江苏高考英语3500词汇读练测精品系列(解析版) (5)



1.Instead of making choices for their children, __________ parents usually say, “Go where you will. ”



2.__________ weights is good for teenagers, which some experts say will help them become energetic.



3.The more you hurry, the less progress you are __________ to make.



4.The American soldiers to be sent to Iraq __________ their families goodbye and left in a hurry.



5.—Listen, someone is __________ at the door.

—I will answer it.



6.It’s quite unlikely that anyone __________ adequate patience and love will make a teacher.



7.Peter was severely __________ for lack of consideration to his mother.



8.If a tooth feels very __________, your dentist may recommend that it’s taken out.



9.Would you __________ to go to a party and talk confidently to every guest?



10.Though they talked in a __________ voice, they could be heard clearly.



11.—Are you ready to go shopping?

—Wait a minute. I will make a __________ of things that we need.



12.To protect the environment, the local government has put up a lot of signs to warn the citizens not to __________ the ground.



13.The good news has taken a __________ off my mind.



14.He was offered a £10,000 interest-free __________.



15.The concert will be broadcast __________ by the BBC.




1.Economic and technological cooperation and trade and investment__________(liberal)are closely linked

and should support each other.



2.This technique is useful but it has its__________(limit).



3.The game took her __________(little)than an hour to finish.



4.__________(lock)public bicycles with a mobile app is more convenient for users.



5.I must take some exercise and__________(loose)up my muscles.



6.Schools have been__________(length)the school day to raise test marks, which can be costly if schools need air conditioning on hot days.



7.When Horace finished telling his joke, all the schoolmates stared at him for 10 seconds or so and then burst into __________(laugh).



8.I deeply appreciate your __________(kind)in coming so far to meet me.



9.Some cars are equipped with GPS for people easily to find the __________(locate)of their destination.



10.The driver of the car was killed in the crash but both passengers had a __________(luck)escape.




【答案】kept back


2.__________, we should always trust our parents and see them as our friends.

【答案】Last but not least


3.The young man __________ the world before finding a job after graduation.

【答案】knocked about


4.The referee decided which side should __________ by spinning a coin.

【答案】kick off


5.Bank statement helps you __________ where your money is going.

【答案】keep track of


6.To widen the street, these old buildings will be __________.

【答案】knocked down


7.He told the boys playing football to __________ the grass.

【答案】keep off


8.Please __________ your ashes before it fails on the carpet.

【答案】knock off


9.Jim was __________ by a bus, but not seriously hurt.

【答案】knocked over


10.Only when you __________ English grammar can you write correctly.

【答案】have a good knowledge of


11.I wonder it was who that __________ the information.

【答案】leaked out


12.The man who tried to have her killed is still __________.

【答案】at large


13.How do some people manage to __________ their misfortunes?

【答案】laugh off


14.__________, women can bear pain better than men.

【答案】By and large


15.We must win the game, and not give others any chance to __________ us.

【答案】laugh at



1.Our physics teacher made our classes so live and interesting that all of us enjoyed every minute of them.


【解析】live活的,有生命的,活生生的;lively adj.活泼的,生机勃勃的,生动的,栩栩如生的,故把live



2.I was always exciting when I saw him perform lively in our community.

【答案】exciting改成excited, lively改成live


3.We can chat with friends, share our photos and save time by reading WeChat public accounts.



4.He is known as his being on time so I don’t know the reaso n for his being late this time.


【解析】be known for"因……而出名",be known as"作为……而出名"。他因准时而出名,故将as 改成for。


5.Several minutes late, my mobile phone received a message.



6.I enjoyed studying different kinds of cars and planes, playing pop music, and collecting the late music albums. 【答案】late改成latest


7.There are many differences between Earth and Mars. While the former has air and liquid water, the latest does not.



8.He had expected that everyone would burst into laughter at his joke but nobody did.


【解析】burst into laughter=burst out laughing突然大笑起来。句意:他猜想大家会因为他(讲)的笑话而哄然大笑起来,但是没有人笑。

9.Shakespear e’s play Hamlet had been made into at last ten different films in the last few years.

【答案】had改成has, at后面的last改成least

【解析】at least至少,at last最后,最终。in the last few years常常跟现在完成时连用。句意:在过去几年中,莎士比亚的戏剧《哈姆雷特》已被制成了至少十部不同的电影。

10.My naughty niece lying on the lawn laid to me that she had lay the purse on the table.

【答案】laid改成lied, lay改成laid


11.If we disagree with them, we should let them to know.


【解析】let sb. do sth.此处是不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语,故把to know中的to删除。句意:如果我们不同意他们的意见,我们应该让他们知道。

12.There are a small number of people involved, possibly as little as twenty.



13.Wandering in the park, I felt alone without any companions.


【解析】句中的alone意为“独自一人”,而lonely意为“孤独的,寂寞的”,此处表示内心的孤独,故把alone 改成lonely。句意:在公园里闲逛,没有人陪伴使我感到孤独。

14.We couldn’t move a bit. Lucky, I saw some farmers ahead.



15.One morning, though the clock rang aloud, Mary didn’t wake up until eight.


【解析】副词loudly修饰rang,aloud 意思是“出声地”。句意:一天早上,虽然闹铃的声音很吵,但是玛丽8点才醒来。

16.My grandpa said last summer they earned quite a lot of selling the fish.


【解析】不是a lot of的短语,而是跟后面的selling有关,故把of改成by。句意:我爷爷说去年夏天他们卖鱼赚了很多钱。

17.The conductor constantly reminded passengers to keep in guard against pickpockets.


【解析】短语keep on guard against“提防,保持警惕”,故in改成on。句意:列车员不断提醒乘客提防扒手。

18.The man asked me to keep go until I reached the destination.


【解析】keep doing“继续做”,所以go要改成going。句意:那人请我一直走到目的地为止。

19.China launched out two astronauts into space on Monday.



20.—When are you going to travel to Beijing?

—The train leaves at six tomorrow morning, and I am going to leave the station at four o’cloc k.


【解析】leave离开某地,leave for(离开某地)前往。句意:“你什么时候去北京旅游?” “明天早晨六点的火车,我四点钟出发去车站。”

21.The literature works is said to have been translated into many foreign languages in length in the past few years.


【解析】at length最后,in length长度上。句意:在过去的几年中这个文学作品据说最后已经被翻译成很多外语。

22.Measuring more than 6,000 kilometers in length, the Great Wall is known as the long wall in the world.


【解析】句意:长城以世界上最长的城墙闻名。“the + 形容词最高级”是表达最高级的固定结构,因此用longest,故将long改成longest。

23.More importantly, we should develop a positive attitude, which allows us to look for things positively no matter

what happens.




24.Nowadays people are more concerned about the environment which they live.


【解析】先行词是the environment,指地点,从句中缺少地点状语,又live为不及物动词,故在which前面加in或把which改成where。句意:现在人们更关心他们生活的环境。

25.I felt very strange to travel without any luggages.


