九年级英语期末专项训练:词汇训练及答案 最新人教版

九年级英语期末专项训练:词汇训练及答案 最新人教版
九年级英语期末专项训练:词汇训练及答案 最新人教版



1.She has a poor___________(pronounce)and she doesn't know how to improve it.

2.Every student should know how to use the Internet________(wise).

3.My pet dog has been________(die)for five months.

4.The bird________(spread)its wings and flew away.

5.After class,children went out of their classroom to enjoy the________ (warm)of the sun.

6.We have some good________(suggest)for you.

7.Nobody likes that________(polite)young man.

8.A house with a big swimming pool is________(exactly)what I want.

9.He is popular among his friends because he is a________(humor) person.

10.They went into the hall in________(silent).

11.It is a________(Europe)country and it is famous for its beautiful cities.

12.Here is a letter of________(introduce).

13.Glass didn't become________(wide)used until the13th century.

14.The________(leaf)turn green in spring.

15.That king was one of the________(rule)in ancient history.

16.David________(ring)up while you were out.(2016·舟山)

17.The local government pays much attention to children's________ (educate)now.

18.There's going to be a________(nation)holiday next week.

19.I didn't sleep well last night,so I felt________(sleep)this morning.

20.I am not satisfied with the service here.I want to speak to the ________(manage).

21.I don't have any other________(choose).I have to do it myself.

22.She fell off the stairs and hurt her legs.She needed________ (medicine)help.

23.Xiaogang's father is a famous Chinese________(direct).

24.My arms were so________(pain)that my parents had to take me to

the nearest hospital.

25.It's time________(perform)your show now.Don't be nervous.



1.The man________some watches from that shop last night and soon he

was caught by the police.

2.Don't________,or you may have an accident.

3.My mother________out some fruit and dessert on the table last night to celebrate the Spring Festival.

4.Stand right here and you can feel the________from the sun.

5.Their son won first prize in the contest and they were________of



6.Children regard the policemen as great________.

7.Wearing masks can________people from catching a cold.

8.We couldn't help crying while we were seeing the________film.

9.You have the________to do this job well.We all trust you.

10.Students shouldn't be________to hang out on weekdays.

C)stick to,run after,look up,end up,by mistake

11.Every time we practiced speaking English,we__________speaking Chinese.

12.My father took my keys instead of his____________this morning.

13.Look!Your mom____________the cat angrily.What happened?

14.If you____________the truth,you'll have nothing to fear.

15.Can I use your dictionary to____________a word?Mine is at home.


1.Please help me________(连接)the computer to the Internet;I don't

know how to do it.

2.It is a________(秘密)between you and me.Don't let others know it.

3.These cartoon characters were________(创造)by the famous artist.

4.We all________(仰慕)him for his bravery.

5.The old man often________(告诫)the young children not to play

soccer on the street.

6.My father enjoys collecting old coins and________(邮票).

7.I wanted to write to him,but I forgot his________(地址).

8.She lives near a supermarket,so it's________(方便的)for her to go shopping.

9.V olunteers from different________(背景)feel like part of one big family.

10.It's very________(有帮助的)to discuss your problem with your parents.

11.I________(很少)watch movies on my smartphone because it's bad for my eyes.

12.The players in the Chinese men's soccer team are paying more

attention to their________(日常的)training.

13.There is an________(国际的)kite festival in Weifang every year.

14.They planted many trees to________(避免)the soil being washed away.

15.Students must________(完成)their courses at school.

16.These are two different________(形式)of the same thing.

17.Every time I________(提到)their teacher,the students are very proud.

18.Can you help me________(翻译)this English poem into Chinese?

19.Jim got his driver's________(执照)last month.

20.To be honest,I________(懊悔)arguing with my mother.

21.We should always keep an eye on school________(安全).

22.There isn't________(任何人)in the room.Everyone is in the garden.

23.Helping others is the most________(有价值的)thing in the world.

24.My daughter________(更喜欢)drawing to singing.

25.They want to know more about________(澳大利亚的)history.


1.Reading English words a________is a good way to remember them.

2.Don't pay too much a________to unimportant things.

3.I want to find a p________to practice English with.

4.Some people say k________comes from questioning;I think it's true.

5.The children stood at the door and shouted“Trick or t________”.

6.You can l________down and have a rest if you are tired.

7.This famous writer's new n________will come out next month.

8.The poor girl has no parents and her aunt is the nearest r________to her.

9.The g________is full of beautiful flowers in spring.

10.Do you know the s________who is giving a speech over there?

11.Nancy wants to use the b________,but her sister is taking a shower in it.

12.Please help me mail the p________to my friend when you pass by the post office.

13.He was badly ill,so he was a________from the meeting.

14.Don't let other things i________your decisions.You should know

what you really want.

15.Paris is the capital of F________.

16.The water s________is just like a mirror.

17.We Chinese usually use c________to eat,but people in the West don't.

18.Our teacher d________us into six groups to play an interesting game last week.

19.The car accident happened all of a s________.

20.There are few eggs in our f________;we need to buy some more.

21.The singer showed her m________talent when she was very young.

22.You aren't a child any more.It's time for you to make your own d________.

23.Tom e________the room quietly from the back door because he was

a little late.

24.In the old s________,farmers lived a hard life.

25.Mr.Wang didn't a________the meeting;he had gone to Shanghai.

26.They stood in a c________and played games happily.

27.Several days ago,I r________many gifts for my birthday.

28.Our teacher always p________us whenever we help others.

29.It is a p________that the weather is so bad today.We can't go to a


30.Teenagers are always lively and full of e________.


1.Sally is________in class now,but she used to be a very shy girl.





2.—I'm sorry I don't catch what you said just now.

—Don't worry.I'll________it.





3.Our teacher is very_______.If we have difficulty in understanding,she will explain again and again.





4.She's________weight after the Spring Festival.

A.put on

B.put up

C.put away

D.put down

5.—I don't have time to go shopping with you this afternoon.

—But you________me yesterday.





6.When I________the house,I saw two men sitting on the sofa and talking.

A.looked for

B.looked after

C.passed by

D.looked out

7.Every room in the hotel has a(an)________bathroom.





8.I________my mother to buy a new computer for me,but she didn't

say anything.





9.These photos can________us of the hard days in the past.





10.Please visit our________https://www.360docs.net/doc/ef16586526.html, for more information.





11.When you hold your pencil in the________way,writing is much easier.





12.My mother often encourages me________new friends.



C.to make


13.You'd better learn to________different kinds of problems by yourself.

A.give up

B.make up

C.play with

D.deal with

14.We advise parents________their children at home alone in order to

keep them away from danger.


B.not to leave


D.to leave

15.—More and more people come to visit Mount Huangshan.

—That's true.It has become the________of Anhui.





16.Everyone in a car must wear the seat belt in the new________law.




17.The factory is the best one in this area,so its________are welcomed by most people.





18.Some teenagers________the movie stars and dream of being like them.

A.look up

B.look up to

C.look forward

D.look on

19.Hobbies won't get________the way of study if you plan the time well.





20.If you want to keep healthy,you should________junk food.

A.keep in touch with

B.catch up with

C.fall in love with

D.keep away from

21.—________model plane is this?

—I think it's Jim's.Look,his name is on it.





22.Please______the window,Tom.There's going to be a strong wind this afternoon.



C.turn on

D.turn off

23.We________to get to the airport on time although it rained heavily.





24.I didn't like the trip at all because the weather was________.





25.My friends are always there to________me whenever I am in need.






一、1.pronunciation 2.wisely 3.dead 4.spread 5.warmth







21.choices22.medical23.director24.painful25.to perform

二、A)1.stole 2.rush https://www.360docs.net/doc/ef16586526.html,id 4.heat 5.proud


C)11.ended up12.by mistake13.is running after

14.stick to15.look up

三、1.connect 2.secret 3.created 4.admire 5.warns









四、1.aloud 2.attention 3.partner 4.knowledge 5.treat





11.bathroom12.postcard13.absent14.influence15. France

16.surface17.chopsticks18.divided19.sudden20. fridge

21.musical22.decision23.entered24.society25. attend

26.circle27.received28.praises29.pity30. energy

五、1.D 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.C7.A8.B9.A






最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:https://www.360docs.net/doc/ef16586526.html,/wenkxd.htm(报名网址) 1.I’m looking for the _______ section in today’s paper. A. column https://www.360docs.net/doc/ef16586526.html,bination https://www.360docs.net/doc/ef16586526.html,b D.classified 2.Where can I _______ in the TV? Is the outlet right? A. plug B.paint C.shoot D.upset 3.Please put your _______ on this application form. A. site B.silly C.shower D.signature 4.I bought a camera lens yesterday. Its _______ quality is excellent. A. picture B.suit C.stomach D.optical 5.This dress is made of _______, isn’t it? A. nylon B.monument C.mutual D.nod 6.Jack wants to be _______ when he grows up. A.a bar B.a cousin C.an opponent D.an astronaut 7.She failed to call the office to _______ her appointment. A. greet B.miss C.ruin


九年级英语上学期期末考试试卷分析 一、试题评价 本次试卷是120分的。试卷总体来说,难度适中。本次命题在考察学生英语基础知识的前提下,注重了对学生语言综合能力和知识迁移的考察,注重语言环境及文化背景的设置,减少了词汇、语法等单纯知识性的试题,增加了试题的灵活性、开放性、探究性及综合性。试题以听、读、写的形式,全面地检查了学生应掌握的英语基础知识和基本能力。 总体来说本套试题能够较全面地考核本册书的知识点,既考学生的基础知识,又考学生的能力,尤其是灵活的应变能力。从下面的数据分析看,本次考试成绩不是很理想。 二、数据统计分析: 三、学生对各题得分情况分析: 1.听力部分:此题考察学生是否能正确理解所听的内容,并具备用英语进行释义的能力,用英语回答问题的能力,在特定的语境中进行交际的能力。听力部分共六小节,设计由浅入深,由易到难,循序渐进,从知识到能力,具有一定的梯度,对于基础较好的学生来说,此套听力题略显简单,大部分都在20-28分之间。对有一定英语基础,但掌握不扎实的学生来说,听力还存在薄弱的环节。另外学生除了对听力的训练不够,答题的方法和技巧也掌握的不是很好。对于英语学习吃力的学生来说,听力是相当难的,成绩也很不理想。 2.笔试部分的基础知识题占三分之一以上,能力题占三分之二左右。此题注重考察词的辨析、语法以及习语等语言知识,在特定的语境中运用语言知识进行交际能力。此题知识覆盖面较广,重点、难点比较突出。 3.笔试中的补全对话共两段,这是由对话组成的两篇短文,对话语境不完整,试题要求学生在通读对话和掌握大意的基础上,用完整的语言补全对话,使其意思完整。题中的第一个对话,语境相对完整一些,学生答的相对较好。但第二个对话,语境虽然清晰,但学生不注意时态,语态的变化,失分较多。 4.笔试中的阅读理解,此题考察学生是否具备根据上下文猜测词意进行推理等思维活动,识别选择归纳所提供的信息,探索语篇中的表层含义和深层含义的阅读能力,从而达到获得正确的语言信息的目的。 5.笔试中的书面表达:第一篇内容比较简单,学生完成的较好。第二篇作文所涉及内容和学生的日常生活有着极大的关系,学生写的时候不觉的费力。但个别同学在语言的灵活应用上欠功夫,不能够把书上的语言恰当的运用到自己的作文中去,且中式英语较重, 语言表达不地道,语法错误较多。这说明学生在日常写作教学中我们还存在着问题,没能在很好的驾御教材的同时注重学生能力的培养。 四、今后教学方法方式及其建议

小学六年级下册英语WY 期末专项训练卷 词汇

专项训练一:词 汇 一、从方框中选出含有例词画线部分发音的单词。 farm____________ each____________ time____________ about____________ have____________ cup____________ 二、选出不同类的单词。 ( ) 1. A. Wednesday B. birthday C. Monday D. Saturday ( ) 2. A. rabbit B. monkey C. hamburger D. cow ( ) 3. A. cent B. cola C. milk D. tea ( ) 4. A. pond B. lake C. river D. mountain ( ) 5. A. airport B. balloon C. theatre D. park ( ) 6. A. flew B. spent C. bought D. become ( ) 7. A. rainy B. snow C. windy D. sunny ( ) 8. A. Geography B. study C. Science D. Physics ( ) 9. A. smile B. tired C. excited D. wonderful ( ) 10. A. October B. July C. September D. classmate 三、选出与图意相符的单词,写在横线上。 1. 2. 3. __________ __________ __________ 4. 5. 6. __________ __________ __________ 7. 8. 9. __________ __________ __________


【Vocabulary and Structure】专项练习100题 1. It is well known that Tomas Edison __________ the electric lamp. A. discovered B. Found C. developed D. invented 2. I couldn’t enter the lab because I had ____________ the key in my office. A. taken B. left C. missed D. got 3. I regret ____________ you that we are unable to offer you employment. A. informing C. to inform B. having informed D. to have informed 4. The chairman has informed us that he ____________a few minutes late after the meeting begins. A. has arrived C. could arrive B. should arrive D. may arrive 5. She had made __________many mistakes in the article that we couldn’t catch what she meant. A. such B. that C. so D. as 6. I sincerely ____________him to make great progress with his new job in a short tine. A. expect B. believe C. think D. instruct 7. Is ____________ necessary to complete the design before National Day? A. this B. that C. it D. such 8. She said she would live in London for ____________ four or five years. A. another B. others C. other D. the others 9. Mr. Smith used to smoke ____________but he has given it up now. A. badly B. seriously C. heavily D. hardly 10. Thousands of people took part in when the old temple ____________. A. was rebuilding C. would be rebuilt B. was being rebuilt D. had been rebuilt 【1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.A7.C8.A9.C10.B】 11. ____ with each other, two systems can work better. A) When combine C) When combined B) When combining D) When they combined 12. It's important that everyone ____ here on time. A) is B) will be C) must be D) be 13. The stormy weather gradually gave _____ to a period of sunshine. A) room B) way C) space D) place 14. I could not do anything except just _____ for him to come round. A) waiting B) to wait C) waited D) wait 15. I can't _____ the sight of that poor man. A) suffer B) endure C) bear D) put up 16. Wang Ming ____ ill. I saw him playing basketball a moment ago. A) needn't have been C) couldn't have been B) must have been D) can't be 17. ____ that her son had fallen from a tree and broken his leg, she hurried back home.


大学英语四级词汇训练1200题 Test 1 ** the _______of Mary, all the girl students are eager to go to the party. A.exhibition B.exception C.except D.reception ** the trffic is not busy, he likes to drive at a _______ speed. A.spare B.fast C.moderate D.moral ** the memories of his childhood had _______ from his mind by the time he was 65. A.faded B.illustrated https://www.360docs.net/doc/ef16586526.html,fined D.concerned ** river is so big that it is impossible to build a _______ under it without modern technology. A.canal B.tunnel C.channel D.cable ** _______ is nearly dead , so I can not start the car again. A. bean B.beam C.bake D.battery ** making modern cameras , people began to _______ plastics for metal. A. surround B.substance C.stretch D.substitute ** the help of the government , a large number of people ---_______ after the flood in 1991. A. survived B.suspended C.suffered D.subfected ** always has a lot of _______ ideas in his mind , and sometimes we do not even know what he is thinding about. A. novel B.spoil C.acceptable D.additional ** be serious. I am not _______. You should consider it carefully A. sorting B.joking C.counting https://www.360docs.net/doc/ef16586526.html,paring


四年级上英语期末专项练习——音标专项练习 语法知识:元音字母有5个a, e ,i,o ,u ,辅音字母有21个。开音节:1、以发元音的元音字母结尾的单词,例如:be,he,she,we 2、以辅音字母加不发音的e 结尾的音节。例如:make ,name,like ,note,Jones ,Kate ,cute,use …… 闭音节:以一个或几个辅音字母结尾而中间只有一个元音字母的音节。例如:map ,desk,dad ,bed ,leg… 元音字母的发音规则:在开音节中读长音(即本音),在闭音节中读短音。 如a[ei]name make cake plane Jane [?]bag dad map black hat e [i:] be he she we me [e]bed leg pen desk egg yes I [a?]bike drive like nine nice kite [i]big fish sit milk six swim o [??] home note go no those [?] not box dog clock shop u [ju:] cute duty excuse student [?]bus cup jump much lunch 音标题型 一、请找出划线部分的发音不同于其他三个的单词 1、()A name B make C Kate D dad 2、( ) A cat B cake C dad D bad 3、()A fat B fan C face D hand

4、()A date B make C name D hand 5、( ) A dad B fat C cap D Kate 6、()A name B hand C rat D .apple 7.()A face B cat C hate D. make 8、( ) A fish B fine C bike D nice 9、()A. ice B thin C six D pig 10、()A. lost B hope C home D rose 11、()A. box B. dog C. not D. note 12、()A. pig B. like C .rice D .five 13、()A .like B kite C five D big 14、()A .duck B .use C. cute D .excuse 15、()A under B duck C run D .tube 16、()A red B he C she D we 17、()A. she B. red C. pen D .pencil 18、()A. get B. we C. bed D. let 二、判断发音字母是否相同,相同的划√,不同的划× ()1、A not B note ()2、A hot B lot ()3、A home B hope ()4、A dog B lost ()5、A rose B Coke ()6、A fish B nice ()7、A fine B six ()8、A big B pig ()9、A bike B write ()10 、A name B nap ()11 、A hand B dad ()12 、A face B make ()13、A bag B cat ()14 、A like B big


一、选择题 1.--Mary failed the exam yesterday. --- Give her a phone call. We should ______. A.cheer up her B.cheer up C.cheer her up D.cheered up 2.Because of his mistakes when dealing with the electricity problems, last Friday he was by the company. A.got off B.took off C.kicked off 3.People often make a wish before candles when they celebrate birthday. A.bringing out B.laying out C.finding out D.blowing out 4.We can’t trust him. He always some excuses for doing something wrong. A.makes up B.sets up C.takes up D.puts up 5.As the road to the airport is under repair, we will have to _______ early to get there in time. A.turn off B.take off C.put off D.set off 6.George couldn’t wait to _________ his new car. A.put off B.set off C.take off D.show off 7.—You look so sad. What happened? 一The exam to be much harder than I thought. A.broke out B.carried out C.put out D.turned out 8.—Who is your favorite singer, Mike? —TF Boys. They are very ____ boys and girls. A.proud of B.popular with C.strict with D.worried about 9.______ a light when necessary. You will bring light to other people and yourself. A.Try on B.Get on C.Turn on D.Put on 10.— Can I speak to Mrs Green? — Sorry, wrong number. Please to 114 and check the number. A.put out B.put off C.put through D.put away 11.--You hate that TV play, don’t you? --Not _______. I just think it’s a bit boring. A.likely B.exactly C.nearly D.carefully 12.The math problem is so difficult that only few students can _______. A.work on it B.work for it C.work it over D.work it out 13.You should go to see him since he is so seriously ill. ________, he is your brother. A.In all B.First of all C.Above all D.After all 14.—It’s everyone’s duty to join the Clean Your Plate Cam paign. —Sure. We should try to _______all the food that we’ve ordered. A.give up B.eat up C.turn up D.show up 15.---Jack, you seemed _______ at the party.


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九年级英语期末工作总结 本学期,铭记“知耻后勇,谁来雪耻”的校训,以“真抓实学,你追我赶”为座右铭,时刻鞭策着自己,全身心地投入到毕业班的英语教学工作中。回顾本学期的工作,课堂互动,盯背听写,辅导学生,与学生谈话的画面历历在目。反思工作中的得失,各种心得一涌而来: 开学以来,我一直在反思和改进我的教学方法,并投入大量的精力去研究每一个学生。将学生按学习情况同质分组,分层指导学习方法,布置学习任务;又让优等生一人带两三个人,建立帮扶团队,让组长带动、监督、辅导学困生。经过师生共同努力,在月考和中考中,大多数同学都取得了进步。平均分由八年级期末联考时的61分提高到分。 采用分层教学方法以来,课堂互动和课后辅导都特别关注了错位生以及学习态度较端正但成绩处在50到80 之间的学生。果然,这部分学生进步较大,有十几个学生进步在15分以上。然而对50分以下的学生,我关注相对较少,要求也较低。相应的,这些学生厌学弃学的态度没有改变,成绩也没有提高。 成绩虽然略有进步,但成绩高的都是学习主动的学生。其进步主要来源于认真的背记和做题。目前,英语平均成绩滞后,学困生较多只是一个原因。主要原因应该归结于课堂教学效率不高。上完一节课,

有时自己都会觉得无聊,或因学生表现不积极而郁闷。有时,为了突出学生主体地位,调动全体学生,做到了多读多说,却忽略了对重点词汇语法的讲练;有时,为了突出知识重点,却变成了师生大合唱,部分学生便浑水摸鱼。 结合以上对本学期工作的反思,为了顺利开展今后的工作并能够取得更大的进步,现将工作重点和改进措施做如下安排: 1.相信并关注每位学生,争取让所有学生动起来,特别关注50分以下的学生。给予他们真诚的鼓励和帮助。让更多的学生提高到60分以上。 2.重点帮扶错位生,全级前100名中英语成绩偏低的学生九班有8名,力争让这8名学生英语成绩有大幅度的提升。 3.努力调动学生的积极情绪,做好讲练结合,讲背结合,提高课堂教学效率。 4.落实盯背任务和帮扶策略。 以上就是我对本学期英语教学工作的回顾与反思,以及后半学期的改进措施。请各位领导、各位老师针对我工作中的一些失误和困惑提出宝贵意见。 201X-11-17 光阴似箭,时光如梭,转眼间本学期的教学工作已经落下帷幕。在这一学期中我基本上能够按照教学计划中所制定的教学进度完成我的教学任务,但是在工作中也还存在着许


关于情景对话的三年级英语上期末专项练习题 一、根据所给情境,选择适当的句子。5% ( ) 1.当你第一次见到某人时,你可以说: A. How are you? B. Nice to meet you. C. Oh, thank you. ( ) 2.当你生病时,别人询问你的身体情况,你可以说: A. Not bad, thank you. B. Not so good. C. I'm fine, thank you. ( ) 3.老师叫刘涛回家,会说: A.Go home now, Liu Tao. B. Get up now, Liu Tao. C.Get up now, Liu Tao. ( ) 4.客人到你家,你询问他要不要喝杯茶,你会说: A. A glass of juice? B. A cup of tea? C. Some coffee? ( ) 5.奶奶请你帮她开门,她会怎么说: A .All right. B.Open the door, please. C.Thank you. 二、选择情景选择答案。(8%) ( ) 1. 当告诉别人要坐飞机走时,应该说: A. By plane. B. With plane. C. To the plane. ( ) 2. 当你想把*介绍给爸爸时,可以说: A. I’m Miss Li. B. This is Miss Li. C. Hello, Miss Li. ( )3. 妈妈想让刘涛去睡觉时,她会怎么说: A. Get up, Liu Tao. B. Go to bed, Liu Tao. C. Go to the park, Liu Tao. ( ) 4. 当你听到你的好朋友生病时,你一般会说: A. I’m sorry. B. How are you? C. I’m fine. ( ) 5. 放学了,和同学们告别时,可以说: A. Good night. B. See you C. Hi. ( ) 6. 当你想赞美对方的衣服时,你可以说: A. How nice! B. Thank you. C. OK. ( ) 7. 妈妈请你开灯,她会说: A. All right. B. Turn off the light, please. C. Turn on the light, please.


初中英语专题训练题 专题一:词汇部分(名词、数词、冠词) A:名词专项 可修饰名词的常用词: 1)修饰可数名词与不可数名词:some, any, a lot of, lots of, plenty of 2)饰可数名词的有:many, (a)few, a large (great) number of 3)只修饰不可数名词的有:much, (a)little, a great deal of 2、难点 1)名词所有格的归纳 1、a student's room, students' rooms, father's shoes。 2、Children's Day 3、a friend of my father's 4、a twenty minutes' walk,ten miles' journey,a boat's length,two pounds' weight, ten dollars' worth。 (说明:表示时间、距离、长度、重量、价格、世界、国家等名词的所有格要用 's)5、a map of China,the end of this term,the capital of our country, the color of the flowers。 (说明:无生命名词的所有格则必须用of结构) 6、Li Lei and Wang Fei's bedroom, an hour and a half's talk (说明:表示两个名词共有一样东西时,在第二个名词后面加's) 7、Jim's and Peter's desks; Joe's and David's books


九年级英语上册期末词汇专项复习题 姓名_______________ 班级_______________ 成绩_______________ Unit 1 1. 选词填空:用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。 A (1) There are more and more cars in the street. Drivers should drive _________. (2) _________ is very important in our life because friends can make your life filled with pleasure. (3) Many students _______ with their problems by themselves before. But now they often ask friends for help. (4) In World WarⅡ, millions of _________ died! What a pity! (5) __________ you work hard, you can’t get good grades easily. B (1) Worrying about problems can _____________ the way we behave with others. (2) Education is an important part of our _________________. (3) A good language learner always knows the importance of their _______________. (4) On my way home, I ________ my nice wallet which was given by my friends. (5) It doesn’t ___________ if you don’t understand every word in your English class. 2. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。 Dear my students, I have been an English teacher for over 23 years. It’s my________(责任) to teach every _______(学生) English well. But not all my students are good at it. Some students learn English ________(容易) and________(快地), others have ________(困难,麻烦) learning it. How can you improve your English? There are several ways to make English ________(容易) and more interesting. The first step is to listen to tapes and read ________(大声地) to make your pronunciation correct. Making ________(错误) in pronunciation gets in the way of memorizing English words. Doing lots of listening practice also helps you improve your listening skills and spoken English. Secondly, don’t be________(害怕) to speak English in front of people. Try to talk with your friends in English as often as you can. Thirdly, you need to do lots of reading practice. You will ________(认识到) that English is not only interesting, but also useful if you read English. It is believed that reading can help you improve your English and open up your eyes to the outside world. Besides, it is important to write English. Writing doesn’t mean a __________(完整的) article. You can also write phrases and sentences. Writing sentences __________(正确) can help you write nice passages. Writing compositions is a __________(秘密) of becoming a good English learner. But you should pay __________(留意) to the structure of a passage while writing a composition. A good composition includes a good beginning or an attractive topic sentence, some very convincing details and a suitable ending. 第 1 页共8 页


1word 版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持. 长安镇第一小学2007-2008学年第一学期四年级英语期末专项练习题一 班级:____________ 姓名:____________ 评分:____________ 一、听录音,用阿拉伯数字为下列图片标上正确的序号。(30分) 1. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 3. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、选择合适的句子,把序号写在对话框内。(20分) 三、阅读对话,把对话补充完整,只填写序号。(20分) 1. A: This is my family photo? B: _______________________________ A: Nine. Look, this is my father. B: _______________________________ A: He ’s my father. B: What ’s your father? A: _______________________________ B: _______________________________ A: Yes, she is. She is a teacher. B: _______________________________ A: They are my grandpa and grandma. B: They look young. 2. A: _______________________________ B: I’d like some rice, soup and vegetables. A: Dinner ’s ready. Your fork and knife. B: _______________________________ A: _______________________________ A. Help yourself. B. Your forks and knives. C. We had a good time. D. I like Chinese food. E. I can use chopsticks. A. Hello. What would you like for lunch? B. Your fish and rice. C. I’d like some fish and rice. D. Your noodles and beef E. Your soup and vegetables. Here is your bill. F. What ’s for lunch? 1. 2. A. Who ’s this man? B. Who are they? C. Is this your mother? D. How many people are there in your family? E. He ’s a doctor. A. See you tomorrow. B. What would you like for dinner? C. I had a good time. D. I can use chopsticks. E. Help yourself.


大学英语四级词汇训练50题 1.With the _______of Mary, all the girl students are eager to go to the party. A.exhibition B.exception C.except D.reception 2.Although the trffic is not busy, he likes to drive at a _______ speed. A.spare B.fast C.moderate D.moral 3.All the memories of his childhood had _______ from his mind by the time he was 65. A.faded B.illustrated https://www.360docs.net/doc/ef16586526.html,fined D.concerned 4.This river is so big that it is impossible to build a _______ under it without modern technology. A.canal B.tunnel C.channel D.cable 5.The _______ is nearly dead , so I can not start the car again. A. bean B.beam C.bake D.battery 6.When making modern cameras , people began to _______ plastics for metal. A. surround B.substance C.stretch D.substitute 7.With the help of the government , a large number of people ---_______ after the flood in 1991. A. survived B.suspended C.suffered D.subfected 8.He always has a lot of _______ ideas in his mind , and sometimes we do not even know what he is thinding about. A. novel B.spoil C.acceptable D.additional 9.Please be serious. I am not _______. You should consider it carefully A. sorting B.joking C.counting https://www.360docs.net/doc/ef16586526.html,paring 10.We do not have a _______ school in our institute. The highest degree we provide for the students is a B. A. and a B. S. . A. continue B.bay C.assistance D.graduate
