临沂 英文版 介绍

临沂 英文版 介绍
临沂 英文版 介绍

Linyi Travel Guide

Travel in Shandong

Linyi (lín yí临沂) city is located at the southeast of Shandong Province, bordering Jiangsu(jiāng sū 江苏) Province in the south and facing the Yellow sea to the east Linyi has a temperate climate and rich precipitation, with mountain areas, hillyland and plains taking 1/3 respectively.


Linyi has a history of 2400 years. In the

1970s The Art of War(sūn zǐ bīng fǎ孙子

兵法) was unearthed here.

The Art of War is a Chinese military

treatise that was written by Sun Tzu(sūn

zǐ孙子) in the 6th century BC, during the Spring and Autumn period. Composed of 13 chapters, each of which is devoted to one aspect of warfare, it is said to be the definitive work on military strategies and tactics of its time, and still one of the basic texts.

The Art of War is one of the oldest and most successful books on military strategy. It has had an influence on Eastern military thinking, business tactics, and beyond. Sun Tzu suggested the importance of positioning in strategy and that position is affected both by objective conditions in the physical environment and the subjective opinions of competitive actors in that environment. He thought that strategy was not planning in the sense of working through an established list, but rather that it requires quick and appropriate responses to changing conditions. Planning works in a controlled environment, but in a changing environment, competing plans collide, creating unexpected situations.

Tourism Development

Linyi has a long-standing history and mountains, rivers, scenic spots and historical sites. The Mengshan Mountains(méng shān 蒙山), Lying Dragon Lake, Yinqueshan Museum of Bamboo Slips (yín què shān hàn mù zhú jiǎn bó wù guǎn 银雀山汉墓竹简博物馆) (Sun Zi's Art of War and Sun Bin's Art of War) from Han Tombs, the Former Residence of Wang Xizhi(wáng xī zhī 王羲之)-- sage of calligraphy, Zhu ge Liang's Memorial Hall (zhū gě liàng gù jū 诸葛亮故居),Yinan's Beizhai Stone Relief Tomb of the Han Dynasty(hàn dài yí nán běi zhài huà xiàng shí mù 汉代沂南北寨画像石墓), the Ancient Battlefield of "Maling Battle" (mǎ lǐng zhàn yì马岭战役) have become hot tourist attractions. In Linyi City proper the longest rubber dam (which has been listed in Guinness World Records) is built across the Yihe River, which forms the largest fresh water lake --Lying

Dragon Lake (8.24 sq km) in the urban areas of the domestic cities. It heralds market prospects to develop lake-oriented sightseeing and water amusement.

Mountains, waters and commercial

markets are leading tourist projects of

Linyi City.In 2001, Linyi received

domestic and foreign tourists of

4,780,000 persons-times, earned

tourism revenue of 2,452 billion yuan.During the May 1 golden week holiday tourism in 2001 alone,Linyi City received tourists of 704,500 persons-times, earning tourism revenue of 129 million yuan.Among others,the Mengshan Mountains received 330,600 persons-times, ranking third place in the tourist areas in Shandong Province.

Mengshan Mountain

Mengshan Mountain is the one of the cradles of the Chinese civilization. Mengshan Mountain with a time-honored history contrasts with Taishan Mountain (120kilometers away). The mountain has numerous different shapes of peaks and stones, the streams, the old trees, the centuries-old Taoist temples, the simple and pure social custom, and the marvelous legends. Mencius recorded that Confucius ascended the summit of the East (Mengshan) Mountain and found that Mengshan Mountain dwarfed the Shandong province. The emperors

of TangXuanzong(táng xuán zōng 唐玄宗) (the seventh emperor of Tang Dynasty), Kangxi(kāng xī 康熙) (the third emperor of the Qing dynasty) and Qianlong (qián lóng 乾隆) (the fifth emperor of the Qing dynasty) etc. have been to Mengshan Mountain for making sacrifices to the gods. The

literatis, like Caiyi (cài yì蔡邑), Libai (lǐ bái 李白), Dufu (dù fǔ杜甫), and Sushi(sū shì 苏轼) etc., have visited here and left world-famous masterpieces.

Mengshan Mountain is a rare scenery

resort and a renowned historical and

cultural Mountain in the northern

mountain range of China. The

beautiful scenery, marvelous historical

relics and the rich resources endow

Mengshan Mountain with the

incredible beauty including the

magnificence of Taishan Mountain, the beauty of Huangshan Mountain(huáng shān 黄山), the steep of Huashan Mountain(huá shān 华山), and peculiarity of Yantang Mountain(yàn tāng shān 燕汤山). Mengshan Mountain with excellent air boasts a reputation as the resort for longevity in the world.

Location:Zhang Town(zhāng zhuāng 张庄), Fei County (fèi xiàn 费县), Linyi

Admission Fee: CNY 80

How to go: You can take long-distance bus to get Fei County

and there is special line to go to the mountain

Shandong Underground Grand Canyon

The total length of the Grand Canyon is 6,100 meters, of which 3,100 meters has been exploited as a tourist line. The Grand Canyon was shaped by the enormous karst crack 200,000 years ago. The murmuring stream makes beautiful sound. The grotesque stalactites, stalagmites and stone waterfall portray a variety of styles. Over one hundred scenic spot such as One River, Five Passes, Six Waterfalls, Nine Spring, Nine Palaces, and Twelve Gorges etc are magnificent and remarkable, deep and serene. The Grand Canyon has the cliff with the height of several meters, the colorful vault of heaven, the bottomless crack of stone, the waterfalls just like the Milky Way pouring from the sky and the spiral shells with different styles. The

wide place of the Grand Canyon

accommodate over one

hundred people, the narrow

place only holds one person.

The caves containing small ones, the gorges in the gorges, various stalagmites, stone pillars, fungus-shaped stones decorating the Grand Canyon, amaze visitors very much. The long and continuous flowing underground river makes the Grand Canyon a rare cavern in the north of China. The cave experts took advantage of the underground river and created the drift in the cave. At present, five hundred meters sections of the river can travel by yacht. After the second stage project is finished, the length for drift can reach 2,500 meters. The visitors take the yacht, go downstream, and experience the exciting feeling of fright, danger, and astonishment and the marvelous scenery of the Grand Canyon.

Location: 8 kilometers westsouth of Yishui County (yí shuǐ

xiàn 沂水县), Linyi

Admission Fee: CNY 76

How to go: You can take bus also special line to go there

Han Tomb Bamboo Slips Museum

It covers an area of around 10,000 square meters, characterized by a classic construction in the style of a royal court the 2400-square-meter construction had been built in 1981 and had been completed and officially opened to the public in 1989. The tombs of Han Dynasty discovered in 1972 by archaeological workers, who unearthed the bamboo slips of Sunzi's Arts on war and Sunbin's Arts on war that were lost more than 1,700 years .The two strategics solved the mysteries

of thousand years

whether Sunzi(sūn zǐ孙子)

and Sunbin(sūn bìn 孙膑) was

the same person and whether

there was one book or two on the military science. It is one of the ten most important discoveries of archaeology of China since the establishment of PRC. 32 bamboo slips unearthed in the second tomb was Almanac of the First Year of the Reign of Emperor Hanwudi of Han Dynasty. It has been the oldest and the most complete ancient almanac discovered so far in China. The silk painting Western Han Dynasty (xī hàn 西汉) unearthed from the ninth tomb in the Golden Sparrow Mountain was the second one following what was unearthed from Han Tombs

of Mawangdui (mǎ wáng duī 马王堆) of Hunan (hú nán 湖南) province.

Address: NO.219,Yimeng Road (yí méng lù 沂蒙路), Lanshan County (lán shān qū 兰山区), Linyi

Admission Fee: CNY 30

How to go: You can take bus NO.6 to go there

Former Residence WangXi Zhi

WangXi Zhi is an outstanding calligrapher, he was versed in nearly all kinds of styles of calligraphy. His work the preface of LanTing Poems Collection written in running hand is esteemed as the best running hand work in the world. His wonderful calligraphy has long shocked and is admired by calligraphers of all ages.

It says that when he was a child he blackened all the water of a pond in front of his house by washing his writing implements every day after practice. The pool is the inkstone rinsing pool, covering an area of 3000 square meters, why we call it inkstone rinsing pool.

Preface to the Lanting Poetry Anthology (lán tíng jí xù兰亭集序)

In the beginning of late spring

in the ninth year of Yonghe,

namely the GuiChou year, there

was a meeting held in Lanting,

which is in the Shanyin Town of

Kuaiji County, for executing the

Xiuxi ceremony. The celebrities

in the county, including the

young and old, all came to

attend this ceremony. Around the place, there are high mountains and lofty hills, flourishing woods and tall bamboo

bushes, and clear streams full of the rushing water from both the left and right sides. All guests sat by a winding canal in a row and drank with one wine cup floating on it so as to wash away minousness. Although without the grand situation of string and wind instruments, however some were drinking and some were expressing their heart feelings in verse or song, so that it was also enough to talk cheerfully their intense emotions. This day had clear and fresh air under the blue sky and a gentle breeze was freely blowing. Facing up to look at the vast expanse of the universe and bowing down to examine the flourish matter category, skimming over every thing in the universe and giving free rein to extend their range of vision, then people can be enough to get the pleasure of seeing through and hearing about to the extreme. Actually, it should look as very happy.

Yet, people deal and cope with others

in all their lives. When alive, they get

each other in embracing; or talk freely

what are on their hearts in a room; or

place their emotions to others as to be

unrestrained out of the formality.

Although fetch or abandon of each one is very different, and their tempers may be not alike, for instance, or quiet or impetuous, when enjoying for getting something from opportunity, they may think that they have obtained achievements and feel self-sufficiency. However, they do not know old and death will come before long. Until they are tired of what have been obtained and their emotions changed together along with what have happened,and then sighs with emotion have to be approached. The joy of them in the past, in an instant, have become an old trace, unable to give rising to their new desire. Moreover, the length of life lies on luck and at last must be finished. Therefore, the ancients had said, "One person's life and death is the most important thing for himself." Isn't that painful?

While viewing the reasons of the sighs with emotion of the ancients, if it evokes my sympathy, I always sigh of sorrow but cannot explain why it is? I originally understand that the thoughts such as "life is equated with death" is only an absurd and so-called that "no body has long age more than a died young child'' and "Pangzu, who lived to the age of eight hundred, is also merely a short age person'' are the

preposterous opus. I consider, that the later generations regard contemporary is same as the contemporary regard their ancients!How sad it is? So in this paper, I appraised the current people on a list and wrote down their brilliant expositions. Though their experiences and affairs were very different, from the viewpoint of sighs with emotion, their results are the same. The readers of later generations, I consider, would have the same feeling that I expressed in this preface.


临沂滨水生态宜居城市建设的创造性实践 (一)城市规模实现从相对落后的中等城市到鲁南苏北特大中心城市的跨越 作为山东省面积最大、人口最多的市,受资金、体制和观念等因素的束缚,临沂长期以来城市发展缓慢,辐射提升带动作用不强,经济社会发展相对落后,没有一个“国字”、“省字”城市称号。2003年,市委、市政府明确提出了建设富裕、平安、开放、活力的“大临沂、新临沂”的总目标,实施城镇化主导和中心城市带动战略,“以河为轴、两岸开发”,以基础设施配套完善为先导,新区开发和旧城改造提升并举。中心城区确定了“一河五片、组团发展、北上东进、南强西优”的空间发展战略,遵循“北文、中商、南工”的城市功能布局,突破东区,完善西区,提升南区,做精北区,城市形态由单一中心向组团式结构转变,为临沂今后的发展奠定了历史性的基础,临沂城市建设从此开启了新纪元。启动了以滨河路为中心的城区路网建设和23平方公里的北城新区建设、70平方公里的经济开发区建设,开拓现代化新城区,城市结构、布局更加合理,城市框架已经拉开。大力实施“一创六建”、“城乡环境综合整治”、“畅通工程”、“灯亮工程”、“蓝天工程”,实施城中村、城区河道、铁路沿线、旧住宅区、城乡结合部、城区道路等六大提升改造,中心城市在基础设施日益完善的基础上,生态环境进一步优化,更加适宜居住创业。无论在城镇区域布局、城乡关系协调、城市功能完善、城市综合承载力增强上,还是在城乡居民素质提高、产业素质提升、城市环境改善上都有了很大的改变。城市对经济社会发展的巨大推动作用日益显现,中心城市的辐射带动作用明显增强。2008年,临沂市城镇化率达到45.2%,中心城市建成区面积142平方公里,中心城市人口143万人。全市实现生产总值1958.2亿元、地方财政收入80.2亿元,生产总值、地方财政收入分别比2002年增长178.5%、204.8%。在国家统计局公布的2006年度全国地级及以上城市综合实力百强排名中,临沂首次进入,列第60位,2008年位居中国城市增长竞争力第5位。被评为“跨国公司眼中最具投资潜力的中国城市”、“浙商最具投资潜力城市”、“中国投资环境百佳城市”。

临沂 英文版 介绍

Linyi Travel Guide Travel in Shandong Linyi (lín yí临沂) city is located at the southeast of Shandong Province, bordering Jiangsu(jiāng sū 江苏) Province in the south and facing the Yellow sea to the east Linyi has a temperate climate and rich precipitation, with mountain areas, hillyland and plains taking 1/3 respectively. History Linyi has a history of 2400 years. In the 1970s The Art of War(sūn zǐ bīng fǎ孙子 兵法) was unearthed here. The Art of War is a Chinese military treatise that was written by Sun Tzu(sūn

zǐ孙子) in the 6th century BC, during the Spring and Autumn period. Composed of 13 chapters, each of which is devoted to one aspect of warfare, it is said to be the definitive work on military strategies and tactics of its time, and still one of the basic texts. The Art of War is one of the oldest and most successful books on military strategy. It has had an influence on Eastern military thinking, business tactics, and beyond. Sun Tzu suggested the importance of positioning in strategy and that position is affected both by objective conditions in the physical environment and the subjective opinions of competitive actors in that environment. He thought that strategy was not planning in the sense of working through an established list, but rather that it requires quick and appropriate responses to changing conditions. Planning works in a controlled environment, but in a changing environment, competing plans collide, creating unexpected situations. Tourism Development


临沂导游词3篇 临沂市景区费县资源丰富,遍地是宝,具有很大的经济发展潜力和很多发展经济有力条件。以下是专门为你收集整理的临沂导游词,供参考阅读! 临沂导游词1 费县资源丰富,遍地是宝,具有很大的经济发展潜力和很多发展经济有力条件。一是地域宽广,气候温和,雨量充沛,具有发展农林牧副渔得天独厚的条件,全县盛产粮食、花生、烤烟、林果、禽畜及金银花、山楂等。二是矿产资源丰富主要有石灰石、花岗石、白云岩、粘土、陶土等。 其中白云岩储量为10亿吨,用途广,易开采;石灰石储量为60亿吨,适宜建年产百万吨的大型水泥厂;花岗石储量大,色泽鲜艳,花纹优美,质地优良,是很好的建筑装饰材料。三是交通通讯发达,兖石铁路横贯东西,公路四通八达,正兴建的北京至上海的高速公路贯穿境内,距现代化港口石臼港160公里岚山港110公里,50000门的程控电话与国内外通讯联络十分方便。四是有初具规模的工业基础。全县已建成门类比较齐全的轻纺、食品、化工、建材等行业的生产体系,有些产品不仅在省内外而且在国际市场上也享有一定的声誉。此外手工艺品生产历史悠久,风格独特,如草柳编、地毯、金星砚、天景石、园林石、抽纱等产品远销海内外。

五是水资源充足,全县共有大中型水库八座,总库容量亿立方充足,全县共有大中型水库八座,总库容量5。13亿立方充足,全县共有大中型水库八座,总库容量亿立方米,并具有水质优良,矿化度低,酸碱适中等特点。六是劳动力资源丰富,劳动者文化水平技术素质较高。改革开放以来,费县对外经济技术合作有了较大的发展。 外贸出口有粮油、食品、土产、畜产、轻工机械、丝绸、工艺品、抽纱等十三大类近120个品种,产品销往日本、东南亚、东欧、西欧、北美、港澳等30多个国家和地区,九七年出口创汇达1400多万美元。利用外资,引进先进技术设备已有了一个良好的开端,全县利用外资已达到2100多万美元。通过合资经营,国际租凭等方式,引进了一些先进的技术和设备,对纺织、塑料、轻工业和建材等行业的重点企业进行了技术必造,建设了一些新项目,合作各方都取得了较好的经济效益,为发展外向型经济打下了良好的基础。费县是对外经济技术合作和客商投资的理想地方,我们热诚欢迎港澳同胞,台湾同胞和世界各国工商,金融等各界人士前来费县进行合作,洽谈贸易。我们将认真贯彻执行对外开放政策,提供各种方便和优惠的条件,以进一步促进费县外向型经济的不断发展。费县地处沂蒙山南面,由于特殊的地理条件,形成了境内现有的丰富的艺术石材资源。她拥有令世界赞叹不已的园林奇石资源、天景石资源,还有燕子石和自古以来受文人墨客喜爱的金星砚。


美丽的临沂大峡谷精选作文 美丽的临沂大峡谷 我记得妈妈又一次带我去临沂大峡谷,我很快乐。 那天阳光绚烂,我和妈妈坐着车,时间太长了,我就在车上睡着了。不一会儿妈妈说:“宝贝起床了。”我一下子就跳了起来说:“什么,到了?”我就想打了一针兴奋剂一样跳了起来,把妈妈吓得都呆住了,可把我给笑的眼泪都流出来了。妈妈说:“好了好了,快下车吧。”可那时候已经下起了倾盆大雨加上雷声大作,幸亏我带了雨衣。 要进去了,我欢呼雀跃地冲了进去,我一进去就有许许多多的灯光模模糊糊的向我靠近,哦,原来是上面的彩石呀!我和妈妈继续往里面走,看见了一片绚丽多彩的彩石,我看见了有三块石头很特别,那块石头像观音菩萨,有的像龙的头,把我吓了一大跳,还有的像王字。后来我又去坐漂流了,好刺激,因为我看见了凶神恶煞的恐龙。要照相了,结果照了个闭着眼睛的。 要走了,我可真舍不得呀!再见了临沂大峡谷。 【写作指导:培养学生自己改精选作文的能力】 教育家叶圣陶先生说:“精选作文教学要重在培养学生的自改能力。”“我们应该有个共同的理解。修改肯定是作者份内的事。” 可是,实际情况呢?学生写精选作文,教师改精选作文,天经地议、约定俗成。尤其目前,教师改精选作文,更是辛苦——成摞的作业,夜以继日地从字词句标点到篇章构造,诲人不倦的批改。效果呢?

本子发下,学生看完分数就束之高阁。长此以往,循环往复,教师累月长年地流汗,学生周周期期地应付。 如何解决这一症结呢? 一、提高认识,更新评改观念。 从“矛盾论”的观点说,事物开展的根本原因在事物的内部,在于事物内部的矛盾性,外因通过内因起作用。外因是变化的条件,内因是变化的根据。假如教师不能把学习的主动权交给学生,不让学生发挥内在的积极因素,而是教师这个外因占主动地位,促使学生应付“公事”,造成学生逆反心理,怎么能获得好的教学效果呢?从“实践论”的观点说,人们认识事物总是遵循着实践——认识——再实践——再认识的规律进行的。假如教师在使学生获得知识的过程中,不让学生动脑、动口、动手,而是教师替代学生活动,那么,学生怎能对这些知识理解?怎能把知识转化为能力? 详细到完成一篇精选作文说,学生基本上要经过选材、构思、写作、修改几个步骤。教学中,大部分教师只重视前三步,不重视成文后,让其自己修改,进行自我反应、自我评价的后一步。布鲁纳说过“教师必须采取提供学习者最后能自行矫正的机能……”叶老主张让学生“自能精选作文”“自能改文”,这些教导都是从实践中总结归纳出来的真理,都是宝贵的经验。每个教师都要研究、施行这些先进的教育思想。要克制“不放心”、“怕费事”的思想。要下大功夫指导学生,提高他们自改精选作文的能力。 二、大胆实践,持之以恒,采取有效措施,教给学生评改精选作


临沂市基本情况 临沂市位于山东省东南部,辖3区9县和3个开发区,其中2个国家级开发区,人口1113万、面积1.72万平方公里,是山东省人口最多、面积最大的市。临沂是全国文明城市、全国双拥模范城市、中国优秀旅游城市、国家环保模范城市、国家卫生城市、国家森林城市,是中国物流之都、中国书法名城、中国温泉城、中国市场名城。 临沂历史文化底蕴深厚。建城已有2500多年,春秋时建启阳城,秦时属琅琊郡,汉代设临沂县,清设沂州府。1950年设临沂专区,1994年经国务院批准改设地级临沂市。临沂有着厚重的历史文化,闻名中外的《孙子兵法》、《孙膑兵法》竹简就出土于临沂城,孔子72贤徒中有13人生长在临沂,历史上24孝中有7孝在临沂。宗圣曾子、智圣诸葛亮、书圣王羲之、大书法家颜真卿和珠算发明家刘洪等都出生或曾生活在这里。 临沂有着光荣的革命传统。上世纪20年代初,中国共产党的创始人之一王尽美就在沂蒙山区传播革命真理。抗日战争和解放战争时期,八路军第一纵队、115师司令部、新四军军部、华东野战军总部及华东、山东党政机关曾长期驻扎在这里。刘少奇、陈毅、罗荣桓、徐向前、粟裕等老一辈无产阶级革命家都曾经在这里战斗工作过。当时沂蒙根据地420万人口,有120多万人拥军支前,21.4万人参军参战,10.5万名烈士英勇牺牲,涌现出红嫂、沂蒙六姐妹等一大批先模人物。在长期革命和建设实践中培育形成的沂蒙精神,与延安精神、井冈山精神、西柏坡精神一样,是党和国家的宝贵精神财富。 临沂生态环境良好。全市水资源总量60亿立方米,约占全省的六分之一,是全国水生态文明建设试点城市。沂河、沭河纵贯全市南北,城区有8条河流穿城而过,建有7座橡胶坝、8道节制闸,形成水面48平方公里。境内蒙山是国家5A级景区,被誉为“天然氧吧”和“养生长寿山”。拥有武河、沂河、东汶河等面积8公顷以上湿地270块,总面积5.5万公顷。全市森林覆盖率33.8%,市区建成区绿化覆盖率44.9%。 临沂商贸物流业发达。市区共有各类专业批发市场128处,其中有75处开展了国际贸易业务,商品辐射全国30多个省、市、自治区,远销20多个国家和地区,日客流量36万人次,车流量7万多辆。去年临沂商城交易额达到2687.4亿元,完成商品直接出口额56.9亿美元,同比分别增长28.2%和22.9%。临沂商城商贸业的繁荣发展带动了物流业的发展提升,已形成以立晨、华派克、荣庆等物流企业为龙头,天源、金兰等10多处物流货运基地为主体,40余家第三方物流公司、2000多配载业户为支撑的物流服务体系,物流网络覆盖全国1800个县城以上网点,通达几乎所有港口和口岸。 临沂发展充满活力。改革开放以来,临沂人民抢抓发展机遇,自力更生,艰苦创业,开拓进取,1995年临沂在全国18个连片扶贫地区中率先整体脱贫,2000年与全国同步基本实现小康,2011年综合实力跨入全国地级城市50强、列48位。2014年,全市实现地区生产总值3569.8亿元,同比增长10.1%,三次产业结构调整为9.5:46.2:44.3;公共财政收入251亿元,增长16.2%;固定资产投资2826亿元,增长16.2%;社会消费品零售总额2008.4亿元,增长12.8%;进出口总额107.9亿美元,增长14.4%;城镇居民人均可支配收入、农民人均纯收入分别达到30345元和11629元,增长10.3%和11.9%;城镇化率54.3%,中心城区面积210平方公里、人口200万人。上半年,全市实现生产总值1896.2亿元,增长6.2%;一般公共预算收入161.3亿元,增长12.3%;固定资产投资1270.6亿元,增长14.6%;社会消费品零售总额1073.8亿元,增长10.8%;出口总额27.8亿美元,增长1.2%。城镇人均可支配收入14728元、农村居民人均可支配收入5529元,分别增长7.1%和9.8%。


2017年山东省临沂市中考英语试卷 二、单项填空(共15小题,计15分)选择最佳答案. 1.(1分)This afternoon my grandfather bought a magazine and a newspaper.The magazine is in his bag,but he can't remember where he put ______newspaper.() A.a B.an C.the D./ 2.(1分)Paul went to the bookstore with some friend of________.()A.he B.him C.himself D.his 3.(1分)A couple from Australia welcomed five healthy babies ____January.()A.at B.in C.for D.on 4.(1分)﹣Do you plan to watch a talent show or a sports show tonight? ﹣______.I can't stand them.I plan to watch a sitcom.() A.Neither B.Both C.None D.Either 5.(1分)The little boy has just had lunch.He _____be hungry already.()A.must.B.mustn't C.can D.can't 6.(1分)My arm is still painful,_______I'm going to see a doctor.()A.so B.for C.but D.or 7.(1分)Doctors in the town are using the books______their studies and treat patients.() A.continue B.to continue C.continuing D.continues 8.(1分)When President Xi Jinping has spare time,he enjoys_______and sports.() A.read B.reads C.to read D.reading 9.(1分)They have collected more than 14,000 books since the library_____ last month.() A.built B.was built C.builds D.is built 10.(1分)In many eastern European countries,you are supposed to ______ your gloves before shaking hands.() A.take off B.shut off C.cut off D.put off


该怎样描述一座城-临沂 如何以一种客观和毫不矫情的词语来描述一座你已经与其共度了许多年的城?这一定是一个逐渐剥离的过程。你需要在一种抽丝剥茧的沉淀里,回望时间,和你与这座城共同经历的每一个与成长有关的细节,然后,在一种隔着距离的远望中,还原一段生命不断走向繁荣的历史,澄清一个人与一座城市如何开始变得息息相关、荣辱与共的问题。之后,你会突然发现,有许多模糊与犹豫的记忆开始变得清晰,有许多秘而不宣的故事开始愿意呈现。 就如同和你一起生长在这座城里的每一棵树、每一根草、每一种呼吸、每一个鲜活的生命,甚至是每一块砖、每一片瓦、每一座楼宇、每一条道路一样,见证,是彼此共同前行的最好说明,你不知不觉地就把握了这座城的脉搏律动,不知不觉地就与其保持了一种相同的迎风前倾的行走姿势,历经时光的洗礼,你终于完成了与一座城由隔离到融为一体的所有铺垫,于是,你看它的目光瞬间就发生了改变,由挑剔转向柔和,由旁观变为依恋。 你开始自觉自愿地想为它奉献溢美之词而始终感觉不足,你开始自觉自愿地想为它劳作流汗而始终感觉不够,甚至你开始自觉自愿地想为它倾力隐瞒那些秘而不宣的、唯有你知它知的成长细节而由此让自己变得鬼鬼祟祟、犹豫不决,你理所当然地就把自己视作了这座城的家里人,不再心存半点生分和异样。 时光至此,终于一切开始化解开来,空间也变得紧密,仿佛要去赴一场期待已久的相熟宴请,你与这座城开始知根知底,彼此间的话语也渐渐增多,谈笑的语气可以平稳也可以突然就变的任性犀利,情绪可以兴奋也可以没来由地就变的懈怠,你甚至可以在这场宴席上自顾自地忙活而不必担心被谁苛责或者揣测。自家人,随意总是最亲密的境界,你越发坦然地享用着来自这座城的抚慰、包容、自在和满足,因为你太熟悉它的每一点变化。 那拔地而起的楼群背后,你无论如何也不会忘记昔日的某一个街口,曾经有一位沉默寡言的修鞋匠,每日风雨无阻地端坐在那里认真地埋头劳作,他粗糙的手掌,朴实安详的模样,曾是你对这座城最初的印象。那些架构在城中每一条河流上的、或柔媚或壮观的桥梁,夜晚,霓虹之光经久闪烁,在它们的照耀下,你再不会像从前那样突然迷失了回家的方向。你的拘谨腼腆与起伏不定的心情,曾经像极了城里那些凹凸不平的道路,是你用信任和寸步不离的相守陪伴它们完成了今日华丽优美的转身与重构,而你也与这座城一样,在时光的锻造下脱胎换骨。你再不会为穿梭于这座城中最迂回曲折的巷道而感到惶恐紧张,再不会为分辨不清向前迈步的方向而踌躇不决,你渐渐在打点个人生计的岁月里变得婉转自如、游刃有余,你与这座城一样正变得越来越成熟和稳重,你无法再离开它。你已经适应了它变幻不断的容颜,由衷熟悉了这座城中每一条街道上所散发出来的独特的气息,你之于这座城,愈发像那丹凤朝阳中的凤、如虎添翼中的虎、狡兔三窟中的兔,你已然把自己历练成了这座城里一棵最结实健壮的庄稼,你自由自在地忙碌生长,无怨无悔地摸爬滚打,无论白天还是黑夜,你在不知不觉中就忽略了时光的流转,从来没有像现在这样平静和充满向上的力量。


临沂市高三教学质量检测英语2015.10 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) A One day I saw Harold, my neighbor, putting some metal sheets around the base of his tree where he kept his bird feeder(喂鸟器). I didn’t understand why until another neighbor explained to me that Harold was trying to keep the squirrels(松鼠)from eating the bird food. By putting the metal sheets around the base, Harold thought the squirrels wouldn’t be able to climb up the tree. The next morning, the food was gone. The following week Harold figured he’d put th e bird feeder on a string and hang it from the tip of one of the branches. I believe his thinking as that the squirrel couldn’t go out to the edge of the branch because the branch wouldn’t support the weight thereby(因此)not allowing the squirrel to get to the feeder. Next day, you got it, the food was gone, too. I felt sorry for Harold. Although Harold was stronger and smarter than the squirrel, he lacked the one quality that would guarantee him victory--focus. You see Harold thinks about ways of preventing the squirrel from gett ing the food on occasion, when he has time. The squirrel, on the other hand has its mind on getting that food 24 hours a day. The squirrels’ survival depends on it. Survival brings about, not just focus but an intense focus on solving a problem by removing an obstacle. Success is not about who is stronger. Success is not about who has a better GPA(平均分数). Success is about who is more focused and committed to achieving their objectives. You, the reader, can compete with any person no matter who they may be. The only thing you have to do is commit yourself to focusing on the very subject that interests you. 21.Harold was worried because the squirrel ________. A. ate his bird food B. hurt many of his birds C. could climb the tree quickly D. reached the end of the branches 22.What made the squirrel succeed according to the passage? A. Its cleverness. B. Its fixed attention. C. Its strength. D. Its very survival. 23.What does the writer advise you to do if you want to succeed? A. To be brave enough to compete with others. B. To try to keep your body healthy.


Hello, everyone, today I want to introduce my home town, linyi. First, I will show you its position. It locates the eastern south in Shandong province. In the picture, we can easily find it. Then, I will talk something about its history. On the history, it is a cultural city. Now I will introduce several famous historical figures In the picture, probably everyone acquaints with him very much, he is Zhuge Liang. Everyone may know that, he helped Liu bei to build up the country of shu with the ability of his genius and obtained very great achievement .but probably no one knows his home town, the answer is linyi. when he was six,to avoid war. he went to Longzhong in the Hubei province with his uncle In the next picture, we can see Wang Xizhi . Wang Xizhi often wrote by a pond and cleaned ink for a long time, at last the water turned black. The pond was known as the "ink tank." On a late spring day, Wang Xizhi together with his friends had a gather at Lanting where they drank wine and wrote poems with great delight. Wangxizhi wrote the preface to the collection of poems. The whole preface was known as The Orchid Pavilion. Wang xiang was also born in linyi. His stepmother want to eat carps when she was ill. but the river frozed for it is too cold, unable to capture. Wang xiang prayed naked on the ice. Suddenly, the ice broken, two carps leaped out from the cracks.


临沂介绍 蒙山高,沂水长,沂蒙山区好地方。素以沂蒙山区而著称的山东省临沂,位于山东省东南部,辖三区九县,面积1.72万平方公里,人口1000万,是山东省面积最大、人口最多的行政区。 临沂地处东南沿海,地理位置优越,区位优势明显,基础设施完善。区位上,东靠日照港、岚山港和连云港,属新亚欧大陆桥东方桥头堡范畴,处于山东和江苏两个经济大省的交界处,南北交汇,海陆兼济,发展空间广阔。经过建国后几十年的艰苦奋斗,临沂市已奠定了良好的发展基础。临沂飞机场通达全国十几个城市,京沪高速公路、日东高速公路、新亚欧大陆桥铁路、沿海铁路大通道在临沂市境内纵横交错,构成了一个非常便捷的陆海空立体交通主干网,加上不断完善的现代化通讯网,使得沂蒙大地对外联系的时空距离大大缩短,客流、物流、资金流、信息流在这里多纬交汇,内外双向互动,辐射海内外,一个大开放、大交融、大发展的格局已经初步形成。临沂市地貌类型多样,融北国的粗犷风光与南国的鱼米之乡风韵于一体,钟灵毓秀,仪态万方。北部是绵延起伏的群山,中部是逶迤的丘陵,南部是一望无际的冲积平原。北部的蒙山,以“天然氧吧”、“养生长寿”而闻名,横亘数百里,七十二主峰、三十六洞天,集险、奥、幽、旷、奇、雄、秀于一体,遥对泰山,雄奇壮美。蜿蜒的沂河,如镶嵌的玉带,纵贯全境,充满灵气。南部的临郯苍平原,沃野万顷,稻花飘香。优美的《沂蒙山小调》唱出了临沂无限秀美的风光。 临沂市是一块历史文化底蕴深厚的土地。几十万年前的沂河两岸就活动着人类祖先的足迹,临沂古城已有2400多年的历史。闻名中外的《孙子兵法》和《孙膑兵法》竹简就出土在这里,拥有精美的汉画像石刻的沂南北寨汉墓是国家级重点文物保护单位,临沂市博物馆存有文物万余件,其中国家级文物300余件。临沂还是一代名相诸葛亮、书圣王羲之、书法家颜真卿、算圣刘洪,以及曾子、匡衡、王祥等的故乡。他们灿若星辰,光照千秋,折射着沂蒙大地人杰地灵、钟灵毓秀的光辉。 临沂市是著名的革命老区。战争年代,沂蒙人民为抗击外来侵略和中国革命的胜利作出了巨大的贡献和牺牲,三万沂蒙的优秀儿女献身疆场。车轮滚滚的支前队伍、送子送郎参军的动人场面、红嫂的感人故事、名垂青史的孟良崮战役记下了这一段光荣的革命业绩。


临沂导游词 各位朋友大家好,首先请允许我做下自我介绍。我叫**,欢迎来美丽的沂蒙山区旅游。 我们沂蒙人民向来十分好客。初次见面没有什么好送给大家的,那就送给大家我们最喜欢的《沂蒙山小调》,希望能给带走大家旅途的疲劳,让大家有一个愉快的心情开始我们沂蒙山之旅(唱歌)。 在没有到达我们第一个景点之前我先给大家介绍一下我们的临沂及其主要的旅游景点。临沂市旅游局根据各个景区不同的特点把其分为四大类,用16各字概括就是红色风情、绿色沂蒙、文韬武略、地质奇观。 先说红色沂蒙.大家都知道,沂蒙山区是革命老区,抗日战争时期,罗荣桓元帅带领八路军东进山东,转战沂蒙。开辟了沂蒙山抗日根据地。临沂由此有了华东小延安之称,沂蒙红嫂故事家喻户晓;解放战争时期,闻名中外的孟良崮战役在这里打响,百万军中取上将首级不仅仅体现粟裕大将杰出的才能,更体现出老区人民对亲人子弟兵无私的爱。沂蒙六姐妹支援前线的故事在沂蒙大地代代相传。 再说,绿色风情。八百里沂蒙风光秀丽五百里沂河景色宜人蒙山是山东省第二高峰,因森林覆盖率极高。因而有天然氧吧之称。沂蒙山区三十六主峰,七十二崮,以纪王崮为依托的天上王城景区,充分体现了崮这种沂蒙山特有地形的风貌。山是临沂的脊梁,而水则是临沂的血脉。沂河支流汶河上的汶河漂流景区让您充分体验亲水乐趣。雪山彩虹谷中晴天见彩虹滑草、让您仿佛又回到童年! 文韬武略里的景区主要体现了临沂深厚的文化底蕴。临沂是书圣王羲之、智圣诸葛亮、算圣刘洪以及著名书法家颜真卿等历史名人的故乡。在王羲之故里您能体会到书圣著作《兰亭序》带给您的震撼。银雀山汉墓竹简博物馆出土的《孙子兵法》和《孙子兵法》让世界知道孙子和孙膑不是同一个人,成为新中国的十大考古发现。每年举办的书圣文化节已经成为临沂市民的一道文化大餐。 最后说地质奇观’’。为而引起这股热潮的正是以地下大峡谷、地下画廊、地下萤光湖等众多卡斯特溶洞景观群。所谓,地质奇观正是这些鬼谷神功的大自然杰作。地下大峡谷的地下暗河漂流,地下画廊的精美钟乳石,地下萤光湖闪烁的点点萤光,一样的喀斯特地貌,不一样的特色风味。地下奇观只有当您亲身走入其中,才能体味其中乐趣。


山东省临沂市2018年中考英语试题 注意事项: 1. 本试卷分第I卷 (选择题) 和第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题) 两部分,共10页。满分100分,考试时间100分钟。答卷前,考生务必用0.5毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、准考证号、座号填写在试卷和答题卡规定的位置。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 2. 答题注意事项见答题卡,答在本试卷上不得分。 第I卷(选择题共55分) 一、听力测试(共15小题,计15分) 注意: 听力测试分四部分,共20小题。做题时,请先将答案画在试卷上,录音内容结束后,将所选答案转涂到答题卡上。 (一) (2018·山东临沂)听句子, 选择与句子内容相对应的图片。每个句子读两遍。 1.________ 2._______ 3._________ 4._______ 5.________ (二) (2018·山东临沂)听对话和问题, 根据所听内容,选择最佳答案。对话和问题都读两遍。 6. A. Hardly ever. B. Once a month. C. Twice a month. 7. A. Because she had a headache. B. Because she looked after her sister. C. Because she stayed up to watch a film. 8. A. He likes musicians who play different kinds of music. B. He likes musicians who write their own songs. C. He likes musicians who play quiet and slow songs. 9. A . It’s on the top of the fridge.


中英文版描述我的家乡临沂 蒙山高,沂水长,沂蒙山区好地方。素以沂蒙山区而著称的山东省临沂,位于山东省东南部,辖三区九县,面积1.72万平方公里,人口1000万,是山东省面积最大、人口最多的行政区。 临沂地处东南沿海,地理位置优越,区位优势明显,基础设施完善。区位上,东靠日照港、岚山港和连云港,属新亚欧大陆桥东方桥头堡范畴,处于山东和江苏两个经济大省的交界处,南北交汇,海陆兼济,发展空间广阔。经过建国后几十年的艰苦奋斗,临沂市已奠定了良好的发展基础。临沂飞机场通达全国十几个城市,京沪高速公路、日东高速公路、新亚欧大陆桥铁路、沿海铁路大通道在临沂市境内纵横交错,构成了一个非常便捷的陆海空立体交通主干网,加上不断完善的现代化通讯网,使得沂蒙大地对外联系的时空距离大大缩短,客流、物流、资金流、信息流在这里多纬交汇,内外双向互动,辐射海内外,一个大开放、大交融、大发展的格局已经初步形成。临沂市地貌类型多样,融北国的粗犷风光与南国的鱼米之乡风韵于一体,钟灵毓秀,仪态万方。北部是绵延起伏的群山,中部是逶迤的丘陵,南部是一望无际的冲积平原。北部的蒙山,以“天然氧吧”、“养生长寿”而闻名,横亘数百里,七十二主峰、三十六洞天,集险、奥、幽、旷、奇、雄、秀于一体,遥对泰山,雄奇壮美。蜿蜒的沂河,如镶嵌的玉带,纵贯全境,充满灵气。南部的临郯苍平原,沃野万顷,稻花飘香。优美的《沂蒙山小调》唱出了临沂无限秀美的风光。 临沂市是一块历史文化底蕴深厚的土地。几十万年前的沂河两岸就活动着人类祖先的足迹,临沂古城已有2400多年的历史。闻名中外的《孙子兵法》和《孙膑兵法》竹简就出土在这里,拥有精美的汉画像石刻的沂南北寨汉墓是国家级重点文物保护单位,临沂市博物馆存有文物万余件,其中国家级文物300余件。临沂还是一代名相诸葛亮、书圣王羲之、书法家颜真卿、算圣刘洪,以及曾子、匡衡、王祥等的故乡。他们灿若星辰,光照千秋,折射着沂蒙大地人杰地灵、钟灵毓秀的光辉。 临沂市是著名的革命老区。战争年代,沂蒙人民为抗击外来侵略和中国革命的胜利作出了巨大的贡献和牺牲,三万沂蒙的优秀儿女献身疆场。车轮滚滚的支前队伍、送子送郎参军的动人场面、红嫂的感人故事、名垂青史的孟良崮战役记下了这一段光荣的革命业绩。 临沂市资源丰富,人民勤劳朴实,是一块充满活力的热土。从毛泽东同志批示过的历家寨,到全国第一个电气化村刘团村,再到艰苦奋斗的新典型罗庄、沈泉庄、九间棚,体现了临沂人民吃苦耐劳、自强不息的精神风貌。改革开放的春风使沂蒙大地生机勃勃,万象更新,工、农、商、旅、交通、城建、通讯、电力及各项社会事业全面进步,临沂批发城闻名全国,位居全国综合批发市场第三位,成为鲁、苏、豫、皖地区最大的商品集散地,现正致力于发展现代物流形式,建设区域性现代物流中心,一座历史古城正在以昂扬的姿态和崭新的面貌迅速崛起,发展成就令人刮目相看。 临沂市也是山东省的旅游资源大市。良好的生态环境,悠久的历史,昌达的文化和革命老区的光荣传统为临沂市提供了丰富多彩的高品位的旅游资源。立足这些旅游资源优势,近几年临沂市的旅游业快速发展。在“十五”计划中市委市政府又确立了具有临沂特色的“沂蒙好风光”战略,旅游开发突出了“绿色沂蒙”、“红色风情”、“文韬武略”三大主题,沂蒙旅游的形象和品牌正在越来越鲜明,越来越突出。临沂的明天会更美好,临沂旅游的明天也一定会更美好!


山东省临沂市的简介以及发展历程 地理位置 临沂市位于山东省的东南部,东部连接日照,地近黄海,西接枣庄、济宁、泰安,北靠淄博、潍坊。地跨东经117度24秒─119度11秒,北纬34度22秒─36度22秒,南北最大长距228公里,东西最大宽度161公里,总面积17184平方公里,是山东省面积最大和人口最多的地级市。 临沂市地图 简介 临沂市位于山东省东南部,地跨东经117度24秒─119度11秒,北纬34度22秒─36度22秒,南北最大长距228公里,东西最大宽度161公里,总面积17184平方公里,是山东省面积最大的市。 临沂,因濒临山东省第一大河沂河而得名;临沂市,是历史上著名的革命老区(属于沂蒙老区或叫沂蒙山区范围)。一直以来人们对临沂有一个错误的认识,认为临沂属于沂蒙山

区都是山,其实沂蒙山区是个人文概念,并不是地理概念,只是一个特定的称谓,山区只分布在几个县市内(主要在平邑县和蒙阴县),并不是说该区域内全部是山,整个沂蒙老区山地、丘陵、平原差不多各占三分之一。沂蒙山区是指以沂河流域和蒙山山系所经地区的总称,它的范围很广,它包括山东省临沂市、日照市、江苏省连云港市、徐州市为中心的广大地区,即临沂市的三区九县,日照市的绝大部分,淄博市的沂源县,潍坊市的临朐县,济宁市的泗水县,枣庄市山亭区部分,江苏省连云港市的赣榆、东海以及徐州市的邳州、新沂等县市的一部分地区等。临沂市 城市别称临沂市古称琅琊、沂州,又称水城、书法城、兵法城、凤凰城;近年来随着经济的腾飞,又被称为商贸城、物流之都、小商品城。城市定位具有国际知名度的现代商贸物流城、历史文化名城、滨水生态城、红色旅游城、鲁南制造业基地和区域性金融中心市花市树沂州海棠;银杏;2010年1月14日临沂市第十七届人大常委会第十四次会议第二次全体会议通过。 城市荣誉全国文明城市、中国优秀旅游城市、全国双拥模范城、国家环保模范城市、国家园林城市、中国市场名城、中国书法名城、中国地热城、全国社会治安综合治理优秀城市、全国平安家庭创建活动先进市、中国书圣文化之乡、中国诸葛亮文化之乡、全国卫生城市、中国温泉之城。火炬传递2008年7月21日下午奥运火炬“祥云”在“红色之都”山东省临沂市风景秀丽的滨河大道上胜利传递。共110名火炬手进行传递,全程5.6公里。 临沂市夜景 历史沿革 史前时代


临沂导游词 本文是临沂导游词,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 各位朋友大家好,首先请允许我做下自我介绍。我叫**,欢迎来美丽的沂蒙山区旅游。 我们沂蒙人民向来十分好客。初次见面没有什么好送给大家的,那就送给大家我们最喜欢的《沂蒙山小调》,希望能给带走大家旅途的疲劳,让大家有一个愉快的心情开始我们沂蒙山之旅(唱歌)。 在没有到达我们第一个景点之前我先给大家介绍一下我们的临沂及其主要的旅游景点。临沂市旅游局根据各个景区不同的特点把其分为四大类,用16各字概括就是“红色风情、绿色沂蒙、文韬武略、地质奇观。” 先说“红色沂蒙”.大家都知道,沂蒙山区是革命老区,抗日战争时期,罗荣桓元帅带领八路军东进山东,转战沂蒙。开辟了沂蒙山抗日根据地。临沂由此有了“华东小延安”之称,“沂蒙红嫂”故事家喻户晓;解放战争时期,闻名中外的“孟良崮战役”在这里打响,“百万军中取上将首级”不仅仅体现粟裕大将杰出的才能,更体现出老区人民对亲人子弟兵无私的爱。“沂蒙六姐妹”支援前线的故事在沂蒙大地代代相传。 再说,“绿色风情”。“八百里沂蒙风光秀丽五百里沂河景色宜人”蒙山是山东省第二高峰,因森林覆盖率极高。因而有天然氧吧之称。沂蒙山区“三十六主峰,七十二崮”,以纪王崮为依托的“天上王城”景区,充分体现了“崮”这种沂蒙山特有地形的风貌。山是临沂的脊梁,而水则是临沂的血脉。沂河支流汶河上的汶河漂流景区让您充分体验亲水乐趣。雪山彩虹谷中“晴天见彩虹”滑草、让您仿佛又回到童年! “文韬武略”里的景区主要体现了临沂深厚的文化底蕴。临沂是书圣王羲之、智圣诸葛亮、算圣刘洪以及着名书法家颜真卿等历史名人的故乡。在王羲之故里您能体会到书圣着作《兰亭序》带给您的震撼。银雀山汉墓竹简博物馆出土的《孙子兵法》和《孙子兵法》让世界知道孙子和孙膑不是同一个人,
