

Gender: Male

Color: Yellow/Dark Green holes

Eye Color: Blue

Species: sponge

Birthday: July 14

Age: unknown

Height: 4 inches (10 centimetres)

Weight: 1 ounce (30 grams)

Address: 124 Conch Street

Bikini Bottom

Pacific Ocean

Occupation(s): - Krusty Krab Fry Cook

- Krusty Krab Co-Cashier [1]

- Krusty Krab Waiter [2] [3]

- Krusty Krab 2 Manager (The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie) - Krusty Towers Bellhop (Krusty Towers)

- Krabby O'Mondays Patty Collecter (Selling Out)

Family: Father (Mr. SquarePants)

Mother (Mrs. SquarePants)

Grandfather (Grandpa SquarePants)

Grandmother (Grandma SquarePants)

Uncle (Sherm SquarePants)

Cousin (Todd SquarePants)

Ancestors: SpongeGar (SpongeBob B.C.) Descendants: SpongeTron (SB-129)

Pet(s): Gary the Snail

Lary the Snail (Short Time)

Jerry the Snail (Short Time)

Rex the Worm (Short Time)

Mystery the Seahorse (Short Time)

A jellyfish (Short Time)

Shelly the Scallop

Friends: Patrick Star

Squidward Tentacles

Sandy Cheeks

Larry Lobster

Pearl Krabs

Eugene Krabs

Sheldon J. Plankton (F.U.N.)

Bubble Buddy



Used Napkin

Krusty Krab Hat

Squeaky Boots (short time)

Righty (his right hand)

Soda Drink Hat


DoodleBob (in Frankendoodle)

Fans: Patchy the Pirate

Boss: Eugene H. Krabs

Enemies: Sheldon J. Plankton

Dennis the Hitman

Dirty Bubble

Man Ray

Sneaky Hermit



Bubble Bass


Interests: Jellyfishing, bubble blowing, Fry Cooking, Singing, bothe ring Squidward, and Karate.

Education: Mrs. Puff's Boating School

Favorite TV Show(s): The Adventures of Mermaid Man and Barnac le Boy and The New Adventures of Mermaid Man and Barnacle Bo y

Favorite Food(s): All Krusty Krab Menu items, seanut butter sandw iches, kelp bread, sundaes, cereals (Kelpo cereal, Bran Flakes), c ookies, jellyfish jelly, seahorse milk

Favorite Holiday(s): April Fool's Day, Leif Ericsson Day

Awards: 374 Employee of the Months

Outstanding Achievement in Achievement

74 Good Noodle Stars

Powers/Abilities: Juggling three Krabby Patties at once while tellin g jokes.

First appearance: Help Wanted

Portrayer: Tom Kenny




































































海绵宝:What a wonderful day. The sun is out, the water is shimmering,scallops are chirping. So peaceful. 章鱼哥:Can we lower the volume,please. I can’t work with all that racket going on. 海绵宝:Oh, sure thing.Squidward. 章鱼哥:Right, hum. 海绵宝:Okay. 章鱼哥:And now for some soothing sounds from Squidward’s clarinet.Thank you, thank you.I thought I……! 海绵宝:Hey, Squidward ,want to blow some bubbles? Only 25cents. 章鱼哥:Oh, right, like I would spend a moment of my time. Blowing bubbles. Oh, please! I mean, who in the world would pay to blow bubbles? 派大星:Good morning. 章鱼哥:Oh, boy. 海绵宝:Good morning to you,sir. Would you care you blow a bubble? 派大星:Oh, how much is it? 海绵宝:Only a quarter. 派大星:Sounds reasonable. Uh……I’m going to need to borrow a quarter. 海绵宝:Sure thing. Patrick. 派大星:Ah! One quarter. 派大星:Thank you. 章鱼哥:Business is booming. How did I ever get surrounded by such I loser neighbors? 海绵宝:One bubble wand, dipped and ready to go. Could I interest you in some lessons? Only 25 cents. 派大星:Uh……very well,then. Hey ,Sponge,can I borrow another quarter? Thanks. 海绵宝:Okay,Patrick, it’s all in the technique. First go like this. Spin around—stop! Double –-take three times—one, two, three. Then……pelvic thrust! Stop on your right foot. Don’t forget it! Now, it’s time to bring it around town. Bring around town. Then you do this then this and this, then that and this and that and this and then……And now……with tow hands. 派大星:It’s a giraffe. 海绵宝:Excuse me ,sir, but we are close…… 章鱼哥:Don’t give me any of that. How could you two possible make all this noise just blowing bubbles? 海绵宝:We’re not just blowing bubbles; we’re making bubble art. Watch carefully. First go like this. Spin around—stop! Double –-take three times—one, two, three. Then……pelvic thrust! Stop on your right foot. Don’t forget it! Now, it’s time to bring it around town. Bring around town. Then you do this, then this and this, then that and this and that and this and then…… 章鱼哥:That’s not art. That’s just annoying.Blowing bubbles. That’s the lamest idea I have ever heard. You should be ashamed of yourself. Bubbles. Art. Bubbles. Ridiculous. 海绵宝:That’ll be 25 cents, sir. 章鱼哥:Aah! Whoa! What! Who would pay 25 cents to blow bubbles?! 海绵宝:We are offer lessons for beginners. 章鱼哥:Beginners? What could be more simple than blowing a stupid bubble?Here’s your 25 cents. Watch and learn. Uh……wait, wait, wait. One more time. Here, wait, wait. Aah, just a mere warm—up.


海绵宝宝历险记:海绵出水 噢,原来你在这儿啊!我的小心肝儿!Oh, there you are, my lovely. 嗯,你说什么?Hmm! What's that? 把书拿走?Take the book? 我不会太客气的I don't mind if I do. 总算是到手了At last, it is mine. 最终,你还是成了我的Finally, you are mine. 好吧,开打吧!只管放马过来!All right. Let's do this. Bare knuckles. 来吧小骷髅,你吓不到我的Bring it on, skinny. You don't scare me. 你们有没有7 ?You got any sevens? 去屎吧注:牌桌上称很弱的玩家为FishGo fish. 就这么点儿本事?Is that all you got? 啊吼Ooh. 自动驾驶 嗯Hmm. 伙计,超期未还哦Man, this is way overdue. “曾几何时,在大海的深处”"Once upon a time, under the sea, “有一个小镇,被称为:比奇堡”"there was a little town called Bikini Bottom. “这个小镇里,有一个餐厅”"In this town, there was a place “叫做:蟹堡王餐厅”"called The Krusty Krab, “那里的居民都会去吃一种汉堡”"where folks would come to eat a

thing “叫做:蟹黄堡”"called the Krabby Patty. “那么说到这里就不得不提一提”"Every greasy spoon has a fry cook, “在这里工作的这个厨师了”"and the one who worked here “那就是穿方裤子的:海绵宝宝”"was named SpongeBob SquarePants." 海绵宝宝主题曲 是谁住在水下的菠萝屋里?Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? 海绵宝宝!SpongeBob SquarePants! 都闭嘴,别唱了黄颜色的他吸收又吐气!Just hold it. Hold it. Absorbent and yellow and porous is he 海绵宝宝!SpongeBob SquarePants! 如果你想要打发航海的无趣!If nautical nonsense be something you wish 海绵宝宝!SpongeBob SquarePants! 就趴在甲板上扑打像鱼!Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish 海绵宝宝!SpongeBob SquarePants! 住嘴!Stop! 哈?Huh? 那唯一不爽的事There's only one thing worse 就是那些会说话的鸟……than talking birds, and that would be... 太聒噪了!Singing birds!


海绵宝宝派大星语录 2.老人是社会的财富~~!! 3.章鱼哥你的事办完了吗?``` ‘m ready promotion! 5.工作是我最快乐的事” 6.一想到泡夫老师孤零零的在监狱里我就想到泡夫老师孤零零的在监狱里 7.有青苔的地方就有文明 8.我从来不会看菜谱,那会摧毁一个人的灵感. 9.我很黄....还很方..... 10.我应该走走……呃我想我应该跑……哦我想我应该狂奔!对狂奔~! 11.—海绵宝宝你想把我逼到精神病院去吗? —哦不~只想把你放到那个洞里 12.章鱼哥:海绵宝宝我必须承认一件事 海绵宝宝:哦~~!你是秃子! 13.你说得对,章鱼哥~ 14.海绵宝宝:企鹅男孩,那边有人等我们帮助. 派大星:遵命美人鱼战士,我是你有力的助手~ 15.你准备好去参加派对了吗蟹老板我准备好啦 你准备好去参加派对了吗章鱼哥我准备好啦 你准备好去参加派对了吗海绵宝宝我准备好啦

16.派大星说“我都分不清男女厕所了!” 17.裤子破拉! 18.”派大星, 我们不丑, 我们很臭!” “对,我们很臭,我们很臭....” 于是两人很高兴地跑出了电影院的厕所 19.”棍子人? 石头人? 马桶人?...哦对! 泡泡人!” 20.嘿,章鱼哥!嘿,章鱼哥! 21.厄,呵呵呵,章鱼哥,外面的世界很残酷,没有人会把快乐用托盘送给你. 22.蟹老板,我还要继续工作! 23.哦,美丽的比基尼海滩~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 24.派大星:黄块块! 海绵宝宝:粉星星! 派大星:黄块块! 海绵宝宝:粉星星! 派大星:黄块块! 海绵宝宝:粉星星! 派大星:黄块块! 海绵宝宝:粉星星! 派大星:黄块块! 海绵宝宝:粉星星! 无止境对骂中。。 25.阿拉斯加!~牛!~虫!~


海绵宝宝经典语录! 宝宝海绵.海绵宝宝 1.他要揍我一顿,我得搬到其它镇子去,离开比基尼海滩。我要改个名字不叫海绵宝 2.你说得对,章鱼哥。 3.我准备好了!我准备好了!我准备好了!我准备好了!我准备好了!我准备好了! 4.当我们说什么都别碰的时候意思就是什么都别碰! 5.嗨!嗨!嗨!女士们水母们,你们曾经注意过盐灌吗?我是说你们每天晚上都把它 6.为什么换灯泡的时候要两个以上的松鼠?为什么?因为他们太傻了! 7.你们听说过金鱼破产的事吗?现在变成了彤(铜)鱼! 8.因为我生活在水下,所以我最符合水动力结构! 9.派大星,我们有蟹黄堡了!

10.法律上应该明文规定,在这么阳光灿烂灿烂的日子写作文是违法的。 11.章鱼哥,章鱼哥,章鱼哥,章鱼哥,章鱼哥! 12.您的咯吱窝里需不需要一碗热汤? 13.哦!~不~~~我们偷了一个气球~~ 14. 闭嘴!派大星,系鞋带需要安静和虔诚! 15.章鱼哥的话像愤怒的水母一样在我耳边不断的回荡。 16.裤子不会破了,因为裤子烂了。 17.我是章鱼哥,他是章鱼哥,我们都是章鱼哥。 18.我的这篇文章和世界上所有文学著作一样...都是写在纸上的。 19.小蜗,快来洗澡。我现在一定要让你到澡盆里去,你听见了没有小蜗,你给我回来 20.海绵宝宝:你让我明白了一个道理...虽然我不知道是什么道理 21.小蜗,你没听过好奇可以杀死一头大象吗?(拿掉小蜗眼睛上的袜子)好了,闭 22.哦,知道吗?上周我浇花,把脚砸伤了,我才哭了2个小时! 23.章鱼哥,我们都穿上了防海犀牛内衣,我想你也穿上了吧。 24.海绵宝宝:一块钱能买什么? 恶作剧商店老板:能买一张假的一块钱让他们以为你真有一块


优酷下载《海绵宝宝》(1999)第一集与之匹配的英文台词 海绵宝:What a wonderful day. The sun is out, the water is shimmering,scallops are chirping. So peaceful. 章鱼哥:Can we lower the volume,please. I can’t work with all that racket going on. 海绵宝:Oh, sure thing.Squidward. 章鱼哥:Right, hum. 海绵宝:Okay. 章鱼哥:And now for some soothing sounds from Squidward’s clarinet.Thank you, thank you.I thought I……! 海绵宝:Hey, Squidward ,want to blow some bubbles? Only 25cents. 章鱼哥:Oh, right, like I would spend a moment of my time. Blowing bubbles. Oh, please! I mean, who in the world would pay to blow bubbles? 派大星:Good morning. 章鱼哥:Oh, boy. 海绵宝:Good morning to you,sir. Would you care you blow a bubble? 派大星:Oh, how much is it? 海绵宝:Only a quarter. 派大星:Sounds reasonable. Uh……I’m going to need to borrow a quarter. 海绵宝:Sure thing. Patrick. 派大星:Ah! One quarter. 派大星:Thank you. 章鱼哥:Business is booming. How did I ever get surrounded by such I loser neighbors? 海绵宝:One bubble wand, dipped and ready to go. Could I interest you in some lessons? Only 25 cents. 派大星:Uh……very well,then. Hey ,Sponge,can I borrow another quarter? Thanks. 海绵宝:Okay,Patrick, it’s all in the technique. First go like this. Spin around—stop! Double –-take three times—one, two, three. Then……pelvic thrust! Stop on your right foot. Don’t forget it! Now, it’s time to bring it around town. Bring around town. Then you do this then this and this, then that and this and that and this and then……And now……with tow hands. 派大星:It’s a giraffe. 海绵宝:Excuse me ,sir, but we are close…… 章鱼哥:Don’t give me any of that. How could you two possible make all this noise just blowing bubbles? 海绵宝:We’re not just blowing bubbles; we’re making bubble art. Watch carefully. First go like this. Spin around—stop! Double –-take three times—one, two, three. Then……pelvic thrust! Stop on your right foot. Don’t forget it! Now, it’s time to bring it around town. Bring around town. Then you do this, then this and this, then that and this and that and this and then…… 章鱼哥:That’s not art. That’s just annoying.Blowing bubbles. That’s the lamest idea I have ever heard. You should be ashamed of yourself. Bubbles. Art. Bubbles. Ridiculous. 海绵宝:That’ll be 25 cents, sir. 章鱼哥:Aah! Whoa! What! Who would pay 25 cents to blow bubbles?!


72*Wishing You Well* 蟹老板:(walks up to a pay phone to check if there is any money in it but there is none) Nothing. Oh well. (hears something in the distance) That sounds like a quarter crying for help. (a quarter rolls in front of Mr Krabs) Come to papa! Mom Fish: Hold it right there, buddy. My son just dropped that quarter. 蟹老板:Yeah? Well that kid looks pretty shifty to me. How do I know he didn't steal it? (lady hits him in the face with her purse) Hey! That little brat is throwing perfectly good money away! Oh, so if I can't have it, no one... (gets hit in the face with the purse again) I hope he throws all your retirement money down a hole. (walks over to the well) Poor little quarter. What the...? This well is full of money! Don't worry little fellas, I'll save ya! (tries to climb in the well but is too big) Oh, it's no use. Me poop deck's too big. Lady Fish: Make a wish, dear. Harold: All my wishes have already come true. Lady Fish: Oh you. (tosses the coin at the well) 蟹老板:Noo!! (jumps at the coin) I'll save ya, money! (grabs the coin) Gotcha. What do you heartless brutes think you're doing? Harold: Umm, using the wishing well. Lady Fish: You toss in a coin and make a wish. 蟹老板:And then what? Harold: And...that's it. Nothing else happens. Lady Fish: It's fun! 章鱼哥:Spongebob, why aren't those patties ready? 海绵宝宝:You can't rush perfection. 章鱼哥:I'm not rushing perfection. I'm rushing you. 海绵宝宝:(laughs) Always the kidder, Squidward. 章鱼哥:Oh, this job stinks! But at least I'm not digging ditches. 蟹老板:(enters Krusty Krab) Squidward, Spongebob, I got a new job for ya. (scene cuts to outside Krusty Krab where there is a red X on the ground) X marks the spot of the 'Eugene Krabs Memorial Wishing Well'. 海绵宝宝:A wishing well, here? Wow! 章鱼哥:Don't you have to be dead to have a memorial anyday? 蟹老板:Oh, Squidward, don't you believe in magic? 海绵宝宝:Yeah, Squidward, don't you believe in magic? (walks off) 章鱼哥:No, I don't, and neither does Mr Krabs. 海绵宝宝:Well, I do. This well's gonna make a lot of dreams come true. (starts digging) What's the first thing you're gonna wish for? 章鱼哥:To be far away from you as possible. C'mon, Spongebob, this hole's not gonna dig itself. I'm certainly not gonna do it. 海绵宝宝:Squidward, aren't you excited? This is really gonna help people. Music: "Down The Well" Take a penny and some magic Even though your life is tragic, (章鱼哥:Hey!)


Gender: Male Color: Yellow/Dark Green holes Eye Color: Blue Species: sponge Birthday: July 14 Age: unknown Height: 4 inches (10 centimetres) Weight: 1 ounce (30 grams) Address: 124 Conch Street Bikini Bottom Pacific Ocean Occupation(s): - Krusty Krab Fry Cook - Krusty Krab Co-Cashier [1] - Krusty Krab Waiter [2] [3] - Krusty Krab 2 Manager (The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie) - Krusty Towers Bellhop (Krusty Towers) - Krabby O'Mondays Patty Collecter (Selling Out) Family: Father (Mr. SquarePants) Mother (Mrs. SquarePants) Grandfather (Grandpa SquarePants) Grandmother (Grandma SquarePants)

Uncle (Sherm SquarePants) Cousin (Todd SquarePants) Ancestors: SpongeGar (SpongeBob B.C.) Descendants: SpongeTron (SB-129) Pet(s): Gary the Snail Lary the Snail (Short Time) Jerry the Snail (Short Time) Rex the Worm (Short Time) Mystery the Seahorse (Short Time) A jellyfish (Short Time) Shelly the Scallop Friends: Patrick Star Squidward Tentacles Sandy Cheeks Larry Lobster Pearl Krabs Eugene Krabs Sheldon J. Plankton (F.U.N.) Bubble Buddy Chip Penny


海绵宝宝经典台词 1、谁准备好了,我准备好了。 2、这里埋葬着章鱼哥的希望和梦想。 3、我在你失败的地方都成功了。 4、提到钱任何人都没有是非对错,海绵宝宝。但重点是有没有情义、道德。 5、好像有只死猫,卡在你那喇叭里了。 6、你好,这里是未被发现的天才的家。 7、只要我还能再看到你一次,我就可以跟你说我有多爱你。 8、法律上应该明文规定,在这么阳光灿烂的日子写作文是违法的。 9、我要改个名字不叫海绵宝宝,宝宝海绵好了,然后改叫海绵宝宝,从此过着幸福的生活。 10、这个世界上最大的秘密莫过于你偷偷地把一个秘密告诉给另一个人。 11、你怎么不问问魔法海螺呢? 12、虽然平常一直讨厌你,可是其实我也不想看到你难过的样子,

特别是因为我的时候。 13、我知道很难,面对现实吧!也许将来我们会再次相逢,请你勿忘我,海绵宝宝宝先生。 14、好人是没有好报的,耍狠的人才能征服世界。 15、派大星,你的内裤是黄色的,你没有忘记我。 16、愚蠢不是一种病毒,但它确实像病毒一样具有传染性。 17、如果我现在因为粗心的朋友引起的爆炸而死去,那也没什么。 18、海绵宝宝,我只想告诉你一件事情,派大星也是需要人疼的! 19、知识不能替代友谊,比起失去你,我宁愿做个白痴。 20、我生下来就是为了与你相遇。 21、不管你是否愿意相信,在美丽的比基尼海滩,每个岩洞下面,都藏着一个奇迹。 22、你可以是一本打开的书,海绵宝宝,但我要比那复杂点儿。 23、也许将来我们会再次相逢,请你勿忘我,海绵宝宝先生。 24、派大星,若有来世我还做你的白痴朋友! 25、我要两个冰淇淋,一个给我吃一个给我的好朋友海绵宝宝。 26、你在我身边的时候,我从来没有羡慕过任何人。 27、所以孩子现在去追逐你的梦想吧,除非你是个傻瓜,那就继



?●Show Description: So Fantastic●?Deep down in the Pacific Ocean in the city of Bikini Bottom lives a square yellow sea sponge named SpongeBob SquarePants, because he always wears square pants. SpongeBob lives in a pineapple with his pet snail, Gary, loves his job as a cook at the Krusty Krab, and has a knack ([n?k]本 领)for getting into trouble without really trying. When he's not getting on the nerves of his cranky(['kr??ki]暴躁的)next-door neighbor, Squidward, SpongeBob can usually be found smack( [sm?k]滋味)in the middle of all sorts of strange situations with his best buddy, the simple yet lovable starfish(海星), Patrick , or his thrill-seeking surfer-girl squirrel (['skw?:r?l,松鼠)pal, Sandy. In Bikini Bottom, fish walking, blowing bubbles is art, and the tastiest undersea treat is a deep-fried Krabby Patty ['p?ti] Burger. Everything is so fantastic!

中英文 海绵宝宝第一季顽皮的邻居

Sponge Bob Season One 4A(海绵宝宝第一季) Naughty Nautical Neighbors(顽皮的水中邻居) Characters:SB=Sponge Bob (海绵宝宝) P= Patrick(派大星) S=Squidward(章鱼哥) S:Wow, Squidward. This is the best soufflé you have ever created! 哇,章鱼哥,这可是你做的做好的蛋奶酥了。 Oh, congratulations, chef! 哦,恭喜你,大厨。 SB: Hi, Patrick. P: Hi, Sponge Bob SB: Patrick, You are my best friend in the whole neighborhood. 派大星,邻里之间你是我最好的朋友。 S:Patrick, You are the dumbest idiot! It has been my misfortune to know. 派大星,你是个大蠢蛋。真不幸我发现了。 P: Do you really think that, Sponge Bob? 你真的这么认为么,海绵宝宝? SB: Of course. Patrick, everyone with eyes could see that. 当然了,派大星。这显而易见。 P: Yeah, well, I think you’re ugly. Yellow is ugly. 额,我还觉得你丑呢!黄色什么的丑死了! SB: Patrick, what are you talking about? 派大星,你在说什么呢? S:Sponge Bob,I no longer wish to know you. You give bottom dwellers a bad name. 海绵宝宝,我都不再想认识你了。你败坏比奇堡居民的名声。 If I had a dollar for every brain you don’t have. I’d have on e dollar 如果说你没脑子,我能拿一块钱. 我就有一块钱了。 Hey, Patrick. I heard there was a job opening down at the pet shop as some


海绵宝宝经典语录 [标签:栏目] ,海绵宝宝经典语录 1、知识不能替代友谊,比起失去你,我宁愿做个白痴。 2、你可以是一本打开的书,海绵宝宝,但我要比那复杂点儿。 3、只要我还能再看到你一次,我就能跟你说我有多爱你。 4、你怎么不问问魔法海螺呢? 5、在我来的路上,我被一只松鼠追。于是我问她:你为什么不去找你的松鼠同伴呢,这样你们就能一起换灯泡了! 6、如果你总是让人踩过你的头,你永远都不会得到你想要的东西。 7、大海是这么的神秘,这么的蓝,额,还很湿。 8、如果你们像水手一样说话,那你们就要像水手一样工作。 9、我要两个冰淇淋,一个给我吃一个给我的好朋友海绵宝宝。 10、我要改个名字不叫海绵宝宝,宝宝海绵好了,然后改叫海绵宝宝,从此过着幸福的生活。 11、我要换个名字,就叫宝宝海绵好了,留个胡子,然后剃掉,逃离这里,开始新的生活。 12、提到钱任何人都没有是非对错,海绵宝宝。但重点是有没有情义、道德。 13、愚蠢不是一种病毒,但它确实像病毒一样具有传染性。 14、知识代替不了友谊,所以我宁愿做一个笨蛋也不愿失去你。 15、所以孩子现在去追逐你的梦想吧,除非你是个傻瓜,那就继续躺在床上。 16、你好,这里是未被发现的天才的家。 17、好像有只死猫,卡在你那喇叭里了。 18、这个世界上最大的秘密莫过于你偷偷地把一个秘密告诉给另一个人。 19、不管你是否愿意相信,在美丽的比基尼海滩,每个岩洞下面,都藏着一个奇迹。 20、我生下来就是为了与你相遇。 21、这里埋葬着章鱼哥的希望和梦想。 22、派大星,你的内裤是黄色的,你没有忘记我。

23、但是到蟹堡王的人都很高兴,有什么比带给别人快乐更快乐的呢? 24、海绵宝宝,我只想告诉你一件事情,派大星也是需要人疼的! 25、谁准备好了,我准备好了。 26、派大星,若有来世我还做你的白痴朋友! 27、当我们说什么都别碰的时候意思就是什么都别碰! 28、虽然平常一直讨厌你,可是其实我也不想看到你难过的样子,特别是因为我的时候。 29、谁都会犯错误,所以人们才会在铅笔的另一头装上橡皮。 30、章鱼哥每一集都会说他有多讨厌海绵宝宝,多想离他远点儿,可他在误以为海绵宝宝吞下了**时陪他做完了数以千计的愿望清单。而自己,唯一的愿望就是陪海绵宝宝看明天的太阳升起。 31、法律上应该明文规定,在这么阳光灿烂的日子写作文是违法的。


宝:Whatawonderfulday. Thesunisout,thewaterisshimmering,scallopsarechirping. Sopeaceful. :Canwelowerthevolume,please. tworkwithallthatracketgoingon. :Oh,surething.Squidward. :Right,hum. :Okay. :AndnowforsomesoothingsoundsfromSquidward’sclarinet.Thankyou,thankyou.IthoughtI……!:Hey,Squidward,wanttoblowsomebubbles?Only25cents. :Oh,right,likeIwouldspendamomentofmytime.Blowingbubbles. ase!Imean,whointheworldwouldpaytoblowbubbles? :Goodmorning. :Oh,boy. :Goodmorningtoyou,sir.Wouldyoucareyoublowabubble? :Oh,howmuchisit? :Onlyaquarter. :Soundsreasonable.Uh……I’mgoingtoneedtoborrowaquarter. :Surething.Patrick. :Ah!Onequarter. :Thankyou. :Businessisbooming.HowdidIevergetsurroundedbysuchIloserneighbors? :Onebubblewand,dippedandreadytogo.


海绵xx的情感语录 海绵宝宝离不开水,没有水一天就会,和小编一起来看看下文关于海绵宝宝的情感语录,欢迎借鉴! 海绵宝宝的情感语录阿拉斯加!~牛!~虫!~。 啊~~梦想~~梦想成真。 嗨!派大星!要吹泡泡吗呵呵,2毛5一个! 海绵宝宝:企鹅男孩,那边有人等我们帮助.派大星:遵命美人鱼战士,我是你有力的助手。 海绵宝宝对派大星说“我想我们应该改名叫没头脑和到倒霉蛋”。 你准备好去参加派对了吗章鱼哥我准备好啦,你准备好去参加派对了吗海绵宝宝我准备好啦。 派大星我们去抓水母! 派大星(海绵宝宝的奶奶给他送了件毛衣,无比惊讶的语气):“啊,是个帽子!” 派大星:“嘿,哥们!” 派大星说“我都分不清男女厕所了!” 如果你想打退堂鼓就举起小拇指! 我丢失了我的....身.份。 我准备好了!我准备好了! 小鸡为什么要过马路,因为它要到马路对面去. 小蜗:“猫~”(是猫不是喵)。蟹老板(对痞老板大叫):“你这个老痞子!”

蟹老板:“你别想从我这里拿走一分钱,一分钱!”可爱的蟹老板却是个典型的资本家。 章鱼哥(压着嗓子):“哦,海绵宝宝……” xx哥:“除了我,所有人都是xx。” xx哥:“噢,这xx可怕了!” 海绵宝宝的情感语录1、你别想从我这里拿走一分钱,一分钱! 2、小蜗,快来洗澡。我现在一定要让你到澡盆里去!你听见了没有小蜗?你给我回来小蜗,小蜗,小蜗…… 3、小蜗,你没听过好奇可以杀死一头大象吗?(拿掉小蜗眼睛上的袜子)好了,闭上你圆溜溜的大眼睛睡觉吧。 4、我不知道,你今天想干什么海绵xx? 5、大海是这么的神秘,这么的蓝,额,还很湿。 6、噢,这xx可怕了! 7、好像有只死猫,卡在你那喇叭里了。 8、我要改个名字不叫海绵宝宝,宝宝海绵好了,然后改叫海绵宝宝,从此过着幸福的生活。 9、知识不能替代友谊,比起失去你,我宁愿做个白痴。 10、你说得对,xx哥。 11、你好,这里是未被发现的天才的家。 12、你这个老痞子! 13、知识代替不了友谊,所以我宁愿做一个笨蛋也不愿失去你。 14、嗨,章鱼哥,你想吹泡泡吗,只要两毛五。


Spongebob squarepants ● Show Description: So Fantastic● 剧情如此奇妙 Deep down in the Pacific Ocean in the city of Bikini Bottom lives a square yellow sea sponge named SpongeBob SquarePants, because he always wears square pants. SpongeBob lives in a pineapple with his pet snail, Gary, loves his job as a cook at the Krusty Krab, and has a knack2) for getting into trouble without really trying. When he's not getting on the nerves of his cranky3) next-door neighbor, Squidward, SpongeBob can usually be found smack4) in the middle of all sorts of strange situations with his best buddy, the simple yet lovable starfish5), Patrick, or his thrill-seeking6) surfer-girl squirrel pal, Sandy. In Bikini Bottom, fish walking, blowing bubbles is art, and the tastiest undersea treat is a deep-fried Krabby Patty Burger. Everything is so fantastic! 在太平洋深处一个叫做比基尼堡的城市里,住着一块方形的黄色海绵,名叫海绵鲍勃方短裤,因为他总是穿着方形短裤。海绵宝宝和他的宠物蜗牛加里一起住在菠萝屋里。他非常热爱在蟹堡王餐厅当厨师的工作,并且有着不费吹灰之力就惹一身麻烦的本事。海绵宝宝不是在招惹他的暴躁邻居章鱼哥,就是和他最好的朋友——一只单纯而又可爱的小海星派大星,或者寻求刺激的潜水小松鼠珊迪一起,深陷五花八门的奇异境况中。在比基尼堡,你会发现鱼类一边走路一边吹泡泡是一种艺术,而在海底最诱人的美食就是煎得熟透的蟹皇堡。所有的一切都是如此美妙! ● Characters: So Unique● 角色如此独特 SpongeBob is a sea sponge who lives in a fully-furnished, two-bedroom pineapple, and works as a fry cook at the Krusty Krab, a hamburger fast-food restaurant, and his dream in life is to be the ocean's ultimate fry cook. SpongeBob is optimistic and earnest7), but despite his best intentions, he can't seem to avoid creating problems for himself — and usually everyone else around him, too. While trying too hard, he tends to do things wrong, which usually spells disaster. But SpongeBob is always looking on the bright side of life, and his enthusiasm about everything makes him downright irresistible. 海绵宝宝是一块海绵,生活在家具齐全、拥有两间卧室的菠萝屋里。他在一家汉堡包快餐店——蟹堡王那里做煎炸汉堡包的工作,而他的人生梦想就是成为海洋里最好的煎炸师。海绵宝宝乐观又认真,但是,尽管他的出发点都很好,却好像仍免不了给自己制造麻烦,而且还常会殃及身边的每一个人。虽然海绵宝宝十分努力,却总是把事情搞砸,招致灾难。好在他总是能看到生活的光明面,他对所有事物的热情使他的魅力让人无法抗拒。 SpongeBob — A trouble-maker 海绵宝宝——麻烦制造者 Gary — SpongeBob's loyal pet 加里——海绵宝宝忠诚的小宠物 Gary is a snail, who leaves a trail of slime8) everywhere he goes. He may not be so good at catching Frisbees9) or fetching slippers, but Gary is the best pet an invertebrate10) sea sponge with square pants could possibly ask for, and that's all that matters. 加里是一只到哪里都会留下黏液痕迹的小蜗牛。也许他并不擅长接住飞盘或是帮主人取拖鞋,但加里绝对是穿着方形裤子的无脊椎海绵能找到的最好宠物,而这才是最重要的。 Patrick — SpongeBob's loyal buddy 派大星——海绵宝宝忠诚的朋友 Patrick's big ambition in life can be summed up in four words: Uh...I...Uh...forget. As SpongeBob's best friend, Patrick is always offering his advice and encouragement. Unfortunately, Pat's not exactly the brightest starfish in the sea, and he usually ends up helping SpongeBob into a heap11) of trouble. Even their simplest plans end up in disaster. But for better or worse, Patrick will always be SpongeBob's loyal buddy. 派大星生活的雄心壮志可以总结成四个词:呃……我……呃……忘了。作为海绵宝宝最好的朋友,派大星总是给他提供建议和鼓励。但遗憾的是,派大星严格意义上并不算是海里最聪明的海星,而且他总是越帮越忙,最后让海绵宝宝陷入一大堆的麻烦中。有时候,即使是最简单的计划,他们也会以灾难收场。但不论结果是好是坏,派大星永远是海绵宝宝的忠实朋友 Sandy — the apple of SpongeBob's eye
