

Organizational Structure and Design


Organizational structure can play an important role in an organization’s success.

The process of organizing—the second management function—is how an organization’s structure is created.


Managers are seeking structural designs that will best support and allow employees to effectively and efficiently do their work.

A. Before we look at the elements of organizational structure and design,

we need to define some important terms.

1. Organizing is the process of creating an organization’s

structure. That process has several purposes, as shown in Exhibit


2. An organizational structure is the formal arrangement of jobs

within an organization.

3. Organizational design is the process of developing or changing

an organization’s structure. It involves decisions about six key

elements: work specialization, departmentalization, chain of

command, span of control, centralization/decentralization, and

formalization. We need to take a closer look at each of these

structural elements.

B. Work specialization is the degree to which tasks in an organization are

divided into separate jobs. Most managers today see work specialization

as an important organizing mechanism but not as a source of ever-

increasing productivity.

C. Once work tasks have been defined, they must be grouped together in

some way through a process called departmentalization—the basis on

which jobs are grouped in order to accomplish organizational goals.

There are five major ways to departmentalize. (Exhibit 10.2)

1. Functional departmentalization is grouping jobs by functions


2. Product departmentalization is grouping jobs by product line.

3. Geographical departmentalization is grouping jobs on the

basis of territory or geography.

4. Process departmentalization is grouping jobs on the basis of

product or customer flow.

5. Customer departmentalization is grouping jobs on the basis of

common customers.

6. Two popular trends in departmentalization include:

a. Customer departmentalization continues to be a highly

popular approach because it allows better monitoring of

customers’ needs and responding to those changes in


b. Cross-functional teams, a hybrid grouping of

individuals who are experts in various specialties (or

functions) and who work together, are being used along

with traditional departmental arrangements.

D. The chain of command is the continuous line of authority that extends

from the upper organizational levels to the lowest levels and clarifies who reports to whom. Three related concepts include authority,

responsibility, and unity of command.

1. Authority is the right inherent in a managerial position to tell

people what to do and to expect them to do it.

2. Responsibility is the obligation or expectation to perform.

3. Unity of command is the classical management principle that a

subordinate should have one and only one superior to whom he

or she is directly responsible; that is, a person should report to

only one manager.

E. The concept of span of control refers to the number of subordinates a

manager can supervise effectively and efficiently.

1. The span of control concept is important because it determines

how many levels and managers an organization will have. (See

Exhibit 10.3 for an example.)

2. What determines the “ideal” span of control? Contingency

factors such as the skills and abilities of the manager and the

employees, the characteristics of the work being done, similarity

of employee tasks, the complexity of those tasks, the physical

proximity of subordinates, the degree to which standardized

procedures are in place, the sophistication of the organization’s

information system, the strength of the organization’s culture,

and the preferred style of the manager will influence the ideal

number of subordinates.

3. The trend in recent years has been toward larger spans of


F. The concepts of centralization and decentralization address who, where,

and how decisions are made in organizations.

1. Centralization is the degree to which decision-making is

concentrated at a single point in the organization, usually in the

upper levels of the organization.

2. Decentralization is the handing down of decision-making

authority to lower levels in an organization.

3. The trend is toward decentralizing decision making in order to

make organizations more flexible and responsive.

4. Employee empowerment is another term for increased

decentralization and is the increasing of the decision-making

discretion of employees.

5. A number of factors will influence the amount of centralization

or decentralization an organization uses. (See Exhibit 10.4.) G. Formalization refers to the degree to which jobs within an organization

are standardized and the extent to which employee behavior is guided by rules and procedures.

1. In a highly formalized organization, employees have little

discretion, and there’s a high level of consistent and uniform

output. Formalized organizations have explicit job descriptions,

lots of organizational rules, and clearly defined procedures.

2. In a less-formalized organization, employees have a lot of

freedom and can exercise discretion in the way they do their


3. Standardization not only eliminates the possibility that

employees will engage in alternative behaviors, it even removes

the need for employees to consider alternatives.

4. The degree of formalization can vary widely between

organizations and even within organizations.


Organizations don’t have the same structures. Even companies of similar size do not necessarily have similar structures.

A. Mechanistic and Organic organizational forms. (See Exhibit 10.5.)

1. A mechanistic organization is an organizational structure that’s

characterized by high specialization, rigid departmentalization,

narrow spans of control, high formalization, a limited

information network, and little participation in decision-making

by low-level employees.

2. An organic organization is a structure that’s highly adaptive

and flexible with little work specialization, minimal

formalization, and little direct supervision of employees.

3. When is each design favored? It “depends” on the contingency


B. Contingency factors—appropriate structure depends on four contingency


1. Strategy and structure.

One of the contingency variables that influences organizational

design is the organization’s strategy.

a. Alfred Chandler did the original work on the strategy-

structure relationship. His finding that structure

followed strategy pointed out that as organizations

changed their strategies, they had to change their

structure to support that strategy.

b. Most current strategy-structure frameworks tend to

focus on three strategy dimensions:

1) Innovation—needs the flexibility and free flow

of information of the organic organization

2) Cost minimization—needs the efficiency,

stability, and tight controls of the mechanistic


3) Imitation—which uses characteristics of both

mechanistic and organic

2. Size and structure.

There’s conside rable historical evidence that an organization’s

size significantly affects its structure. Larger organizations tend

to have more specialization, departmentalization, centralization,

and formalization although the size-structure relationship is not


3. Technology also has been shown to affect an organization’s

choice of structure.

a. Every organization uses some form of technology to

transform inputs into outputs.

b. Joan Woodward’s study of structure and technology

found that organizations adapted to their technology.

She found that three distinct technologies had increasing

levels of complexity and sophistication.

1) Unit production is the production of items in

units or small batches.

2) Mass production is large-batch manufacturing.

3) Process production is continuous-process


c. Woodward found in her study of these three groups that

distinct relationships existed between these

technologies, the subsequent structure of the

organization, and the effectiveness of the organization.

Exhibit 10.6 provides a summary of these findings.

4. Environmental uncertainty and structure.

The final contingency factor that has been shown to affect

organizational structure is environmental uncertainty. One way

to manage environmental uncertainty is through adjustments in

the organization’s structure. The more uncertain the

environment, the more flexible and responsive the organization

may need to be.


A. Traditional organizational designs.

We now need to look at various organizational designs that you might

see in today’s organizations. Exhibit 10.8 summarizes the strengths and

weaknesses of each of these designs.

1. A simple structure is an organizational design with low

departmentalization, wide spans of control, authority centralized

in a single person, and little formalization.

a. Its strengths are its flexibility, speed, and low cost to


b. Its major drawback is that it’s most effective in small


2. As an organization grows, the structure tends to become more

specialized and formalized. When contingency factors favor a

bureaucratic or mechanistic design, one of two options is likely

to be used.

3. One option expands functional departmentalization into the

functional structure,which is an organizational design that

groups similar or related occupational specialties together.

4. The other option is the divisional structure,which is an

organizational structure made up of autonomous, self-contained


B. Contemporary organizational designs.

However, many of today’s organizations are finding that the traditional

hierarchical organizational designs aren’t appropriate for the

increasingly dynamic and complex environments they face.

1. Team structures.

One of the newer concepts in organizational design is the team

structure, which is an organizational structure made up of work

groups or teams that performs the organization’s work.

2. Matrix and project structures.

Another variation in organizational arrangements is based on the

fact that many o f today’s organizations deal with work activities

of different time requirements and magnitude.

a. One of these arrangements is the matrix organization

that assigns specialists from different functional

departments to work on one or more projects being led

by project managers. (See Exhibit 10.9.)

b. Another of these designs is the project structure, which

is a structure in which employees are permanently

assigned to projects.

3. The Boundaryless Organization.

Another approach to organizational design is the boundaryless

organization, which describes an organization whose design is

not defined by, or limited to, the horizontal, vertical, or external

boundaries imposed by a predefined structure.

4. A virtual organization is one that consists of a small

core of full time employees and that temporarily hires

outside specialists to work on opportunities that arise

5 A network organization is a small core


that outsources major business functions.

6 A modular organization is a manufacturing

organization that uses outside suppliers to provide

product components that are then assembled into final


7. The Learning Organization.

Finally, some organizations have adopted an organizational

philosophy of a learning organization—an organization that

has developed the continuous capacity to adapt and change

because all members take an active role in identifying and

resolving work-related issues. Exhibit 10.10 shows the

characteristics of a learning organization.

1. Can an organization’s structure be changed quickly? Why or why not?

The speed of changing an organization’s structure depends on its size. A small organization could change its structure much more rapidly than a large one. But even a large organization can change its structure and often does in response to changing environmental conditions and changing strategies.

2. Would you rather work in a mechanistic or an organic organization? Why?

Students’ answers to this will vary. You’ll find that many students prefer the structure provided by a mechanistic organization whereas others would hate that type of rigidity. Just a reminder that the Online Self-Assessment Library Scale #39, “What Type of Organization Structure Do I Prefer?” addresses whether or not students would like to work in a bureaucracy (a mechanistic organization).

You might want to use (or reuse) it in answering this question or as a follow-up to this question.

3. What types of skills would a manager need to effectively work in a project

structure? In a boundaryless organization? In a learning organization?

In all of these types of organizations, flexibility and adaptability would be critical. In the project structure, conflict management skills might be particularly useful. In a boundaryless organization, the ability to deal with people at all levels and in all areas of the organization might be useful. Finally, in a learning organization, a person would need the ability to communicate both by listening and by speaking because sharing information is important.

4. The boundaryless organization has the potential to create a major shift in our

living and working patterns. Do you agree or disagree? Explain.

Students’ responses to this are likely to vary. This might be an interesting question to set up as a debate. Have students break into teams and assign the teams one side or the other. Give them a chance to come up with their arguments, and then let them present their information.

5. With the availability of advanced information technology that allows an

organization’s work to be done anywhere at any time, is organizing still an important managerial function? Why or why not?

Although an organization’s work may be done anywhere at any t ime, organizing is still an important managerial function because the work still has to be divided, grouped, and coordinated. And that’s what organizing involves.


管理学知识要点第一篇绪论 第一章管理与组织导论 1、管理者的定义和分类 2、管理的定义 3、管理的4大职能 4、明茨伯格的管理角色理论3个方面 5、卡茨的3种管理技能 6、权变理论权变变量 7、组织的定义 第二章管理的昨天和今天 1、管理的历史背景 2、泰罗的科学管理4条原则 3、亨利·法约尔的14条管理原则 4、马克思韦伯的官僚制组织 5、组织行为的4个早期倡导者各自的理论简述 6、霍桑实验梅奥的结论

7、当今管理面临的9个趋势质量管理、学习型组织是重点第二篇定义管理者的领地 第三章组织文化与环境:约束力量 1、组织文化的定义 2、组织文化的7个评价维度 3、文化如何影响管理决策 4、具体环境和一般环境的构成 5、利益相关者的定义 6、利益相关者与管理者关系重要的原因 7、如何管理与利益相关者关系4个步骤 第四章全球环境中的管理 1、3种不同的全球观念 2、多国公司与跨国公司 3、组织走向全球化的3个阶段 4、民族文化的4个维度 第五章社会责任与管理道德 1、社会责任的定义

2、共享价值观的4个作用 3、组织走向绿色的4个方式 4、调节管理道德的4个因素 5、改善道德行为的方法 第三篇计划 第六章制定决策:管理者工作的本质 1、决策制定过程的8个基本步骤识别决策问题→确认决策标准→为决策标准分配权重→开发备选方案→分析备选方案→选择备选方案→实施备选方案→评估决策结果 2、决策具有普遍性分布在管理的4种职能中 3、问题和决策的类型结构良好问题和程序化决策;结构不良问题和非程序化决策 4、4种决策风格命令型;分析型;概念型;行为型 第七章计划的基础 1、计划的定义182 2、良好目标的特征189 3、目标设立的步骤190 4、计划工作的权变因素191


《管理学》 第11版 罗宾斯


我是2014年参加的浙财会计学学硕考试,在考研的路上,也经过了许多波折坎坷,但总是告诉自己,前面就是光明。时间在不断流逝,我们的心是否还依旧平稳,不管如何,希望大家一定要坚持下去,不要让自己后悔,有一段话,献给在考研路上努力奋斗着的童鞋们:贵在主动,重在过程,有心有序,有度有恒,求实求真,躬身力行。我希望在你们挥汗奋斗的日子里,我能够带给你们一定的光明和正能量,相信自己,坚强地走下去。加油! A Blueprint for Achievement Practice while others are complaining. Believe while others are doubting. Plan while others are playing. Study while others are sleeping. Decide while others are delaying. Prepare while others are daydreaming. Begin while others are procrastinating. Work while others are waiting.

Save while others are wasting. Listen while others are talking. Smile while others are frowning. Compliment while others are criticizing. Persist while others are quitting. Progress while others are lagging behind. Then, you will succeed while others are failing.


第一章管理与组织导论 一、管理及其具体含义 管理是在特定的组织内外环境下,通过协调和监督他人的活动,能够有效率和有效果地与别人一起或者通过别人实现组织目标的过程。 管理的定义包含三层含义:(1)过程代表了一系列进行中的有管理者参与的职能或目标。这些职能划分为计划、组织、领导和控制;(2)协调他人的工作区分了管理岗位和非管理岗位。(3)管理活动强调效率和效果。效率是指正确地做事,不浪费资源,以最小投入获取最大产出;效果是指做正确的事,通过完成任务而使组织达到目标。效率注重过程,效果注重结果。因此,管理当局不能只是关注达到和实现组织目标,还要尽可能有效率地完成工作。 二、管理的职能 1)计划是设立和明确组织目标,制定实现组织目标的 途径和方案。计划是管理的起点,确定目标和途径 是计划职能的两大任务。 2)组织是为了实现计划活动所规定的目标,实施计划 活动所制定的行动方案,管理者必须进行的工作安 排。 3)领导是指和别人一起或通过别人完成目标,包括激 励下属,影响工作中的个体或团队,选择有效的沟 通方式等。 4)控制是指监控,比较,纠正。比较包括衡量和评估 工作绩效,并与预定的目标相比较。 三、管理角色(09简述) 管理角色是指特定的管理行为类型。明茨伯格发展出了10种管理行为,并将其进一步组合为三个方面:人际关系、信息传递和决策制定。 1)人际关系角色包含了人与人以及其他具有礼仪性 和象征性的职责,包括挂名首脑、领导者和联络者。 挂名首脑:是象征性首脑,必须履行许多法律性或 社会性的例行义务。 领导者:负责激励下属,人员配备、培训以及有关 的职责。 联络者:维护自行发展起来的外部信息和消息来 源,从中得到帮助和信息。 2)信息传递角色包括接受、收集和传播信息。三种 信息传递角色包括监听者、传播者和发言人。 监听者:寻求和获取各种内部和外部信息,以便透 彻地理解组织与环境。 传播者:将从外部人员和下级那里获取的信息传递 给组织的其他人员。 发言人:向外界发布组织的计划、政策、行动以及 结果。 3)决策制定角色是作出抉择的活动,包括四种决策 制定角色,即企业家、混乱驾驭者、资源分配者、 谈判者。 企业家:寻求组织和环境中的机会,制定“改进方 案”以发起变革。 混乱驾驭者:当组织面临重大的、意外的混乱时, 负责采取纠正行动。 资源分配者:负责分配组织的各种资源——制定和 批准所有有关的组织决策。 谈判者:在主要的谈判中作为组织的代表。 四、管理技能与管理层次之间的关系(06名词解释) 管理者:管理者是这样的人,他通过协调和监督他人的活动达到与别人一起或者通过别人实现组织目标的目的。管理者的工作可能意味着协调一个部门的工作,也可能意味着监督几个单独的个人,还可能包含一个团队的活动。 管理者的技能分为技术技能、人际技能和概念技能。技术技能指使用某一专业技术和知识完成任务的技能;人际技能指处理人际关系的技能;概念技能指洞察企业与环境的技能。 管理层次也称组织层次,是指从最高一级领导职务到最低一级管理组织的各个职位等级,管理人员按层次分为基层管理者,中层管理者,高层管理者。 1)基层管理者的主要职责是给下属作业人员分派具体 任务,直接指挥和监督现场作业活动。 2)中层管理者的主要职责是贯彻执行高层管理者所制 定的决策,特别关注日常的管理工作; 3)高层管理者是对整个组织的管理负有全部责任的 人,职责是制定组织总目标和战略等; 管理技能的相对重要性随管理者在组织中层次的不同而不同。对于基层管理人员,技术技能最重要,人际技能也非常有益,但概念技能的要求则相对较弱。对于中层管理人员,技术技能的重要性下降,人际技能的要求变化不大,但概念技能显得更为重要。对于高层管理人员,概念技能和人际技能最为重要,技术技能相对无足轻重。尤其在大企业中,高层主管可以充分借助下属人员的技术技能,因而对其自身的技术技能要求不高。但在小企业中,即使是高层管理人员,技术技能也仍然是非常重要的。 五、管理者工作的变化 当前随着经济的发展,管理者工作发生了巨变,现在的管理者关注的内容较以前有所变化,如日益重要的顾客和创新越来越受到关注和研究。


Two Management Yesterday and Today 1. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF MANAGEMENT. There are many examples from past history that illustrate how management has been practiced for thousands of years. The Egyptian pyramids and the Great Wall of China are good examples of projects of tremendous scope and magnitude that employed tens of thousands of people. How was it possible for these projects to be completed? The answer is management. Regardless of what managers were called at the time, someone had to plan what was to be done, organize people and material, lead and direct the workers, and impose controls to ensure that things were done as planned. Other examples of early management practices can be seen at the Arsenal of Venice. For instance, assembly lines, accounting systems, and personnel functions are just a few of the processes and activities in organizations at that time that are also common to today’s organizations. Organizations and managers have been around for thousands of years. Adam Smith, author of the classical economics doctrine, The Wealth of Nations, argued brilliantly about the economic advantages that division of labor (the breakdown of jobs into narrow, repetitive tasks) would bring to organizations and society. The Industrial Revolution can be thought of as possibly the most important pre-twentieth-century influence on management. The introduction of machine powers, combined with the division of labor, made large, efficient factories possible. Planning, organizing, leading, and controlling became necessary. Exhibit 2.1 presents six major approaches to management. 2. SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT. Scientific management is defined as the use of the scientific method to define the “one best way” for a job to be done. A. Important Contributions Frederick W. Taylor is known as the “father” of scientific management. Taylor’s work at the Midvale and Bethlehem Steel companies motivated his interest in improving efficiency. a. Taylor sought to create a mental revolution among both workers and managers by defining clear guidelines for improving production efficiency. He defined four principles of management (Exhibit2.2). b. His “pig iron” experiment is probably the most widely cited example of scientific management. c. Using his principles of scientific management, Taylor was able to define the one best way for doing each job. d. Overall, Taylor achieved consistent improvements in productivity in the range of 200 percent. He affirmed the role of managers to plan and control and of workers to perform as they were instructed.


第一章管理与组织导论 一、谁是管理者 管理者是组织中这样的成员,他告诉别人该做什么以及怎么样去做。管理者(manager)是这样的人,他们通过协调和监督其他人的活动达到组织目的。 管理者通常分为基层管理者、中层管理者和高层管理者。 二、什么是管理 管理(management)通过协调和监督他人的活动,有效果和有效率地完成工作。 效率(efficiency)是指以尽可能少的投入获得尽可能多的产出。效果通常指的是“正确地做事”,即不浪费资源。 效果(effectiveness)通常指“做正确的事”,即所从事的工作和活动有助于组织达到其目标。 在成功的组织中高效率和高效果是相辅相成的。 三、管理者做什么 1、管理职能(亨利.法尔约)。 2、管理角色(亨利.明茨伯格)。 3、管理技能(罗伯特.卡茨)。 技术技能:熟练完成特定工作所需要的特定领域的知识和技术。 人际技能:包括与单独的个人或群体中的其他成员和睦相处的能力。 概念技能:管理者对抽象、复杂情况进行思考和概念化的技能。 四、什么是组织 组织(organization)是对人员的一种精心安排,以实现某些特定的目的。 组织的三个特征:明确的目的、人员、精细的结构。 现在的组织更倾向于依靠灵活的工作安排、雇员工作团队、开放的沟通系统和供应商联盟。

第二章管理的昨天和今天 一、管理的历史背景 两个重大事件:1776年,亚当.斯密发表《国富论》主张组织和社会将从劳动分工或工作专业化中获得经济利益。 工业革命,机械力代替了人力。 二、科学管理(1911年泰罗发表《科学管理原理》) 三、一般行政管理理论(亨利.法尔约) 四、权变理论


14 Foundations of Behavior 1. INTRODUCTION. This chapter looks at a number of factors that influence employee behavior and what the implications are for managers. 2. WHY LOOK AT INDIVIDUAL BEHAVIOR? Behavior is defined as the actions of people. Organizational behavior is the study of the actions of people at work. One of the challenges in OB is understanding issues that aren’t obvious because the organization is like an iceberg with its hidden aspects. (See Exhibit14.1) A. Focus of Organizational Behavior. Organizational behavior focuses on two major areas. 1. Individual behavior 2. Group behavior B. The goals of OB are to explain, predict, and influence behavior. 3. ATTITUDES. Attitudes are defined as evaluative statements concerning objects, people, or events. A. There are three components of attitudes. 1. The cognitive component of an attitude is the beliefs, opinions, knowledge, or information held by a person. 2. The affective component of an attitude is the emotional or feeling segment of an attitude. 3. The behavioral component of an attitude is an intention to behave in a certain way toward someone or something. B. Managers are particularly interested in job-related attitudes that employees have. Job-related attitudes include the following. 1. Job satisfaction is a person’s general attitude toward his or her job. 2. Job involvement is the degree to which an employee identifies with his or her job, actively participates in it, and considers his or her job performance important to his or her self-worth. 3. Organizational commitment is an employee’s orientation toward the organization in terms of his or her loyalty to, identification with, and involvement in the organization. 4. A fourth job-related concept is organizational citizenship behavior, which is the discretionary behavior that is not part of an employee’s formal job requirements, but promotes the effective functioning of the organization. C. Attitudes and Consistency. Research has generally shown that people seek consistency among their attitudes and between their attitudes and their behavior. D. Does the consistency principle mean that we can predict an individual’s behavior if we know his or her attitude on a subject? The answer depends.


斯蒂芬·P·罗宾斯-管理学(第10版) 1. 介绍 《斯蒂芬·P·罗宾斯-管理学(第10版)》是管理学领域的经典教材之一。本书由著名管理学家斯蒂芬·P·罗宾斯(Stephen P. Robbins)撰写,从理论和实践两方面全面介绍了管理学的基本原理和方法。本书在全球范围内广受欢迎,并被广泛应用于大学本科和研究生的管理学教育中。 2. 内容概述 《斯蒂芬·P·罗宾斯-管理学(第10版)》共分为12个章节,内容涵盖了管理学的主要领域和理论。以下是各章节的简要介绍: 第1章:管理与组织 本章介绍了管理学的基本概念和定义,并探讨了组织的概念和作用。还介绍了管理学研究的历史和发展。

第2章:管理环境 本章主要讲述管理学与环境的关系,包括宏观环境和微观环境对管理决策的影响。介绍了政治、法律、经济、技术等因素对组织和管理的影响。 第3章:管理者的角色 本章主要介绍了管理者的角色和职责,包括计划、组织、领导和控制等方面的内容。还讨论了管理者的能力要求和领导风格选择的问题。 第4章:决策与管理 本章着重讲述决策的过程和方法,包括问题诊断、信息收集、方案评估和选择等步骤。介绍了常见的决策问题和解决方法。 第5章:组织结构与设计 本章探讨了组织结构的概念和原理,介绍了各种常见的组织结构形式,并讨论了组织设计的原则和方法。

第6章:管理控制与系统 本章讲述了管理过程中的控制和反馈机制,介绍了管理控制的概念和方法。还介绍了系统理论在管理控制中的应用。 第7章:领导与管理 本章主要介绍了领导与管理之间的关系,讨论了领导能力和领导风格的重要性。还探讨了如何培养和发展领导能力。 第8章:团队与团队建设 本章讨论了团队的概念和特点,介绍了团队建设的原则和方法。还介绍了团队合作和团队动力的重要性。 第9章:人力资源管理 本章主要讲解了人力资源管理的基本原理和方法,包括招聘、培训、绩效管理、激励和薪酬等方面的内容。还介绍了员工关系管理和员工福利问题。 第10章:管理创新与变革 本章重点讨论了管理创新和变革的重要性,介绍了创新和变革的步骤和方法。还讨论了管理创新对组织和团队的影响。


Three Organizational Culture and the Environment The Constraints 1. INTRODUCTION. Managers must be aware that organizational culture and organizational environments will influence both the way an organization is managed as well as its effectiveness. In this chapter, both organizational culture and organizational environment are explored in order to understand the complexities involved with each. 2.THE MANAGER: OMNIPOTENT OR SYMBOLIC? Two positions on the role that managers play in an organization’s su ccess or failure have been proposed. The omnipotent view of management says that managers are directly responsible for the success or failure of an organization. This view of managers as omnipotent is consistent with the stereotypical picture of the take-charge executive who can overcome any obstacle in carrying out the organization’s objectives. When organizations perform poorly, someone must be held accountable. Ac cording to this view, that “someone” has been management. The symbolic view of management takes the view that much of an organization’s success or failure is due to external forces outside managers’ control. 1.What managers do affect greatly are symbolic outcomes.2. Organizational results are influenced by factors outside the control of managers: economy, market changes, governmental policies, competitors’ actions, the state of the particular industry, the control of proprietary technology, and decisions made by previous manager in the organization. 3. The manager’s role is seen as creating meaning out of randomness, confusion, and ambiguity. 4. According to the symbolic view, the actual part that management plays in the success or failure of an organization is minimal. Reality suggests a synthesis. In reality, managers are neither helpless nor all powerful. Instead, it’s more logical to look at the manager operating within constraints imposed by the organization’s culture and environment. (See Exhibit 3.1.) 3.THE ORGANIZATION’S CULTURE. Just as individuals have a personality, so, too, do organizations. We refer to an organiza tion’s personality as its culture. A. Organizational culture is a system of shared meaning and beliefs within an organization that determines, in large degree, how employees act. This definition implies: 1. Individuals perceive the organizational culture on the basis of what they see, hear, or experience within the organization 2. Organizational culture is shared by individuals within the organization. https://www.360docs.net/doc/f019272856.html,anizational culture is a descriptive term. It describes rather than evaluates. 4. Seven dimensions of an organization’s culture have been proposed (see Exhibit3.2):


Ten Organizational Structure and Design 1. INTRODUCTION. Organizational structure can play an important role in an organization’s success. The process of organizing—the second management function—is how an organization’s structure is created. 2. DEFINING ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE. Managers are seeking structural designs that will best support and allow employees to effectively and efficiently do their work. A. Before we look at the elements of organizational structure and design, we need to define some important terms. 1. Organizing is the process of creating an organization’s structure. That process has several purposes, as shown in Exhibit 10.1. 2. An organizational structure is the formal arrangement of jobs within an organization. 3. Organizational design is the process of developing or changing an organization’s structure. It involves decisions about six key elements: work specialization, departmentalization, chain of command, span of control, centralization/decentralization, and formalization. We need to take a closer look at each of these structural elements. B. Work specialization is the degree to which tasks in an organization are divided into separate jobs. Most managers today see work specialization as an important organizing mechanism but not as a source of ever- increasing productivity. C. Once work tasks have been defined, they must be grouped together in some way through a process called departmentalization—the basis on which jobs are grouped in order to accomplish organizational goals. There are five major ways to departmentalize. (Exhibit 10.2) 1. Functional departmentalization is grouping jobs by functions performed. 2. Product departmentalization is grouping jobs by product line. 3. Geographical departmentalization is grouping jobs on the basis of territory or geography. 4. Process departmentalization is grouping jobs on the basis of product or customer flow. 5. Customer departmentalization is grouping jobs on the basis of common customers. 6. Two popular trends in departmentalization include: a. Customer departmentalization continues to be a highly popular approach because it allows better monitoring of customers’ needs and responding to those changes in needs. b. Cross-functional teams, a hybrid grouping of individuals who are experts in various specialties (or


管理学 第一篇管理导论 第一章管理与组织导论 1.管理者:通过协调和监管其他人的活动以达到组织目标的人 2.基层管理者:最底层的管理人员,管理着非管理雇员所从事的工作,即生产产品或者向顾客提供服务,通常被称为主管,区域经理,部门经理或办公室主任。 3.中层管理者:包括所有处于基层和高层之间的各个管理层次的管理者,管理基层管理者,可能具有地区经理,项目主管,工厂厂长或者事业部主任的头衔. 4.高层管理者:负责为整个组织作出决策,制定计划和目标,从而影响整个组织,典型头衔通常是执行副总裁,总裁,执行董事,首席运行官,首席执行官. 5.组织:是对人员的精心安排,以实现某个特定目的。 6.组织的特征:明确的目标,精细的结构,人员. 7.管理:指的是协调和监管他人的工作活动,从而使他们有效率,有效果地完成工作. 8.效率:是指以尽可能少的投入获得尽可能多的产出,通常指“正确地做事"。 9.效果:通常是指“做正确的事",即所从事工作活动有助于组织达到其目标。 10.管理职能:计划,组织,领导,控制. 计划——定义目标,确定战略,制定计划以协调活动 组织-—决定需要做什么,怎么做,谁去做 控制-—监控活动以确保它们按计划完成 11.明茨伯格的管理角色:人际关系角色,信息传递角色,决策制定角色. 人际关系角色-—涉及人与人的关系以及其他礼仪性的和象征性的职责,包括挂名首脑(代表人),领导者和联络者。 信息传递角色——涉及收集,接受和传播信息,包括监听者,传播者和发言人 决策制定角色——需要作出决策或选择,包括企业家,混乱驾驭者,资源分配者和谈判者。 12.罗伯特.卡茨的管理技能:技术技能,人际技能,概念技能。 技术技能-—是指熟练完成特定工作所需的特定领域的知识和技术,对于基层管理者更为重要。 人际技能——包括自己单独或在团队中与其他人和睦相处的能力,对于中层管理者更为重要。


管理学基础双语版教学设计 一、教学背景 本次教学是针对管理学基础课程的双语版教学设计。该课程是管理学专业的必修课程,旨在帮助学生了解管理学的基础知识,培养学生的管理思维和实践能力。本次教学将使用中英文教学方式,旨在帮助学生提高英语水平,拓宽国际视野。 二、教学目标 本次教学的目标在于: •了解管理学的基础概念和理论 •理解企业管理的多个层面和各项职能 •掌握管理学的各种方法和工具 •培养学生的团队协作和领导力 三、教学内容和方法 3.1 教学内容 本次教学的主要内容包括以下几个方面: 1.管理学的概念与理论 2.组织与管理 3.领导与团队管理 4.市场营销管理 5.人力资源管理 6.项目管理

3.2 教学方法 本次课程将采用多种教学方法,包括: 1.讲授课程内容 2.实例分析 3.团队讨论 4.个人作业 5.课堂互动 四、评估方法 为了能够客观地评估学生的学习情况,本次教学将采用以下评估方法: 1.平时表现(包括课堂参与和作业) 2.期中考试 3.期末考试 五、教学计划 本次教学的课时为36学时,具体的教学计划如下所示。 第一周 •课程介绍 •管理学的概念与理论 第二周 •组织与管理 第三周 •领导与团队管理

第四周 •市场营销管理第五周 •人力资源管理第六周 •项目管理 第七周至第十一周 •实例分析 第十二周至第十五周 •团队讨论 第十六周至第十七周 •个人作业 第十八周 •期中考试 第十九周至第二十二周 •课堂互动 第二十三周至第二十四周 •个人作业 第二十五周 •复习 第二十六周 •期末考试

六、教学体会 本次教学以中英文双语方式进行,提高了学生的语言表达和理解能力,拓宽了学生的国际视野。课程内容丰富,教学方法多样,让学生在轻松愉悦的氛围中学到了知识,提高了学生的学习兴趣。评估方式科学、公正,能够有效地评估学生的学习情况。通过本次教学,不仅让学生了解管理学基础知识,更重要的是培养了学生的实践能力和团队协作能力。


《管理学》双语教学改革方案 双语教学的优劣关系到高等教育中外合作办学的成败,在合作办学中处于关键地位。为突出中外合作办学的优势,提高人才培养质量,我们必须加强双语教学,使其由弱到强。《管理学》作为经济管理类学科的一门基础课程,其理论和知识体系直接来自西方,有很多英文版或双语教材,适合进行双语教学。 一、循序渐进加大英语授课比例,营造良好的英语学习氛围 《管理学》双语教学所采用的教学方法应根据课程特点、教师的知识水平和习惯、学生的外语水平等方面予以综合考虑,不断予以调整,让教师使用双语教学和学生接受双语教学有一个循序渐进的过程。起始阶段,学生英语水平有限,对双语授课还不适应,英文授课的比例不应超过20%,英文授课限于专业术语、核心概念和基本教学组织用语;当学生对对双语教学适应和认可之后,在学生能听懂和理解的基础上,教师应尽量使用英语授课,板书或制作课件,课堂互动以及课后作业也尽量使用英语,使英文授课比例达到30%以上。 课外,学院应为学生开展丰富多彩的英语活动,如英语辩论赛、英语演讲比赛、英语歌曲比赛、英语短剧表演等,积极组织学生参加全国性英语竞赛,创造浓郁的英语学习氛围。再次,还应充分发挥学校广播站、现代教育中心、学校网站的作用,大量播放英语新闻、英文电影以及英语演讲比赛、辩论赛等英语类节目,全方位、立体式地对学生进行英语熏陶。另外,学院还可以多邀请一些国外合作院校的知名学者、留学归国人员、跨国公司以及外资企业的高

管为学生开办各种形式的讲座,从而激发学生的英语学习兴趣。 二、改革教学方法,充分利用现代化教学手段 根据教学内容和学生的具体情况采用恰当的教学方法和先进的教学手段,可以营造良好的课堂气氛,有助于教学效果的提高。双语教学不仅要使学生学习专业知识,而且要提高其运用英语的技能。要达到应有的教学效果,双语课程教师务必改革教学方法,使用先进的教学手段。首先,双语课教师要注重师生互动参与和学生自主学习习惯的培养。为了使课堂上师生之间能够进行更好地互动,教师应提前给学生列出参考书目,并将课程难点、重点及学习要求告知学生,以便学生及早做好准备;每次上课教师都应对下一次上课做出严格的预习要求,上课时教师也应多采取一些提问、小组讨论等教学方式,并鼓励同学们大胆用英语进行讨论和回答问题,可以适当降低语言表达的规范性和流畅度方面的要求,而着重信息的准确表达上。其次,鼓励双语课教师采用多案例教学方式。案例教学不但有助于提高学生学习的积极性,加深学生对专业知识的理解,培养其分析和解决问题的能力,而且能提高其运用英语的能力。第三,双语课教师应充分利用多媒体等现代化教学手段。图文并茂的教学课件不但能节约教师大量的英文板书时间,信息量大,而且生动形象,易于学生理解,能提高同学们的学习兴趣和课堂教学效率和效果。因而,在我们的多媒体教室有限的情况下,双语课程要优先予以安排。 三、满足考研学生需要,加大练习力度


罗宾斯《管理学》 Standardization of sany group #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#

管理学 06 VI篇控制 03 21章作业管理 08 当前作业管理中的问题 新技术资本化!成功地实施TQM!降低库存量! 利用柔性和速度作为竞争优势!这些都是摆在高层管理者面前提高作业生产率的课题。由于管理者认为这些课题对于其产品或服务在世界范围内形成优势是至关重要的,因此我们这里分别讨论这些问题。 ·技术与产品开发 今天的市场竞争给制造业者在生产质量高、成本低且进入市场时间又短的产品方面造成了巨大的压力。即使你拥用俗话说的“好鼠夹子”,顾客也不一定上你的门,如果你的对手开发的质量稍差的鼠夹子比你早一两年摆在商店的货架上。实现成功地加速产品开发周期的两个关键因素是:组织承诺加速开发周期和在技术上进行投资。 迎接进入市场时间挑战的一种有效工具就是计算机一体化制造系统(Computer-integrated manufacturing,CIM)。这将使得组织的战略经营计划和生产计划与当前的计算机应用水平结合起来。计算机辅助设计(CAD)和计算机辅助制造(CAM)是CIM的典型基础。 CAD实际上使手工画图成为历史。通过计算机的可视化作图,CAD使工程师用大约手工画图的一半的时间去开发一件新产品。比如,鹰发动机制造公司(Eagle Engine) 使用CAD设计一种新的赛车发动机仅用9个月的时间,而传统的方法需要2年多。 CAM利用计算机来指导和控制生产过程。大量的控制程序可以指导机器完成切削、成形、装配零件和完成其他许多复杂的工作。 在不久的将来,CIM会使整个生产过程成为一个连续统一体。每一个阶段的工作,从接受用户订单到用户发货,都将表示成数据由计算机来处理这将使得管理层能对市场的变化立即作出反应。使公司具备能够在几个小时内而不是在几个月内改变数百种设计方案的能力,并提供进行多品种小批量(批量可以小到只有一两件)的柔性生产能力。再如,当实现计算机一体化制造时,如果要生产一种新的或非标准的产品,再也用不着停止生产线和花费大量宝贵的时间更换模具和设备。只要花几秒钟改变一下计算机的程序,马上就可以调整生产过程。 ·成功地实施TQM 已经实施TQM 的组织很多而且给人印象深刻,包括摩托罗拉、联邦捷运、施乐和IBM等公司。除此以外,许多公共部门的组织也开始使用TQM。洛杉矶联校区(Unified School District)的高中毕业生从94年开始,每人将获得一个证书使公司确信他或她具备工作所需的基本技能。如果雇主不满意,校区将用自己的钱去对学生进行补救性培训。俄亥俄州州长还创立了一个全州范围的质量委员会,将TQM推广到全州各机关中去使用。甚至在联邦政府中也开始实施TQM。一份美国国会会计总局的研究报告显示,2 800个政府机构中的68%现在已开始使用TQM。 不幸的是,并非所有实施TQM 的努力都会成功。一份关于美国、加拿大、德国和日本的584家公司的研究报告对可能阻碍TQM的有效性的因素提供了重要的见解。与管理中的权变因素相一致,这份调查发现,成功地应用TQM中的一些概念,如小组、设置基准、培训、员工授权等,取决于公司当前的表现。下面就是报告中对表现差、中、好的不同企业所建议的主要内容。 对表现差的企业增加各种形式的培训。重点是部门和跨部门的小组。发现和解决小问题小组有助于表现差的公司开始改进质量的努力。但是当公司的绩效有所改进以后,
