


Name: xxx nationality: China No picture Current location: Guangzhou National: Han Exit and Entry: Guangzhou tall: 170 cm 71 kg Marital Status: Married Age: 33-year-old Training Certification: integrity badge: Job search intention and work experience Talent type: general job Position: Human Resources Manager / Director: Manager / Assistant Work Experience: 10 Title: No Title Job type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any time Monthly requirements: 3500 - 5000 hope that the working area: Guangzhou, Guangzhou In response to the latest labor contract law, the publication and implementation of company directors and is responsible for the Office of the Director of the appropriate strategy, and to participate in the company's 22 stores to more than xx0 staff positions to adjust, and so the contract. Foshan Shunde 2005/06--20xx/09 car beauty care center任我行administrative personnel / Field Operations Manager since the speech The center is a collection supplies automotive sales, automotive maintenance, automotive beauty of a one-stop automotive service center. Main job duties: Administrative staff: responsible for the company's human resources, administration of the overall planning, human resources (personnel planning, job design, staff recruitment and deployment, staff training, performance management, pay and benefits), etc., improve the company system. Field Operations: responsible for co-ordinating all the day-to-day work of departments. Marketing field for investigation, data collection and analysis, to assess its feasibility. To negotiate with the property management company to enter the area of the field operations to open up markets, the pre-field work procedures and on-the-job training, day-to-day supervision of field staff discipline, work quality and efficiency of the field to deal with customer complaints and feedback on the full responsibility for all the consequences of this Part. Foshan Shunde 2002/07--2005/06 planning Jinfa Management Limited Chief Personnel Manager from the speech The company is a large Hong Kong-style property management companies, the total number of companies during the past xx0. Key management Shunde Charles Estates Development Limited (now renamed as Shunde letter home security Ricacorp Development Co., Ltd.) of all real estate development, management property total area of nearly one million square meters. I have all the personnel responsible for monitoring the day-to-day administrative operation of the company's general manager in charge. Main job duties: responsible for the company's human resources, administrative work planning; company system design, and evaluation to improve and to ensure its efficient operation; to carry out the work of human resources: staff planning, job design, staff recruitment, staff training, pay system, career development, performance management, etc.; the development of corporate performance programs, and organize the implementation and promotion; corporate culture-building programs to develop, improve and promote; co-ordinate the procurement of supplies: including daily necessities, stationery, uniforms, materials engineering, etc.; co-ordinate employees of various forms of sports and recreational activities: the company regularly organize sports events, staff birthday parties, dinners and other staff岁尾; to participate in co-ordinate the various holidays each year with the owners of the gathering; co-ordination work between various departments; responsible for company cars deployment; with the relevant government departments to carry out a good relationship of cooperation. In response to real estate developers and property management business by the demand for real estate sale commercial activities carried out logistics. Guangzhou 2000/08--2002/07 color camera Foutou U.S. personnel in charge of Chief Executive to terminate the contract negotiations The company is in Beijing to Hong Kong

Limited under the Guangzhou Branch camera, mainly engaged in film and film processing business, the company owns more than 100 employees. I participated in preparatory work for the establishment of the Guangzhou Branch, has overall responsibility for day-to-day administration and personnel management of the Corporation, directly responsible for financial administration manager. Main job duties: responsible for the company's human resources, administrative work planning; to carry out human resources (personnel planning, job design, staff recruitment, staff training, pay systems, career development, performance management) work; the development of corporate performance programs and organizations implementation and promotion; corporate culture-building programs to develop, improve and promote; coordinated working relationship among the various departments; co-ordinate the procurement of commodities and stationery; management company of raw materials warehouse; maintain and Labor Council and the epidemic prevention station to maintain a good relationship. The company was the largest in Guangzhou Entertainment, one of eating and drinking places, total more than xx0 people. Main responsibilities: day-to-day management and staff canteen; staff quarters of the day-to-day management, staff accommodation and the calculation of assessments for utilities and property management company's day-to-day contact; employees below the rank of deputy director of recruitment, entry, exit procedures for employees ; for employees of social insurance and employee injury claims procedures; the department day-to-day to send and receive documents and archiving; department manager or supervisor to complete other work assigned. Educational background Graduate institutions: Guangzhou Radio and Television University Highest level of education: college graduates - 1997-07-01 Studies by one: the international trade in the Second Science: From September 1995 to July 1997 Radio and Television University, Guangzhou International Trade大专毕业证July July 2001 in Guangzhou City Labor Bureau of Labor and Social Security of Guangdong Province Management Certificate Language ability Foreign Language: English General Mandarin level: the level of good Cantonese: proficient The ability to work and other expertise With nearly 10 years of administration, personnel management experience, proficiency in the operation of the modules of human resources, skilled manipulation of the daily operation of the Chief of Personnel, and is familiar with labor laws and social and labor security system, familiar with the General, logistics management (staff quarters, staff canteen , fixed assets, warehouse, company vehicles, procurement, etc.), can be useful to prepare an independent administration, personnel systems and workflow. And good humor, optimism, can withstand a greater pressure of work and translate them into dynamic, with good professional ethics, a high degree of team spirit, with strong interpersonal communication, coordination, organizational capacity. Detailed personal autobiography


国外英文简历与国内英文简历的区别_模板 有很多客户使用从国外网站上下载的英文简历,以此为参考模板,撰写自己的英文简历,用于应聘在国内的外资企业。由于这一类客户较多,问题相对比较集中,所以我们专门对此问 题做个解答。 国外英文简历与国内英文简历相比,由于简历撰写人和阅读人的背景都不相同,所以国外英文简历有很多需要根据国情做适应性改进的地方。 首先是国外的英文简历一般都尽量不写性别、年龄和种族等涉嫌个人隐私的信息,因为从法律佣工角度,这些信息是涉嫌用工歧视的,招聘单位一旦被诉在招聘中涉及性别歧视、 年龄歧视或种族歧视等有违法律条款的行为,是要付出巨额赔偿的,因为外国人认为一个应 聘人是否符合某个招聘岗位的要求,是取决于应聘人的职业背景和职业技能水准,而不是上述信息。但是对在国内的外企,你还是把上述信息、包括你的户口所在地,都老老实实地加在英文简历上吧。咱们不认为这是歧视。 其次是国外的英文简历一般只写职责,不写业绩,这一点与国内的英文简历有本质的区别。如果在英文简历上只写职责,就会出现千人一面的现象,比如大家都是公司中做会计的, 各公司的会计职责就会基本一样,但每一个做会计的都会有不同的业绩,这才是简历中的重点,也是面试时谈话的话题,所以在国内的英文简历上一定要加上你的业绩。 第三点是国外的英文简历(以下内容略去XX字,谈的是国外的英文简历中应该去掉的 内容。写出来对国内的简历服务机构的冲击太大了,大家都不容易。) 如果求职人能真正明白国外的英文简历与国内的英文简历的上述三点主要区别,就可以自己动手,先从国外的英文简历服务网站上,找到与自己职位相同的英文简历,然后按上述说明,自己撰写英文简历了。 特别说明:本文“国外英文简历与国内英文简历的区别”,是应广大准备自己撰写英文简 历的求职人的要求写的,目的是帮助那些有英语4级以上水平的求职人自己快速撰写英文简 历,这种简便快速的方法与我们提供的专业辅导基础上的英文简历服务是完全不一样的。我们的中英文简历都是在与客户反复交流的基础上完成的,客户得到的不仅仅是简历,还有撰写中英文简历的思路,和他应聘单位的HR的思路。 随着简历上网越来越普遍,这样的情况时常发生:你原本没有跳槽的打算,可是却会经常收 到比现在职位更具吸引力的职位虚位以待的信息。有一些同在一个公司的几个人同时“被发现”的。在某高科技公司的五位销售主管,因为公司搞了个域名,他们的个人资料也被放在上面,不料这使他们中的三位在日前的同一天收到同一公司的加盟邀请邮件。 对于一些人来说,虽然收到的加盟邀请信没有对他们产生足够大的吸引力,但这样的邮件使他们在职场中找到了更多的自信,对今后职场失意的担心变得多余,现在办起事来更踏实了。 从白领到处求职到好工作主动上门,这是人才选聘方式的巨大变化。而这种变化的原因在



外贸英语专业求职简历范文 个人基本简历 姓名: - 国籍:中国无照片 个人简历网 目前所在地:广州民族:汉族 户口所在地:湖南身材: 156 cm kg 婚姻状况:未婚年龄: 29 岁 培训认证:诚信徽章: 求职意向及工作经历 人才类型:普通求职 应聘职位:外贸/贸易经理/主管:外贸主管、采购、跟单船务外贸公司采购/进出口/船务客户关系管理专员客户服务 工作年限: 6 职称:无职称 求职类型:均可可到职- 随时 月薪要求: 3500--5000 希望工作地区:广州 个人工作经历: (本人暂时无意于保险行业工作,请各位保险界的朋友不要打扰,谢谢!) 2007.3- 丽达有限公司广州办事处采购及船务专员 协助国外总公司在国内采购,主要通过GOOGLE,ALIBABA,MADE IN CHINA,GLOBALSOURCES等网站寻找有竞争力价格,高品质的产品和供应商.

收到国外总公司的订单要求后给工厂下单,安排付款,跟踪工厂订单进度,以及安排到工厂验收货物。 制作相关的发票和装箱单,并联系货代订舱和发货,且核对相关的文件(B/L,C/O等). 能独立操作整个海运或空运等发货事宜。 2003.5-2007.1 广州天地有限公司经理助理&外销员 通过网络和展会,开发潜在的国内外客户资源,同老客户保持良好联系。 每天通过邮件或者电话收集和更新客户要求/预测订单,如有必要则会同其它相关人员及时修正生产和船期排程. 联系公司内相关部门或其他供应商以更新客户要求,并同客户确认任何改善之处. 如果我们的能力能达成客户的计划和期望,则跟催生产,安排船期以确保之. 从出口订单的确定到出货,跟进一切相关环节,包括审核单证,使各环节都能顺利进行. 负责安排,处理和记录客诉和退货. 据资料做出报告总结,在周会上同其它部门分享,以便他们据此修正自己部门的文件和排程. 2001.7-2003.4 东莞贰法有限公司高级文秘


Personal Information: Name:**** Date of Birth:July 12,1971 Birth Place:Beijing Sex:Male Marital Status:Unmarried Telephone:**** E-mail:career@https://www.360docs.net/doc/103396533.html, Work Experience: Nov. 1998- present CCIDE Inc,as a director of software development and web publishing .organized and attended trade shows (Comdex 99). Summer of 1997 BIT Company as a technician,designed various web sites. Designed and maintained the web site of our division independently from s electing suitable materials,content editing to designing web page by FrontPage,Photoshop and Java as well ; Education: 1991 - August 1996 Dept. of Automation,Tsinghua University, B.E. Achievements & Activities: President and Founder of the Costumer Committee Established the organization as a member of BIT President of Communications for the Marketing Association Representative in the Student Association English Skills : Have a good command of both spoken and written English . Past CET-6,TOEFL:623;GRE:2213 Characters : Aggressive,independent and be able to work under a dynamic environment . Have coordination skills,teamwork spirit. Studious nature and dedication are my greatest strengths.


外贸业务员的英文简历范文 把最有价值的内容放在中,无关痛痒的不需要浪费篇幅,使用语言讲究平实、客观和精练,太感性的描述不宜出现。通常简历的篇幅为A4纸版面1-2页,不宜过长,也不宜有半页,出现一页半的情况时,最好能压缩为一页。 Female 24 years old, Education: bachelor degree Working fixed number of year: students Expected salary: negotiable Work location: guangzhou huadu - xinhua Objective: international trade chief/manager Project management will data analysis

Graduated in June xx Jilin university zhuhai college of business English Excel: skilled experience: 3 years Language skills: English is better Name: certificate issued by the university English four levels of time: in June xx issued by institutions: the national college English test band 4 and band 6 mittee Certificate of title: college English level 6 issue of time: in June xx issued by institutions: the national college English test band 4 and band 6 mittee Certificate of title: the national puter level certificate Issued by time: in June xx issued by institutions: puter organization The name of the certificate: mandarin level 2 grade a Issued by time: in September xx issuing authority: department of education


供应链咨询员的英文个人简历模板 JUN XIONG E-mail: *******@https://www.360docs.net/doc/103396533.html, M.P.(0)136****** H.P.(0571)******* EDUCATION 2005 UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WASHINGTON, USA Master of Business Administration, Marketing & Operations Management Awarded “Closet Genius” based on Quantitative Analytical Proficiency 1998 HUNAN UNIVERSITY CHANGSHA, CHINA Bachelor of Science, Electronic Engineering Awarded “ Excellent Class Leader”(Top 10%) based on academics EXPERIENCE 2004-2005 STARBUCKS COFFEE (NETWORK PROJECT) WASHINGTON, Supply chain analyst, four-member team sponsored by Starbucks& Univ. of Washington (Dec 2004-Mar 2005)

By utilizing optimization model and aggregate planning and constrain theory, participated in supply chain planning, Analyzed sales data and improved demand forecasting models to define inventory and replenishment strategy and appropriate in-stock level Basing on analysis about distribution cost, facility capacity and demand data, designed supply chain modeling and simulation techniques to optimize distribution and resource allocation 1998-2001 SANTAK ELECTRONICS CO.SHENZHEN, Manufacturer of Power System in China Project Manager, Engineering Department (R&D) Relentless explore diverse methods to reduce cost and improve product reliability through technological applications, analyzing core customer values and close interaction with purchasing Coordinated with suppliers and internal functional departments to support NPD planning, and solved conflicts among them to ensure product quality and product rollout under tight schedule Managed to make new product lines and existing ones compatible with each other in technology, production and raw materials to simplify process and improve efficiency Project Engineer, Engineering Department (R&D)


国际贸易专员岗位英文简历模板 英文简历的重要性不言而喻,而简历的写作才是关键。下面带来国际贸易专员岗位英文简历模板,欢迎阅读! 国际贸易专员岗位英文简历模板Personal DetailsResume number:Updating date: Name:Nationality:China (Mainland)Current Place:GuangzhouHeight/Weight:165 cm53 kgMarital Status:SingleAge:32 yearsCareer Objective and Work experienceApplication type:01Preferred job title:English Translator: Translator 、Marketing/Sales: Sales Representative ,Sales Manager 、Trade / ImportExport commissioner / Assistant:Working life:7Title:No titleJob type:Full timeExpected Start date:In a dayExpected salary:Preferred working place:GuangzhouWork Experience :Company's name:Zhongfa Internationa Begin and end date: XX04XX08Enterprise nature:Industry:Job Title:Sales Representative and TranslatorJob description:Reasons for leaving:Company's name:Guangdong University and Foreign StudiesBegin and end date: XX11XX03Enterprise nature:Industry:Job Title:StudyJob description:Reasons for leaving:Company's name:Middle


英语简历范文 Residence: Taiyuan, Shanxi Is the location: Yingze District, T aiyuan, Shanxi Graduate school: Teachers College of Shanxi University Education: Undergraduate Professional Name: Teachers in Primary Education Year of Graduation: 2011 Work experience: three months (internship) Job intentions The nature of jobs: fulltime Post Category: Teacher primary school teachers Job Title: primary and secondary school teachers; Work areas: taiyuan; Jinzhong City; Yangquan City Treatment requirements: 20003000 Yuan / month may be negotiable; do not need to provide housing Educational Background: Time school qualifications September 2007 July 2011 Teachers College of Shanxi University undergraduate Work experience


国际贸易英文简历范文 Name: xxx nationality: China No picture Current location: Guangzhou National: Han Exit and Entry: Guangzhou tall: 170 cm 71 kg Marital Status: Married Age: 33-year-old Training Certification: integrity badge: Job search intention and work experience Talent type: general job Position: Human Resources Manager / Director: Manager / Assistant Work Experience: 10 Title: No Title Job type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any time Monthly requirements: 3500 - 5000 hope that the working area: Guangzhou, Guangzhou In response to the latest labor contract law, the publication and implementation of company directors and is responsible for the Office of the Director of the appropriate strategy, and to participate in the company's 22 stores to more than xx0 staff positions to adjust, and so the contract. Foshan Shunde 2005/06--20xx/09 car beauty care center任我行administrative personnel / Field Operations Manager since the speech The center is a collection supplies automotive sales, automotive maintenance, automotive beauty of a one-stop automotive service center. Main job duties: Administrative staff: responsible for the company's human resources, administration of the overall planning, human resources (personnel planning, job design, staff recruitment and deployment, staff training, performance management, pay and benefits), etc., improve the company system. Field Operations: responsible for co-ordinating all the day-to-day work of departments. Marketing field for investigation, data collection and analysis, to assess its feasibility. To negotiate with the property management company to enter the area of the field operations to open up markets, the pre-field work procedures and on-the-job training, day-to-day supervision of field staff discipline, work quality and efficiency of the field to deal with customer complaints and feedback on the full responsibility for all the consequences of this Part. Foshan Shunde 2002/07--2005/06 planning Jinfa Management Limited Chief Personnel Manager from the speech The company is a large Hong Kong-style property management companies, the total number of companies during the past xx0. Key management Shunde Charles Estates Development Limited (now renamed as Shunde letter home security Ricacorp Development Co., Ltd.) of all real estate development, management property total area of nearly one million square meters. I have all the personnel responsible for monitoring the day-to-day administrative operation of the company's general manager in charge. Main job duties: responsible for the company's human resources, administrative work planning; company system design, and evaluation to improve and to ensure its efficient operation; to carry out the work of human resources: staff planning, job design, staff recruitment, staff training, pay system, career development, performance management, etc.; the development of corporate performance programs, and organize the implementation and promotion; corporate culture-building programs to develop, improve and promote; co-ordinate the procurement of supplies: including daily necessities, stationery, uniforms, materials engineering, etc.; co-ordinate employees of various forms of sports and recreational activities: the company regularly organize sports events, staff birthday parties, dinners and other staff岁尾; to participate in co-ordinate the various holidays each year with the owners of the gathering; co-ordination work between various departments; responsible for company cars deployment; with the relevant government departments to carry out a good relationship of cooperation. In response to real estate developers and property management business by the demand for real estate sale commercial activities carried out logistics. Guangzhou 2000/08--2002/07 color camera Foutou U.S. personnel in charge of Chief Executive to terminate the contract negotiations The company is in Beijing to Hong Kong


医药顾问个人简历模板 导读:本文是关于医药顾问个人简历模板,希望能帮助到您! 求职意向及工作经历 人才类型:普通求职 应聘职位:生物/制药/医疗器械:医药公司药剂、 工作年限:职称:中级 求职类型:均可可到职日期:随时 月薪要求:2000--3500希望工作地区:越秀区天河区广州个人工作经历:公司名称:起止年月:2007-01 ~ 2010-09加拿大康多尔贸易公司 公司性质:所属行业: 担任职务:办事处总经理助理 工作描述: 离职原因: 公司名称:起止年月:2002-01 ~ 2007-01广州二天堂 公司性质:所属行业: 担任职务:驻店药剂师、经理助理 工作描述: 离职原因: 公司名称:起止年月:2000-01 ~ 2002-01深圳中联医药公司 公司性质:所属行业:

担任职务:医药顾问 工作描述: 离职原因: 教育背景 毕业院校:广州电视大学 最高学历:大专毕业日期:2006-07-01 所学专业一:制药所学专业二:工商管理 受教育培训经历:起始年月终止年月学校(机构)专业获得证书证书编号 1997-092000-07广东省医药学校制药中专毕业证 2003-092006-07广州电视大学工商管理大学专科毕业证 语言能力 外语:英语一般 其它外语能力:日语 韩语 国语水平:良好粤语水平:良好 工作能力及其他专长 本人工作协从性好,团队精神佳,抗压性强,属多才多艺普通专长能力,可从事销售服务和贸易商务公关或助理管理文职工作。理解学习能力良好,吃苦耐劳,国际主义,乐观向上。 篇二:医药顾问个人简历模板 个人信息 性别:女

民族:汉 身高: 165cm 出生年月:1xx.04.07 政治面貌:团员 最高学历:大专 专业:药学 户口所在地:xx 婚姻状况:未婚 毕业院校: xx职业技术学院 联系方式:xxxx 国语水平:精通 求职意向及工作经历 人才类型:全职 应聘职位:医院药剂药店医药顾问药品公司 希望工作地区:不限 个人工作经历: 2008年6月 -2008年10月 xx制药有限公司从事药品生产2008年10月-2008月12日 xx华龙电子厂兼职 2010年4月 xx生物医药技术开发有限公司从事药品销售 2010年7月-2011年 1月职业技术学院附属医院实习 工作能力及其他专长: 专业能力: 接受过系统高等药学专业教育,具有扎实的现代药学专业理论知识和技能;


国内外英文简历区别 从这里开始阅读很多人使用从国外网站上下载的英文简历,以此为参考模板,撰写自己的英文简历,用于应聘在国内的外资企业。由于这一类客户较多,问题相对比较集中,所以我们专门对此问题做个解答。 国外英文简历与国内英文简历相比,由于简历撰写人和阅读人的背景不相同,所以国外英文简历有很多地方需要根据国情做适应性改进。 首先是国外简历一般都尽量不写性别、年龄和种族等涉嫌个人隐私的信息,因为从法律佣工角度,这些信息是涉嫌用工歧视的,招聘单位一旦被诉在招聘中涉及性别歧视、年龄歧视或种族歧视等有违法律条款的行为,是要付出巨额赔偿的,因为外国人认为一个应聘人是否符合某个招聘岗位的要求,是取决于应聘人的职业背景和职业技能水准,而不是上述信息。但是对在国内的外企,你还是把上述信息、包括你的户口所在地,都老老实实地加在英文简历上吧。咱们不认为这是歧视。 其次是国外的英文简历一般只写职责,不写业绩,这一点与国内的英文简历有本质的区别。如果在英文简历上只写职责,就会出现千人一面的现象,比如大家都是公司中做会计的,各公司的会计职责就会基本一样,但每一个做会计的都会有不同的业绩,这才是简历中的重点,也是面试时谈话的话题,所以在国内的英文简历上一定要加上

你的业绩。 第三点是国外的英文简历(以下内容略去xx字,谈的是国外的英文简历中应该去掉的内容。写出来对国内的简历服务机构的冲击太大了,大家都不容易。) 如果求职人能真正明白国外的英文简历与国内的英文简历的上述三点主要区别,就可以自己动手,先从国外的英文简历服务网站上,找到与自己职位相同的英文简历,然后按上述说明,自己撰写英文简历了。


个人简历(英语·外贸专业) 个人简历(英语·外贸专业) 姓名××* 性别 * (照片) 毕业学校××大学××专业 专业英文(信息管理方向)学历大学本科 政治面貌团员曾任职务学院学生会干事 ___ ×××× e-mail ××@163. 联系地址××××(邮编:××××××) 技能 语言 ? * 英语通过专业英语八级(tem4),有优秀的听说读写能力;(专业八级证书等级:优秀)

?* 能以日语进行简单沟通对话,达日本语能力测试三级水平; ?* 学习了德语的基本知识 计算机 * 计算机通过国家二级(vfp语言); ?* 熟练掌握office系列办公软件、dreamweaver网页制作; ?* 熟悉vb语言,并能够使用c++.进行编程; ?* 掌握了sqlserver、aess等数据库知识 贸易 * 辅修国际金融(2年),了解常用贸易术语、规则及相关法律条款。 经历

@ 学生工作 经历学院学生会宣传部干事(xx--xx) ? 负责海报创意、制作 @ 社会实践 活动 澳洲××公司驻××办事处人力资源部助理(04/xx -- ) ? 翻译日常文书、信件; ? 起草英文商业信件; ? 参与会议,对澳洲总部派遣人员的讲话进行记录、 广交会 春交会(05/xx)展位翻译

? 向外商介绍产品,进行报价; ? 及时向厂商反映客户的特殊要求、疑虑或其他问题秋交会(10/xx)外宾随身翻译 ? 翻译商品信息; 帮助外商与展位工作人员沟通; ? 参加合同条款拟订; ? 协助安排航运事宜(集装箱规格、拼柜等); ? 安排外宾行程; ? 介绍相关文化背景 ××集团翻译(xx--xx) ? 向外商介绍产品;


英文简历范文 本文是关于英文简历范文,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 ZHENG TAO 5 section 40*B# Willow dormitory Top University, Beijing 1000** (8610) 61234567, Education Sep.2019- Ri Yue School of Management, Top University present M.A. (Management Science, expected) Sep.1999- School of Management University of China Jun.2019 B.S. (Management Science) Work Experience Aug.2019-Sep.2019 Management Case Center of Top University, Beijing project Manager (part-time) As the main principal, taking active part in the project of the Survey of Brand Loyalty in China, including the layout of the forms, data collecting and information analysis; partly participating in further research in above project, including dealing with data and modeling. May.2019-Jun.2019 Harvest Fund Management Co., LTD Beijing Research Assistant (Internship) Business Development Dept. As the main principal, making the in-depth research and carrying out development of the brand-new product of open funds;participating the further evaluation of the performance of the Open Funds in China; Mar.200-Apr.2019 Top University Tarzan Center for Supply Chain System R&D Research Assistant (part-time) Beijing


外贸主管的英文简历范文 为同学们推荐下外贸主管的英文简历范文name: y j b ysat present in the tianhe district years age: 29 years oldregistered permanent residence is in: by hubei countries: chinamarital status: single people race: hanobjectivetalent type: ordinary applying for a jobapplied position: trade: the foreign trade business, trade: the petent foreign tradeterm: post says: intermediatejob types: full-time date available: a weekmonthly salary requirements: 3500-5000 hope work areas: guangzhou,,work experiencekunshan * * * coating material co., ltd. since years: XX-04-01the pany properties: private enterprise by sector: clothing/textile/leather/shoesposition: foreign trade managerjob description: “.... at home and abroad to participate in the exhibition and consult with foreign cus tomers. .”. receive visitors foreign customers, develop overseas agent, maintain old customer, development of new customers.“.... in charge of main several big customer's follow up.”.... as a whole team of management, make the team maximum efficiency..


三一文库(https://www.360docs.net/doc/103396533.html,)/个人简历 英文简历:咨询顾问个人简历 RichardAnderson 525BStreet Suite250 SanDiego,CA-92101 714-567-098 twainmrk@gmail. CareerGoal Toseekapositionofatelemunicationconsultantinapanywheremyskills andabilitiescanbeused. AcademicBackground AchievedcertificateintelemunicationsconsultationfromtheMichigan University,Michiganintheyearof2000.

AchievedBachelorsDegreeinFineArtsfromSt.PaulCollege,NewEnglan dintheyearof1998.Specialemphasizewasgivenintheater.Technicalthe ateralongwithadministrationwasotherminors. ObtainedProfessionalTraining Obtainedaspecialtrainingonthetechnicaltheater. ProfessionalAffiliation ObtainedmembershipfromtheTelemunicationConsultantsSocietyof NewJersey,NewJersey. SelectedasthepresidentoftheTelemunicationsProfessionalsAssociati on,NewYork. KnownComputerProgrammingSkills KnownOperatingSystems:Windows9X,Windows2000,WindowsME, WindowsXP,WindowsVista,Linux,Unix,MSDOS KnownOfficePackage:MicrosoftWord,MicrosoftExcel,MicrosoftAcce ss,MicrosoftPowerPoint,MicrosoftOutlookExpress KnownProgrammingLanguage:Pascal,TurboPascal,C,C++,Java,JavaS wing,Python

国外精美英文求职简历模板 (59).docx

A driven, open minded, creative and successful senior account handler with a strong sense of dedication and commitment, and over 14 years of progressive experience in account and sales management. Tenacious in building new business, securing customer loyalty and forging strong relationships with business partners. Areas of Key Account Management, Strategic Marketing Positioning, Needs Assessment and Product Education, Territory Growth Management, Budget Administration, Team Leadership, Coaching and Mentoring. Professional - Senior VP of Institute for Global Communications July 2007, - “Business Development for Asia-Pacific ” Certified Seminar, August 2008 - “ Power of Selling ” Certified Selling Training, Jan 2004 Computer Microsoft Word Good Microsoft PowerPoint Excellent Adobe Photoshop Fair Professional June 2008 to: present Sales Director, Software Division Softtel Inc., San Francisco, CA Oversee corporate sales division with eight district offices for leading innovator in data storage and automation with 1500 employees and annual revenues exceeding $100 million. Direct sales and business development functions, including new product rollouts, key account management, customer relationship development, contract negotiations, and order fulfillment. Manage P&L and budget responsibilities. Conduct cross-functional team training, coaching, and mentoring. Selected Achievements: - Instrumental in complete turnaround of under-performing sales team; set higher January 2006 to May 2008 Senior Sales Account Manager BizCorp, San Francisco, CA Managed region comprised of 48 franchisees and independent resellers, with combined total annual sales exceeding $32 million. Developed and implemented strategic plans to market franchises and persuade resellers/VARs to purchase products from company ’s distribution centers. Accountable for channel and end-user sales development, new market identification and penetration, and large-scale contract negotiations. Monitored operational performance of franchisees to ensure 极简历https://www.360docs.net/doc/103396533.html,
