
教学环节2. T show some pictures and guess:What animal is


Step 2 Presentation

1.Listen to the first paragraph, guess: What animal is

it? T show the pictures of elephant and the passage

2.Listen to the second,third and forth paragraph,

guess what animal is it。

T show the pictures of cow, polar bear, horse.

3.T use the sentences: It has got … It eats / lives …

to describe elephant, cow, polar bear, horse.

Step 3:Practice

1.Ss do the exercises to practice the sentences:

It has got _____ legs. It eats other _____. Its fur is

_____. It lives in the ________.

2. Listen to the fifth paragraph, Ss guess and try to

read. T use the pictures to help the students

understand: It’s smaller than a tiger.

3. Listen to the sixth paragraph,The students feels:

It’s smaller than a sheep.

4. Turn to page 38,Listen and mime。

5. T put the six pictures of animals on the board, One

student take out one。T stand back to the students,

Use the s entences to guess: Has it got …? Does it

Listen and guess.

Ss try to read。

Use the sentences to

describe the animals.

Do the exercises.

Ss guess and try to


Learn and make more


Listen and mime

Ss write the sentences

Ss work in pairs, play a


Work in groups.




教学环节2. T show some pictures and guess:What animal is it? Step 2 Presentation 1.Listen to the first paragraph, guess: What animal is it? T show the pictures of elephant and the passage 2.Listen to the second,third and forth paragraph, guess what animal is it。 T show the pictures of cow, polar bear, horse. 3.T use the sentences: It has got … It eats / lives … to describe elephant, cow, polar bear, horse. Step 3:Practice 1.Ss do the exercises to practice the sentences: It has got _____ legs. It eats other _____. Its fur is _____. It lives in the ________. 2. Listen to the fifth paragraph, Ss guess and try to read. T use the pictures to help the students understand: It’s smaller than a tiger. 3. Listen to the sixth paragraph,The students feels: It’s smaller than a sheep. 4. Turn to page 38,Listen and mime。 5. T put the six pictures of animals on the board, One student take out one。T stand back to the students, Use the s entences to guess: Has it got …? Does it Listen and guess. Ss try to read。 Use the sentences to describe the animals. Do the exercises. Ss guess and try to read. Learn and make more sentences. Listen and mime Ss write the sentences Ss work in pairs, play a game. Work in groups.

外研剑桥版英语六年级上册Unit 5 Animals in danger 教案

Unit 5 Animals in danger 教案 一、教材分析 本模块以“Animals in danger”为话题,以学习There be 句型的用法为主线,介绍了当前濒临灭绝,需要人类保护的动物的情况, 并重点介绍了大熊猫的保护情况。在此基础上,学生可以根据自己的建议制定更合理的动物保护措施。 二、教学目标 Knowledge objective To master the useful words and sentences. Words: anyone, black rhino, bamboo, panda, danger, grass, fur, wild, protect, dig, kill, dirty, peace, work, and yesterday. Expressions: in danger, at last, be interested in, think of, take away, in peace, on earth, in order to, look after ●Ability objective 1. To help students to improve their ability of listening and speaking. 2. Enable students to understand conversations about animals in danger. ●Moral objective 1. To help students know the importance of protecting animals and our environment. 2. Improve their sense of duty to love and protect animals. 三、教学重点 New words and expressions. To learn the grammar knowledge of infinitive. 四、教学难点 Cultivating the ability of expressing opinions. 五、教学方法


Unit5 My robot helper 教学目的和要求(T eaching aims and demands) 1. 通过学习本单元进一步培养创造性的思维 2. 用英语学习和简单了解青蛙的生长过程 3. 初步掌握用现在完成时的句型来询问对方 教学重点 Task1(p25,26) task2(p27) task4(p28) Task6(p29) task7(p29) 重点词汇和句型(key words and expressions) Finish, already, drum, sledge, suitcase, torch, tent, pyramid, castle, cave Have you finished your homework? No, I haven’t. Don’t worry! I’ve got a helper. What’s he called? He’s called Robot. Is he helping you do homework? Have you got a robot to help you? 教学步骤(teaching steps) 1. 第一节课花15-20分钟的时间复习上单元内容,通过单词卡片等 教育来复习。 2. 学习新的内容

⑴导入——上课时跟学生打招呼后问学生,have you had your breakfast? What did you have? Have you washed your face? Have you cleaned your teeth? Can you get someone to help you? Who is he\she\it? 利用这些来导入完成时的句型,然后拿出教具说this is my helper. It’s called robot. He can help me do many things. He can help me do my homework. He can help me clean the room.然后问学生have you got a robot? Can your robot help you do these things? (2) so today, we are going to study about robot. First ,we are going to study some new words. Finish, already, drum, sledge, suitcase, torch, tent, pyramid, castle, cave 学习单词用到的游戏 1. 老师读一遍,学生读三遍 2. 大小声 3. 手指游戏 4. 争上游 利用15-20分钟学习新的单词 然后重点学习本单元的新句型,也就是task1的内容。由于这部分内容涉及现在完成时,所以简单讲解后让同学做大量的操练来掌握现在

外研剑桥版英语六年级上册Unit 5 Animals in danger.教案2

Unit 5 Animals in danger 教学设计 一、Teaching aim 1. To arouse Student s’ interest in learning about Animals in Danger. 2. To develop Student s’ speaking ability. 3. Enable the Students to earn how to talk about endangered animals and express their concern. 二、Important and difficult point Pattern: It is….It has got…… It lives/eats…… Its fur is…… Has it got……? Does it live/eat……..? Is it…….? It has got……It lives/eats…… It’s smaller than…… 三、Teaching aids Radio、cards、VCD、tapes 四、Teaching process Step 1 Lead-in Purpose: To activate Students and arouse them to talk about animals. Give Students a competition by listing names of animals and use spider to list more words related to animals. zebra 斑马antelope 羚羊deer 鹿giraffe 长颈鹿camel 骆驼elephant 象lion 狮leopard 豹tiger 虎fox 狐wolf 狼monkey 猴子squirrel 松鼠, bear 熊duckbill鸭嘴兽kangaroo 袋鼠koala 考拉, 树袋熊seal 海豹eagle 鹰peacock 孔雀swan 天鹅swallow 燕子sparrow 麻雀crocodile 鳄鱼turtle 龟frog 青蛙toad 蟾蜍rhinoceros 犀牛duckbill, platypus 鸭嘴兽hippopotamus 河马 Step 2 Introduction Purpose: Get Students to talk about tigers and the reasons why animals are endangered. 1.Get Students to talk about the tigers in pairs. Ask them: Do you know anything about tigers? Can you tell the species of tigers?

外研剑桥版英语六年级上册教案Unit5 Part5


教学程序 一、示标 Step1.Warming up. 1) Greetings. 2) Talk about animals and guess a riddle. 二、探究 Step2.Presentation. 1) Show the pictures of black rhino and introduce the imformation of black rhi no. Then show the new words and sentences to read more. 2) Tell: But the kingfishers are in danger. Why? Ask the pupils to read the text quickly and find the reasons. 3) Read the text carefully with the pupils and think about the questions: where d oes it live? What does it eat? Why is it called black rhino? Why do people kill them? (4)Learn the new words and important sentences (5)Read and understand the questions (6)Check the answers together 三、拓展 Step3. Practice. Listen to the text and read together. 四、延伸 Step 4. Part 7 Show pictures one by one .Ss read and learn the phrases. T:Yesterday was Saturday.Li Ping didn’t go to the zoo.He went to the cinema…Work with your partner.Then show before class.Choose the best group.


( 四 )年级(英语)学科(上)册集体备课共(个)案 祸兮福之所倚,福兮祸之所伏。《老子·五十八章》 原创不容易,【关注】,不迷路! 知己知彼,百战不殆。《孙子兵法·谋攻》 原创不容易,【关注】,不迷路! 知己知彼,百战不殆。《孙子兵法·谋攻》 樱落学校曾泽平

【素材积累】 指豁出性命,进行激烈的搏斗。比喻尽醉大的力量,极度的努力,去实现自己的目标。逆水行舟,不进则退。人生能有几回搏,此时不搏何时搏。——容国团 .生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄。——李清照贝多芬拼搏成长大作曲家贝多芬小时候由于家庭贫困没能上学,十七岁时患了伤寒和天花之后,肺病、关节炎、黄热病、结膜炎等又接踵而至,二十六岁不幸失去了听觉,爱情上也屡遭挫折,摘这种境遇下,贝多芬发誓“要扼住生命的咽喉”。摘与生命的顽强拼搏中,他的意志占了上风,摘乐曲创作事业上,他的生命之火燃烧得越来越旺盛了。 【素材积累】 海明威和他的“硬汉形象”美国作家海明威是一个极具进取精神的硬汉子。他曾尝试吃过蚯蚓、蜥蜴,在墨西哥斗牛场亮过相,闯荡过非洲的原始森林,两次世界大战都上了战场。第一次世界大战时,19岁的他见一意大利士兵负伤,便冒着奥军的炮火上去抢救,结果自己也被炸伤了腿,但他仍背着伤员顽强前进。突然间,炮击停止,探照灯大亮,海明威终于回到阵地。原来是他的英勇行为感动了奥军将领,下令放他过去。 【素材积累】 指豁出性命,进行激烈的搏斗。比喻尽最大的力量,极度的努力,去实现自己的目标。逆水行舟,不进则退。人生能有几回搏,此时不搏何时搏。——容国团 .生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄。——李清照贝多芬拼搏成长大作曲家贝多芬小时候由于家庭贫困没能上学,十七岁时患了伤寒和天花之后,肺病、关节炎、黄热病、结膜炎等又接踵而至,二十六岁不幸失去了听觉,爱情上也屡遭挫折,在这种境遇下,贝多芬发誓“要扼住生命的咽喉”。在与生命的顽强拼搏中,他的意志占了上风,在乐曲创作事业上,他的生命之火燃烧得越来越旺盛了。



This candy is sweet. 二、Let5s play 小组活动:比一比,看谁快速、流利地从下而上读出所有单词。 dig sweet web anyone 爬楼梯 sweet dig anyone web 三、Pre-class Introduction. They are good friends. They like animals. In this story, they try to help an animal. What animal is it? Kingfishers! Mike Emma *The children find out about kingfishers ____________ . A.On the web. B.F rom the people. *What do they do then? ________ A.Help the kingfishers. B.C all the police. * Where do they do? ________ A.B y the river. B.P olice station. *How many children go to the river? _________ A.Two. B.F our. 答案:A;A;A;B 四、Lefs read. A story ------ T he Kingfishers ! 解读课文。 ®—There are no kingfishers this year. ---Why not? 学习词汇时注 意模仿发音, 力争发音准确 到位。 和同学一起阅 读理解本课知 识点。 预设问题,有目 的性的讨论问题 并引出将要学习 的新词汇; 通过前面谈论的 内容引出本课新 词汇,使学生带 着好奇的心理去 引导学生用各种 形式读单词,不 断深入学习,加 深印象。 通过反复的听说 读训练,巩固词 汇;针对性的完 成学习目标;学 习形式生动多样 化,使学生集中

六年级上册英语教案 Unit 5 Animals in danger第四课时(Part5)


It is black and white. Yes,they are. It eats bamboo. It has beautiful fur. 六、Let’s read. 1 Listen and read the posters. ③Save China's tigers! We all know Toby the Tiger and love him. But do you know the South China Tiger? save v.拯救 ---Do you know the South China Tiger? ---Yes,I do./No,I don’t. ④The South China Tiger lived in many parts of China. But people can only see them in the zoo today. Let's help to save China's tigers! in many parts of 在... 的许多地方 only 只,仅 in the zoo 在动物园 七、Group work. 对比一下华南虎之前和现在分布的地区对比 情况 Let's describe(描述)the characteristics(特征)of the South China Tiger. 学习有关华南 虎海报内容的 文章,掌握本 篇文章的重点 单词,词汇和 知识点。 几个人一 个小组,小组 讨论对比华南 虎之前和现在 分布的地区对 比情况 通过小组讨论对 比,培养学生珍 惜濒危动物的意 识。

Unit 5 Signs(教案) 英语六年级上册

Unit 5 Signs教学设计 一、教材分析 本单元的话题为“公共标识”。在教学过程中要紧密联系生活实际,引导学生关注标识,讨论标识,做遵守公共法规和秩序的社会公民。 本单元的新授句型有:What does … mean? It means…和No+doing(动名词)结构。前者要求学生灵活运用,后者只需学生认读理解即可。另外,本单元呈现了的情态动词can和can’t的新用法,表示允许和禁止的意思。教师可以结合学生以前所学的can的用法进行对比教学,帮助学生区分和理解两种用法。 本单元呈现的公共标识只是现实生活中众多标识的一小部分,教师可以要求学生课前将自己认识的标识画出来,带到课上和大家一起分享。还可鼓励学生去发现更多的公共标识,作为教材学习的有效补充和延伸,鼓励学生为班级、学校、街道、社区等场所设计和制作公共标识,学以致用,提高公民意识。 二、教学目标 (1)、能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:sign, shopping centre, careful, mean, floor。 (2)、能听懂、会说、会读词汇: go in, restaurant, someone, smoke, smell。(3)、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型和日常用语:What does it mean? / It means…/ No littering/ smoking/ …/ You can / can’t…。 (4)、能正确朗读课文,灵活运用所学的句型整体复述语篇。 (5)、通过学习公共标志常识,加强社会公德教育,提高学生自身的文明素养。 三、教学重点: (1)、能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:sign, shopping centre, careful, mean, floor。 (2)、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型和日常用语:What does it mean? / It means…/ No littering/ smoking/ …/ You can / can’t…。 四:教学难点: (1)、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型和日常用语:What does it mean? / It


英语(三年级起点)六年级上册 各单元教学目标及单元课时具体划分 Starter Unit A plan for the new school year 建议补充有关天气、问路及一般过去时(was、were用法)的话题内容。文本来源可引用原旧教材六年级和新版教材五年级的相关内容。 Unit 1 School is great fun! 1. 能听说读写课程单词Chinese, Maths, English, Science, Music, Art, History, PE, Drama,French, Geography, ICT,并能制作完成英文课表。 2. 能结合句型使用短语singing songs, working in group, practising dialogues, learningnew words, saying chants, reading stories, watching cartoons, acting in plays, playinggames, listening to cassettes。 3. 能用句型I like / love .... / My favourite subject is ....介绍自己喜欢的学科,并简单描述相关的信息。 4. 能用句型He / She loves Music. He / She often listens to classical music / …. 介绍他人喜欢的学科及相关的信息。 5. 能运用句型What have we got on ...? We’ve got … and … on .... 或They've got .... It’s Monday / ….交流课程安排的信息。 6. 能运用句型What do you like doing in English? In English, I like singing songs / ....就喜欢的英语活动进行简单的问答。 7. 能听懂、读懂有关Lake School的学校(学生、老师、学科等)信息,并能就短文信息进行问答练习。 8. 能听懂、读懂有关Sandra, Mario的学校(学生、老师、学科等)信息,并 课时划分教学内容教学目标 第一、二课时3, 8, 4a, 4b 1.能听说读写课程单词,并能制作完成英文课表。 2.能用句型介绍自己喜欢的学科。 3.能运用句型交流课程安排的信息。 第三课时 5 1.能用句型介绍自己喜欢的学科,并简单描述相关的信息。 2.能用句型介绍他人喜欢的学科及相关的信息。 第四课时7a, 7b 1.能结合句型使用短语。 2.能运用句型就喜欢的英语活动进行简单的问答。 第五课时6a, 6b 能听懂、读懂有关Sandra, Mario的学校(学生、老师、学科等)信息,并能正确朗读短文。 第六课时1, 2a, 2b 能听懂、读懂有关Lake School的学校(学生、老师、学科等)信息,并能就短文信息进行问答练习。

PEP六年级英语上册教案Unit 5 The fifth period(第五课时)

The fifth period(第五课时) Part B Read and write ▶教学内容与目标 课时教学内容课时教学目标 Read and write ·能够通过头脑风暴活动说出五种职业名称,激活背景知识和储备词汇 ·能够通过阅读问题训练在语篇中捕捉不同类型信息的能力 ·能够根据阅读所获取的信息完成有意义的仿写活动 ·能够通过朗读选自阅读文段中的句子,明白英语中逗号是句中停顿标识的朗读技巧·能够根据例句提示在文段中找到更多同类句子,并正确朗读句子 ·能够从不同视角认识职业,明白从事某些职业应具备的条件,构思自己的理想职业 ▶ 能够通过阅读问题训练在语篇中捕捉不同类型信息的能力。 ▶教学难点 能够根据阅读所获取的信息完成有意义的仿写活动。 ▶教学准备 1. 预习《状元大课堂》《创优作业100分》《状元作业本》中本课时的相关内容。 2. PPT课件、课文录音、视频等。 ▶教学过程 Step 1: Pre-reading 1. Greetings. 2. Write and say.① (1) List five jobs. T: There are many jobs around us. Now please list five jobs. Students write down five jobs in their books. (2) Compare with partners. Students compare with their partners. T: Please compare with your partners. How many different jobs are there in the lists? (3) Classify the words of the jobs. Students work in groups to classify the words of the jobs according to the word forms. (课件出示:按词形进行归类的职业名称词汇) 3. Lead-in. Teaching purpose① 通过头脑风暴活动让学生说出五种职业名称,激活学生背景知识和储备词汇,引导学生对职业名称的词汇按词形进行归类,加深记忆。



Step1.Revision : A. Say hello to the students B. Daily report “Today is ….Yesterday was…. 2. Presentation: A. Learn the new words base on the Picture Cards. B. T disguises “tasty”、“yucky”、“spicy”using objects. C. Read it together and Ss do the actions and how to explain those words. D. Elicit “What’s the food like?” food 食物 E. Elicit “good” and “bad” by praising the good Ss and bad Ss. F. T asks S1 “Where are you today?” Guide S1 to say: “I’m at school.” Lend in “Where were you last night? I was at home. 3. Practice : G. Open their books and listen to Review first, then repeat. H. Play a game: Ss write down the places and put them in the box(轮流抽,谁抽到谁回答,旁边学生问) “Where were you yesterday?” “What was the weather like?” “What was the food like?” Group work 4. Conclusion 小结今天学习的内容。(可让学生去小结) 5. Homework:

剑桥五年级上英语Unit5 教案(表格版)

备课时间主备人主备人所在单位 复备时间授课教师授课教师所在单位 集备课题Unit 5 A party ( ) 课型Song 项目内容修改栏 教学目标 知识 能力 Ss can say the words: plums, pears, chewing gum, chocolates. Ss can use the sentence: I’m going to buy … Ss can sing the song “School party”. 过程 方法 情感 态度 价值观 培养学生热爱老师、尊敬老师的情感。 融洽师生气氛,培养良好的师生关系。 教学重点 一类词:crazy、through、street、bake、break 一类短语:ride a cow, through the street , blow a kiss , bake a cake , break an egg 教学难点理解并会唱这首英语歌。 教学、教具 (课件) 准备 歌曲磁带、图片、牛、警察、街道、另4幅图片。 课时分配第课时 教学流程 评论或修改 教学环节 教师活动预设学生活动 Step :Warming up . Sing a song “The crazy join in rock”. 2. Greetings and lead in. T: Good morning, boys and girls! What day is today? Step 2:Learn new words and sentences. 1.介绍西方国家里开PARTY的 背景知识。 Sing the song Ss: Thursday. Ss: Ice cream? (3) Three Ss go to the Bb, and write down these three words. (5)Show the pictures. Learn to say: 教唱英语歌 曲,活泼了课 堂气氛,又可 以训练学生 的语音和提 高学生学习 英语的兴趣。

2020外研社剑桥英语六年级上册 unit 5 animals in dange附答案r

【章节训练】Unit 5 Animals in danger 一.选择题(共20小题,满分54分,每小题2.7分) 1.Why don't you _______ and help us?() A.come B.comes C.coming 2.选出画线部分的发音与其他两个不相同的单词() A.sugar B.full C.fun 3.选出画线部分的发音与其他两个不相同的单词() A.leave B.peach C.bread 4.选出画线部分的发音与其他两个不相同的单词() A.ice B.dig C.bike 5.What's this?It's an __ce cream.() A.g B.h C.f D.i 6.选出画线部分的发音与其他两个不相同的单词() A.school B.China C.chair 7.What's this?It's a __irl() A.e B.g C.f D.h 8.I can see some .() A.bule whale B.blue whales C.blues whales 9.Mr.Li has two sons,and each of them has a sister.How many children does he have? () A.Two B.Three C.Four 10.In the past,there____many pandas.()

A.is B.were C.are D.was 11.It gives ______ milk.() A.we B.us C.our 12.It has got four ________.() A.a leg B.leg C.legs 13.What's this?It's a __at.() A.e B.f C.h D.g 14.当你想知道对方是否喜欢鳄鱼时,你会问:() A.Do you like monkeys? B.Do you like crocodiles? 15.你想让狐狸走开时,你会说:_______________() A.The fox go away.B.Go away the fox. 16.选出不同类的一项.() A.hundred B.bear C.lion 17.选出不同类的一项() A.friend B.mother C.animal 18.当你想知道对方是否喜欢绵羊时,你会问:_________________ ()A.Do you like sheep?B.Do you like rabbits?19.猎豹是个爬树能手,用英语表达:() A.Leopards are good climber B.Leopards are good tree climbers. 20.你想知道Bobby在哪里?你应该问:__________ ()A.Where is Bobby?B.What is Bobby? 二.填空题(共10小题,满分27分,每小题2.7分) 21.son(同音词) 22.Yes.it. 23.补全对话.


PEP小学英语六年级上册第五单元教案 六上Unit 5 What does she do? 【单元教材分析】我的设计: 本单元的教学内容是使学生掌握一些职业的英语表达并就此展开相关讨论,能够简单介绍人物职业,会询问他人的工作情况并给出相应的回答。了解英语中职业名称对于不同性别的差异。运用到得重点句型有:What does your motherfather do? Where d oes she, Let’s talk中的四会单词和句子。 (2)能够听、说、认读A B部分Let’s talk, Let’s read中的白体句子。 (3)了解元音和辅音的发音并读出例词。 (4)了解Story time, Good to know等部分的内容。 3.情感、策略、文化等有关目标 (1)情感态度:热爱生活,尊重他人劳动。 (2)学习策略:能积极与他人合作,运用所学英语进行交流,共同完成学习任 务。 (3)文化目标:了解英语职业中名称对于不同性别的差异。 【单元教学课时安排建议】六课时 1: Let’s start A Let’s learn Group work 2: A Let’s try Let’s talk Group work C Pronunciation 3: Let’s chant A Let’s read C let’s sing Story time 4: B Let’s learn Let’s find out C Good to know

5: B Let’s try Let’s talk Group work C Let’s check 6: Main scene B Let’s read C Task time 六上U5A1 (词汇课) 【教学内容】 Let’s start A Let’s learn Group work 【教学目标】 (1)知识目标 1.能够听,说,读,写本课时单词:singer, writer, TV reporter, actor, actress, artist. 2.能够认读句子“What does your father do ? He is a …” “What are you going to be? I am going to be a …” 3.能够了解“Good to know”中的内容. (2)能力目标 1.能够理解白体句子“What does your father do ? He is a …”,并能进行简单 替换“What does your father mother do ? He She is a …”。 2.在现实生活中灵活运用并力求做到语调自然,语音准确. 3.能够听懂、会唱歌曲“My family”。 (3)情感、策略、文化目标 学习策略:能积极与人合作,运用所学英语进行交流。

剑桥版 英语 六年级上册 全册教案

Unit1 School is great fun! 教学设计 一、教学目标 1. 能听懂并认读课程单词:Chinese, Maths, English, Science, Music, Art, History, PE, Drama, French, Geography, ICT, 并完成英文课程表。 2. 能正确运用句型Which school do you go to? How many pupils are there in your class? How many subjects do you have at school? What is your favourite subject? What do you often do? What do you like doing in English? 等谈论自己的学校生活。 3. 能正确理解、运用句型I like/love doing ... I often…介绍自己并完成相关练习。 4. 能在老师的指导下读懂短文,并完成相关任务。 二、教学建议 1. Answer the questions.答一答。 Step 1 Free Talk:老师与一名学生进行有关school life的自由问答,如:Who’s your English teacher? How is he/she? 等。 Step 2 学生打开课本到第8页,根据课本上的问题进行两人问答,谈论自己的学校生活。 2a. Read about Lake School.读一读。 2b. Listen and read again. Tick True or False.听一听,读一读,勾一勾。 Step l 学生打开课本到第8页,自主阅读短文,整体感知短文内容。 Step 2 在学生阅读完2b的句子后,老师播放录音,学生初步判断句子正误。Step 3 学生打开课本到第8页,再次阅读短文,根据相关信息自查。 Step 4 全班核对答案,并请做对的同学说出理由,老师适时教授新内容,如:drama, history等。 Step 5 播放录音数遍,学生采用多种形式朗读短文,如男女生读、开火车读、分组读等,并选出2-3组进行展示,老师适时给予评价。 Step 6 小组活动,要求学生根据课本中的5个问题进行问答,并选出1-2组进行展示,老师适时给予指导及评价。 录音稿: School is great fun! By Mary Chen
