


1. 主语+is + the + 最高级+ 名词+(that)+ I have ever seen (known/heard/had/read)

Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen。海伦是我所看过最美丽的女孩。

Mr. Chang is the kindest teacher that I have ever had。张老师是我曾经遇到最仁慈的教师。

Yao Ming is the tallest basketball player that I have ever seen。


Liu Xiang is the most hardworking sportsman that I have ever seen。


2.Nothing is more important + than + to do sth. 没什么比做某事更重要的事。

例句:Nothing is more important than to keep fit。没有比保持健康更重要的事。

Nothing is more important than to potect our environment。没有什么比环保更重要的事。

Nothing is more important than to gain knowledge。没有什么比学习知识更重要的事。

3.There is no denying that + S + V (不可否认的……)

例句:There is no denying that Nothing is more important than to potect our environment.


There is no denying that Lin Zhiling is the most charming actress I have ever seen.



一、开头句型 1.As far as …is concerned就……而言 2.It goes without saying that… 不言而喻,… 3.It can be said with certainty that… 可以肯定地说…… 4.As the proverb says,正如谚语所说的, 5.It has to be noticed that… 它必须注意到,… 6.It‘s generally recognized that… 它普遍认为… 7.It‘s likely that … 这可能是因为… 8.It‘s hardly that… 这是很难的…… 9.It‘s hardly too much to say that… 它几乎没有太多的说… 10.What calls for special attention is that…需要特别注意的是 11.There‘s no denying the fact that…毫无疑问,无可否认 12.Nothing is more important than the fact that… 没有什么比这更重要的是… 13.what‘s far more important is that… 更重要的是… 二、衔接句型 1.A case in point is … 一个典型的例子是… 2.As is often the case…由于通常情况下… 3.As stated in the previous paragraph 如前段所述 4.But the problem is not so simple.Therefore 然而问题并非如此简单,所以…… 5.But it‘s a pity that… 但遗憾的是… 6.For all that…对于这一切…… In spite of the fact that…尽管事实…… 7.Further,we hold opinion that… 此外,我们坚持认为,… 8.However ,the difficulty lies in… 然而,困难在于… 9.Similarly,we should pay attention to… 同样,我们要注意… 10.not(that)…but(that)…不是,而是11.In view of the present station。鉴于目前形势 12.As has been mentioned above…正如上面所提到的… 13.In this respect,we may as well (say)从这个角度上我们可以说 14.However,we have to look at the other side of the coin,that is… 然而我们还得看到事物的另一方面,即… 三、结尾句型 1.I will conclude by saying… 最后我要说… 2.Therefore,we have the reason to believe that…因此,我们有理由相信… 3.All things considered,总而言之It may be safely said that…它可以有把握地说…… 4.Therefore,in my opinion,it‘s more advisable…因此,在我看来,更可取的是… 5.From what has been discussed above,we may safely draw the conclusion that…通过以上讨论,我们可以得出结论… 6.The data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that…通过数据我们得到的结论是,…


初中英语作文满分句型 句型一:分词作状语 Moved by the kids in the village, I decided to donate all my money to them. 被汶川的孩子们感动了,我决定把我所有的钱都捐给他们。 Seeing Dad working so hard, I could not help bursting into tears. 看到父亲工作这么辛苦,我忍不住潸然泪下。 点评:分词作状语可以用来替代时间、条件、原因等状语从句,让文章显得更加简洁,同时功底更深。 【分词作状语的用法】 当状语从句的主语与主句的主语一样时,可直接省略从句的主语,并把从句的谓语改成分词(主动语态改成现在分词,被动语态改成过去分词),从而构成分词作状语结构。 【例1】When I see Dad working so hard, I could not help bursting into tears. → Seeing Dad working so hard, I could not help bursting into tears. 【例2】Because I was moved by the kids in Wenchuan, I decided to donate all my money to them. → Moved by the kids in Wenchuan, I decided to donate all my money to them. 句型二:副词提前 Obviously,one of the best ways to keep healthy is to do sports. 显然,保持健康最好的方法之一是做运动。 Eventually, every child will leave home to lead his own life as a fully independent adult.


xx作文 一.经典句子集锦 1.No rose without a thorn.玫瑰都有刺。(没有十全十美) 2.Content is happiness.知足常乐。 3.Happiness is always around us.幸福都在我们周围。 4.Love, give me happiness. There is still a long way for me to run. I believe that working hard willbring me a bright future; we will be the happiest people.爱,给我幸福。我还有很长的路要走。 我坚信努力工作能给我带来光明的前途,我们将会是最幸福的人。 5.Our happiness from everything in life.我们的幸福来自于生活中的每一件事。 6.Our world is full of happiness.世界上充满了幸福。 7.Everybody is eager to happiness, feeling so well being of everyone. The supreme happiness oflife is the conviction that we are love parents.人人都渴望得到幸福,人人都在感受幸福,生活中,最高的幸福就是拥有对父母的爱。 8.This is a small thing, but in my heart it is a big happiness.这虽然只是一件小事,但是在我的心里却是一个很大的幸福。 9.Two brainstorming can usually think better than one and faster, too.三个臭皮匠赛过诸葛亮。 10.Mother’s love is like a circle, it has no beginning and no ending.母爱像一个圈,它没有起点也没有终点。 11.Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。 12.Time waits for no man.时间不等人。


初中英语作文经典句型集锦 1.There is no doubt + that + 句子:毫无疑问,…… 例句:There is no doubt that the economy is recovering. (毫无疑问,经济已经逐渐复苏。) 2.It pays to + V + O(宾语):……是值得的。 例句:It pays to help others. (帮助别人是值得的。) 3.An advantage of + 名词结构+ is that + 句子:……的优点是…… 例句:An advantage of using solar energy is that it won't create any pollution.(使用太阳能的优点是它不会产生任何污染。) 4.There is no denying that + 句子:不可否认…… 例句:There is no denying that the quality of our life has gone from good to better. (不可否认,我们的生活质量日益改善。) 5.the + 形容词最高级 + n. + (that) + S(主语) + have ever seen / known / heard / had / read, etc 例句:Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.(海伦是我见过的最美丽的女孩。) 6.Nothing is + 形容词比较级 + than to + V(谓语) 例句:Nothing is more important than to receive education. (没有比接受教育更重要的事。) 7.S cannot emphasize the importance of sth. too much:再怎么强调……的重要性也不为过。 例句:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much. (我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不为过。) 8.On no account can we + V:我们绝对不能…… 例句:On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge. (我们绝不能无视知识的价值。) 9.It is universally acknowledged that + 句子:全世界都知道……


30个初中英语作文好句型 30个初中英语作文好句型 无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,借助作文可以宣泄心中的情感,调节自己的心情。一篇什么样的作文才能称之为优秀作文呢?以下是小编精心整理的'30个初中英语作文好句型,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 句型1:There+be +主语+地点状语/时间状语 There's a book on the desk. 桌上有本书。 句型2:What’s wrong with+sb. / sth. ? What's wrong with you? 你怎么了? 句型3:How do you like...? How do you like Nanjing? 你觉得南京怎么样? 句型4:What do you like about...? What do you like about Nanjing? 你喜欢南京什么? 句型5:had better(not)+动词原形 You'd better have a rest. 你最好休息一下。 句型6:How+adj. / adv. +主语+谓语! ; What a/an+adj. +n. +主语+谓语! How beautiful the girl is ! 这个姑娘真漂亮! What an interesting book it is! 多有趣的一本书呀! 句型7:Thank+sb. +for (doing) sth. Thank you for helping me. 感谢你帮我。

句型8:So+be/情态动词/助动词+主语 He is a doctor. So am I. 他是一个医生,我也是。 句型9:... not ... until ... He didn't do his homework until his mother came back. 直到他的父母回来他才写作业。 句型10:比较级+and+比较级 It rained harder and harder. 雨越下越大。 句型11:the +比较级,the +比较级 The more careful you are,the fewer mistake you will make.越仔细,越少犯错。 句型12:... as +adj./ adv.+as ... ; …not as/so+adj/adv. +as... Noting is as important as passion. 没有什么跟激情一样重要。 Last Sunday the weather was not so hot as it is today. 上个星期天的天气不如今天的天气炎热。 句型13:more/ less +adj.+than... I think art is more interesting than music. 我认为艺术比音乐更有趣。 句型14:stopsb/sth from doing sth. The Great Wall will stop the wind from blowing the earth away.长城将阻挡风吹走土壤。 句型15:both ... and ... Both you and I are doctors. 我和你都是医生。 句型16:either ... or... Either you or he is right . 不是你对就是他对。 句型17:neither ... nor ...


初中英语作文经典句型 小编为初中的同学整理了一些句式,大家可以多多看一下,通过每天的练习,找到自己的短板和不足,从而针对性地训练,提高成绩! 环境 40. 就我所知,北京因它悠久的历史和丰富的文化而闻名于世。 As far as I know, Beijing is famous for its long history andrich culture. 41. 我们应该阻止人们砍伐树木。 We should stop people from cutting down trees. 42. 我们应该尽力阻止动物灭绝。 We should do our best to stop animals from dying out. 43. 每天做扫除很必要。 It’s necessary to do some cleaning every day. 44. 这儿有许多可做的,例如,你可以帮助打扫干净城市公园。 There is much to do here, for example, you can help clean up the city parks. 45. 总之,保护环境对我们来说很重要。 In a word, it’s very important for us to protect the environment. 46. 为什么不尽早拯救在危险中的动物呢? Why not save the animal in danger as early as possible? 47. 我认为回收废纸取代扔掉它更好。 I think it’s better torecycle waste paper instead of throwing it away. 48. 我认为我们的城市缺少水。 I think that our city is in need of water. 49. 我想要大家都加入到环境项目中来。 I would like everyone to joinin the environment project. 50. 勿踩草坪对环境来说是有好处的。


最新初中英语作文【作文积累:句型】经典话题句型100句 一、个人情况 1.毕竟,这个孩子太小还不能上学。 After all, the kid is too young to go to school. 2. 我来自中国。 I come from China. 3. 我的梦想会实现的。 My dream will come true. 4. 她过去靠卖书为生。 She used to earn her living on selling books. 5. 我家离学校不远。 My home isn’t far from the school. 6. 我喜欢去钓鱼。 I enjoy going fishing.

7. 我长大后想成为一名老师。 I would like to be a teacher when I grow up. 8. 我每天都过得很愉快。 I have a good time every day. 9. 我乐于和平地生活。 I enjoy living in peace. 10. 我喜欢浏览英语报纸。 I like looking through English newspapers. 11. 我乐于和别人交朋友。 I enjoy making friends with others. 12. 我一点都不喜欢抽烟。 I don’t like smoking at all. 13. 从今以后,我不但要更加努力学习还要尽力取得更好的成绩。From now on, I not only study harder but also try my best to get better grades. 14. 我偶尔喜欢去购物。


1. It is important for everyone to learn English well in our rapidly developing world. 在这个迅速发展的世界里,对每个人来说,学好英语是非常重要的。 句型:It is important/(necessary, difficult, convenient, possible)for sb. to do sth. 2. The harder you work at it, the more progress you will make. 你工作越努力,你取得的进步就越大。 (1)The+比较级..., the+比较级... (2)比较级+and+比较级(The world is getting smaller and smaller.) 3.The reason why people choose to live in the city is that the life is more convenient and colorful. 人们选择生活在城市是因为城市的生活更方便、更多彩。 4. With the rapid development of modern technology, the Internet has become a n ecessary part of our daily life and work. 随着现代科技的迅速发展,互联网已经成为生活和工作中必不可少的一部分。 5. You should read as many books as you possibly can. 大家应该尽可能的多读书。 6. China is becoming more and more prosperous because of the reform and “opening up” policy. 由于实施了改革开放政策,中国变得更加繁荣了。 7. Let’s work together to make our world a better place. 让我们一起努力把世界变得更加美好。 8.We should make full use of our time to do useful and productive things. 我们应该充分利用好时间去做有用的、富有成效的事。 9.There is an increasing tendency that students own their mobile phones on campus.

初中英语作文 万能句型

关键句型 1.不用说……?? Itgoeswithoutsayingthat… (Itis)needlesstosay(that)… Itisobviousthat… eg:Itgoeswithoutsayingthatitpaystogettingupearly. 2.在各种……之中,? Amongvariouskindsof…,/Ofallthe…, eg:Amongvariouskindsofsports,Ilikejogginginparticular. 3.就我的看法……;我认为…… Inmyopinion,… AsfarasIamconcerned,… Iamoftheopinionthat… 4.随着XX的增加/发展……??? Withtheincrease/growthofXX,… Withthedevelopmentofscienceandtechnology,… eg: WiththerapiddevelopmentofTaiwan'seconomy,alotofsocialproble mshaveappeared. 5.XX(对某人而言)很重要/有必要/紧急…… Itisnecessary/important/essential/proper/urgent(forsb.)todo/that… eg:Itisproperthatwe(should)keepthepublicplacesclean. 6.how引导的感叹句 eg:Atleastitwillprovehowhonestyouare. 7.状语从句 每当我听到/看到/想到/遇到/做……我就忍不住感到……WheneverIhear/see/thinkof/meetwith/do…,Icannotbutfeelexcited/sad/nervous/frightened/surprised. eg:WheneverIthinkofthecleanrivernearmyhome,I cannotbutfeel sa d. =EverytimeIthinkofthecleanbrooknearmyhome,I cannothelpfeelin g sad. 8.Since+S+过去式,S+现在完成式。 eg:Sincehewenttoseniorhighschool,hehasworkedveryhard. 易混淆词组


以下是为大家整理的关于初中英语作文万能句子的文章,希望大家能够喜欢! 一、开头句型 1.As far as …is concerned 就……而言 2.It goes without saying that… 不言而喻,… 3.It can be said with certainty that… 可以肯定地说…… 4.As the proverb says,正如谚语所说的, 5.It has to be noticed that… 它必须注意到,… 6.It's generally recognized that… 它普遍认为… 7.It's likely that … 这可能是因为… 8.It's hardly that… 这是很难的…… 9.It's hardly too much to say that… 它几乎没有太多的说… 10.What calls for special attention is that…需要特别注意的是 11.There's no denying the fact that…毫无疑问,无可否认 12.Nothing is more important than the fact that… 没有什么比这更重要的是… 13.what's far more important is that… 更重要的是… 二、衔接句型 1.A case in point is … 一个典型的例子是… 2.As is often the case…由于通常情况下… 3.As stated in the previous paragraph 如前段所述 4.But the problem is not so simple.Therefore 然而问题并非如此简单,所以…… 5.But it's a pity that… 但遗憾的是… 6.For all that…对于这一切…… In spite of the fact that…尽管事实…… 7.Further, we hold opinion that… 此外,我们坚持认为,… 8.However , the difficulty lies in…然而,困难在于… 9.Similarly, we should pay attention to… 同样,我们要注意… 10.not(that)…but(that)…不是,而是 11.In view of the present station.鉴于目前形势


【导语】在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家对作文都不陌生吧,借助作文人们可以实现文化交流的目的。你写作文时总是无从下笔?《初中英语作文万能句子》是 为大家准备的,希望对大家有帮助。 1.初中英语作文万能句子 1.As far as …is concerned 就……而言 2.It goes without saying that, 不言而喻, 3.It can be said with certainty that… 可以肯定地说…… 4.As the proverb says,正如谚语所说的, 5.It has to be noticed that… 它必须注意到,… 6.It‘s generally recognized that… 它普遍认为… 7.It‘s likely that … 这可能是因为… 8.It‘s hardly that… 这是很难的… 9.It‘s hardly too much to say that… 它几乎没有太多的说… 10.What calls for special attention is that… 需要特别注意的是 2.初中英语作文万能句子 1、About… People have different opinions. Some people think that... 关于…人们有不同的观点。一些人认为… 2、Nothing is more important than to receive education. 没有比接受教育更重要的事。 3、We are often told that... But is this really the case? 我们经常被告知…但事实真是这样吗? 4、It is generally believed that… 它普遍认为… 5、As the saying goes (as the saying goes)… It is the experience of our forefathers, however, that it is correct in many cases even today. 俗话说(常言道)…,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。 3.初中英语作文万能句子


初中英语作文写作经典句型 初中英语作文写作经典句型 1. 主语+is + the + 最高级+ 名词+(that)+ I have ever seen (known/heard/had/read) Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen。海伦是我所看过最美丽的女孩。 Mr. Chang is the kindest teacher that I have ever had。张老师是我曾经遇到最仁慈的教师。 Yao Ming is the tallest basketball player that I have ever seen。 姚明是我所见过的最高的篮球运动员 Liu Xiang is the most hardworking sportsman that I have ever seen。 刘翔是我所见过的最勤奋的运动员。 2.Nothing is more important + than + to do sth. 没什么比做某事更重要的事。 例句:Nothing is more important than to keep fit。没有比保持健康更重要的事。 Nothing is more important than to potect our environment。没有什么比环保更重要的事。 Nothing is more important than to gain knowledge。没有什么比学习知识更重要的事。 3.There is no denying that + S + V (不可否认的……) 例句:There is no denying that Nothing is more important than to potect our environment. 不可否认的.,没有什么比环保更重要的事。 There is no denying that Lin Zhiling is the most charming actress I have ever seen. 不可否认,林志玲是我所见过的最有魅力的女演员。


中考英语作文常用句型 A.开头常用句型 1.It is said that… 从句“据说……〞 It is said that Jay Chou will visit our school next week. 据说周杰伦下周会参观我们学校。 2.It is reported that… 从句“据报道……〞 It is reported that some nuclear radiation from Fukushima of Japan has gone into the sea. 据报道,局部日本福岛核辐射已经进入海洋。 3.It is believed that 从句“一般认为……〞 It’s believed that eating more fruits and vegetables is good for our health. 一般认为多吃水果和蔬菜有助于身体健康。 4.It is necessary (for sb.) to do / that……是必要的 It’s necessary for us to learn a foreign language. 学习一门外语对我们来说是很有必要的。 5.It is important/essential (for sb.) to do / that…… 是重要的 As we know, it is important for us to master a foreign language. 众所周知,掌握一门外语是非常重要的。 6.It is proper (for sb.) to do / that …… 是适当的 It is proper that we (should) keep the public places clean. 我们应当保持公共场所清洁。 7.It is urgent (for sb.) to do / that ……是紧急的 It’s urgent for us to protect the environment now. 现在对我们来说保护环境是非常紧迫的。 8.Whenever I hear …, I cannot but feel excited/sad/nervous/ frightened/ surprised.


初三年级英语作文常用的十种句型 初三年级英语作文常用的十种句型 初三年级英语作文常用的十种句型1 一、以形式主语it引导的句型。 句型1. It happened(chanced) that +clause. = sb. happened /chanced sth. = sb. did sth. by chance. 如: It happened that he was out when I got there. 当我到那儿时,碰巧他不在。 句型2、It seems that sb. do/ be doing/ have done/ had done= Sb. seems to do/ be doing/ have done/ had done 如:(还有动词appear可这样使用) It seemed that he had been to Beijing before.好象你以去过北京。 二、定语从句: 句型1、由as引导的非限定性的定语从句。如: As we have known, he is a most good student.众所周知,他是个很好的学生。 句型2、由which引导的非限定性的定语从句。如: He is a professor, which I have been looking forward to becoming. 他是个教授,那是我一直盼望的职业。(因为先行词professor是表示职业的名词,因此引导词用which,而不用who。(注意:关于which和as之间的比较请看语法的.定语从句部分。) 三、让步状语从句 句型1、No matter what / which / who / where / when / whose+从句,+主句。注意从句中的时态一般情况用一般现在时态。如: No matter what you do, you must do it well. 四、条件状语从句


中考的英语作文经典万能金句优秀3篇 中考的英语作文经典万能金句篇一 1、China is becoming more and more prosperous because of the reform and “opening up” policy. 由于实施了开放政策,中国变得更加繁荣了。 2、We all need clean air to breathe; we all need clean water to drink; we all need green places to enjoy. 我们都需要呼吸清新的。空气,我们都需要饮用洁净的水,我们都需要绿地来享受。 3、Let’s work together to make our world a better place. 让我们一起努力把世界变得更加美好。 4、We should make full use of our time to do useful and productive things. 我们应该充分利用好时间去做有用的、富有成效的事。 5、We should get into the good habit of using our time wisely. 我们应该养成一个好习惯,明智地利用时间。 6、What I really want to know is whether he will go abroad next month? 我的确想知道的是,他是否会在下个月出国。 7、Television is harmful to developing minds. 电视不利于开发心智。 8、Children usually have far more potential than their parents had realized 孩子们都有很大的潜能,而父母却没有意识到这一点。 9、In the past 10 years, great changes have taken place in our school. 在过去的10年里,我们学校发生了巨大的变化。 10、People who spend more time with their families are usually healthier and happier. 那些花更多时间和家人在一起的人通常会更健康更幸福。 中考英语作文万能句篇二 1、adj。比较级+than than引导的是典型的比较级句型,表示“一者比另一者……”,起前用形容词或副词的比较级,than从句可以用省略形式。例如:I know you better than she does. 我比她更了解你。 This house is bigger than that one. 这所房子比那所房子大。 2、though-从句 though引导的是让步状语从句,意思是“虽然……但是……”。但不能和but连用,英语中表达“虽然……,但是……”时,though和but只能用一个。例如: Though it was snowing, it was not very cold. 虽然下着雪,可并不太冷。 I was late for the last bus though I hurried. 虽然我拼命赶路,还是没搭上最后一班公交车。 We didn’t feel tired though we walked a long way. 虽然我们走了很长的路程,但是并没有感到累。 3、if-从句 If 引导的是条件状语从句,“如果;假如“。如主句用一般将来时,if从句要用一般现在时(主将从现)。例如:If I go to the Great Wall tomorrow, would you like to come along? 如果明天我去长城,你会和我一起去吗? If it rains tomorrow, I won’t go. 如果明天下雨,我就不去了。 如果他不来我就不去。I won’t go 。


【导语】初三年级时,英语作文写作方面的提高,离不开一些写作万能句。下面是由给大家整理的初三英文作文万能句子,供大家参阅! 【篇一】初三英文作文万能句子 1. Every coin has two sides. 每个硬币都有两面,比喻事物的两面性。 2. The winter is coming and the spring is not far. 冬天已经临近了,春天还会远吗? 3. Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。 4. Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。 5. Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。 6. A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。 7. A good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。 8 Don't put off till tomorrow what should be done today. 今日事,今日毕。 9 Time and tide wait for no man. 时不我待。 【篇二】初三英文作文万能句子 1. It is my great pleasure to hear from you (万能回信开头句) 2. 表建议句型 It is highly suggested that you should(not)… In addition, you are supposed to do sth Meanwhile,…is a lso a good way for you. 3.高级词汇的顺序词 to begin with,可替换 at first, then\next, 可替换 second, finally, 可替换 third, 4. 可被替换的连词 however, 可替换 but therefore 可替换 so otherwise 可替换 or 【篇三】初三英文作文万能句子


初中英语作文常用句型 英语写作就是看语法和词汇用没有用对,很多学生在写作文的时候,知道该怎么写,可有的时候就是表达不出来,现在再也不用怕了。掌握下面简单实用的句型,写什么样的作文都手到擒来。下面是店铺精心整理的初中英语作文常用句型,欢迎大家分享。 1、be worth doing 值得做…… 2、be busy doing 忙着做…… 3、be good/bad for 有利于/有害于…… 4、too … to do 太……而不能做…… 5、It takes sb. some time to do sth. 花某人……时间做某事 6、sb. spend some time doing sth. 某人花……时间做某事 7、It is+adj.+for sb. to do sth. 某人做某事是…… 8、Its up to sb. to do sth. 应由某人做某事 9、sb. have some difficulty/ trouble in doing sth. 某人做某事很费劲 I have some difficulties in finishing this project. 10、sb.can do nothing but do sth. =have no choice but to do 别无他法,只能做某事 11、It is said that … 据说…… 12、not … until/till … 直到……才 I didn’t go to sleep until my parents came in. 13、主语+find/consider/think+it+形容词或名词+不定式


70个初中英语作文常用句型1. allow sb to do sth 允许某人去做某事(后接动词不定式) My father allowed me to go out for a walk after finishing my homework. 2. asked sb (not) to do sth 叫某人做事某事(叫某人不要去做某事) My father asked me to study hard. He asked me not to swim alone. be asked to do sth 被叫去做某事/被邀请去做某事 I was asked to have a dinner with them yesterday. 3. be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事 She is afraid to ask me questions. 4. be afaid of doing sth 害怕做某事 I am afraid of going out at night. 5. be afaid of sth 害怕某物 He is afraid of snakes. 6. be amazed to do sth 对做某事感到惊讶 He was amazed to meet the girl there. be amazed at sth 对某事感到惊讶 they were amazed at the news. 7. be busy doing/with sth 忙于做某事(常考) I was busy washing my car at that time. 那时候我正忙于清洗我的车子。
