

During the holiday,I always go to the community library with my friends. But there is always a lot of people smoking in the corner of the library. As is known to all is that nobody should smoke in the library. Although they always smoke in the corner, it still has a great influence on the citizens who are reading in the library.

First of all, smoking is harmful to health. Smoking is not only hurting themselves, and damage others. The studies didn't just point to the ill effects of smoking on those who smoke--non-smokers, too, are apparently affected by the smoke from their friends, family members and strangers who light up in their presence. A steady stream of reports documented the statistical risks of contracting cancer or suffering from heart disease, even if you've never put a cigarette to your lips. We should give more impetus to the drive to make workplaces and other public areas smoke-free. It’s clear that the smell and smoke of cigarette smoke may destroy the atmosphere of study.

In my opinion, the library can recruit volunteers to go on patrol. And volunteers can stop smokers smoking in time. Besides, No Smoking Signs should be posted in the corner and WC. In this way, conditions should be better.


我身边的文明和不文明现象 在我们的生活中,身边不文明的行为,会让我们形成、养成坏习惯、在我们成都人的话下,“干要比说得好。” “关说不干假把式,”我们自称为成都人,但有一些不文明的行为生存在我们身上,这些犹如细菌,如果不把那些细菌消灭,我们的身体也不会健康。所以,我们应该把那些危害人们生活的不文明细菌,用我们热火的心善,把他们赶走。让我们的酒泉能温馨印文明。 不文明行为会让我们成都人的生活,受到极大的伤痛,不文明的行为,不文明的行为是一个巨大的魔鬼,那只无恶不作的魔鬼,阻挡我们成都人的发展,所以,我们应该手牵手,心连心,用我们成都人不屈败,不低头,成都人用那一颗颗善心,要渐渐形成一种强大力量,要打败了不文明的行为。我们不能让不文明细菌生存在我们身边,我们应该用保护成都的心,去建议我们心目中幢幢的成都吧! 身为成都人的我们,应该出去不文明行为,我们应该拿出我们成都人不屈败的本质,改变身边不文明的行为。 踏入广场,一块绿草坪即刻印入眼帘。不仅使广场显得生机勃勃,也有助于舒缓人们的视力疲劳。休息时转望窗外,绿意迎面。 然而,当大家赶时间急着去做事的时候,草坪竟成“碍事”之物。尤其是从大家急着去上班上课时,由于坪间只铺有南北向通路,草坪对于上班族和学生而言,无异于横于当中的“障碍”。面对在草坪四面树立的“青青小草,绿色常青;人人爱护,请勿践踏”的告示,视若无睹。草上本无路,走的人多了,便多出了一道道“疤”。 此外,也有人秉着“大树底下好乘凉”的浪漫心情,坐在树下看书,闲情雅致,的确是一道风景;还有成群结队的人在草坪上野餐、嬉戏,青春蓬勃,也的确增添了城市的朝气。可归根结底,草也有生命,可谓一岁一枯荣。然我们以绿草为代价,其得到的“快”与“乐”便不是纯色的了。本应美丽的风景,在布满创伤的草坪上,却沦落为不文明的现象。 绕道而行,无需耗费多久;看书学习,别只顾浪漫;嬉笑玩乐,请顾及脚下。文明是大事,要从每一小步做起。

关于不文明行为 About Impolite Behaviors _英语作文

关于不文明行为About Impolite Behaviors We have seen many news about how rude Chinese tourists were, such as throwing away rubbish at will, jumping the queue or speaking loudly in public. The media from home and abroad always spread the negative information about Chinese tourists, while it is just small part, not presenting the truth. 我们看到许多新闻关于如何中国游客是如何的粗鲁,比如随手扔垃圾,插队或在公共场合说话声音很大。国内外媒体对中国游客也总是传播负面信息,然而这只是一小部分,并不代表事实的真相。 I have been to many foreign countries. Everytime before I started my journey, I told myself to be polite and well behaved and I made it. But I found that many bad behaviors happened among foreigners, whom we used to believed the most polite people in the world. They jumped the queue and spoke loudly in the public. So it is not fair to criticize Chinese tourists all the time. 我去过许多国家。每次在我开始旅程之前,我都告诉自己要有礼貌、自律,我做到了。但是我发现许多外国人却做了很多不良行为,我们曾经认为他们是世界上最有礼貌的人,但是他们却插队,在公众场合大声说话。所以总是批评中国游客是不公平的。


《关于旅游的英语作文》 关于旅游的英语作文(一): I took a trip to Shanghai with my mother during the seven-day holiday. It took us more than two hours to drive to Shanghai from my home in Haimen. We stayed in a large hotel on the eighth floor. On the first day, I just stayed in the hotel and rested. On the second day, my brother and I went to Nanjing Road. Its the busiest street in Shanghai. When we got there,there were lots of people. We walked from one shop to another. I bought two T-shirts and two pairs of trousers for the ing summer. The T-shirts and trousers I bought are all white because white is my favourite colour. My brother also bought some clothes. On the third day, my mother took me to Jinjiang Entertainment Centre. It was full of people. I played many kinds of gamesthere. I had a good time. The other days, I went to some other interesting places, such as the Oriental Bright Pearl TV Tower, the Huangpu River and Shanghai International Conference Centre. I didnt forget to do my homework in the evening. I had a full an d happy holiday. 关于旅游的英语作文(二): This summer vacation, I went to Beijing. It was a very great city! We went to the Great Wall first.Like its name,it was very great.We can see many mountians around. Then we went to visit Tian'an Men Square.It was also fantastic. We lived in a small house in a Beijing Hutung, it was a traditional Beijing building called 'four-section pound'. I enjoyed myself a lot. I love Beijing! 关于旅游的英语作文(三): I went to three cities to play during last summer holidays. They are Beijing, Dalian and HuHehot.


不文明行为倡议书 不文明行为倡议书 一、爱护公共卫生环境,不乱扔废弃物,不损坏花草树木。 二、举止文明,使用文明礼貌用语,告别污言秽语。 三、尊敬师长,团结同学,互相帮助,真诚待人。 四、爱护公共财产,不人为损坏门窗桌椅,不乱涂乱画。 五、讲究个人卫生,仪表整洁,养成良好的卫生习惯、生活习惯、学习习惯。 六、节约用水用电,杜绝“常流水”、“常明灯”。 七、遵守学校纪律,勇于纠正不文明行为。 八、讲究诚信,以正确的心态对待考试,学好科学文化知识。 校园是我家,我们是家的一员。家的环境需要大家共同来维护。希望同学们能负起自身的责任,让我们的家充满文明充满爱。让我 们携起手来,共创文明校园。 不文明行为倡议书[篇2] 各位老师同学: 为了增强同学们的文明意识,引导广大同学养成良好的文明行为习惯,提高文明素养,创建优良校风,共建整洁、舒适、和谐、美 好的学习、生活环境。在此,我代表学校特向全校同学提出以下倡议: 1.举止文明:提倡大家自觉爱护公物,不乱丢垃圾,不随地吐痰,不在公共场合大声喧哗。

2.语言文明:提倡文明用语,不说粗话,不骂人。见到老师和长辈要主动问好,见到客人和领导,礼貌相待,主动避让。 3.着装文明:注意自身形象,衣冠整洁,人人佩戴胸卡,不留长发怪发,不穿奇装衣服,不烫发,不染发,不配戴首饰。 4.生活文明:自觉保持宿舍的干净整洁,在别人学习,休息时保持安静,不大声喧哗打闹,绝不吸烟喝酒,不随意乱扔垃圾。到食 堂用餐自觉排队、不插队。 5.上课文明:老师进来是要自觉起立向老师问好,上课认真做笔记,在课堂上不大声喧哗,不带手机进教学区,不在课堂上睡觉, 不做小动作影响他人学习。 校园文明需要我们大家的共同努力,文明,就在我们身边,需要我们从小事做起。学校是我们的共同的家,让我们用我们的双手一 同呵护我们的家,将我们的家打扮的温馨舒适。从今天起,我们要 告别不文明行为,向不文明行为大声的说“不”!谢谢大家! 长汀新桥中学做一个有道德的人----告别不文明行为倡议书各位老师同学: 为了增强同学们的文明意识,引导广大同学养成良好的文明行为习惯,提高文明素养,创建优良校风,共建整洁、舒适、和谐、美 好的学习、生活环境。在此,我代表学校特向全校同学提出以下倡议: 1.举止文明:提倡大家自觉爱护公物,不乱丢垃圾,不随地吐痰,不在公共场合大声喧哗。 2.语言文明:提倡文明用语,不说粗话,不骂人。见到老师和长辈要主动问好,见到客人和领导,礼貌相待,主动避让。 3.着装文明:注意自身形象,衣冠整洁,人人佩戴胸卡,不留长发怪发,不穿奇装衣服,不烫发,不染发,不配戴首饰。


沁阳市第三小学“我身边的不文明行为”调查报告 调查目的: 通过这次的调查活动帮助我们了解了学生的文明礼貌程度。让学生意识到文明礼仪就在平时的一举一动、一言一行中;意识到礼仪不是抽象的概念,而是存在于我们身边、与我们的生活息息相关;是一个人乃至一个国家文化修养和道德修养的外在表现,是做人的基本要求。通过调查找出增强学生文明礼仪教育的有效途径。 问题的提出: 在我们校园内,不文明的现象随处可见,而且多为细节,“小事”较多。针对这一现状,对学生进行问卷调查,找出集中反映出的不文明现象,针对现象进行分析,找出切实可行的方法与措施,进行改进。 调查对象与方法:全校学生问卷调查法 调查结果与分析: 一、此次调查活动全校学生给予了极大关注和支持 从问卷回收率来看,充分说明学生对这项调查进行积极参与,对“不文明行为”表现了极大关注,应该说校园内的不文明现象在调查中都基本暴露了出来。这表明,相当一部分学生对学校对不文明现象还是深恶痛绝的,敢于提出来曝晒在阳光下的,说明绝大多数学生的文明意识还是存在的,有这些力量的支持,对改掉不文明陋习充满了信心。 二、校园“不文明行为”现象的分析 1、“语言不文明,出口成脏,不懂得尊重他人”位居不文明行为之首。这应引起我们的注意,这种行为是造成社会不安定因素中很重要的一个方面,在校园中它直接影响构建和谐校园,破坏了同学间的和睦,影响了本应团结友爱的关系,容易引起同学间的争执,甚至打架斗殴。语言在一定程度上体现一个人的素质和修养,一个正在发育成长的小学生,却满口脏话,出口伤人,这不仅与其身份极不相称,也会影响学生的健康发展,因此对这种行为要坚决抵制和制止。 2、“随地吐痰,乱扔垃圾,缺乏环保意识”的行为不亚于前者。这些行为对学生来说是最方便的习惯,往往自以为这是小事,无伤大体,但这种行为实质上是缺少社会公德意识,社会责任感意识不强,忽视他人健康、影响社会和环境的和谐发展。诸如墙壁留下黑色的手


The recent exposure of some rude behaviors and misconducts of some Shanghai citizens gave rise to people’s concern over the issue on how to better the image of Shanghai, a world-renowned metropolis. As far as I am concerned, Shanghai citizens should have the qualities of observing the rules in public, tolerance and understanding to live up to a modern Shanghai citizen. To start with, observing the rules in pubic is the best embodiment of civilization in any society. Shanghai municipal government urges its c itizens to keep to Seven Don’ts. These measures, if taken effectively, can not only contribute to our better environment but also bring improvement to social disorder. Further more, being tolerant is called for to be educated people. While waiting for the bus or in the cinema and etc, people are frequently bothered by either long queues or crowds. If one is tolerant enough, hecan contain himself, thus reducing chaos to the minimum. Last but not least, trying tounderstand people around you is the pre-condition of a loving and caring community. Be empathetic while others are in trouble, by offering a helping hand. Keeping the above three points in mind will surely help make Shanghai a better place to live.


【关于旅游的英语作文:篇一】 Last summer holiday, I went to Hainan with my family. The weather was terrific! The sky was blue more than I could describe, the sea was blue and bright more than I could believe. Walking by the sea is just like being in the oil painting! We sailed to an island called Xiao. I swam there. Swimming is the sea is quite different from that in a pool. Because the depth is various all the time. Maybe the water can't afford you this minute, and then it will flow over your head! Bedsides the swimming, we also had a good meal there. We had a nice seafood dish. I forgot the name of that conch, but I bought back the shell. I f you want to have a look, you may ask me. Or, we may go to Hainan together, for I am always hoping to come to that place again. I really like that place, a place of blue and brightness. 【关于旅游的英语作文:篇二】 This summer vacation, I went to Beijing. It was a very great city! We went to the Great Wall first. Like its name, it was very great. We can see many mountains around. Then we went to visit Tian'an Men Square. It was also fantastic. We lived in a small house in a Beijing Hutung, it was a traditional Beijing building called 'four-section compound'. I enjoyed myself a lot.


文明行为倡议书 文明行为倡议书篇一:各位同学: 你们好! 欢笑与友爱凝聚着温馨的岁月,青春与梦想沉淀着花样的年华!世界著名心理学家威廉詹姆士这么说的:播下一个行动,收获一种习惯;播下一种习惯,收获一种性格;播下一种性格,收获一种命运。习惯决定命运,可是好习惯并非自然而成的,自然而成的常常是懒惰、生活无规律等等坏习惯。所以我们才要自我控制来培养好习惯,而且这样的培养也不是件容易的事情。于是,我校政教处、校团委、学生会向全校学生发出倡议: 1、早操集合行动迅速,做到快、静、齐,跑操听从指挥。 2、课间时间,不在教室内大声喧哗吵闹,在走廊追逐打闹。 3、见到老师要含笑致意或向老师问好。 4、爱护花草树林,不踩踏草坪,不采摘花朵。 5、爱护校园环境,不随地吐痰、乱扔果皮纸屑。见到垃圾随手捡起放到垃圾箱。 6、爱护公物,起风或离校时,要自觉关好门窗、电源。 7、节约水电,养成随手关灯、关水龙头的习惯。 8、穿着大方整洁、不穿奇装异服,不留长发、怪发,不染发。不化妆、不佩戴手饰,不穿高跟鞋。

9、就餐自觉排队,按次序购买饭菜,不乱挤、不插队。爱惜饭菜,不乱倒饭菜。餐后垃圾放到指定位置。 10、按时起床,叠好衣被,值日生整理好内务、开窗通风;按时就寝,熄灯后不说话、不走动。因故晚睡,要注意轻和静,不要影响他人休息。亲爱的同学们,初中生活是我们人生中绚烂的一笔,让我们用文明的语言,文明的行为,文明的举止,从我做起,共同打造我们文明的寝室,文明的班级、文明的校园!多年以后,当我们再回首,那时我们一定还会记得,中秋的风中,也曾有你我的笑脸,和煦的阳光下,也曾映照着你我如火的青春! 我们的口号:自律者,思想之主人,一世自立;他律者,精神之奴隶,碌碌无为!带走你的痕迹,留下你的形象!文明生活,健康成才!做文明学生,树田中新风! 倡议人:XXX 时间:XXXX年XX月XX日 文明行为倡议书篇二:一个国家的文明程度取决于国民的素质,一个学校的文明程度取决于我们每位同学。走进校门,代表班级;走出校门,代表学校。甚至代表着未来祖国的形象,道德和文明不是一个空洞、抽象的词语,它体现在我们点滴的具体言行,在此,我们向每一个学生发出倡议: 一、语言文明、规范,不说脏话、粗话,不谈论不健康的话题。 二、爱护环境卫生,不乱扔纸屑废物,自觉维护教室和宿舍卫生。


《身边的不文明行为》初三叙事作文 11月27日,我在我矿职工体育场看到凤矿中学初三年级某班学生李某某手持砖块在坐台上以他人名义写下“xxx到此一游”,并在周围用特大字体写下他人的名字多个(与之前的名字相同)。看到李某某实施上述行为,我曾多次劝阻,却无济于事。 当天下午,这件事引起了我矿居民朋友们的愤怒和强烈不满,纷纷谴责这种不道德的行为。可见,这种见不得人的龌龊行为已经遭到了广大居民的鄙视和唾弃。 笔者认为,李某某的行为是及其可耻的,严重违背社会公德,还损坏了他人的名誉。同样,从我国法律上来讲,这也是一种违法行为。 我们凤凰山矿是全国文明单位,学生李某某的这种行为无疑是对我矿精神文明创建工作的破坏,无疑是对我矿精神文明创建工作成果的一种践踏,无疑是对他人的一种不敬,也无疑是对我们凤凰山文明形象的玷污。李某某的行为,破坏了我们的美好家园。在这里,我再一次对李某某的行为予以谴责。同时也希望这种见不得阳光的行为再不要发生,不要再给凤凰山人抹黑。 11月27日,我在我矿职工体育场看到凤矿中学初三年级某班学生李某某手持砖块在坐台上以他人名义写下“xxx到此一游”,并在周围用特大字体写下他人的名字多个(与之前的名字相同)。看到李某某实施上述行为,我曾多次劝阻,却无济于事。 当天下午,这件事引起了我矿居民朋友们的愤怒和强烈不满,纷

纷谴责这种不道德的行为。可见,这种见不得人的龌龊行为已经遭到了广大居民的鄙视和唾弃。 笔者认为,李某某的行为是及其可耻的,严重违背社会公德,还损坏了他人的名誉。同样,从我国法律上来讲,这也是一种违法行为。 我们凤凰山矿是全国文明单位,学生李某某的这种行为无疑是对我矿精神文明创建工作的破坏,无疑是对我矿精神文明创建工作成果的一种践踏,无疑是对他人的一种不敬,也无疑是对我们凤凰山文明形象的玷污。李某某的行为,破坏了我们的美好家园。在这里,我再一次对李某某的行为予以谴责。同时也希望这种见不得阳光的行为再不要发生,不要再给凤凰山人抹黑


高一下学期第一周作文: 书面表达(满分25分) 近来,中国游客在海外的不文明行为倍受争议。假设你是李华,一名国际旅行社的导游,就此写一篇短文在一份英文报纸上发表自己的观点。请根据下面的提示完成作文。 1、列举不文明行为: 2、指出其影响: 3、提出建议。 【1、列举不文明行为:2、指出其影响:】3、提出建议。 注意:1、词数100左右; 2、可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3、首句已给出,不计入总词数。 As a tour guide of an international travel agency,I find it so embarrassing to see many Chinese tourists behave badly abroad. _____________________________________________________________________ _______ 参考范文 One Possible Version: 按要求写作版: As a tour guide导游of an international travel agency, I find it so embarrassing 令人尴尬的to see many Chinese tourists behave badly abroad. They speak loudly 大声说话in public places, carve characters on tourist attractions,游客景点上刻字throw rubbish扔垃圾, spit everywhere随处吐痰, and even cross the road ignoring the traffic lights. 闯红灯Such bad behaviors overseas have caused great damage to造成伤害the image形象of the Chinese people and our country as well. Measures should be taken to stop this. 措施应该被采取以阻止这事。First, before going abroad, tourists should be trained 被训练to obey social and public order公共秩序, and respect local religions and customs.当地宗教和习俗。Besides, it is a good idea to teach kids to be responsible负责任的citizens from kindergarten days. Last, laws should be made to punish 惩罚those 【who behave badly in public places. 】I hope soon tourists overseas will change their behavior and win respect for themselves and our country. 润色版: As a tour guide导游of an international travel agency, I find it so embarrassing 令人尴尬的to see many Chinese tourists behave badly abroad. 【那些不文明的行为是如此的普遍以致中国人都以此为耻。不文明的例子比比皆是。Those bad behaviors are so common that most Chinese feel ashamed of them. Examples of improper behaviors are not far to seek.】They speak loudly 大声说话in public places, carve characters on tourist attractions,游客景点上刻字throw rubbish扔垃圾, spit everywhere随处吐痰, and even cross the road ignoring the traffic lights. 闯红灯[毫无疑问No one can deny that Such bad behaviors overseas have caused great damage to造成伤害the image形象of the Chinese people and our country as well. [ It is high time that we should stop them.] Measures should be taken to stop this. 措施应该被采取以阻止这事。First,


关于旅游的英语作文 关于旅游的英语作文 篇一:关于旅游的.英语作文His time most unforgettable was the first time traveling with his wife, as this is the first time, therefore, was extremely excited. On May 20 this particular day I have to play as early as 7:00 in the morning we arrived at the place to be on the train, the 6:00 bell on my wife and finishing up a good point. 7:01 to start on time. The coach and I was full of a sense of curiosity, for the first time for everyone to do there is always a special feeling. Coach travel on the highway, the window quickly from the scene before flying, I have been looking out the window, could not feel happy. Over time, unconsciously I fell asleep. After about four hours by car, we have finally reached the destination - Nanbei Hu. We arranged to stay in the Expo in Hangzhou Hotel, the room is very spacious, this is the first time I was admitted to a five-star hotel, I am excited about the West, Zhang Zhang looked at, to see that the door opened, the door opened Look Look, everything I feel very fresh. After lunch,


范例一 英语作文 日常生活中,我们会看到一些不文明的行为,比如有人乱扔垃圾,有人在公共场所吸烟等.当你看到这些不文明行为时,请你写一篇不少于80词的英语短文,谈谈你的想法. "Protecting the environment,is everybody's business." Every time I go in the busy streets,always see some throw on the ground of dazzling things:the packing bag of brightly colored,the crush cigarette end,didn't chew clean apple and roll into a mass of waste paper.If everyone so don't speak hygiene,our beautiful home will become what look like?Spring outing,a lot of students litter the lawn or on the road.I asked them:"you didn't bring garbage bags?" They a face of vacant:"bag is used to hold snacks,why put on garbage?" Look at these throw away rubbish inside and many didn't eat "many fish","but beak","chips",I feel very distressed,parents pay for what they love to eat,so let them throw?Before lunch,I go to the bathroom,he found a faucet of the "huahua" alone flow "tears"!Is everyone who so careless?And forgot to turn off the tap.Have something says so:if it's not cherish water resources,then the earth up the last drops of water will is one of the eyes.Every time the water think about this sentence,will also have to forget to turn off the tap?"Protecting the environment,is everybody's business." Not only of an empty talk,but every little bit in our daily life.Never throw a waste paper to save every drop of water,the classmates,cheer,starts from me,from now to start,let us together to be the earth mother's environmental protection small guardians


【关于旅游】It is exciting to visit different places. As you travel, you will see beautiful sceneries typical of the region. Besides, you can meet and make friends with people of different colors and races. Finally, you can get to know the customs and living habits of the local people. Today people are so fond of traveling that to urism has become one of the faster growing industries in most countries. The main reason why people travel is, perhaps, for pleasure. For example, having worked hard throughout the weekdays, people will find a widened trip to the nearby mountains or beaches a real relaxation. For another example, spending an annual holiday traveling abroad is an especially satisfying experience for those who do not have much of an opportunity to be away from their homelands. When people return from their travel, they will generally feel fresh and energetic, ready to work harder. Traveling is also one of the best means for learning. You may have read or heard about something but you can never get an accurate picture of it until you see it for yourself. Seeing is believing. Furthermore, if you area careful observer, you can learn much during your travel about the geography, biology, and history of the places you visit. No matter how well educated you are, there is always a lot for you to learn through traveling. The knowledge acquired from travel, as you will have found in your life, is no less valuable than that from any influential reference book.


告别不文明行为倡议书 敬爱的老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 针对校园里乱扔纸屑和校门口随地丢弃零食袋的现象屡有发生,一些脏话在一些不文明同学的口中脱口而出,下课时有的同学喜欢追追打打,不文明的行为正蚕食着我们丰富而纯洁的校园文化,正污染着我们美丽而纯洁的心灵。 学校是我家,爱护靠大家。为了是我们能更好的学习和生活,我们需要一个优美清净、和谐温馨的校园环境。我们是学校的主人,理应从我做起,从现在做起,从身边的小事做起,告别不良行为。为此,我代表六(4)中队向全班同学发出倡议: 1、爱护公共环境,不随地吐痰,不乱扔弃物,不乱到垃圾,不在墙面、桌面乱涂、乱画、乱刻,不损坏花草树木。 2、举止文明,言行得当。使用文明礼貌用语,不说脏话、谎话,不打架斗殴,不在走廊、楼梯上追跑哄闹。 3、孝敬父母、尊敬老师、友爱同学。 4、爱护公共财物,不随意破坏公共设施。 5、自觉遵守纪律,不迟到、早退,课间活动不要大声喧哗。 6、讲究个人卫生、仪表整洁,养成良好的卫生习惯、生活习惯、学习习惯。 7、节约用水,用完后拧紧水龙头。 8、增强安全意识,不攀爬雕像、花坛,不骑自行车上学,不带管制刀具到校,不做危险的游戏。 9、中午在学校就餐排队有序、注意个人卫生,不浪费粮食。 10、遵守小学生日常行为规范,积极宣传好人好事,勇于纠正不文明行为。 同学们,让我们积极行动起来,从我做起,从身边的小事做起,养成良好文明行为,树立文明形象,让我们用行动谱写文明之歌,与文明同行。 最后,请同学们跟着我一起念一首校园礼仪歌吧! 文明之花开满校,我们个个有礼貌。 每天清晨早到校,红领巾不可少。 升国旗时站得好,注目行礼记得牢。 见到老师敬个礼,见到同学问声好。 热爱劳动讲卫生,果皮纸屑不乱扔。 上课听讲要认真,同学发言会倾听。 学校纪律能遵守,追跑打闹不能要。 学校财物都爱护,垃圾脏物不乱抛。 花草树木要爱护,校园处处开新花。 安全节俭做得好,学校以我为骄傲。


Refuse the incivilization behavior in public When we are in public, we can often see some incivilization behaviors, which cause severe bad influence.It can hurt our healthy body and mind.All in all,the incivilization behaviors can be divided into three sides. First of all,it's noise pollution.The noise is coming from car、big horn、construction site and ourself.The pollution can influence our mood and hearing.The next is enivoronment pollution.The behaviors that dropping litter、spitting and sticking leaflets everywhere have polluted our living quarters.It is harmful to our health and mind.The last but not least is that some people have lost their quality-oriented education.Someone destories communal facilities and plants.Someone is not in faith with others.What's more,some people don't obey the rules expecially traffic rules.The behavior has destoryed our life harmonious. As far as I'm concerned ,we must pay more attention to foster our civilized habit.First we can publicity the harm of the incivilization behavior to the public,then we can put up the signs that remind people of civilization.what's more,the government can devote greater effort to punish the incivilization behavior


关于旅行的英语作文50字 Yesterday, mom and dad took me to follow tour group to visit the west lake together. To the west lake, I saw the beautiful west lake scenery, attracts many tourists. From a distance, the west lake lake calm like a big mirror bright. After a while, we followed the guide on the ship. Boat, tour guide will introduce us to the west lake. The west lake have broken bridge, why called middle-east? Actually broken bridge isn't broken, it is snow in winter, snow on the broken bridge. Melting, seen from the sky, I feel like a broken. There is leifeng pagoda, gem mountain west lake... We listened with relish. The ship stopped, we went to the just, saw many green lotus leaves, they each other, like small handfuls of umbrella. Some lotus flowers in bud, some lotus in full bloom already. Beside the lotus has two mandarin duck to swimming merrily on the surface of the lake. Then we saw quite a few big carp. Visitors to give food to big carp, carp jump up and splash water around
