



Unit 1 《how to read a book》

本文的中心思想是我们读书也是有方法的,要读好书启发我们的心智,不然就是在浪费时间。 The main idea of this article is that we also have a method to read books, to read good books to enlighten our minds, or is a waste of time.

因为人的生命时间有限,而一本好书的价值却可以流芳百世。Because time is limited, the value of a good book will last forever.

那么关于怎样读好书作者讨论了很多,其中谈到了关于文学评论和评论家的问题。So there's a lot of talk about how to read good writers, and there's a lot of talk about literary criticism and critics.


你的感受。 The author believes that reading should not be about reading the reviews of these literary critics and ignoring how the book makes you feel.

在你读诗的时候也会有人给你提建议,这群人自己造诣不高却喜欢批判一切,对任何事物都带有偏见。 You will also be given advice as you read the poems, a group of people who are themselves not very accomplished but like to criticize everything and have a prejudice against everything.

对待这群人的最好方式就是置之不理,当他们感觉无法劝动你的时候他们就会放弃。 The best way to deal with this group of people is to ignore them and give up when they feel unmoved.

所以读书最好先从读诗开始,诗是人类语言的最高形式。 So it is best to begin with poetry, the highest form of human language.

从那些经典作品开始读起你会收获很多感悟,这些东西为你的生活增添了真理的价值。 There are many lessons to be learned from reading classics that add value to your life.

Unit 2《Recession-proofing your career》

将威胁意识牢记于心,并为你的职业生涯采取行动是这一策略的主要思想。Keeping threat awareness in mind and taking action for your career is the main idea of this strategy.

作者将本文分为两部分:防止经济衰退的必要性和保护职业的策略。 The author divides this paper into two parts: the need to prevent recession and strategies to protect careers.

首先,了解自己,包括关键技能和能力领域。 First, know yourself, including key skills and areas of competence.

这是开始你的职业生涯前的第一步,也是必要的一步。 This is the first and necessary step before you start your career.

然后,营销自己。 Then, market yourself.

没有人会拒绝事业上的白马王子,你也一样。 No one will turn down a career prince charming, and neither will you.

找到合适的平台,你就能实现自己的价值。 Find the right platform, and you can realize your value.

作者还提出了一个问题:如果你明天失去了主要的收入来源,你能找到其他来源来替代吗? The authors also ask: if you lose your main source of income tomorrow, can you find another source to replace it?

除了追求学习和发展的机会,我们也可以创造一个后援的位置,保持文化的最新,以确保你未来的就业能力。 In addition to pursuing learning and development opportunities, we can also create a backup position to keep the culture up to date to ensure your future employability.

此外,.正如我们所知道的,我们不能没有任何障碍地从事一项事业。 In addition ,As we know, we cannot pursue a cause without any obstacles.

与其被失败打败,我们还不如从失败中吸取教训,并将其用于未来的发展。Rather than being defeated by failure, we should learn from it and apply it to our future development.

最后,行动A型,思考B型,也就是再次思考和认识自己。 Finally, action type A, thinking type B, means thinking and knowing yourself again.

在整个职业生涯中,从认识自己到重新认识自己,似乎是一个循环。 Throughout your career, it seems to be a cycle from knowing yourself to rediscovering yourself.

如今,随着经济的快速变化,我们真的都生活和工作在一个临时的世界。Nowadays, with the rapid change of economy, we all really live and work in a temporary world.

未雨绸缪是不明智的。 It is unwise to plan for a rainy day.

Unit 5 《the pointlessness of unplugging》

本文通过公益组织开展的“拔掉插头日”活动来引出主题:远离网络平心静气的生活到底会怎么样? This article introduces the theme of "unplug day" by public welfare organizations: what is it like to live a quiet life away from the Internet?

很多参与者都说出自己参与这次活动的原因:与朋友联系;去旅游;听听音乐以及和家人在一起等等Many participants gave reasons for their participation: to connect with friends;; To travel; Listen to music and being with family and so on.

而在网络时代作者发现有太多人沉迷于这个虚幻的世界,但是另一方面数字世界也不是一个虚拟世界,它是很多年轻人的日常生活一部分。 In the Internet age, the author finds that too many people are addicted to this illusory world, but on the other hand, the digital world is not a virtual world, it is a part of the daily life of many young people.

这种活动的主要是效率和启发之间的博弈,有的人不希望消除技术,他们只是希望不要多余泛滥的消息打扰到自己的生活。 This activity is mainly a game between efficiency and inspiration. Some people don't want to eliminate technology. They just want to avoid disturbing their lives with excessive information.

而有的人只是愿意多花钱到禁止使用电子产品的复古度假区去度假,然后在社交平台上分享自己远离技术的心得。 Others are simply willing to pay more to go to retro resorts where electronics are banned, and then share their experiences away from technology on social platforms.

就作者而言他对技术发展是非常感激的,曾经不屑一顾的态度已经被现实发生的事情所改变。 For his part, the author is very grateful for the development of technology, and his once dismissive attitude has been changed by the reality.

所以“拔掉插头日”运动出发点是好的但还是遭到了一些批评,其实如果真想过简单的真实生活根本不必大费周章,只需要认真考虑我们应该以怎样的方式在世上生活。 So the "unplug day" campaign is well-intended but still comes under some criticism. The truth is, if you really want to live a simple, real life, you don't have to worry about it.


Unit 2 《the pleasure of ignorance》

作者在这篇文章的开头讲述了他早上醒来的经历,发现自己实际上对任何事情都一无所知。 At the beginning of the article, the author tells the story of waking up in the morning and finding that he knew nothing about anything.

除了他自己的经验之外,他所知道的事情很少。 He knows very little except his own experience.

然而,他并不为自己的无知感到沮丧。 However, he was not discouraged by his ignorance.

相信无知是最大的帮助。 Believing in ignorance is the greatest help.

因为有时记忆是不可靠的,无知在这个时候是有用的,因为无知的人很少在没有事先调查的情况下做出不准确的判断。 Since memory is sometimes unreliable, ignorance is useful at this time because ignorant people rarely make inaccurate judgments without prior investigation.

所以无知会让我们学到更多。 So ignorance leads us to learn more.

正如我们所知,作者的态度是唯一的和乐观的。 As we know, the author's attitude is unique and optimistic.

但是当我们意识到自己无知的时候,我们应该感到羞愧还是悲观呢? But should we be ashamed or pessimistic when we realize our ignorance?

毫无疑问,一个人的知识有时是可以轻易获得的。 There is no doubt that a man's knowledge can be out at elbow sometimes.

但我们可以在教科书或百科全书等。 But we can do it in textbooks or encyclopedias and so on.

信息可以通过各种方式快速获取。 Information can be obtained quickly in a variety of ways.

更重要的是,没有必要记住太多的细节 What's more important,There's no need to memorize too much detail.

如数学公式、名称。 Such as mathematical formulas, names.

如果我们总是注意这些事情,他们将永远不会成为我们的骄傲,而是负担! If we always pay attention to these things, they will never become our pride, but a burden!

所以上述问题的答案是显而易见的。 So the answer is obvious.

Unit 3 《w hat’s wrong with our system of education》

作者主要意在讨论现在的学校体制不是教育体制,而是家长为了送走孩子的借口。The author mainly intends to discuss that the current school system is not an education system, but an excuse for parents to send their children away.

孩子和成人的世界本来就是不相融合的,因此希望他们和平相处本来就是一件不可能的事情。 The world of children and adults is inherently incongruous, so it is impossible for them to live in peace.

而现代人道主义父母为了工作和生活更多的选择把孩子交给保姆、校长,而他们自己却自得自乐。 And modern humanitarian parents in order to work and life more choice to their children to nanny, principal, and they are complacent themselves.

但是孩子在学校真的快乐吗? But are children really happy at school?

他们真的在学校学到知识了吗? Do they really learn at school?


造力和想象力,还有的孩子在学校遭到了校园暴力形成了反社会性人格对社会也造成了危害。 A large number of experimental results show that the rigid education system will not promote the development of children but stifle their creativity and imagination. Some children suffer school violence in school and form anti-social personality, which also causes harm to the society.

这些问题在管理层看来都不是问题,他们尸位素餐只图自己的生活富足安乐却没有想过如何解决问题。 None of these problems are a problem for management, who focus on their own well-being without thinking about how to solve them.

教育不是万能的,但是每年国家在此投入的时间和精力难以计数,这些付出是有了回报又从哪里看到呢? Education is not omnipotent, but every year the country invests countless time and energy in this, these efforts are rewarded where to see?

我们可能需要重新换一种教育模式来培养我们孩子的天赋,而不是让他们学习一些对生活毫无用处的理论知识。 We may need a new model of education to cultivate our children's talents instead of letting them learn theoretical knowledge that is useless for life.

Unit 4 《rages to rages, riches to riches》

从这篇文章来看,“美国梦”正随着经济的发展而逐渐消退y。 According to this article, the "American dream" is gradually fading with the development of economy.

而不是把机会当作症结所在,尤其是对原住民而言。 Rather than seeing opportunity as a sticking point, especially for indigenous people.

美国人在物质机遇上与众不同的观念深深扎根于文化之中。 The idea that Americans are different in material opportunities is deeply rooted in their culture.

这也为穷人带来了如此多的积极性。 It also brings so much motivation to the poor.

但现在悲观情绪已经主导了整个国家的意识,美国经济的僵化比文化更糟糕。But now that pessimism has come to dominate the national consciousness, America's economic rigidity is worse than its culture.

此外美国在其他西方国家的主要位置已经变得越来越不明显。 Moreover, America's dominant position in other western countries has become less visible.

因此摆脱贫困和恢复美国的社会经济机会需要付出很大的努力。 So getting out of poverty and restoring socioeconomic opportunity in the United States is going to take a lot of work.

作者的建议是把重心放在教育体制上。 The author's suggestion is to focus on the education system.

尊重一种文化有其不可替代的优势。A kind of culture held in esteem has its irreplaceable advantages.

如美国梦、斗争、风险、自决和物质进步就是它的表现。Such as American dream, struggle, risk ,self-determination and material progress are its representations.

因此,富裕家庭的孩子仍然富有,而贫困家庭的孩子仍然贫穷的状况可以改变。So the sate that rich children stay rich whereas poor children still stay poor can change.

然而,随着社会的发展,环境的变化,文化很难保持。 However ,with the development of the society ,the change of the environment, the culture is hard to keep.

我们需要做的是寻找保持这种文化的方法,以便成为摆脱贫困的阶梯。 What we need to do is to look for means to maintain the culture in order to be ladders out of poverty.

我同意作者的建议——改善教育。I agree with the author' s advice- improve education.

因为它是有效的,尽管我们需要几代人。Because it's effective although we need several generations.

Unit 5 《teaching our children about evil》


教育。 This paper mainly discusses how our humanistic parents should educate their children about evil.

首先作者提到人性是复杂的,它总是存在着创造性潜能和破坏性潜能两个方面,而取决于人偏向创造那一面还是破坏那一面有很多种因素,比如说父母是否离异,生活环境是否复杂,学校教育是否成功等等。 First of all, the author mentions that human nature is complex, and there are always two aspects of creative potential and destructive potential, which depend on whether people are inclined to create or destroy. There are many factors, such as whether the parents are divorced, whether the living environment is complex, whether the school education is successful or not.

创造性潜能总是给别人爱与同情,而破坏性潜能总是带着仇恨和敌意。 The creative potential is always loving and compassionate, while the destructive potential is always full of hatred and hostility.

人们在对待自己的破坏性潜能出于羞愧他们总是习惯隐藏,隐藏这种破坏性潜能有很多种办法,否认它,例如那些不遵从信仰自由的异教徒; People are ashamed of their destructive potential and they tend to hide it, there are many ways to hide it, to deny it, such as pagans who don't follow their freedom of worship;

映射它,把自己黑暗的想法怪罪于他人; Map it and blame others for your dark thoughts;

转移它,自己在遇到挫折和恐惧时便寻找替罪羊等等。 Deflect it, find a scapegoat for setbacks and fears, etc.

也存在破坏性潜能特别大的性格,例如那些反社会性人物,当他们大权在握时破坏性就更大。 There are also traits that

are particularly destructive, such as anti-social characters, which are more destructive when they are in power.

而激发这种潜能的原因通常是因为社会的动荡不安造成的,还有种族,宗教以及民族仇恨等等。 This potential is often triggered by social unrest, ethnic, religious and ethnic hatred.

作为具有人文主义精神的父母在教育孩子更加应该注意,让他们学会自我反省和用破坏性潜能转变为创造性潜能,多做善事,通过帮助他人给自己带来快乐等。Humanist parents should pay more attention to the education of their children, so that they can learn self-reflection, transform their destructive potential into creative potential, do more good deeds, and bring happiness to themselves by helping others.

研究生综合英语上册Unit1 summary

Traits Of The Key Players Kao Yingchao 2014020603 考颖超2014020603 General Statement A “key player” who has a handful of staff in a given area of expertise is essential to the organization.The companies hire a “key player”from the competitor’s companies who has more experienced or just a newbie who has 4 traits—the selfless cooperator, a sense of urgency, risk tolerance,risk tolerance and strength in interpersonal relationship. Main Points Part 1:para1~para3 What a key player is and how the companies hire a key player. Part 2:para4~para5 What the difference between academia and industry,there is more collaborative and more teamwork in the industry.And how to make yourself look like a selfless collaborator. Part 3:para6~para7 A sense of urgency is important for the company.If the team want to win,that means you not only need the people who can think fast and


动物的魔力 许多科学家认为把动物器官移植到人体内是唯一能够长期解决世界范围内人体器官短缺问题的措施。本文是玛格丽特·西蒙斯对最新发展的看法。 世界范围内,可供移植的人体器官短缺。举例来说,在英国,有6 000人正需要器官移植——5 000人要换肾脏,其余的人需要移植心脏、肺或者肝脏。然而,每年仅能实施大约1 750例肾脏移植手术、500例心脏或者心脏和肺移植手术以及650例肝移植手术。等待者的名字每年以5%的速度递增。在美国,需要器官的30 000人中仅有一半可以得到满足。 因而,动物器官移植到人体,也就是异种移植(该词汇来源于希腊语xeros,意思是陌生的或外国的)引起了很大的兴趣,大多数科学家相信这是唯一的一项解决器官短缺问题的措施。自本世纪初以来,有人实验过异种移植,但都不成功。存活时间最长的是一个婴儿,名叫法依,1984年换上了狒狒的心脏,维持了仅20天。 任何器官移植的主要问题是更换器官后的病人的免疫系统排斥移植来的器官。因此,免疫系统发起巨大的进攻,激活了一种叫做防御素的酶,该酶进攻异体,最后也把病人杀死了。当移植器官发生在人与人之间时,如果两人的组织准确相配,并且病人能长期使用名为免疫抑制剂的药,就可以克服这种抵制性。该抑制剂在十多年前首次使用。用异种移植,排斥性更严重。举例来说,一颗正常猪的心脏,若输入人体血液,在15分钟内就会毁坏。 过去几年来,大量的研究已经进入准备动物器官的阶段。这些动物通过饲养,基因发生了改变,它们被称为转基因种类。动物胚胎被注射人类基因,以产生人体防御素的抑制素,控制防御素的释放,因而移植后,人体防御素认为跨基因的动物器官仿佛是人类器官。 比较适合用作器官移植的动物不是其他的灵长目动物,而是猪。那些灵长目动物曾被认为是异种移植的最佳候选动物。具有讽刺意味的是,其他的灵长目动物很象人。能够传染猴子和猿的同一病毒也可以传染给人。一个灵长目动物的器官移植后可以传递致命的疾病。爱滋病极有可能起源于一种猴子身上的病毒,这种病毒由猴子传染给了人。尽管猪的器官在功能和大小上与人类相近,但该物种与人类关系甚远,不会将致命病毒传染给人类。而且猪的价格便宜,又容易繁殖。 英国有个叫伊木特兰的生物技术公司,坐落在剑桥城内,正计划在今年某个时候进行首次临床实验:把猪器官移植于人体。去年,剑桥的科学家成功地把猪心脏移植给了猴子。60天以后,一些猴子仍然活着。这打破了美国科学家创造的最长存活期仅为30小时的记录。 假若伊木特兰公司的实验能够按计划进行,到2000年左右就可以研制出转基因的猪器官,包括肾脏和肺。"这将给世界上成千上万的病人带来希望;否则,他们会因为等待供移植的心脏、肺或肾脏而死去," 伊木特兰的主管克里斯托弗·萨姆浦勒说。现阶段,该公司尚未考虑猪肝脏的移植。 然而,异种移植既要克服科学障碍,又要克服道德障碍。猪胰岛素已经用于治疗糖尿病患者,猪心脏瓣膜已经用于心脏修复手术。因此,动物器官的使用不会引起轩然大波。但是,如同人们预料的那样,动物权利保护者不同意人类处于医疗目的而饲养并杀死大量的动物。而且,动物保护协会苏格兰分部经理雷斯·瓦尔德指出,供移植的器官被取走后,猪剩下的部分怎么办呢?肉用于人类消费吗?"如果是这样的话——记住,猪包含着人类基因——这不是人类自食其肉吗?"


Article Children Must be Taught to Tell Right from Wrong William Kilpatrick Many of today 's young people have a difficult time seeing any moral dimension ( 道德层 面 ) to their actions. There are a number of reasons why that 's true, but none more prominent than a failed system of education that eschews ( 回避 ) teaching children the traditional moral values that bind Americans together as a society and a culture. That failed approach, called “decision - making, ” was introduced in schools 25 years ago. It tells children to decide for themselves what is right and what is wrong. It replaced “character education. ( 品格教 育 )” Character education didn 't ask children to reinvent the moral wheel ( 浪费时间重新发明早已存 在的道德标准); instead, it encouraged them to practice habits of courage, justice and self-control. In the 1940s, when a character education approach prevailed, chewing gum; today they worry about robbery and rape. Decision-making curriculums pose thorny ( 棘手的 ) ethical dilemmas to students, with the impression that all morality is problematic and that all questions of right and wrong are in dispute. Youngsters are forced to question values and virtues they 've never acquired in the first place or upon which they have only a tenuous ( 薄弱的 ) hold. The assumption behind this method is that students will arrive at good moral conclusions if only they are given the chance. But the actual result is moral confusion. For example, a recent national study of 1,700 sixth- to ninth-graders revealed that a majority of boys considered rape to be acceptable under certain conditions. Astoundingly, many of the girls agreed. This kind of moral illiteracy is further encouraged by values-education (价值观教育 ) programs that are little more than courses in self-esteem ( 自尊 ). These programs are based on the questionable assumption that a child who feels good about himself or herself won 't want to do anything wrong. But it is just as reasonable to make an opposite assumption: namely, that a child who has uncritical self-regard w ill conclude that he or she can 't do anything bad. Such naive self-acceptance results in large part from the non-directive ( 无指导性的 ), non-judgmental ( 无是非观的 ), as-long-as-you-feel-comfortable-with-your-choices mentality ( 思 想) that has pervaded ( 渗透) public education for the last two and one-half decades. Many of today 's drug education, sex education and values -education courses are based on the same 1960s philosophy that helped fuel the explosion in teen drug use and sexual activity in the first place. Meanwhile, while educators are still fiddling with ( 胡乱摆弄 ) outdated “feel - good ” approaches, New York, Washington, and Los Angeles are burning. Youngsters are leaving school believing that matters of right and wrong are always merely subjective. If you pass a stranger on the street and decide to murder him because you need money —if it feels right —you go with that feeling. Clearly, murder is not taught in our schools, but such a conclusion —just about any conclusion —can be reached and justified using the decision-making method. It is time to consign ( 寄出 ) the fads (风尚 ) of “decision - making ” and “non- judgmentalism ” to the ash heap of failed policies, and return to a proved method. Character education provides a much more realistic approach to moral formation. It is built on an understanding that we learn morality not by debating it but by practicing it. Sample teachers worried about students leaving them


Steps to Writing a Summary 1.Read and understand the prompt or writing directions. What are you being asked to write about? Example: Summary of an Article Write a summary of the article. Your writing will be scored on how well you: ?state the main ideas of the article; ?identify the most important details that support the main ideas; ?write your summary in your own words, except for quotations; and ?express the underlying meaning of the article, not just the superficial details. 2. Read, think about, and understand the text. Review the material to make sure you know it well. Use a dictionary or context clues to figure out the meaning of any important words that you don’t know. 3. Take notes. Write down the main ideas and important details of the article. 4.Write a thesis statement. In a single sentence, state the main idea of the article. The thesis statement should mention the underlying meaning of the article, not just the superficial details. 5. Organize and outline ideas. Write down the important details you need to include in the summary. Put them in a logical order. Topic Sentence: Evidence: #1: #2: #3: 6.Write your essay. ?Your summary should be about one third of the length of the original article. ?Focus on the main point of the article and the most important details. ?Use your own words; avoid copying phrases and sentences from the article unless they’re direct quotations. 7.Revise. Have you indented all paragraphs? Have you captured the main point of the article? Have you included the most important details? Is there sentence variety? Have you avoided writing short, choppy sentences? Are there transitional words and phrases to connect ideas? 8. Proofread and edit. Check your spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Is the verb tense consistent? Are all names spelled correctly and capitalized? Have you avoided writing run-on sentences and sentence fragments? 9. Write your draft. Use blue or black ink. Skip lines. Write on one side of the paper only. Include a title on the top line. 10. Read your summary one last time before you turn it in. Look for careless spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors, especially omitted words or letters. Cross out errors neatly with a single line and write the correction above. Original Article: Bats In the distant past, many people thought bats had magical powers, but times have changed. Today, many people believe that bats are rodents, that they cannot see, and that they are more likely than other animals to carry rabies. All of these beliefs are mistaken. Bats are not rodents, are not blind, and are no more likely than dogs and cats to transmit rabies. Bats, in fact, are among the least understood and least appreciated of animals. Bats are not rodents with wings, contrary to popular belief. Like all rodents, bats are mammals, but they have a skeleton similar to the human skeleton. The bones in bat wings are much like those in arms and the human hand, with a thumb and four fingers. In bats, the bones of the arms and the four fingers of the hands are very long. This bone structure helps support the web of skin that stretches from the body to the ends of the fingers to form wings. Although bats cannot see colors, they have good vision in both dim and bright light. Since most bats stay in darkness during the day and do their feeding at night, they do not use their vision to maneuver in the dark but use a process called echolocation. This process enables bats to emit sounds from their mouths that bounce off objects and allow them to avoid the objects when flying. They use this system to locate flying insects to feed on as well. Typically, insect-eating bats emerge at dusk and fly to streams or ponds where they feed. They catch the insects on their wingtip or tail membrane and fling them into their mouths while flying. There are about 1,000 species of bat, ranging in size from the bumblebee bat, which is about an inch long, to the flying fox, which is sixteen inches long and has a wingspan of five feet. Each type of bat has a specialized diet. For seventy percent of bats, the diet is insects. Other types of bats feed on flowers, pollen, nectar, and fruit or on small animals such as birds, mice, lizards, and frogs. (continued on back)


↓↓↓ 大英3课文Summary UNIT 1 1.1 catching crabs In the fall of our final year,our mood changed.The relaxed atmosphere had disappeared, and peer group pressure to work hard was strong. Meanwhile,at the back of everyone’s mind was what we would do next after graduation. As for me,I wanted to travel,and I wanted to be a writer.I braced myself for some resistance to the idea from my father,who wanted me to go to law school,and follow his path through life. However,he supported what I wanted but he made me think about it by watching the crabs.The cage was full of crabs. One of them was trying to escape,but each time it reached the top the other crabs pulled it back.In the end it gave up lengthy struggle to escape and started to prevent other crabs from escaping.By watching crabs,my father told me not to be pulled back by others,and to get to know himself better. 1.2We are all dying Life is short.We never quite know when we become coffin dwellers or trampled ash in the rose garden of some local ceremony.So there’s no p oint in putting our dreams on the back burner until the right time arrives.Now is the time to do what we want to do. Make the best of our short stay and fill our life with the riches on offer so that when the reaper arrives,we’ve achieved much instead of regrets. UNIT 2 2.1superman The extract from Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams by Sylvia Plath is a combination of her real life and imaginary life in her childhood.In the real life,Plath was a winner of the prize for drawing the best Civil Defense signs,lived by an airport and had an Uncle who bore resemblance to Superman.In her imagination,the airport was her Mecca and Jerusalem because of her flying dreams.Superman fulfilled her dream at the moment. David Stirling,a bookish boy,also worship Superman.During the recess at school,he and the author played Superman https://www.360docs.net/doc/26731552.html,pared with their school-mates who played the routine games,they felt they were outlaws but had a sense of windy superiority.They also found a stand-in,Sheldon Fein, who later invented tortures. 2.2cultual childhoods Historically,childhood has undergone enormous transformations in terms of children’s responsibilities and parental expectations.Culturally,childhood is socially constructed.The interplay of history and cultural leads to different understanding of childhood,consequently it is advisable not to impose ideas from one culture to understand childhood in another culture. UNIT 3 3.1how we listen For the sake of clarify,we split up the process of listening to music into three hypothetical planes.Firstly,the sensuous plane.It is a kind of brainless but attractive state of mind engendered


课文参考译文 Unit 1 Text 1 我的第一份工作 在宾夕法尼亚州的夏洛瑞市,我的父母经营着一家小餐馆——潘格尼斯餐馆。餐馆每周营业七天,每天24小时。我的第一份正式工作是给顾客擦鞋,那时我六岁。父亲年轻时也曾干过这活,所以他就教我怎样把鞋擦好,还让我问问顾客活干得好不好,如果顾客不满意,应主动给顾客再擦一次。 随着年龄的增长,我的活也多了起来。十岁时,我已经会收拾餐桌了,并且还当清洁工。爸爸咧着嘴笑着说我是在他手下干过的最好的“清洁工”。 在餐馆里工作是我骄傲的资本,因为我也在为家里的生计出把力。但是,父亲明确规定我得符合一定的标准才能成为集体的一员。我必须守时,勤快,对顾客彬彬有礼。 在餐馆里除了擦鞋以外,其它工作都没有报酬。一天我犯了个错误,告诉父亲我觉得他每周应付我10美元的报酬。父亲说:“好呀,那你付我在这儿的一日三餐钱,怎么样?还有你带你的朋友来免费喝饮料的钱?”他算下来我每周还欠他40美元。这件事情给了我一个教训:在谈判时,你不仅要知道自己想说什么,你还要搞清楚对方会说些什么。 我还记得在外服兵役两年后回家的情景。我刚晋升为上尉,满脸自豪地迈进父母的餐馆。父亲的第一句话就是:“今天清洁工休息,晚上你来打扫卫生,怎么样?” 我简直不敢相信!我想,我是一名美国陆军军官!但这并不要紧。在父亲的眼里我只是团队中的一名成员。我伸手去拿了拖把。 为父亲做事使我明白了一个道理,对团队的忠诚是第一位的,无论这个团队从事的是经营家庭餐馆还是执行“沙漠风暴行动”。 Read more 我的第一份工作 “做什么事都要有自豪感,”父亲总是这样告诉我,“不管你是老板还是清洁工。”15岁时我在一家地方医院有了份兼职工作,他们要我做拖地的活儿。我笑了,就想到了父亲说过的那些话。 既使我的工作是最低层的,我也非常激动能有事情做。我没把它看成是个困难,而是看成一个挑战,因为这是我的第一份工作。我学着去守时,符合工作规范。反过来,医院里的职工和病人也很尊敬我。 每天早晨,我先设想一下,如果我没能洗涮干净,那沾满麦片粥的碟子只能让病人更感不适。早饭刚过,我就开始卖力地干活,把所有病房的地板拖一遍,再冲洗厕所。尽管我累得精疲力尽,但我心里清楚,如果地板没拖得闪闪发亮,我的形象照出来也会很糟。我想把工作做得漂亮些,大家也会笑着说:“小伙子工作确实出色。”这让我很感自豪。 在医院里工作让我懂得了一个道理,自豪感是积极投身工作的一部分,不管工作是拖地还是经营一家大企业。我曾做过许多工作,父亲的建议总回响在我耳边。我拖过地,而现在被提升为经理。我想爸爸也会为我骄傲的。 Unit 2 Text 美国家庭和中国传统家庭的比较 美国家庭和中国传统家庭有很多不同之处。先说说住房吧。美国房子通常都有院子,大小


一篇英语summary范文英语Summary写第一步:阅读 A.认真阅读给定的原文材料。如果一遍不能理解,就多读两遍。阅读次数越多,你对原文的理解就越深刻。 B.给摘要起一个标题。用那些能概括文章主题思想的单词、短语或短句子作为标题。也可以采用文中的主题句作为标题。主题句往往出现在文章的开头或结尾。一个好标题有助于确定文章的中心思想。 C.现在,就该决定原文中哪些部分重要,哪些部分次重要了。对重要部分的主要观点进行概括。 D.简要地记下主要观点——主题、标题、细节等你认为对概括摘要重要的东西。 第二步:动手写作 A. 摘要应该只有原文的三分之一或四分之一长。因此首先数一下原文的字数,然后除以三,得到一个数字。摘要的字数可以少于这个数字,但是千万不能超过这个数字。

B. 摘要应全部用自己的话完成。不要引用原文的句子。 C. 应该遵循原文的逻辑顺序。这样你就不必重新组织观点、事实。 D. 摘要必须全面、清晰地表明原文所载的信息,以便你的读者不需翻阅原文就可以完全掌握材料的原意。 E. 写摘要时可以采用下列几种小技巧: 1) 删除细节。只保留主要观点。 2) 选择一至两个例子。原文中可能包括5个或更多的例子,你只需从中筛选一至二个例子。 3) 把长段的描述变成短小、简单的句子。如果材料中描述某人或某事用了十个句子,那么你只要把它们变成一两句即可。 4) 避免重复。在原文中,为了强调某个主题,可能会重复论证说明。但是这在摘要中是不能使用的。应该删除那些突出强调的重述句。

5) 压缩长的句子。如下列两例: “His courage in battle might without exaggeration be called lion-like.” 可以概括为:”He was very brave in battle.” “He was hard up for money and was being pressed by his creditor.”可以概括为:“He was in financial difficulties.” 6) 你还可以使用词组代替整句或者从句。请看下面的例子: “Beautiful mountains like Mount Tai, Lushan Mountain, and Mount Huang, were visited by only a few people in the past. Today, better wages, holidays with pay, new hotels on these mountains, and better train and bus services, have brought them within reach of many who never thought of visiting them ten years ago.”


中国地质大学 研究生课程论文封面 课程名称研究生英语 教师姓名何霜 研究生姓名刘改宁 研究生学号1201510871 研究生专业数学 所在院系数理学院 类别: A.博士 B.硕士 C.进修生 日期: 2016 年4月15 日

Summary 1.The summary of “From Competence to Commitment”. In thisarticle,“From Competence to Commitment”,Ernest Boyer argues that itis not enough to merely teach undergraduates the specialized skills needed to do a particular job. R ather, students need “a large vision.” He argues that they need to become familiar with issues far beyond the simple concerns of a narrow academic field, and gain an appreciation of the values and philosophy of their own culture as well as the issues shaping nations far from the university campus. In addition to learning specialized facts and skills, students should examine larger issues of right and wrong, so that each student may develop the intellectual sophistication required to make wise decision for themselves and their society. Therefore Ernest Boyerstates that the undergraduate education should move the student from competence to commitment. At first, the author reveals a common phenomenon that many college students are confused about where to put their belief. In order to work out this problem, undergraduate education should reflect in loyalties that rise above self. Next, college graduates should fulfill civic obligations. The imperative measures should be taken to narrow the gap between public policy and public understanding in American teaching today. The complicated public liferequires more participation of citizens,


Discovery of a Father You hear it said that fathers want their sons to be what they feel they cannot themselves be, but I tell you it also works the other way. A boy wants something very special from his father. I know that as a small boy I wanted my father to be a certain thing he was not, I wanted him to be a proud, silent , dignified(有尊严的)father. When I was with other boys and he passed along the street, I wanted to feel a glow of pride. “There he is. That is my father.”But he wasn?t such a one. He couldn?t be. It seemed to me then that he was always showing o ff. Let?s say someone in our town had got up a show.1 They were always doing it. The druggist would be in it, the shoe store clerk, the horse doctor, and a lot of women and girls. My father would manage to get the chief comedy part. 2It was, let?s say, a Civil War play and he was a comic Irish soldier. He had to do the most absurd(可笑的)things. They thought he was funny, but I didn?t. I thought he was terrible. I didn?t see how mother could stand it. She even laughed with the others. Maybe I would have laughed if it hadn?t been my father.Or there was a parade, the Fourth of July or Decoration Day. He?d be in that, too, right at the front of it, as Grand Marshal or something, on a white horse hired from a livery (车马出租所)stable. He couldn?t ride for shucks. 3 He fell off the horse and everyone hooted(起哄)with laughter, but he did n?t care. He even seemed to like it, I remember once when he had done something ridiculous, and right out on Main Street, too. I was with some other boys and they were laughing and shouting at him and he was shouting back and having as good a time as they were. I ran down an alley(小巷)back of some stores and there in the Presbyterian Church sheds I had a good long cry. Or I would be in bed at night and father would come home a little lit up and bring some men with him. He was a man who was never alone. Before he went broke, running a harness shop, there were always a lot of men loafing in the shop.4 He went broke, of course, because he gave too much credit. 5He couldn?t refuse it and I thought he was a fool. I had got to hate him. There?d be men I didn?t think would want t o be fooling around with him. 6 There might even be the superintendent(督导)of our schools and a quiet man who ran the hardware store. Once I remember there was a white-haired man who was a cashier of the bank. It was a wonder to me they?d want to be seen with such a windbag(夸夸其谈的人). That?s what I thought he was. I know now wh at it was that attracted them. It was because life in our town, as in all small towns, was at times pretty dull and he livened it up. He made them laugh. He could tell stories. He?d even get them to singing. If they didn?t come to our house they?d go off, say at night, to where there was a grassy(多草的)place. They?d cook food there and drink beer and sit about listening to his stories.He was always telling stories about himself. He?d say this or that wonderful thing that had happened to him. It might be something that made him look like a fool. He d idn?t care.If an Irishman came to our house, right away father would say he was Irish. He?d tell what county in Ireland he was born in. He?d tell things that happened there when he was a boy. He?d make it seem so real that, if I hadn?t known he was born in southern Ohio, I?d have believed him myself. If it was a Scotchman(苏格兰人)the same thing happened. He?d get a burr(颤动舌尖的r音)into his speech. Or he was a German or a Swede. He?d be anything the other man was. I think they all knew he was lying, but they seemed to like him just the same. As a boy that was what I couldn?t unde rstand. And there was mother. How could she stand it, I wanted to ask, but never did. She was not the kind you asked such questions. I?d be upstairs in my bed, in my room above the porch(门廊), and father would be telling some of his tales. A lot o f father?s stories were about the Civil War. To hear him tell it he?d been in about every battle. He?d known Grant, Sherman, Sheridan and I don?t know how many others. He?d been particularly intimate with General Grant so that when Grant went East to take charge of all the armies, he took father along. “I was an orderly(勤务兵)at headquarters and Sam Grant said to me, …Irve? he said, I?m going to take you along with me.?” It seems he and Grant used to slip off sometimes and have a quiet drink together. That?s what my father said. He?d tell about the day Lee surrendered and how, when the great moment came, they couldn?t find Grant. “You know,” my father said, “about General Grant?s book, his memoirs(回忆录). You?ve read of how he said he had a headache and how, when he got word that Lee was ready to call it quits, 7 he was suddenly and miraculously(奇迹般地)cured. “Huh,” said father. “He was in the woods with me.” “I was in there with my back against a tree. I was pretty well corned. 8 I had got hold of a bottle of pretty good stuff. “They were looking for G rant. He had got off his horse and come into the woods. He found me. He was covered with mud. “I had the bottle in my hand. What?d I care? The war was over. I knew we had them licked. 9” My father said that he was the one who told Grant about Lee. An orderly riding by had told him, because the orderly knew how thick(感情深厚)he was with Grant. 10 Grant was embarrassed. “But, Irve, look at me. I?m all covered with mud,” he said to my father. And then, my father said, he and Grant decided to have a drink together. They took a couple of shots(小
