

Section C

Woman’s role in politics has been changing. During the (36) _______movement, woman began to play an active role in American politics. Woman had long been interested in (37)______movement, but the number of woman active in political (38)_____ had been very limited.

Now the educated, (39) _____woman have begun to grow tired of the passive role that men had (40) _____to them. Their own interests as a mother were brought into play by their concern over the education and (41) _____of their children, and the city in which they lived. For such purposes, they will also care such public (42) ____as schools and parks. Their interests as a (43) ____were put on the alter by political struggles over taxes, monopolies, and dishonesty in government.

But woman’s sympathies are more important than their interests. (44)______________________.Therefore, woman began to devote themselves to charity activity, and also to feel strongly about their own political rights.

(45)__________________________________________________________________.They believe they are also more active than men in introducing into politics the note of honesty and human concern that America seemed to need badly.


Test Three

36. progressive 37. reform 38. affairs 39. middle-class 40. assigned

41. welfare 42. facilities 43. consumer

44. Because shocked y the almost daily exposure of the terrible working conditions in the factories and crowded living conditions in cities.

45. Women began to realize that they were better equipped than men for political activities.

46. Thus, an increasing number of women demanded their right to vote.

Birth, marriage and death: these are the greatest (36)_______ events ____ in a human's life. Many things, good and bad, can happen to us in our lives. Yet there are three days which are usually (37) ______marked _____ by some special (38)______ ceremony ____: the day we are born, the day we get married and the day we die. These are the three main things in life. We only have a choice in the second of these: we can choose whether or not to marry. But we have no choice in birth and death. All human beings are (39)____ affected ______ by these three things. The only thing that (40)_______ differs ____ in each society is the way in which these are (41)_____ celebrated _____. Yet all societies(42) _____ share ______ common (43) ____ characteristics _______. Birth is a time of joy. (44)___________________ The proud parents receive congratulations and presents on behalf of the new-born.___________________________ Marriage is also a time of joy. (45)_________________ The young couple go through a special wedding ceremony and receive presents to help them set up their home ________________________. Death is a time of sorrow and is marked by a special ceremony and mourning.

(46)__________________ The dates of all three events are usually remembered _________________________.


Section C

To be a good teacher, you need some of the (36) ______of a good actor. You must be able to hold the attention and interest of your (37)______; you must be a clear speaker, with a good, strong,

(38)_______voice; and you must be able to act what you are teaching, to make its meaning


Watch a good teacher, and you will see that he does not sit just (40)______ before his class: he stands the whole time he is teaching; he walks about, using his arms, hands and fingers to help him in his (41)_______. Listen to him, and you will hear the (42)_______,the quality and the

musical not of his voice always changing (43)______ to what he is talking about.

(44)__________________________________________.The actor has to speak words which he has learnt by heart; he has to repeat exactly the same words each time he is playing a certain part. Even his movements and the ways in which he uses his voice are usually fixed beforehand.

(45)____________________________________________________________.A good teacher works in quite a different way. His audiences take an active part in his play: They ask and answer question; they obey orders, and if they don’t understand something, they say so.


36. gifts 37. audience 38. pleasing 39. readily 40. motionless

41. explanation 42. loudness 43.according

44. A teacher’s work is entirely different from an actor’s.

45. What an actor does is to memorize his words on a script and act as naturally as possible.

46. The teacher has to be innovative to create his part to meet the need of his students.

If parents bring up a child with the aim of turning the child into a (36) , they will cause a (37) . According to several leading (38) psychologists, this is one of the biggest mistakes which ambitious parents make. Generally, the child will be only too (39) of what the parent expects, and will fail. Unrealistic parental expectations can cause great (40) to children. However, if parents are not too (41) about what they expect their children to do, but are ambitious in a sensible way, the child may (42) in doing very well—especially if the parents are very (43) of their child.

Michael Li is very lucky. (44) .

Although Michael’s mother knows very little about music, Michael’s father plays the trumpet in a large orchestra. However, he never makes Michael enter music competitions if he is unwilling.

Michael’s friend, Winston Chen, however, is not so lucky.(45) .

They want their son to be as successful as they are and so they enter him in every piano competition held. They are very unhappy when he does not win.“(46)”. Winston’s father tells him. Winston is always afraid that he will disappoint his parents and now he always seems quiet and unhappy.

If parents bring up a child with the aim of turning the child into a genius, they will cause a disaster. According to several leading educational psychologists, this is one of the biggest mistakes that ambitious parents make. Generally, the child will be only too aware of what the parent expects, and will fail. Unrealistic parental expectations can cause great damage to children. However, if parents are not too unrealistic about what they expect their children to do, but are ambitious in a sensible way, the child may succeed in doing very well—especially if the parents are very supportive of their child.

Michael Li is very lucky. He is crazy about music, and his parents help him a lot by taking him to concerts and arranging private piano and violin lessons for him.

Although Michael’s mother knows very little about music, Michael’s father plays the trumpet in a large orchestra. However, he never makes Michael enter music competitions if he is unwilling.

Michael’ s friend, Winston Chen, however, is not so lucky. Although both his parents are

successful musicians, they set a too high standard for Winston.

They want their son to be as successful as they are and so they enter him in every piano competition held. They are very unhappy when he does not win. “When I was your age, I used to win every competition I entered.” Winston’s father tells him. Winston is alw ays afraid that he will disappoint his parents and now he always seems quiet and unhappy.

Section C

If you were supposed to be at my house at 6:00 p.m. for dinner, but you came at 8:00 p.m., we would

(36)__________think you were quite impolite. However, if you come from Brazil, the idea of being

(37)___________, or “on time”, might mean coming two hours late. In fact, being “early”or “late”because these ideas reflect “social time” rather than real time.

Even more (40)____is how people from other cultures explain their lateness. American students might say they simply had not cared that they were late. In (41)___, Brazilians would go out of their way to explain their lateness in a number of ways—they were delayed by unforeseen or (42)____ problem, for example. Or they might (43)____ the reasons of being late to reasons that you might never think of.

Some American students might feel very guilty and blame themselves, but (44)_.

Another surprising difference that researchers discovered was the way cultures view someone who is late. Americans tend to think negatively of people being late. (45)______ Or, at least, you will be viewed with some disfavor. But in Brazil, if you are late for an appointment, the chances are you will be admired. (46)__________.

Section C

36.probably 37. punctual 38. background

39. definition 40. amazing 41. contrast 42. uncontrollable 43. attribute

44. Brazilian students wouldn’t blame themselves or feel ashamed

45. In general, if you are late for an appointment or a date with Americans, you can bet people will be angry at you.

46. In the Brazilian culture of time, lateness is equated with success, because he or she is so busy with other tasks. Mr. Smith was a wealthy industrialist, but he was not satisfied with his life. He didn’

t sleep well and his food did not agree with him. This situation lasted for some time.

Finally, he decided to consult his doctor. The doctor advised a change of surroundings.

“Go abroad,” he said. “But I’m not good at foreign language,” said Mr. Smith. “It doesn’

t matter,” said the doctor, “Go on a voyage. Take plenty of exercise. Try to reduce your

weight. ”

Mr. Smith went to Switzerland. He did not know French or German, and had to

communicate through gestures. He attended a physical training course. To strengthen

his muscles, he had to lie on the ground and raise his right and left legs alternately. After

a time, he refreshed and forgot the troublesome problems of his factory. He even began

to notice individual trees and individual birds.


教师系列 高级专业技术职务岗位申请表 姓名:胡利永 现任职务:讲师 拟申请职务:副教授 申报类型:教学科研型 申请日期:2015 年9 月30 日

填表说明 1、申报教师系列高级专业技术职务的人员,根据各学院(系、部)公布的任职条件,限填满足或高于申报岗位评审条件的业绩。 2、申报教学为主型岗位的人员,不填写第三部分的科研业绩栏目;申报科研为主型岗位的人员,不填写第三部分的教学业绩栏目(除教学情况外)。 3、关于格式。填入的文字,原则上使用宋体五号字,行距为固定值20磅;日期格式为20**.*-20**.*;第 五、六部分,单独成页。 4、关于第一部分,主要填写申报人的基本情况。(1)晋职外语和计算机应用能力,符合免试条件的人员填写“免”字;参加考试并符合岗位申报要求的人员填写“合格”两字。(2)普通话等级,符合免修条件的填写“免”两字;参加过普通话等级考试的写明“*级*等”。(3)学习和工作简历部分,由远及近填写;学习经历从大学开始。 5、关于第二部分,主要阐述申报人任现职以来近5年的学术成就、标志性成果及其学术价值。 6、关于第三部分,主要填写申报人任现职以来近5年年均业绩、育人业绩、教学业绩和科研业绩。 7、关于第四部分,主要阐述申报人任现职以来近5年的其他突出业绩、社会兼职及荣誉等情况。 8、关于第五部分,主要阐述申报人聘任成功后5年内的工作思路、预期目标和工作计划。预期目标要求按照申报岗位类型写明育人、教学和科研等方面业绩的具体量化目标;工作计划从2015年起,按照年度分列。 9、第六部分为同行专家鉴定表,申报人填写“代表作题目”及以上部分内容。


A . He wishes he had a jacket like Steve's B . He knew someone who looked like Steve C . Jack looks good in anything D . Jack should get a new jacket 提交的答案:Jack should get a new jacket 正确答案:Jack should get a new jacket 题目详解:观点与态度题,男士使用了虚拟语气,表示他认为Jack应该买件新的。 A . She reads good books only. B . Their taste in books is different. C . She doesn't like to read. D . The man is hard to please. 提交的答案:Their taste in books is different. 正确答案:Their taste in books is different. 题目详解:观点与态度题,由“Nothing you would like”可知答案。 A . She suggests they check in the catalog. B . She has found this subject in the catalog. C . She is not sure where the catalog is. D . She doesn't know if there is such a subject. 提交的答案:She suggests they check in the catalog. 正确答案:She suggests they check in the catalog. 题目详解:建议题,由“Let's look at the catalog”可推出答案。 1. A . Chatting with neighbors. B . Knitting socks. C . Watching TV. D . Doing housework. 提交的答案:Knitting socks.


浙江大学学位英语考试指导 一、考试内容和形式 浙江大学学位英语考试包括六个部分,考试时间为120分钟。试卷分主观题和客观题。 1. 听力理解(20%) 共20 题,考试时间为20 分钟,分值为20%。听力理解由两节组成(Section A 和 Section B)。A节有10 道题,每题含一组对话,共两句,对话后有一个问句。每组 对话只读一遍。B节有三篇听力材料, 每篇材料读两遍。每篇听力材料后有3--4个 问题。听力部分每个问题后有约15秒的间隙,要求考生从所给的四个选项中选出 一个最佳答案。 2. 词汇(10%) 共20题,考试时间为15分钟。每题有一空格,要求考生从四个答案中选出一个最佳答案填空。这一部分主要测试学生认识和掌握词汇及常用词组的能力。 3. 语法结构(10%) 共20题,考试时间为15分钟。每题有一空格,要求考生从四个答案中选出一个最 佳答案填空。这一部分主要测试学生理解和运用语法结构的能力。 4.阅读理解(30%) 共15题,考试时间为30分钟。共三篇文章,每篇文章约有300个词左右。每篇文 章后有5个问题,考生根据文章内容从四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 5.英译汉(15%) 考试时间为20分钟。要求考生将一篇实用性的短文划线的5个英语句子译成汉语。 主要测试学生的理解、表达和实际应用能力。 6.汉译英(15%) 考试时间为20分钟。要求考生将5个汉语句子译成英语。主要测试学生的理解和应 用能力。 二、应试指导 1. 听力应试指导 对话部分:在简短对话部分,对话是在特定的语言环境中进行的,具有一定的情节;而由第三者提出的问题及所给的4个选项又使学生明确了选择范围。因此,考生只要在听音时善于捕捉关键词和关键信息,就能做出正确的选择。在此考生应注意以下几个方面:(1)要辩明谈话者之间的关系。如医生与病人大多谈论疾病有关的话题;夫妻之间大多谈论与家庭有关的话题等。 (2)要善于抓关键词。如对话中出现了menu, order, table for three, bill等词,则谈话的地点一定是与饭店有关。 (3) 预测提问的方式很重要。利用每段对话后的几秒时间迅速浏览下一个问题的四个选 项,通过四个选项的内容去预测听力内容和第三者的提问方式,从而在听时将注意力集中在与所提问题有关的关键词和关键信息上。 (4)要善于推测言外之意。 对话部分大体上分为五个类型:数字与计算;职业身份;地点,场所与方向;比较题; 推理判断。 数字与计算是浙江大学学位英语考试中最常考的考项之一,听力测试计算型的试题往往要求进行简单的加、减、乘、除四则运算,以加减为主。提问方式是:How much---? How


浙江大学宁波理工学院2013–2014学年第二学期 《数据库系统原理》课程期末考试试卷(A) 开课分院:信息科学与工程学院__ ,考试形式:闭卷 考试日期:__2014__年__6__月__12__日,考试所需时间: 120 分钟 考生姓名学号考生所在分院:专业班级: . 注:一律在答题纸上做答,否则不得分 命题(组)老师签名:____________________ 年月日 研究所(教研室)教学负责人签名:_______________ 年月日

一、单选题(每题2分,共30分) 1、下列属于数据库管理系统的是。 A .Windows Server B.Linux C.SQL SERVER D.EXCEL 2、下列关于视图的说法中,错误的是_________。 A.一个关系表上只能建立一个视图 B.视图可以提供一定的安全性 C.视图可以提供一定程度的逻辑独立性 D.删除视图时不影响有关的数据 3、目前数据库领域中主流的逻辑结构模型是_________。 A.概念模型B.对象模型 C.ER模型 D.关系模型 4、下列哪一项不属于专门的关系运算符________。 A.选择B.投影 C.连接D.笛卡尔积 5、任何一个基本关系中() A.列的次序可以任意交换B.列的次序不可以任意交换 C.不能有两列出自相同的域D.行的次序不可以任意交换 6、索引的作用是________。 A.提高查询效率B.方便修改表结构 C.提高修改的效率D.方便创建视图 7、实体完整性是指_________。 A.关系表的属性列不能有缺失与遗漏 B.关系表必须指定主键 C.关系表的主属性不能取空值 D.关系表必须指明外键 8、对SELECT语句中分组运算的结果进行选择的是。 A.ORDER BY B.WHERE C.HAVING子句D.GROUP 9、统计元组个数的聚合函数是________。 A.SUM B.COUNT C.AVG D.LEN


Section C Woman’s role in politics has been changing. During the (36) _______movement, woman began to play an active role in American politics. Woman had long been interested in (37)______movement, but the number of woman active in political (38)_____ had been very limited. Now the educated, (39) _____woman have begun to grow tired of the passive role that men had (40) _____to them. Their own interests as a mother were brought into play by their concern over the education and (41) _____of their children, and the city in which they lived. For such purposes, they will also care such public (42) ____as schools and parks. Their interests as a (43) ____were put on the alter by political struggles over taxes, monopolies, and dishonesty in government. But woman’s sympathies are more important than their interests. (44)______________________.Therefore, woman began to devote themselves to charity activity, and also to feel strongly about their own political rights. (45)__________________________________________________________________.They believe they are also more active than men in introducing into politics the note of honesty and human concern that America seemed to need badly. (46)_________________________________________________________________. Test Three 36. progressive 37. reform 38. affairs 39. middle-class 40. assigned 41. welfare 42. facilities 43. consumer 44. Because shocked y the almost daily exposure of the terrible working conditions in the factories and crowded living conditions in cities. 45. Women began to realize that they were better equipped than men for political activities. 46. Thus, an increasing number of women demanded their right to vote. Birth, marriage and death: these are the greatest (36)_______ events ____ in a human's life. Many things, good and bad, can happen to us in our lives. Yet there are three days which are usually (37) ______marked _____ by some special (38)______ ceremony ____: the day we are born, the day we get married and the day we die. These are the three main things in life. We only have a choice in the second of these: we can choose whether or not to marry. But we have no choice in birth and death. All human beings are (39)____ affected ______ by these three things. The only thing that (40)_______ differs ____ in each society is the way in which these are (41)_____ celebrated _____. Yet all societies(42) _____ share ______ common (43) ____ characteristics _______. Birth is a time of joy. (44)___________________ The proud parents receive congratulations and presents on behalf of the new-born.___________________________ Marriage is also a time of joy. (45)_________________ The young couple go through a special wedding ceremony and receive presents to help them set up their home ________________________. Death is a time of sorrow and is marked by a special ceremony and mourning. (46)__________________ The dates of all three events are usually remembered _________________________. Test2 Section C To be a good teacher, you need some of the (36) ______of a good actor. You must be able to hold the attention and interest of your (37)______; you must be a clear speaker, with a good, strong, (38)_______voice; and you must be able to act what you are teaching, to make its meaning (39)______comprehensible. Watch a good teacher, and you will see that he does not sit just (40)______ before his class: he stands the whole time he is teaching; he walks about, using his arms, hands and fingers to help him in his (41)_______. Listen to him, and you will hear the (42)_______,the quality and the


was the one field of awareness about which humans had anything more than the vaguest of insights. It is impossible to know today just what our Stone Age ancestors knew about plants, but from what we can observe of preindustrial societies that still exist, a detailed learning of plants and their properties must be extremely ancient. This is logical. Plants are the basis of the food pyramid for all living things, even for other plants. They have always been enormously important to the welfare of people, not only for food, but also for clothing, weapons, tools, dyes, medicines, shelter, and a great many other purposes. Tribes living today in the jungles of the Amazon recognize literally hundreds of plants and know many properties of each. To them botany, as such, has no name and is probably not even recognized as a special branch of "knowledge" at all. Unfortunately, the more industrialized we become the farther away we move from direct contact with plants, and the less distinct our knowledge of botany grows. Yet everyone comes unconsciously on an amazing amount of botanical knowledge, and few people will fail to recognize a rose, an apple, or an orchid. When our Neolithic(新石器时代)ancestors, living in the middle East about 10,000 years


浙江大学学位英语考试--中翻英部分15% 2009-04-12 00:49 由于学位英语是浙江大学自己出卷的,题型是于省三级考试是一致的,所以可以参考一下历年省三的卷子。 可以将一下的短句当作范文,背一下。 02-1 81.如果你在阅读中碰到生词,有时候你可以不查字典。 your answer: key: When you come across new words in reading, sometimes you may not consult dictionaries for them. 82.她正在找工作,我想她可能已从大学毕业了。 your answer: key:She is looking for a job. I think she may have graduated from college. 83.学习英语需要耐心和努力;若想在几个月内掌握一门外语是不可能的。 your answer: key:Learning English needs patience and efforts; it is impossible to have a good command of a foreign language within a few months. 84.我昨晚兴奋得睡不着觉,因为我的设计被采纳了。 your answer: key:I was too excited to fall asleep last night because my design had been accepted. 85.――你们什么时候熄灯就寝?――10点半,但周末例外。 your answer: key:-When do you turn off the light and go to bed?- At half past ten except on weekend. 02-6 81.我感到喘不过气来;我开窗你会介意吗? your answer: key: I can hardly breathe. Would you mind my (me) opening the windows? 82.你们应该理论联系实际,培养应用语言的能力。 your answer: key:You should combine theory with practice and develop the ability to use the language. 83.他将永远记得家乡解放的那一天。 your answer: key:He will always remember the day (when) his hometown was liberated.


大学英语3口语考试题目及答案 Unit 1 Personality 1. Discuss the personality traits that you think would make an ideal person for these jobs: salesperson, teacher, doctor, secretary. Give your reasons. Salesperson: be patient to their customers, enthusiastic and full of energy. They should have good communication skill and very sociable and talkative. They should have some experience to help them master this field. Teacher: They are able to attend to the students' needs and assist each person in the way that he or she learns best. They need to be constantly open to new ideas, be flexible. The qualities a good teacher should possess include passionate about teaching, inspiring, interest in the subject he or she is teaching, patience and tolerance, compassion, understanding and respectable Doctor: they should be diligent to practice clinic skills, such as inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation and so on. Second, they should treat the patients as your family members, be very kind to them. Third, they must be very caref ul and cautious. You can’t make any mistake because life is extremely precious. Last but not least, they should be enterprising, continue learning the advanced technology and knowledge, because methods of treatment have developed quickly nowadays. Secretary: be good at watching at what boss is doing and saying carefully should good at please all sides of colleagues and make them happy working with you. Be capable of handling disputes. Or cooperate with the boss in dealing difficult matter In a word, if you want to be a prominent doctor, you have to make great efforts to improve yourself. 售货员:耐心向他们的客户,热情,充满活力。他们应该有良好的沟通技巧和非常善于交际,健谈。他们应该帮助他们掌握这个领域的一些经验。 老师:他们能够参加的学生的需求,帮助每个人在他或她最好的学习方式。他们需要不断接受新的观念,灵活。一个好的教师应具备的素质,包括对教学充满热情,激发兴趣,他或她是教学,耐心和宽容,同情,理解和尊重 医生:他们应该努力实践的临床技能,如检查,触诊,叩诊,听诊等。第二,他们应把病人作为你的家庭成员,是他们非常好。第三,他们必须非常小心和谨慎。你不能犯任何错误,因为生命是非常宝贵的。最后但并非最不重要的,他们应该有进取心,学习先进技术和知识的继续,因为治疗方法发展迅速,目前。 秘书:善于看在什么样的老板做的和说仔细应该善于请同事各方并使他们快乐的工作与你。 能够处理纠纷。或配合处理困难的老板 总之,如果你想成为一名著名的医生,你必须努力提高自己。 2. Describe the personality of a person you know well, like your parents, a teacher, a classmate, a friend, a singer, an athlete, a movie star, etc. mom 3.What do you think causes shyness? What are the ways to overcome shyness?


浙江大学宁波理工学院2007–2008学年二学期 《材料力学及实验(甲)》课程考试试卷(B) 开课分院: 机能分院 ,考试形式:闭卷,允许带__计算器___入场 考试日期: 年 月 日,考试所需时间: 120 分钟 考生姓名 学号 考生所在分院: 专业班级: . 题序 一 二 三 四 总 分 计算题 题型 判断题 选择题 作图题 1 2 3 4 得分 评卷人 命题(组)老师签名:____________________ 年 月 日 分院主管教学院长或首席主讲教授签名:_______________ 年 月 日

一. 是非判断题(每小题1分,共10分;将你认为是对的打“√”,错 的打“×”) 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 判断 1、在连接件挤压实用计算中,挤压面积A 是挤压面的实际面积。 2、变截面杆受轴向集中力F 作用,如图1所示。设11-s 、22-s 、33-s 分别表示杆中截面1-1,2-2,3-3上的全应力的数值,则可能有11-s <33-s <22-s 。 图1 3、泊松比是横向应变与轴向应变的比值,是一个无量纲的量,其值可取正或负。 4、直径d 和长度L 相同、材料不同的两根轴,受到相同的扭转力偶作用,则它们的最大剪应力和最大扭转角相等。 5、梁的受力如图2所示,在B 截面处:F s 图有突变,M 图连续光滑。 图2 6、提高弯曲刚度的措施中,除了改变梁的结构形式和选择合理的截面形状以外,选择高强度钢(即提高材料的弹性模量)也是一种非常有效的方法。 7、铸铁和低碳钢在扭转过程中,虽然断面形状不同,但破坏的原因一样,即都是因为切应力达到极值所引起的。


浙江大学宁波理工学院学士学位授予工作细则 (试行修改版,征求意见稿) 第一条为规范学士学位授予工作,根据《中华人民共和国学位条例》、《中华人民共和国学位条例暂行实施办法》等规定,结合学校实际情况,特制定本细则。 第二条学校按文学、法学、经济学、管理学、理学、工学、艺术等学科门类授予学士学位。 第三条凡具有下列条件的普通全日制本科毕业生,经学校学位评定委员会审议批准,可授予学士学位: (一)遵纪守法,道德品行良好,未受到记过及以上纪律处分; (二)课程学习和毕业论文(毕业设计或其他毕业实践环节)的成绩,表明确已较好地掌握本门学科的基础理论、专业知识和基本技能,且具有从事科学研究工作或担负专门技术工作的初步能力; (三)达到相应专业培养方案的各项要求,修满规定的学分,经审核准予毕业; (四)学业成绩优良,以符合学生毕业时所在专业培养方案要求的最低学分(或以上)的所有课程的有效成绩为准计算课程平均学分绩点,且此课程平均学分绩点大于或等于2.6; (五)学校学位外语课程期末考试成绩及格。不同专业的学位外语课程对应如下: (1)艺术类专业:《大学英语(艺术类)Ⅳ》; (2)英语专业:《综合英语Ⅳ》或《综合英语(中美)Ⅳ》; (3)日语专业:《中级日语Ⅱ》; (4)其他专业:《大学英语Ⅳ》或《大学英语(中美)Ⅳ》。 第四条已毕业,但因课程平均学分绩点和学位外语成绩未达要求而

不能获得学士学位者,可在学校规定的学习年限内申请重修课程,修读后,符合学校学士学位授予条件,可以申请学士学位。 第五条因受到记过及以上纪律处分而不能获得学士学位者,在受处分后的学习中取得下述成绩之一,经本人申请,学校学位评定委员会审议批准,仍可授予学士学位: (一)获校级一等奖学金; (二)参加省级及以上的A类学科竞赛,并获省级一等奖或全国二等奖及以上奖项; (三)毕业前以第一作者在核心期刊及以上级别刊物上发表与本专业相关的学术论文,或取得与本专业相关的授权发明专利; (四)毕业前取得研究生录取资格。 第六条各学院(系)设立学士学位初审工作委员会,负责审核毕业生的学位申请资格,提出是否建议授予学位的意见。学校学位评定委员会办公室对各学院(系)上报的名单进行复核,并将复核结果报学位评定委员会审议通过。 第七条学士学位获得者由学校授予学士学位证书。学位证书的签发日期以学校学位评定委员会决定的日期为准。 第八条学生若对学士学位授予有异议,可在60个工作日内,以书面形式向学校学位评定委员会提出复议申请。 第九条学校学位评定委员会如发现学位错授,或发现有舞弊等严重违反相关法律规定的情况,通过复议,可以作出补授或撤销学士学位的决定。 第十条学校学位评定委员会闭会期间,授权学位评定委员会办公室根据本细则相关规定审核处理学生学士学位申请事宜,并报学位评定委员会备案。 第十一条本细则自发文之日起实行。


一 It has been thought and said that Africans are born with musical talent. Because music is so important in the lives of many Africans and because so much music is performed in Africa, we are inclined to think that all Africans are musicians. The impression is strengthened when we look at ourselves and find that we have become largely a society of musical spectators. Music is important to us, but most of us can be considered consumers rather than producers of music. We have records, television, concerts, and radios to fulfill many of our musical needs. In most situations where music is performed in our culture it is not difficult to distinguish the audience from the performers, but such is not the case in Africa. Alban Ayipaga, a Kasena semiprofessional musician from Northern Ghana, says that when his flute and drum ensemble is performing, "Anybody can take part". This is true, but Kasena musicians recognize that not all people are equally capable of taking part in the music. Some can sing along with the drummers, but relatively few can play the flute along with the ensemble. It is fairly common in Africa for there to be an ensemble of expert musicians surrounded by others who join in by clapping, singing, somehow adding to the totality of musical sound. Performances often take place in an open area (that is, not on a stage) and so the lines between the performing nuclear and the additional performers, active spectators, and passive spectators may be difficult to draw from our point of view. A . most of us are consumers while most of them are producers of music B . we are audience and they are the additional performers C . most of us are passive spectators while they are active spectators D . we are music performers and they are semiprofessional musicians A . people tend to distinguish the audience from the performers B . music is performed without the participation of the audience


浙江大学考博英语复试经验参考 一、题型分析 浙江大学近几年博士生入学考试题型分布: 听力(20分)、词汇(15分)、完型(20分)、阅读(20分)、翻译(25分) 考试时长3个小时。 分析真题的难度,听力、翻译略难于大学英语6级,其他和6级 难度基本保持一致。感觉浙大考博英语听力难度类似于6级阅读理解。 二、近几年分数线分析【总分线(听力线)】 03春:59(10)03秋:53(7) 04春:56(8)04秋:57(8) 05春:53(7)05秋:63(11) 06春:60(11)06秋:58(9) 07秋:50(8)08秋:50(6) 09年:55(8)10年:50(6) 11年:58(7)12年:60(9) 13年:60(10)14年:60(10) 15年:60(10)16年:60(10) 17年:60(12)18年:60 60分达标建议:平时做题听力单选至少要对7个以上,因听写得分很不容易,完型对13个以上,阅读对16个以上,翻译一般同学得 分会为10-15分。

三、评分细则 1.听力听写在宽松判卷情况下,写对关键词得0.5分,时态、单 复数错误只得0.5分。注意:如写的超过规定单词数,即使写的和听 力原文完全一样,也只有0.5分,这时需要想办法去掉不重要的单词,千万不要超过规定单词数。 2.翻译一般以10-15分为基准,亮点多会提升一个档次分数 (15-20分),以此类推,语言比一般同学的还要粗糙恐怕会给10分 以下。如有“低级下流”语句,比如Iis、youis等,可能直接给10 分以下。没写完的得分也会直接降低,如果真没时间写了,注意,赶 紧去写结尾。 一模一样内容,字写得工整整齐可能会高至少3分,总体感觉和 改考研作文一样,同样一个句子,有的同学写出来就是很美的复合句、连贯、浑然一体,有的同学则是简单粗糙、堆砌、上下文断裂,虽然 表达清楚了汉语内容。 四、相对应对策 1.过好词汇关 浙大英语总体词汇量偏重于英语6级,所以选一本6级高频词汇 作为记忆点,应付考试充足。建议上班族用手机里的APP(如扇贝单词、百词斩等)背记;建议应届生还是用高频词汇本。 背单词时,不要幻想背一次就充足了,如果基础好建议背两次, 基础一般的建议背三次,每天根据自己实际情况确定要被单词量先少 后多,词汇会慢慢熟悉起来,记的时候一定要熟读例句,并注重单词 各种形式、用法和读音。到了临考前二周左右,再拿起单词本或者APP 应该能够在一周内全部背完,此时词汇量完全能够应付考试。 此外,要用好真题词汇题。分析发现真题词汇会以不同形式重复 用法,建议每做完一套真题后总结分析词汇题,特别是对自己背过的 单词如果模糊的话,一定要去查,重点注重形近词、意近词和自己不


餐饮培训模拟试题一填空题(每小题1.5分共39 分) 1 政治素质要求餐饮人员在工作中,应严格遵守____________.________________.________________ ____________.不做有损国格.人格的事。 2、服务态度取决于员工的_____________.________________._________________._________________和 ____________的高低,其具体要求是_________.___________.___________.___________.。. 3、餐饮服务人员在工作中应具备的能力主要有__________.___________.-____________. __________ ___________.____________.___________._____________.。 4 星级酒店餐厅的室内温度冬季在_______________之间,夏季应保持__________________、之间 5 餐厅用品包括___________.____________._______________另外,餐厅还应配备服务车.送餐车等工作车, 以满足客人多方面的餐饮服务需要。 二多项选择题:(每题1分共10分) 1 餐厅用品中具体的餐酒用品指:() A瓷器类B布件类C不锈钢类D银器类E玻璃器皿类 2、托盘的操作流程为:() A运盘B理盘C装盘D托盘E卸盘F起托 3、餐厅折花是通过:() A 穿B咬C捏D叠E卷F撕G拉 4、酒水服务中,红葡萄酒的服务顺序为:() A斟酒B闻塞C开瓶D示酒E准备F试酒 姓名___________分数____________ 5、传菜服务中的五不取:() A规格不符B器皿不洁C调料不全不取D颜色不正F温度不适 G餐盘破损 6 做为一名优秀的员工所应有的工作态度是:() A责任心B守时C主动D效率勤勉E友善F服从G礼貌H微笑 7 餐厅提供给客人产品为:() A饮料 B 食品C烟D酒E诚实F优质服务G礼貌H烹调技术 8 服务质量的标准为:() A舒适感B可口感C安全感D宾至如归感E亲切感 9 礼貌服务态度五声为:() A 迎客声 B 问候声C应答声D致谢声E道歉声F送客声 10 服务满意顾客六觉指:() A视觉B眼觉C听觉D味觉E嗅觉F感觉G触觉 三判断题(每题1分共10分) 1 酒店整体良好形象=一个员工的恶劣表现,即100-1=0() 2 服务人员在服务期间可以向客人说“不”() 3 参加培训是可以吸烟,吃零食,打电话() 4 服务质量是酒店的生命线,它关系到企业的声誉和客源。同时也关系到经济效率和企业的经营成功。 () 5 热爱本职工作,敬业乐业,并且能够树立良好的职业道德是每个餐饮服务员所具备的思想素质。() 6 服务员的举止要求见到宾客应主动打招呼,在走廊,过道楼梯口等活动场所见到客人可以避开或不打招 呼。(
