

单选题(共 10 题,每题 10 分)
1 . 杜克大学医学中心成立于哪一年()
? ? ? ?
A.1838 年 B.1930 年 C.1957 年 D.1956 年
我的答案: C 参考答案 :C
答案解析: 暂无 2 . 杜克大学医院药学部从建院至今,一共有几位药学部主任()
? ? ? ?
A.10 位 B.5 位 C.8 位 D.20 位
我的答案: B 参考答案 :B
答案解析: 暂无 3 . 杜克大学医院共有 957 张床位,药学部共有多少名全职职员()
? ? ? ?
A.360 B.155 C.170 D.35
我的答案: A 参考答案 :A
答案解析: 暂无 4 . 杜克大学医院药学部一共有九大部门,下列哪一项不属于药学部()
? ? ? ?
A.行政事务部 B.儿童医学与健康部 C.临床试验药物服务部 D.癌症中心
我的答案: D 参考答案 :D
答案解析: 暂无

5 . 杜克大学医院药学部门有九项具体工作内容,下列哪些属于药学部的工作()
? ? ? ?
A.住院患者分散式药学服务 B.住院药师规范化培训 C.临床医药学资源信息服务 D.以上都是
我的答案: D 参考答案 :D
答案解析: 暂无 6 . 药学技术员工作内容包括()
? ? ? ?
A.临时医嘱服务 B.补给大输液 C.监控从中心药房通过气压输送管运输的到病区的药品 D.以上都是
我的答案: D 参考答案 :D
答案解析: 暂无 7 . 临床药师工作内容不包括()
? ? ? ?
A.审阅所有用药医嘱和处方 B.与医生、护士紧密配合共同为患者提供医疗服务 C.监控从中心药房通过气压输送管运输的到病区的药品 D.参与多学科会诊
我的答案: C 参考答案 :C
答案解析: 暂无 8 . 临床用药中,对于患者出现反常的现象或症状和改变保持警惕性,注意关注以下信息()
? ? ? ?
A.基本情况 B.背景 C.准确评估及合理建议 D.以上均是
我的答案: D 参考答案 :D
答案解析: 暂无 9 . 临床药物重整是在患者()的时候,针对患者用药清单进行的进一步的确认与梳理。这样做的目的是为 了避免用药错误,包括漏服、重复给药、剂量错误以及不良的相互作用
? ?
A.入院 B.转院

? ?
C.出院 D.以上均是
我的答案: D 参考答案 :D
答案解析: 暂无 10 . 美国药师毕业后教育三个阶段:Postgraduate year 1,2,3 (PGY1,2,3)。以下说法错误的是()
? ? ? ?
A.PGY1(毕业后第 1 年住院培训):通科培训 B.PGY2(毕业后第 2 年住院培训):专科培训 C.PGY3(毕业后第 3 年住院培训):专病培训 D.PGY3 培训项目有:药代动力学、重症监护、药房管理、卫生保健用药、用药安全等
我的答案: D 参考答案 :D
答案解析: 暂无


最新最全2018年全国执业药师继续教育答案 英国社区的药学服务以及药师的作用考试 单选题(共10 题,每题10 分) 1 . 在英国国民医疗保健(NHS)中,药师主要工作分布在哪里 ? A.医院 ? B.药厂 ? C.社区 ? D.大学等教育机构 参考答案:C 2 . 英国药师优化用药的理念包括什么 ? A.了解患者的病情和经历 ? B.以询证医学为基础选择用药 ? C.确保用药的安全性 ? D.以上所有选项 参考答案:D 3 . 根据2015年的数据调查,最受患者信任的医疗工作者是 ? A.医生 ? B.药师 ? C.护士 ? D.牙医 参考答案:B 4 . 以下选项中,哪个不属于社区药房的基本药学服务 ? A.年度药物使用审核(MUR) ? B.审核处方 ? C.“慢性病长期用药处方”服务 ? D.回收和销毁患者不需要的药物 参考答案:A 5 . “慢性病长期用药处方”在英国健康医疗体系中的开支位居第二,可见其意义重大,那么此项服务的主要 益处是什么 ? A.方便患者取药,达到安全有效用药,并减少药品浪费 ? B.充分发挥药师的用药管理作用 ? C.减轻医生的工作量,减少医疗开支 ? D.以上所有选项 参考答案:D 6 . 新药服务属于英国药房的高级药学服务,以下哪种病种不适用于此项服务

? A.高血压 ? B.冠心病 ? C.哮喘 ? D.慢性阻塞性肺病 参考答案:B 7 . 以下哪种高级药学服务,大大减少了患者预约医生难和等待就诊时间长的问题? A.流感疫苗服务 ? B.小病治疗服务 ? C.戒烟服务 ? D.衣原体检查 参考答案:B 8 . 在英国,通过药学专业成为注册药师的流程是什么 ? A.四年药学课程-两年实习-药师注册考试-上岗评估 ? B.三年要学课程-两年实习-药师注册考试-上岗评估 ? C.四年要学课程-一年实习-药师注册考试-上岗评估 ? D.三年要学课程-一年实习-药师注册考试-上岗评估 参考答案:C 9 . 英国药师完成注册上岗后,每年需要完成多少继续教育的学习记录 ? A.7份 ? B.8份 ? C.9份 ? D.10份 参考答案:C 10 . 药师的继续教育学习中,其中至少要有三分来源于 ? A.思考 ? B.计划 ? C.行动 ? D.评估 参考答案:A 中医体质学的临床应用考试 返回上一级 单选题(共10 题,每题10 分) 1 . 气虚体质的主要特征不包括下列哪项 ? A.肌肉松软 ? B.气短懒言 ? C.手足心热


医院药学三基考试 一、单选题(每题2分,共20分) 1、治疗十二指肠溃疡应首选哪种药物(A) A、雷尼替丁 B、阿托品 C、强的松 D、苯海拉明 E、氨茶碱 2、普鲁本辛禁用于(C) A、肝损害者 B、肾衰患者 C、青光眼患者 D、溃疡病患者 E、胆结石 3、治疗急、慢性骨及关节感染宜选用(C) A、青霉素G B、多粘菌素B C、克林霉素 D、多西环素 E、吉他霉素 4、服用磺胺类药物时,同服小苏打的目的是(E) A、增强抗菌活性 B、扩大抗菌谱 C、促进磺胺药的吸收

D、延缓磺胺药的排泄 E、减少不良反应 5、抢救有机磷酸酯类中毒,最好应当使用(A) A、氯磷定和阿托品 B、阿托品 C、氯磷定 D、氯磷定和箭毒 E、以上都不是 6、下列哪一项是阿托品的禁忌症(C) A、支气管哮喘 B、心动过缓 C、青光眼 D、中毒性休克 E、虹膜睫状体炎 7、肾上腺素在临床上主要用于(D) A、各种休克晚期 B、Ⅱ、Ⅲ度房室传异阻滞 C、上消化道出血 D、过敏性休克 E、感染性休克 8、抢救心脏骤停的药物是(D) A、普萘洛尔 B、阿托品 C、麻黄素 D、肾上腺素 E、去甲肾上腺素 9、用于外周血管痉挛性疾病的药物是(B)

A、多巴胺 B、酚妥拉明 C、东莨菪碱 D、普萘洛尔 E、哌唑嗪 10、酚妥拉明过量引起血压下降很低时,升压可用(D) A、肾上腺素静滴 B、异丙肾上腺素静注 C、去甲肾上腺素皮下注射 D、大剂量去甲肾上腺素静滴 E、以上都不是 11、有关安定的下列叙述中,哪项是错误的(D) A.具有镇静、催眠、抗焦虑作用 B.具有抗惊厥作用 C.具有抗郁作用 D.不抑制快波睡眠 E.能治疗癫痫大发作 12、对革兰阴性菌无效,对厌氧菌有较好疗效(A) A.林可霉素 B.红霉素 C.吉他霉素 D.万古霉素 E.四环素 13、下列哪种药物不会导致耳毒性?(B) A.呋塞米 B.螺内酯 C.依他尼酸


BUILDING BLOCK 4 ——Control 1.What is destiny? Destiny is what you make of your life. 2. 3.What is destiny? Interna Control Destiny is what decides your life. What is destiny? Internal External Definition: Control is inside the individual. There are very few certainties in life, few circumstances which cannot be changed. There are no limits on what you can do or become, so long as you believe it and try hard. Your success is your own achievement. You are responsible for what happens to you. Life is about what you do. Definition: Control is outside the individual. Some things in life are predetermined, built into the nature of things. There are limits beyond which one cannot go and certain givens that cannot be changed and must be accepted. Your success is a combination of your effort and your good fortune (good luck). Life is about what happens to you. External Control


湖州师范学院外国语学院2008— 2009学年第二学期 《美国文学》期末考试试卷(A卷)答案暨评分标准 I. Write the names of the authors. (10%) ①Walt Whitman ②Edgar Allen Poe ③Wallace Stevens ④Franklin Norris ⑤Stephen Crane ⑥William Faulkner ⑦Sinclair Lewis ⑧John Steinbeck ⑨Langston Hughes ⑩Tennessee Williams II. Fill in the following blanks with appropriate information.(10%) ①New England ②Regionalism or Local color writing ③semi-autobiographical ④anti-realism ⑤Imagist ⑥Santiago ⑦multiple narrations or points of view ⑧1930 ⑨Harlem Renaissance ⑩Eugene O’Neill III. Choose only one answer form the four choices as the most appropriate answer. (20%) 1-5. A D C B B 6-10. D B E B A IV. Identify the author and the title of the work from which each of the following excerpts is taken. And then answer the question after each excerpt. (20%) Passage 1 the author: Walt Whitman (1%) the title of the work : Songs of Myself (1%) Question: What is the poet celebrating? (2%) The poet is celebrating individualism and nationalism, singing of all those people who form the American nationality.


单选题(共 10 题,每题 10 分)
1 . 杜克大学医学中心成立于哪一年()
? ? ? ?
A.1838 年 B.1930 年 C.1957 年 D.1956 年
我的答案: C 参考答案 :C
答案解析: 暂无 2 . 杜克大学医院药学部从建院至今,一共有几位药学部主任()
? ? ? ?
A.10 位 B.5 位 C.8 位 D.20 位
我的答案: B 参考答案 :B
答案解析: 暂无 3 . 杜克大学医院共有 957 张床位,药学部共有多少名全职职员()
? ? ? ?
A.360 B.155 C.170 D.35
我的答案: A 参考答案 :A
答案解析: 暂无 4 . 杜克大学医院药学部一共有九大部门,下列哪一项不属于药学部()
? ? ? ?
A.行政事务部 B.儿童医学与健康部 C.临床试验药物服务部 D.癌症中心
我的答案: D 参考答案 :D
答案解析: 暂无

5 . 杜克大学医院药学部门有九项具体工作内容,下列哪些属于药学部的工作()
? ? ? ?
A.住院患者分散式药学服务 B.住院药师规范化培训 C.临床医药学资源信息服务 D.以上都是
我的答案: D 参考答案 :D
答案解析: 暂无 6 . 药学技术员工作内容包括()
? ? ? ?
A.临时医嘱服务 B.补给大输液 C.监控从中心药房通过气压输送管运输的到病区的药品 D.以上都是
我的答案: D 参考答案 :D
答案解析: 暂无 7 . 临床药师工作内容不包括()
? ? ? ?
A.审阅所有用药医嘱和处方 B.与医生、护士紧密配合共同为患者提供医疗服务 C.监控从中心药房通过气压输送管运输的到病区的药品 D.参与多学科会诊
我的答案: C 参考答案 :C
答案解析: 暂无 8 . 临床用药中,对于患者出现反常的现象或症状和改变保持警惕性,注意关注以下信息()
? ? ? ?
A.基本情况 B.背景 C.准确评估及合理建议 D.以上均是
我的答案: D 参考答案 :D
答案解析: 暂无 9 . 临床药物重整是在患者()的时候,针对患者用药清单进行的进一步的确认与梳理。这样做的目的是为 了避免用药错误,包括漏服、重复给药、剂量错误以及不良的相互作用
? ?
A.入院 B.转院


(完整)医院药学三基考试试卷 编辑整理: 尊敬的读者朋友们: 这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望((完整)医院药学三基考试试卷)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。 本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快业绩进步,以下为(完整)医院药学三基考试试卷的全部内容。

医院药学三基考试 一、单选题(每题2分,共20分) 1、治疗十二指肠溃疡应首选哪种药物(A) A、雷尼替丁 B、阿托品 C、强的松 D、苯海拉明 E、氨茶碱 2、普鲁本辛禁用于(C) A、肝损害者 B、肾衰患者 C、青光眼患者 D、溃疡病患者 E、胆结石 3、治疗急、慢性骨及关节感染宜选用(C) A、青霉素G B、多粘菌素B C、克林霉素 D、多西环素 E、吉他霉素 4、服用磺胺类药物时,同服小苏打的目的是(E) A、增强抗菌活性 B、扩大抗菌谱 C、促进磺胺药的吸收 D、延缓磺胺药的排泄 E、减少不良反应 5、抢救有机磷酸酯类中毒,最好应当使用(A) A、氯磷定和阿托品 B、阿托品 C、氯磷定 D、氯磷定和箭毒 E、以上都不是 6、下列哪一项是阿托品的禁忌症(C) A、支气管哮喘 B、心动过缓 C、青光眼 D、中毒性休克 E、虹膜睫状体炎 7、肾上腺素在临床上主要用于(D) A、各种休克晚期 B、Ⅱ、Ⅲ度房室传异阻滞 C、上消化道出血 D、过敏性休克 E、感染性休克 8、抢救心脏骤停的药物是(D) A、普萘洛尔 B、阿托品 C、麻黄素 D、肾上腺素 E、去甲肾上腺素 9、用于外周血管痉挛性疾病的药物是(B) A、多巴胺 B、酚妥拉明 C、东莨菪碱 D、普萘洛尔 E、哌唑嗪 10、酚妥拉明过量引起血压下降很低时,升压可用(D) A、肾上腺素静滴 B、异丙肾上腺素静注 C、去甲肾上腺素皮下注射 D、大剂量去甲肾上腺素静滴 E、以上都不是 二、多选题(每题有2个或2个以上正确答案,多选或少选均不得分。每题2分,共20分) 1.可以避免肝脏首过效应的片剂是( BE ) A.分散片 B.植入片 C.咀嚼片 D.泡腾片 E.舌下片 2.下列哪些青霉素类药物能耐青霉素酶( BDE ) A.氨苄青霉素 B.苯唑青霉素(新青霉素Ⅱ) C.苄星霉素G D.乙氧萘青霉素(新青霉素Ⅲ) E.邻氯唑青霉素 3.为增加依从性,应该向患者介绍药物的一般知识,其中包括( BCDE ) A。药物的化学结构式和合成路线 B。根据治疗目的选择适当的给药途径 C.药物的效期、包装及储藏保管 D。药物的禁用、慎用、相互作用等 E.特殊病人应遵循的特妹给药方案 4.糖皮质激素抗炎作用的机制包括( CDE ) A。抗菌 B.抗病毒 C.稳定肥大细胞膜 D.稳定溶酶体膜 E。抑制白烯合成5.广义的药物相互作用包括( ABCE ) A。药物与食物的相互作用 B。药物与饮料的相互作用 C.药物与烟、酒的相互作用


American Family 1.The middle-aged people and elderly people generally live with their married children in America(F) 2.The nuclear family is the fundamental family pattern in the United States now(T) 3.In the post-civil war period,the African American family in the South was not only more nuclear,but also more male dominated(T) 4.In America,The pre-industrial family is a kind of Democratic family(F) 5.Mother and Father equally have the final say on family matters in most modern American families(T) 6.Upper-class families don’t aspire to be upwardly mobile because they are always there(T) 7.What does a nuclear family consist of (B) A.parents and family kin or other members of the community B.it consists of parents and their dependent or minor children only C.it consists of two parents and their children 8.Who takes care of the dependent children in a one-parent family in America?(C) A.The grandparents B.The government C.mother and father 9.Many American children must develop self-dependent to adjust themselves to (C) A.their parent’s unhappy marriage B.the new lifestyle of American family C.dramatic social and economic change in new century 10.Which of the following is not the effects of the Women’s Liberation movement in the 1960’s(B) A.women should have the same social and economic rights and priviledges as men B.women should go out to start their own business instead of staying at home to take care of their children C.women should obtained many political and legal rights previously open to men 11.Which of the following statements is not ture?(C) A.In America,individuals freely contracted marriage based on love in modern family pattern B.In 19th century,children were largely used as labor force, making children earn a living was seen not onl y as economically necessary but also morally sound C.In African American family,the slave can choose their husbands and wives by themselves American Education 1 The expenditure in American public schools is guided or decided by (D) A.Teachers B. Students C. headmasters D. boards of education 2 In the US school systems, which of the follow decision is true?(C) A.Elementary school, grammar school B.Elementary school, junior high school C.Elementary school, secondary school D.unior high school, senior high school 3 Three of the following universities have large endowments from wealthy benefactors . which is the exception?(B) A.Harvard university B.The state university of New Y ork C.Y ale university D.Princeton university 4 Both public and private universities depend on the following sources of income except(A) A.Investment B. student tuition C endowments D government funding 5 How many percent of American students go to public schools? (A) 85% B. 65% C 50% D 25% 6 American middle school system is consist if middle school and high school, the high school is divided into junior high scho ol and senior high school. (T) 7 The basic classes of middle school are math, English, PE, history, and health (T) 8 Children start school when they are six years old, in some states they must stay in school until they are fifteen.(F) 9.Parent do not have to pay for education of the public school, because the schools receive many from the government(T) 10. It’s false that most people stereotype the American middle school is easy to pass.(T) American labour 1.From what we know of the original African families from which many black Americans came.(T) 2.The Japanese worked hard for low pay and without complaining.(T) 3.In the nineteenth century in Mexican American families Husbands raised cattle and wives tended the housework!(T) 4.It was not until in the 1850s that working men's societies made a comeback.(T) Reason: Before 1860, union members never exceeded 1% of total labor force. From then on , labors has risen up 5.In the United States, the balance of power is different from other advanced industrial nations. It's true?(T) Reason: in the US, the power is clearly in favor of the employers. So, most of them l ook after business interests first, welfare of labor. 6.The AFL-CIO is especially connected with global trade issue.(T) 7.National Labor Relations Board isn't an independent federal agency.(F) 8.What did the workers want to gain in the labor movement? A: material status and social status 9.Which law became the first law to prohibit racial discrimination?(B) A. Taft-Hartley Act B. Fair Employment Act C. National Labor or Relations Act 10.Which one is not American national trade union organizations?(D) A. AFL-CIO B. IWW (Industrial Workers of the World C. Ctw (Change to Win Federation) D. ILD (International Labor Organization) American values and characteristics Question: true or false for American values and characteristics 1 In 1863, Abraham Lincoln issued the famous Emancipation Proclamation to ablish the slavery。(T) 2 Abraham Lincoln was the 15th president of the United States.(F)


大四美国文学期末考试题型及例题: 1.选择/对错60分(40道选择,20个对错) 2.名词解释10分(5个) 3.选段配对10分(5个) 4.问答20分(10/2) 1.历史:Father / poetess… 2. 名作家:Hemingway, Faulkner, Poe, Hawthorne, Emerson 3.作品:The W asteland/Moby Dick/Scarlet Letter 1.a)选择题(40个,40分) 1. At the age of reason and revolution, Americans were influenced by the European movement called the ________. A. Chartist Movement B. Romanticist Movement C. Enlightenment Movement D. Modernist Movement 2. Which is NOT connected to Benjamin Franklin? ________ A. He was born in a poor family. B. He was a pious puritan. C. He was phrased as “Jack of all trades”. D. He was a master of diplomacy. 3. Ernest Hemingway is noted for the following EXCEPT ________. A. Lost Generation B. Iceberg theory C. American Dream D. Code Heroes 4. Which character is NOT from The Scarlet Letter? ________ A. Hester Prynne B. Roger Chillingworth C. Captain Ahab D. Pearl 5. Jack London’s semi-biographical novel ________well presents the disillusionment of American Dream. A. The American Tragedy B. The Call of the Wild C. Martin Eden D. The Grapes of Wrath b)判断对错题(20个,20分) 1. Poe’s masterpiece “To Helen” is written to memorize his deceased wife. (F) 2. The tone of “Annabel Lee” is optimistic and hopeful. (F) 3. Mark Twain's novel Jumping Frog was an artistic failure, but it gave its name to the America of the postbellum period which it attempts to satirize. (F) 4. Sister Carrie ended up in tragedy because she could not control her fate. (F)


美国社会与文化期末复习参考 1.How has Protestantism shaped basic American values? 2.What is the essence of the Protestant heritage? 3.What is the protestant heritage? Protestantism gives American people the value of self-improvement, the belief of gaining material success through hard work and self-discipline,and the idea of volunteerism and humanitarianism. 4.What are the three branches of the federal government and their responsibilities? 5.What are the three branches of the U.S. Government? What are the responsibilities of each branch? Congress is the legislativebranch and responsible for making laws.The president heads on the executive branch and carrying out the laws. The Supreme Court and lower national courts make up the judicial branch, which interpret the laws. 6.What is the Electoral College? How does it work? It is a system for indirectly electing the president. The winner of the highest number of each state’s popular votes gets all of that state’s electoral votes. A person getting the highest number of electoral votes will become president. 7.Why are Americans suspicious of a strong government? Because they think government is the natural enemy of individual freedom. 8.Why did the American Constitution adopt the policy of “separation of church and state”? Because the government was forbidden to establish a national church, in order that no denomination was to be favored over the others. 9.What are the two major political parties in the United States? What is the main difference in their beliefs? Republican Party believe in free enterprise system which favor little or no government regulation. Democratic Party believe in government regulatedbusinessesto protect consumers and workers. 10.What are interest groups? What do interest groups do? They are some groups of Americans with similar interests and often called lobbying groups. They demand new or protect existing government programs, regulationsand benefits for their members’ interests. 11.What are the three values that are traditionally associated with the frontier heritage? They are individualism, self-relianceand equality of opportunity. 12.How do you understand the saying “What’s above the ground is more important than what is beneath the ground?”


美国文学期末考试复习必备(精) 1. What’s Puritanism? A religious and political movement which appeals to the right of the individual to political & religious independence. It includes three parts: a code of values, a point of view & a philosophy of life 2. What are the basic Puritan beliefs? 1). Total Depravity 2). Unconditional Election 3). Limited Atonement 4). Irresistible Grace 5). Perseverance of the "saints" 3. What are American Puritan values? Sobriety thrift, Self-reliance Diligence, Struggle, simple tastes 4. What are the features of American literature in the Colonial Period? A. Humble origins: diaries, journals, histories, letters. Its various forms, occupy a major position in the literature of the early colonial period. B. in content: serving either god or colonial expansion or both C. in form: imitating English literary traditions. D. in style: tight and logic structure, precise and compact expression, avoidance of rhetorical decoration, adoption of homely imagery and simplicity of diction. E. Symbolism formed in this period ------To the pious Puritan, the physical, phenomenal world was nothing but a symbol of God. F. Simple, fresh and direct style


药剂科三基训练模拟试题 姓名:鼓楼医院 秒及格分:60分/总分:100分一.单选题(共30题,每题1分) 1.下列反应中属于歧化反应的是: A.BrO3^-+5Br^-+6H^+=3Br2+3H2O B.3Cl2+6KOH=5KCl+KClO3+3H2O C.2AgNO3=2Ag+2NO2+O2↑ D.KClO3+6HCI浓=3Cl2↑+KCl+3H2O 2.卤素的原子特性是:1最外电子层结构是ns^2np^52半径随原子序数增加而增大3都有获得一个电子成为卤离子的强烈倾向4随着原子序数增加,核对价电子的引力逐渐增大A.1、3 B.2、4 C.1、3、4 D.1、2、3 3.用金属铜作电极,电解硫酸铜溶液时,阳极的主要反应是: A.4OH^- -4e^-=O2+2H2O B.2SO4^2- -2e^-=S2O8^2- C.Cu-2e^-=Cu2^2+ D.Cu^2+ +2e^-=Cu 4.醋酸铵在水中存在着如下平衡:NH3+H2O=NH4^+ + OH^-……K1 HAc+H2O=Ac^-+H3O^+…………K2 NH4^++Ac^-=HAc+NH3…………K32H2O=H3O^++OH^-…………K4以上四个反应平衡常数之间的关系是: A.K3=KlK2K4 B.K4=K1K2K3 C.K3K2=K1K4 D.K3K4=KlK2 5.下列哪种物质不是电解NaCl水溶液的直接产物: A.NaH B.NaOH C.H2 D.C12

6.交换单位时,为使有效数字的位数不变,10.00 ml应写成:A.0.010 00 L B.0.010 0L C.0.010 000 L D.0.010 L 7.分离分配系数不同的成分可用: A.透析法 B.升华法 C.分馏法 D.溶剂萃取法 8.分离沸点不同的液体成分可用: A.透析法 B.升华法 C.分馏法 D.水蒸气蒸馏法 9.下列关于软膏剂质量要求的叙述中,错误的是: A.应均匀、细腻 B.应具有适当的黏稠性 C.用于创面的软膏剂均应无菌 D.不得添加任何防腐剂或抗氧化剂 10.在下列哪种情况下酯类药物可发生水解反应: A.只在酸性条件下 B.只在碱性条件下 C.酸性和碱性条件下均可 D.只在中性条件下 11.细菌耐药性的产生机制包括: A.产生水解酶 B.改变胞壁与外膜通透性 C.酶与药物结合牢固 D.以上都是


1.C aptain John Smith became the first American writer. 2.T he puritans looked upon themselves as a chosen people. collection of proverbs written by Benjamin Franklin. 4.T homas Paine’s famous pamphlet Common Sense boldly advocated a “Declaration for Independence”.

5.T homas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence with John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston. has been called the “Father of American Poetry”. 7.I n Washington Irving’s appeared the first modern short stories and the first great American juvenile literature.

8.C ooper’s enduring fame rests on his frontier stories, especially the five novels that comprise the is perhaps the peak of William Cullen Bryant’s wok. “father of American detective stories and American gothic stories”.


2018执业药师继续教育——美国医院药学现状考试 单选题(共 10 题,每题 10 分) 1 . 杜克大学医学中心成立于哪一年() ? A.1838年 ? B.1930年 ? C.1957年 ? D.1956年 我的答案: C 参考答案:C 答案解析:暂无 2 . 杜克大学医院药学部从建院至今,一共有几位药学部主任() ? A.10位 ? B.5位 ? C.8位 ? D.20位 我的答案: B 参考答案:B 答案解析:暂无 3 . 杜克大学医院共有957张床位,药学部共有多少名全职职员() ? A.360 ? B.155 ? C.170 ? D.35 我的答案: A 参考答案:A 答案解析:暂无 4 . 杜克大学医院药学部一共有九大部门,下列哪一项不属于药学部() ? A.行政事务部 ? B.儿童医学与健康部 ? C.临床试验药物服务部 ? D.癌症中心 我的答案: D 参考答案:D 答案解析:暂无 5 . 杜克大学医院药学部门有九项具体工作内容,下列哪些属于药学部的工作() ? A.住院患者分散式药学服务 ? B.住院药师规范化培训 ? C.临床医药学资源信息服务 ? D.以上都是 我的答案: D 参考答案:D 答案解析:暂无 6 . 药学技术员工作内容包括() ? A.临时医嘱服务

? B.补给大输液 ? C.监控从中心药房通过气压输送管运输的到病区的药品 ? D.以上都是 我的答案: D 参考答案:D 答案解析:暂无 7 . 临床药师工作内容不包括() ? A.审阅所有用药医嘱和处方 ? B.与医生、护士紧密配合共同为患者提供医疗服务 ? C.监控从中心药房通过气压输送管运输的到病区的药品 ? D.参与多学科会诊 我的答案: C 参考答案:C 答案解析:暂无 8 . 临床用药中,对于患者出现反常的现象或症状和改变保持警惕性,注意关注以下信息 () ? A.基本情况 ? B.背景 ? C.准确评估及合理建议 ? D.以上均是 我的答案: D 参考答案:D 答案解析:暂无 9 . 临床药物重整是在患者()的时候,针对患者用药清单进行的进一步的确认与梳理。 这样做的目的是为了避免用药错误,包括漏服、重复给药、剂量错误以及不良的相互作用 ? A.入院 ? B.转院 ? C.出院 ? D.以上均是 我的答案: D 参考答案:D 答案解析:暂无 10 . 美国药师毕业后教育三个阶段:Postgraduate year 1,2,3 (PGY1,2,3)。以下说法 错误的是() ? A.PGY1(毕业后第1年住院培训):通科培训 ? B.PGY2(毕业后第2年住院培训):专科培训 ? C.PGY3(毕业后第3年住院培训):专病培训 ? D.PGY3培训项目有:药代动力学、重症监护、药房管理、卫生保健用药、用药安全等我的答案: D 参考答案:D 答案解析:暂无
