



1.直线3x -2y +m =0和(m 2+1)x +3y -3m =0的位置关系是( )

A .平行

B .重合

C .相交

D .不确定

2.直线l 过直线3x -y =2和x +y =6的交点,且过点(-3,-1),则直线l 的方程为( )

A .2x -y +5=0

B .x +y +4=0

C .x -y +2=0

D .3x -y -2=0

3.直线(2k -1)x -(k +3)y -(k -11)=0(k ∈R)所经过的定点为( )

A .(2,3)

B .(5,2)


?-12,3 D .(5,9) 4.已知点P (-1,0),Q (1,0),直线y =-2x +b 与线段PQ 相交,则b 的取值范围是( )

A .[-2,2]

B .[-1,1]


?-12,12 D .[0,2] 5.使三条直线4x +y =4,mx +y =0,2x -3my =4不能围成三角形的m 值最多有( )

A .1个

B .2个

C .3个

D .4个


6.已知直线ax +4y -2=0和2x -5y +b =0垂直且都过点A (1,m ),则a =__________,b =________,m =________.

7.若三条直线x -2y +1=0,x +3y -1=0,ax +2y -3=0共有两个不同的交点,则a =________.

8.在△ABC 中,已知B (2,1),AC 边所在直线的方程为2x -y +5=0,直线3x -2y +1=0是BC 边的高线,则点C 的坐标为________.


9.求经过直线l 1:x -y +1=0与l 2:x +2y -5=0的交点且与直线l 3:4x +y +1=0平行的直线l 的方程.

10.已知点A 是x 轴上的动点,一条直线过点M (2,3)且垂直于MA ,交y 轴于点B ,过A ,B 分别作x ,y 轴的垂线交于点P ,求点P (x ,y )满足的关系式.


1.解析:选C ∵k 1=32,k 2=-m 2+13

,∴k 1≠k 2.∴两直线相交. 2.解析:选C 由????? 3x -y =2,

x +y =6,

得直线3x -y =2和x +y =6的交点为(2,4), ∵直线l 过点(2,4)和(-3,-1)两点,∴直线l 的方程为y -4-1-4=x -2-3-2

,即x -y +2=0.

3.解析:选A 将原方程变为k (2x -y -1)-x -3y +11=0,令?

???? 2x -y -1=0,-x -3y +11=0,得?????

x =2,y =3,∴定点为(2,3). 4.解析:选A 直线PQ 的方程为y =0,


y =-2x +b ,y =0,得交点????b 2,0,由-1≤b 2≤1,得-2≤b ≤2. 5.解析:选D 要使三条直线不能围成三角形,只需其中两条直线平行或三条直线共点.

若4x +y =4与mx +y =0平行,则m =4;

若4x +y =4与2x -3my =4平行,则m =-16

; 若mx +y =0与2x -3my =4平行,则m 不存在;

若4x +y =4与mx +y =0及2x -3my =4共点,

则m =-1或m =23

. 6.解析:已知两直线方程可化为l 1:y =-a 4x +12,l 2:y =25x +b 5

. ∵两直线垂直,∴-a 4·25

=-1,∴a =10, 即直线l 1方程为10x +4y -2=0.

又点A (1,m )在直线l 1上,∴10×1+4m -2=0,

∴m =-2,即A (1,-2).

又点A 在直线l 2上,∴2×1-5×(-2)+b =0,∴b =-12.

答案:10 -12 -2

7.解析:因为直线x -2y +1=0与x +3y -1=0相交于一点,要使三条直线共有两个不同交点,只需ax +2y -3=0与以上两条直线中的一条平行即可,当ax +2y -3=0与x -

2y +1=0平行时,有-a 2=12

,解得a =-1; 当ax +2y -3=0与x +3y -1=0平行时,

有-a 2=-13,解得a =23

. 答案:23

或-1 8.解析:设BC 的方程为2x +3y +m =0,将点B 的坐标代入,可得m =-7,∴BC 的方程为2x +3y -7=0.



2x +3y -7=0,2x -y +5=0.得C (-1,3). 答案:(-1,3) 9.解:联立????? x -y +1=0,x +2y -5=0,解得?????

x =1,

y =2,

即直线l 1与直线l 2的交点为(1,2).

∵l ∥l 3,

∴l 3的方程可设为4x +y +b =0.

将(1,2)代入,得b =-6.

∴直线l 的方程为4x +y -6=0.



∵PA ⊥x 轴,PB ⊥y 轴,P 点坐标为(x ,y ),

∴A 点坐标为(x,0),B 点坐标为(0,y ),

北师大版高中数学必修一 第三章 指数函数与对数函数 测试题

高中数学学习材料 金戈铁骑整理制作 第三章 指数函数与对数函数 测试题 学号:________ 班级:________姓名:________得分:________ (时间:120分钟 满分:150分) 一.选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的) 1. 已知集合}1,)2 1(|{},1,log |{2>==>==x y y B x x y y A x ,则A =B ( ) A . ??????< <210|y y B. {}10|<> B. b c a >> C.a b c >> D.c b a >> 4. 设函数221,1(),1x x f x x ax x ?+


阶段质量检测(一) (时间:90分钟满分:120分) 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的) 1.为了了解1 200名学生对学校某项教改试验的意见,打算从中抽取一个容量为40的样本,考虑用系统抽样,则分段的间隔k为( ) A.40 B.30 C.20 D.12 2.某学校为了调查高一年级的200名学生完成课后作业所需时间,采取了两种抽样调查的方式:第一种由学生会的同学随机抽取20名同学进行抽查;第二种由教务处对该年级的学生进行编号,从001到200,抽取学号最后一位为2的同学进行调查.则这两种抽样的方法依次是( ) A.分层抽样,简单随机抽样 B.简单随机抽样,分层抽样 C.分层抽样,系统抽样 D.简单随机抽样,系统抽样 3.一个容量为80的样本中数据的最大值是140,最小值是51,组距是10,则应将样本数据分为( ) A.10组 B.9组 C.8组 D.7组 4.(陕西高考)某单位有840名职工,现采用系统抽样方法抽取42人做问卷调查,将840人按1,2,…,840随机编号,则抽取的42人中,编号落入区间[481,720]的人数为( ) A.11 B.12 C.13 D.14 5.某大学数学系共有本科生5 000人,其中一、二、三、四年级的人数比为4∶3∶2∶1,要用分层抽样的方法从所有本科生中抽取一个容量为200的样本,则应抽取三年级的学生人数为( ) A.80 B.40 C.60 D.20 6.已知200辆汽车通过某一段公路时的时速的频率分布直方图如图所示,时速在[60,70)的汽车辆数为( )


北师大版高中英语必修二单词表修订版 IBMT standardization office【IBMT5AB-IBMT08-IBMT2C-ZZT18】

必修二Unit 4 Learning to learn likely concept chart focus skip fist waist nail Gallery Warm-up cyberspace global global warming come true artificial climate

flood virtual reality virus Lesson 1 affect rapidly growth pessimistic hacker optimistic crime criminal terror attack chaos crash offer entertainment

as if harm obvious Destruction Lesson 2 military scientific the Pentagon nuclear network project fashion hang on get in touch be up to fancy suggestion reject

Lesson 3 suggest title destination flesh in the flesh exit historical site pack dip toe millionaire smoker non-smoker Lesson 4 tourism guide

2019-2020学年北师大版高中英语必修三 单元整合训练(一)【含答案】

单元整合训练(一) [语言知识再落实] Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.I'll make arrangements(arrange) for you to be met at the airport. 2.I was terrified(terrify) out of my mind,giving my first public performance. 3.It didn't take much persuasion(persuade) to get her to tell us the truth. 4.From time to time his sharp cough broke the rather frightening (frighten) stillness. 5.In the light of recent discoveries (discover),it may be necessary to revise our previous theory. 6.He glanced at the envelope and recognised (recognition) his uncle's handwriting. 7.Of those wounded in the battle,only three survived(survival),and now they all have passed away. 8.The journey along this route is very attractive (attract) for its picturesque scenery. 9.Yesterday Michael apologised(apologise) to his boss for being late. 10.It is reported that twenty-five thousand deaths per year are caused by air pollution(pollute). Ⅱ.完成句子 1.Can you arrange for us to visit the Industrial Exhibition tomorrow morning? 你能不能安排我们明天上午参观工业展览会? 2.I finally managed to persuade her to go out for a drink with me. 我最后终于成功地说服她跟我一起出去喝一杯。 3.People are banned from smoking in many public places in England. 在英国,许多公共场所禁止吸烟。 4.Some strange customs have survived from earlier times. 有些奇怪的风俗从古代沿袭下来。 5.Beautiful flowers in the streets of Beijing attracted many people's attention.


最新北师大版高中数学必修二教案(全册) 第一章 推理与证明 合情推理(一)——归纳推理 课时安排:一课时 课型:新授课 教学目标: 1、通过对已学知识的回顾,进一步体会合情推理这种基本的分析问题法,认识归纳推理的基本方法与步骤,并把它们用于对问题的发现与解决中去。 2.归纳推理是从特殊到一般的推理方法,通常归纳的个体数目越多,越具有代表性,那么推广的一般性命题也会越可靠,它是一种发现一般性规律的重要方法。 教学重点:了解合情推理的含义,能利用归纳进行简单的推理。 教学难点:用归纳进行推理,做出猜想。 教学过程: 一、课堂引入: 从一个或几个已知命题得出另一个新命题的思维过程称为推理。 见书上的三个推理案例,回答几个推理各有什么特点?都是由“前提”和“结论”两部分组成,但是推理的结构形式上表现出不同的特点,据此可分为合情推理与演绎推理 二、新课讲解: 1、 蛇是用肺呼吸的,鳄鱼是用肺呼吸的,海龟是用肺呼吸的,蜥蜴是用肺呼吸的。 蛇,鳄鱼,海龟,蜥蜴都是爬行动物,所有的爬行动物都是用肺呼吸的。 2、 三角形的内角和是,凸四边形的内角和是,凸五边形的内角和是 由此我们猜想:凸边形的内角和是 3、,由此我们猜想:(均为正实数) 这种由某类事物的部分对象具有某些特征,推出该类事物的全部对象都具有这些特征的推理,或者由个别事实概栝出一般结论的推理,称为归纳推理.(简称:归纳) 归纳推理的一般步骤: ⑴ 对有限的资料进行观察、分析、归纳 整理; ⑵ 提出带有规律性的结论,即猜想; ⑶ 检验猜想。 三、例题讲解: 例1已知数列的通项公式,,试通过计算的值,推测出的值。 【学生讨论:】(学生讨论结果预测如下) (1) 180?360?540?(2)180n -??221222221,,,331332333+++<<<+++ a a m b b m +<+,,a b m {}n a 2 1()(1)n a n N n +=∈+12()(1)(1)(1)n f n a a a =--???-(1),(2),(3)f f f ()f n 113(1)1144 f a =-=-=


模块3 U7 L1 1 The Spirit of Explorers Viking Voyages to America The Vikings were the first Europeans to reach America. They achieved this long before Columbus ever set sail. The Vikings were a group of people whose ancestors came from Scandinavia. They controlled the seas and coasts of Northern Europe between the 8th and 10th centuries AD. By around 900 AD, there were many places in Northern Europe where the Vikings chose to live. In 982 AD, when a man called Eric the Red decided to set sail further west, there were as many as 10,000 Vikings living in Iceland. According to the old stories of Iceland and Norway, Eric the Red was forced to leave Iceland because he had committed a murder, for which he got into trouble. Eric reached Greenland and discovered that people could live in the place where he landed. He returned to Iceland and told people there about Greenland. He persuaded some people to go back with him to Greenland. Eric set sail once again, this time with 25 ships, of which only 14 made it to Greenland. Not long after Eric the Red had landed in Greenland, a man called Biarni set sail from Iceland in search of Eric's party. Biarni was hoping to join his father who was with Eric, but he was blown off course and found himself in an unknown land, from where he eventually reached Greenland. In the year 1002, when Eric the Red's son Leif was planning a trip further west, Biarni was the man with whom Leif discussed his plans. Leif followed Biarni's directions and sailed to what is believed to be the coast of present-day Canada. He then sailed further south to an island which is now known as Newfoundland. We know about Eric the Red and Leif's deeds through stories which were written down centuries later in Norway and Iceland. They are the first records we have of Europeans sailing to the Americas. U7 L3 3 The Sea World UNDER WATER WORLD The Best place to See Sea Creatures Polar World We have polar bears and a real iceberg too! You can only see a small part of it above the water. It's three times as big underwater. Watch the acrobatic seals at feeding time. Meet our less energetic but more friendly penguins. You'll love them! Ocean Floor See some of the most beautiful coral and the most unusual fish in the world. Watch some fish “flying” through the water. They are less colourful than some other fish but they move beautifully. Sea Theatre See our intelligent dolphins. There are fantastic shows every two hours. Discovery Pool Especially for younger children. They can touch crabs and other smaller creatures. They can be educated about daily life on the beach in this exciting area. Virtual Reality Voyage Our most up-to-date attraction. Come with us on a “virtual reality” trip to the ocean floor and see some of the strangest fish in the world.


第一章统计 §1 从普查到抽样 双基达标(限时20分钟) 1.下面的四个问题中,可以用抽样调查方法的是( ).A.检验10件产品的质量 B.银行对公司10万元存款的现钞的真假检验

C.跳伞运动员检查20个伞包及伞的质量 D.检验一批汽车的防碰撞性能 解析根据抽样调查与普查的概念可知A,B,C一般采用普查的方法,只有D是采用抽样调查的方法. 答案 D 2.某学校共有36个班级,每班50人,现要求每班派3名代表参加会议,在这个问题中,样本容量是( ).A.36 B.50 C.108 D.150 答案 C 3.医生要检验人血液中血脂的含量,采取的调查方法应该是( ).A.普查 B.抽样调查 C.既不能普查也不能抽样调查 D.普查与抽样调查都可以 答案 B 4.(1)对某班学生视力作一个调查; (2)某啤酒瓶生产厂,要对所生产的啤酒瓶的抗压情况进行检验; (3)联合国教科文组织要对全世界适龄儿童的入学情况做一个调查. 对于上述3个实际问题所应选用的调查方法分别为________、________、________. 答案普查抽样调查抽样调查 5.某公司新上市一款MP4,为了调查产品在用户中受欢迎的情况,采用________形式调查为好(填“普查”或“抽样调查”). 答案抽样调查 6.某市有7万名学生参加学业水平测试,要想了解这7万名学生的数学成绩,从中抽取了1000名学生的数学成绩. (1)在此项调查中总体是什么? (2)在此项调查中个体是什么? (3)在此项调查中样本是什么? (4)在此项调查中样本容量是多少?

解(1)总体是7万名学生的数学成绩;(2)个体是7万名学生中每一名学生的数学成绩; (3)样本是从7万名学生的数学成绩中抽取1000名学生的数学成绩;(4)样本容量是1000. 综合提高(限时25分钟) 7.下列说法不正确的是( ).A.普查是要对所有的对象进行调查 B.我国的人口普查是为了了解我国人口的分布情况 C.当普查的对象很少时,普查是很好的调查方式,但当普查的对象很多时,则要耗费大量的人力、物力和财力 D.普查不是在任何情况下都能实现 答案 B 8.若对某校1200名学生的耐力做调查,抽取其中120名学生,测试他们1500米跑的成绩,得出相应的数值,在这项调查中,样本是指( ).A.120名学生 B.1200名学生 C.120名学生的成绩 D.1200名学生的成绩 解析本题抽取的是120名学生的成绩,因此每个学生的成绩是个体,这120名学生的成绩构成一个样本. 答案 C 9.某工厂要检验一批产品的质量,决定从这批产品中任意抽取10个进行检验,以判断产品的质量如何.在这个题目中,总体是________,样本是________. 答案一批产品的质量10个产品的质量 10.为了了解全校240名学生的身高情况,从中抽取40名学生进行测量,下列说法正确的是________(填序号). ①总体是240;②个体是每一个学生;③样本容量是40名学生;④样本容量是40. 解析本题调查的对象是“学生的身高”这一项指标,故①,②不正确.而样本容量是数量,故③不正确.由此可见,研究此类问题首先要弄清楚所要调查的对象是什么.

【精品】 2020年北师大版高中英语必修二(全套)配套精品练习全集

【推荐】2020年北师大版高中英语必修二(全 册)配套练习汇总 Unit 4课下能力提升(一) Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.When an animal is under ________ (攻击), it chooses to run away or fight back. 2.My wallet has ________ (消失) from the table. 3.It is ________ (明显的) that she is very clever. 4.I feel bad that I didn't ________ (提供) any food to them. 5.The ________ (破坏) of the natural living places makes wild animals less and less. 6.Profits of all companies are being a________ by the economic crisis. 7.Since you know smoking does great h________ to your health, why not give it up? 8.By keeping a diary, you can improve your writing skills more r________. 9.Our washing machine broke down yesterday and f________ the kitchen. 10.The plane c________ into the mountain, but luckily the pilot survived. Ⅱ.单句语法填空 1.Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and making ________ jokes. 2.Organizations of all kinds now recognize the Internet as effective means for ________ (globe) communication. 3.At dawn the army ________ (attack) the town and finally captured it.


北师大版高一英语必修3 Unit 7 The sea 单元测试题(一) 一、单选: 每题1分,共15分。 1. The news on ___ air reminded him of ____ old friend who is now in America. A. 不填; an B. 不填; the C. the; an D. the; a 2. Have you seen the film ____ script was written by Catherine? A. which B. its C. of which D. whose 3. What should you say when ___ to a stranger? A. to introduce B. introducing C. introduced D. being introduced 4. The Spring Festival ____, and will you come back home for it with your family? A. is coming B. comes C. has come D. came 5.-How about going out with me for the coming weekend? -_____. My parents may come to see me. A. You’re right B. It depends C. Never mind D. It’s all right 6. The young man ____ his success to many people, his parents in particular. A. gives B. treats C. owes D. devotes 7.-Why do you think he can succeed? -He believes in himself, ____ is the most important, I think. A. that B. what C. which D. who 8. He has made quite a few new friends in the new school, while I have made ____. A. nothing B. any C. some D. none 9. “How did all this ____?” the angry boss asked the scared worker. A. come across B. come about C. come on D. come over 10. He hurried to the station, ____ to catch the last train. A. to hope B. hope C. hoping D. hoped. 11.-It’s already half past 7! -Yes. Tom ____ here at any moment. A. should be B. may be C. should have been D. must have been 12. With so many people ____ the Internet, it is difficult to see online movies at the same time. A. surf B. to surf C. surfing D. surfed 13. You’d better not interrupt me when I am talking, ____ you are. A. who B. whom C. whoever D. whichever 14. The city is in preparation for an important meeting. As a result, the number of cars ____. A. is limited B. limits C. is limiting D. was limited 15.-I want to know whether we shall go rafting today or tomorrow? -Does that make any ____? A. change B. importance C. difference D. value 二、完形填空:每题1.5分,共30分 Nowadays, any traveler might be treated as a terrorist (恐怖分子) by the immigration (入境) officers in the USA. We returned from Iraq and landed safely. My heart 16 when I was asked to the back room by the immigration officer. My 17, with his very American last name, had no trouble at all. In fact, I am 18 American born and raised,


高一数学必修一第三章检测题 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的) 1.log 32+log 39 2的值为( ) A .2 B .-2 C .9 D .log 313 2 解析: 原式:log 3? ?? ??2×92=log 39=2.故选A. 答案: A 2.化简a 23·b 12·(-3a 12·b 13)÷? ?? ?? 13a 16·b 56的结果为( ) A .6a B .-a C .-9a D .9a 解析: a 23·b 12·? ????-3a 12·b 13÷? ?? ??13a 16·b 56 =-3a 23+12·b 12+13÷? ?? ?? 13a 16·b 56 =-9a 23+12-16·b 12+13-5 6=-9a . 答案: C 3.0.32,log 20.3,20.3三个数的大小关系为( ) A .0.32<20.31, ∴20.3>0.32>log 20.3. 答案: C 4.已知函数f (x )=??? log 2x ,(x >0)2x ,(x ≤0) .若f (a )=1 2,则实数a =( ) A .-1 B .-1或 2 C. 2 D .1或- 2 解析: 由log 2a =1 2得a =2>0,合适; 由2a =12得a =log 21 2=-1<0,合适, 故a =-1或 2. 答案: B 5.函数f (x )=lg 1-x x -4 的定义域为( ) A .[1,4) B .(1,4) C .(-∞,1)∪(4,+∞) D .(-∞,1]∪(4,+∞) 解析: 由题意知1-x x -4 >0,

2020年北师版数学必修二 1.1.1

第一章§1 1.1 A级基础巩固 一、选择题 1.下面几何体的轴截面(过旋转轴的截面)是圆面的是(C) A.圆柱B.圆锥 C.球D.圆台 [解析]圆柱的轴截面是矩形面,圆锥的轴截面是三角形面,球的轴截面是圆面,圆台的轴截面是等腰梯形面. 2.图甲是由图中哪个平面图旋转得到的(A) [解析]该简单组合体为一个圆台和一个圆锥,因此平面图应由一个直角三角形和一个直角梯形构成.B旋转后为两共底的圆锥;C旋转后为一个圆柱与一个圆锥的组合体;D旋转后为两圆锥与一圆柱. 3.一个圆柱的母线长为5,底面半径为2,则圆柱的轴截面的面积为(B) A.10B.20 C.40 D.15 [解析]圆柱的轴截面是矩形,矩形的长宽分别为5、4,则面积为4×5=20. 4.用一个平面去截一个几何体,得到的截面是四边形,这个几何体可能是(B) A.圆锥B.圆柱 C.球体D.以上均有可能 [解析]圆锥、球体被平面截后不可能是四边形,而圆柱被截后可能是四边形. 5.充满气的车轮内胎可由图中哪个图形绕对称轴旋转生成(C) [解析]汽车内胎是圆形筒状几何体. 6.(2019·潍坊高一检测)如图所示的平面中阴影部分绕中间轴旋转一周,形成的几何体

形状为( B ) A .一个球体 B .一个球体中间挖出一个圆柱 C .一个圆柱 D .一个球体中间挖去一个长方体 [解析] 圆旋转一周形成球,圆中的矩形旋转一周形成一个圆柱. 二、填空题 7.已知圆台的轴与母线所在直线的夹角为45°,若上底面的半径为1,高为1,则圆台的下底面半径为__2__. [解析] 设下底面半径为r ,则r -11=tan45°,∴r =2. 8.有下列说法: ①球的半径是连接球面上任意一点和球心的线段; ②球的直径是球面上任意两点间的线段; ③用一个平面截一个球,得到的是一个圆; ④空间中到一定点距离相等的点的集合是一个球. 其中正确的有__①__. [解析] 球是半圆绕其直径所在的直线旋转,旋转面所围成的封闭的几何体,不难理解,半圆的直径就是球的直径,半圆的圆心就是球心,半圆的半径就是球的半径,因此①正确;如果球面上的两点连线经过球心,则这条线段就是球的直径,因此②错误;球是一个几何体,平面截它应得到一个面而不是一条曲线,所以③错误;空间中到一定点距离相等的点的集合是一个球面,而不是一个球体,所以④错误. 三、解答题 9.已知圆锥的母线长为10mm ,高为5mm . (1)求过顶点作圆锥的截面中,最大截面的面积. (2)这个截面是轴截面吗?为什么? [解析] 如图所示: (1)∵OA =10mm ,OH =5mm ,


必修二Unit 4 Lesson 1Tomorrow’ s World明天的世界 The Future of Cyberspace网络空间的未来 Peter Taylor finds out how computers and the Internet are going to affect our lives. 彼得泰勒发现了计算机和因特网会怎样影响我们的生活。 In last thirty years, the Internet has grown rapidly. In 1983, there were only 200 computers connected to the Internet; now there are around 50 million and this growth is clearly going to continue. 在过去的三十年中,互联网的迅速发展。1983,仅有200 台计算机连接到Internet;现在有左右,这一增长显然是要继续下去。 Some expert are pessimistic about the future. One worry is crime in cyberspace. Even now, young hackers can get into the computers of banks and governments. In the future, terrorists may “ attack ” the world ’ s computers, cause chaos, and make planes and trains crash. 一些专家对未来感到悲观。一个担心是网络犯罪。即使是现在,年轻的黑客可以进入银行和政府的电脑。在未来,恐怖分子可能会“攻击”全世界的计算机,造成混乱,使飞机和火车事故。 However, many people are optimistic about the future of the Internet. Already, users can buy books, find out about holidays offers, books tickets, and get all sorts of information from the Internet.


【推荐】2020年北师大版英语必修三(全套) 课后练习汇总 课后演练提能 [夯实·基础知识] Ⅰ. 单词拼写 1. On its v________ to New York, the ship was turned over by a storm on the sea. 答案:voyage 2. You should a________ to him for what you said, though you didn't mean to.

答案:apologise 3. An e________usually travels to unknown places to find out more about them. 答案:explorer 4. D________are better than words when people are in need of help. 答案:Deeds 5. As is known to us all, monkeys and humans share a common a________. 答案:ancestor 6. I still remember the day when I attended my first ________ (演讲) in college. 答案:lecture 7. After a long journey, the travelers ________ (最终) reached the destination. 答案:eventually 8. Those who apply for the position need to have good teamwork ________(精神). 答案:spirit 9. He ________ (说服) his son to give up smoking. 答案:persuaded 10. Could you help me to find out the reason why the ________ (刹车) doesn't work? 答案:brake Ⅱ. 选词填空


高中数学学习材料 (灿若寒星精心整理制作) §3统计图表 课时目标会用统计图表分析数据,获取有用的信息,并明确四种统计图表各自的特点. 1.统计图表是__________________的重要工具. 2.四种常用的统计图表,______________、______________、____________、__________. 一、选择题 1.如图所示是从一批产品中抽样得到的数据的条形统计图,由图可看出数据出现机会最大的范围是() A.(8.1,8.3) B.(8.2,8.4) C.(8.4,8.5) D.(8.6,8.7) 2.把过期的药品随意丢弃,会造成对土壤和水体的污染,危害人们的健康.如何处理过期药品,有关机构随机对若干家庭进行调查,调查结果如图,其中对过期药品处理不正确的家庭达到() A.79% B.80% C.18% D.82% 3.某校为了了解学生的课外阅读情况,随机调查了50名学生,得到他们在某一天课外阅读所用时间的数据,结果用如图的条形图表示,根据条形图可得这50名学生这一天平均每人的课外阅读时间为()

A .0.6小时 B .0.9小时 C .1.0小时 D .1.5小时 4.一个容量为100的样本,其数据的分组与各组的频数如下: 组别 [0,10) [10,20) [20,30) [30,40) [40,50) [50,60) [60,70) 频数 12 13 24 15 16 13 7 则样本数据落在[10,40)上的频率为( ) A .0.13 B .0.39 C .0.52 D .0.64 5.一个容量为35的样本数据,分组后,组距与频数如下:[5,10),5个;[10,15),12个;[15,20),7个;[20,25),5个;[25,30),4个;[30,35),2个.则样本在区间[20,+∞)上的频率为( ) A .20% B .69% C .31% D .27% 题 号 1 2 3 4 5 答 案 二、填空题 6.某市高三数学抽样考试中,对90分以上(含90分)的成绩进行统计,其频率分布直方图如图所示,若130~140分数段的人数为900人,则90~100分数段的人数为________. 7.甲、乙两名运动员在某个赛季一些场次中得分的茎叶图如图所示,则水平发挥较好的运动员是______. 8.将容量为n 的样本中的数据分成6组,绘制频率分布直方图.若第一组至第六组数据的频率之比为2∶3∶4∶6∶4∶1,且前三组数据的频数之和等于27,则n =________. 9.下图是某保险公司提供的资料,在1万元以上的保险单中,有8 21 少于2.5万元,那 么不少于2.5万元的保险单有________万元.


高一数学必修2考试卷 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分) 1、已知某几何体的俯视图是如图所示的矩形,正视图(或称主视图)是一个底边 长为8、高为4的等腰三角形,侧视图(或称左视图)是一个 底边长为6、高为4的等腰三角形.则该几何体的体积为 ( ) (A )48 (B )64 (C )96 (D )192 2、已知A (x 1,y 1)、B (x 2,y 2)两点的连线平行y 轴,则|AB |=( ) A 、|x 1-x 2| B 、|y 1-y 2| C 、 x 2-x 1 D 、 y 2-y 1 3.棱长都是1的三棱锥的表面积为( ) B. 4.长方体的一个顶点上三条棱长分别是3,4,5,且它的8个顶点都在同一球面上, 则这个球的表面积是( ) A .25π B .50π C .125π D .都不对 5、已知正方体外接球的体积是 323π,那么正方体的棱长等于 ( D ) (A ) (B ) (C (D 6、若l 、m 、n 是互不相同的空间直线,α、β是不重合的平面,则下列命题中为 真命题的是( ) A .若//,,l n αβαβ??,则//l n B .若,l αβα⊥?,则l β⊥ C. 若,//l l αβ⊥,则αβ⊥ D .若,l n m n ⊥⊥,则 //l m 7、如图,在正方体1111ABCD A B C D -中,E F G H ,,,分别为 1AA ,AB ,1BB ,11B C 的中点,则异面直线EF 与GH 所成的角等于( ) A F D B C G E 1B H 1C 1D 1A

A.45° B.60° C.90° D.120° 8、方程(x-2)2+(y+1)2=1表示的曲线关于点T (-3,2)的对称曲线方程是: ( ) A 、 (x+8)2+(y-5)2=1 B 、(x-7)2+(y+4)2=2 C 、 (x+3)2+(y-2)2=1 D 、(x+4)2+(y+3)2=2 9、已知三点A (-2,-1)、B (x ,2)、C (1,0)共线,则x 为: ( ) A 、7 B 、-5 C 、3 D 、-1 10、方程x 2+y 2-x+y+m=0表示圆则m 的取值范围是 ( ) A 、 m ≤2 B 、 m<2 C 、 m<21 D 、 m ≤2 1 11、过直线x+y-2=0和直线x-2y+1=0的交点,且垂直于第二直线的直线方程 为 ( ) A 、+2y-3=0 B 、2x+y-3=0 C 、x+y-2=0 D 、2x+y+2=0 12、圆心在直线x=y 上且与x 轴相切于点(1,0)的圆的方程为: ( ) A 、(x-1)2+y 2=1 B 、(x-1)2+(y-1)2=1 C 、(x+1)2+(y-1)2=1 D 、(x+1)2+(y+1)2=1 二、填空题:(每小题5分,共20分) 13、直线x=2y-6到直线x=8-3y 的角是 。 14、圆:x 2+y 2-2x-2y=0的圆心到直线xcos θ +ysin θ=2的最大距离 是 。 15.正方体的内切球和外接球的半径之比为_____ 16如图,△ABC 是直角三角形,∠ACB=?90,PA ⊥平面ABC ,此图形中有 个直 角三角形。 三 解答题:(共70分) 17.(10分)如图,PA ⊥平面ABC ,平面PAB ⊥平面 PBC 求证:AB ⊥BC P A C
