

Teaching Plan for Test Techniques For Nonfinite Verbs

Class 27 Senior 3 Nong Zhiying

I. Lesson type (课型): Grammar lesson, a review lesson.

II. Teaching aims(教学目标):

Enable students to understand and use the nonfinite verbs correctly in grammar filling and errors correction.

III. Teaching focus(教学重点):

1. Enable students to judge the predicate verbs in a sentence.

2.Get students to master the steps of doing nonfinite verbs exercise.

IV. Difficult points (教学难点):

1.How to make students understand and use nonfinite verbs correctly.

2.Develop students creativity to create their own ways to remember grammar rules. VI. Teaching aids(教具):

A computer, a blackboard

VII. Teaching methods (教学方法) :

1.Task-based teaching approach



IX. Teaching procedures(教学过程):


Teaching Plan for Test Techniques For Nonfinite Verbs Class 27 Senior 3 Nong Zhiying I. Lesson type (课型): Grammar lesson, a review lesson. II. Teaching aims(教学目标): Enable students to understand and use the nonfinite verbs correctly in grammar filling and errors correction. III. Teaching focus(教学重点): 1. Enable students to judge the predicate verbs in a sentence. 2.Get students to master the steps of doing nonfinite verbs exercise. IV. Difficult points (教学难点): 1.How to make students understand and use nonfinite verbs correctly. 2.Develop students creativity to create their own ways to remember grammar rules. VI. Teaching aids(教具): A computer, a blackboard VII. Teaching methods (教学方法) : 1.Task-based teaching approach 2.Discussion 3.Exploration IX. Teaching procedures(教学过程):


非谓语动词公开课教学设计 一、教学设计 (一)背景 1.主题语境: 非谓语动词就是高中英语得重点语法项目,也就是高考语法填空与短文改错得必考点。本课在使学生了解非谓语动词得语法知识后,设计一系列得练习,从单句语法填空到单句改错,图片描述,到语篇运用填空,再到书面表达中得扩写句子,层层深入,为最终写作得应用做好铺垫。且在写作操练中设定了环境保护这一个主题语境,不仅贴近当前社会生活实际,更重要得就是能够让学生在练习使用非谓语动词得多种形式时,了解跟环境相关得知识,为学生提供运用知识得平台,从而把语言得语法形式、意义与运用有机地结合起来。 2.语篇类型: 本课设计以学生为中心出发,引导学生从词汇与句法上分析非谓语动词得语法形式,创设学习非谓语动词得形式得篇章语境。然后通过口头陈述、观察例句、单句描述等活动为后续得篇章练习服务,深化对语篇语境得解读,努力使语言教学从碎片化走向整合化、情境化与结构化。 3.授课时长:40分钟 (二)文本分析 本课所选句子及篇章首先遵循从学生实际水平出发得原则,力求使学生在了解词汇掌握句子得情况下感知非谓语动词得语法知识。在此基础上,设计多样有趣得句子提升学生兴趣,调动课堂氛围,同时兼顾所选文本对社会主题知识得辅助作用。 (三)学情分析 学生为高二文科普通班学生,虽学英语多年,但整体基础较为薄弱,且英语单词量严重缺乏,对高中语法知识没有深入了解。因此,应特别注意导学案得难度深浅设计以及课堂教学方法得趣味性与多变性,尽量使学生能有兴趣主动参与到课堂中来。 (四)教学目标 基于新课标得要求,本节课得教学目标主要分为以下几点: 1.语言知识:通过本节课得学习,使学生能够初步了解什么就是非谓语动词,会判断何时使用非谓语动词,并且能够在运用中选择使用正确得非谓语动词形式。 2.文化知识:在学习非谓语动词形式得过程中,接触多种话题,在最后一个读写任务中深化对环境保护得知识。 3.语言技能:能够运用非谓语这一语法知识完成各种练习题型,提高解题能力;通过小组讨论合作,锻炼学生与人交际得能力。


非谓语动词专项复习之 教学设计 1.导入 通过以下5 个题目,让学生在完成题目后划分句子结构,找出主语,谓语动词。对于第4 和第5 小题,询问学生所填答案在句中所作成分,并以此推出非谓语动词的概念。 1.(2017,江西)Eventually the dog (stop) barking and the man was able to touch it. 2.(2016, 泰安)On the way they had to cross a river. After crossing they (want) to be sure whether all were there. 3.It is because we are different and each o f us (be) special. 4.(2015, 北京) (enjoy)themselves in the sunshine, people jumped and cheered. 5.(2016, 海口)Classes 2.非谓语动词 (teach) in English provide students with a better environment. 根据以上五个小题,让学生完成关于非谓语动词的概念的填写。重点在于非谓语动词在句中所作的成分,尤其是本节课的落脚点——非谓语动词做状语和定语。 非谓语动词是指在句子中的动词,主要包括分词(和),和。非谓语动词除了不能独立作谓语外,可以充当状语、定语、宾语、宾补、主语、表语等。

在引出非谓语动词的概念和在句中所作成分后,针对非谓语动词的三种形式进行变形训练,完成变形后,对其在句中所表达的意义进行初步的解释。 3.1. 非谓语动词做状语 1.To pass the college entrance exam, we must work hard. 不定式to do 在此处做. 从翻译入手,引导学生对to do 做目的状语有充分的认识。 2.Tom took a taxi to the airport, only to find his plane high up in the sky. 不定式to do 作,常表示令人意外的结果。 他尽快地赶回家,却发现房子已经被偷了。 He drove home as quickly as possible, . 不定式做结果状语对于学生而言比较陌生,从句子意义入手可能更容易理解,同时,在学生明确该语法项目后,针对该语法现象立刻进行翻译练习,加深记忆。 3.不定式to do 常用于“主语(物)+系动词+形容词+to do”结构中。 这类形容词有:easy, difficult, hard, cheap, expensive, fit, comfortable, heavy, good, important, impossible, dangerous 等,表示主语的特征或性质,不定式和句子主语之间存在被动关系,但常用主动形式表示被动意义。 The morning air is so good to breathe that he gets up early every day. 这个问题很容易解决。(翻译) 在一轮复习时,该语法项目已经在课上有所讲解,但是学生可能有所遗忘。例句出现后,


非谓语动词公开课教案 范文大全> 好词> :非谓语动词公开课教案以下是非谓语动词公开课教案的正文: 第一篇:《非谓语动词在语法填空的运用公开课教案》 Topic :the Uses of Non-finite Verb in the NMET 2011.12.7 Teaching goals: Knowledge aims:

1. Have Ss master the base structures of non-finite verbs 2. Enable Ss to solve problems in the passage through the methods Ability aims: 1. have Ss master the ability to analyse the structure of the sentence 2. have Ss use the proper forms of non-finite verbs in the passage . Emotional aims: 1. Improve students' tactical awareness such as self-study, cooperation study and research consciousness Teaching key points:

1. Use the proper form of non-finite verb such as V-ing ; V-ed; to do Teaching difficult points: 1.Find out the logical subject, the proper voice the correct tense 2.How to use the proper form of non-finite verbs Teaching methods: 1. analyse the structure of the sentence and make sure the non-finite verb 2. find out the logical subject and use the proper voice such as active voice ,passive voice 3. use the correct tense of the non-finite verb in the sentence



Teaching Plan for Test Techniques For Nonfinite Verbs Class 27 Senior 3 Nong Zhiying I. Lesson type (课型): Grammar lesson, a review lesson. II. Teaching aims(教学目标): Enable students to understand and use the nonfinite verbs correctly in grammar filling and errors correction. III. Teaching focus(教学重点): 1. Enable students to judge the predicate verbs in a sentence. 2.Get students to master the steps of doing nonfinite verbs exercise. IV. Difficult points (教学难点): 1.How to make students understand and use nonfinite verbs correctly. 2.Develop students creativity to create their own ways to remember grammar rules. VI. Teaching aids(教具): A computer, a blackboard VII. Teaching methods (教学方法) : 1.Task-based teaching approach 2.Discussion 3.Exploration IX. Teaching procedures(教学过程):
