

After dinner,I watched the final of the women"s football Asian Cup in front of the TV.I was very excited.

From losing two goals in a row to catching up quickly,and then to the final victory,the Chinese women"s football team has brought us not only a visual feast,but also a signal:this signal is like a heartbeat,stirring everyone"s pulse and roaring towards the world like a tiger.

In the case of unbalanced resources,the girls of the women"s football team worked hard and lived up to the expected victory.From this moment,it has been engraved in the history of competitive sports in China.

Sixteen years apart,sixteen years of dream.Tonight,in the deafening cheers and supreme pride and joy,they dream of a happy life on the green field;At the same time,countless spectators"anxious hearts,excited and trembling hands,tense eyes and absorbed brains-when the women"s football girls hug each other,wear gold medals and win trophies-all paid off.

Thank you.Although the Tao is different,we are willing to go hand in hand and continue to move towards our own field.


China wins incredible feat in AFC Women’s Asian Cup, beats SK in dramatic final China beat South Korea 3-2 from two goals down in the dramatic final of the AFC Women’s Asian Cup on Sunday night and won its record-extending 9th title since the last championship in 2006. “If faith has a color, it must be China red!” The Chinese Football Association said as it congratulated the soccer girls over their epic (艰苦卓绝的) game, nicknaming them “steel roses, the pride of China,” as countless soccer fans shed tears behind the scenes for the incredible feat that the Chinese women’s soccer team delivered on the night. Despite being two goals behind South Korea in the first half, the Chinese women’s national football team scored three in the second half with two goals scored in just five minutes. Winning the championship for the ninth time 16 years later, the team beat twice-defending champions Japan 4-3 in a penalty shootout and entered the final, for which it hadn’t qualified since 2008. It was the first time for the South Korean women’s national football team to enter the final and their solid defense was believed to be the key that secured their entering the showdown. Media reported that head coach Shui Qingxia said at a press conference before the game that “the whole team is adjusting physically and mentally to prepare for all kinds of difficulties in the final.” Shui admitted that as a formidable (难对付的) adversary (对手), South Korea has many excellent players who played quite flexibly on the ground. “But the most important is our attitude and mental status, especially how you face


中国女足亚洲杯夺冠,你的感想,英语作文50词第一篇 There is dawn after darkness, and spring after cold winter. On the verge of extinction, reverse extinction! After 16 years, the sonorous roses of the Chinese women's football team won the championship again. They went through trials and hardships, sang and walked, and turned the world around with their will and sweat. It is not because you see hope that you insist, but because you insist that you win! Congratulations to the Chinese women's football team! Pay tribute to the women's football spirit of never giving up! 第二篇 Sonorous roses, women do not let men. Football is not a person's sport, but the result of everyone's concerted efforts. When the score was behind, the Chinese team did not mess in the face of danger, played steadily, seized all opportunities and fought back against the South Korean team. Finally win the game! When watching the game, we


中国女足赢得亚洲杯作者:Juno 来源:《疯狂英语·初中天地》2022年第03期

2022年,中國女足时隔16年再次站在女足亚洲杯的最高领奖台,第9次获得女足亚洲杯冠军。女足姑娘们在比赛中不畏强手,敢打敢拼,充分展现了中国女足团结协作、永不言败的精神面貌。 China overcame a 2 : 0 deficit to defeat South Korea 3 : 2 in the 2022 Asian Football Confederation (AFC)Women’s Asian Cup final at Stadium in Navi Mumbai, India, to win their first title in 16 years on Sunday. It’s also China’s ninth Asian Cup 1)trophy, the most among all teams. In this Asian Cup,the Chinese women’s football team first defeate d the rivals 4 : 0 in the group stage and 7 : 0 to qualify ahead of schedule. In the quarter-finals, they reversed the Vietnamese women’s football team 3 : 1. In the semi-final against the Japanese women’s football team,the Chinese women’s football team f ell behind twice, but the whole team did not give up. They equalized the score at the last minute of overtime and eliminated their 2)opponents through penalty kicks and entered the final. In the evening of February 6, Beijing time,the 2022 Women’s Asian Cup final kicked off. The Korean women’s football team is an Asian 3)powerhouse, currently ranked 18th in the world and 4th in Asia. The Chinese women’s football team ranks 19th in the world and 5th in Asia. The overall strength of the two teams is comparable. The Chinese women’s football team 4)trailed by two goals in the first half. Although the Chinese women’s football team fell behind, the whole team was not discouraged. On the contrary,the deficit made the players more determined and bold. Chinese players displayed very different forms in the first and second half of the final. Wang Shuang recalled that manager Shui Qingxia told them to stop feeling nervous during the halftime break in the locker room. “We just communicated with each other 5)frankly,” Shui recalled,“I defined clear roles for every position and then asked players to do their part. I think both training and game-playing were tough, so I hope my players could enjoy football by doing it. They are talented, so they should believe in themselves. I like to talk to my players because it’s important for us to trust each other.” In the 67th minute, the 6)referee gave China a penalty kick. Tang Jiali scored for China, and the Chinese women’s football team chased the score to 1 : 2. Just 5 minutes later, Tang Jiali made a breakthrough pass from the right, and Zhang Linyan,who had just come off the bench, flanked in place and headed to the top to equalize the score. The score on the field became 2 : 2.


中国女足亚洲杯夺冠心得体会 中国女足亚洲杯夺冠心得体会 有了一些收获以后,可以寻思将其写进心得体会中,通过写心得体会,可以帮助我们总结积累经验。应该怎么写才合适呢?以下是小编为大家收集的中国女足亚洲杯夺冠心得体会,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 中国女足亚洲杯夺冠心得体会篇1 2022年2月6日,大年初六,冬奥会在中国盛大开幕仅两天后,中国再次迎来令十四亿国人振奋的好消息… 在印度举行的2022年女足亚洲杯决赛中,中国女足3:2逆转战胜韩国女足夺得亚洲杯冠军。时隔16年,中国女足再次登上亚洲杯巅峰,历史第九次捧上冠军奖杯。 昨天的朋友圈被女足霸屏,这群美丽的姑娘成为2022年新春最值得被祝福和点赞的团队。骄傲和自豪,激动和欢呼都似乎不能表达彼时中国人激动的心情。当我们真正观看比赛的过程,才更能体会到为什么直播间的解说员会激动地抹泪,才更能理解体育的精神和力量所在,才能进一步体会到体育的魅力。 时隔14年,女足再次进入亚洲杯决赛,她们夺冠的路上并不顺利。在比赛中,她们顽强拼搏,积极进取,不到最后一刻不放弃,敢于挑战的状态和精神当之无愧的成为国人心中的女神。 2月3日晚,在半决赛中,中国女足姑娘们在两次落后的情况下,两次顽强地将比分扳平。120分钟内与日本队战成2:2,经过点球大战,以总比分6:5战胜对手,杀进决赛。2月6日晚上19:00,在决赛中迎战韩国队,在上半场0-2落后于韩国女足,她们依然发扬了女足顽强拼搏,敢拼敢打的精神,不气馁,不急躁,发挥应有的技战术水平,连扳三球,逆转局势,最终以3-2取得胜利。 面对低谷和低迷状态,面对各种困境的坚守和执着,不到最后一刻永不放弃,不言败,敢打敢拼这才是中国女足带给我们的震撼和强大的中国力量。中国女足一次次为我们展现了拼搏精神,让我们足以


夜幕如深蓝色湖水中最深处的一隅,宁静而沉谧,但我的心却早已慷慨激昂起来。观看女足亚洲杯决赛,内心波澜起伏,仿佛全身的每一根神经都被现场的气氛狠狠的揪着,随着临门一脚的绝杀,手中的纸杯不仅被我攥成一团。 中国队像一只久睡的雄狮,虽未觉醒,但仍能感受到她那鹰扬虎视的气息。韩国队也不甘落后。比赛一开始,双方都进入僵持的局面,时间如白驹过隙,等到40多分钟,韩国队抓住我们弱点,点球连进两次。也正是这一举动,成功的唤醒了中国队那拼搏奋斗的精神。 水教练对其队员进行思想疏导,犹如绿皮火车急速驶进那狭长的隧道,在空中划过一声孤寂久远的鸣笛声,雄狮也就此苏醒过来。望向中国队,不禁想起黄巢的《不第后赋菊》,女足们就有着"待到秋来九月八,我花开后百花杀" 的气势。尽管上半场以0比2结束,但是乾坤未定,你我皆为黑马。 下半场开始,冲锋的号角也就此吹响,时间变得紧迫开来,女足经过与韩国队的巧妙周旋,终于有一个点球可进。一名女足队员双手掐腰,深深的呼气,仿佛千万斤重的铁石压着她。裁判的哨声响起,她后退几步,小跑将球踢向网门内,那球是由上万人所期待的,是女足竭尽全力想要得到的,是接下来士气大增的基石,是减少双方差距必不可少的一部分,终于在万众瞩目下,中国队拿到了首分。 当然,这离不开女足姑娘用胸脯挡住那关键球的杰出贡献。只见她双手背在背后,用瘦弱的胸膛挡住那三米外传来的巨大冲击力,宛如昂首挺胸的革命先烈曾反抗敌国入侵,保卫家园的样子,纹丝不动,安如磐石。她直至进球后才发现自己已身负重伤。再次回想,记忆犹如汹涌潮来般向我袭来,灰尘再一次被重新擦拭,不管是激情的,疼痛的,难以忘怀的,无不体现中国女足坚韧不拔的精神。中国女足宛如苍天大树傲然挺立,支撑起整个中国的足球实力。 俗称“黑妹”的女足姑娘,身高仅一米五四,她却挺身而出,在与韩国队拉平分时,她用头球破门也成为焦点。“身子虽小,能量却大”激动的教练攥紧拳头,喷薄出的激情铿锵有力。 在比赛加时赛时,仅有三分钟时间,女足一骑绝尘,绝杀韩国队,成功的拿下了亚洲杯冠军。此刻我的心在澎湃,“鹰击天风壮,鹏飞海浪春”女足连进三个球,着实让我热血沸腾。 从连失两球落后,到迅速追平,再到最后的一记绝杀,中国女足给我们带来的不仅是一场视觉盛宴,更是一种信号:这种信号如心跳一般鼓动每个人的脉搏,更加猛虎一般向着世界号啸。 世间唯有青春与梦不可辜负,十六年之隔,十六哉之美。今晚,她们在震耳欲聋的欢呼和无上的骄傲和喜悦中,梦回绿茵场。


2022女足亚洲杯决赛中国女足夺冠观后感5篇 2022女足亚洲杯决赛观后感1 整场竞赛上半场,女足0比2韩国队。半场休息后,5分钟内连进两球,更是在加时赛的最后几分钟再进决定性一球,女足姑娘们奋起直追,逆风翻盘,终于在16年后捧起了亚洲杯冠军。 假如信念要用一种花代指,那一定是铿锵玫瑰;假如信念有颜色,那一定是中国红。一般人观赏竞技体育竞赛最想看到的或许不一定是自己喜爱的队伍和喜爱的运发动取胜,而是盼望在观赏竞技体育竞赛的过程中汲取到作为一个平凡人继续在生活中打拼下去的动力、勇气和激情。人生能得几回搏?爱拼才会赢,爱拼才会不断抵达更快、更高、更强的地方;这是体育竞技场与漫漫人生路的相同、相通之处。 2022女足亚洲杯决赛观后感2 这场竞赛,女足打的困难、打的毅然,调整好心态,查找适合的时机,用自身信念与良好的心理素养,拼搏到底,不放弃不后退、敢拼敢干的女足精神,值得每一个国人学习。 你永久可以相信中国女足!这个夜晚,我们为女足喝彩,为女足沸腾。也盼望永不言弃的女足精神,逆风翻盘的巾帼气概,赛场上的果敢与毅然,能和女排精神一样,感染到不少一般人,能够成为大家的不懈动力。 2022女足亚洲杯决赛观后感3 昨晚在印度孟买进行的第20届亚洲杯女足赛决赛中,中国女足在先丢两球的情况下,下半时攻入三球,以3比2逆转战胜韩国队,时隔16年再度捧得亚洲杯女足赛冠军奖杯。 此前七次对垒韩国队,中国女足未尝败绩。但此役,姑娘们却遭遇到“太极虎”的坚韧阻击。上半时竞赛,韩国队球员崔有利和池笑然连入两球。易边再战,中国女足发起还击,唐佳丽、__艳先后建功,7分钟之内扳平了比分。补时阶段,肖裕仪接得队长王珊珊妙传后再下一城,中国女足锁定胜局,实现奇妙大逆转。赢得冠军后,半决赛后拒绝队员抛起她庆祝的主帅水庆霞,这次任队员们把她抛举起来庆祝。


2022亚洲杯女足夺冠心得体会范文(5篇)回顾那精彩的比赛瞬间,让人泪目。 第68分钟,唐佳丽罚进点球;第72分钟,接到唐佳丽的传球,张琳 艳头球破门;第93分钟,肖裕仪进球。最终,中国队3:2战胜韩国队, 再次登顶亚洲杯女足冠军奖座。 风雨彩虹,铿锵玫瑰…这首《铿锵玫瑰》是1999年女足参加世界杯 时的真实写照,这经典的一句,在2022年2月6日再次被刷爆。 2022年耳熟能祥的“如果信仰有颜色,那一定是中国红。”在2022 年新年伊始再次被中国女足诠释得淋漓尽致。 正如女足现任教练水庆霞说:面对众多强队,我们要有坚定的信念, 要更自信,要勇于展示自我。”女足不负众望做到了,女足力量就是强大 的中国力量,女足精神正是中国精神的体现。我们相信,在女足精神的鼓 舞下冬奥会上的体育健儿们一定会更加努力,愿大家一起奋发,努力向未来。 2月6日,中国队在颁奖仪式上庆祝。 超级逆转,盘终绝杀!中国女足6日在印度举行的2022年女足亚洲 杯决赛中3∶2力克韩国队,再次展现了顽强拼搏、永不放弃的女足精神。这也是中国女足第九次夺得亚洲杯冠军,也是她们时隔16年再次站上亚 洲之巅。中国女足在半决赛就逆转了日本队,决赛中她们再度上演逆转大戏,而且更加惊险刺激——在上半场两球落后的情况下连追三球取胜。本 场比赛前锋王霜带伤出战,队长王珊珊继续担纲中后卫。中国女足开场就 打得比较积极,20多秒就完成首次射门。

而半决赛淘汰了澳大利亚队的.韩国队也毫不脚软。第26分钟,韩国 队从中场策动攻势,右边路突破后低平球传至禁区,中路插上的崔有利推 射破网,打破僵局。上半场结束前韩国队扩大了领先优势。补时阶段,中 国队球员在防守时禁区内手球,来自澳大利亚的主裁判经视频确认后判罚 点球。韩国队球员池笑然罚中,比分被改写为2∶0。中国队中场换上肖 裕仪和张睿。下半场开始后,中国队加强丢球反抢,大逆转开始!第66 分钟,中国队左边路传中打到韩国队员手臂,裁判果断吹罚点球。效力于 英超的唐佳丽主罚命中,1∶2。 4分钟后,唐佳丽右路拿球后在两个球员的包夹下突破传中,刚刚替 换王霜出场的张琳艳用一记势大力沉的头槌敲开韩国队大门,2∶2!中国 队连续第三场在落后的情况下追平比分。最精彩的时刻出现在全场补时阶段。第91分钟,中国队禁区内解围失误,皮球恰好落在韩国队前锋脚下,面对近在咫尺的射门,中国队门将朱钰再次展现神奇扑救,双手拒绝了韩 国队的绝杀。也正是这次扑救,成就了中国队的盘终绝杀。第93分钟, 王珊珊在中路背身拿球后转身送出直塞,肖裕仪突入禁区后大力射门,球 应声入网,3∶2!“铿锵玫瑰”完成惊天大逆转,第九次夺得亚洲杯冠军。 中国女足本届亚洲杯历程堪称完美,在小组赛阶段共打进11个进球 且均零封对手,而后的四分之一决赛和半决赛又连续上演逆转好戏。特别 是在半决赛面对老对手日本队,女足姑娘们与对手鏖战120分钟,最终通 过点球获胜。亚足联赛后颁奖也再次证明了中国队在本届杯赛中的出色表现。朱钰获得“金手套奖”,攻防俱佳的王珊珊荣膺“最佳球员”。 北京时间2月6日,在中国女足成功的3:2绝杀了韩国队,拿到冠军 之后,在赛后的新闻发布会上,中国女足队的主教练水庆霞指导说出了一 番意味深长的话。基本上就是对陈戌源和贾秀全犯下的巨大错误,做出了


专题18 体液调节及与神经调节的关系 高频考点 考点1 内分泌系统与激素调节 该考点基础层级训练的内容主要围绕着各种激素的基本功能,重难和综合层级训练的内容主要是激素调节的过程、模型分析,激素调节的实验分析。 基础 1.(2022茂名二模,2)血液中甲状腺激素缺乏会引起机体生理活动发生变化,形成甲状腺功能减退症(甲减)。下列不属于甲减患者可能症状的是( ) A.畏寒怕冷 B.体重减少 C.精神萎靡不振 D.食欲减退 答案 B 2.(2021浙江6月选考,8,2分)下列关于人体性激素的叙述,错误的是( ) A.雌激素可抑制女性皮下脂肪的积聚 B.睾酮是维持男性第二性征的重要条件 C.雌激素可促进卵泡的生长和卵子的成熟 D.睾酮不足会影响男性的机体代谢率 答案 A 3.(2018全国Ⅱ,3,6分)下列有关人体内激素的叙述,正确的是( ) A.运动时,肾上腺素水平升高,可使心率加快,说明激素是高能化合物 B.饥饿时,胰高血糖素水平升高,促进糖原分解,说明激素具有酶的催化活性 C.进食后,胰岛素水平升高,其既可加速糖原合成,也可作为细胞的结构组分 D.青春期,性激素水平升高,随体液到达靶细胞,与受体结合可促进机体发育

答案 D 4.(2018江苏,20,2分)下列关于人体神经调节和体液调节的叙述,正确的是( ) A.成年后生长激素不再分泌,身高不再增加 B.体内多种激素具有直接降低血糖的作用 C.与神经调节相比,体液调节通常作用缓慢、持续时间长 D.神经中枢只能通过发出神经冲动的方式调节相关器官的生理活动 答案 C 5.(2017全国Ⅱ,5,6分)下列与人体生命活动调节有关的叙述,错误的是( ) A.皮下注射胰岛素可起到降低血糖的作用 B.大脑皮层受损的患者,膝跳反射不能完成 C.婴幼儿缺乏甲状腺激素可影响其神经系统的发育和功能 D.胰腺受反射弧传出神经的支配,其分泌胰液也受促胰液素调节 答案 B 6.(2021全国乙,31,9分)哺乳动物细胞之间的信息交流是其生命活动所必需的。请参照表中内容,围绕细胞间的信息交流完成下表,以体现激素和靶器官(或靶细胞)响应之间的对应关系。 内分泌腺或 内分泌细胞激素 激素 运输 靶器官 或靶细胞 靶器官或靶 细胞的响应 肾上腺肾上腺素 (3)通过 运输(4) 心率加快 胰岛B细胞(1) 肝细胞促进肝糖原的合成垂体(2) 甲状腺(5)


2022年女足亚洲杯英语作文80词 It is a game to show off the charm of football to the most vividly. Despair and hope live together, cruelty and beauty coexist. Trailing 2-0 behind South Korea at the first half, China caught up for three consecutive goals in the second half in an almost irreparable crisis. Xiao Yuyi injury time into the winner, let the whole court into boiling, let countless people for excitement. In the adversity of turning the tide, let too many people sigh: "sonorous rose" came back! You can always believe in the Chinese women's football team! We admit that the Chinese women's football team played very difficult in the Asian Cup, which also reflects the overall progress of the Asian women's football team. The painful defeat at the Tokyo Olympic Games always reminds us that the Chinese women's football team is still in a big gap from the world class. But the great women's football girls, with unremitting efforts, to add a bright color to the winter of Chinese football, to bring a hope. ——. Just six months ago, the Chinese women's football team fell into a slump because of the defeat of the Tokyo Olympics and the manager selection


2022关于中国女足夺冠的作文(精选10篇) 2022关于中国女足夺冠的作文 一、中国国家女子足球队 中国国家女子足球队建立于1984年,由中国足球协会管理。首任主教练为丛者余,现任主教练水庆霞,现任队长王珊珊。 女足于1986年首次参加亚洲杯就获得冠军,自此开创1986、1989、1991、1993、1995、1997、1999年女足亚洲杯七连冠,15次参与亚洲杯共获得冠军9次,亚军2次,季军3次。参加亚运会8次获得冠军3次、亚军2次、季军1次,1990、1994和1998年亚运会女足获三连冠。参赛女足世界杯8次,获得亚军1次,进入四强1次(不含前述亚军)。闯入奥运会5次,其中在1996年美国亚特兰大奥运会上1-2惜败美国获得亚军,为中国女足迄今为止在奥运会上取得的最好成绩。 2022年2月6日,中国女足在2022印度女足亚洲杯决赛中3-2击败韩国队,时隔16年再夺女足亚洲杯冠军。 二、2022关于中国女足夺冠的作文(精选10篇) 在平日的学习、工作和生活里,许多人都有过写作文的经历,对作文都不陌生吧,借助作文人们可以实现文化交流的目的。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?下面是小编精心整理的2022关于中国女足夺冠的作文(精选10篇),仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 中国女足夺冠的作文1 整场比赛上半场,女足0比2韩国队。半场休息后,5分钟内连进两球,更是在加时赛的最后几分钟再进决定性一球,女足姑娘们奋起直追,逆风翻盘,终于在16年后捧起了亚洲杯冠军。 如果信念要用一种花代指,那一定是铿锵玫瑰;如果信念有颜色,那一定是中国红。普通人欣赏竞技体育比赛最想看到的或许不一定是自己喜爱的队伍和喜爱的运动员取胜,而是希望在欣赏竞技体育比赛的过程中汲取到作为一个平凡人继续在生活中打拼下去的动力、勇气和激情。人生能得几回搏?爱拼才会赢,爱拼才会不断抵达更快、更


2022中国女足精神作文高中800字议论文 夜幕如深蓝色湖水中最深处的一隅,宁静而沉谧,但我的心却早已慷慨激昂起来。观看女足亚洲杯决赛,内心波澜起伏,仿佛全身的每一根神经都被现场的气氛狠狠的揪着,随着临门一脚的绝杀,手中的纸杯不仅被我攥成一团。 中国队像一只久睡的雄狮,虽未觉醒,但仍能感受到她那鹰扬虎视的气息。韩国队也不甘落后。比赛一开始,双方都进入僵持的局面,时间如白驹过隙,等到40多分钟,韩国队抓住我们弱点,点球连进两次。也正是这一举动,成功的唤醒了中国队那拼搏奋斗的精神。 水教练对其队员进行思想疏导,犹如绿皮火车急速驶进那狭长的隧道,在空中划过一声孤寂久远的鸣笛声,雄狮也就此苏醒过来。望向中国队,不禁想起黄巢的《不第后赋菊》,女足们就有着"待到秋来九月八,我花开后百花杀"的气势。尽管上半场以0比2结束,但是乾坤未定,你我皆为黑马。 下半场开始,冲锋的号角也就此吹响,时间变得紧迫开来,女足经过与韩国队的巧妙周旋,终于有一个点球可进。一名女足队员双手掐腰,深深的呼气,仿佛千万斤重的铁石压着她。裁判的哨声响起,

她后退几步,小跑将球踢向网门内,那球是由上万人所期待的,是女足竭尽全力想要得到的,是接下来士气大增的基石,是减少双方差距必不可少的一部分,终于在万众瞩目下,中国队拿到了首分。当然,这离不开女足姑娘用胸脯挡住那关键球的杰出贡献。只见她双手背在背后,用瘦弱的胸膛挡住那三米外传来的巨大冲击力,宛如昂首挺胸的革命先烈曾反抗敌国入侵,保卫家园的样子,纹丝不动,安如磐石。她直至进球后才发现自己已身负重伤。再次回想,记忆犹如汹涌潮来般向我袭来,灰尘再一次被重新擦拭,不管是激情的,疼痛的,难以忘怀的,无不体现中国女足坚韧不拔的精神。中国女足宛如苍天大树傲然挺立,支撑起整个中国的足球实力。 俗称“黑妹”的女足姑娘,身高仅一米五四,她却挺身而出,在与韩国队拉平分时,她用头球破门也成为焦点。“身子虽小,能量却大”激动的教练攥紧拳头,喷薄出的激情铿锵有力。 在比赛加时赛时,仅有三分钟时间,女足一骑绝尘,绝杀韩国队,成功的拿下了亚洲杯冠军。此刻我的心在澎湃,“鹰击天风壮,鹏飞海浪春”女足连进三个球,着实让我热血沸腾。


China beat South Korea 3-2 from two goals down in the dramatic(戏剧性的)final of the AFC Women's Asian Cup on the evening of February 6(Beijing time) and 1.____(win)its record-extending(延续)9th title since the last championship(冠军)in 2006. Countless soccer fans shed tears (流泪)behind the 2._____(scene) for the incredible feat(精彩表现)that the Chinese women's soccer team delivered on the night. Despite being two goals 3._____South Korea in the first half, the Chinese women's national football team scored three in the second half with two goals scored in just five minutes. Winning the championship for the ninth time 16 years later. the team beat twice-defending(卫冕)champions Japan 4-3 in a penalty shootout(点球大战)and entered the final, for 4._____ it hadn't qualified(资格)since 2008. Media reported that head coach(教练)Shui Qingxia said at a press conference(新闻发布会)before the game that "the whole team is adjusting physically and mentally_____(prepare) for all kinds of difficulties in the final." "The most important is our attitude and mental status(状态),especially how you face difficulties during the game,given the 6._____(vary)changes of the match,"Shui emphasized(强调). Shui encouraged her team to have firm faith and more confidence, and to be brave in showing 7.____(they),caring less about the previous (先前的)games with South Korea. She burst into tears at the team's victory,and was nicknamed by netizens as "eternal (永恒的)God" after 8.______(bold)replacing the experienced but injured player Wang Shuang with the young player Zhang Linyan in the second half. Zhang scored the second goal for the team 1l minutes after the replacement. On Sina Weibo, on any other social media platform 10. on WeChat, 9._____on any other social media platform 10._____(use)by Chinese people, were tearful comments and excitement for the epic(史诗般的)gold. 答案 1.won 2.scenes 3.behind 4.which 5.to prepare 6.various 7.themselves 8.boldly 9.or https://www.360docs.net/doc/2519376810.html,ed


在追求自己梦想的路上向中国女足学习英语作文 The Chinese Women Football Team is the most awesome,extraordinary,and great team that I have ever known,winning various significant champions and honors,ranging from the World Cup,the Asian Cup to the Olympic Games,which is indeed an effective and efficient approach for us not only to enhance our international position and influence all over the world but also give the Chinese Men Football Team a lesson that how do you act like a man,tasting the beauty of sport. In my opinion,an individual cant complete all the things;an individual cant do well in all the things;an individual cant face all the difficults and solve them pefrectly.A team show its strength in such situations.In a team,everyone has his advantages and disadvantages,a man could make up for his disadvantages with other peoples advantages,so we say 1+1>2,that is to say a team can have much more influences and impacts than a man did. Third,a idiom says give makes better than get.Everytime I help a person,I always have a feeling of satisfaction,which comes from the behavior.I can tell the feeling,but its charming.I cant get out of it since I taste the wonderful sense.


女足高考作文素材 无论是中国女排还是中国女足,都将体育精神展现得淋漓尽致,铸就了体坛传奇的精神瑰宝,是推动民族复兴的重要精神力量,令国人备感振奋。 从1981年到1986年,中国女排“五连冠”,举国上下心潮澎湃。38年来,中国女排十次荣膺世界排球“三大赛”冠军,影响力早已超越体育本身的意义。女排姑娘们在赛场上展现出的祖国至上、团结协作、顽强拼搏、永不言败的精神面貌,成为激励国人接续奋斗、自强不息的精神符号。 有一种精神,叫女足精神。在女足亚洲杯历史上,中国女足9次夺冠遥遥领跑。今年2月3日,在第20届女足亚洲杯半决赛上,中国女足克服了缺少主力球星的困难,逆境翻盘,力克劲敌。在2月6日的决赛上,中国女足在上半场落后两球的压力下,终以3:2实现京天逆转,再次捧杯。中纪委发文号召学习中国女足精神:无畏风雪、勇毅前行、永不认输、永不言弃! 这是一场将足球魅力展现得淋漓尽致的比赛。绝望与希望并生,残酷与美丽共存。在上半场0:2落后于韩国队的情况下,在几乎难以挽回的危局中,中国女足下半场奋起直追连进三球。肖裕仪伤停补时打进绝杀,让整座球场陷入沸腾,让无数国人为之振奋。 在逆境中的扭转乾坤,让太多人感叹:“铿锵玫瑰”回来了!你可以永远相信中国女足!我们承认,亚洲杯中国女足踢得非常艰难,这也反映出亚洲女足整体水平的进步。东京奥运会上的惨痛失利,更是时时提醒,中国女足距离世界一流仍有很大差距。但了不起的女足姑娘们用不懈的努力,为中国足球的凛冬,增添一抹亮色,带来一份希望。第一回合的比赛,女足姑娘奔赴韩国高阳体育场。经过 90 分钟的激战,最终中国女足凭借张馨的进球,唐佳丽造点和王霜的点射, 最终 2-1 战胜韩国女足,在客场占得先机。2 月 6 日 ,在印度孟买举行的2022 女足亚洲杯决赛中 ,中国队在 0 比 2 落后的情况下 ,下半场亚洲杯决赛中中国女足战胜韩国女足夺得冠军。 这是尊重专业的胜利——就在半年前,中国女足才因为东京奥运会失利、选帅争议等风波陷入低谷。中国女足,最有风采中国女足输给美国队之后,没有遭到中国男足那样的被骂的惨痛待遇,大家以开放包容的心态去接纳她们,鼓励她


2022女足亚洲杯冠军英语作文 After dinner, I watched the final of the women's football Asian Cup in front of the TV.I was very excited. From losing two goals in a row to catching up quickly, and then to the final victory, the Chinese women's football team has brought us not only a visual feast,but also a signal:this signal is like a heartbeat,stirring everyone's pulse and roaring towards the world like a tiger. In the case of unbalanced resources,the girls of the women's football team worked hard and lived up to the expected victory.From this moment,it has been engraved in the history of competitive sports in China. Sixteen years apart,sixteen years of dream.Tonight,in the deafening cheers and supreme pride and joy,they dream of a happy life on the green field;At the same time,countless spectators' anxious hearts,excited and trembling hands,tense eyes and absorbed brains - when the women's football girls hug each other, wear gold medals and win trophies - all paid off. Thank you.Although the Tao is different,we are willing to go hand in hand and continue to move towards our own field.


2022届高考作文热点模拟“中国女足亚洲杯夺 冠”审题指导及优秀范文 【2022高考作文模拟】 阅读下面的材料,根据要求写作。 就在虎年的大年初一,中国男足在众目睽睽之下,1比3首次输给越南,这一场堪称耻辱的失利,让国内球迷愤懑不已,“扶不起的”中国男足又一次成为各种调侃的对象。 而2月6日晚,女足亚洲杯决赛,中国女足对阵韩国女足,在上半场0-2落后的局面下,女足姑娘稳扎稳打,在下半场追回并反超比分,最终3-2战胜韩国队,夺得冠军,创造历史。中国足协祝贺女足夺冠:如果信仰有颜色,那一定是中国红!| 中国男足惨败越南,中国女足问鼎亚洲之巅,这个春节球迷们的心情可真像坐过山车一样。球迷们都有疑问:同样是国足,为何差距如此之大? 对此,你有怎样的感受与思考?请围绕材料写一篇文章。 要求:结合材料,选好角度,确定立意,明确文体,自拟标题;不要套作,不得抄袭;不得泄露个人信息;不少于800字。 【审题指导】 这是一则时评作文,要求围绕热点新闻事件展开思考,写一篇文章。材料共四段。第一段陈述中国男足在重要大赛上发挥失常,大比分输给比自己弱很多的对手越南队;第二段陈述中国女足在比分落后的不利局面下,史诗逆转取胜,夺得亚洲杯冠军;第三段对以上两队的结果产生疑问:原因何在?差距何在?第四段是写作要求:对此,你有怎样的感受与思考?请围绕材料写一篇文章。 审题立意显然要围绕精神内涵方面。两队的境遇结果显然不是技术战术本身的问题,应该是有没有坚韧的体育精神、品质态度。所以,作文应该围绕这个核心来写。 【参考立意】 1.逆境之下需要底气和硬气 2.体育精神,傲然绽放 3.学习女足精神,迎接时代挑战 4.人不可无斗志 5.不屈的信仰 【优秀标题】
