

On Analysis of Jane’s Love View






Jane Eyre is a classic literature masterpieces in the history of English, as it shaped the history of English literature, as it the first taken on love, life, social and religious independent proactive

attitude.It dare to struggle, fight for freedom and pursue the equality of status of the female .

Jane is a girl who has strong will and pursue independence, she is a woman who against feudal ethics an d resist the feudal oppression bravely. It is because of Jane’s special and noble character that attracts Robert’s deeply, while Jane falls in love with Robert not because of his wealth, and social status, but his talent. Jane pursues pure and special love, in Jane’s eyes, love is love, and it has nothing to do with wealth, social status which he has. Though she is a tutor with low status, while Robert is a man with noble status, Jane does not give up her love because of all of these elements. Later, a fire ruin everything of Robert, he lose most of his glamour which many girls are longing for, he is a disabled man with nothing, however, what makes our admire is that Jane choose to share ups and downs with Robert. In her life, Jane composes a beautiful love, which shows to us what true love is, and makes us know the true meaning of love.? ?

Keywords: Jane Eyre,Strong, independent, Rebellious spirit, pure love


Jane Eyre is a classic literature masterpieces of Charlotte Bronte’s of the British in the 19th century. Jane Eyre is widely acknowledged that it is a biography of poetic portrayal of Charlotte Bronte “poetic portrayal”, which is an autobiographical work.It is a story which an orphaned of British woman who suffer from all kinds of hardships, constantly pursuit of freedom and dignity, adhere to herself, and ultimately get happiness.

As we know, Jane pursues a noble love. In her eyes ,love itself is love, it has nothing with money,

power and status. She is humble, but she can attract all the people with her own unique qualities. In the today's world, people are crazy about money and status seems rather drown love. In their most people would choose the rich rather than the poor Few people would choose true love and give up everything without any hesitation. Jane makes us believe, as a women who has an independent personality and self-esteem, self-love, self-reliance, even if she is a wild lily, she also have their own pride. Jane simple love set us an example to inspire modern people pursue the true love. So in Jane Eyre, love is pure and great.

2. A brief introduction of the author and background.

2.1 A brief introduction of the author

Charlotte Bronte(1816-1854) was born on April 21 1816, third of the six children of Patrick Bronte. The major event of her young life was the death of her mother in 1821, which created a lot of chaos. In 1824, Charlotte and her two older sisters, Maria and Elizabeth, were sent to the newly-opened Cowan Bridge Clergy Daughters' School.

Conditions there were bad even by the standards of the time, and it was not long before both Maria and Elizabeth became ill enough to be sent home, where they both died of consumption in the spring of1825. Patrick brought Charlotte and her younger sister Emily, who had recently joined them at the school, back home as soon as the other girls became ill, but Charlotte in particular never forgot what the school had been like.

Charlotte's next adventure was going to school in Brussels with Emily in 1842. Charlotte's time there was brief, less than two years, but it led to her eventual writing of Villette beginning in 1852.

Back home, Charlotte lapsed into chronic unemployment and severe hypochondria, actually thinking she was going blind, just like her father was. In 1846 the three sisters published a book of Poems, and though sales were very slow, the reviews were good and spurred on further literary endeavors. Charlotte's novel of this time, The Professor, was actually rather bad, suffering from a less-than believable main character. In August of 1846 Charlotte began work on Jane Eyre. Though it was published in 1847, Charlotte didn't tell her father about it until the next year, when the novel's success was plain. Jane Eyre is a classic literature masterpieces of Charlotte Bronte’s of the British in the 19th century.

2.2 Background

“Jane Eyre is a classical work produced in Victorian time by Charlotte Bronte. This novel has attracted widely attention and discussions for over 150 years after its publishment”. 张伯香.英美文学选读.[M] 外语教学与研究出版社1999年版. On the surface, Jane Eyre is a love story about a poor young woman Jane Eyre and a rich man Mr. Rochester. But when we read it carefully, we can find out much deeper connotation, and we can understand that this work is not only a simple love story, but also reflects some social situations. Especially was the problem of the relationship between women and the traditional morality in Victorian time. In this novel, Bronte expresses strong dissatisfaction for females’ unequal social status, and Jane Eyre was her own embodiment to resist the oppression of the socia l traditional morality and to break the age’s fetter. And this novel also

reflects that at that time, women have been already realized they should struggle for their independence of spirit and equal rights on many aspects in the social life. This thesis according to expounding the females’ situations under the traditional morality in Victorian age and the analysis of heroine’s behavior and thinking which broke the traditional morality at that time in Jane Eyre, to find the appearance of feminine consciousness and the demands of women for having equal social status like men in society and getting independence of life and spirit. Jane Eyre is a famous work written by Charlotte Bronte, and this novel was published in 1847 and became an immediate success. This thesis will research the “unwomanly” character of the heroine under the Victorian traditional morality. ”胡珊珊Analysis of Jane Eyre Purpose and Significance of study[J]2010 第四期All of Jane’s behaviors showed her difference from traditional morality. In su ch a period, a little girl struggled for her equal rights in her guardian’s family, a student made efforts to improve the living condition of school, a young governess pursued her real love and refused the proposal of the man she did not love. All of these behaviors disobeyed the traditional morality in Victorian age. She broke the model of “angel in the house” throughout her life. Her “unwomanly” character was also showed obviously.

3. The love view of Jane from following perspectives

3.1 The analysis of Jane’s Love View from Jane’s independent characters

When Jane was a litter girl, she was so unlucky and depended on others. she had no friend, whatever she did, she just do it by herself. So she built up independent character on everything from her young age. Mrs.Reed did not allow her children to associate with Jane, so, she had ever said:“They are not

fit to associate with me” These words is the best illustrated fact that she is an independent girl in her inner world, including love. Jane pursues happiness, looking forward to get happiness and achieve the true love. In her inner world, she wishes that she can communicate with others’ sincerity, not rather than rely on others to love or belong to others. She has her own soul. She wants to control the master of her spirit, stick to her own personality dignity.

When Mrs Fairfax knew that Jane and Rochester had fallen in love and prepared to get married, Mrs Fairfax thinks its unbelievable, she just says some words:“he has Do you belive him? Have you accept him? Mrs Fairfax looked at me bewildered I could have thought it He is a proud man all Rochesters were proud : and his father at least, liked money. After a later Mrs Fairfax repeated :‘Equality of position and fortune is often advisable in such cases, and th ere are twenty years of difference in your ages .He might almost be your father’”. 《简爱》p388-389 From Mrs Fairfax’s words, it is easy to know that Jane and Rochester is not match. Their love would not have a good result because of the difference of the position and status. But Jane give me a surprise with her answer,she said: “No, indeed , he is nothing like my father! No one, who saw us together, would suppose it for an instant.” 《简爱》p390. From m Mrs Jane’s words, it is easy to know that Jane never care their positions, ages and status. In his eyes, she and Rochester, they are equal, they love each other so deeply. She believe that their love will be last forever.So, no matter what happened, Jane always live independently. Later, she met her cousin, St. John. St. John hopes that Jane should marry him, and help him to finish the religious career and god’s mission. Because there is no love between them. So Jane refuses St. John.She needs truly love,not mission. In England, religion always plays a very important role.But Jane was able to break the shackles of religion, and

pursue the independent love and independent world. So we have to say, Jane was an independent girl.

Unfortunately, everything is not always smooth sail. When Jane knew that Rochester had got married, At that moment, she said:“Mr Rochester I must leave you, I must leave you. I must part with you for my whole life. I must begin a new existence among strange faces and strange scenes”.《简爱》p449 From Jane’s these words, we know that true love just belong to two people, it not contain the third person to share their love. Even though Jane loves Rochester so much.But at last, she would rather choose to give up. Because Jane pursue love which is a kind of independent love, not become someone else’s sha dow. we can easily know from Jane’s leaving that Jane advocates independence of love, pursue the independent personality dignity. “However, I could not help ask that only this step can prove that does Jane is a independent girl. I don’t think so, after all, female independence needs a great courage, it is a long and complex course.” 张颖刘妍胡珊珊浅析《简爱》中的女性主义精神[J] 2011 第十期It needs more courage to give up loves. I think it is the most important step to gain free and independence. Jane’s independent love had be come the classical example of independent female. So I hope this world would appear many Janes. No matter she is rich or poor, I hope they can live strongly and independently.

3.2 The analysis of Jane’s Love View form her Strong-willed

Jane was a weak and short girl, but she has a strong heart and soul. she has no mony, position, and status. But sha has extremely personal temperament and very rich emotional world. After the temper of life, she abandoned the natural weak of female and cowardice which belongs to many females.

Then Jane developed the strong and independent personal characters gradually. When she was a young girl, she lived with her aunt. They treated Jane badly, they often brings force on her. But Jane never willing to accept any insult, instead struggling to them try her best. Even though the result are not satisfactory, but she never give up sticking to her own opinion. When Jane leaves her aunt’s home and comes into school, Mr. Brocklehursts said:“this girl, this child, the native of a Ch ristian land, worse than many a little heathen who says its prayers to Brahma and kneels before Juggernaut -- this girl is --a big lairs!” 简爱P92 Facing the cold and cruel of Mr. Brocklehursts, Jane has no feeling of fear, instead Jane calmly accepted it. She developed the strong, self-esteem, and independent personal characters through a series of unlucky things. Which arouse her infinite courages and indomitable spirits. She did not lose hope. Instead, she becomes strong and independent to face the irregularly scheduled unlucky things. Even though she never lose personal pure characters.“ Jane clearly knew that she had no beautiful appearance and noble position and status, so she must study hard. She try her best to study all courses, including music,French and art. She clearly knew, as a person, you can have no beautiful appearance, many many money, noble position and status, but you can not have no personal ideas and personal dignity.李佳欣杨柳论<简爱>所诠释的独特女性人格魅力[J] 2012 第三期In her aunt’s home, in order to ma intain her dignity, even she resisted aunt’s opinions or fight with her cousin. All of her actions are the best illustrated fact that she is an independent and strong girl in her inner world.

After reading Jane Eyre, she choose to be resolute when suffering from maltreat and insult.I appreciated Jane’s strong and independent personal characters and self-esteem which shows in facing the noble and elegant person and upper class. All people loved the spirits of self-esteem and

strong of Jane when she fell into love. All people admired her courage of leaving Mr Rochester because she was unwilling to be a love puppet. All people appreciated her brave personal character, in order to find truly love, she climbed the hills and went across the rivers to find Mr Rochester. Which find in who dare to could put themself in danger in order to find truly love. At Thornfield, she was not feel Self-abasement because of she profession on the contrary, she thinks they are equal. Mr Rochester was infatuated with her and love her deeply from his inner heart. Mr Rochester rather likes Jane’s elf-esteem, independent and strong personal characters.“Her character attracts so many reader, so many women regard her as an example ” 张颖刘妍胡珊珊自卑:简爱鲜明的人格特征.[J] 2011 第十期In other words, the re is no Jane’s elf-esteem, independent and strong personal characters, there is no the pure and special love between Jane and Rochester.

3.3 The analysis of Jane’s Love View from Rebellious spirit of Jane

The Rebellious spirit of Jane is natural. When Jane was a litter girl, she lives with her aunt who was very hate her, so they treat badly to her, even screw and beat her. So rebellion came naturally to her heart, when facing unfair treatment which comes from her cousin and her aunt.“After so many unfair treatment She never feel scare and intend to retreat. Instead, she chooses to resist”.谭蒙革.简爱女性独立形象分析.[J] 2011年. 第5期Jane had ever said:“I was conscious that a moment’s mutiny had already rendered me liable to strange penalties,and , like any other rebel s lave, I felt resolved, in my desperation, to go all lengths.” 刘丽一个时代的女性呐喊与追求[J] 2009 第十期From these words, we know that the revolt has become mainstream in her character, a person want to get freedom, firstly, he must have awareness of resistance. “After the end of each

resistance, my mind had a sense of satisfaction before never appear, a sense of victory began to expand, rising, as if an invisible shackles broke free, finally struggling to slightly have always dreamed of freedom hall.” 刘丽一个时代的女性呐喊与追求[J] 2009 第十期This time I remembered, the real world is a vast field, where people are encouraged to break the resistance. And Jane is such a person. Jane’s consciousness of resistance grow with increasing age when she was a child. She resist injustice and oppression of her aunt and cousins, in schools, in order to prove that she was not a lair,she debated openly with schoolmaster. When she knows Rochester had married, she refused to Rochester’s request without any hesitation. W hen St John wants to possess Jane through the guise of religion, she openly refused St. John’s on behalf of the British religious faction. Jane did these simply searching freedom, for pursuing true love, she oppose religious bondage and control without hesitation.

Jane is not a gentlewomen from the aesthetic standards of social lady, but the readers and Mr Rochester love her because of her spirit revolt and the constant pursuit of freedom and equality. “The charm is a very rich vocabulary, a woman was praised the charm, it is apparently much more abundant than simply admire her beauty.”《浅析<简爱>主人公的性格魅力》However,the indomitable character of Jane, the goodness, the pursuit of freedom, the pursuit of true love character of Jane made her become an attractive and charm woman.

4. The analysis of Jane’s special and pure love view

4.1Love itself is love, it is not relate to religion

In Victorian period of England, critical realism had been on the stage of history, but religion still played a very important role. However, Jane was able to break the traditional ideas of feudalism. She thinks that religion is faith, and it is elusive. As she thought the psalm in the Bible is very boring. She once had such a conversation with headmaster Mr. Brocklehurst before she went to school. From her words, we can draw a conclusion that Jane was against to religion, which can be proved that Jane was not under the influence of England religion. It also can say she dares to struggle change with religion and the word. Later, Jane met her cousin that she never met before, St. John who is a typical representative of traditional literati, with religion as his life career, and live to accomplish the mission of god to live. When he need assistant, Jane appears. So an idea strikes to his mind, namely, he wants Jane to stay with his as a helper, and help him to complete the mission of god. When St.John told this idea to Jane, Jane hesitates because of her kindness. Jane is respect St. John, so she did not want to hurt him. But she also cannot marry to him, she did not want such a result because she did not love John. So Jane was determined to be his helper instead of his wife, but St. John said, :“A part of me you must become”P605.《简爱》Actually St John just wants to possess Jane through the guise of religion so tha t he has ignoring other’s feeling, and ignored Jane’s idea about love. Jane once said to John.

“ I scorn your idea of love, I scorn the counterfeit sentiment you offer:yes St John, and I scorn you when you offer it ”. Finally, Jane refuses John’s request w ithout hesitation and starts to look for her true love. “Because the different opinion of Love I think Jane has refused not only the John's request, but also refused the repression of the feudal moral. Jane, with a thin body and lower identity, in order to seek her own love, she is willing to struggle with feudalism.”于秋谭.简论女性意识在

简爱中的体现.[J] 文学评论.2002年第4期. No matter how many difficulties and obstacles she must face, it can not stop her confidence and courage to pursue true love. It's enough to see that how nob le and pure the Jane’s love view is, nothing can stop her to find the pace of love in her heart.

4.2 Love itself is love, it is not related to money, power and status.

In Jane Eyre, the authors suggests that the basis of marriage is love, not material, money and so on. The failure of the first marriage of Rochester had proved that marriage was not base on material,money and status. And a true love is not depend on any external factors, which are not subject.It just say that Jane get married for love, not because of the material and other factors betray her love. As we all known, Jane is in pursuit of a noble love. In her eyes, love itself is love, it have nothing to do with money, power, and status. In her eyes, love is in each other's heart and it is soul communication. Even though Jane just was a ordinary tutor, but she never give up her love. She thought everyone is equal, everyone has rights to get the true love. When Jane and Rochester decided to get married, Rochester brings Jane to the town, to bought gold and silver jewelry, but it is not make Jane happy, on the contrary, Jane hate these. “Oh sir1—never mind jewels !I don’t like to hear them spoken of. Jewels for Jane Eyre sounds unnatural and strange: I would rather not have them”.From her words , We knows that Jane was not like other woman, who likes to wear jewelry.P381《简爱》Since I had read Jane Eyre,I also dumped for Jane. Like her in high position than her in front of the so-called high society people show the kind of supercilious attitude . Like her in the face of love showed that self-esteem self-improvement of the spirit, I can not help but sigh in

the distance she progressed fort he age two hundreds, How many girls have the courage to say not to a beloved and rich man? Jane can be! In her eyes constantly with a kind of independent personality grandeur and noble!

Do you think, I am a poor obscure, plain and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong! I have as much as you and full as much heat! Each time reading Jane Eyre, I will shock by these words. This is a strong sense of self-release, a sad overarching overcome all overriding intertwined with love force. Form her behaviors and words can show everyone has right to pursue one of their own love. She was not beautiful, humble, but attracting all the people with their own unique qualities. Female and male is equal, only an independent and self-release that did she could get respect, love,and happiness. Rochester would not love Jane if she had not noble personality. Jane Eyre is the idol of women generation in that period, her shadow is released into the atmosphere around us, so many people regarded her as a criterion, we all can live the confident and magnanimous, we all can find our true happiness along the fate are given clues.

In the today's world, people are crazy about money and status. Choosing rich between the poor and the rich, choosing not love between love and not love. Few people would choose true love and give up everything without any hesitation. Maybe when people have nothing but money, they will go to the pursuit of “true love”. Maybe simplify getting back to basics. Perfusing some truth and warmth in the pursuing true love.It should be regarded as a beautiful life. Please spun off from the hustle and bustle of the glitz of the secular, stop and carefully read of Jane Eyre, and communicating with the soul of Jane Eyre. Jane Eyre is a fairy tale, she makes us believe, as a women who has an

independent personality and self-esteem, self-love, self-reliance, even if she is a wild lily, she also have their own pride. Jane slightly love set us an example to inspire modern people pursue the true love.

5. Conclusion

The appears of Jane Eyre was a sensation the literary world of the 19th century, with its irresistible beauty it has attracted thousands of readers, it has an irrepressible urge to drive people to pick up this book, along with deeply moved,and soul thrilled. Jane Eyre shows to us a simple love which is a return to nature, without taking into account the feelings of the pros and cons .It is like as a glass of ice water which can clean the mind of every reader.Through research and analysis of Jane Eyre, I learned that she is a strong, independent, girls and she dare to pursue the true love. Her special and noble concept of love set an example for us, in her eyes, love is the exchange of two hearts and souls, love is not controlled by external factors. Her love encourage us to pursue freedom, equality, rue love bravely. And at the same time she was able to help us to understand the true meaning of love.


My greatest debt, both intellectual and personal, is to my supervisor Song fengli and Lu yuna With their inspiration and encouragement, they has led me into this amazing scientific field. Without they instruction, my career would have been radically different; and this work would obviously have not appeared. Mrs. Song has supported with sage advice, heartfelt encouragement and has recommended me some papers and dissertations which has saved me considerable amount of time and effort in

doing such a job. I am deeply indebted to Mrs. Song for her enlightening instructions, critical comments, and especially his kindness and patience in examination my work in detail.

I am also grateful to all the teachers in English department. Thanks to my dear classmates and roommates for their sincere help and friendship during my stay at Xing Yi Normal University for Nationalities.

My heartfelt thanks go to my families for their persistent support and encouragement through the years.


1、夏洛蒂.勃朗特.简爱. [M] 世界图书出版公司2008 年版.

2、张伯香.英美文学选读.[M] 外语教学与研究出版社1999年版.

3、谭蒙革.简爱女性独立形象分析.[J] 2011年. 第5期

4、刘丽一个时代的女性呐喊与追求[J] 2009 第十期

5、张颖刘妍胡珊珊自卑:简爱鲜明的人格特征.[J] 2011 第十期

6、于秋谭.简论女性意识在简爱中的体现.[J] 文学评论.2002年第4期

7、胡珊珊Analysis of Jane Eyre Purpose and Significance of study [J]2010 第四期

8、李佳欣杨柳论<简爱>所诠释的独特女性人格魅力[J] 2012 第三期

9、张颖刘妍胡珊珊浅析《简爱》中的女性主义精神[J] 2011 第十期


美丽心灵心理学论文 Standardization of sany group #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#

作为一个影视专业的学生,看过很多电影也写过很多影评,《美丽心灵》这部电影我很早就看过,在艺术上自然是有很多可圈可点的地方。但是如果要从心理角度来对影片主角纳什进行变态心理分析,就需要剔除该人物作为电影形象的艺术加工成分,将他作为一个精神分裂症天才的独特案例,加以分析。? 精神分裂症是一种最常见的重性精神病。是一种对患者本人和家庭成员的生活产生强烈影响的复杂的综合症。该病症的心理异常表现十分复杂多样,基本特点是病人的精神活动与现实环境相脱离;思维、情感和意志行为互不协调,甚至相互分裂。会出现的病症有:思维障碍(其中包括联想障碍、逻辑进程障碍和妄想)、情感障碍、意志行为障碍、感知觉障碍和一些其他的异常表现。下面,我就首先从症状表现来分析纳什的精神分裂症。? 一、症状表现? 1、思维障碍? 通过影片的描述,我发现在思维障碍方面,纳什患有妄想。妄想是精神分裂症最显着的症状之一。对于观察者来说,妄想的内容十分古怪,表明患者与现实的脱离。常见的妄想有夸大妄想、被控制感、被害妄想、关系妄想和躯体妄想。夸大妄想是由那些对个体而言非常重要的信念构成的。影片中纳什是个数学天才,他已经获得了一定的名气,并且在五角大楼成功地破解了密码。可是他并不满足于那些将军不太热情的感谢。

于是国防部的帕切尔出现了,将关系到15万人的生命的项目交托与他。纳什觉得自己就是拯救国家于危难的英雄。这就是纳什的夸大妄想的表现。除此之外,纳什还有被害妄想。严格来说,从他一开始接受帕切尔的任务时,他就时刻担心事情败露。每次那个荒废的仓库寄密件时,都担心有人跟踪而神情紧张。在一场幻觉的枪战过后,纳什以为自己的为国安局破译间谍密码的工作暴露了,于是他就变得更加紧张,时时刻刻都会注意身边的人是不是来抓自己。直到在一次大学演讲上,几个精神病院的医生真的来“抓”他医院时,他拼了命的逃跑。牵连观念是指某些人或事对个体具有特殊意义。就像纳什,他坚定不移的认为美国的所有报刊杂志里藏着关系到15万人生命的国家机密,并且只有他能够看得出来。那一个个常人看来再普通不过的新闻、广告,在纳什的眼睛里同编排成一连串的密码,有着某种不为人知的联系。这就是纳什关系妄想的表现。? 2、感知觉障碍? 在感知觉障碍方面,纳什最突出的表现就是幻觉。幻觉就是指虚幻的感知觉,即患者感知到的刺激并不真实存在。一般出现在意识完全清醒的状态下,幻觉内容于现实生活是怪异的,兼有听幻觉、视幻觉和触幻觉。听幻觉为真性,声音清晰,主要是下达指令、威胁等,也有对自己有利的好的方面。纳什能够听到他的三个“原型”——室友,小女孩和帕切尔的讲话。室友的鼓励与玩笑,小女孩天真的笑声,和帕切尔的威胁、命令。每一个都会让纳什觉得真实存在。在影片的一个高潮中,纳什因为停止服药,又开始出现幻觉,甚至差点听信室友和帕切尔的命令杀死自己的妻子。视幻觉让纳什看到了并不存在的三个人,并且持续了30多年,一直到


《简.爱》中简.爱的人物形象分析 摘要:19世纪英国批判现实主义文学作家夏洛蒂勃朗特在《简.爱》中塑造的女主人公简.爱,是一个出身贫苦的孤儿,经过孤儿院的冷酷生活而成为家庭女教师。但她心地纯正,感情深挚,善于思考,个性倔强。敢于反抗压迫、屈辱和任何卑鄙的行为,敢于表达自己强烈的爱憎,敢于捍卫自己独立的人格和尊严。这个女性形象的塑造在英国文学史上是一个壮举,她迎合了时代的召唤,用惊人的语言,骇俗的行动证明了女人的尊严。简.爱反抗不公平的命运、保持独立自我、不甘心忍受社会的压迫,是当时妇女解放斗争的艺术楷模。本文将女主人公的形象做进一步的探讨。 关键词:简.爱,人物形象,分析,性格特征 引言 夏洛蒂·勃朗特1816年生于英国北部的一个牧师家庭。她的一生仅写了四部小说(即:《教师》、《简·爱》、《谢利》和《维莱特》,其中《教师》在她去世后才出版),但她在文学史上却有着相当重要的地位。在她的小说中,最突出的主题就是女性要求独立自主的强烈愿望。这一主题可以说在她所有的小说中都顽强地表现出来,而将女性的呼声作为小说主题,这在她之前的英国文学史上是不曾有过的——她是表现这一主题的第一人。《简·爱》是她的处女作,也是代表作,至今仍受到广大读者的欢迎。这是一部以爱情为主题的小说。小说讲述的是襁褓中父母双亡的女主人公简.爱被舅舅收养,舅舅死后,舅母一家人百般虐待她,最后将她送入慈善学校,在那里备受凌辱摧残。成年后,她被聘往桑费尔德庄园当家庭教师,与主人真诚相爱;及行婚礼,发生不测,主人被证明早已结婚,其妻因疯病被私关密室。简.爱不愿作人情妇,只身远离,流浪途中昏倒在风雨之夜,被一青年牧师圣约翰救回家,在其两个妹妹的照顾下恢复健康。牧师准备去印度传教,他认为简.爱坚强而耐苦,可以作个好帮手,就向其求婚,但遭拒绝,因为简.爱情有所钟。爱情又使她返回桑费尔德庄。这时女人已将庄园烧毁,自己也被烧死,主人抢救她时还弄成了残废,两人终于幸福地结合。此外,简.爱意外地得浪迹海外的叔父一笔遗产,同时被证明她圣约翰原是姑表兄妹。 一、简.爱的性格特点及其表现


有关简爱的开题报告范文阅读 论文题目:《论简爱》On Jane Eyre 毕业论文(设计)开题时间 xx年12月10日 毕业论文(设计)实行地点郑州华信学院 一、选题的目的与意义: 《简爱》中作者以一种女性细腻,为我们解释了人的内心世界中 深刻的体验。这样的描写使得小说的价值超越了他故事本身。它提供 给我们读者心理活动的体验,直到今天依然会引起很多读者,尤其我 们女性读者无论是心理还是精神上的共鸣。通过简析简.爱的性格形成 和性格特征让人们理解到女人的尊严要自己来捍卫,人的最美好的生 活是人的尊严加爱。 二、研究的主要内容与创新之处: 主要内容:主要研究简爱的性格形成和性格特征以及尊严+爱着个 公式在人们生活中的时代意义。 1.小说中主人公所处的环境实行分析,简析简.爱的性格形成; 2、通过阅读小说,探索简.爱的人格力量,总结她的性格特征; 3、通过度析当今社会人们的价值取向和对爱情婚姻的选择条件, 提出这样一个主题:人的价值=尊严+爱,而不是让金钱和地位淹没爱情、尊严、人格、婚姻、甚至所有人类真正应该珍视的一切。创新之处:简所定义的最美好生活应该是:美好生活=尊严+爱+金钱。《简爱》的女性意识符合当时社会发展的趋势,体现了现代社会女性对于自我 价值和独立意识的追求。 三、研究的方法与设计方案

研究方法:调查法、归纳总结法、例证法、查阅文献资料法;课题的研究手段主要以文学研究为主兼以理论研究。 设计方案: 研究的进度安排:统一按照院系领导和指导老师的安排,并结合论文写作的实际情况,认真完成论文写作的每项步骤。 四、完成期限与预期进展: 完成期限:11月25日——4月10日 预期进展: 11月25日——12月15日:选题及收集资料,撰写文献综述 12月30日前:开题答辩,确定毕业论文研究课题;撰写开题报告书 次年1月——次年3月:收集相关资料,并对资料实行分类归纳 次年3月——次年4月:撰写论文初稿 次年4月1日——次年4月10日:论文修改及定稿 五、主要参考文献: [1] Bronte Charlotte .Jane Eyre.1847.New York: Bantam Books [M], 1981. [2] Bronte Charlotte .Jane Eyre.北京:当代中国出版社[M],2002 [3] Eagle ton, Terry. Jane Eyre: A Marxist Study. Modern Critical Interpretation:Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyr e .Ed, Harold Bloom. Chelsea House Publishers[M], 1987:29-46.


从《美丽心灵》看精神分裂症 《美丽心灵》讲述的是20世纪伟大数学家小约翰.福布斯.纳什的真实历程。小约翰.福布斯.纳什在研究生学习时期,便发表了著名的博弈理论,该理论虽只有短短26页,却在经济、军事等领域产生了深远的影响。就在纳什在学术界名声鹊起的时候,他被精神分裂症所折磨,在患病的过程中他仍然在进行学术研究,在妻子艾丽西亚爱的鼓励和帮助下,纳什从不相信自己患病到接受自己患有精神分裂症,最终纳什用不懈努力和顽强意志与精神分裂症抗争并共存。 从电影中可以分析纳什的患病过程,纳什在普林斯顿大学的迎新招待会上,透过纳什的眼睛,阳光透过玻璃杯和柠檬片交叠的影像,浮在空中与另一个学生的领带图案重合,纳什微笑着说:“知道吗?我可以从数学的角度来解释你的领带有多么难看”。这就是来自西弗吉尼亚的天才纳什,他认为数学似乎可以解释一切。纳什观察生活,用数学公式,数学逻辑表达生活,比如在窗子玻璃上分析橄榄球比赛,观察分析鸽子的活动周期等等。在竞争激烈的普林斯顿,纳什面对自我的高要求和周围同学带来的压力,幻想出了查尔斯.赫曼这个在他压抑时帮他释放,在他失落绝望时鼓励肯定他的与纳什自己截然不同的室友。纳什害怕失败,却又渴望成功,毕业后进入惠勒研究室,生活趋于稳定与平静时,他对自己的期望已不仅仅局限在学术的作为而是希望自己能为国家做贡献,他的另一个幻觉威廉帕彻出现了,当纳什想要与艾丽西亚共同经营婚姻生活时,玛西在这个时候被幻想了出来。平凡的家庭生活与纳什幻想的秘密工作不断产生冲突,他最终被送进了精神病院,在那里,他被迫接受了如今已被西方医学界停用的胰岛素昏迷治疗:大剂量注射胰岛素,让精神病人陷入昏迷状态。出院的纳什变得行为木讷,在家中的他长期用药物治疗控制病情,药物使纳什的思维状态大不如前,动作迟缓,生活能力下降。在这些副作用的影响下纳什决定放弃药物。停药后的纳什病情复发,这一次他没有选择回到医院进行胰岛素昏迷治疗。纳什在家人,朋友以及自身意志力的支持下治疗精神分裂症。在经过了很长一段时间的努力之下,通过回校做研究并且任教等方式,与没有消失的幻觉和平共存。也终于获得了学术界和应用他理论的各界的肯定。


毕业论文 谈《简爱》中的女权主义

谈《简爱》中的女权主义 摘要 《简爱》以女主人公简爱的经历为主线,讲述了一个坚强,独立,热爱劳动、自尊、自强、自信的女性爱情故事,塑造了一位值得赞美,歌颂的女教师形象。主人公简·爱--一个受过良好教育但社会地位卑微的女子的思索和抗争,并通过简·爱曲折丰富的情感经历,体味简·爱对爱情、友情以及独立、平等、自信等的理解和实践。两性之间是平等的,爱情须得以平等和互相独立做为基础。女人必须有独立的人格,自尊自爱,不依附于其他人才可以赢得别人的尊重和热爱,才会有真正的幸福。书中也讨论了简爱的反抗意识,集中反映在她为自由,平等,独立和女性尊重而战。在盖茨黑德,简爱由顺从到为生存而战,在劳渥德,她为女性尊重和平等而战,也为拥有平等爱而战。最后她赢得了罗切斯特的爱,过上了幸福的生活。 关键词: 坚强,独立,热爱劳动、女性平等、自尊、自强、自信

目录 1前言 (1) 2 作者女权主义思想的产生 (2) 2.1作者夏洛蒂.勃朗特的介绍 (2) 2.2作品《简爱》的介绍 (2) 3《简爱》中女权主义思想 (3) 3.1简爱的自尊心、自信心、反抗精神 (3) 3.2简爱的爱情观 (4) 3.3简爱的独立性 (5) 4《简爱》中女权主义反抗意识 (6) 4.1为生存而战 (6) 4.2为获得认同和尊严而战 (7) 4.3为独立平等而战 (7) 5结语 (9)

1前言 当今社会,女权主义受到越来越多人的重视,女权主义泛指妇女要求平等权利的社会思潮。又称男女平权主义、男女平等主义。女权主义是近代资产阶级启蒙思想运动和妇女解放运动的产物,提倡妇女在人类生活所有领域与男子具有同等权利。女权主义具有广泛的文化内涵,涉及政治、经济、法律、教育、宗教、伦理等领域。 在19世纪的英国,一位批评现实主义的文学女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特写出了一部代表女性主义思想的小说——《简·爱》。这部小说是夏洛蒂·勃朗特“诗意的生平写照”。书中的主人公简·爱是一个心地纯洁、善于思考的女性,她生活在社会底层,受尽磨难。但她有倔强的性格和勇于追求平等幸福的精神。这部小说以浓郁抒情的笔法和深刻细腻的心理描写,引人入胜地展示了男女主人公曲折起伏的爱情经历,歌颂了摆脱一切旧习俗和偏见。扎根于相互理解、相互尊重的基础之上的深挚爱情,具有强烈的震撼心灵的艺术力量。它最为成功之处在于塑造了一个敢于反抗,敢于争取自由和平等地位的妇女形象。


01 在欧洲中世纪大学,硕士学位一般授予文科。 A.正确 B.错误 02 高等教育的目的是培养和谐发展的个人,属于个人本位价值观的观点。 A.正确 B.错误 03 柏拉图是个人本位论的代表人物。 A.正确 B.错误 04 卢梭是个人本位论的代表人物。 A.正确 B.错误 05 斯宾塞是个人本位论的代表人物。 A.正确 B.错误 06 罗伯特?赫钦斯是个人本位论的代表人物。 A.正确 B.错误 07 裴斯泰洛齐是个人本位论的代表人物。 A.正确 B.错误 08 赫尔巴特个人本位论的代表人物。 A.正确 B.错误 09 教育的目的在于使年轻一代系统的社会化,是个人本位论的观点。 A.正确 B.错误 10 教育的目的在于使年轻一代系统的社会化,是社会本位论的观点。 A.正确 B.错误 11 教育形式具有灵活性和多样性是通才教育的主要特征。 A.正确

12 传授的知识侧重基础性和经典型是通才教育的主要特征。 A.正确 B.错误 13 针对具体岗位需要培养人才是通才教育的特征。 A.正确 B.错误 14 开设综合学科讲座、举办专题讨论会表明通才教育传授的知识侧重基础性。 A.正确 B.错误 15 专才教育培养的学生毕业后能较快适应社会岗位的需要,人才短期内具有不可替代性。 A.正确 B.错误 16 专才教育主要针对具体岗位和行业需要来进行人才培养。 A.正确 B.错误 17 专才教育注重专门知识的传授和专门技能的训练。 A.正确 B.错误 18 传授的知识侧重基础性和经典型是专才教育的主要特征。 A.正确 B.错误 19 社区学院的发展,使美国高等教育由英才教育发展为大众教育。 A.正确 B.错误 20 社区学院的发展,使日本高等教育由英才教育发展为大众教育。 A.正确 B.错误 21 私立大学在日本高等教育由英才教育阶段发展到大众教育阶段起到了重要作用。 A.正确 B.错误 22 私立大学在美国高等教育由英才教育阶段发展到大众教育阶段起到了重要作用。 A.正确


作为一个影视专业的学生,看过很多电影也写过很多影评,《美丽心灵》这部电影我很早就看过,在艺术上自然是有很多可圈可点的地方。但是如果要从心理角度来对影片主角纳什进行变态心理分析,就需要剔除该人物作为电影形象的艺术加工成分,将他作为一个精神分裂症天才的独特案例,加以分析。? 精神分裂症是一种最常见的重性精神病。是一种对患者本人和家庭成员的生活产生强烈影响的复杂的综合症。该病症的心理异常表现十分复杂多样,基本特点是病人的精神活动与现实环境相脱离;思维、情感和意志行为互不协调,甚至相互分裂。会出现的病症有:思维障碍(其中包括联想障碍、逻辑进程障碍和妄想)、情感障碍、意志行为障碍、感知觉障碍和一些其他的异常表现。下面,我就首先从症状表现来分析纳什的精神分裂症。? 一、症状表现? 1、思维障碍? 通过影片的描述,我发现在思维障碍方面,纳什患有妄想。妄想是精神分裂症最显着的症状之一。对于观察者来说,妄想的内容十分古怪,表明患者与现实的脱离。常见的妄想有夸大妄想、被控制感、被害妄想、关系妄想和躯体妄想。夸大妄想是由那些对个体而言非常重要的信念构成的。影片中纳什是个数学天才,他已经获得了一定的名气,并且在五角大楼成功地破解了密码。可是他并不满足于那些将军不太热情的感谢。于

是国防部的帕切尔出现了,将关系到15万人的生命的项目交托与他。纳什觉得自己就是拯救国家于危难的英雄。这就是纳什的夸大妄想的表现。除此之外,纳什还有被害妄想。严格来说,从他一开始接受帕切尔的任务时,他就时刻担心事情败露。每次那个荒废的仓库寄密件时,都担心有人跟踪而神情紧张。在一场幻觉的枪战过后,纳什以为自己的为国安局破译间谍密码的工作暴露了,于是他就变得更加紧张,时时刻刻都会注意身边的人是不是来抓自己。直到在一次大学演讲上,几个精神病院的医生真的来“抓”他医院时,他拼了命的逃跑。牵连观念是指某些人或事对个体具有特殊意义。就像纳什,他坚定不移的认为美国的所有报刊杂志里藏着关系到15万人生命的国家机密,并且只有他能够看得出来。那一个个常人看来再普通不过的新闻、广告,在纳什的眼睛里同编排成一连串的密码,有着某种不为人知的联系。这就是纳什关系妄想的表现。? 2、感知觉障碍? 在感知觉障碍方面,纳什最突出的表现就是幻觉。幻觉就是指虚幻的感知觉,即患者感知到的刺激并不真实存在。一般出现在意识完全清醒的状态下,幻觉内容于现实生活是怪异的,兼有听幻觉、视幻觉和触幻觉。听幻觉为真性,声音清晰,主要是下达指令、威胁等,也有对自己有利的好的方面。纳什能够听到他的三个“原型”——室友,小女孩和帕切尔的讲话。室友的鼓励与玩笑,小女孩天真的笑声,和帕切尔的威胁、命令。每一个都会让纳什觉得真实存在。在影片的一个高潮中,纳什因为停止服药,又开始出现幻觉,甚至差点听信室友和帕切尔的命令杀死自己的妻子。视幻觉让纳什看到了并不存在的三个人,并且持续了30多年,一


论文题目: 比较罗切斯特与圣约翰 ————对简爱做出的行动 一.中心论点 比较罗切斯特与圣约翰 ————对简爱做出的行动 二.分论点1及依据 两个人的性格区别 罗切斯特先家资巨富,但是却受到了父亲、兄长的伤害。他是那种阴郁和冷酷的形象,但骨子里他们却都是多情而又善良的人。 对简爱的感情可以看出,他对贫富差异的观点不屑一顾,是那种痴情的男人,同时他又不愿意和简爱分享他的秘密,可见他有很独立的个性。 从要娶英格拉姆小姐,还有他扮成女巫的两种事情上看,他还是一个很有戏剧性的人。他向简爱隐瞒自己有妻子的事实,以及许多言语可以看出他有些独断专行。不过他和自己的妻子没有任何的感情,而且几次险些被已经疯癫的妻子害死,最后火灾的时候依然能够想要去搭救她,可见罗切斯特是很善良的人。在他残废后,他拒绝和简爱结婚表现了他的自尊心非常强。 圣约翰是个虔诚的宗教徒。他把自己的一生献给了上帝。他认为自己神圣的职责是“要向无知领域传播知识--以和平代战争--以自由代束缚--以宗教代迷信--以天国希望代地狱恐惧”。他准备到印度去传教,他正和工厂主的女儿阿立夫小姐在恋爱,但他认为阿立夫小姐不是吃苦耐劳的人,不能成为他的事业的合作者,而简·爱却是个“勤劳、有条理、有精力的妇女”,因此要求她成为他的妻室和助手。 三.分论点2及依据 两人对爱情做出的行动 罗切斯特行动时总是比较大方,小心谨慎之中又不失大大咧咧的感觉。并且做事十分小心,总是为了简爱着想。罗切斯特对应简爱是一步步靠近,他不自大,也不骄傲自满。因为他的内心总是非常谦虚。他不使用强硬的手段,而是一步一步按照自己的脚印走,把自己的人格魅力展现出来。 圣约翰是一个奉行禁欲主义的教士,他号召简爱去过一种完全克制的生活,和他缔结没有世俗爱情的婚姻,去印度传教。而中国的评论家则对他的禁欲主义大加抨击,认为他代表的是“虚伪怪诞的宗教文化”,他是“用所谓的神恩来压抑人的一切情欲,是以宗教狂热掩盖其勃勃野心”。与罗切斯特相比,他奉行的是另一种大男子主义”,他对待简爱的态度强硬,并且自以为是。 四.分论点3及依据 两个人对简爱的感情区别 简爱对罗切斯特的爱,是一种发自内心的、灵魂对等的感情,他们的灵魂互相印证,互相吸引,难以抛弃。而简爱对表哥圣约翰,是一种对奉献者的尊重和对兄长友爱的感情。爱情是人类最伟大的感情,简爱最后聆听到自己内心的强烈呼唤,所以选择罗切斯特,这是必然的。 圣约翰却并不爱简爱,也不尊重简爱的内心世界,他仅仅看中简爱的吃苦耐劳精神和独立的人格,他的追求都献给了他的事业——传播文化和救拔穷人。因此简爱可以答应作为他的助手和他一起工作,忍受劳苦,却不可能爱上他单薄的灵魂。 简爱当时逃离罗切斯特身边,是因为她的道德观约束她,不可能在知道罗切斯特有妻子后,


简爱论文开题报告范文 勃朗特的小说《简爱》向来被认为是一部以女性主义为主题的 杰出作品。小说主人公简爱随着她成长环境的变化,经历了一个漫长的自我实现过程,从一个寄人篱下的孤苦女孩逐步成长为一个具有独立精神的女性。以下是整理的简爱论文开题报告范文,欢迎阅读。 一、选题的目的与意义: 《简爱》中作者以一种女性细腻,为我们解释了人的内心世界 中深刻的体验。这样的描写使得小说的价值超越了他故事本身。它提供给我们读者心理活动的体验,直到今天依然会引起很多读者,尤其我们女性读者无论是心理还是精神上的共鸣。通过简析简.爱的性格 形成和性格特征让人们认识到女人的尊严要自己来捍卫,人的最美好的生活是人的尊严加爱。 二、研究的主要内容与创新之处: 主要内容:主要研究简爱的性格形成和性格特征以及尊严+爱着个公式在人们生活中的时代意义。 1.小说中主人公所处的环境进行分析,简析简.爱的性格形成; 2、通过阅读小说,探索简.爱的人格力量,总结她的性格特征; 3、通过分析当今社会人们的价值取向和对爱情婚姻的选择条件,提出这样一个主题:人的价值=尊严+爱,而不是让金钱和地位淹没爱情、尊严、人格、婚姻、甚至所有人类真正应该珍视的一切。创新之处:简所定义的最美好生活应该是:美好生活=尊严+爱+金钱。《简

爱》的女性意识符合当时社会发展的趋势,体现了现代社会女性对于自我价值和独立意识的追求。 三、研究的方法与设计方案 研究方法:调查法、归纳总结法、例证法、查阅文献资料法;课题的研究手段主要以文学研究为主兼以理论研究。 设计方案: 研究的进度安排:统一按照院系领导和指导老师的安排,并结合论文写作的实际情况,认真完成论文写作的每项步骤。 四、完成期限与预期进展: 完成期限:11月25日——4月10日 预期进展: 11月25日——12月15日:选题及收集资料,撰写文献综述 12月30日前:开题答辩,确定毕业论文研究课题;撰写开题报告书 次年1月——次年3月:收集相关资料,并对资料进行分类归纳 次年3月——次年4月:撰写论文初稿 次年4月1日——次年4月10日:论文修改及定稿 五、主要参考文献: [1]BronteCharlotte.JaneEyre.1847.NewYork:BantamBooks[M],198 1.


小议精神分裂 ——真实与虚幻的对撞 内容摘要:什么是真,什么是假?这个问题困扰了世世代代无数追求真相的探索者。但至今也没有让大家满意的答案。社会中有一群精神分裂症患者生活在真实和虚幻的双重世界中,饱受折磨的他们需要我们的帮助…… 关键词:精神分裂真实虚幻基础难得糊涂 什么是真实?相信大部分人都没有机会去考虑这个问题。在这个社会生活了这么久,我们已经被同化,即使这是一个虚幻的世界,我们也没有动机去思考,甚至是厌恶这种思考。就像《黑客帝国》中所演的那样,在母体中被利用的人类几乎都拒绝接受生活在虚幻世界的这个事实。而少数知道真相的人却被看成另类,被人工智能追杀。 当然,我们现在也许还不会碰到诸如《黑客帝国》中的情况,但在现实生活中,确实有一大群人被真实和虚幻这个棘手的问题所困扰,他们就是精神分裂症患者。“精神分裂症是一种严重的心理病理形式,患有这种病的人人格似乎解体,思维和知觉出现歪曲,情感变得迟钝。” 获得奥斯卡奖的电影——《美丽心灵》(A Beautiful Mind)让精神分裂症广为人知,并在人群中引起广泛热议。《美丽心灵》是关于

一位患有精神分裂症但却在博弈论和微分几何学领域潜心研究的数学家约翰·福布斯·纳什,在妻子的帮助下,克服病魔,从而获得诺贝尔经济学奖的感人故事。 精神分裂症分为紊乱型,紧张型,偏执型,未定型,残留型五个大类。但无论是哪种类型都会出现幻觉或者妄想。所以要治好这种顽疾(更确切地说是减轻症状)关键在于让患者分清什么是真实,什么是虚幻。可这并不是一件简单的事。出现幻觉从根本上讲,是因为患者有某种需要或是信仰。就像主人公纳什,因为不满现实中枯燥、毫无创新的工作,虚幻出了破解密码这个十分困难、颇具挑战性的工作。当然他自己也沉迷于这种虚幻,并且为拥有这个有意义的、能最大程度体现他价值的工作而感到高兴。 人们总是对快乐和恐惧最难以忘却和拒绝。所以要患者离开虚幻的快乐世界,就像让一个虚幻世界中的“亿万富翁”或是“英雄”、“领袖”下岗,这是患者不愿看到的,所以他们会非常不配合,极力想守住虚幻世界,就像吸毒成瘾,已经很难戒掉了。而要患者离开虚幻的恐惧世界,他们虽然很乐意配合,但恐惧会一直缠着他们,就像小孩看完恐怖片后,会不自觉地想到鬼及恐怖的场景。这就导致他们越想避免幻觉,可能会越多地出现幻觉。 严重的晚期患者更难从虚幻中脱离。在长期的虚幻世界旅行,真实和虚幻的界限已经被渐渐擦掉。也许虚幻成了真实,真实却成了虚幻。再次拿主人公纳什做例子。他能最终分辨真实和虚幻,是因为他

简爱 英文论文

Abstract Jane Eyre is a realistic masterpiece in 19th century, which has a strong romanticism color. People universally consider that the work is based on its author’s life story,. This thesis discusses the similarities and differences of characters between the writer Charlotte Bronte and the heroine Jane Eyre and mainly focuses on the character of Jane Eyre. This article includes life experiences of Charlotte and Jane and the true love but complicated between Jane and Rochester. Therefore, the novel successfully builds a feminine image that is born to be mean and live a path winding, however, actually keeps a positive attitude which maintains independence and keeps initiative in love, life and society, and dares to struggle, and dares to strive for the free equal standing. The aim to write this article is through Jane Eyre, we can find a new female who enjoys noble quality which involves self-respect, tough and independent. Key words Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre, equality, independent, love 摘要 《简爱》是19 世纪一部具有浓厚浪漫主义色彩的伟大现实主义长篇小说,人们普遍认为该作品是其作者生平的真实写照。本论文结合当时社会背景讨论了作者夏洛蒂?勃朗特和女主人公简?爱的性格异同点,并着重分析简?爱的性格。论文内容包括夏洛蒂?勃朗特和简?爱的生平事迹以及简?爱与罗切斯特之间一波三折的爱情故事,成功地塑造了一个出生低微,生活道路曲折却对爱情,生活和社会始终坚持独立自主,维护独立人格的积极进取态度和敢于斗争,敢于争取自由平等地位的坚强女性形象。写作本论文的目的在于,透过简?爱的人格魅力,我们看到了一个新时代女性身上赋有的自尊自爱自立自强的高贵品质. 关键词:夏洛蒂·勃朗特, 简·爱, 平等, 独立, 爱情 Contents 1.INTRODUCTION OF SOCIAL BACKGROUND AND JANE EYRE (4) 2 THE DEVELOPMENT OF CH ARLOTTE BRONTE’S AND JANE EYRE’S CHARACTERS (4) 2.1 THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHARLOTTE BRONTE’S CHARACTERS (4) 2.2 THE DEVELOPMENT OF JANE EYRE’S CHARACTERS (5) 3.CONTRAST THE CHARACTERS BETWEEN CHARLOTTE BRONTE AND JANE EYRE (7) 3.1 THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CHARLOTTE BRONTE AND JANE EYRE (7) 3.1.1 Different characters in childhood (7) 3.1.2 Different situations on pursing equality (8) 3.1.3 Different situations on pursing independence (9) 3.2 THE SIMILARITY BETWEEN CHARLOTTE BRONTE AND JANE EYRE (9) 4.CONCLUSION (11) Analysis of Charlotte Bronte and Jane Eyre

谈《简爱》中的女权主义 论文

曲腊腊毕业论文 谈《简爱》中的女权主义 学生姓名:曲腊腊 系(部):商务英语系专业:英语指导教师: 2013年X月X日

谈《简爱》中的女权主义 摘要 《简爱》以女主人公简爱的经历为主线,讲述了一个坚强,独立,热爱劳动、自尊、自强、自信的女性爱情故事,塑造了一位值得赞美,歌颂的女教师形象。主人公简·爱--一个受过良好教育但社会地位卑微的女子的思索和抗争,并通过简·爱曲折丰富的情感经历,体味简·爱对爱情、友情以及独立、平等、自信等的理解和实践。两性之间是平等的,爱情须得以平等和互相独立做为基础。女人必须有独立的人格,自尊自爱,不依附于其他人才可以赢得别人的尊重和热爱,才会有真正的幸福。书中也讨论了简爱的反抗意识,集中反映在她为自由,平等,独立和女性尊重而战。在盖茨黑德,简爱由顺从到为生存而战,在劳渥德,她为女性尊重和平等而战,也为拥有平等爱而战。最后她赢得了罗切斯特的爱,过上了幸福的生活。 关键词: 坚强,独立,热爱劳动、女性平等、自尊、自强、自信

目录 1前言 (4) 2 作者女权主义思想的产生 (5) 2.1作者夏洛蒂.勃朗特的介绍 (5) 2.2作品《简爱》的介绍 (5) 3《简爱》中女权主义思想 (6) 3.1简爱的自尊心、自信心、反抗精神 (6) 3.2简爱的爱情观 (7) 3.3简爱的独立性 (8) 4《简爱》中女权主义反抗意识 (9) 4.1为生存而战 (9) 4.2为获得认同和尊严而战 (10) 4.3为独立平等而战 (10) 5结语 (12)

1前言 当今社会,女权主义受到越来越多人的重视,女权主义泛指妇女要求平等权利的社会思潮。又称男女平权主义、男女平等主义。女权主义是近代资产阶级启蒙思想运动和妇女解放运动的产物,提倡妇女在人类生活所有领域与男子具有同等权利。女权主义具有广泛的文化内涵,涉及政治、经济、法律、教育、宗教、伦理等领域。 在19世纪的英国,一位批评现实主义的文学女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特写出了一部代表女性主义思想的小说——《简·爱》。这部小说是夏洛蒂·勃朗特“诗意的生平写照”。书中的主人公简·爱是一个心地纯洁、善于思考的女性,她生活在社会底层,受尽磨难。但她有倔强的性格和勇于追求平等幸福的精神。这部小说以浓郁抒情的笔法和深刻细腻的心理描写,引人入胜地展示了男女主人公曲折起伏的爱情经历,歌颂了摆脱一切旧习俗和偏见。扎根于相互理解、相互尊重的基础之上的深挚爱情,具有强烈的震撼心灵的艺术力量。它最为成功之处在于塑造了一个敢于反抗,敢于争取自由和平等地位的妇女形象。


从心理学分析《美丽心灵》 电影《美丽心灵》是讲述的是患有精神分裂症,却在博弈论领域取得重大研究成果并因此获得诺贝尔经济学奖的数学家约翰·纳什的故事。影片还原了一个天才在过分偏执、出现妄想时用毅力战胜精神病症的艰苦过程。 纳什是典型的精神分裂症患者。他有着思维障碍(严重的妄想)、情感障碍(一开始无法理解并在抑制和排斥)、意志行为障碍(紧紧拽着皮包、走路急促不稳)、感知觉障碍(幻听和幻象)和一些其他的异常表现。他的听觉幻觉声音清晰,包括指令和鼓励;视觉幻觉出现时,纳什并不完全是旁观者,大多时候他都参加到了幻觉的场面;触觉幻觉包括国土安全局工作人员给纳什手臂植入信号器时他所感到的触电感和疼痛感。 本片的纳什主要描述了三个阶段:大学阶段、在惠勒研究室工作阶段、康复阶段。在每个阶段他生活中的幻象都折射了他的心境、心理诉求。他一直拥有完整的情感,只不过康复之前,他都刻意隐藏、压抑了一些情感。 一、大学阶段 影片一开始纳什就表现出了他对数学、逻辑的痴迷和推崇和对自己的高度自信。他曾开玩笑能用数学证明别人的领带有多么难看。在酒吧中,他用数学模型来刻画男女交往的最优选择。任何事情他都联想到用数学解释。也是这种过度偏执让他拒绝接受不能用数理解释的东西。他表达所有这些感情的时候都是微笑着的,外在显示了他的自信。即使在与汉森下棋时他被汉森的问题弄得心慌意乱,他还是不愿意承认,走的时候还打翻了棋盘,在众人的嗤笑下落荒而逃。 与之对比的是他对人际关系的处理,他总是独自一人,和同学在一起时也并不愉快。他的言辞让人听起来高傲、难以接受,丝毫不会顾及他人感受。甚至当他被怂恿去追一个女孩子时,他还是直截了当,丝毫不考虑顾及女性的颜面,可以说是一个蔑视感情的人。 他渴望成功,希望出人头地,成为一个举足轻重的人,所以一直苦苦研究他的原创理论——博弈论。尤其是当他在餐厅中看到大家都为一个教授献上自己的钢笔(尊敬)时,他眼里流露出失望、羡慕的情绪。 然而这一切他都能与一个人分享,那就是他的室友——第一个臆想出的人物。他显得沉闷,却臆想出了一个浪子室友,说明他内心是矛盾的,更是渴望与人交往的。一方面他通过浪子室友否认数学就是一切,另一方面他又渴望用数学证明自己。他与室友的一切活动都是他的自我想象,他想象有一个人可以理解他、肯定他,他认为自己的人际关系薄弱,但是有非凡的智慧。每一次他与室友的聊天都是他内心的独白,他渴望有所突破,成为一个有所贡献的人。想象一个这样的他,一个人又打又闹推翻桌子打破窗户(暗示他打破研究的禁锢)吓到过路的同


2 .19世纪欧洲的妇女类型 2.1.笼中鸟 在十九世纪,根据大多数女作家,女性通常会被剥夺他们的妇女权利。这个“笼中鸟”就是其中一个类型。这种类型的女人是在男人的印象中被塑造出来的女人类型,像哈姆雷特中的奥菲利亚,奥德修斯中的奥德赛夫人等等。这毫无疑问的说明这些女人在某种程度上和笼中鸟有相似之处。天使,在文学上是一个美好的想象,暗示着妇女是纯洁的,外表是漂亮的,在精神上是顺从男性的。更多的是,她们自私。主张男女平等主义者的吉尔伯特曾经指出无论他们变成什么—艺术想象或者是圣徒,他们回避他们自己—他们自己的舒服感,他们自己的愿望---这事这些天使的主要行为。准确的说,他们的命运已被注定因为他们的牺牲,因为他们的无私并不只代表着高雅,还代表着死亡。他们只是漂亮的没有灵魂的玩具。把女子看成一个天使的想象把女人们标称男人品味的一个物体。带着生命的沉默,女人在社会中的低位逐渐丧失。抢掠女人言语权的正式女人的压抑。这就是为什么在《女人的占有中》作者指出如果一个女人想做成某事,她鼻血杀死笼中的鸟。波娃西蒙曾经也说过女人要做的第一件事是感到痛苦的并且是抛弃一些传统东西后的自豪。 2.2.一个疯狂的女人 如果“笼中鸟”意味着男性的话语权剥夺走了妇女的社会地位,那个疯女人也是被男性权利掠夺的女性社会地位的牺牲品。通常

用疯女人或者巫婆来展示他们有多么害怕女人的个性,例如圣经中的夏娃诱惑亚当去偷智慧之树上的水果,又如名利场中的贝基夏普,这些妇女都是表面有诱惑力的,就像权利诱惑着男人。她们对生活有独自的愿望,从不对男人顺从。她们聪明有智慧,但是通常被男人认为奸诈。她们有时候有着超人的才智,这使她们比男人还有能力,但是经常被男人认为是自私的,很吵闹的人。所以在这种情况下,妇女因为男人的话语权的危害变疯了。这些妇女的最终都是被男人踢到地狱或者是失去名声或地位。总之,“疯女人”兼并了所有不幸妇女的特征。这暗示着一个女人要想生存下去只能从相反的一面去服从男人。西蒙这个人曾经指出“一个人生出来宁愿变成女人”。妇女并不只是偶像和公务员,也是罪恶的和被戏弄的。她们不只是男人伤害的物体还是被伤害的根底。妇女们被教会去放弃自己。她们一旦不顺从男人,她们就会被认为是“疯女人”。 2.3.两者(笼中鸟和疯女人)的共同点 人们普遍认为一个拥有财富的男人必是需要一个妻子。在傲慢与偏见这本书中开头便强烈的显露出19世纪女性的社会地位。在社会上,男性总统治的财富。对女性来说最满意的解决方法来说就是嫁给一个有钱人,但是即使这样,妇女们还是没有成功的权利。在《简爱》中,伯莎,继承了财产,但是没有使用的权利。最终,罗切斯特因为与其结婚而有机会得到财富,过起了幸福生活。男性也统治着家庭和社会生活。女人只是男人的附属物。男


有关简爱的开题报告 论文题目:《论简爱》On Jane Eyre 毕业论文(设计)开题时间xx年12月10日 毕业论文(设计)进行地点郑州华信学院 一、选题的目的与意义: 《简爱》中作者以一种女性细腻,为我们解释了人的内心世界中深刻的体验。这样的描写使得小说的价值超越了他故事本身。它提供给我们读者心理活动的体验,直到今天依然会引起很多读者,尤其我们女性读者无论是心理还是精神上的共鸣。通过简析简.爱的性格形成和性格特征让人们认识到女人的尊严要自己来捍卫,人的最美好的生活是人的尊严加爱。 二、研究的主要内容与创新之处: 主要内容:主要研究简爱的性格形成和性格特征以及尊严+爱着个公式在人们生活中的时代意义。 1.小说中主人公所处的环境进行分析,简析简.爱的性格形成; 2、通过阅读小说,探索简.爱的人格力量,总结她的性格特征; 3、通过分析当今社会人们的价值取向和对爱情婚姻的选择条件,提出这样一个主题:人的价值=尊严+爱,而不是让金钱和地位淹没爱情、尊严、人格、婚姻、甚至所有人类真正应该珍视的一切。创新之处:简所定义的最美好生活应该是:美好生活=尊严+爱+金钱。《简爱》的女性意识符合当时社会发展的趋势,体现了现代社会女性对于自我价值和独立意识的追求。

三、研究的方法与设计方案 研究方法:调查法、归纳总结法、例证法、查阅文献资料法;课题的研究手段主要以文学研究为主兼以理论研究。 设计方案: 研究的进度安排:统一按照院系领导和指导老师的安排,并结合论文写作的实际情况,认真完成论文写作的每项步骤。 四、完成期限与预期进展: 完成期限:11月25日——4月10日 预期进展: 11月25日——12月15日:选题及收集资料,撰写文献综述12月30日前:开题答辩,确定毕业论文研究课题;撰写开题报告书 次年1月——次年3月:收集相关资料,并对资料进行分类归纳次年3月——次年4月:撰写论文初稿 次年4月1日——次年4月10日:论文修改及定稿 五、主要参考文献: [1] Bronte Charlotte .Jane Eyre.1847.New York: Bantam Books [M], 1981. [2] Bronte Charlotte .Jane Eyre.北京:当代中国出版社[M],2002


2021年高校教师资格证考试高等教育心理学知识必考题库及答案(共260题) 1小丽在学习时为了记住数字、年代等枯燥无味的知识,常对其赋予意义,使记忆过程生动有趣,小丽使用的学习策略是()。 A. 复述策略 B. 组织策略 C. 精加工策略 D. 元认知策略 正确答案: C 知识点: 常用的策略性知识 2学习者面对本应自己解决的问题却请求别人替他完成。这种学业求助方式是()。 A. 工具性求助 B. 执行求助 C. 回避求助 D. 结果求助 正确答案: B 知识点: 常用的策略性知识 3学习者借助别人的力量解决问题,但目的是为了独立学习,而非仅仅获得正确答案。这种学业求助方式是()。 A. 工具性求助

B. 执行求助 C. 回避求助 D. 结果求助 正确答案: A 知识点: 常用的策略性知识 4下列选项中,属于结构良好的问题是()。 A. 如何写好一篇学术论文 B. 如何根据已知条件证明几何题 C. 如何保持良好的人际关系 D. 如何成为一名优秀的教师 正确答案: B 知识点: 问题与问题解决 5只需要再现性思维,再现以前已经产生的反应就可以解决的问题类型是()。 A. 常规问题 B. 结构良好问题 C. 一般领域问题 D. 专门领域问题 正确答案: A 知识点: 问题与问题解决 6美国心理学家桑代克提出的问题解决的模型是()。 A. 顿悟说

B. 尝试—错误说 C. 认知地图 D. 创造性解决问题模型 正确答案: B 知识点: 问题解决的早期模型 7提出问题解决的顿悟模型的心理学家是()。 A. 桑代克 B. 杜威 C. 西蒙 D. 苛勒 正确答案: D 知识点: 问题解决的早期模型 8以人为对象开始研究问题解决模型的心理学家是()。 A. 西蒙 B. 杜威 C. 桑代克 D. 苛勒 正确答案: B 知识点: 问题解决的早期模型 9逐个尝试解决问题的各种可能性,以尝试错误方式解决问题的思维搜索策略是()。 A. 逆推法 B. 启发式


从心理学视角谈谈《美丽心灵》电影观后感 《美丽心灵》描写的是真人真事,即使是现在,当人们谈到精神分裂症患者时,通常的反应仍是感到恐惧、不可思议和排斥、歧视,生活在真实社会、普通生活中的正常人是很难理解精神病患者的那些怪异行为和举止的。可是在我们的社会中,精神病人却是越来越多了,他们不仅需要得到医生和心理工作者的关注,还需要得到大众的认可和支持。 阿基瓦·戈尔兹曼的父母都是纽约知名的心理医生,其本人对精神病患者有很好的理解。从这个意义上来说,戈尔兹曼是纳斯原型的第一个心理分析者,电影和心理分析都在试图阐述一个故事,试图深入一个人的内心。戈尔兹曼的心理分析使纳斯的心灵在银幕上真实而深入地再现出来,而我们,则希望通过一些心理分析的观点来帮助自己和观众更好地理解电影,更好地理解纳斯的心灵。 (一)个性分析:思维与情感的冲突 1、思维与情感的不平衡 《美丽心灵》展现了一个天才的思想。纳斯最初给观众的印象是在普林斯顿大学的迎新招待会上,在纳斯的眼中,阳光透过玻璃杯和柠檬的影像,飘浮在空中,然后刚好与旁边一个学生的领带图案重合。纳斯微微一笑,对那个同学说:知道吗?我可以从数学的角度来解释你的领带有多么难看。这就是纳斯,西弗吉尼亚的天才,在他的思想中,数学似乎可以解释一切。他观察生活中的一切,并用数学公式和数学推理来表达生活中的一切。如橄榄球比赛、鸽子的活动周期、一个女人在追抢了她钱包的男人的表现等等,他那著名的博奕论的灵感就是来源于对酒吧里的男女社交活动的观察。透过写满公式的窗户,可以看到纳斯那若有所思的脸,在他眼中的世界是充满数字、逻辑和推理的理性世界,并且在他所理解的理性世界中孜孜不倦地追求。 与他在数理世界中的追求相反的是,他对现实生活的热情不大。影片的开始也通过一些片断表现了纳斯的个性。他生性孤僻,言语不多,拒绝社交,与其他同学的生活格格不入。无疑,纳斯的思想和情感的发展是很不平衡的。 心理分析大师荣格在谈到心理类型时把思维、情感、感觉、直觉作为功能十字图的四极,其中心是自我。其中思维和情感相对,感觉和直觉相对。自我在这相对的两维中都可能有偏差。喜好思维的人其自我的意志力便导向思维那一端,情感就只能放在下端而处于一种次要功能。当两者相对比较平衡时,自我仍能较好地理解和控制情感,这时的情感是一种理性情感。但越习惯于思考的人,情感就容易越受到排斥。当思维占据了意识的全部时,情感就只能在无意识中起作用。情感由于受到排斥而不能被意识所理解和控制,往往就会失去理性而成为非理性情感。因此纳斯并不害怕别人对他思维的攻击,因为那是他能够意识和控制的,但是他害怕来自无意识的情感,那是他不能理解和不能控制的领域。在影片中,我们可以感受到纳斯那木讷的表情下隐藏的是他内心复杂的冲突,成功与失败、孤独与认可、爱与结果…… 2、三种非理性情感
