

秘诀1 最坚实的基础——疯狂突破字母关



A的读音为IPA: [ei] I’m afraid you’ve made a mistake.

K.K: [e] 恐怕您搞错了。

B的读音为IPA: [bi:] I won't be able to finish my work.

K.K: [bi] 我不能完成工作了。

C的读音为IPA: [si:] I don’t see what you mean.

K.K: [si] 我不懂你的意思。

D的读音为IPA: [di:] I’ve heard a great deal about you.

K.K: [di] 久仰大名。

E的读音为IPA: [i:] He is easy to deal with.

K.K: [i] 他很容易打交道。

F的读音为IPA: [ef] Will you sit on my left?

K.K: [?f ] 你坐在我左边好吗?

G的读音为IPA: [????] Lets of students wear jeans nowadays.

K.K: [???] 现在很多学生穿牛仔裤。

H的读音为IPA: [????] Let me have a look at the book.

K.K: [???] 让我看一看这本书。

I的读音为IPA: [??] I could , and I should, but I wouldn’t do it.

K.K: [??] 这个我能做,我也应该做,但是我不愿意做。

J的读音为IPA: [????] He was jailed for two years.

K.K: [???] 他被囚禁了两年。

K的读音为IPA: [ ??] In any case, it’s none of your business.

K.K: [ ?] 无论如何,那事与你无关。

L的读音为IPA: [?●] I have something else to tell you.

K.K: [?●] 我还有些话要告诉你。

M的读音为IPA: [??] The baby is a real gem; he never cries.

K.K: [??] 这个婴儿真讨人喜欢,他从来不哭。

N的读音为IPA: [??] Ten to one he has forgotten it?

K.K: [??] 他很可能已经忘记了。

O的读音为IPA: [??] I hope I can see you again.

K.K: [?] 我希望我能再次见到你。

P的读音为IPA: [???] He recovered his peace of mind.

K.K: [??] 他恢复了平静的心情。

Q的读音为IPA: [ ???] We had to queue for hours to get in.

K.K: [ ??] 我们必须排几个小时的长队才能进去。

R的读音为IPA: [ ?] Are you ready for the start?

K.K: [ ?] 你准备好出发了吗?

S的读音为IPA: [?s] Many people wish for success in life.

K.K: [?s] 许多人都希望一生有所成就。

T的读音为IPA: [???] Would you like tea or coffee?

K.K: [??] 你要喝茶还是咖啡?

U的读音为IPA: [ ??] What do you plan to do this weekend?

K.K: [ ?] 这个周末你计划做什么?

V的读音为IPA: [ ??] Language is the vehicle of human thought.

K.K: [ ?] 语言是人类表达思想的工具.

W的读音为IPA: [ ???●???] You are always welcome at my house.

K.K: [ ???●??] 随时欢迎你到我家来。

X的读音为IPA: [???] His English is excellent.

K.K: [???] 他的英文是优秀的。

Y的读音为IPA: [???] Why are you in such a good mood?

K.K: [???] 你为什么心情这么好?

Z的读音为IPA: [ ??] Zip your fly.

K.K: [ ?] 拉上你的拉链。






“最大声”变成了正常的音量(normal volume);

“最快速”变成了优雅的语速(elegant speed);

“最清晰”就变成了“模模糊糊”(ambiguous;vague)的地道英语(genuine English)最高境界。


Everybody’s business is nobody’s business


There are four people named everybody, somebody, anybody and nobody.

There was an important job to be done and everybody was asked to do it. Everybody was sure that somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that because it was everybody’s job. Everybody thought anybody could do it, but nobody realized that everybody wouldn’t do it. It ended up that everybody blamed somebody when nobody did what anybody could have done.






Springtime 春天

[1] Days get longer and warmer in the spring.

There are new leaves on the trees.

Flowers begin to grow.

Rain makes the grass green and helps the plants grow.

[2] Spring is the time of new life. Nature puts on new clothes in many colors

red, yellow, blue, white, and purple.

[3] Birds build nests in the spring.

Many baby animals appear.

People like to make gardens and farmers plant crops in the fields.

[4] Spring is the season for young love. "In the spring a young man's thoughts

turn to love." according to an old saying.








秘诀4 一口气训练法




1.A:Hi, Stone! How have you been? 你好石头!近来怎样?

B: Great! What about you? 好极了!你呢?

2.A: Sorry, I’m so late getting back to the office. How’s everything?


B:Oh, I’ve been super. 噢,我好极了。

3.A: Hey, could I borrow your car for the weekend?


B: Go to hell! The last time you borrowed my car you wrecked it!







How are you doing?你好吗?

A: How are you doing, Lee?


B: I beg your pardon?


A: How’s everything? How are you getting along?


B: I’m getting along fine, thank you.


A: Have you changed any of your ideas about this country?


Do you still think English is the worst language in the world?


B: I’m beginning to see that human nature is pretty much the same everywhere.


A: And what about the language?


B: That idea hasn’t changed.


秘诀6 悦耳动听在元音


1.I’m not myself today. 我今天没心情。

2.I don’t care what you do. 你做什么,我都不管。

3.We hope to see you again. 我们希望再次见到你。

4.The days are getting longer. 白天越来越长。

5.I don’t know how to thank you enough. 我不知道该如何感谢你。6.When are you going to quit smoking? 你打算什么时候发誓戒烟?

秘诀7 口齿清晰在辅音



1.I think you ought to do it by yourself. 我想你应该自己去做。

2.I don’t know what you are talking about. 我听不懂你在说些什么。

3.I feel very tired today. 我今天觉得很累。

4.I hope you will forgive me. 我希望你会原谅我。

5.I love having you in my life. 我渴望我的生命中有你。

6.I’m very sorry to hear that. 听到这个消息我很难过。

秘诀8 口腔发音和喉咙发音的区别


1.A: What is she doing these days? 她最近在忙些什么?

B: She is learning business English now. 她正在学习商业英语。

2.A: I have a job interview tomorrow. 我明天有个工作面试。

B: Good luck. 祝你好运。

3.A: Do you speak any English? 你说英语吗?

B: I speak a little English. 我讲一点点英语。

4.A: I feel much better than I did last week. 我感觉比上个星期好多了。B: I’m really glad to hear that. 听到这个消息我很高兴。

5. A: Would you like coffee or milk or tea? 你要咖啡,牛奶,还是茶?B: Tea, please. 茶,谢谢。

秘诀9 长元音拉长

鬼鬼祟祟的英文就是由于鬼鬼祟祟的元音造成的!你只要把元音发饱满、到位, 你的英文立刻就会说得“悦耳动听”、“底气十足”!



国际音标[ i: ] = 美国音标[ i ]


Matching Sound中文近似音:衣服的“衣”。


Special Trick 特别技巧:做疯狂勉强微笑状。

Extra Note额外阐述:一个最重要的长音。一定要足够长,足够到位!

1. It’s my tr ea t this time. 今天我请客。

2. A: Pl ea se have a s ea t. 请坐。

B: Thank you. 谢谢。

【疯狂评论】中国人学了这么多年英语,其实连“请坐”都不会说。在美国,没有人会说“Sit down, pl ea se!”,这句话听起来命令口气太浓!

This sentence sounds like a military order. It is too bossy and commanding. It also sounds like you have no control over the crowd in

a public speaking situation. The suggestion “Please have a seat.”

sounds much better.

3. A: W e bel ie ve-in you. 我相信你能做到,你能成功。

B: I appreciate your support. 非常感谢你的支持。

4. A: Sw ee t dr ea ms. 做个好梦。

B: You too. 你也一样。


5. A: Why is he so happy today? 今天他为什么这么高兴?

B: He dr ea med a sw ee t dr ea m last night. 他昨晚做了一个甜美的梦。

秘诀10 国际音标[ ??]

美语音标[ ?]


1.A: I want to impr o ve my poor English. 我想改进我的破烂英文。

B: Then y o u should study Crazy English. 那么你就应该学习疯狂英语。

2. I’d like to impr o ve my English pronunciation. 我想要改进我的英语发音。

3. What a f oo l I was to d o such a thing! 我真是太蠢了,居然做这样的事。

秘诀11 双元音饱满到位

双元音饱满、到位; 尽量用你的口型来夸张发音,尽量发泄,尽量慢; 争取以最慢的速度在一口气内用拉长、饱满、到位的放纵口型把句子读完; 一定要把句子中的双元音读准。最后再用正常的语速,标准、地道的一口气轻松读完。

双元音发饱满到位IPA: [??] [??] [??]

K.K: [??] [?] [?]

1.A: Is he coming back soon? 他很快就回来吗?

B: I have n o i dea. 我不清楚。

2.A:I don’t l i ke working o vert i me. 我不喜欢加班。

B:Neither do I. 我也不喜欢。

3.A:I h a te being l a te for work! 我讨厌上班迟到。

B:Me too. 我也一样。




b u s y g e t a long both er

[?] [?]

IPA [?] [?


[?] [?]

K.K [?] [?


1. L e t’s g e t t o g e th er a g ai n. 让我们找一天再聚一聚。

英音:IPA: [●?????(?)??′?????′???]→略音[?] Let’s = let us. 让我们

美音:K.K: [●?????(?)??′?????′???]→略音[?] together : adv.



英音:IPA: [●?????(?)??′?????′???]

美音:K.K: [●?????(?)??′?????′???]

2.Don’t both er me. I’m b u s y! 别烦我,我忙着呢!

3.He i s d i ff i c u lt t o g e t a long w i th. 他很难相处。

4.Th e food here reall y tastes d e l i c iou s. 这儿的食物真的很好吃。

秘诀13 连读技巧




1. I’ll be back in half an hour. 我半小时就回来。英音:IPA: [??●????? ??????????????]→连读[′?? ??]、[′?????????]

美音:K.K: [??●???? ???????????U?]→连读[?????]。音变[ →?]、[′??????U?]


英音:IPA: [??●???′?? ??′?????????]

美音:K.K: [??●??′?????′??????U? ]

2. Take a look at it. 看一看吧!

英音:IPA: [??? ??●? ??????]→连读[′??? ?]、[′●? ????]

美音:K.K: [?? ??●U ??????]→连读[′????]、[′●U?????]。音变[ →?]、[?→?]


英音:IPA: [′??? ?′●? ????]

美音:K.K: [′????′●U?????]

3. A: I have a cold. 我感冒了。

B: Take care of yourself! 你要照顾好自己!

秘诀14 连读技巧



在两个元音之间按“字尾元音”的开口度大小适当添加上微弱的半元音[?]或[ ], 如果前一个词结尾的音是: [??] [?] [??] [??] [ ?] 在与后面的元音连读时可加 [ ] 音;倘若前一个音是: [?] [??] [??] [??] 在与后面的元音连读时可加[?]音。


see off 送行英音:IPA: [???? ??]→加音连读→[???( ) ??]→[ ]为加音

美音:K.K: [??? ?]→加音连读→[??( ) ?]→[ ]为加音


英音:[′???? ? ??]

美音:[′??? ? ?]

1.Thank you for coming to see me-off. 谢谢你来为我送行。

2.I went to the station to see her-off. 我去车站给她送行。

go on 继续英音:IPA: [??◆? ?]→加音连读→[??◆(?)? ?]→[?]为加音

美音:K.K: [??? ?]→加音连读→[??(?)? ?]→[?]为加音


英音:[′??◆??? ?]

美音:[′????? ?]

1.G o o n with your work. 继续干你的工作。

2.What pleasant weather, why not g o ou t for a walk? 天气多好啊,为什么不出去散散步?

秘诀15 连读技巧



far away 遥远;深远英音:IPA: [??????′???]→[′?????′???]

美音:K.K: [?????′??]→[′????′??]

*My friend comes from a country far away. 我的朋友来自遥远的国家。

for ever 永远

英音:IPA: [?????′? ? ]→[? ??′? ?]

美音:K.K: [????′? ?]→[???′? ?]

*I will keep my promise forever. 我将永远信守诺言。

there are 某处有某物

英音:IPA: [????? ?]→[′??????]

美音:K.K: [???? ?]→[′??? ?]

*There are a lot of problems in the world. 这个世界问题很多。

*There are over 600,000 kinds of insects in the world. 世界上一共有六十多万种昆虫。

*There is no school today.【我最喜欢的句子】今天不用上课。

秘诀16 摆摆姿势和货真价实



*I had a good-time last-night. 昨晚我玩得很开心。

*Take-care. 多保重。


【KIM疯狂联想】Instead of just murmuring the common “Bye-bye” that everyone knows, impress people with a loud “Take-care” when you part compa ny!

*Keep-quiet. 安静。

*You have a good-memory. 你有很好的记忆力。

A: Are you Kim? It’s so good to see you again.

B: Wow! You have a good memory. I’m sorry, I can’t remember your name. Where did we meet?

*Ask-Bob-to sit-behind-me. 让鲍勃坐在我后面。【省略了四个音】

*I didn’t-do it. My friend-did-it. 不是我做的,是我的朋友干的。

【KIM疯狂联想】This is a classic excuse for children of all ages around the world!

*Keep-practicing. 继续操练。


秘诀17 略音(1)辅音+辅音


①.I don’t know what to do. 我不知道做什么。

IPA: [??????????? ??????]→略音[?]

K.K: [????????????????]→略音[?]


IPA: [??????(?)???? (?)?????]

K.K: [?????(?)?????(?)????]

②.I need some more money. 我需要更多的钱。

IPA: [????????????′????]→略音[?]、[?]

K.K: [???????????′????]→略音[?]、[?]


IPA: [?????(?)??(?)???′????]

K.K: [????(?)??(?)???′????]

*I’d-like-to try on that shirt. 我想试试那件衬衫。

*What time is our flight-tomorrow. 我们明天的飞机是什么时候的?

秘诀18 略音(2)同类爆破+同类爆破


part time 兼职的

IPA: [???(?)????] 省前读后,[?]省略

K.K: [???(?)????] 省前读后,[?]省略

*She’s looking for a part-time job. 她正在寻找兼职工作。

take care 小心

IPA: [???( ) ??] 省前读后,[ ]省略

K.K: [??( ) ??] 省前读后,[ ]省略

*Please take care of yourself. 请多保重。

*Take care not to break any glasses. 小心不要打碎玻璃。

*I’ll take-care-of the problem. 我会亲自来解决这个问题。


秘诀19 略音(3)异类爆破+异类爆破

类似的辅音如:[?]→[?];[?]→[?];[ ]→[?];[?]→[?] 出现时,同样省前读后。

1. A:What do you think? 你认为怎么做?

B: Sorry, I wasn’t listening. 对不起,我刚才没听。

2. The boss has always been very good to her. 老板对她一直非常好。

3. We had a good time together. 我们在一起玩得很痛快。

4. You’d better get up a little earlier. 你应该早点起床。

秘诀20 略音(4)

在以[?]、[?]、[ ]、[?]、[?]和[?] +以辅音开始的单词时,前面的辅音发音顿息,舌头达到发音部位“点到为止”,但不送气!


1. Let me try it. 让我试试看。

IPA: [●???????????] [?]点到为止

K.K: [●??????????] [?]点到为止




2.A:Maybe he’d like to be alone now. 或许他现在想一个人静一下。B: I think so too. 我也这么认为。

3. A: I might be getting a big raise this month. 或许这个月我会大幅度加薪。B: Not a chance. 没戏。

4.A:Is it going to rain tomorrow? 明天会下雨吗?

B:I hope not. I want to go to the beach. 但愿不会。我想去海滩玩。

秘诀21 咬舌头


Th irty–th ree th ousand th ree hundred and th irty–th ree.【六次咬舌头】

IPA: [′ ??? ???′ ????? ???′??????????′ ??? ???]

K.K: [′ ?? ??′ ?U ?? ??′??????????′ ?? ?? ]


It’s th e same th ing. 同样的事。

IPA: [????????? ??]

K.K: [???????? ??]

*Th is is better th an th at. 这个比那个好。*Th ey’ve been th ere for more th an th ree mon th s. 他们到那里已经三个月了。

*Th e rumor passed from mou th to mou th. 谣言不胫而走。



better[′????]→口语读音:[′????] 更好的

1.The sooner, the better. 愈快愈好。

2.I think you’d better see a doctor. 我想你最好去看医生。

3.Your story just doesn't hold water. 你说的不合情理。

4.My mouth is watering. 我流口水了。

5. Stay out of this matter, please. 请别管这件事。

6. The matter is of grave concern to us all.正被考虑中的事对大家都非常重要。



这种现象多见于单词读音中,如当名词后加-s(-es)变成复数,动词单数第三人称加-s(-es),或规则动词后加“-ed”变成过去式或过去分词,由于受前面音的影响,这些后加成分的读音各不相同。如cats和beds其复数形式同样是加“-s”但前者念[?],而后者念[ ],原因是它们前面的音一个是清辅音[?],另一个则是浊辅音[?]。加“-ed”情况相同,其读音规律是清清浊浊,即清辅音后读清音,浊辅音后读浊音。如:looked念[ ●???],



1. It’s raining cats and dogs.


2. He stopped reading and looked up.

这时他停止看书, 抬头看看。

3. ―On my way home, I looked up an old friend of mine. ‖


4. He pulled a tired smile when he stepped out of the room.

当他从房间里出来时, 脸上带着疲倦的微笑。



如news的单独读音是[???? ],但在复合词newspaper中却读[′??????????],[???? ]中的[ ]在复合词[′??????????]中由于受后面清辅音[?]的影响而清化变成了[?]。又如:used to短语本该读成[ ?? ??◆],但受后面[?]的影响,浊辅音[?]变成了[?],而[?]又影响[ ]的读音,使其清化变成[?],所以现在应念成[ ????◆]。

1.Before I eat dinner, I read the newspaper for a while. 在吃饭前,我看一会儿报纸。

2.We read the newspaper every morning. 我们每天早晨读报纸。

3.A:He is not what he used to be. 他已不是旧日的他了。

B:Don’t worry. You’ll get used to it in no tim e. 别担心,你很快就会习惯的。4.We used to go there every year. 我每年都去那儿。

5.Our company used to do business with theirs. 我们公司过去和他们的公司常有业务往来。

秘诀25 相互同化(1)


[?] + [ ] = [?] 此情况基本上都连读

1.God bless you. 上帝保佑你!

IPA: [? ??●??? ??]→[?] + [ ] = [?]。略音[?]→口语中读音→[? (?)′?●????]

K.K: [????●??? ?]→[?] + [ ] = [?]。略音[?]→口语中读音→[??(?)′?●???]

2.Now look, w hat a mess you’ve made! 瞧,你弄得乱七八糟。/ 搞得一团糟。

3.Do you miss your family? 你想念家人吗?

4. I shall miss you very much. 我会非常想念你的。

秘诀26 相互同化(2)

[ ?] + [ ] = [??] 此情况基本上都连读

1. How about you? 你呢?

IPA: [????′????? ??]→[ ?] + [?] = [??]→口语中读音[????′???????]

K.K: [??U ?′??U?? ?]→[ ?] + [ ] = [??]→口语中读音[??U ?′??U???]

2. Take care that you don’t spoil your new clothes. 小心,别把你的新衣服弄坏。

3. A:I’m very glad to meet you . 认识你很高兴。

B:It’s a pleasure to meet you. 幸会,幸会。

4.I’m sorry to tell you that you’ve been dismissed. 我遗憾地告诉你,你已经被解雇了。

秘诀27 相互同化(3)

[?] + [ ] = [??] 此情况基本上都连读

1.Coul d y ou tell me where the bus stop is?

IPA: [ ??? ????●????????????? ???]→连读[?] + [ ] = [??]→[ ??????]

K.K: [ U?? ???●?????????????????]→连读[?] + [ ] = [??]→[ ?????]


IPA: [′ ???????●????????????? ???]

K.K: [′ U?????●?????????????????]


2.A:Di d y ou panic? 你是否有几分恐慌?

B:Of course! It was awful! 当然!可怕极了!

3.Woul d y ou show me the bathroom, please? 请问洗手间在哪?

4.Woul d y ou care to go for a walk with me? 你想和我散步吗?

5.Coul d y ou do me a favor? 你能帮我个忙吗?

6. Coul d y ou possibly give me a lift home? 你能让我搭个便车回家


秘诀28 因发音部位的影响而发生的同化

当很快地说this shield或horseshoe时,this或horse词尾的齿龈音[?],受后面shield或shoe词头的硬颚音[?]的影响,也变为[?]了。因而就念成了[ ??? ??●?][ ???? ??]。

1. [?]之后跟[?]或[ ]时,[?]常被同化成[?];[?]→[?]。如:

this ship→[??????]→[??????]

2. [ ]之后跟[ ]或[?]时,常被同化成[?];如:

Has she come? [?? ??? ??]→[?????? ??] 她来了吗?

He tells you the truth. 他告诉你事实。

秘诀29 当齿龈鼻音[?]出现在软颚音[ ]


[?] + [ ]或[?] = [??]

1. Tha nk you.谢谢你。

IPA: [ ??? ??]→[?] + [ ]→[??]

K.K: [ ??? ?]→[?] + [ ]→[??]

2. I take a walk alo ng the ba nk every morni ng.


3. I thi nk I can learn to speak good E ng lish in one month.


4. Hu ng er is the best sauce.【谚】


5. He hu ng ered for her love.


6. I was a ng ered by his refusal to come to the party.


秘诀30 [?] + [?] = [??]

把open , happen分别念为[′????],[′????],一般是在快速的谈话中比较随便、

含糊的发音。这种发音,在IPA 和K.K中都有。在这里不仅发生了减音的现象,而且发生了同化的现象。按照比较正规的念法,open, happen 应分别念为[′?????],[′?????],轻音节中都有一个模糊的元音[?]。但在前面有减音和同化现象的注音里,元音[?]完全省去,由此而剩下的辅音群[??],两个辅音的发音部位不同。[?]是双唇音,[?]是齿龈音,念起来不太方便。所以就发生了同化作用。[?]把[?]同化为双唇音[?],这样就形成了两个双唇音的辅音群[??],念起来就方便多了。

1. He lives by his pen.


2.All of his dealings are in the op en.


3. Let's be op en with each other.


4. I want to be op en with me about your money problems, so I can help you.


5. Do you hap pen to know his new telephone number?


秘诀31 “清”与“浊”间的同化

当north,south,worth这三个词变为形容词worthy时,这些词原来词尾的[ ]因为受了后面元音的影响,就变为了浊音[?]:

north [??? ]northern [ ??????]

south [??? ]southern [ ?????]

worth [?? ]worthy [ ????]

1.She has traveled in northern countries. 她曾游历过北方诸国。2.The southern half of the country is a desert. 这个国家的南半部是沙漠。

3.She says she helps only the worthy poor. 她说她只帮助那些值得她去帮助的穷人。


4.This book is worthy of being read [to be read]. 这本书值得一读。

秘诀32 (1)sp +元音


纯正发音的100个秘诀 可悲的现状! 绝大多数大学生连26个字母、基本数字和日期都读不准确,何谈国际交流? 学英语的真正捷径是什么? 学习英语其实就是三件事!第一,彻底突破发音关。第二,大量背诵句子或短文。第三,继续背诵已经背过的句子或短文。就是这么简单! 为什么攻克英语的努力总是半途而废? 两个原因:第一,发音不过关,记住的都是中国式发音;或只能看懂却从不能说出几个句子。第二,从来不张嘴练习,直到有一天全部忘得一干二净。 发音真的这么重要吗? 没有发音就没有语言,就没有口语,就没有听力,就没有语感,就没有自信心,就没有成就感!当然也就讲不出地道、漂亮的英文! 发音不好让很多国家付出了巨大的代价! 受过十几年培养的大学高材生,到了国外立刻暴露“聋子和哑巴”的“本性”;每年通过四、六级的大学生无数,但99%都无法跟外国人自由交流;中、小学的发音教学一再修改,最后学生还是痛苦不堪;河南英文、四川英文、福建英文自成“体系”,一旦外国人张口,立刻满头雾水; 我应该如何学习?我推荐三种学习方法:方法一,一星期专攻一个发音!方法二,将小册子随身携带,有空就大声朗读!方法三,每天至少要听两遍录音!只有发音速成才能实现英语速成!发音练习是“口腔肌肉”、“大脑神经”和“英文语感”三者的有机结合体。古有“书读百遍其义自现”;“熟读唐诗300首,不会作诗也能吟”等说法就是最好的印证。大声的、疯狂的、无数次的去练习你的句子,你会发现发音进步的背后就是口语的征服。现在就张嘴,跟几千万疯狂英语的学员一起疯狂吧,朋友!全民练发音的时代已经来临!从今天开始,跟着我们的录音带苦练发音吧!北京胡同里的大爷、大妈每天早晨都在练英文,你可不要落后!这个世界变化太快,没有犹豫的时间了。 说英语是你的第一天职! 无论发生什么事,无论你的学习和工作压力有多大,无论你多么忙,每天一小时听我们的录音带要雷打不动!一切的理由都是借口,没有谁能拿出大块时间学英文! 在疯狂英语的世界里每天你都会被深深地打动,从而再次思索自己的生活:北京的一位60岁的阿姨从26个字母开始自学英语,从未间断!广州的一位建筑工人,在别人都去睡觉的时候,自己在搅拌机旁大喊英语!武汉的一位警察,每天坚持听读疯狂英语,成为了那些拥有六级证书大学生的老师!江西的一位地地道道的农民,成为了外国朋友崇拜的导游!高考落榜生,用一年时间坚持大喊疯狂英语,不仅高考获得了好成绩,而且成为了大学的英语巨星!但有一位博士生在美国备受打击,国内20年的寒窗苦读付诸东流,竟然落得个……从了解技巧到真正熟练运用技巧还有很长的路要走!这只是一个开始 发音总则 秘诀一:饱满、浑厚、地道英文的秘诀——用口腔的后半部分发音! 绝对的秘诀:地道、悦耳动听的英文就是元音饱满的体现,尤其是后口腔发出的双元音。那些倍受推崇的世界级演讲家像马丁·路德·金、丘吉尔、肯尼迪等等,个个都是元音饱满、底气十足的典范。而中国人发音却是用嘴巴前部,就是俗话说的“嘴皮子”。所以,从现在开始苦练你的元音,拼命锻造你的口腔肌肉,争取最短时间内讲一口悦耳动听的英语。我们的目标:不开口则已,一开口就要吓死外国人。我们很多在全国巡讲的讲师已经作出了榜样,已经用事实做了证明,你还等什么? 1. I’m really crazy about speaking English.我真的非常喜欢英语。 2. Did you have a good time last night?你昨晚玩得开心吗? 3. I’d like to make an appointment with Doctor James.我想预约James医生。 伟大的贡献:众多的英语专家和英语学习者一致认为,“元音饱满”是亚洲人说一口漂亮英语的关键!


李阳疯狂英语全集视频教程文本笔记 特别说明:本文档由本人一字一字键入,请尊重个人版权,仅供下载相互学习,请勿转作商业用途! Lesson 1 How are you doing, Jane? 你好吗,简? How are you? How do you do? How is everything? 一切都好吗? How is everything with you? How is everything with going? How is the world around you? How is life treating you? How have you being? How is your family? How is your daughter doing? Lesson 2 再次见面,见到老朋友时 I’m really glad to see you. 能见到你真的很高兴。 Good to see you. Good to see you again. Pleased to see you again. Glad to see you again. 初次见面: I’m really glad to meet you. Nice to meet you. Pleased to meet you. It’s so nice to meet you. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m very glad to meet you. 要再见了: Nice meeting you. It was a pleasure meeting you. Nice talking to you. It’s been nice talking to you. Lesson 3 I’m sorry I’m so late. 对不起,我来晚了。 I’m sorry I can’t come. I’m sorry I can’t help. I’m sorry I overslept. I’m sorry I lost your book. I’m sorry I dialed the wrong number. I’m sorry I took you for someone else. I’m sorry I have to cancel the appointment. I’m sorry I didn’t notice you.


美语的发音规则 重读。通常句中的实义词(名词、实义动词、数词等)是句子的关键词,携带重要信息应重读。如在"Y ou have finished the job."一句中,"finished"和"job"一般重读;有时为表达特定的含义,把重读放在本不该重读的词上。如上一句话,把重音放在"have" 上,则含有说话人未料到你已完成了工作的意思。 弱读。英语中的介词、冠词、连词等虚词有两种读音:一种为强读形式,用于单念和连贯言语;另一种为弱读形式,用于言语的轻读。轻读表现在元音的弱化上,如"at"[?t]弱化为[эt]。口语中语气越随便,语流越快,弱化现象越频繁,也就越难懂。 同化。一个音受临音影响而变化的现象就是同化。如辅音[d]与[j]相邻时,被同化为[dэ],辅音[t]与[j]相邻时,被同化为[t∫]。 英美发音差异。英美发音体系不尽相同,在某些方面差异很大。如当字母a位于辅音[s]、[θ]、[f]、[m]、[n]前时,美音为[?],英音为[a];在英音中,字母"r"只有在元音前是才发音,在元音后一般不发音,而美音中,一般均发卷舌音[r];字母组合"wh"在英音中,为[w],美音则为[hw]等。 五大发音要点 我们将复杂的(complicated)语音规则总结成五大发音要点,使一般人都能掌握(master)。 它们是:长元音和双元音饱满;短元音急促有力;连音;略音和咬舌头。 一、长元音和双元音饱满 鬼鬼祟祟的英文就是鬼鬼祟祟(sneaky; lousy)的元音造成的!只要把元音发饱满(full; plump),你的英语立刻会变得悦耳动听。那些英美流行歌手就是元音饱满的典范! 1. Mike likes to write by the nice bright light at night. 2. Macao came back to China in 1999. 3. I like the shape of that mountain. 〔包含了四个容易混淆的元音〕 二、短元音急促有力 4. Jim must study a little bit more. 5. Let's get together again. 三、连音 6. I'm working on-it. 7. I'll think-it-over. 四、略音 第一条规则:以某音结尾的单词+同音开始的单词--只发一次即可! 8. Y ou ate-too much. 9. I don't know what-to-do. 〔两个辅音连接,只读后一个〕 第二条规则:以〔t〕,〔d〕,〔k〕,〔g〕,〔p〕和〔b〕+以辅音开始的单词前面的发音“点到为止”,舌头达到发音中位,但不送气! 10. Lend-me your black-bag. 11. I don't-like-people asking me for money.


英语单词直接拼读法 一、辅音字母的读音规则 1. c 在字母e,i,y前读/s/,如c ell,c it'y,c yst; 其余情况下读/K/,如c at,c lub,c ode. 2. g 在字母e,i,y前读/?/,如g ene,g in,g ym; 其余情况下读/g/,如be g, g olf, g ame. 3. s 多数情况下读/s/,如s ix,de s k,ye s; 有时读/z/,如i s,hi s,vi s'it(读/z/时可下画一条横线)。 4. x 处于两元音字母之间,且其后元音重读时,读/gz/,如e x ist'; 其余情况下读/ks/,如si x, ne x t, e x cuse'. 5.q 读/k/,如Ir?q', NASDA Q (股票名); 常与字母u用在一起, qu 读/kw/, 如qu ick, qu es'tion. 附:英语音标 元音 单元音:i: i e ???u ?ɑ: ?: u: ?: 双元音:ei ai ?i ?u au i?e?u? 辅音 浊辅音:b d g ?v e z ?dz m n ?l r j w 请辅音:p t k ? f θs ?ts h 二、辅音字母组合的读音规则 1. ch, tch 读/?/,如Ch i'na, mu ch;ca tch, ma tch

2. ph, gh 读/f/,如ph o'to, ph one 3. sh 读/?/,如sh ape, sh e, sh ort, fi sh 4. th 多数情况下读/θ/,如th ree, th ird 但有时读/e/ ,如th at, th an, wi th.(读/e/时可下画一线). 5. wh 在字母o前读/h/,如wh o, wh om, wh ose(其中的字母o读/u:/) ; 其余情况下读/w/,如wh ich,wh en,wh y. 6. dg, dj 读/?/,如ju dg e,lo dg'ing;a dj ust',a d'j ective. 7. n 在和字母g构成字母组合时,以及处于读/g/或/k/的字母前(如c, g, k等)读/?/。如 lo ng,thi ng,le ng th;u n'cle,zi n c;a n'gry,fi n'ger;dri n k,thi n k,tha n k. 8. gu 在元音前读/g/,如gu ess,gu ide,gu est;在字母n后读/gw/,如lan'gu age, distin'gu ish,lin'gu ist. 字母n因为处于/g/音前而读/?/. 9. 两个读同一个音的字母并列时,只读一个,如li t't le,mi ss,hi ll,ho b'b y;clo ck,ne ck,bla ck; sc ene,sc i'ence,sc ythe,e xc ite',e xc ept';a cc ord'ing,a cc use',o cc ur'. 三、元音字母在重读音节中的读音规则 英语中有四类重读音节:闭音节,开音节,r音节,re音节。 1. 闭音节指以辅音字母结尾的音节。 元音字母a,e,i(y),o,u在重读闭音节中分别读/?//e//i//?//?/ ,如 h a nd, h e lp,l i p,g y m,h o t,cl u b. 2. 开音节指以元音字母、‘元音字母+哑e’或‘一个辅音字母+哑e’结尾的音节。


李阳疯狂英语口语速成教材1.发音口诀表(IPA:代表国际音标 K.K.:代表美国音标)

[[ [[[[ [[i[[[u [[ [[ [ [ 一.前元音/i:/疯狂外号:穿针引线长衣音,简称“长衣音”(抒情音)发音要领的是:舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,舌两侧抵上齿两侧,口形偏平。 e:Chinese 中国人 extremely 极其地 ee:feeling 感情 agree 同意 ei:receive 接到 conceive 设想 ea:please 请 dream 梦;梦想 ie:achieve 达到 believe 相信 实用操练:1.Speaking English is a piece of cake.说英语是小菜一碟 2.. Please feel free to call me.请随时给我打电话。 3.I'm glad to meet you.我很高兴见到你/见到你很高兴 4.Seeing is believing.眼见为实。 额外奉献:这是一个非常好用的句型:Please feel free to ...(请尽管.../请随时...) 1. Please feel free to visit anytime.请尽管随时采访。 2 . Please feel free to ask for any help anytime. 二.前元音美语音标/i/疯狂外号:经典收小腹减肥短衣音,简称“短衣音”发音要领是发音时舌尖抵下齿,前舌尽量抬高、舌位高于/i/:口形扁平。 i: visit 参观 limit 限制 e: english英语 ticket车票 u: busy忙 ee: been曾经是 y: pretty漂亮的 difficulty困难 ui: build建造 实用操练:Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。 Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.心之所愿,无事不成。 2. I'm pretty busy.我很忙。 3. A good beginning makes for a good ending.好的开始导致好的结尾。 三. 前元音美语音标/ε/ ([ e ]) 疯狂外号:“小开口45度”音,简称为“45度”音。发音时舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,舌位比/i:/低;唇形中常,开口度比/i:/大。 e: remember记得 question 问题 ea:weather天气, pleasant 令人愉快的 实用操练:1. Better late than never. 迟到总比不到好 2. East or west,home is best. 金窝银窝,不如自己的狗窝。 3. Let's get together when the weather is better.等天气好一点我们再相聚。


Are you ready to learn your ABCs? A is for the airplane, above the clouds so high sowing and sing, like a big bird in sky B is for a bunny, but it doesn’t cut his tail, he goes cipety hup hup hup, a longer bunny trail. C is for my cat, she is as cuddly as can be, but she mean out so lovely that she gets stark out been a tree. D is for the daytime, when the sun is shining bright, that’s the time I go to school, and learn to do things right. E is for an elephant, he is big and has no hands, but he can use his long long trunk to meet all his demands. F is for the fire engine, there is a fire off a bead, when in the car put orberin start, and let it go instead. G is for a little girl, the upside is a boy, it’s fun to play together, and they can share their toys. H is for hello, which is something nice to say, it means I am glad to see you, any time of day. I is for an inside, like butterflies in beans, they are all a part of nature, so protect them if you please. J is for your jacket, when you go outside you wear it, it keeps you nice and warm, so you can play without care. K is for a kite, you can ply it in the wind, sometimes driving low, but damn it she start got again. L is for the leaves, that they are green and grow on trees, sometimes they turn colors and fall to ground a piece. M is for music, there is music in this song, and if you learn the words to it, and you can sing along. N is for your nose, it’s in the middle of your face, and with your nose you can smell the cookies around just a bit. O is for an orange like holding sunshine in your hands, iplan own obnin, and then give some to your friends.

美语发音视频教程Paul Gruber主讲全程15个系列教程文本

Session One 1. Consonant R 2. Consonant W Hi, I’m your instructor Paul Gruber and welcome to the Pronunciation Workshops---First Training Session. I am very excited that you have taken this first step to improve your English pronunciation and I do hope that you would enjoy this program and receive great benefits from it. Before we begin I wanna make sure that you have downloaded and printed out the training manual which accompanies this course. If you have not yet done so, please do it soon because you’ll definitely need it. Now you may be wondering how is it that I am going to help you change the way you speak. Well, basically, when you learned English as a second language, you kept many of the sounds and speech rules from your first language and you were continuing to use them when you speak English. This is what gives you an accent. Y ou were using the sounds and speech rules from your native language instead of the sounds and speech rules of English. And you know why? Well, because when you learned English, nobody ever showed you what the sounds and speech rules of English were until now. That’s why I’m coming . Because I am going to show you and train you on how to use these sounds and speech rules correctly. Knowing in using these rules will help you reduce or possibly even eliminate your accent. Now throughout the program you’re often going to see me point to my mouth to show you how to produce a particular sound. I want you to pay close attention and try to copy exactly what it is I am doing. I would be showing you how to correctly form new sounds by changing the position of your tongue or changing the shape of your lips. These small changes are going to make very big changes in your speech. We’re going to practising and I recommend that you use the training manual and try to practise often. When you practise, I recommend that you start out speaking slowly out loud in a strong voice while exaggerating all the mouth movements. What would you be doing is retraining the muscles of your mouth in your tongue to move in new ways, which will produce a new pronunciation patterns. These new speech patterns will slowly and eventually involve into your own spontaneous fast speech, but it is important that you start out going very slow. If you can pronunce words and sentences correctly speaking slowly, well, then you’ll have no problem in saying them fast. I believe practising is important, but I do not believe it’s the only key towards success. Being aware of your errors. That’ s the key. Being aware and also recognizing mistakes when you hear them will probably be the most important factors towards your improvement. Another thing I’d like you to keep in mind and I’m sure you may have noticed this already is that when most Americans speak you will notice that we seem to open our mouth a lot and there is a great amount of mouth movements. Watch my mouth when I say something like “Wow, was there really raining on Wednesday!” Did you see how my mouth seemed to


纯正美语发音秘诀 第一章字母发音突破 秘诀1 最坚实的基础——疯狂突破字母关 这是一首优美、现代的字母歌,绝对不是我们从小就熟悉的那首“比较弱智”的字母歌!请一定要反复听、反复模仿。 26个字母、26个单词、26个句子,疯狂模仿,发音必会产生飞跃! A的读音为IPA: [??]I’m afr ai d you’ve m a de a mist a ke. K.K: [?]恐怕您搞错了。 B的读音为IPA: [???]I won’t be able to finish my work. K.K:[??]我不能完成工作了。 C的读音为IPA:[???]I don’t see what you mean. K.K[??]我不懂你的意思。 D的读音为IPA[???] I’ve heard a great dea l about you. K.K[??]久仰大名。 E的读音为IPA[??] He is ea sy to deal with. K.K[?]他很容易打交道。 F的读音为IPA[??] Will you sit on my l ef t? K.K[??] 你坐在我左边好么? G的读音为IPA[????]Lots of students wear jea ns nowadays. K.K[???]现在很多学生穿牛仔裤。 H的读音为IPA[????]Let me h ave a look at the book. K.K[???] 让我看看这本书。 I的读音为IPA[ ?] I could,and I should, but I won’t do it. K.K[ ?] 这个我能做,我也应该做,但我不愿意做。 J的读音为IPA[????] He was jai led for tow years. K.K[???] 他被囚禁了两年。 K的读音为IPA[ ??] In any ca se, it’s none of your business. K.K[ ?] 无论如何,那事于你无关。 L的读音为IPA[?●]I have something el se to tell you. K.K[?●]我还有些话要告诉你。 M的读音为IPA[??]The baby is real g em; he never cries. K.K[??]这个婴儿真讨人喜欢,他从来不哭。 N的读音为IPA[??]T en to one he has forgotten it. K.K[??]他很可能已经忘记了。 O的读音为IPA[?◆]I h o pe I can see you again. K.K[?]我希望我能再见到你。 P的读音为IPA[???]He recovered his pea ce of mind. K.K[??]他恢复了平静的心情。 Q的读音为IPA[ ?◆?]We had to queue for hours to get in. K.K[ ?◆]我们必须排几个小时的长队才能进去。


腹部发音练就纯正美语 什么是腹部发音呢?当你和美国人进行交流的时候,或者听他们说话的时候,是否能够明显地感觉到老美的发音是特别浑厚呢?是不是他们的讲话听起来共鸣和震动的时间很长,同时带有很浓重的鼻音,在这里告诉大家这就是美语发音的秘诀所在,也就是腹部发音法。 所谓腹部发音法,就是指美国人发音的时候所讲究的腹腔发声的习惯,这种方式和我们说汉语的时候,所遵循的喉腔发声的习惯大相径庭。就是因为发声习惯的巨大差异,所以导致了中国的学习者在讲英语的时候都是一口中国式英语,如果在加上家乡的口音,那种语音语调简直让人太受折磨了,听的让人浑身都起鸡皮疙瘩,是不是? 中国人说英语的时候,总是缺少那么一丝韵味,缺少一种原汁原味的感觉,所以,即使英语讲得很流利,但是讲出一口中国式英语,就是让人听起来很不舒服,所以,如果你再也不想讲中国式英语啦,我教你的这个方法,你必须要学会,只要掌握了这个方法,两天就可以讲出一口地道的美国英语,信不信? 方法特别简单,就是我们要用腹腔发音,刚开始你肯定是做不到的,所以,必须有个方法来帮助你实现,这个方法就是训练你的腹腔的! 我们只要会用腹腔发音,腹腔就可以带动你的声带振动发音,只有这样发出的声音,听起来才洪亮饱满,浑厚有力。如果想讲出最纯正、地道、让美国人震撼的英语,一定要养成腹腔发声的习惯,做到用发音器官的后部发音。

具体的训练方法:气流是人体发声的原动力、也是发声的基础,气流的速度、流量和压力的大小也与声音的高低、强弱、长短以及共鸣等情况息息相关,如果想讲出漂亮的美式英语,一定要学会控制气流! 只要你学会了腹式呼吸法,就可以轻松的掌握气流了,可以随心所欲的讲出一口地道的美式英语了!如果你经常听明星唱歌,或看演唱会的话,你就会知道,他们是不会用嗓子干唱的,都是用腹部发音的,不然几首歌就把嗓子喊破了,如果不会用腹部发音,朗读一个小时,你的嗓子就会特别疼痛,沙哑,没有激情继续朗读了,就需要休息很长时间才能恢复,如果你会腹腔发音的话,朗读一天也不会有一点疼痛和沙哑的感觉,就是这么神奇,那些明星都是花了很多钱,才学会腹腔发音的,我这篇文章,你看完就能学会,不用花一分钱,多多宣传就可以了~ 这个方法我是怎么掌握的呢?就是我听世界第一名成功学大师安东尼罗宾的演讲中,学到的,他说如果你想保持精力十足,体力充沛,每天一定要深呼吸,一定要用腹部换气,每时每刻都要用鼻子换气,这样就会感到腹部在动,用鼻子换气都是深呼吸,可以让气流进入到我们的每一个细胞中,可以给细胞更多的氧气,所以,精力十足,我们已经习惯了用嘴换气,一直都是胸部呼吸的,这是浅呼吸,气流和氧气还没有进入身体的深层细胞就已经被你排掉了,所以,大家每天都会感觉到很累,其实你的累,并不是工作和压力造成的,而是由你的浅呼吸造成的,因为身体内部的深层细胞长时间缺少氧气的话,


阳疯狂英语口语速成教材1.发音口诀表(IPA:代表国际音标 K.K.:代表美国音标)

三思而后行。 ??舌尖齿龈含糊旁流音coo l That’s a cool car. 那辆车很酷。 w w 圆唇突出短“我”音wh y Why did you do that? 你为什么那样做? j j 双唇扁平短“爷”音y esterday Where were you yesterday? 昨天你在哪? 48个国际音标表 元音12个单元音 长元音[i:][][][u:][a:] 短元音[i][][][u][][e][] 8个双元音[ai][ei][i][i][][][u][au] 辅音 10 对 清辅音[p][t][k][f][s][][ ∫ ][][tr][ts] 浊辅音[b][d][g][v][z][][ ][][dr][dz] 3个鼻音[m][n][] 3个似拼音[h][r][l] 2个半元音[w][j] 一.前元音/i:/疯狂外号:穿针引线长衣音,简称“长衣音”(抒情音)发音要领的是:舌尖抵下齿,舌前 部抬高,舌两侧抵上齿两侧,口形偏平。 e:Chinese 中国人 extremely 极其地 ee:feeling 感情 agree 同意 ei:receive 接到 conceive 设想 ea:please 请 dream 梦;梦想 ie:achieve 达到 believe 相信 实用操练:1.Speaking English is a piece of cake.说英语是小菜一碟 2.. Please feel free to call me.请随时给我打。 3.I'm glad to meet you.我很高兴见到你/见到你很高兴 4.Seeing is believing.眼见为实。 额外奉献:这是一个非常好用的句型:Please feel free to ...(请尽管.../请随时...) 1. Please feel free to visit anytime.请尽管随时采访。 2 . Please feel free to ask for any help anytime. 二.前元音美语音标/i/疯狂外号:经典收小腹减肥短衣音,简称“短衣音”发音要领是发音时舌尖抵下齿,前舌尽量抬高、舌位高于/i/:口形扁平。 i: visit 参观 limit 限制 e: english英语 ticket车票 u: busy忙 ee: been曾经是 y: pretty漂亮的 difficulty困难 ui: build建造 实用操练:Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。 Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.心之所愿,无事不成。 2. I'm pretty busy.我很忙。 3. A good beginning makes for a good ending.好的开始导致好的结尾。 三. 前元音美语音标/ε/ ([ e ]) 疯狂外号:“小开口45度”音,简称为“45度”音。发音时舌尖抵下齿, 舌前部稍抬起,舌位比/i:/低;唇形中常,开口度比/i:/大。 e: remember记得 question 问题 ea:weather天气, pleasant 令人愉快的 实用操练:1. Better late than never. 迟到总比不到好 2. East or west,home is best. 金窝银窝,不如自己的狗窝。 3. Let's get together when the weather is better.等天气好一点我们再相聚。


Pronunciation Workshop Instructor:Paul Gruber Introduction:(01:17-02:27) When you learned English as a second language, you kept many of the sounds and speech rules from your first language and you were continuing to use them when you speak English、This is what gives you an accent、 You were using the sounds and speech rules from your native language instead of the sounds and speech rules of English、This program will show you and train you on how to use these sounds and speech rules correctly and showing you how to correctly form new sounds by changing the position of your tongue or changing the shape of your lips、These small changes are going to make very big changes in your speech、 How to Practice(02:35-03:15) Speak slowly Use a Loud Voice Exaggerate Your Mouth Movements What would you be doing is retraining the muscles of your mouth in your tongue to move in new ways, which will produce a new pronunciation patterns、 These new speech patterns will slowly and eventually involve into your own spontaneous fast speech, but it is important that you start out going very slow、 The Key to Success(03:15-05:15) Being aware of your errors Recognizing mistakes when you hear them When most Americans speak you will notice that we seem to open our mouth a lot and there is a great amount of mouth movements、 Arrangement of this program(05:15-05:45) During the course of this program, I will begin by addressing consonant sounds and then later on we’ll work with vowel sounds、Now vowel sounds, as you know, are A E I O and U, like ahh, ohh, eee, ehh, ihh and ooo、And consonant sounds are basically all the other letters’ sounds, like b, ch, s, t, f, g, sh, w and of course, there are many many more sounds、 Session One(05:55-22:34)



第一章\第一章字母发音突破 秘诀1 最坚实的基础——疯狂突破字母关 这是一首优美、现代的字母歌,绝对不是我们从小就熟悉的那首“比较弱智”的字母歌!请一定要反复听、反复模仿。 26个字母、26个单词、26个句子,疯狂模仿,发音必会产生飞跃! A的读音为IPA: [??]I’m afr ai d you’ve m a de a mist a ke. K.K: [?]恐怕您搞错了。 B的读音为IPA: [???]I won’t be able to finish my work. K.K:[??]我不能完成工作了。 C的读音为 IPA:[???]I don’t see what you mean. K.K[??]我不懂你的意思。 D的读音为IPA[???] I’ve heard a great dea l about you. K.K[??]久仰大名。 E的读音为IPA[??] He is ea sy to deal with. K.K[?]他很容易打交道。 F的读音为 IPA[??] Will you sit on my l ef t? K.K[??] 你坐在我左边好么? G的读音为 IPA[????]Lots of students wear jea ns nowadays. K.K[???]现在很多学生穿牛仔裤。 H的读音为 IPA[????]Let me h ave a look at the book. K.K[???] 让我看看这本书。 I的读音为 IPA[ ?] I could,and I should, but I won’t do it. K.K[ ?] 这个我能做,我也应该做,但我不愿意做。 J的读音为 IPA[????]He was jai led for tow years. K.K[???] 他被囚禁了两年。 K的读音为 IPA[ ??]In any ca se, it’s none of your business. K.K[ ?] 无论如何,那事于你无关。 L的读音为 IPA[?●]I have something el se to tell you. K.K[?●]我还有些话要告诉你。 M的读音为 IPA[??]The baby is real g em; he never cries. K.K[??]这个婴儿真讨人喜欢,他从来不哭。 N的读音为 IPA[??]T en to one he has forgotten it. K.K[??]他很可能已经忘记了。 O的读音为 IPA[?◆]I h o pe I can see you again. K.K[?]我希望我能再见到你。 P的读音为 IPA[???]He recovered his pea ce of mind. K.K[??]他恢复了平静的心情。 Q的读音为 IPA[ ?◆?] We had to queue for hours to get in. K.K[ ?◆]我们必须排几个小时的长队才能进去。
