Lesson 20



1.确保学生认识和理解一些基本单词的意义和简单口头运用(To learn the meaning and simple usages of some words and phrases)。




2.学习使用本单元重点句型及表达(To use the typical sentences to express)。


What are you doing?

I’m making a card.

3.鼓励学生大胆发言及表达(To encourage the students to express bravely)。

4.培养学生对英语学科的兴趣(To make the students interest in English learning)。

5.增强学生听说读写译的能力(To strengthen the ability of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating)。

教学重点(Key Points):









Step1. Greeting


Warm-up Question



What are you doing?

I’m making a card.


1.Words Learning!



2. Pronunciation Part!



3. V ocabulary Part!




4. Listening Part!


Listen to the interview and complete Steve's schedule.

Listen to the interview again. Circle the letters on the survey.


5. Reading Part!



Listen to the tape, and read aloud these sentences!












高二英语必修五第一单元集体备课整体教案(定稿) 主备人:容容 一,教材分析和教材重组 1. 教材分析 本单元主要话题是How to organize scientific research。旨在通过本单元的教学培养学生探究科学、崇尚科学的精神和正确的科学观;帮助学生了解科学的本质和科学家的特质,使学生懂得科学探究的基本步骤和要素;指导学生如何对科学家及其所从事的科研工作进行描述、发表看法,并针对自己的个性特征和兴趣专长,畅谈个人的职业志向和人生规划。 1.1 Warming Up 通过问答形式使学生回顾不同领域不同时代的10位科学家,了解他们对人类的贡献及其成果。 1.2 Pre-reading 通过对几个问题的讨论,使学生了解传染病和“霍乱”的基本常识,并了解科研过程中验证某些观点的基本程序和方法。 1.3 Reading 介绍英国著名医生John Snow是如何通过考察分析、探究的科学方法,发现并控制“霍乱”这种传染病的。通过课文学习,使学生了解科学发现的全过程及其严密性;学习描述性文体的基本写作框架。 1.4 Comprehending 共设计了四个题型。 1.5 Learning about Language 共设计了两大部分,8个练习,对本单元的重点词汇和主要语法项目进行训练。第一部分的1-4题旨在训练学生对重点词汇、短语的运用;第二部分旨在练习过去分词作定语和表语的用法。 1.6 Using Language 由两部分组成:Listening and speaking 是一段关于中国著名科学家钱学森先生的生平介绍的听力材料;Reading and writing是


UNIT SIX MOTHER’S DAY Lesson 20 教学设计 教学目标(Objectives): 1.确保学生认识和理解一些基本单词的意义和简单口头运用(To learn the meaning and simple usages of some words and phrases)。 需要掌握的词组: Father Write 2.学习使用本单元重点句型及表达(To use the typical sentences to express)。 需要掌握的句型: What are you doing? I’m making a card. 3.鼓励学生大胆发言及表达(To encourage the students to express bravely)。 4.培养学生对英语学科的兴趣(To make the students interest in English learning)。 5.增强学生听说读写译的能力(To strengthen the ability of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating)。 教学重点(Key Points): 在学习了单词的基础上,以单词为载体,进行主要句型的学习,并了解其中的语法现象,根据具体情境,学会交流对话,侧重句型语法学习,交际意向和课外拓展为重点。 教学方法: 游戏,音频,情景教学法,Pair-work两人小组活动,Group-work小组活动,多媒体辅助教学。 教学难点: 学生处于小学阶段,对英语有了初步了解,词汇储备较少,对于三年级下学期学生的要求重点是在会读会说的基础上,能掌握一些基本单词的拼写和造句,了解一定的语法内涵,与人进行简单沟通交流。

五年级英语下册 unit3 lesson20(1)教案 冀教版

(冀教版)五年级英语下册教案 unit3 lesson20 Lesson 20 At the post office 教材分析: 本课为五年级第20课,复习课,它通过Jenny、Li Ming、Danny去邮局邮信和明信片,产生的一系列对话,帮助学生重新巩固以前学过的词汇,让学生学会使用在post office 中的日常用语:I am sending it to …… ,Where are you sending it ? How much is it /are they ? I will take ….教学目标确立分析: 在本课的讲授中,以小组方式共同完成本课对话和知识的复习,并对部分词汇进行强化记忆。例如:stamp、letter、postcard、send ….并对日常用语的使用加以练习。在教师的指导下,利用小组互助的学习方式,使同学结组编对话,以组长为带头作用组织表演。不仅锻炼了学生的合作互助学习方式,而且从思想道德上使学生乐于助人,并且愿意接受别人给予的帮助。 教学目标: 1. 知识目标:巩固强化词汇教学,让学生掌握sending/writing/reading a /an …..( p ostcard /e-mail/letter ). 2. 技能目标:使学生在假设的环境中,能流利的表达自己真实的想法,让大部分学生能独立使用邮寄信的日常用语。 3. 情感目标:同学们在合作探究的过程中,彼此更加了解。在互助学习的过程中,增加友谊,互相交流,促进小学生情感的发展。 教学设计(个案) 教学过程: Step 1.开始上课(class opening) 问候语:How are you ? How is the weather? What day is it today? Let two groups act the dialogue of Lesson19 part 2,Ask and answer. Step 2.导入新课(New concept) a. Now we know where the post office is , let’s go to the post office. But,first, let’s listen to the tape carefully, then we will send our letters and postcards.( 上节课同学们自己做的) b.Ok .At the post office , how do LiMing /Jenny/Danny send their letters/postcards ? (让我们看一看)


Lesson20 教学设计 一、教学内容与分析 1. Just practise 在语境中用句子,在句子中用词语,通过在具体语境中的集中练习和运用,强化和巩固上节课所学核心语言。 要求正确听、说、认读的词语: the first month of the year, the second month of the year, New Year’s Day, Spring Festival. 要求正确听、说、认读的句子: January is the first month of the year. February is the second month of the year. 2. Just write 本部分内容是学习核心单词January, February, back, their,要求书写熟练、规范。 3. Let’s talk 本部分要求看图,运用核心句子It’s... They are…谈论1、2月份的主要活动。核心词语包括:skating, making a snowman, shopping in the supermarket, celebrating Spring Festival. 4. Let’s chant 通过说唱歌谣,引导学生了解字母组合ay在单词中的发音,逐步掌握常见字母组合的发音规律。 二、课前准备 1. 准备日历和月历。 2. 准备能反映春节和新年习俗的典型照片或图片。 3. 准备学生卡片、教师卡片和教学音频。 三、教学步骤与建议 1. 热身/复习(Warm-up / Revision) 1) 播放歌曲Happy New Year,让学生跟着欢快的歌曲一起热身。 2) 趣味接龙游戏:谈论新年和春节常开展哪些庆祝活动,教师说首句,学生接着往下说。 2. 新课呈现(Presentation) 1) 教师引导学生回答开放性问题How do you celebrate New Year’s Day?展示图片,引出话题:It is very cold in January. It often snows. What are the children doing in the picture? 利用挂图和肢体语言,让学生理解skating的意思。


人教课标版高中英语必修五-U n i t1- R e a d i n g-教案-新版 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

Unit1 Reading 1.教材内容分析 《普通高中课程标准英语教科书·英语(5)》(必修)Unit1 Great Scientists 中的Reading:John Snow Defeats “King Cholera”。 本单元的中心话题是“Great Scientists”,介绍了科学家如何以探索、钻研、无畏的科研精神验证未知的科学真理,使学生在科学家的故事中学到知识、尝到乐趣、获得智慧、受到鼓舞,从而早日成才。教师的任务就是帮助学生培养科学精神,使之成为具有科学精神和人文精神=的创新型人才。 Reading部分介绍英国著名医生John Snow是如何通过考察、分析、探究的科学方法,发现并控制“霍乱”这种传染病的。通过阅读课文,使学生感悟科学家的周密观察、勇于探索、认真分析的科学精神,使学生了解发现的全过程具有其科学的严密性同时了解公共卫生保健常识,做到正确地求医问药。 2.学生学习情况分析 传统的阅读教学模式是“自下而上”,是从生词短语→单句理解→段落理解→全文理解的模式。这种模式比较强调阅读中的语言形式。所以,学生的语言知识较好,阅读技能较差。针对教材和学生特点以及教学要求,本课将侧重在培养学生的语言知识、语言技能、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等素养的基础上使他们形成综合运用语言的能力。同时还要注意优化学生的学习方式,使他们通过观察、体验、探究等主动学习的方法,充分发挥自己的学习潜能,形成有效的学习策略,提高自主学习的能力。 3.设计思想 本单元通过介绍John Snow、钱学森、哥白尼,让学生对科学家的生活有所了解和感悟。此外在学习语言知识、训练语言技能、提高语言交际能力的同时,加强了对学生的品格素养的培养,也陶冶了学生的情操。该课时是一堂阅读课,目的是让学生通过阅读,从语言材料中获取相关信息,并通过对信息的加工和处理,提高综合运用语言的能力。这符合《普通高中英语课程标准》的性质和理念。在功能、结构、话题的基础上,采用“任务型”教学模式,设计了许多易于操作的任务型活动。阅读模式多种多样,主要处理好教学的三个阶段,即读前活动(Pre-reading),读中活动(While-reading)和读后活动(Post-


Unit 1 great scientists 教案 using language Teaching procedures & ways: Step 1 Revision Check the homework. Step 2 Teaching the new words(from “N icolaus Copernicus ”t o “l ogical ”) Step 3 Reading 1. Fast reading Read the passage and do Ex 1 on Page 7. Before Copernicus ’t heory Showing Copernicus ’t heory A diagram showing the solar system A diagram showing the solar system with the earth at its centre with the sun at its centre 2. Careful reading Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions. (1) Why was Copernicus frightened and cautious? (Para 4) (2) Why could he not tell about his theory? (Para 1) (3) What was his theory about? (Para 1) (4) What had the astronomers noticed in the sky? (Para 2) (5) When did Copernicus complete his theory? (Para 3) (6) How did he explain changes in the movement of the planets and in the brightness of the stars? (Para 4)(7) When did he publish his idea? (Para 4) (8) Why do people think there is a link between his theory and the work? 3. Post reading If you were Nicolaus Copernicus, would you have hidden your theory for so many years? Give a reason. Step 4 Language points 1. lead to导致 Too much work and little rest often lead to illness. Only working hard leads to your success. 2. only if 只有,只要(only 放句首时,主句要倒装。) Only if a teacher gives permission is a student allowed to enter the room. Only in this way can you learn English well. Only when one is away from home does one realize how nice home is. If only :(expressing a wish) 如果??就好了(多用虚拟语气) If only she would come! 要是她来了,就好了。 3. make sense / make sense of 懂;理解make no sense 毫无意义 This sentence doesn’t make sense. I can’t make sense of this sentence. Can you make sense of what the speakers says? What he says makes no sense. 4. would have done (1)表示对过去的某种情况进行猜测,或本来要做某事却因某种原因未做成,通常用来说


Lesson 20 Christmas Tree 教学目标: 1、知识技能: (1)学生能够听、说、读、写单词:tomorrow, then, put on. (2)学生能认读,理解并应用下列句型: Let’s put on a Christmas tree. 2. 能力目标: 要求能够熟练地向他人描述某人昨天做了哪些事情;今天做什么事情;明天打算做什么事情。 3. 情感目标: 让学生多了解西方国家的节日,看一看西方国家的节日与中国的有哪些异同点。 教学重难点: 区分一般现在时、一般过去时和一般将来时这三种时态。 教具、学具:图片、圣诞卡片,录音机 教学过程 What do you do on Christmas? What do we need on Christmas? Step2;demonstrate 1. 利用卡片教授新单词:Christmas tree,Christmas things, gift, put o n. 2. 听课文第一部分录音,默读 3. 播放课文录音,学生跟读。 4. 三人以小组,分角色朗读课文,强调学生注意语音语调。 Step3;pair-work. 小组内说一说怎样装扮圣诞树。 展示:小组展示,边介绍边用卡片装扮圣诞树。 Step4:Let’s do it! Draw and write

第二课时 Step1. Class Opening and Review 复习在第6册学过的动词的过去式。 T: What day is today? What day was yesterday? 把Yesterday,Today 写在黑板上。 T:Today I walk to school. Yesterday I walked to school. Today I eat an ice cream. Yesterday I ate an apple. What do you do today? What did you do yesterday? S:…… 老师把这些词写在黑板上。 Key Concepts yesterday often tomorrow (be going to) Step 2 :Introduce: 介绍tomorrow. 在黑板上写的两组词旁边加上tomorrow 和going t o 练习将来时。 T: What day is tomorrow? S:… T: I’m going to walk to a park tomorrow. I’m going to fly a kite tomorrow. What are you going to do tomorrow? S:…… Drill 出示各种人物的图片,给出时间yesterday ,today , tomorrow,让学生用三种时态描述图上内容。如:He /She /Th e y ______ yesterday. He /She ______ s/They_______ today. He is/She is/They are going to _____


新概念青少版1a教案lesson20 Unit 10 lesson 20 ⅠTeaching aims: 1.Words in this unit:my, your, his, her, our, your, their cameras,cars, books 2.sentences stuctures: Is your bag / Are your bags full? my, you, his, her, our, your, their My bag is / My bag's f ull. My bags are full. Where is Karen’s bag? 3.More regular noun plurals: cameras, cars, books Ⅱ Teaching points: importantpoints: words and sentences difficult points: change words in Sentence structure. Ⅲ Teaching aids PPT words card. Recording video. Ⅳ Teaching procedure Step 1.Warm up / Lead in Read the passage again and answer the questions: 1.Are Lucy’s and robert’s bags are light? 2.What’s in Lucy’s bag? 3,Is Clair’s mother’s car are full of people? 4.which buses are all full? 5.Is the car full? Review the words in Lesson 19 Game: spelling bee.

快乐英语第二册 Lesson9教学设计

快乐英语第二册Lesson9教学设计 教学目标 1.听懂、会说、认读单词kite kangaroo lion letter 2.能正确书写字母Ll Kk 3.会说及运用句子What’s the time in`…? It’s…进行问答。 教学重点 运用句子What’s the time in…? It’s… 进行问答。 教学难点 字母Kk Ll 书写及单词kangaroo 的发音。 教学用具 字母卡片课件句子卡片等 教学步骤 一、Revision 1.Sing the ABC song. 2.Read the letters. 3.Read the words.(课件出示) 4.Answer the question : What the time ,please?(课件出示) 二、Prasention Now, let’s say :One, one ,lesson1, together.导出课题Lesson9(板书) A. listen read and write 1.(出示字母Kk卡片)T: What’s this? It’s Kk. Now read after me Kk. 2.(教师用身体做K的造型)T: Guess, what am I ? Ss: The big letter K. T: Do you want to like me ? Ok, let’s do together. 3.Now let’s write Kk together. The big letter K, (one ,two) The small letter k(one) 4.Write on you exercise book. 5.(师做放风筝的动作)T: Guess, What am I doing ? Ss: 放风筝 (课件出示风筝图片)read after me : kite 6. (课件出示袋鼠图片)kangaroo 师教读。 7.Say the chant:K,K,[k];[k],[k],kite;K,K,[k];[k],[k],kangaroo. 8.(出示字母Ll卡片)T: What’s this? It’s Ll. Now read after me Ll. 9. (教师用身体做L的造型)T: Guess, what am I ? Ss: The big Letter L. 10. Now let’s write Ll together. The big letter L, (one ) The small letter l (one) . 11. Write on you exercise book. 12. (课件出示图片)T: What’s this? It’s a lion . What’s he doing? He’s sending a letter. 13. (课件出示狮子图片)Oh, it’s a lion . He’s strong.师教读lion.


Unit 1 Great Scientists Knowledge Aims: 1. To learn some words and expressions related to the description of the great scientists, and the personal traits of making a great scientist. 2. To make sure the students have a full understanding of the text by reading and translating. Read many times for memorizing some key sentences. 3. To guide the students to have a discussion about the characters in the text. Ability Aims: 1. To cultivate the students’ reading ability and deepen their understanding how to describe a great person and his/her personal achievement and contribution to the humankind. 2. To cultivate the students’ oral English skills and related knowledge about description of a great person’s deeds. Teaching important points: 1. To make the students have a full understanding of the text. 2. To let Ss have good command of grammar points by analyzing the key sentences. Teaching difficult points: 1. To improve the students’ reading ability and their grammatical analysis ability. 2. To enable the students to voice their opinions freely. Teaching materials: 1. Multi-media Teaching Assistant. 2. Some related pictures. Teaching aids: 1. Multi-media facilities. Teaching methods: 1. Asking-and-answering method. 2. Discussing method. 3. Elicitation method. Teaching procedures Teaching aims and demands:


Unit 4 After-School Activities Lesson 20:Join Our Club! 一、Teaching content:(教学内容) 1.Words and phrases:join,improve,skill,meeting,act,useful,role,team,shape,level, make friends,at the same time,enjoy doing,stay in shape. 2.understand the meaning of text. 3.Contents:talking about after-school activities . 二、Teaching goals:(教学目标) 1. Master the new words and phrases. 2.understand the meaning of text. 3.Contents:talking about after-school activities. 三、Key points:(重点) Words and phrases,the text. 四、Difficult points:(难点) talking about after-school activities. 五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards. 六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)New lesson. 七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程) Step 1.Analysis of the student. In lesson19,we learned Jim and Steven's after-school activities,and we can talk about our after-school activities. Step 2. Lead in.(引入) 1)Greet the students in everyday English and make sure they can response correctly. 2)Everyday report in English. 3)Check the homework and explain if necessary. Step 3. New lesson.(新课) No. 1 teach the new words first,then teach the phrases,explain the meaning if it necessary.make sure the Ss can read it correctly. No. 2text: 1).chess club Do you want to improve your thinking skills?do you want to make new friends?Join our chess club!chess challenges you and makes you think hard.You will learn and have fun at the same time. Club meetings are going to start next week.Join us after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Room288. 2).Acting Group Acting is fun and useful.You can meet lots of new people and improve your social skills.we do lots of role play games in our classes. Everyone can enjoy acting.Join our club and be a star!we meet at school theatre every Monday,Wednesday and Friday! Hope to see you there! 3).Swim Team Swimming isn't just fun--it's also good exercise!You can stay in shape and have a good time.

人教课标版高中英语必修五 Unit1 Using language 精品教案-新版

Unit1 Using language 教案 Step I Pre-reading 1.Talk about the center of the solar system. “Do you know what is the center of the solar system?” Ask the students to look at the pictures on pages 7. And remind them of the common knowledge of “Su n-Centered Theo ry”. 2.Talk about Copernicus . We know the first scientist is Copernicus. He was one of the first scientists to use mathematical observations to collect information. He believed the sun is the center of the universe and the earth and other planets went around it. Step II Reading 1. Read through the passage, and tell whether the following statements are true or false. (1) At Copernicus’ time, Christian Church was in charge of many western countries. (T) (2) Copernicus noticed that observed from the earth, some planets appear in front of or behind the earth. (F) (3) Copernicus didn’t show his new theory to his friends until he completed it. (T) (4) His friends were not interested in his ideas. (F) (5) Since he was not afraid of being attacked by the Church, Copernicus published his book as soon as he finished working on it. (F) (6) Newton, Einstein, and Hawking are all scientists who made contribution to the study of the universe. (T) 2. Read careful ly and try to draw the two theories of the universe. This time the students are encouraged to read the passage carefully and then do the exercises and problems on pages 7. Encourage the students to fulfill them quickly and correctly. And check the answers together.

冀教版四年级下册英语Lesson20 My Favorite Clothes教案

Lesson20 My Favorite Clothes 教学目标: 1、学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:clothes, our, their。、 2、学生能认读、理解并用下列基本的句型结构: Our favourite clothes is ….. Their favourite clothes is…… 3、区别代词we与our, they与their。 4、理解背诵应用文中句式。 教学重点: 1、学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:clothes, our, their。 2、学生能认读、理解并用下列基本的句型结构: Our favourite clothes is ….. Their favourite clothes is…… 教学难点: 理解背诵应用文中句式。 教学准备: 卡片,图片,录音机 教学过程: Step 1: Warm up 播放上节课的歌曲,并叫一些同学复习上节课所学,让学生展示自己所爱,并用英语表达My favourite color is ______.

Step 2: Presentation 我们都能够谈论我们最喜欢的颜色,有人虚幻喜欢红色,有人喜欢蓝色。但是我们穿的呢?我们最喜欢的衣服是什么呢? 1、出示写有服饰类单词的卡片教授:skirts, shorts, shirts, shoes, hat,点名让学生迅速读出,对不流利或发音不准者,教师及时纠正。 出示画有不同衣服的图片,点名让学生读出相对应的单词,对于不能读出者,其他同学踊跃补充。 2、现在教授clothes. 教师让学生理解skirts, shorts, shirts, shoes, hat是clothes(衣服)。教师可以依次举起skirts, shorts, shirts, shoes, hat的卡片。再读单词,并把它们聚在一起,并使用手势来展示包括所有事物。做动作并说clothes.多读并理解。 3、看教科书P52,第一部分。 播放录音,然后依次浏览图片,看学生能说什么。学生能否指出两个女孩子穿的是skirts.两个男孩穿的是shorts. 4、教师用汉语了解学生最喜欢的衣服,学生介绍后,鼓励用英语重复刚才的答案,及时补充更正学生的问题。鼓励学生之间用Our favourite clothes is ….. Their favourite cl othes is…… 互相对话练习。 5、讲解代词we与our, they与their的用法和区别。 Step 3: Teacher-student interaction

Lesson 20 《Li Ming s Family》教学设计

Lesson 20 Li Ming’s Family 教学目标: 1.知识目标: 掌握词汇China, live in , tall, short 2.能力目标: 能够用以前学过的词汇和新学的词汇介绍自己家成员 3.情感目标: 通过对家庭成员的介绍以及对职业的细致描述,增进学生与家庭中其他成员的了解与熟悉,培养他们互敬互爱的家庭观念。 教学重难点: 掌握词汇China, live in , tall, short 教学准备: Cards, radio 教学过程: Step1:Warm-up 1. Greetings: T: Good morning, Class! Ss: Good morning, Teacher! 2. Free talk.让学生结成三人一组,练习对话。 Sa:This is my….

Sb: This is my…. Step 2: Presentation 1. 介绍并学习每一幅图并学习单词China, live in ,并试 着让学生自己介绍自己的家庭。 2. Ask the students to look at the picture in the student book and describe what they know in English. (Li Ming, family, China, school, father, mother……) 3. Ask the students introduce their own family. 小组合作并 上台展示。 4.通过比较图片、实物,在黑板上画图并说明short/tall Is Li Ming's father tall or short? Is Li Ming's mother tall or short? 5. Song: I love you, you love me. (1)先听录音 (2)把这首关于李明家庭的歌曲一句一句的放给学生, 让学生跟唱。 6.Homework: 学生找出一张自己的全家福并向自己的家长介绍一下或者找同学介绍一下。 板书设计: Lesson 20 Li Ming’s Family China student



英语必修五unit5教案 【篇一:高中英语必修五教案unit 5】 新课标人教版英语必修5教案 unit 5 firsr aid 程洪维 1. first aid is a temporary form help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found. give \ offer aid援助come to one’s aid 帮助某人 cut off aid 终止援助a hearing aid 助听器 teaching aids教具medical aid医疗救护 with the aid of借助于in aid of为了帮助 he fell ill and had to enter the hospital.他生病了必须住院治疗。fall asleep睡着了fallsilent静下来 the computer got damaged when we were moving.我的电脑在搬家时弄坏了。 my bike is getting repaired now.我的自行车正在修理。 my glass got broken while i was playing basketball。我的眼镜在打篮球的时候给弄坏了。 peter and mary got married last year.皮特和玛丽去年接了婚。 2. you have three layers of skin which act as a barrier against diseases, poisons and the sun’s harmful rays.你有三层皮肤作为障来保护你免受疾病,毒药和有害光线的侵害。

高中英语必修五Unit 1 Great scientists教案

Unit1 Great scientists (一) [教学目标]: 一、知识与技能 1、了解John Snow及科学家的生活 2、学习课文描述科学家如何以科研精神验证科学真理的表达方式; 3、学习课文中科学家的无畏、探索精神,找到科学研究的有效途径。 二、过程与方法 1、做游戏,句子; 2、分组讨论、合作练习; 3、结合所知,探讨科学家应具备哪些品质。 三、情感态度与价值观 1、培养科学无私、奉献的科学精神; 2、团队合作精神、主动与他人合作和交流; 3、成为科学、人文精神相融合的创新型人才。 [教学重点]: 1、学习描述人物的句型和词汇 2、学习过去分词作定语和表语的结构 [教具准备]: 多媒体、自制教具 [课时分配]:1课时

学习内容学生活动教师活动 怎样成为科学家 John Snow介绍 掌握课文 复习过去分词作定语、表语 巩固所学①回答想成为什么类型 的科学家 ②回答成为这类科学家 应具备哪些知识和技能。 ①提问:学生希望从事怎样的科研工作。 ②问学生从事这样的科学工作有哪些要 求,以此激发学生的兴趣和如何成为科研 工作者的思考。 ①联想所知的国内外著 名的科学家。 ②了解John Snow。 ①让学生联想国内外科研名人,若学生未 指出John Snow则在黑板上补充。 ②向学生介绍John Snow的生平及对人类 的贡献。 ①学习词汇、词组、句型 的意义和运用。 ②口头练习。 ③学习课文的深层含义 ①板书本课涉及的重点词汇、词组及句 型。 ②重点讲解重要词汇、词组、句型的运用, 引导学生进行口头练习。 ③讲解作者的表达手法及文章内涵 ①横排每人说一句带分 词作定语或表语的句子, 传下去。 ②学习总结归纳。 ①组织学生开展句子接力赛。 ②引导学生总结归纳过去分词作定语、表 语,搭建知识框架。 ①回答问题、实际运用所 学。 ②回答科学家最重要的 品质是什么及理由。 ①让学生小组合作练习或向学生提问,引 导学生复习所学。 ②引导学生掌握形容人物性格的词汇的 运用。 [教学过程]: [引入新课]: 提出问题;想成为什么类型的科学家?成为这类科学家应具备哪些知识和技能? [讲解词]: 当今,我们食用的粮食,每天使用的家电,手机,帮我们了解世界、开拓眼界的电脑等等,都是科学家们通过不懈地努力创造出来的,这些科研成果不仅推动社会不停地向前发展,也给我们的生活带来了便利。那我想问问同学们What kind of scientific job do you want to do? What education will you need? (选若干同学们回答) (适当总结学生所讲)每个人有每个人的追求,每个人也可以依据自己的爱好去选择自己今后的人生道路,但无论怎样,我们都应该以不怕困难的精神,去实现自己的梦想,利用自己所学,为社会作出自己的贡献。 [讲授新课]: 一、介绍John Snow [提出问题]: 让同学们列出自己知道的国内外著名的科学家? (结合学生所讲)这些都是我们生活中为人所知的科学家,他们为人类都作出了很大的贡献,今天我们课文中提到的这位John Snow就其中的一位。 指出是伦敦非常著名的医生,他的医术精湛,成为照料为多利亚女王的私人医生、找到
