



1.Our natural ________ are limited. This means that they will not________forever. A.energies; occur B.materials ; erupt

C.resources ; last D.sources; bury

2.He stood at the water’s ____________ and looked across the lake.

A.edge B.course C.exit

3.In old China, parents demanded complete ____________ from their children.

A.ambition B.obedience C.education

4.If you want to get a good ___________, you’d better stand on the top of the hill.

A.sight B.scene

C.look D.view

5.Enough of it! Nobody here thinks what you are saying should make any ________. A.excuse B.sense C.use D.value

6.Tony put on soft music and turned down the lights in order to give a more relaxed ____ at home.

A.view B.attitude C.style D.atmosphere

7.A huge was lifted from my shoulders when I told my parents about my problems. A.burden B.risk C.hole D.disaster

8.This unjust _______ of people on the basis of skin color was challenged. A.determination B.adaptation C.separation D.submission

9.If violence is not kept in check by bringing the guilty to ____, matters will go beyond what the public can tolerate.

A.equality B.justice C.regulation D.liberation

10.I practiced a lot in the training center so that I could pass the driving test at my first


A.attempt B.experiment

C.flight D.glance

11.They lived in a backward part of the country, with no electricity, paved roads or easy ______ to safe drinking water.

A.lack B.guarantee C.remedy D.access

12.Lulu grew up in the ____________ of her high-performing sister, Sophia.

A.protection B.gesture C.shadow

13.To those of you who received honors, awards, and ____, I say, well done. And to the average students, I say, you, too, can be President of the United States.

A.distinctions B.contributions C.solutions D.attractions 14.—Any ________ to how long I can keep the book?

—Yes. You must return it by next Tuesday.

A.limit B.time C.number D.length

15.How much does it cost to put satellite into____________?

A.gas B.orbit C.chemicals D.vapors

16.China is a racially mixed country, in which various ethnic(民族) groups bring their own unique flavors to each corner of the country, which adds ________ people's table.

A.to great variety of B.great variety to

C.to a great variety of D.the great variety to

17.He gained ______ to this university

A.permission B.accommodation C.scholarship D.admission 18.President Donald Trump's first state dinner excluded Democratic members of Congress and the media, which was criticized by many as a(n) _________ from tradition.

A.departure B.benefit C.escape D.lesson 19.Teachers have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional ________.

A.consequence B.independence

C.competence D.intelligence

20.With the _______ of the mid-term examinations, the majority of the students are becoming more and more nervous.

A.approach B.access C.attachment D.appearance 21.Olympic athletes bring joy to people across the world with their____________ to push the boundaries of human achievement.

A.intelligence B.influences C.impression D.attempts

22.The explorer got a disease in blood for ________of fresh vegetables and fruit.

A.sake B.lack

C.ignorance D.knock

23.I have read the material several times but it doesn’t make any________to me. A.meaning B.importance C.sense D.significance 24.On _________ that all go smoothly, we can realize our annual goals as expected. A.situation B.case C.condition D.environment 25.The painful experience left her emotionally drained, but she is not the sort of

________woman to be defeated by a of fate.

A.damage B.collapse C.twist D.share









energies; 精力;occur 发生;B. materials ; 材料;erupt 爆发;C. resources ; 资源;last 持续; D. sources;资源; bury埋葬。有限的是自然资源,有限当然不能持续使用。故选C。2.A




考查名词词义辨析。句意:他站在水边眺望湖对岸。A. edge边缘;B. course课程,过程;

C. exit出口。根据生活常识,是站在水边眺望,故选A。





考查名词词义辨析。句意:在旧中国,父母要求子女绝对服从。A. ambition雄心;B. obedience顺从;C. education教育。根据常识,以前父母要求子女是绝对服从,故选B。4.D





考查名词辨析。句意:如果你想有一个好的视野,你最好站在山顶上。A. sight景象;B. scene场面;C. look样子;D. view视野。习惯用法:get/have a good view“有好的视野或视角”。故选D。






考查名词辨析。句意:够了!这里没人认为你说的话有任何意义。A. excuse借口,理由;

B. sense感知;

C. use使用;

D. value价值。固定搭配:make any sense讲不通,有任何意义,结合句意。故选B。



make up 组成,构成,化妆,编造,和好如初;be made of 由---构成(能看出原材料);be made from由---构成(不能看出原材料); be made into 被制成了---;be made up of 由---组成;be made in由某地制成; make friends 交朋友; make preparations for 为---做准备;make oneself done 使某人自己被---。






A. view视野,风景;

B. attitude态度;

C. style风格;

D. atmosphere气氛。根据语境及选项分析可知,此处指更轻松的“氛围”。故选D。





考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我告诉父母我的问题时,我肩上的重担减轻了。A. burden负担;B. risk冒险;C. hole洞;D. disaster灾难。根据句意及选项可知,此处使用“负担减轻”符合题意。故选A。






考查名词词义辨析。句意:这种以肤色为基础的不公正的种族隔离受到了挑战。A. determination决心;B. adaptation适应;C. separation隔离,分离;D. submission投降,提交。结合句意表示“分离”应用separation。故选C。





考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果不能通过将罪犯绳之以法来制止暴力,事情将超出公众所能忍受的范围。A. equality平等;B. justice正义;C. regulation管理;D. liberation解放。根据句意及选项可知,此处使用名词justice。故选B。







A. attempt尝试;

B. experiment实验;

C. flight飞行;

D. glance瞥见。at the / one’s first attempt表示“第一次尝试”,为固定搭配。由“I practiced a lot in the training center”以及so that可推断,进行大量练习,目的是为了一次尝试通过驾照考试。故选A。





考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们住在这个国家的一个落后地区,没有电,没有柏油路,也没有容易的安全饮用水接入。A. lack缺乏;B. guarantee保证;C. remedy补救;D. access

进入。根据上文with no electricity, paved roads可知,这个地区没有电,没有柏油路,也没有安全的饮用水。短语access to表示“进入,有权使用”,故选D。





考查名词词义辨析。句意:露露是在她高水平的姐姐索菲亚的阴影下长大的。A. protection 保护;B. gesture姿态;C. shadow阴影。根据后文her high-performing sister, Sophia可知,是在姐姐的阴影下长大。故选C。






考查名词词义辨析。句意:对于你们那些已经收到荣誉、奖励和勋章的人,我要说,做得好。对于一般的学生,我要对你们说,你也可以成为美国的总统。A. distinctions勋章;B. contributions贡献;C. solutions解决方案;D. attractions吸引。根据honors, awards可知此处用“勋章”符合语境,故选A项。






考查名词辨析。句意:——我能借多长时间有限制吗?——是的。你必须在下星期二之前归还。A. limit限制;B. time时间;C. number 数字;D. length长度。结合后文的回答“You must return it by next Tuesday.”可知询问的是借书的时间有没有“限制(limit)”。故选A。





考查名词词义辨析。句意:把卫星放入轨道要花费多少钱?A. gas气体;B. orbit轨道;C. chemicals化学物质;D. vapors水蒸气。根据 satellite可知,此处用“轨道”符合句意,故选B项。






考查名词和固定短语。句意:中国是一个多种族的国家,在中国,各民族团体将他们独有的味道带到国家的各个角落,增添了人们餐桌的多样性。分析句子可知,各族人民不同的口味增加了人们餐桌的多样性,A、B选项中的add...... to意为“把......加到......”,great variety没有特指,所以不加the。故选B项。






考查名词词义辨析。句意:他被这所大学录取。A. permission允许;B. accommodation膳食,住宿;C. scholarship奖学金;D. admission进入许可录用。短语gain admission to“获准入学,获准进入”。故选D项。






考查名词。句意:唐纳德·特朗普总统的第一次国宴排除了国会民主党议员和媒体,许多人批评这是对传统的背离。A. departure背离,违反;B. benefit益处;C. escape逃跑,逃避;D. lesson课,教训。分析句子可知,此处表示的意思是“国宴排除了国会民主党议员和媒体是对传统的背离”,故选A。






考查名词词义辨析。句意:老师们要不断地更新自己的知识以保持他们能够胜任工作的能力。A. consequence 结果; B. independence独立; C. competence 资格,能力,胜任,称职;D. intelligence 智力。根据句意,C项符合此处语境。故选C。




考查名词词义辨析。句意:随着期中考试的临近,大多数学生变得越来越紧张。A. approach接近;B. access通道;C. attachment连接物,附属;D. appearance外貌,外观。根据“the majority of the students are becoming more and more nervous”可知,此处是指随着期中考试的“临近”,故选A项。


名词词义辨析题注重考查考生结合语境准确选用词语的能力。由于英语词汇丰富,且用法多变,考生掌握起来有较大难度,因此在平时应注意词汇的积累,理解词语的含义及其常见的习惯搭配,再联系句子所表述的意义和语境,选出正确的答案。如本题中由语境“the majority of the students are becoming more and more nervous”可以推出,空处应选“接近,临近”的意思。





考查名词。句意:奥运健儿们努力突破人类成就的极限,为全世界人民带来了欢乐。A. intelligence智力,理解力;B. influences影响;C. impression印象,效果;D. attempts企图,试图。结合句意可知D项符合语境。




考查名词。for the sake of为了……的缘故;for lack of由于缺少;ignorance无知;knock敲打,敲击。句意:探险家因为缺少新鲜的蔬菜和水果,得了一种血液病。根据句意应选B。






考查名词词义辨析。句意:这个材料我已经读了好几遍了,但对我来说毫无意义。A. meaning意思;B. importance重要性;C. sense意义;D. significance重要性。根据语境可知,此处是短语make sense“有意义,讲得通”的否定变化。故选C。





考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果一切顺利,我们就能按预期实现我们的年度目标。A. situation形势;B. case情况;C. condition状况;D. environment环境。on condition that是固定搭配,意为“如果……、在……条件下”,分析句意可知,我们实现我们的年度目标的条件是一切顺利,故此题选C。






考查名词词义辨析。句意:痛苦的经历使她的感情枯竭,但她不是那种被命运打败的扭曲的女人。A. damage破坏;B. collapse崩溃;C. twist转动,扭曲;D. share分享。结合句意表示“扭曲”,故选C。


高考英语名词知识点综合练习(1) 一、选择题 1.The system has been meant to give students quick and easy ________ to the digital resources of the library. A.access B.passage C.way D.approach 2.Lao Gan Ma is the best chilli sauce in China. The company built up its________by constantly providing high-quality products at a relatively low price. A.reputation B.campaign C.appetite D.occupation 3.I suggest you apply for membership. Members can get a 15% ____________. A.discount B.dictation C.favor 4.Anyone who is in ________ of weapons without permission is considered law-breaking. A.command B.control C.charge D.possession 5.Enough of it! Nobody here thinks what you are saying should make any ________. A.excuse B.sense C.use D.value 6.A huge was lifted from my shoulders when I told my parents about my problems. A.burden B.risk C.hole D.disaster 7.Timoteo has an unusual job — he is a human traffic _________. A.sign B.signal C.mark D.symbol 8.—In spring, hens start laying eggs again, bringing a welcome source of protein. —It is ____ that lots of cultures celebrate spring by honoring the egg! A.no doubt B.no surprise C.no way D.no need 9.The ________ went extremely well, with almost all of the audience requesting further information about our 5G products. A.conservation B.imagination C.presentation D.qualification 10.If violence is not kept in check by bringing the guilty to ____, matters will go beyond what the public can tolerate. A.equality B.justice C.regulation D.liberation 11.The two neighbouring countries reached a(an) ______ on their boundary problem eventually. A.Accumulation.B.compensation C.accommodation D.ambition 12.As we all know, there is a close ______ between diet and health. A.connection B.evidence C.power D.belief 13.To those of you who received honors, awards, and ____, I say, well done. And to the average students, I say, you, too, can be President of the United States. A.distinctions B.contributions C.solutions D.attractions 14.People’s____of life has greatly improved since the reform and opening-up policy(政策)was carried out in China. A.quantity B.quality C.activity D.reality 15.During the early ____________of planetary evolution, they served to sweep the solar system. A.stages B.journeys C.species D.demands


考点一名词 名 词 一、可数名词单数变复数的规则 1.规则变化 规则例词 一般情况下,在词尾直接加-s book—books cap—caps tree—trees 以-s,-x,-ch,-sh结尾的名词,在词尾加-es glass—glasses box—boxes watch—watches brush—brushes


注意:1.fish的“数” ?

2.penny的复数形式 ? 2 pennies ? 2 pence 3.hair的“数” ? ?

4.people指“人”时是person的一种复数形式,指“民族”时其复数形 式为peoples。 one person一个人two people两个人 a people一个民族two peoples两个民族 二、名词所有格 1. 加-'s词尾的规则 2.用法 (1)用于表来人或其他有生命的名词。表示所有关系类别用途、目的或起源。Is this Mr. Black's ofie? 这是布莱克先生的办公室吗? I took over my father's company last year.我是去年接管我父亲的公司的。children's bookstore儿童书店 (2)用于表示时间距离、价格等的名词。 Have you read today's newspaper?你读今天的报纸了吗? We're going to have a six weeks' summer vacation.我们将有一-个为期六个星期的暑假。

It's only half an hour's drive from here to the nearesthospital. 从这里到最近的医院开车仅有半小时的路程。 I bought 100 dollars' worth of books.我买了100美元的书。 (3)表示国家、城市、天体等的名词常用- 's结构。 China's industry 中国的工业 the ciy' enironment这座城市的环境the earth's suface地球的表面 (4)用以构成不同的节日。 April Fo's Day愚人节Children'sDay儿童节 Mothe's Day母亲节Teaches Day教师节 (5)用来表示店铺、医院、学校、住宅及公共建筑时,名词所有格后常常不出现它所修饰的名词。 at the barber's (shop)在理发店at Dick's (home)在迪克家 at the Whites' ( home )在怀特家里at the doctor's ( ffice)在医院at the tailor's ( shop)在裁缝店 (6)-'s用于学位中。 a Bachelor's degree学土学位 a master's degree硕士学位 a doctor's degree博士学位 (7)有时为了避免重复,可以单独使用-'s所有格,在句中相当于名词My views are quite different from my father's.我的观点与我父亲的非常不同。 My camera is the same as Ron's.我的照相机和罗恩的一样。 (8)由and连接的两个或多个名词,表示共同拥有时,只将最后一个名词变为所有格形式;如果是各自所有,则每个名词都要变成所有格 Jonh and Mary’s school Jonh’s and Mary’s schools (9)不定代词后加else,在else后加“-'s” somebody else's possessions 3.of所有格


高考英语名词知识点专项训练及解析答案(2) 一、选择题 1.The painful experience left her emotionally drained, but she is not the sort of ________woman to be defeated by a of fate. A.damage B.collapse C.twist D.share 2.In old China, parents demanded complete ____________ from their children. A.ambition B.obedience C.education 3.I suggest you apply for membership. Members can get a 15% ____________. A.discount B.dictation C.favor 4.One of the Disney cartoon characters, Donald Duck, is always quick to find ____ with others and brings laugher to people of all ages. A.mistake B.error C.blame D.fault 5.Many scientists have believed that there may be a ______ of life on the Mars. A.signal B.sign C.mark D.sigh 6.Since 1949, the people’s living standard ____, causing a big ____ in population. A.has been raised; rise B.has been risen; raise C.has raised; rise D.has raised; rose 7.Enough of it! Nobody here thinks what you are saying should make any ________. A.excuse B.sense C.use D.value 8.Timoteo has an unusual job — he is a human traffic _________. A.sign B.signal C.mark D.symbol 9.—I couldn’t tell Jack from his twin brother. —Me too, and there is no obvious________between them. A.contribution B.distinction C.promotion D.expression 10.The ________ went extremely well, with almost all of the audience requesting further information about our 5G products. A.conservation B.imagination C.presentation D.qualification 11.The practice of hanging flags is a common _______ in many parts of the country on National Day. A.sight B.scenery C.sign D.signal 12.Determination is the most important of all the ____________ because without determination, you will end up doing nothing. A.tactics B.virtues C.emotions 13.They lived in a backward part of the country, with no electricity, paved roads or easy ______ to safe drinking water. A.lack B.guarantee C.remedy D.access 14.—Any ________ to how long I can keep the book? —Yes. You must return it by next Tuesday. A.limit B.time C.number D.length 15.To everyone's surprise, the three-year-old boy recited Three-Character Canon without making a single .


高考英语必考点:考点妙解名词 典型例题 纵观近几年全国、上海、北京等地的高考试题,对名词的考查往往涉及名词作定语(如:He dropped the coffee cup and broke it.),抽象名词具体化(如:WhataPleasantsurprisehegaveus!),区分可数名词和不可数名词,根据句意选择适当的名词,某个名词在不同场合下的具体意义和一些名词构成的固定搭配。 一般来说名词主要考查: 1.可数名词复数构成的规则及不规则变化。 2.可数名词和不可数名词的判断与用法——对比。 3.名词的所有格,包括’s所有格,…of…所有格和双重所有格的用法。 4.名词作定语和名词构成的习语及用法等。 5.名词的词义辨析。 应试同分瓶颈 纵观历年来高考对名词的考查,主要体现为一个“活”字。因此要求考生平时加强关于名词基础知识的学习,如:名词的数、名词的所有格、主谓一致及一些有关名词的固定搭配。通过对比、归纳、总结等方法,记忆、理解部分知识,并将名词常考知识点梳理清楚。另外在做题时灵活使用所学的基础知识,把握重点、难点,认真审题,依据具体的语境进行分析判断。 近几年的高考题对名词的考查一般集中在名词的辨析上。所以在学习中要注意名词在特定语境中的正确使用和细微差别,另外还要注意名词和动词的搭配用法。抽象名词的具体化也应该引起重视。surprise不可数表示“惊奇”,可数为“令人惊奇的事情”;shame不可数为“羞愧”,可数为“令人羞愧的事”,除此之外还有:honour,failure,success,pleasure,pity等。 ◎命题点1 名词的数 ◎命题点2 名词的所有格及名词作定语 命题点1 名词的数 本类考题解答锦囊 名词有数的区分。在英语中名词分为可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词有单复数形式,不可数名词没有复数形式。有些名词既可以是可数名词,也可以是不可数名词,但所表达的意义不同。我们在应试时要考虑以下几点:


1.In this strange village, there are many small flags on their _____. A. roof B. roofs C. rooves D. roofes 2.He gained his ____ by printing _____ of famous writers. A. wealth; work B. wealths; works C. wealths; work D. wealth; works 3.My parents always let me have my own ___ of living. A. way B. method C. manner D. means 4.Many people agree that ____ knowledge of English is a must in ____ international trade today. A. a; / B. the; an C. the; the D. /;the 5.The television was repaired but not quite to the owner’s _____. A. joy B. pleasure C. surprise D. satisfaction 6.If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask him to leave a ____. A. message B. letter C. sentence D. notice 7.I need ___ cloth, for I’m going to make ____ clothes. A. a lot of ; many B. much; much C. many; many C. many; a lot of 8.How happy they are? Obviously, they are _____. A. in nice spirits B. in nice spirit C. in high spirits D. in high spirit 9.Is there ____ for one more in the car? A. seat B. situation C. position D. room 10.A worker ant has two ____, one stomach holds the food for itself and the other is for food to be given to other ants. A. stomach B. stomaches C. stomachs D. sotmacs 11.Both Mars and Engles were _____. A. German B. Germans C. Germany D. form German 12.–How was your recent visit to Qingdao? –It was great. We visited some friends, and spent the ____ days at the seaside. A. few last sunny B. last few sunny C. last sunny few D. few sunny last 13.____ is standing at the corner of the street. A. A police B. The police C. Police D. A policeman 14.____ of the land in this district ___ covered with trees and grass. A. Two fifth; is B. Two fifth; are C. Two fifths; is D. Two fifths; are 15.Professor Li gave him one of the best ____ I’ve never heard. A. advices B. pieces of advice C. idea D. suggestion 16.All the scientific evidence ____ that increasing use of chemicals in farming ____ damaging our health. A. show; are B. shows; are C. show; is D. shows; is 17.– What do you want? – I want ___ that is on the table. A. the piece of bread B. a piece of bread C. a bread D. some of bread 18.Being able to afford ___ drink would be ____ comfort in those tough times. A. the; the B. a; a C. a;/ D. /; a 19.Enough of it! Nobody here thinks what you are saying should make any ____. A. excuse B. sense C. use D. value 20.Which do you like better, ____ or ____? A. tomato; potato B. tomatoes; potatos C. tomatos; potatoes D. tomatoes; potatoes 21.The ____ shoes were covered with mud, so I asked them to take them off before they got into ____ car. A. girl’s; Tom’s B. girls’; Tom’s C. girls’; Tom’s D. girl’s; Toms’ 22.– Have you ever visited the Leaning Tower in Pisa? – oh yes, ___. A. dozens of times B. a dozen of times C. dozens of time D. a dozen time 23.____ has been used to save his life. A. All possible means B. Every possible means C. Every possible mean D. All the possible means 24.Jenny went to the ____ to buy a pair of shoes. A. shoes store B. shore store C. shoe’s store D. shoes’ store 25.Would you please show me the way to the ____? A. dresses’s shop B. dress shop C. dress’ shop D. dresses shop 26.–isn’t it getting dark early tonight? –I think so, I see ___ is on already. A. the street’s light B. the street light C. the light of the street D. the light of streets 27.This is a useful book for ___. A. physics’ teachers B. physics teachers C. physics teacher D. physics’s teachers 28.Tom was late for two classes this morning. He said that he forgot both of the ____. A. rooms number B. room number C. room’s number D. room numbers 29.The mother helped the child ____. A. build sand castles B. build castles in sands C. build castes with sands D. build castles by sands 30.There are three ___ in our factory. A. woman doctors B. women doctor C. women doctors D. woman doctor 31.Jenny asked me to get her ____, for the old one broke a few days ago. A. a pot of tea B. a pot for tea C. a tea pot D. a tea’s pot. 32.Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for heath. It may also be good for _____ building. A. respect B. friendship C. reputation D. character 33.Take your time –it’s just ____ short distance form here to ____ restaurant. A. /;the B. a; the C. the; a D. /; a 34.Every morning Mr. Turner’s daughter got up early to ____ the cows. A. water B. milk C. grass D. food 35.The history of ____ is full of achievements and adventures. A. man B. men . Men’s D. the men


高考英语新名词知识点知识点总复习(3) 一、选择题 1.Nearly a year after his____________ from prison, he was still unable to sleep properly. A.expedition B.transformation C.link D.release 2.If you want to get a good ___________, you’d better stand on the top of the hill. A.sight B.scene C.look D.view 3.A huge was lifted from my shoulders when I told my parents about my problems. A.burden B.risk C.hole D.disaster 4.Be sure to read the ______ in the guidebook before you begin to use the new computer. A.instructions B.solution C.descriptions D.message 5.The practice of hanging flags is a common _______ in many parts of the country on National Day. A.sight B.scenery C.sign D.signal 6.This unjust _______ of people on the basis of skin color was challenged. A.determination B.adaptation C.separation D.submission 7.It’s her ________ of time to medical research that helped Tu Youyou win the Nobel Prize. A.supply B.respect C.devotion D.arrangement 8.I practiced a lot in the training center so that I could pass the driving test at my first __________. A.attempt B.experiment C.flight D.glance 9.---What's new? ---The upcoming 40-day Spring Festival travel ____ , also known as chunyun, will ___ on Jan 10 and end on Feb 18. A.dash; kick out B.rush; kick off C.flow; kick in D.jam; kick up 10.All children should be encouraged to realize their full __________. A.impact B.recognition C.potential D.program 11.Finding the ________ to this problem is no easy task . A.relaxation B.imagination C.invention D.solution 12.The self-driving smart bus is already operating in 10 cities across China, with the latest_______ in Shanghai in August. A.exploration B.exclusion C.expansion D.explosion 13.During the early ____________of planetary evolution, they served to sweep the solar system. A.stages B.journeys C.species D.demands 14.Poverty alleviation is a high priority of our country and has been put on the top of________at two sessions. A.agenda B.subject C.directory D.seminar 15.Despite numerous failures, they continued to carry out the____________. A.method B.experiment.C.warning D.effect 16.He gained ______ to this university


.高考英语短文改错及语法填空考点分析及训练·名词考点规律分析:短文改错的名词考点主要涉及名词的单复数问题,即在该用复数的地方误用其单数,或在该用单数的地方误用其复数。此外,还常考名词的所有格、名词与其他词类之间的转换等。语法填空主要考查名词的单复数以及名词与其他词类之间的转换。 名词单句改错之真题训练: 1. We stopped to rest for a while and to drink some waters from a stream. 2.We climb everywhere, not only in America. We have been to Europe many time. 3.There are branch library in many villages. 4.I hope that you two could come and visit us some times soon. 5.Today I visited the Smiths — my first time visit to an American family. 6. They were eager to know everything about China and asked me lots of question. 7. We study quite a few subject, such as maths, Chinese, English and physics. 8. …and often watch football match on TV together. 9.Happy birthday, Peter, and many happy return of the day! 10. She said that she and my schoolmate all wished me success. 11. I used to love science class — all of them— biology, chemistry, geography, physics. 12. They did not want me to do any work at family. 13. …so that I’ll get good mar ks in all my subject. 14.On the way up I was busy taking picture since the scenery was so beautiful. 15. No one worries much about the radio program young people listen to. 16. Their word were a great encouragement to me. 17. You know, that was a dinner we had waited for several month.” 18. …but after class we become stranger at once. 19. You can find all kinds of information in just a few minute on the Internet. 20. Nowadays millions of people of all age take pleasure in a hobby… 21. She was doing her homeworks one Sunday morning when… 22. Without enough knowledges, you can never teach well. 23..The airs we breathe is getting dirtier and dirtier. 名词单句改错之模拟训练: 1. Women live longer than men in most country. 2. The film is very interesting. I have seen it many time. 3. It’s said that all the ticket have been sold out. 4. The children spend a lot of times watching TV. 5. I met a lot of interesting peoples on holiday. 6. The flower in the park were all pleasing. 7. As the day went by, she became less anxious. 8. Computer are becoming more and more popular in the country. 9. It’s one of the most interesting book that I’ve ever read. 10. He made his first time visit to China when he was 18. 11.Hearing the news, the woman burst into tear. 12. He hasn’t lived here long, but he has a great many friend here. 13. I was afraid she would have left for family when I got there. 14. He’s getting marr ied next month and decides to buy some furnitures. 15. There’s a paper’s factory near our school. 名词单句改错之提升训练: A级 1. From then on, we became good friend and often played together. 2. Both Marx and Engels were Germen. 3.Did you take their advices yesterday? 4. Most of them are woman doctors. 5.We can have funs at the seaside this weekend. 6. There are four baskets of apple in that room. 7. This computer cost me eight thousands yuan. 8. Tom looks happy today. He’s got many good news from here. 9. This hat of my father is rather old. 10.He made many mistake in the exam because of carelessness.


专题01名词——高效演练 一.单句语法填空 1.The__________ (possible)that there is life on other planets in the universe has always inspired scientists to explore the outer space. 【答案】possibility 【解析】考查名词词义辨析及语境理解。句意:宇宙中其它星球上存在生命这种可能性总是激励科学家们去探索外部空间。故填possibility。 2. Try to understand what’s actually happening instead of acting on the _______ (assume)you’ve made. 【答案】assumption 【解析】考查名词词义辨析及语境理解。句意:试着去理解实际发生的事情,而不是按照你所做的假设行事。故选assumption 。 3.In 1863 the first underground passenger railway in the world opened in London. It ran for just under seven kilometers and allowed people to avoid terrible (crowd) on the roads above as they travelled to and from work. 【答案】crowds 【解析】考查名词。crowd前没有冠词、指示代词和形容词性人称代词,故用复数形式。 4.But for tourists like me,pandas are its top ________(attract). 【答案】attraction 【解析】句意:但是对于像我一样的游客来说,大熊猫是最大的吸引。形容词top“头等的;最重要的”后面跟名词形式。 5.The nursery team switches him every few ________(day)with his sister so that while one is being bottle-fed... 【答案】days 【解析】句意:护理团队每隔几天就把他和他的妹妹互换一下,这样当他们中的一个在被人工喂养的时候……。every few days“每隔几天”。 6.Then,handle the most important tasks first so you'll feel a real sense of ________(achieve).【答案】achievement 【解析】句意:然后,首先处理最重要的任务,那么你会感到真正意义上的成就。介词of后应用名词作宾


高考英语名词知识点专项训练解析含答案(2) 一、选择题 1.Finding the ________ to this problem is no easy task . A.relaxation B.imagination C.invention D.solution 2.He stood at the water’s ____________ and looked across the lake. A.edge B.course C.exit 3.I suggest you apply for membership. Members can get a 15% ____________. A.discount B.dictation C.favor 4.One of the Disney cartoon characters, Donald Duck, is always quick to find ____ with others and brings laugher to people of all ages. A.mistake B.error C.blame D.fault 5.Anyone who is in ________ of weapons without permission is considered law-breaking. A.command B.control C.charge D.possession 6.If you want to get a good ___________, you’d better stand on the top of the hill. A.sight B.scene C.look D.view 7.The worker was satisfied with his boss because he was offered a good . A.salary B.price C.service D.reason 8.Be sure to read the ______ in the guidebook before you begin to use the new computer. A.instructions B.solution C.descriptions D.message 9.Timoteo has an unusual job — he is a human traffic _________. A.sign B.signal C.mark D.symbol 10.It’s her ________ of time to medical research that helped Tu Youyou win the Nobel Prize. A.supply B.respect C.devotion D.arrangement 11.The building under _____for stay-at-home children will be completed in March A.contribution B.construction C.coincidence D.composition 12.Lao Gan Ma is the best chilli sauce in China. The company built up its________by constantly providing high-quality products at a relatively low price. A.reputation B.campaign C.appetite D.occupation 13.Hawking owned a brilliant intellect with a deep ____ for humanity, which enabled him to overcome his terrible disease and become a famous scientist. A.aid B.concern C.glory D.basis 14.American English has so many_________because the American people have come from all over the world. A.grammar B.vocabulary C.pronunciations D.dialects 15.The report at the conference analyses in detail why a new legal is needed to better protect the environment. A.currency B.framework C.allowance D.occupation 16.He has been spreading false stories in a(n)____________to smear(诽谤)us. A.attempt B.programme C.intention D.dream
