




















































































1.因此,所以 2.赢,获胜 3.练习 4.更刻苦 5.竞争,比赛 6.分数 7.重量 8.提高 9.希望,愿望 10.课程 11.计划,打算 12.准备 13.字典 14.当……时 15.楼梯 16.车站;停止 17.拖把 18.扫帚 19.检查,核对 20.弄伤(疼) 21.不整洁的 22.上日语课 23.保持健康 24.取得更好的成绩 25.增肥 26.更努力地练习游泳 27.吃得更多 28.多做运动29.阅读更多英文书 30.提高英语 31.查字典 32.步行回家 33.爬楼梯 34.太多 35.做笔记 36.遮盖 37.保持干净 38.休息 39.预习 40.字幕 41.复习 42.节目 43.灰尘 44.准备好 45.遛狗 46.注意 47.迟到 48.呼吸新鲜空气 49.检查作业 50.看眼科医生 51.许愿树 52.杂志 53.主持人 54.目标 55.广告 56.参加 57.在回家的路上

58.查生词 59.发现 60.水平 61.甚至 62.足够的 63.通过64.达成目标 65.干得好 66.一则电视节目的宣传广告 67.高级英语测试 68.又过了四个月 句子 1.你想要做什么? 1.我想赢得游泳比赛,所以我将更努力练习游泳。 2.我想提高英语,所以我将读更多的英文书。 3.我体重增加了,所以在休息时,我将只吃水果。 4.看英文节目时遮住英文字幕。 5.我不会在我的房间里找到脏和灰尘。 6.我将停止吃零食,做更健康的自己。 7.A和B在杂志上看到一则有趣的广告。 8.听起来很有趣。 9.我想参加校田径队,因此我将要练习跑步。 10.进展得如何? 11.这是你们未来六个月要达成的目标。 12.两周后,孩子们参加了这个节目。 13.在回家路上孩子们讨论着他们将如何达成目标。 14.我们发现,只要我们足够努力,我们就能做好任何事情。



一、 1.单复数切换 an egg---- a mushroom---- an onion---- a tomato--- 2.Help Mum to finish the Egg Open Sandwich recipe with the words given (it them then first) _______ put the egg and the milk into a bowl and mix _______.Add some salt to the mixture. _______ wash the onion and cut _______ into small pieces.Add _______ to the egg mixture. _______put the egg mixture into a pan and cook _______for one minute.Put the egg on the bread.Sit down and enjoy _______. 3.Fill in the blanks with simple present tense. ①Billy sometimes ______(feed) the dog. ②The moon ____(go) round the earth. do not bark.(not bark) ③He ______________________(not sweep) the floor every day. ④She _____________________(not swim) in winter. E.g. Do cats bark(bark)? ⑤________you ____(like) mangoes? ⑥________she ____(swim) in winter?


香港朗文英语教材Longman Welcome to English Teaching Plans for Chapter 6 Look at Me Part E 执教者华南师大附小肖靓 课型:任务课 教学内容分析: 本节课是Chapter 6的E部分内容,学生在A、B、C、D部分学了身体部位单词、描述人形体的形容词和有关于介绍自己身体特征的句型,如:I am …. I have …. He/She is …. He/She has …. 等,另外,学生还学了如何介绍他人及can, can’t 的用法,如:This/That is …. He/She can/can’t …. 本节课最重要 的是让学生学习如何连贯地用所学英语去介绍和描述自己的同学、朋友或家人,在这过程中能够运用英语句型: This is …. He/She is …. He/She has …. He/She can …. 进行表达。 教学对象分析: 学生从一年级就开始学习英语,每周6节英语课,能够书写英语字母、单词及简单的句子,能够认读较多的英语句子,有一定的口语基础,英语基础知识较为扎实。通过三个月在校的英语学习,他们对英语学习有着浓厚的兴趣,并已初步形成了良好的英语学习习惯,学生很喜欢上英语课,大部分孩子敢说英语、能说英语。孩子对单词的认读和课文的演读没有多大的问题,但由于英语知识的不断加深,特别是出现让孩子连贯表达一些英语句子时,学生表现起来会有点吃力。因此,在教学过程中,我通过给予学生大量的信息输入,将学习重点和难点较好地化解于活动教学、游戏教学和情景教学中,让学生自发地多开口说练英语。本课主要任务在于创造更多的机会让学生学习新知识和运用语言。 教学策略: 1、通过运用歌曲、游戏、情景、媒体和活动等教学方式让学生主动获取信 息。 2、结合课堂活动和游戏,促进老师与学生、学生与学生之间的交流。 3、让学生在“任务”活动中学习英语并用英语进行交流。 Objectives: Language Skill:Be able to understand and to use the sentence structures: “Who is …? ““That is ….”“He/She is ….”“He/She has ….”“He/She can ….” Language Knowledge:To know and to use the adjectives and the names of body parts and the sentence structures: “Who is …? ““That is ….” “He/She is ….”“He/She has ….”“He/She can ….” Affect and Attitude:Like to speak English and to communicate with others. Get to know their friends more by describing their appearance and ability. Learning Strategies: 1. Train the pupils to think, observe, imagine and cooperate

香港版朗文英语(welcome to english)4A第一课练习

What do you like doing in your spare time? 一.句型分析。 1.表达喜欢做某事时,用句型:Sb. like(s) doing sth. (某人喜欢做某事) I like swimming.(主语是第一人称) She likes running.(主语是第三人称单数,like后面加s) They like fishing.(主语是复数) 2.表达不喜欢做某事时:Sb. don’t /doesn’t like doing sth.(某人不喜欢做某事) I don’t like swimming.(主语是第一人称,用don’t) She likes running.(主语是第三人称单数,用doesn’t, likes恢复为like.) They don’t like fishing.(主语是复数,用don’t) 3.询问某人是否喜欢做某件事时:Do/Does Sb. like doing sth.?(XX喜欢做某事吗?) 回答:Yes ,I (they) do./No,I (they)don’t. Yes, she(he,it)does./No, she(he,it )doesn’t. I ,we改you, some 改any. I like swimming.(主语是第一人称):Do you like swimming? Yes, I do./No, I don’t. She likes running.(主语是第三人称单数) Does she like running? Yes, she does./No, she doesn’t. They like fishing.(主语是复数) Do they like swimming? Yes ,they do./No, they don’t. 4. 询问某人喜欢做什么时用特殊疑问句:What do you like doing? What does she like doing?(第三人称单数) What do they like doing?(复数)


A.Copy the sentences correctly.正确抄写句子。(注意大小写和标点符号) how do you come to school well I come to school by minibus and Irt i live on Hong Kong island hello what s your name oh our new home s in wan chai too whos your maths teacher my maths teacher is mr wong B.Phonics.辩音,发音一致的用T表示,不一致的用F表示 〔〕1.school foot 〔〕https://www.360docs.net/doc/0910288917.html,e minibus 〔〕3.ferry Cherry 〔〕4.how now 〔〕5.group school 〔〕6.pupil children 〔〕7.get fat 〔〕8.tram train 〔〕9.kind sit 〔〕10. Art bus

〔〕11.Maths again 〔〕12.Music Chinese 〔〕https://www.360docs.net/doc/0910288917.html,e welcome 〔〕14.hit win 〔〕15.seven telephone 〔〕16.where here 〔〕17.how trousers 〔〕https://www.360docs.net/doc/0910288917.html,ter again 〔〕19.island into 〔〕20.about Kowloon\ 〔〕21.me live 〔〕22.where there 〔〕23.train later 〔〕24.island seven C.Choose the odd one.选出不同类的单词 〔〕1. A. we B. you C. they D. your 〔〕2. A. foot B. MTR C. train D. tram 〔〕3. A. Helen B. Sally C. Paul D. Fanny 〔〕4. A. taxi B.bus C.car D. ferry 〔〕5. A. come B .go C. school D. walk 〔〕6. A. MTR B. LRT C. taxi D. train 〔〕7. A. foot B. walk C. fruit D. tree 〔〕8. A. join B. get C. ask D. friend 〔〕9. A. pupil B. girl C. boy D. children 〔〕10. A. me B. him C. her D. your 〔〕11. A. Here B. Where C. How D. What 〔〕12. A. Fanny B. Wendy C. Candy D. Danny 〔〕13. A. in B. to C. under D. on 〔〕14. A. Chai Wan B. Sha Tin C. Tsuen Wan D. Kowloon 〔〕15. A. Hong Kong B. Kowloon C. Hong Kong Island D. the New Territories 〔〕16. A. too B. twelve C. fourteen D. fifteen 〔〕17. A. you B. they C. we D. our 〔〕17. A. your B. his C. her D. me 〔〕18. A. where B. there C. what D. how 〔〕19. A. Pudong B. Mong Kok C. Chai Wan D. Tuen Mun 〔〕20. A. old B. new C. find D. special 〔〕21. A. Mr B. Sir C. Mrs D. Miss 〔〕22. A. Maths B. Shanghai C. Chinese D. English 〔〕23. A. she B. he C. him D. you 〔〕24. A. her B. him C. me D. I 〔〕25. A. big B. tall C. helpfull D. old 〔〕26. A. friendly B. helpfull C. kind D. tall 〔〕27. A. goodbye B. afternoon C. morning D. evening 〔〕28. A. Wan Chai B. New Territories C. Tuen Mun D. Chai Wan 〔〕29. A. by bus B. by car C. on foot D. by LRT 〔〕30. A. he B. she C. I D. your 〔〕31. A. Fanny B. Mary C. Candy D. Peter 〔〕32. A. Minhang B. Pudong C. Mong Kok D. Songjiang D.Choose the right words and fill in the blanks.圈出正确的单词 1.I go to school (to, on)foot. 2.Look!This is (a, an)MTR.


教材单元学习内容语法知识 第一单元各种打招呼的方式 询问姓名和年龄 辅音字母c / k、g的发音句子开头和句中人名字母的大写特 殊疑问词的用法 第二单元学校里不同职务的人的称呼 向他人介绍自己的朋友或老师 辅音字母m、n的发音 人称代词的用法is / am / are 的用法 第三单元学习用品的名称 描述自己和他人文具用品的数量 辅音字母b、p的发音名词的单复数形式have / has的用法 第四单元校内设施的名称 听懂并正确回应老师的不同指令 辅音字母d、t的发音 指令性语言 动词和介词的搭配 第五单元身体部位 介绍他人并对他人特征进行描述 元音字母i的短音发音 形容词 形容词性物主代词的用法 第六单元动物名称 表达自己的喜好 元音字母a的短音发音指示代词this / that以及复数形式these / those的用法 第七单元水果名称 11-20的数字 辅音字母f、v的发音不定冠词a / an的用法There be 句型的用法 香港朗文小学英语1B教材教学内容 教材单元学习内容语法知识 第一单元常见玩具名称 对物品的颜色进行描述 元音字母e的短音发音 连词and的用法 It is与They are的用法复习is / are & have / has 第二单元各类衣服的名称 询问和表达某物是某人的 字母s以及字母组合sh的发音 名词所有格 Is this 与Are these的用法一般疑问句的肯定和否定回答 第三单元公园里的动植物和各类设施的名称 观察并表达物体的位置 元音字母u的短音发音定冠词the与不定冠词a / an的用法方位介词in,on,under,near的区别特殊疑问词where的用法 第四单元常见动物园里的动物名称 询问并回答关于动物的数量 辅音字母z的发音特殊疑问词How many的用法代词Some,all的用法 第五单元常见动作及其现在分词形式 询问并回答某人正在做什么 辅音字母l、r的发音现在进行时态复习人称代词 第六单元更多常见动作及其现在分词形式 表达不同人正在做不同的事情 辅音字母w和字母组合wh的发音巩固复习现在进行时态 复习介词 第七单元感觉、感受类及食品饮料类词汇 询问他人的感受,并提出建议 元音字母o的短音发音 一般疑问句Let's句型的用法


香港朗文LWTE 2B 语法汇总练习: 一、用like和likes填空 1. My father _______ salty food。 2. I _______ chilli fish too. 3. We ________ potato chips. 4. Sam _________ ice cream. 5. My dogs ________ beef(牛肉). 6. They _________ fish too. 7. Does Lily ____ hamburgers? 8. Mr.Huang doesn’t ____sour plums. 二、用don’t like和doesn’t like填空 1. Paul ________ potato chips. 2. The children _______ peanuts. 三、用Do和Does, don’t和doesn’t填空, 3. _______ the children like chilli fish? Yes, they ________. 4. _______ Beeno like ice cream? No, he __________. 5. ________ your sister like ginger? No, she ________ like ginger. 四、用do/does/like/likes填空 1. What ________ he ________? He ________ potato chips and cheese rings. They are salty. 2. What ________ your sisters ________? They ________ curry beef balls and hamburgers. 五、在横线上填写所缺的单词(is/are) 1. There ______some butter. 2. There ______some grapes. 3. There ______ an egg. 4. There ______ some people in the park. 5. There ______ some children. 6. There ______ some fruit on the desk. 7. ______ there any flour? Yes, there _________. 8._______there any oranges? No, there ______ not. 六、在横线上填写所缺的单词。 too many too much 1.Don’t drink _______________sour milk, Lily. It’s not good for you. 2.There are ________________ children in the swimming pool. 3.There are ___________________ tomatoes in the basket. 4. There is ____________ food in the fridge. 5. There are ________people in the swimming pool. 1


香港朗文英语教材Revised on November 25, 2020

香港朗文英语教材Longman Welcome to English 2A Teaching Plans forChapter 5《Signs we see》Part A 课型:新授课 教学内容分析: 本节课是《Longman Welcome to English 2A》Chapter 5 Part A的内容,第二课时。学生在第一节课时已经初步掌握6个短语:climb the trees, walk on the grass, pick the flowers, feed the ducks, throw litter , make a noise .本节课学生主要掌握用Don’t….的句型去表达生活中常见的禁止做的事情。从在公园中常见的标语拓展到校园生活中禁止做的事情。学生在上学期已经掌握十多个动作单词,如; walk , run ,write , draw , skip , swim , climb , sing ,fight,…等,教师利用学生学过的动词引导学生去总结在学校生活中必须 禁止的事。新旧知识相结合,激发学生说英语的兴趣,增强学生实际运用语言的能力。 教学对象分析: 学生为二年级的学生,该班的学生从一年级开始使用香港朗文英语教材, 一年级时每周有7节英语课,其中一节是外教课。本学期调整为每周有6节英语课,其中一节是外教课。学生在一年级第一学期已经掌握了26个字母的认 读及书写。学生已经积累了一定量的英语单词及句子,并且能熟练拼写单词。学生在朗读课文及课文演读没有多大的问题,也能进行基本对话。本节课在任务型教学中以轻松,活泼的气氛中帮助,鼓励学生说英语、学英语。 教学策略: 1、通过运用情景、媒体和活动等教学方式让学生主动获取信息。 2、结合课堂活动和游戏,加强学生对新、旧知识的记忆,达到新旧知识相 运用的目的。 3、让学生在“任务”活动中学习英语并用英语进行交流。


U n i t1O u r s c h o o l 【语法点】 1.T here be 句型 2.序数词初体验 【重点词汇】 Swimming pool library computer room music room playground art room sing draw play swim read learn ground first second, third , fourth fun nice perfect come 【重点句型】 1.There’s a swimming pool 2.We sing in the music room../We draw in the art room. 3.—Where is the music room? —It’s on the first floor. 4.What fun!/ How nice! 5.I think your school’s perfect, Beeno. Can I come to your school? 6.My classroom is on the first floor. Unit 2 In the park 【语法点】 现在进行时初体验 【重点单词】 Sign, bicycle, ballgame, duck, grass, park keeper, feed, ride, pick, walk, climb, play with, naughty 【重点句型】 1.i can see a girl /two toys. 2.She is walking on the grass. They are playing a ball game. 3.—can I feed the ducks? —Yes. You can /No, you can’t. 4.Don’t feed the animals. Unit 3 Helping at home


Longman Welcome to English 1B vocabulary: 1.Animals(动物): a dog,a cat,a bird,a rabbit,a hamster,a turtle,a hippo,an elephant,a lion,a zebra,a snake,a monkey,a kangaroo,a panda,a penguin,a tiger,a cow 2.Places(地点): In on under near in the sky,on the grass,in the tree,near the water, in the kitchen,in the living room,in the bedroom, in the bathroom,in the garden 3.Things in my room(房间里物品家具) a sofa,a table,a chair,a box,a cupboard,a shelf,a bag,a bed,a desk,a drawer 4.Numbers(数字): one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty

5.Actions(动作): eat sleep fight hop swim run fly cook play football watch TV make a plane ride a bicycle dance make a video wash read write draw skip climb 6.---ing form(正在进行时动词变化): eat---eating sleep---sleeping fight---fighting cook---cooking play---playing watch---watching read---reading draw---drawing climb---climbing hop---hopping swim---swimming run---running skip---skipping make---making ride---riding dance---dancing write---writing 7.Clothes(服饰): a shirt,a T-shirt,a dress,a skirt,a cap,a hat,a jacket a jumper,shorts,jeans,trousers,socks,shoes sentences:提问时单数,回答也是单数。提问时复数,回答也是复数。Chapter 1: A: What is this? B: It is a dog. A: What is that? B: It is a hamster. A: What are these? B: They are rabbits. A: What are those? B: They are turtles.


二年级朗文英语(2A)C h a p t e r1— 2 I.Listen and choose. (听录音,选择你所听到的单词,将其序号填在括号内。) 10% ( ) 1. A . ferry B . friend ( ) 2. A . bus B. but ( ) 3. A . tram B . train ( ) 4. A . hit B. sit ( ) 5. A . live B .like ( ) 6. A . MTR B. LRT ( ) 7. A . minibus B . mini book ( ) 8. A . try B. fry ( ) 9. A . how B . her ( ) 10. A . what B. where II. Listen and choose. (听录音,选择你所听到的句子,将其序号填在括号内。) 10% ( ) 1. A . How old are you ? B . How are you ? ( ) 2. A . How do you go to school? B . How do you come to school? ( ) 3. A . I come to school by bus ? B . I come to school by minibus? ( ) 4. A . Let’s get in this taxi. B . Let’s get into a group. ( ) 5. A . Where do you live ? B . What do you like ? ( ) 6. A . I live in Chai Wan. B . I live in Wan Chai. ( ) 7 . A . Nice to see you . B . Nice to meet you. ( ) 8 . A . I live in Hong Kong . B . I live on Hong Kong Island ( ) 9. A . How many pupils come on foot ? B . How many pupils come by MTR? ( ) 10. A . What’s your telephone number ? B . It is a telephone. III. Listen and choose. (听录音,根据答句选出正确的答句,将其序号填在括号内。) 10% ( ) 1. A . I am seven. B. I am fine. ( ) 2. A . Four pupils come on foot. B. I come on foot. ( ) 3. A . It is on the shelf. B. I live in Sha Tin. ( ) 4. A . They are cars. B. It is a car. ( ) 5. A . There are four . B. They are buses. ( ) 6. A . Nice to see you. B. See you. ( ) 7. A . It is blue. B. It is a rabbit. ( ) 8. A . He is eating. B. I am eating. ( ) 9. A .Yes ,it is . B. No, they aren’t. ( ) 10. A . They are in the box. B. They are hamsters. IV. Listen and circle the correct answers. (听录音,圈出正确答案。) 5% 听力第3页 V . Listen and put a tick or a cross.( 听录音,正确的打√,错误的打×。)7%


A.Tony is doing his homework. He has some mistakes.Correct the mistakes. 1. She are very tall. 1.___________ 2. I is happy. 2. ___________ 3.You has a cat. 3.___________ 4.Tammy have two dogs. 4. ___________ 5. My shoe are red. 5.___________ 6. I have one pencils. 6. ___________ 7.We are friends,their hats are blue. 7.___________ 8. You and Jane has five dolls. 8.___________ 9.His shorts is so big. 9.___________ 10.The tiger are sleeping under the tree. 10.___________ B.Fill in the blanks with the correct pronouns. I have a robot. He is red and yellow.(1)_______name is Bob. I have a teddy bear. She is black.(2)_______ name is Mimi. She is a gift from Jack. My brother has teddy bears, too.(3)_______ teddy bears are big and cute. I have two puppets,(4)_______puppets are small.They have green hats.(5)_______hair is brown. I love my toys very much.


香港朗文2A全册总测试卷—A卷 Class:Name: 听力部分(20分) 一.选出你听到的单词填入字母序号(10分) ( )1 A.very B.ferry C.Jerry ( )2 A.tram B.tree C.train ( )3 A.food B.foot C.full ( )4 A.can B.kind C.kite ( )5 A.Sam B.some C.same 二.听问句选回答(10分) ( )1 A.No, thanks. B.Yes, I am. C.Bye. ( )2 A.She’s a teacher. B.He’s a cook C.Yes, she is. ( )3 A.Yes, I do. B.No, you can’t. C.I’m fine ( )4 A.It’s behind the door. B.There are three. C.It’s very dirty. ( )5 A.On the farm. B.It’s OK. C.Me too. 笔试部分(80分) 三.单项选择题(10分) ( )1. How do you come to school A. By bike B. By hand C. By the way ( )2.Who is your Music teacher A. Me too B. Mr Black C. PE class ( )3. What’s your father’s job

A. Peter B. A waiter C. A housewife ( ) 4. Don’t pick the flowers . A. Thanks B. Fine C. Sorry ( )5 .Where is the snack bar A . At 7:00 B. Behind the garden C. Very good 四.就句子划线部分提问(10分) 1. My phone number is 2369 7762 . What _______ ________ telephone number 2. I go to school by bus . How______ you go to school 3. My sister is a nurse . _______ is your sister’s job 4. My Maths teacher is Miss White . _____ is your maths teacher 5. Charlie is in the park . Where ______ Charlie 五.连线题(8分) 1.I like this food. A. It’s Andy. 2.Where are the animals B. You are welcome. 3.Who is it C. It’s yummy. 4.Thank you. D. They’re on the farm. 5.Don’t worry. E. She loves me.


Chapter2 About me 单元分析: 本单元由句型教学、语篇教学、故事教学、小诗和语音等几个部分组成。本单元重点学习了如何用英语提问关于我的一些情况以及回答的方式等一些常用语。通过本课学习使学生学会对日常用语进行交际、说英语、背小诗,做游戏、敢干开口,乐于模仿,在鼓励性评价中树立信心在小组活动中积极参与合作,在表演、对话、诗歌等形式的学习过程中激发学生对英语学习的兴趣。文中出现的许多地名在日常生活中并不常见,并且很难读准发音,因此在学习语篇时老师应尽可能给学生创世适合他们的情境,便于操练,利于学习。在故事教学中中,充分交给学生,发挥其小组合作的主动性,充分利用语言操练。另外,通过琅琅上口的小诗形式提高学生的学习积极性,有益于学生记忆。 Language focus: 1.Where do you live 2.Ilive in Chai Wan. 3.What’s your telephone number. Language focus: i: thin, win, hit, sit /I/ Text types: conversations, stories, maps, stories, telephone books, poems 教具准备: PPT、图片。 课时安排: 本单元共安排五课时

Chapter2 About me (Period 1) 一、Teaching contents: 《International Edition Longman Welcome to English》 Chapter2 About me Part A 二、Teaching aims 1. Aims of knowledge a. To introduce pupils to different means of places in Hong Kong. b. To encourage pupils to learn the names of some districts in Hong Kong. c. To encourage pupils to ask and answer about the ways they come to school. d. Ask and answer about the districts they live in . 2. Aims of abilities a. Use simple sentences to communicate with others. b. Use interrogative pronouns to find out specific information about transport in Hong Kong. c. To establish and maintain relationships and routines in carring out classroom of emotion Develop participatory, cooperative, love and caring attitudes 三、Difficult and key points Key points: encourage pupils to learn the names of some districts in Hong Kong. b. Pupils learn the names of different means of districts in Hong Kong. encourage pupils to ask and answer about the ways they come to school. Difficult points: To introduce pupils to know the pronunciations of districts in Hong Kong. 四、Teaching aids 1. flash cards 2. PPT 五、T eaching procedure: Step 1. Warm-up 1. Greetings 2. Warm-up activities. with the Ss Step 2. Presentation 1. Good morning class! Nice to meet you .What’s the weather like today What day is it today 2. What’s this


1. 因此,所以 22. 上日语课 23. 保持健康 2. 赢,获胜24. 取得更好的成绩 3. 练习25. 增肥 4. 更刻苦26. 更努力地练习游 泳 5. 竞争,比赛27. 吃得更多 6. 分数28. 多做运动 7. 重量29. 阅读更多英文书 8. 提高30. 提高英语 9. 希望,愿望31. 查字典 10. 课程32. 步行回家 11. 计划,打算33. 爬楼梯 12. 准备34. 太多 13. 字典35. 做笔记 14.当……时36. 遮盖 15. 楼梯 37. 保持干净 16. 车站;停止 38. 休息 17. 拖把39. 预习 18. 扫帚40. 字幕 19. 检查,核对41. 复习 20. 弄伤(疼)42. 节目 21. 不整洁的43. 灰尘

44.准备好58.查生词 45.遛狗 59. 发现 46.注意 60. 水平 47.迟到 61. 甚至 48.呼吸新鲜空气 62. 足够的 49.检查作业 63. 通过 50.看眼科医生 64. 达成目标 51. 许愿树65. 干得好 52.杂志 66. 一则电视节目的宣传 广 53.主持人 告 54.目标 67. 高级英语测试 55.广告 68. 又过了四个月 56. 参加 57. 在回家的路上 句子 1. 你想要做什么? 1. 我想赢得游泳比赛,所以我将更努力练习游泳。 2. 我想提高英语,所以我将读更多的英文书。 3. 我体重增加了,所以在休息时,我将只吃水果。 4. 看英文节目时遮住英文字幕。 5. 我不会在我的房间里找到脏和灰尘。 6. 我将停止吃零食,做更健康的自己

7. A和B在杂志上看到一则有趣的广告 8. 听起来很有趣。 9. 我想参加校田径队,因此我将要练习跑步。 10. 进展得如何? 11. 这是你们未来六个月要达成的目标。 12. 两周后,孩子们参加了这个节目。 13. 在回家路上孩子们讨论着他们将如何达成目标。 14. 我们发现,只要我们足够努力,我们就能做好任何事情。
