couldn't see anything below、My f ather didn't bring enough money,so we only had one bowl of fish and rice、I was so hungry!But it tasted great!, Unit 2 How often do you exercise? Section A 2d Jack:Hi,Claire,are you free next week? Claire:Hmm、、、next week is quite full for me,Jack、 Jack:Really?How e? Claire:I have dance and piano lessons、 Jack:What kind of dance are you learning?


江苏省兴化市昭阳湖初级中2019-2020学年九年级上学期第一次质检 物理试卷 一、单选题(本大题共11小题,共33.0分) 1.如图所示,在生活中使用杠杆能为我们带来方便。下列杠杆能够省距离的是() A. 开瓶器 B. 镊子 C. 钳子 D. 自行车手闸 2.下列现象中,力对物体做功的是() A. 甲图中人提箱子静止不动 B. 乙图中人用力但没有推动木块 C. 丙图中人提水桶沿水平地面匀速运动 D. 丁图中人将箱子从地面抬到车箱上 3.一位父亲与他6岁的儿子一起上楼回家,对此,下列说法错误的是() A. 爬相同的楼梯,儿子体重小做的功少 B. 爬相同的楼梯,父亲体重大做的功多 C. 爬相同的楼梯,父亲比儿子先到达,父亲的功率大 D. 爬相同的楼梯,儿子坐电梯先到达,儿子的功率大 4.如图所示是人们在生活、生产中经常使用的滑轮(假设滑轮的质量相 同),下列几种说法正确的是() A. 图a中使用的是动滑轮,图b中使用的是定滑轮 B. 使用定滑轮可以省力,使用动滑轮可以改变拉力的方向 C. 使用动滑轮时,既可以省力又可以省功 D. 提升同一重物时,用动滑轮比定滑轮省力,动滑轮的机械效率

比定滑轮的机械效率低 5.如图,钢珠沿竖直平面上的光滑轨道abcd从a点运动到d点,钢珠() A. 通过d时的速度比通过c时大 B. 在c点比在b点的重力势能小 C. 从a运动到b的过程中,动能转化为重力势能 D. 从b运动到c的过程中,机械能转化为重力势能 6.用相同的酒精灯分别对a、b两液体加热(如图甲),根据测得数据分别描绘出两液体的温度随时 间变化的图象(如图乙)。在相同的时间内两液体吸收的热量相等,不计液体热量散失,分别用m a、m b、c a、c b表示a、b两液体的质量和比热容,则结合图中信息作出的下列推断正确的是() A. 若m a=m b,则c a>c b B. 若m a=m b,则c am b 7.如图所示的电路中,三个灯泡L1、L2、L3始终完好,当开关S闭合时() A. L1、L3亮,L2不亮 B. L1亮,L2、L3不亮 C. L1、L2、L3都不亮 D. L1、L2、L3都亮 8.关于温度、热量和内能,下列说法正确的是() A. 0℃的物体没有内能 B. 物体的温度越高,含有的热量越多 C. 热量也有可能从内能小的物体向内能大的物体转移 D. 物体的内能增大,一定是吸收了热量 9.如图,两个质量相等的小铁球A、B从两个高度相同的光滑斜面和光滑圆弧面的顶点滑到底部, 如果它们都是从静止开始下滑忽略各种阻力,则下列说法中不正确的是()

省兴化市昭阳湖初级中学2014-2015学年八年级数学下学期期中模拟试题2(无答案) 苏科版

2014—2015学年度第二学期八(下)数学期中模拟试卷(二) 班级: 姓名: 学号: 得分: 一、选择题:(本大题共有10小题,每小题3分,共30分,) 1.分式242 x x -+的值为0,则 ( ) A .x =-2 B .x =2 C .x =0 D .x =±2 2x 的取值范围是 ( ) A .x>1 3 B .x>-1 3 C .x ≥1 3 D .x ≥-1 3 3.化简分式2221111x x x ??÷+ ?--+?? 的结果是 ( ) A .2 B .21x + C .21x - D .-2 4.解分式方程22311x x x ++=--时,去分母后变形为 ( ) A .2+(x +2)=3(x -1) B .2-x +2=3(x -1) C .2-(x +2)=3(1-x) D .2-(x +2)=3(x -1) 5.若点(x 1,y 1)、(x 2,y 2)、(x 3,y 3)都是反比例函数x y 1-=的图象上的点,并且 x 1<0<x 2<x 3,则下列各式中正确的是 ( ) A 、y 1<y 2<y 3 B 、y 2<y 3<y 1 C 、y 3<y 2<y 1 D 、y 1<y 3 <y 2 6.下列根式中,最简二次根式是 ( ) A B C D 7.计算 2311x x +--的结果是 ( ) A .11x - B .11x - C .51x - D .51x - 8.如图,函数y =a(x -3)与y =a x ,在同一坐标系中的大致图象是

二、填空题:(本大题共8小题,每小题3分,共24分) 9= . 10.若(210a b +-=则1a b +的值为 . 11.12-=_______. 12.已知关于x 的方程22x m x +-=3的解是正数,则m 的取值范围是_______ 13.如图,反比例函数y =3x (x>0)的图像与矩形OABC 的边AB 、BC 分别交于点E 、F ,且AE =BE ,则△OEF 的面积为_______. 14. 已知关于x 的分式方程 21a x ++=1的解是非正数,则a 的取值范围是_______________。 (16题) (18题) 15.若219x x ??+= ???,则21x x ??- ?? ?的值为 . 16.如图所示,三角形ABO 的面积为12,且AO =AB , 双曲线y =k x 过AB 的中点D ,则k 的值为 . 三、解答题:(本大题共11小题,共76分.). 18.)21 +- ?÷ ? 19.(本题满分8分,每小题4分) (1)化简:22211a a a a a a --??-÷ ?+? ? (2)解方程:2111x x x x ++=+
