


1----判例的名称或抬头case name or caption

2---案例编号case number or citation

3--判例总结syllabus or prefatory statement

4----分类标题及法律摘要topics and head notes

5--钥匙序号和定位数字key number and location number

6---代理律师的姓名names of the attorney who represented the parties

7---主审法官presiding judges

8----法庭判决意见the opinion begins


1 案件的起诉和上诉历史discussion of the procedural posture of the case

2 事实概要summary of the case

3 待决法律争议legal issues before the court

4 法庭判决结果court's decision/holding in the case

5 判决理由court's reasoning

6 判决产生的法律规则rule emerging from the decision

7 后续诉讼程序指示procedural decision

8 另类判决理由concurring /dissenting opinion or both

原告的诉求被驳回dismissed 诉讼送达被认定无效quashed 申请被拒绝denied 法院撤销已有判决vacated 上诉法院维持下级法院的判决affirmed ,上级法院推翻下级法院的判决reversed 上诉案件被发回原审法院继续审理remanded 具有强制力的法律依据mandatory authority

多数法官的意见majority opinion 同意多数法官意见,但有不同理由的称为concurring opinion 反对的dissenting opinion


一总结并研究所有重要相关事实(relevant and determinative facts)

界定具体法律争议(defining the legal issue)

为法律争议的正反双方提出所有可能的辩护(formulating arguments for both sides of the legal issue)

分析和比较所有法官的意见(analyzing both both majority and dissenting opinions of the court)

评估所学判例的具体适用对象和范围(evaluating the impact of the court's decisions) 解决所有法律英语语言方面的难点和疑问

怎样研读案例的事实部分--------- 发生了什么what happened -------有谁涉案who are the people/organizations /companies involved?------涉案人的行为动机为何what motives of the people involved--------------如为上诉案件,原审法院如何认定争议事实how did the lower courts find for the case ----------------哪些属于关键事实which facts are the material/key facts-----哪些属于辅助事实which facts are supportive but non-determinative 哪些事实缺失但你认为对断案有帮助which facts don't you have but you would like to have ----法庭在描述关键事实时都选择使用了什么样的词汇和语句,你理解吗how did court describe the key facts

如何彻底理解法庭在描述关键事实时所使用的词汇和语句:找出并列出案件中所有和关键事实有关的用词-----查找权威词典找出关键用词的所有同义词和类似表达----------比照同义词和类似表达对关键事实用词进行分析:如,案件涉及到卡车truck 和自行车bicycle相撞,而法庭却频繁使用车辆vehicle 来指代卡车,就必须加以分析。名词有抽象名词和具体名词,抽象名词会对事实起到弱化的作用,而具体名词会对事实起到强化作用,再加上感知的形容词,强化作用更强。同样的,动词也有具体动作的动词和抽象动作的动词。具体动词强到相关的事实,而抽象动词弱化相关的事实。名词化的动词也会弱化事实。


如何界定具体法律争议---------可以通过回答四个问题达到这个目的:1 who was the actor (who did sth ) 2 who was the recipient of the action (to whom was it done ) 3 what was the action that caused the controversy (what was done ) 4 what law or specific part of the constitution/statute is involved )



法律英语词典----black's law dictionary -----------www. https://www.360docs.net/doc/2219396012.html,


一级依据---primary authority/primary sources 英美法系承认判例有binding force 大陆法系不承认





已经生效的判决被推翻--overruled 或被限制be restricted 或被分类be distinguished


联邦最高法院u.S state supreme court ---联邦上诉法院或联邦巡回法院u.S state courts of appeals /u.S circuit courts------{1 联邦地方法院u.S district courts {2 联邦专属法院{(1)联邦国际贸易法院 {(2)联邦破产法院


联邦国际贸易法院---u.S court of international trade

联邦破产法院-------u.S bankruptcy court

联邦知识产权法院-----u.S court of intellectual property

美国法院判例汇编缩写---美国判例汇编 u.S

---最高法院判例汇编 s.ct.(supreme court reporter)

----美国判例汇编律师版L.Ed(lawyers edition)

Charge sb with some crime 指控某人犯有某罪

Possession of narcotics 拥有毒品

Running through a red light 闯红灯

Civil dispute 民事纠纷

Person /property 人身/财产

Civil liability for the accident 交通事故的民事责任

Damage :损害 damages :可用金钱量化的损害赔偿 damages 的种类:1actual damages 实际损失;2 compensatory damages 补偿性损失3 consequential damages 间接损失赔偿;4 direct damages 直接损失赔偿;5 exemplary damages or punitive damages惩罚性赔偿 ;6incidental damages附带损失赔偿 ;7liquidated damages已定赔偿、约定赔偿 ;8 un-liquidated damages数额待定赔偿 ;9 pecuniary damages金钱赔偿、可用金钱赔付的损害赔偿 ;10 speculative damages臆测损失赔偿、难以确定的损失赔偿; 11 statutory damages法定赔偿 .

Joint and several liability 共同连带责任

The person who has been wronged 受害人

Retainer 律师聘请协议、律师服务费押金(或保证金)

Enter 向法院正式提出enter an appearance 向法院递交出庭通知书

Attorney of record (经法庭记录在案的可代理当事人出庭的)代理律师

Withdraw 终止代理


Gipson suffered grave injury as a result of the crash .From whom could he ask for damages?And who was liable for the accident ?Was sawyer at fault ?Was each of them jointly and severally liable ?Gipson hired attorney adrian neff to represent him .Once gipson signed a retainer ,neff would enter an appearance and become gipson's attorney of record.


Neff ,the attorney ,then explained that some factors should be considered before deciding on the forum. Gipson might be able to sue in several places :(a)in the state trial court where gipson lives ,(b) in the state trial court where Tord lives,(c) in the state trial court where Sawyer's estate is located (d) in the federal district court sitting in Gipson's state (e)in the federal district court sitting in Tord's state, or (f) in the federal district court sitting in the state where Sawyer's estate is located . The reason Gipson could sue in a federal district court was the existence of diversity of citizenship .Neff suggested that Gipson sue in a federal court .The suit would be brought in the U.S.District court sitting in Gipson's own state since this would be the most convenient venue for Gipson .

Forum ---有管辖权的法院申诉----petition

1 Forum actus --行为地法院

2 forum contractus----签约地法院

3 forum domicilii----住所地法院

4 forum conveniens--方便法院

5 forum non conveniens--不方便法院(如拒绝行使管辖权decline jurisdiction)

6 forum shopping ---法院选择(辖区jurisdiction)

Estate ----遗产、遗产法人


Diversity of citizenship 州籍多样性


对人和対事管辖权----personal and subject matter jurisdiction

主要被告的居住地--residence of a principal defendant

合同签约或履行地---where a contract was executed or performed

事故发生地---where an accident took place


Having decided on a court ,neff started preparation for the incoming suit:he drafted a complaint ,the first pleading of the case ,naming Gipson as the plaintiff (原告)and stating a cause of action in tort for negligence against Tord and Sawyer's estate as codefendants(共同被告)。After this issue of law ,neff then summarized and submitted several issues of fact that he felt could establish a cause of action for negligence .Some of the allegations were based upon personal knowledge of Gipson ,while others were based upon information and belief .The ad damnum clause of the complaint demanded $100,000.00 in damages .Finally ,he attached a written demand for a injury trial to the complaint and filed (正式提交) both documents with the court.

Complaint ---起诉状

Pleading document ----诉讼文件



Pleading ----诉辩行为

Court proceeding --------法庭诉讼程序、过程


Particular form and format ---特定的表格和样式

Pro se party ----自辩当事人

Fact pleading ----事实性诉辩(侧重于讲明基本事实)

Notice pleading --通知性诉辩(侧重于告知对方自己的诉求)



Cause of action ----诉由、诉求

Judicial relief----司法救济or remedy

Legal claim----一般诉求

Invasion of privacy ----侵犯隐私



Intensional infliction of emotional distress---故意造成精神损害

Unjust enrichment----不当得利

Quantum meruit ---合理补偿


Private or civil wrong or injury---民事过错或伤害


Commission ---作为

1 gross negligence ---重大过失、严重过失

2 negligence per se ---明显过失、法定过失

Legal duty of an aggravated character----性质严重的法律责任

Municipal ordinance ----市政条例


Issue of law --法律争议

Legal points in contention ---法律争议、待决法律问题

Matter of law---法律问题

Burden of production---举证责任

Verdict is returned ---陪审团已作出裁决


Filing a formal answer ---提交正式答辩状

Warranting trial ---必须开庭加以审理

Issue of fact ----事实争议

The province of jury ----陪审团的职权范围

Material allegation ---主要事实主张

answer ----答辩状

Matter of fact----事实问题

Established fact---确证的事实、法庭接受的事实

On information and belief ---虽非亲眼所见、亲耳所闻,但确信它的真实性Ad damnum ---损害赔偿要求

Jury trial----陪审团审理

Grand jury---大陪审团

Hear the evidence adduced on the part of the state --听审由政府提交的证据Indictment----公诉、公诉书

Probable cause does not exist---立案理由不充分

Accusatory body---检控机构

Hung jury----陷入僵局的陪审团

Jury size---陪审团人数

Constitutional infirmity or deficiency--违宪、不合宪法规定


Mistrial of the case ----案件审理失败

Great notoriety ----极具社会知名度

Sequestration of jury ---隔离陪审团(be isolated from the public)

While trial not in session --当休庭时

For the duration of the trial ---在整个案件的审理过程中


in the custody of the court ---由法院管控

Petit jury----普通陪审团


The next proceeding is service of process. It was achieved when a copy of the complaint and summons was served on both Tord and the legal representatives of Sawyer's estate .Neff did not serve (向。。。送达)these parties himself ;he retained a process server who ,after serving the defendants ,filed an affidavit of service with the court indicating the circumstances under which the service was accomplished .Service was made before the statute of limitations. Once the defendants were properly served ,the court acquired in personam jurisdiction over them . In the pre-trial proceedings that ensued (接着进行),Tord filed a motion to dismiss ,claiming Gipson 's failure to state a cause of action. The court denied the motion.

Service of process----诉讼送达(程序)

亲自送达---personal delivery


Constructive service of process----推定送达

Personal service ----亲自送达、实际送达

Service by publication -----公告送达

Substituted service ----替代送达


Appear ---出庭

Process server----送达执行人

法警-----deputy sheriff\court marshal

法警部门-----sheriff's department

联邦法警----US Marshal



主持宣誓、监誓------take oaths


Affirmant ---自证证人



Depose ----口头宣誓作证

In like manner ----以同样的方式


In conscience -----一定、肯定、从良心上



Pleading ---主张、诉求


Statute of limitation----诉讼时效


Import a verity ----表明真实性


Minor ---未成年人

Criminal charge ----刑事指控



Operate as bar ----造成不能提起诉讼

Operate to the prejudice of defendant ---给被告造成损害或不利影响



Hear and determine a judicial proceeding ---听审并裁定一起司法诉讼

Has cognizance of --对。。。有审理权

In personam jurisdiction or personal jurisdiction---属人管辖权

In personam judgement ----对人判决

In rem jurisdiction ----对物管辖权


An action over thing ----对物提起的诉讼

Quasi in rem jurisdiction----准对物管辖权


Within the jurisdiction of the court----在法院辖区

Submit to the court's jurisdiction---接受法院管辖

Subject matter of the action----诉因、诉由、诉讼标的

Connection involving minimum contact----有最低联系的关联

Territorial jurisdiction---地域管辖

Jurisdiction by submission---服从管辖

Jurisdiction by agreement----协议管辖

Concurrent jurisdiction---共同管辖

Exclusive jurisdiction ----排他管辖、独有管辖

Court to be seized ----受诉法院

Governing law clauses---法律选择条款

Jurisdiction clauses----管辖权选择条款

Subject matter jurisdiction ---対事管辖权、诉因管辖权

Federal question jurisdiction ----联邦法律专属管辖权

Acts of congress----国会立法


Diversity jurisdiction ---州籍多样管辖权


Universal jurisdiction ----国际法上的普遍管辖权

Long arm jurisdiction----越境管辖权、长臂管辖权

Forum state---法院地州

Offend traditional notions of fair play and substantial justice--违反传统的程序公平和实体正义的理念

Pre-trial proceeding ---审前程序

Called at the discretion of the court----由法庭主持召开的

Stipulations as to matters-----约定无争议事实


Rule or order---裁决或命令

On notice ----事先通知相关各方

Without notice ---无需事先通知

Ex parte motion ----单方面动议、无需给对方事先通知的动议

Consent motion---原被告双方共同提出的动议

Motion to dismiss ----请求驳回起诉的动议

Prosecution--- 检控方


Motion for judgement on the pleadings----请求法庭依诉讼文书做出判决

Payer for relief ----司法救济请求、赔付请求

General appearance---全面到庭应诉

Motion for summary judgement---速决动议

No genuine issue of material fact can be in dispute--关键事实无争议

Dispositive motion---如被批准即可终结诉讼的动议

Motion in limine ---请求预先排除有关证据

Be more prejudicial than probative---证据的负面影响大于其证明效力

Motion for a directed verdict----请求法院以原告举证失败为由判其败诉

Rested its case ---完成庭上陈述、举证完毕

Motion for judgement notwithstanding the verdict--请求法庭推翻陪审团裁决并作出相反的判决

Motion for new trial ----请求法庭原案再审

Lodging of an appeal---提起上诉

Motion to set aside judgement ---请求撤销原判决

Vacate or nullify---撤销

Motion to compel ----请求法庭强迫对方给予配合

Failure to state a cause of action---无法定诉由

Failure of proof----举证失败、证据不足

Alleged facts---事实依据


Because the suit had been brought in a federal court ,the governing procedural law would be found in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure(美国联邦民事诉讼程序规则,简称Fed .R. Civil P),which provides Defendant with two kinds of response :pre-answer motion or answer .If without a pre-answer motion ,Tord and Sawyer’s estate must file an answer to Gipson’s complaint within twenty days ,according to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure .Tord filed his answer almost immediately .Since Sawyer was dead and unable to communicate with his attorney about the accident ,the attorney for the estate had a number of difficulties in drafting and filing an answer within twenty days .To avoid a default judgment against the estate ,the attorney filed a motion asking for an extension of thirty days .

Procedural law –程序法

Judgment on merit –实体法判决,完全判决

Default –缺席判决

Dismissal without prejudice –程序法判决,非终局性驳回

Without prejudice ---无既判力的,非终局性的,可再起诉的

Res judicata ---既判力。终局性。禁止重复诉讼

With prejudice –具有既判力的,不可再诉的,终局的

Judgment of dismissal –驳回起诉的判决


Affirmative defense积极抗辩,新事实抗辩

Contributory negligence 共同过失

Comparative negligence 相对过失,比较过失

Strict liability 严格责任

Absolute liability 绝对责任

Cross claim 共同被告之间的交互诉讼请求

Counterclaim 反诉(而原告对被告的反诉做出的答辩称为reply,)(原告诉状complaint,被告答辩称为answer)

Preponderance of evidence 比较优势证据,优势证据标准

Give 。。。leave 。。给。。。许可

Lack of jurisdiction 法院无管辖权

Statute of limitations or laches 诉讼时效

Assumption of risk 甘冒风险

Duress 胁迫 estoppel 禁止反言(或不得翻供)

Reasonable reliance 合理信赖

Consent 同意

Force majeure 不可抗力

Novation 合同更新

Accord and satisfaction 和解并清偿抵偿

Arbitration and award ,discharge in bankruptcy 因破产而免除

Failure of consideration 缺失合同所需对价

Fraud 欺诈

Illegality 非法

License 合法授权

Payment 已支付

Res judicata既判力,一事不二审

Statute of frauds 不符合防欺诈法要求

Waiver 放弃,弃权

Release 免责免除

Contractual provision 合同约定

Merger doctrine融合原则


Necessity 紧急避险

Self-defense 正当防卫

Act or omission 作为或不作为

Want of 缺失

A hazardous or defective products 危险或瑕疵产品

Concept of strict liability in tort 侵权法中的严格责任概念

Invoke 援引----to invoke this doctrine 为了援引这个原则

Accused 被控方,

Due diligence 克尽勤勉

Retaliatory 报复性诉讼请求


Discovery ---审前证据开示程序、证据发掘

Interrogatory ---书面质证,书面问卷


Court reporter 法庭书记员

Contested issues 争议事项

Established fact---既定事实,无争议事实

Stipulated fact—约定事实,无争议事实

Request for production ---请求出示证据以供检查

Request for examination---请求做身体或精神检查



Adversary hearing-双方听证会

Ex parte hearing—单方听证会

Summary judgment---建议判决

Genuine issues –真实争议

Material fact –重要相关事实

Bench trial –单一法官审理。无陪审团审理

Panel trial ---集体审判

Trial de novo 重新全面审理

Trial en banc 所有法官参加的审理

Trial on merits –对实体问题的审理


Magistrate ---助理审判员

Pretrial conference –审前预备会议

Tangible evidence—有形证据,具体证据


Expediting the disposition of the case –加速结案


Practicing attorney –执业律师

Lifetime tenure—终生职位

Joint ballot –联合选举,联合投票

Power to declare a law unconstitutional –有权宣布某项法律违宪Contempt of court 有权惩处藐视法庭的行为


Collins v. Collins* 194 Misc. 65, 88 N.Y.S.2d 136 Jan 22, 1949 Action on contract for support by Agnes Collins against Edmund Collins. On motion to dismiss amended complaint for insufficiency on its face. Motion granted. CARLIN, J. This motion to dismiss the amended complaint for insufficiency on its face, which was heretofore granted by default, has been, by consent, restored to the calendar and is now considered on the merits. This is an action, as shown in the complaint, by a mother, allegedly aged and destitute, against her son. It is set forth in the complaint that the defendant, the son, agreed to pay to the plaintiff, the mother, the sum of $50 per month for her support and that the agreement was based upon 'good and valuable consideration.' The defendant demanded a bill of particulars and plaintiff served one, in which the consideration for such agreement is stated to be 'love and affection'. This application to dismiss the amended complaint, under rule 112 of the Rules of Civil Practice, is predicated (断言)upon the complaint as limited by the bill of particulars. 'Love and affection' is not a sufficient consideration to support an executory contract. The case would be different if an executed deed, assignment or mortgage were involved; if in fact the transaction were accomplished. The plaintiff relies upon Calhoun v. Calhoun (49 App. Div. 520), but that action was founded upon a mortgage which had been executed and delivered. It is true that it was stated in the opinion that love and affection, or the moral obligation to support, constituted a sufficient consideration. But such statement was unnecessary to the decision, which could have rested either upon the fact that the mortgage in suit had been delivered and the transaction was, therefore, executed; or upon the fact that the defendant had undertaken to support the plaintiff, his mother, partly at least, because she had conveyed a farm to him. The view expressed in that opinion that love and affection alone, or a moral obligation to support, is a sufficient consideration is not, wherever an executory agreement is involved, in accord with the rule in this State (Cf.


cpa税法英文答题案例 【原创实用版】 目录 1.CPA 税法简介 2.CPA 税法英文答题案例分析 3.CPA 税法英文答题技巧 4.总结 正文 【CPA 税法简介】 CPA 税法,全称为注册会计师税法,是中国注册会计师(Certified Public Accountant,简称 CPA)考试中的一门重要科目。作为一门专业知识,税法在注册会计师的职业发展中具有举足轻重的地位。学好 CPA 税法,不仅有助于提高注册会计师的专业素质,更能为我国的税收事业做出贡献。 【CPA 税法英文答题案例分析】 在 CPA 税法英文答题中,案例分析题是常见的题型。这类题目要求考生根据所给情景,运用所学的税法知识,对问题进行分析和解答。以下是一个 CPA 税法英文答题案例的分析: Case: A company is considering investing in a new production line.The line will cost 10 million and is expected to generate 2 million in annual profits.The company"s current tax rate is 25%.The company is trying to determine whether the investment is worthwhile. 分析:首先,我们需要计算新生产线的投资回报率(ROI)。根据题目,投资回报率 = (年利润 - 投资成本) / 投资成本。因此,ROI = (2 million

- 10 million) / 10 million = -80%。这个结果表明,投资回报率为负,说明投资是不划算的。 然而,在实际决策中,还需要考虑税收因素。假设该公司的投资可以享受税收优惠,那么我们需要重新计算投资回报率。根据税法规定,企业所得税税前可以扣除投资成本。因此,我们需要计算税前利润,然后再计算税后利润。具体计算如下: 税前利润 = 年利润 + 投资成本 = 2 million + 10 million = 12 million 税后利润 = 税前利润× (1 - 税率) = 12 million × (1 - 25%) = 9 million 根据税后利润,我们可以得到新的投资回报率:ROI = 税后利润 / 投资成本 = 9 million / 10 million = 90%。这个结果表明,在考虑税收因素后,投资回报率为正,说明投资是值得的。 【CPA 税法英文答题技巧】 在回答 CPA 税法英文题目时,可以运用以下技巧: 1.仔细阅读题目,理解题意。 2.根据题目要求,运用所学的税法知识进行分析。 3.在解答过程中,注意使用专业术语和表达。 4.条理清晰地呈现解答过程,以便阅卷老师易于理解。 【总结】 CPA 税法英文答题,不仅需要考生具备扎实的税法基础知识,还需要具备良好的英文阅读和写作能力。


Case 1 One Chinese company exported a contract of Grade B Peanuts to a foreign country importer. When the seller was working on the delivery of the goods, he found that the Grade B Peanuts were out of stock. Without prior consent of the buyer, the seller delivered the Grade A Peanuts instead of Grade B Peanuts and stated on the invoice “Grade A Peanuts, price is the same”, while the buyer refused the consignment. Question: In this situation, does the buyer hold the repudiation rights? Why? Answer: The buyer has the right to refuse to pay. This is because both sides confirmed the Grade B Peanuts when signing the contract, which holds a legal effect. If the seller gets the buyer’s consent, he can change the peanuts grade. So the buyer has the power to refuse to pay. Case 2 One Chinese company exported a contract of agricultural products to a German company. The contract stipulates that moisture not exceeds 15%, impurity not more than 3%. Before the deal closing, the seller sent the buyer the samples and after the contracting the seller immediately faxed the buyer that the consignment was similar to the sample. After the shipment arrived at Germany the buyer had the goods inspected. Later, the buyer showed the inspection certificate, saying that the quality of the goods was inferior to the samples’, and then he put forward a claim for compensation of £6 000, finally the Chinese company paid the compensation. Question: Please analyze the case. Answer: The transaction belongs to the sample trading. In international trade, in order to avoid the situation that the seller’s delivery quality is inconsistent with the requirement of the buyer, which leads to the buyer’s claim, the seller may ask the buyer for a sample in advance and the seller shall provide a tailored sample according to the sample from the buyer for confirmation; this is called “confirming sample”. When the sample is confirmed by the buyer, all the quality of the goods must be the same as the sample’s. In the contract, it’s beneficial for the seller to issue the quarantine inspection and quarantine certificates. Case 3 A China’s export company made a transaction of apples with a foreign company. It’s stipulated “second-class apple”in the quality terms on the contract of sales and letter of credit. However, they found the second-class apple had been all sold out when they began to arrange the shipment. As a result, the company switched to the delivery of “first-class apples”, and the invoice stated that: “the price of the first-class apples is the same as that of the second-class”. Finally, the importer refused to accept and to pay due to the inconsistency with the quality contract terms. Question: What do you think of this case? Answer: Under normal circumstances, the practice of substituting the superior goods for the inferior ones will be quite acceptable. However, if the market price of the goods is nose-diving or some other


《商法案例研习》课程教学大纲 课程代码:041442737 课程英文名称:Business law case study 课程总学时:32 讲课:32 实验:0 上机:0 适用专业:法学专业 大纲编写(修订)时间:2017.06 一、大纲使用说明 (一)课程的地位及教学目标 商法案例研习是法学专业课的组成部分,是继商法学课程理论教学后,集中以典型和具体商法案例进行教学,将商法各部分的教学内容和具体的案例分析有效地结合起来,通过具体的案例分析阐述商法的基本理论、制度、实务等一系列问题的一门课程。该课程也是完善专业知识结构和实践的需要。 通过本课程学习,要求学生达到以下要求: 1. 掌握商法总论的基本理论、基本知识;熟练运用商法总论的基本分析方法;了解商法学理论与实践的前沿和发展趋势;参与商法总论的热点、难点讨论;使学生具有独立获取知识,提出问题,分析问题和解决问题的能力与素质; 2. 掌握以企业和公司为核心内容的市场经济主体的基本理论、原则和制度以及有关的基本知识; 3. 通过案例讲解,巩固所学知识,培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力,能把所学的知识运用到今后的工作和司法实践中去。 (二)知识、能力及技能方面的基本要求 1.基本知识:通过本课程的教学,使学生掌握商法学的基础理论以及商法的基本原则和基本法律制度;掌握企业和公司法的基本理论、基本知识。 2.基本能力:使学生理解熟练运用商法的基本分析方法,了解商法学理论与实践的前沿和发展趋势;并参与商法总论的热点、难点讨论;要求学生能够结合具体案例加以运用,在案例当中分析和综合,提高分析问题和解决问题的能力。 3. 基本技能:使学生具有独立获取知识,提出问题,分析问题和解决问题的能力与素质。 (三)实施说明 1.教学方法:课堂讲授中应确保大纲中重点、难点问题,根据学时和学生接受情况酌情安排课时。通过讲授,使学生全面掌握商法的基本原则与理论,掌握我国商法的基本精神;采用理论与实践相结合,理论讲述与案例分析相结合的方法进行教学,旨在培养和提高学生分析问题和解决问题的能力,使学生完成本门课程的学习任务之后,学会运用商理论并根据有关法律规定,分析和解决实际问题;采用启发式教学,培养学生思考问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力;引导和鼓励学生通过实践和自学获取知识,培养学生的自学能力;增加讨论课,调动学生学习的主观能动性。 2.教学手段:本课程属于专业选修课,在教学中采用电子教案及多媒体教学系统等先进教学手段,以确保在有限的学时内,全面、高质量地完成课程教学任务。 (四)对先修课的要求 本课程兼具专业基础课和专业课双重属性,本课程的先修课主要有法理学、民法学和经济法和商法学,学习本课程应具备法理学、民法学、经济法和商法学的基本理论和基本知识。 (五)对习题课、实践环节的要求


英文案例: 1. 案例——反致RENVOI Denney v. Denney ( Royde-Smith ) TS Sala 1 : 21 May 1999 Application of a renvoi of return in a matter of succession 1. Appeal allowed - City of Toulouse only trustees or donees of Art Collection ∙After considering the evidence submitted on ownership of the collection of Modern Art in Toulouse, the Supreme Court concluded that the City either held the collection as trustees, because the predecessor in title had handed it over in that condition, or as donees, on the basis of accepting the donation made by the testamentary heir. The Court allowed the grounds of the appeal against the ruling of the Provincial Court of Appeal, because the conditions that would require the City of Toulouse to be called to the case were not present. ( See full judgment Legal Grounds 3 2. Renvoi can only be applied under limited conditions ∙In considering the question of which material law should apply to the successio n of the deceased. a purely literal application of Article 12.2 of the Civil Code would lead to the solution argued in the claim. However current developments of International Private Law involve a very precise treatment of renvoi in which it is not accepted or rejected indiscriminately, but is applied flexibly and subject to conditions and limitations. (See full judgment Legal Grounds 4) 3. Claim by Denney Children rejected on four grounds ∙The claim was rejected and the ruling of First Instance was revoked on four grounds. Firstly, that the application of renvoi in this case would be contrary to the principle of unity of succession; secondly, it would make unenforceable the guiding principle of English Law of freedom to testate; thirdly, that it would not lead to a harmony of solutions; and fourthly, that it would not produce greater justice for those involved. (See full judgment Legal Grounds 4)


http://www.ship.sh/ 10 个实用的英文法律网站介绍加使用心得 标签: 法律网站2010-09-24 18:12 1、 Westlaw;https://www.360docs.net/doc/2219396012.html,/ 个人觉得westlaw实在好用,就是收费贵,查英联邦案例,还讲究根正苗红的话,首推westlaw。 westlaw纵向可以触及远至18xx年的英国骨灰级案例,横向延伸至英国威尔士,澳大利亚,香港,加拿大,欧盟和美国案例。其下载版本可以直接在法院引用(还是带westlaw logo 的PDF 清晰可搜索版本呢)。索引方式主要是依据citiation 即索引号,当然还有party’s name以及关键词等. 一个案子蹦出来,其援引以及被援引的祖宗八辈堂哥表姐也可以附带看到,保证不会漏掉。 不好消息是现在Lloyd’s Report从 westlaw被剔除去了,好消息是尽管这样,如果一个案子可以在别的reference book上面找到,案子还是会

在那里,不离不弃,比如说一个 2008年的案子叫R v V,我根据它在WL的citation 搜到它。另外它还有如下索引号: [2008] EWHC 1531 (Comm) ; [2009] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 97; 119 Con. L. R. 73; Official Transcript; [2008] EWHC 1531;119 Con. L.R. 73 Offi cial Transcripts (Cite as: 2008 WL 2596113) westlaw当然也可以搜文章和立法。 PS:一般只有律师事务所会签订阅览权限。权限还分好几个级别。。中小型公司总会签个基本配套,结果是基本满足不了一个求知若渴的有志青年的基本需要,郁闷中。 2.Lexisnexis


法律英语书籍及网站 一、参考文献 1.《新编法学英语教程》(上、下册),谢立新、马庆林、白小兰编著,上海教育出版社2000年版. 2.《法律英语阅读》,陈忠诚编著,法律出版社2003年版. 3.《法律英语》(第二版),何家弘编, 法律出版社出版2003年版. 4.《法律英语核心教程》(共三册),杜金榜、张新红主编,对外经贸大学出版社2002年版。 5.《涉外经济法律英语》,陈庆柏编著,法律出版社1994年版. 6.《法律专业英语》,朱义坤著,济南大学出版社1997年版. 7.《法学英语》,罗俊明主编,上海外语教育出版社1995年版. 8.《法律英语——中英双语法律文书制作》,陶博著、龚柏华编,复旦大学出版社2004年版. 9.《法律基础双语教程》,王士如主编,南开大学出版社2002年版. 10.《简明中国法》(英文版),朱羿锟著,法律出版社2003年版. 11.《最新法律专业英语——读写全程点拨》,何主宇主编,机悈工业出版社2003年版. 12.《涉外法律英语》,李妍主编,外语教学与研究出版社2003年版. 13.《法律英语教程》,赵雁丽主编,西安交通大学出版社2003年版. 14.《英美法导论》,徐震宇主编, 机悈工业出版社出版,2005年版. 15.《法理学基础》(Essential Jurisprudence)(影印本),Austin M Chinhengo 著,武汉大学出版社2004年版. 16.《盎格鲁——美利坚法律史》(Historical Introduction to Anglo-American law),Frederick G. Kempin著, 法律出版社2001年版. 17.《比较法传统》(Comparative Legal Tradition),Mary A.Glendon, Michael W. Gordon, Paolo G. Carozza著, 法律出版社2004年版. 18.《法理学——法哲学》(Jurisprudence: Legal Philosophy),Surya Prakash Sinha著, 法律出版社2004年版. 19.《英国法律体系》(Essential English Legal System)(影印本),Jan McCormick-Watson著,武汉大学出版社2003年版. 20.《刑事程序》(Criminal procedure),Jerold H. Israel, Wayne R. Lafave 著,法律出版社1999年版. 21.《产品责任》(Products liability),Jerry J. Phillips著,法律出版社1999年版. 22.《法律语言学研究》,刘蔚铭著, 中国经济出版社2003年版. 23.《法律翻译——从实践出发》,陆文惠主编, 法律出版社2004年版. 24.《英汉法律词典》, 《英汉法律词典》编写组编,法律出版社1985年版. 25.《英汉法律词典》(修订本),陆文惠主编,法律出版社2002年版. 26.《牛津现代法律用语词典》,Bryan A.Garner,法律出版社2003年版.


国际贸易英文案例及解析 1。A Chinese exporter signed a CFR contract with an importer in American on canned meat for an amount of US$50000,with payment by D/P at sight。On the morning of May 5,2006,the goods were all loaded onto the named vessel。The Chinese salesperson in charge of this contract was so busy that he forgot to send the buyer the shipping advice until the next morning。Unexpectedly, when the American importer went to the local insurance company to insure the goods,the insurance company had already learned that the ship suffered a wreck on May 6 and refused to insure the shipment. The American importer immediately sent a fax to the Chinese exporter saying ”owing to your delayed shipping advice,we are unable to insure the goods. Since the vessel has been destroyed in a wreck, the loss of goods should be for your account。At the same time,you should compensate our profit and expense losses which amount to US$50000。”Soon all the shipping documents sent through the collecting bank were returned to the Chinese exporter ,for the reason that the importer refused to take up the shipping documents。Who should be responsible for the loss and why? The Chinese should be responsible for the loss. As per the clause of CFR term, the exporter is responsible for notifying the shipping details ASAP and the importer can arrange the insurance in time. If the notify delayed and cause the loss without insurance covering, the exporter must bear the loss.


案例在国际法教学中的应用 摘要在国际法教学中,实证研究一直是国际法学中的难点和重点问题,也是国际法学科的可提升环节及创新环节。案例教学法为国际法学科的研 究和创新开辟了一条可行的途径,为国际法学的研究提供了实践指导。随 着国际交往的频繁与密切,国际法的应用越来越普遍,我国国际话语权的 实现需要更多的人才研究这一领域的理论与实践知识。案例教学有助于实 证研究的发展,促进和提升中国国际法学科理论的发展和进步。另外,案 例在国际法学教学中的应用对提高学生课堂学习效率和知识接受水平有显 著影响,有利于学生了解和掌握国际法知识,提升学习兴趣,吸引更多的 人才进入这一领域。 关键词案例国际法学案例教学法 国际法学科课程是法学专业基础课程,课程学习具有自身特色。国际 法学科理论和原则发端于国外,其理论与实践是不断变化和发展的,我国 国际法理论与实践的研究推动着国际法学在国内的广泛传播。研究国际法,坚持服务于国家外交外事大局,始终坚持正确的政治方向,推动国际法学 术服务国家战略。当今,随着“一带一路”倡议的广泛接受,国际交流合 作增多,国际法学科的实务经验和案例越来越多,我国国际法学教学也是 国家法治建设的重要一环。 一、案例教学法 在19世纪70年代,哈佛大学确立了“判例教学法”,以判例汇编为 基础,改变了传统的灌输式教学方式。这种判例汇编经过精心挑选和编排,它们说明了英美法系的法律原则、规则和概念的含义,以及它们是如何发

展变化的,以及相应的法律问题解决方案。这是基于英美法系判例法特点 提出的适合于法律教育职业化的特点。 案例教学法是以案例为基础研究法学理论的教学方法。有的称之为案 件事例法,英文中称之为cae-baedteaching,学生通过阅读和讨论复杂 的真实的案例,进行判断、分析、思考提升专业技能。案例教学法不仅仅 需要对一个案例进行事实分析和法律分析,作为教学环节,案例的作用不 是为了解决个案,它是-座桥梁,使学生在分析案例的过程中,掌握其背 后的原因、背景,使学生理论通过案例与实践相融合,融汇贯通,完成预 期的教学目标和教学任务。 梁西教授提出了:“案例分析的核心在于:根据法律规范,分析各当 事人之间的诸种法律关系,明确当事人应有的各种权利,应尽的各种义务。这,既是法官(律师)适用法律的一个必经过程,也是人们沟通理论与实 践之关系的一种甚佳的学习与研究方法。它有助于培养我们法律思维和法 律运用的能力。” 案例教学法的运用具有综合的因素,因案例选取和内容可能来自不同 国家,也可能来自国际法院的审理,既有比较研究方法,又需尊重各国法律、文化等多種因素。既要比较英美法系和大陆法系或其他法系国家的不 同特点,也要研究各国的国内法律制度。因受到语言环境的限制,研究案 例的选取主要是英语国家的语言,或者经学者译著的案例汇编。在法学领域,法系的划分有利于对世界上各种不同的法律制度进行分类研究。案例 教学法符合国家统一法律职业资格考试的要求,按照社会主义法治实践的 要求,增加学生的实践性,检验学生理论和实践相结合的能力。 二、国际法学教学特点


法律英语实践报告 1. 引言 法律英语是指运用英语进行法律实践的一种语言形式。在全球化的背景下,越 来越多的法律事务需要进行跨国交流和处理,因此掌握法律英语已成为法律从业人员的基本素质要求之一。本报告旨在介绍我在法律英语学习和实践中的经验和体会。 2. 学习法律英语的必要性 随着经济全球化的推进,国际交流与合作日益频繁。律师、法官等法律从业人 员需要处理涉及外国法律、跨国交易等事务,因此掌握法律英语成为一项必不可少的能力。此外,很多国际商事合同和法律文件使用英语撰写,对于法律专业人员来说,熟练的法律英语能力是与国际上优秀同行竞争的关键。 3. 学习方法 3.1 教材学习 通过学习专门的法律英语教材,可以系统地掌握法律英语的基础知识。教材中 通常包括法律英语的语法、词汇、短语和典型案例分析等内容,能够帮助学习者快速提高法律英语水平。 3.2 参与模拟法庭活动 参与模拟法庭活动可以提高口语表达和英语听力的能力。在模拟法庭中,学习 者需要使用英语进行法律辩论和审理案件,锻炼自己的口语表达能力,并学习法律术语的正确使用。 3.3 阅读英文法律文本 阅读英文法律文本对于提高法律英语水平非常重要。可以选择阅读英文法律杂志、案例研究和相关的国际法律文档等。通过阅读法律文本,可以熟悉和掌握法律英语的专业用语和表达方式。 4. 法律英语实践经验 4.1 法律翻译实践 我曾参与一份英文判决书的翻译工作。在这个实践中,我发现准确理解原文的 含义非常重要。我仔细分析并翻译每个句子,确保翻译结果准确无误。同时,我还注意到法律术语的准确翻译是至关重要的,因为它们在法律领域具有特定的含义。

4.2 跨国合同起草 在一次国际商事合同起草中,我负责翻译和起草英文合同条款。在这个过程中,我学会了如何使用法律英语表达各种合同条款,如责任限制、争议解决等。同时,我还需要考虑法律术语的准确性和合理性,以确保合同在跨国交易中能够得到有效执行。 4.3 学习和使用法律英语词汇 在法律英语实践中,学习和使用合适的法律英语词汇至关重要。我常常通过查 阅专业法律词典和参考资料来增加自己的词汇量,并在写作和口语表达中灵活运用这些词汇。 5. 法律英语实践的挑战和建议 5.1 专业性和准确性要求高 法律英语实践的一个挑战是其专业性和准确性要求非常高。在翻译、起草法律 文件等工作中,错误的理解或误用法律术语可能导致严重的后果。因此,学习者需要不断增加专业知识和练习,提高自己的法律英语水平。 5.2 理解不同法域的法律体系 在处理跨国案件时,涉及到不同法域的法律体系。法律英语学习者需要熟悉不 同法域的法律体系,理解其基本原则和适用范围。同时,掌握不同法域的法律术语和表达方式也是必要的。 5.3 不断学习和实践 法律英语学习是一个不断学习和实践的过程。学习者需要积极参与各种法律英 语实践活动,不断提高自己的语言表达和专业知识水平。此外,阅读法律英语相关的材料,如案例分析、法律文本等,也是提高法律英语能力的有效途径。 6. 总结 法律英语学习和实践对于法律从业人员来说至关重要。通过学习教材、参与模 拟法庭活动和阅读法律文本等方法可以提高法律英语水平。在实践中,法律翻译、合同起草和学习法律英语词汇都是重要的经验和挑战。然而,只有不断学习和实践,才能不断提高法律英语能力,更好地适应全球化的法律环境。

语篇研读what why how案例

语篇研读what why how案例 What is a What Why How Case Study? A What Why How case study is a type of research method that is used to explore a particular phenomenon or problem. It involves asking three key questions: What happened? Why did it happen? How can we solve it? This approach is often used in business, marketing, and social sciences to gain a deeper understanding of a particular issue or challenge. Why Use a What Why How Case Study? There are several reasons why a What Why How case study may be used. Firstly, it allows researchers to gain a detailed understanding of a particular issue or problem. By asking the three key questions, researchers can explore the underlying causes of the problem and identify potential solutions. Secondly, it can help to inform decision-making. By understanding the root causes of a problem, decision-makers can make more informed choices about how to address it. Finally, it can be used to generate new ideas and insights. By exploring a problem in-depth, researchers may uncover new opportunities or approaches that were not previously considered. How to Conduct a What Why How Case Study?


法律英语教材对外经贸大学 法学专业英语教材对外经贸大学 在当今全球化的背景下,外语能力已成为各行业人才的基本要求之一,尤其是法学专业。考虑到外经贸大学作为一所以培养国际化人才 为目标的高等学府,为学生提供优质的法律英语教材是非常重要的。 本文将介绍一套适用于外经贸大学法学专业的法律英语教材。 一、教材概述 该教材从法学专业的基础知识出发,融合了法学和英语学科的要点,旨在培养学生在法律领域具备熟练的英语听说读写能力。教材内容广泛,包括但不限于国际商法、国际经济法、国际私法、国际公法等方 面的知识。在教材的编写过程中,注重融入案例分析和跨文化交流的 模块,以使学生能够更好地理解法律英语的实际应用。 二、教材特点 1. 实用性强:教材引入丰富的真实案例,结合实际法律文书的写作,帮助学生在实践中巩固所学知识。同时,教材还设置了大量的口语练 习和写作任务,培养学生在法律领域的英语表达能力。 2. 多媒体辅助:教材配备了丰富的多媒体资源,如录音、视频等, 以提供给学生更直观的语言输入和实际场景的模拟。通过多媒体辅助,学生能够更好地理解英语法律文件和演讲,并提高其听说能力。

3. 掌握法律术语:教材注重法律英语的术语学习,通过专门的章节整理和背诵,帮助学生熟悉典型的法律术语,提升学生理解和运用法律英语的能力。 4. 强调跨文化交流:教材特别关注跨文化交流的技巧和注意事项。通过对不同文化背景下的法律概念和实践的分析,培养学生具备在国际交往中灵活运用英语的能力。 三、教材结构 该教材共分为四个模块,分别是基础模块、实务模块、案例模块和综合模块。 1. 基础模块:介绍法学基础知识和常用的法律英语表达方式,包括法律英语的语法、句型和词汇。 2. 实务模块:介绍各类常见法律文书的写作格式和表达技巧,例如合同、起诉状、法律意见书等。 3. 案例模块:引入典型案例以及其英文判决文书,通过案例分析,培养学生在实际问题中灵活运用法律英语的能力。 4. 综合模块:综合运用以上三个模块的知识和技巧,进行口语对话和写作训练,以检验学生的综合应用能力。 四、教材评价 外经贸大学法学专业的法律英语教材在市场上具有很高的认可度。首先,教材内容全面,既包含了专业知识,又注重了英语语言能力的


In the view of me ,parsimony and logical consistency are the most important for evaluating criminological theory . First part ,look at a criminal case . Bian, a 23-year-old foreigner, was studying in a medical university in a certain country.On May 13 of one year, Bian was deliberately retaliated after being beaten by another foreign student surnamed An at the medical university.At about 7 p.m. on June 10, Bian learned that An was in the reception room 104 on the 1st floor of the international students. She went to the reception room holding a wooden stick and knocked at the door.After An opened the door, Bian beat An with a wooden handle.An broke free and gathered at the west end of the corridor on the 2nd floor of the foreign students' dormitory with 7 other students, including Weng, Feng and Mo, holding sticks and walking sticks.Bian and a foreign student named Zhu, Mu and Bai gathered in front of Room 208 in the corridor on the second floor of the dormitory, holding wooden sticks and sharp knives. The two sides formed a standoff.A fight broke out.During the fight, Bian was knocked off the stick he was holding and stabbed Weng's upper abdomen with a pointed kitchen knife. The wound penetrated into his chest and his liver was cut into partial damage. After unsuccessful rescue efforts, he died the next afternoon. [Question] What kind of crime did Miss Benson commit?Can apply our country criminal law to investigate its criminal responsibility?
