安乐死论文 英文版

安乐死论文 英文版
安乐死论文 英文版

Advantages of the Implementation of Euthanasia

Euthanasia, originated from the Greek, formerly refers to "happy death" or "dignified death". In several English dictionaries, it is explained as 〝painless death of a person with an incurable and miserable disease or of an aging person〞, or 〝the practice of killing without pain a person who is suffer from a disease that cannot be cured〞. Chinese scholars define euthanasia like this "to an incurable patient in critically ill critical condition, due to his physical and spiritual suffering, with the patient’s and their relatives’ request and after the doctor's approval, the operation of the method which lead the patient to die without pain〞(1).

In the 1930s, in American and some European countries scholars began to promote euthanasia. In American people established the "death without pain" society and British a "voluntary analogue death" community was built, people started activities related with euthanasia in order to achieve the legal admission.

Afterwards, legal issues about euthanasia have been discussed over the whole world; hence much progress has been achieved. Since 1980s, some developed western countries gradually passed some laws and regulations related to euthanasia. In China, June 1986, the first euthanasia case happened Shaanxi province, Hanzhong city. And in 1992, June 25, Shaanxi provincial higher people's court upheld this case in the second final -- not guilty plea (2). This case caused quite a sensation at that time, and proposed the issues of Chinese euthanasia. From then on, discussions about the issue have never stopped.

Virtually there are many advantages of implementing euthanasia, in terms of social, family, and the patients themselves. In this essay all the benefits will be elaborated respectively as follows. With regard to the social benefits, if the euthanasia is applied legally, not only the large amount of medicinal expense, but the medicinal resources can be saved reasonably.

Firstly, the implementation of euthanasia can reduce the social burden of medical expenses. According to statistics, there are 5 ~ 7 million vegetative patients in current China, consequently, in order to maintain these patients of medical expenses of the first year cost in hospital the cost is 10 to 30 million Yuan, and after hospitalization it costs about 6 ~ 9 million each year(5). Meanwhile every year the total money that needs to spend on the home treatment and nursing costs at least 1.5 million. Thus to maintain such is two much expensive and the big deal of money can be used in other more useful fields.

Secondly, euthanasia helps save more medicine resources and thus realizes a more reasonable distribution of them. As a developing country, all sorts of medical resources in the domestic market are still relatively in deficiency. However, patients without survival hope occupy medical equipment and medical personnel in long term, and they use a lot of medical drugs to continue a meaningless hope. This apparently is a serious waste to limited health resources. If these resources can be used for those more urgent and hopeful patients, they will receive an effective utilization. Thirdly, euthanasia does much good to the transplant of human organ. At present each country is faced with the human organ source shortage predicament. Since there are no enough organ sources, many patients die. If those seriously ill patients without curable hope can denote their organs after euthanasia, more alive patients will recover.

However, some people are against the implantation of euthanasia in the view that those hopeless patients have their own right to live and the society should not sacrifice their common rights. But as far as laws are concerned, euthanasia is implemented according to the patient, their

family and the doctor’s willing, therefore, it is an end of the patients’suffering rather than sacrifice.

If the opponents of euthanasia are against the social benefits as mentioned above, people can not ignore the requests of the patients themselves. For those who are seriously ill and incurable, a painless death is a satisfactory ending to them. Through euthanasia, they will die peacefully without the physical and spiritual suffering. 1971 in Dutch, a doctor helped her mother to apply euthanasia according to her mother’s request, thus her mother can rest after horrible torture. In this way both the patient and people around receive a resolution. For those who are against this issue and take this behavior as illegal, they should stand in the patients’ shoes and realize that they would rather die dignifiedly than suffering.

Meanwhile, it is not doubt that an incurable patient causes heavy burden to the family. Relatives of such patients have a moral obligation to take care of them. However, in the long run, both the nurse and seeing of patients’ torture put the whole family a lot of pressure. Meanwhile, there is still a great financial burden. As for the patients themselves, they would not let to see the family take so many troubles for them. So with the implementation of euthanasia, the patient can reduce the family’s emotional suffering as well as the economic burden.

On the contrary, some humanists argue that euthanasia shows the indifference and coldness of the family, which results in remote relationships among people. However, in the family’s perspective, it is just because they don’t want the patients to suffer any more that they agree to use euthanasia, which also is a manifestation of their love and care to the patient rather than being indifferent.

Every coin has two sides, and it is the same with the issue of euthanasia. People blame it for the shrinking of responsibility, human coldness and crimes it brings, at the same time many others are calling for the legalization of it. From the above elaborations, and take the consideration of the patients themselves, the family burdens and the social benefits, a conclusion can be drawn that advantages of euthanasia outweigh its disadvantages. Therefore, the permission of legalization of euthanasia should be advocated for the sake of the whole society.


1. 楚东平.安乐死[M].上海:上海文化出版社,1988:10.

2. 王晓慧.论安乐死[M].长春:吉林人民出版社,2004.

3. 欧阳涛:“安乐死的现状与立法”,载《法制与社会发展》1996年第5期.

4. 呼满红张晖《“安乐死”离我们有多远》载《民主与法制》2001年第11期.

5. He Nong &Zhu Xiaoying, a survey and analysis of social attitude toward euthanasia, Journal of Tianjin Manager College, 2009(04).

6. Zhang Wangqiang, The Analysis of the Necessity and Practicality of Euthanasia in China, Theory Research, 2010(14).

7. Li Yingxia, About Euthanasia, Manager Journal, 2009(09).

8. Nicolas p. Dictionary of Western Philology, The People’s Press, 2001:2.

9. John Rawls, A Theory of Justice, China Social and Science Press, 1998:3.

关于安乐死的经典案例 (1)

安乐死 一、案例: (国内)1986年6月23日,患者夏某因肝硬化晚期腹胀伴严重腹水,被送进 陕西汉中市某医院。看着母亲痛苦不堪的惨状,患者儿子王某和妹妹觉得母亲既然痛苦得生不如死,那么就要求医生对其母亲实施安乐死。6月28日,在王某等一再的央求下,医生蒲某开了一张100毫升的复方冬眠灵的处方,并注明是“家属要求安乐死”,王某在上面签了字,当天中午至下午,该院实习生蔡某和值班护士分两次给夏素文注射冬眠灵。同年9月,检察院以故意杀人罪将蒲某和王某批准逮捕,并于1988年2月向法院提起公诉。 1990年3月,汉中市人民法院对此案进行了公开审理,并报至最高人民法院。最高人民法院于1991年2月28日批复陕西省高级人民法院:“你院请求的蒲某,王某故意杀人一案,经高法讨论认为:安乐死的定性问题有待立法解决,就本案的具体情节,不提安乐死问题,可以依照刑法第10条的规定,对蒲某,王某的行为不做犯罪处理。”1991年4月6日,汉中市人民法院作出一审判决:“被告人王某在母夏素文病危难愈的情况下,产生并且再三要求主治医生蒲某为其母注射药物,让其无痛苦地死去,其行为显属剥夺其母生命权利的故意行为,但情节显著轻微,危害不大,不构成犯罪。被告人蒲某在王某再三要求下,同其他医生先后向危重病人夏素文注射促进死亡的药物,对夏的死亡起了一定的促进作用,其行为已属剥夺公民生命权利的故意行为。但情节显著轻微,危害不大,不构成犯罪。依照《中华人民共和国》刑法第十条,宣告蒲某王某二人无罪。”一审后,汉中市人民检察对一审判决两名被告行为不构成犯罪提起抗诉;蒲某和王某则对一审判决认定其行为属于违法行为不服提起上诉。汉中地区中级人民法院于1992年3月25日二审裁定:驳回汉中市人民检察院的抗诉和蒲某,王的上诉,维持汉中市人民法院的刑事判决。 另外,事隔近18年后,2004年5月,当初要求为母亲实施“安乐死”的王某 患胃癌并转移,向医院提出安乐死,被医院拒绝。2004年8月3日,王某病逝。(国外)


报名序号:146 周一 班 西南大学2015—2016学年度2学期通选课 《死亡现象解读——生死学引论》 课程考核论文 题目:安乐死的人道思考 姓名郑柯 学号 222015306011015 年级 2015级 专业心理学(师范) 学院心理学部 2016年 6 月 7 日

摘要:近些年安乐死引起人们越来越广泛的讨论。安乐死涉及到道德、法理、人伦、医学、社会关系、经济、哲学等多方面,与社会发展和人的发展息息相关,引起诸多争议并存在很多误解。本文从人道主义方面入手,解释安乐死的概念,讨论安乐死的人道合理化,并结合安乐死立法合法化纠纷问题和医学道德矛盾,探究安乐死对于人伦道德的挑战,最终提出并阐述尊重人权、支持有尊严的死去的观点,并提出安乐死程序严谨化初步设想。 关键词:安乐死人道主义合法化伦理尊严 正文: (一)背景:2001年4月,荷兰通过安乐死法案,世界瞩目。2014年,比利时通过安乐死合法化法案。回溯1948年《世界 人权宣言》第3条规定:“人人享有生命、自由和人身安全。” 相对的,世界范围内也存在大量反对安乐死的活动,比如澳大利 亚安乐死法案生效8个月后就被推翻。关于安乐死的问题长久以 来存在巨大的争议---支持者认为:安乐死结束痛苦过程,尊重人 权。反对者认为:安乐死有谋杀倾向,侵犯生命权利。随着医学 科技以及民众法律意识人权意识的进步,安乐死的争议愈加广泛。 (二)概念:首先,我们需要阐述安乐死的概念。安乐死,是英文euthanasia一词的汉译,最早源于希腊文euthanasia一 词,直译为“好的死”,本意为“快乐死亡”或“尊严死亡”; 在牛津词典中的解释为患痛苦的不治之症者之无痛苦的死亡;无 痛苦致死之术。以上两种定义从字面来看,存在强烈的感情色彩。 在很多征求安乐死意见的民意调查问卷中,往往得到对安乐死极 高的认同率。然而这种高认同率并非民众真实且明确的意图---一 是民众对于安乐死的概念相当模糊,二是“安乐”二字容易给人 带来好感,事实上“安乐死”这一名词倾向于拥抱死亡。三、如 果换一种说法,比如“仁慈杀死”,那么认同率就会大打折扣。所 以,安乐死的概念解释必须满足要让民众清楚明白和更加理智化 思考。 而在安乐死相关法案中,对于安乐死一般做出这样的规定: 一、病人自主意愿申请安乐死;二、医生确诊其身患绝症并承受 巨大痛苦;三、亲属同意。这三条规定细致展开必须符合如下条 件:1、病人做出申请安乐死时理智清醒,存在自主能力-相对为 病人身患绝症却丧失意识或是不具有自主能力的未成年,那么作 为其亲属或监护人提出的安乐死申请是否合理?是否是逃避社会 责任?是否是不尊重生命?是否违背人道主义对于弱者的关怀原 则?2、确诊绝症的医生要有两名甚至以上-相对为医生的医德可 靠与否(毕竟伪造病例谋求私利的医生不在少数)?协助安乐死 是否违背医生职责(常识认为:治病救人为医生天职,然而绝症 病人已经无法医治,在现代科技下,医生需要做的是尽最大努力


公共政策学 小组案例讨论 ——安乐死 小组成员: *** *** *** 杨于谦 等11人

“安乐死”案例分析 安乐死,一个令举世争议的重大医疗立法提案。首先遇到来自 医疗界的阻碍。传统观念中,医生救人,延长人的寿命是天职。医 生无论以什么手段结束病人的生命,无论是什么情况或者是什么人,都是医疗界无法接受的。英国医学专家约翰·怀厄特尖锐指出: “人为死亡不在医学范畴。”他说:“大多数医生和健康专家们认为,一旦在临床实践中引入人为死亡,医学的本旨就被改变了。它将变 成主观判定谁的生命更有价值。”医学就变成了一种社会工程学,缩短那些“没有价值的生命”。更大的阻力来自于患者家属的主观情绪,这种情绪往往是超越了理智的。他们热切的希望自己的亲人能够活 着哪怕多一分钟,但是他们并没有考虑过是怎么样的一分钟,很多 患者所承受的痛苦是炼狱式的折磨。他们求生不能,欲死不得,这 种痛苦,即使是亲人和朋友也无法体会。 合法安乐死的第一人 2003年11月10日荷兰一院(即上院)以46票赞成、28票反对 的结果通过了“安乐死”法案,这使得荷兰成为世界上第一个把安 乐死合法化的国家。法案规定,身患不治之症的病人在考虑成熟后,可自愿提出结束生命的书面请求,主治医生则应向患者详细陈述实 际病情和后果预测,并由另一名医生参与诊断和确诊,可实施“安 乐死”。法案还规定,实施“安乐死”的手段必须是医学方法。 2003年11月30日,在阿姆斯特丹,这是一极平常的日子,但 对托莱尔来说,这又不是平常的一天,因为她的母亲选择在当天与

所有的亲朋好友诀别。这也是荷兰议会顺利通过安乐死合法的第二天。上午10时,托莱尔和她的二个姐妹、孩子们及其他朋友,等待牧师走进了家门,祈祷后,两名医生随后也进来了。房间布满鲜花。老母亲躺在床上,吃力地试图做出某种表情,对来人一一含笑。她今年71岁,她是一位非常开明的退休教师,几年前得了不治之症。几个月前,她就提请医生给她实施安乐死,以减轻自己的痛苦,并且已经获得了两位主治医生的同意。开始,托莱尔坚决不同意,但看到母亲一直在经受地狱般的折磨,拗不过老母亲的强求,在与姐妹们商量之后决定同意。老太太吃力地点了点头,托莱尔流着眼泪,下令关灯,同时点起蜡烛,播放了妈妈爱听的音乐。有人轻轻地,轻轻地抽泣,医生则用他颤抖的手给老太太注射了致命的药物,一会儿,老太太走了,但她是含笑走的…… 1.安乐死是政策问题吗?如果是,是什么类型的政策问题?若不是,那么你的理论依据是什么? 答:关于对安乐死是不是政策问题的回答,不能给出某个一定的答案。政策问题是指基于特定的社会问题,由政府列入政策议程并采取行动,通过公关行为希望实现或解决的问题。 在某些国家,安乐死问题已经被政府列入政策议程并合法化,属于政策问题,如瑞典、荷兰、比利时、日本、美国的一些州等;在中国,虽然有不少安乐死合法化的提案,但安乐死问题尚未被政


浅谈安乐死及其人性关怀 中文摘要:安乐死作为一种备受争议的死亡方式,现已成为一个国际化的 问题。人处于极度的痛苦之中,是否应该实施安乐死,这是对人类道德底线的一种挑战。社会各界均以不同的态度来面对,中国的相关立法方面对此问题仍有很多欠缺之处。到底安乐死的积极与不积极的因素有哪些,我们应该如何看待这些问题,值得深思。 英文摘要:Euthanasia as a controversial manner, now an international problems. In extreme pain, whether it should be euthanized, this is a human moral bottom line. With the social from all walks of life are different attitude to the relevant legislation in China, there are still a lot of problems to lack. What euthanasia and positive positive factor is what, how should we treat these problems, and thoughtful. 关键词:安乐死、关怀、道德、Euthanasia,、caring、moral 引言:安乐死的研究对于人类社会具有重要意义,我们不可回避,了解它将加深我们对人文关怀的理解,抓住人性的弱点,更能正确地理解死亡。 1.安乐死百科 1.1安乐死的定义 安乐死指对无法救治的病人停止治疗或使用药物,让病人无痛苦地死去。“安乐死”一词源于希腊文,意思是"幸福"的死亡。它包括两层含义,一是安乐的无痛苦死亡;二是无痛致死术;我国的定义指患不治之症的病人在垂危状态下,由于精神和躯体的极端痛苦,在病人和其亲友的要求下,经医生认可,用人道方法使病人在无痛苦状态中结束生命过程。 1.2安乐死的一些方式 1.2.1注射氰化物 在注射催眠剂使患者入眠的情况下,注射氰化物而导致患者死亡。 1.2.2口服安眠药


Do you approve of mercy killing? Why or why not. A: What do you wanna talk today? B: I was reading a book about mercy killing these days. And I am a bit confused. A: What did the book say? B: What is in the book is not important, I am wondering what you think of it. A: Me? This is like such a big question. You know. The mercy killing has been becoming a hot topic around the world, and fierce discussion about its legalization occurs at home and abroad. But to me, it is too difficult to say. B: No, no. I’m serious. Think about it. I know death is just part of life, I mean should a doctor leave patients lying there in beds, watching them suffer from throes, or give them some medicines to let them die? A: I don’t know. I’m not a doctor. B: What would you do if you were a doctor? A: Well. I guess one of a doctor’s duties is to prevent suffering. And I heard that some countries had allowed the euthanasia in law. But the most important thing is that different cultures may have different attitudes to this matter. In China I think many people could not approve of it. B: So let them die in pain? I don’t think that’s a good idea. For these patients who can never be cured, death is unavoidable to them, so putting the mercy-killing into practice is the best way to let them get rid of the great pain. And these patients have to suffer from the pain, at the same time, their family members have to stand the burdens economically or mentally, as a result, their family bread down. A: ut it is like killing, which sounds a little controversial. B:I don’t think so. Everyone has the right and freedom to manage their own final destiny, such as refuse any cure. And thus right also includes the freedom of choosing to die as well as the ways of death, even when it's necessary to ask somebody else to end their life. A:I don’t agree with you in this respect. According to your statement, suicide also should be approved of? It is a legal society today. But we also live in a moral society. If we break the basic rules we have followed for thousand years, our society will be a mess. I don’t think that’s a good thing.

安乐死论文 英文版

Advantages of the Implementation of Euthanasia Euthanasia, originated from the Greek, formerly refers to "happy death" or "dignified death". In several English dictionaries, it is explained as 〝painless death of a person with an incurable and miserable disease or of an aging person〞, or 〝the practice of killing without pain a person who is suffer from a disease that cannot be cured〞. Chinese scholars define euthanasia like this "to an incurable patient in critically ill critical condition, due to his physical and spiritual suffering, with the patient’s and their relatives’ request and after the doctor's approval, the operation of the method which lead the patient to die without pain〞(1). In the 1930s, in American and some European countries scholars began to promote euthanasia. In American people established the "death without pain" society and British a "voluntary analogue death" community was built, people started activities related with euthanasia in order to achieve the legal admission. Afterwards, legal issues about euthanasia have been discussed over the whole world; hence much progress has been achieved. Since 1980s, some developed western countries gradually passed some laws and regulations related to euthanasia. In China, June 1986, the first euthanasia case happened Shaanxi province, Hanzhong city. And in 1992, June 25, Shaanxi provincial higher people's court upheld this case in the second final -- not guilty plea (2). This case caused quite a sensation at that time, and proposed the issues of Chinese euthanasia. From then on, discussions about the issue have never stopped. Virtually there are many advantages of implementing euthanasia, in terms of social, family, and the patients themselves. In this essay all the benefits will be elaborated respectively as follows. With regard to the social benefits, if the euthanasia is applied legally, not only the large amount of medicinal expense, but the medicinal resources can be saved reasonably. Firstly, the implementation of euthanasia can reduce the social burden of medical expenses. According to statistics, there are 5 ~ 7 million vegetative patients in current China, consequently, in order to maintain these patients of medical expenses of the first year cost in hospital the cost is 10 to 30 million Yuan, and after hospitalization it costs about 6 ~ 9 million each year(5). Meanwhile every year the total money that needs to spend on the home treatment and nursing costs at least 1.5 million. Thus to maintain such is two much expensive and the big deal of money can be used in other more useful fields. Secondly, euthanasia helps save more medicine resources and thus realizes a more reasonable distribution of them. As a developing country, all sorts of medical resources in the domestic market are still relatively in deficiency. However, patients without survival hope occupy medical equipment and medical personnel in long term, and they use a lot of medical drugs to continue a meaningless hope. This apparently is a serious waste to limited health resources. If these resources can be used for those more urgent and hopeful patients, they will receive an effective utilization. Thirdly, euthanasia does much good to the transplant of human organ. At present each country is faced with the human organ source shortage predicament. Since there are no enough organ sources, many patients die. If those seriously ill patients without curable hope can denote their organs after euthanasia, more alive patients will recover. However, some people are against the implantation of euthanasia in the view that those hopeless patients have their own right to live and the society should not sacrifice their common rights. But as far as laws are concerned, euthanasia is implemented according to the patient, their


Euthanasia Euthanasia or mercy killing which aims to induce the painless death of a person for triggers assumed to be merciful, including four types for instance voluntary and direct, involuntary and direct, and so forth, is one of the biggest controversial issues of this decade. People who oppose to mercy killing argue that the euthanasia interferes with laws of nature, especially to those who share sincere religious beliefs, it is a desecration to the God. Also assisted death or assisted suicide may contribute to crime of people illegally taking advantage of it to deprive other people of their life, which is disguised violation of the right to life. When it comes to me, whereas, euthanasia helps to relieve terminally ill patient from agonizing pain, which not merely fulfills one's desire for a self-determined death but also set aside their family from the pain of having to witness torture that the patient does not need to bear. Additionly, Death as nature as birth, is sometimes a process that require assistance, and mercy killing one of such help. A case in point is that when one is under extreme suffering in the body and spirit and the overwhelming existence of life become a nightmare, assisted suicide may be a good way. Finally, when one is suffering a sever and incurable disease which we can not even cope with, euthanasia can be a choice for it being not contempt for life or moral decline, but a form of respect for life.


安乐死案例分析 马悦旅游132班 22213202 安乐死,一个令举世争议的重大医疗立法提案。首先遇到来自医疗界的阻碍。传统观念中,医生救人,延长人的寿命是天职。医生无论以什么手段结束病人的生命,无论是什么情况或者是什么人,都是医疗界无法接受的。英国医学专家约翰·怀厄特尖锐指出:“人为死亡不在医学范畴。”他说:“大多数医生和健康专家们认为,一旦在临床实践中引入人为死亡,医学的本旨就被改变了。它将变成主观判定谁的生命更有价值。”医学就变成了一种社会工程学,缩短那些“没有价值的生命”。更大的阻力来自于患者家属的主观情绪,这种情绪往往是超越了理智的。他们热切的希望自己的亲人能够活着哪怕多一分钟,但是他们并没有考虑过是怎么样的一分钟,很多患者所承受的痛苦是炼狱式的折磨。他们求生不能,欲死不得,这种痛苦,即使是亲人和朋友也无法体会。“汉中案件”可谓中国生命伦理学的第一案。案件大致如此: 1984年10月,患者夏素文,59岁,被医院诊断为“肝硬化腹水”。1986年6月,病情加重,被送入汉中市传染病院肝炎科住院诊疗。经该院肝炎科主任、主治医师蒲连生诊断为:1、肝硬化腹水;2、肝性脑病(肝肾综合症状);3、渗出性溃疡并褥疮2-3度。入院后的第三天,病人烦燥不安,于1996年6月28日清晨开始昏睡,8时医院查房,夏素文的儿子王明成向该院院长雷某询问病情,雷某答:“病人送得太迟,已经不行了”。王听后,要求为其母实施安乐死,免受痛苦,雷回绝。9时,王明成及其妹王晓玲来到蒲连生办公室,要求为其母实施安乐死,蒲先回绝,在王明成兄妹表示愿意承但责任后,蒲开了100毫克复方冬眠灵的处方,注明家属要求“安乐死”,王明


中国农业大学 课程论文 (2015-2016学年春季学期) 论文题目:论安乐死的合法化 课程名称:马克思主义原理概论 任课教师:刘荣华 班级:车辆工程 153 学号:2015307070305 姓名:

论安乐死的合法化 摘要:安乐死的理论和实践都有很久的历史,可安乐死的争议却一直持续不断。安乐死在社会中的争议涉及到了多种多样的方面。本文从论述安乐死的历史发展,到论述安乐死的行为分类,安乐死的实施条件和我国安乐死的历史和现状,再讲述我国大学生对于安乐死的看法、分析其心理现象。 关键字:安乐死立法大学生 安乐死产生与发展历史渊远,患有某些危重疾病和不治之症而又生命垂危的的患者可以选择结束自我这段痛苦的历程,可是随着科学技术的发展,利用现有的科学技术手段和一定的资源可以继续维持这些人员的生命。我们是应该继续消耗有限的资源去维持患者的机体生命?还是应该支持安乐死,让患者不在遭受到病痛的折磨?这是我们一直所争议的。 一、安乐死的历史 1.1安乐死的定义与形成原因 安乐死是一种选择死亡的权利。安乐死一词源于希腊文euIhanasia,原意为无痛苦死亡,它包括两层含义:一是安乐的无痛苦死亡;二是无痛致死术。一般而言,是指对无法救治的病人停止治疗或使用药物,让病人无痛苦的死去。在古希腊,“安乐死”这一概念首先出现在哲学领域而非医学用语。柏拉图在其著作《理想国》中曾这样表述:“身体不好者应任其死去,灵魂不好者应将之杀死”。直到二战之后,安乐死成为医学领域的专业术语。目前国内外学者普遍认为安乐死是患不治之症的病人在垂危状态下,由于精神和躯体的极端痛苦,在病人及其亲友的要求下,经过医生认可,用人道的方法使病人在无痛苦状态中结束生命的过程。安乐死的目的是通过人工调节和控制,使死亡呈现出一种良好的状态,以避免精神和肉体的痛苦折磨,达到舒适和愉快,即改善死者濒临死亡时的自我感觉状态,维护死亡时的尊严。从某种意义上来说,安乐死不是对生或死的选择,而是对死亡状态的选择,以实现“优死”。1而对于安乐死的形成原因多种多样,其一、患不治之症的病人在垂危状态下,由于精神和躯体的极端痛苦,在病人和其亲友的要求下所产生。其二、,患者已经丧失了对生存的渴望,为了避免继续浪费有限的治疗资源或者对家庭,于是决定实行对自己的安乐死。其三、涉及到患者的精神层次,患者不想苟延残续下去,想更有尊严的选择死亡。 1.2安乐死的历史 安乐死的说法自古有之。斯巴达人为了保持健康和活力,处死生来就存在病态的儿童。虽然这种行为并为征求被处死的儿童的意见,但毫无疑问它满足了安乐死最为重要的要件:病人在他人的协助下加速死亡的过程,且协助人不被追究责任。因此,这可以看作安乐死的 1百度百科,安乐死, https://www.360docs.net/doc/1617378932.html,/link?url=Z1PBD4ndaDiXrN9NZPxjU0zeJzQ7p4ouaRdwrbIMu_HQcIxki3PEmdcrQ7pmg ORJAzWUuOtwIoKluF9ISa8AMK#reference-[2]-18799-wrap


The euthanasia The fast advance of medicine and life–extending technologies enable life to be prolonged.The euthanasia has been becoming the hot topic around the world, and questioned discussion about its legalization occurs at home and abroad. In my opinion, the euthanasia is mercy. It can help hopeless ill patients to dead qucikly,relieve them from the pain , For these people,the quality of life is the foundation value of life .For these patients who can never be cured, death is unavoidable to them, so the euthanasia is the best way to let them away from great pain. And these patients have to suffer from the pain, at the same time, their family members have to stand the expensive medical expenses and the great hurt mentally, "We mustn't delay any longer …swallowing is difficult …and breathing, that's also difficult. Those muscles are weakening too …we mustn't delay any longer."the words from a Dutchman asked his doctor to help him die. At that time ,he was no longer able to speak clearly and he knew there was no hope of recovery and that his condition was rapidly get worse. Therefore,it's merciful for the doctors to help these patience come to an end of their life with the euthanasia. In addition, to reduce the pain of the patients is one of the doctors' duty, so euthanasia. is moral. To be frank, everyone has the right and freedom to manage their own final destiny, such as refuse any cure. And thus right also includes the freedom of choosing to die as well as the ways of death, even when it's necessary to ask somebody else to end their life. In a word .I want to call on the legitimization of the euthanasia.let the patients get rid of the struggle between life and death as soon as possible.


开庭时间:2008年12月25日 开庭地点:苏州科技学院模拟法庭刑事审判庭 出庭人员: 1.审判人员:审判长李丹彤、审判员王招盼、李晓晓;书记员:李琳; 2.公诉人:东海省山河市人民检察院检察员乞国昭、房媛媛; 3.被告人:于文清; 4.辩护人:尹丽莹,助理:邹彤,东海仁和律师事务所律师; 5.证人:陈妍、王晓娇。 案由:故意杀人 案情:被告人于文清与被害人张洁(被告人的母亲)多年来一直相依为命,他们没有工作也没有劳保,生活条件始终比较困难。2010年10月12日,被害人突然瘫倒在家门口,不省人事。被告人立即将她送到泗水区人民医院接受治疗,主治医生诊断为脑溢血且深度昏迷。被告人几乎天天去医院陪夜,自己服侍母亲,每隔两三个小时为母亲翻身、擦身、换尿布。在住院的五十多天中,被害人的病情丝毫没有好转,吃不进饭,大小便失禁,但是可以进行简单语言交流。医生告诉被告人,这病没什么治疗希望了,老人只能靠注射葡萄糖维持生命。眼见母亲治愈无望,经济日趋窘迫,更不忍心看着母亲痛苦万分的表情,2010年12月3日,被告人将其母亲接回了家。第二天下午,在犹豫与矛盾中痛苦挣扎了一天一夜的被告人决定亲自对其母亲实施“安乐死”。他用两条浸泡了盐水的湿毛巾绑在其母亲的手臂上,再用两根铁丝绕在毛巾外,接通了电源,致使被害人遭电击而亡。当晚,被告人向公安机关投案自首。 ★【开庭前准备阶段】 [书记员](书记员入庭,查明当事人及其他诉讼参与人到庭情况)请全体旁听人员保持安静,现在宣读法庭规则: 1.所有人员必须服从审判长的指挥; 2.任何人对合议庭及其成员有意见,均不得当庭指出,可以在休庭后以书面形式提出;


安乐死论文4篇 安乐死论文精选(一): 试论安乐死制度实施过程中的生命权保障研究 论文摘要安乐死处在法律与道德、个体与社会等各方面的冲突和矛盾中,价值决定与事实选取并存,合法化争论异常激烈。但就生命权的内涵而言,生命利益支配权理应是生命权的重要资料,这也是安乐死合法化的权利基础。虽然中国没有立法确认安乐死,但不可否认安乐死合法化是现代礼貌社会发展的必然产物。因此,制定专门的安乐死法,规定严格的法定条件和程序对于在安乐死制度实施过程中的生命权保障是必不可少的。 论文关键词安乐死生命权合法化条件 一、问题的提出 2019年2月17日,武汉市一女子因身患癌症饱受病痛折磨,又无经济来源负担医疗费用,申请安乐死未果,所以对生活失去信心而将自我活活烧死。这无疑是一个令人心痛的杯具,叹息之余,安乐死又进入了人们的视野之中。事实上,关于安乐死的讨论由来已久,讨论的焦点主要在于安乐死的合法化问题。2019年,肌无力患者李燕在网上公布了她想透过全国两会代表提交的《安乐死申请》议案,并在博客上讲述她的苦难,强烈地呼吁安乐死合法化。央视《大家看法》栏目对此个性制作李燕申请安乐死事件的专门节目,一时之间,安乐死是否能够合法化成为大家讨论的热点。由于安乐死本身涉及的领

域十分广泛,不一样的社会成员价值取向也不一样。因此,对于安乐死的讨论从一开始就充满了理性与情感、个体与社会、传统观念与现代精神、科学理论与社会实践等多方面的冲突和矛盾。其中,关于安乐死合法化的争议构成了赞同与反对两种立场鲜明、针锋相对的观点,两方的争论更是异常激烈。总的来看,关于安乐死的争议主要体此刻以下几个问题上: 第一,生命观。赞成者以生命质量论为依据,认为生命质量是衡量生命价值高低的终极标准,指出个体的人具有社会属性和社会价值,具有最低层次的生命质量是一个人存在于这个世界的必要理由。反对者则以生命神圣论为依据,认为生命是神圣不可侵犯的,生命于人而言具有至高无上性,一切应以人的生命为最高目标。 第二,生存权利。赞同者认为生命属于个人,个人有选取生存的权利,包括生存的方式与死亡的方式。安乐死便是在特殊状况下一种特殊的处分自我生命的方式,并没有损害国家、社会和他人的利益。反对者则认为生命的存在是实现生存权利的前提,安乐死有悖于生存权利。 第三,社会效果。赞同者指出社会资源是有限的,允许濒临死亡的危重病人安乐死能够节约医疗资源。反对者则认为每个人都是社会的组成部分,对病人进行救治是社会的职责和义务,以节约资源为名而对危重病人实施安乐死,是对个人基本生存权利的侵犯,违背了社会公正。 二、安乐死的合法化问题


The protagonist of the "Death doctor" is a very special doctor, his work is send these people who are suffering pain and incurable patients calm into heaven, rather than to save the dying patients.However, his practice is contrary to the traditional values of the United States, therefore, it’s controversial and criticized. The furore was over when jack has been sentenced to prison. However, the debate on euthanasia is still continuing. This is a film that deals with medical reform and euthanasia. The biggest argument in the film is the right to life and death, especially death. According to customary law, suicide is indeed a crime. Jack argues that this is a chaotic medieval darkness, should be completely abandoned, the process of law is too slow, euthanasia in many countries such as Europe have been supported, why in the United States which claims to be dominated by democracy and freedom, is still subject to those stupid medieval customary law, subject to people backward thinking. Everyone has the freedom to pursue a better life, and everyone has the power to choose the end of life. From the humanitarian point of view, I can not deny the correctness of euthanasia. The ultimate pain of the body will completely deprive all the meaning and pleasure of a person's life, which is not the same as the spiritual distortions.It's hard to imagine that you're still trying to accuse her of violating ethics by calling her immoral. The health of the disease before and after the twisted shape formed a very sharp contrast. In any case are not cured, linger to live, it is better to leave as soon as possible calm. As a doctor, he knows how to respect life. And the young athlete, because after the injury can not continue his beloved movement, which into a severe depression, that life is meaningless, he asked to be euthanized, but the application was rejected by Jack. As a doctor, he still knows how precious his life is. Now, there are many Chinese who need Jack's death doctor to "save" the people, but how many relatives agree with the patient as early as heaven? I think life is not how long can be happy, is whether to do their own responsibility, only their own responsibility to do so before they can be worthy of the day, overlooking ashamed. I do not want euthanasia to get the support of the majority, but if that day really comes,
