外贸客户邮件跟进 (1)

外贸客户邮件跟进 (1)
外贸客户邮件跟进 (1)


Glad to contact you again!Have you kindly check my offer? Hope they are workable for your market! Sorry that we still don't receive any information from you. I would apprreciate for your any comment about our offer, including price, quality, sercive. No matter if it is positive answer, It is great help for us to meet your for your favorable reply soon!?


我通常是这样写的:good day!my quotation of digital photo frame you might have received and considerated. could you kindly advise your comments at your earlier convenience? if the products isnot you are expecting,pls advise me your details requirement, i will re-offer am of service at any time!?


Dear ***,Wish you have a nice day!May I ask whether you have received my quotation?Now I am sending it again,if you have any other feel free to contact will do much better if you can give any advices to am waiting for your reply regardsWennie.?


dear sir have you received our quotation of ..., if you have any further question,please don't hesitate to contact are waiting for you comment about our hope that we can establish a good business relationship with you in the nearest prompt reply will be appreciate.?


Dear Hugo Chu, Wish everything well with you and your esteemed company ! We are in receipt of your letter dated Aug 10 , and as requested was expressed you 3 catalogues for our refrigeration goods . We hope they will reach you in due course and will help you in making your selection . Wish we will promote business as well as friendship! Best wishes ! Kevin?

回复B:先写邮件问清情况。本人觉得先写邮件问清情况,简单的询问,如HA VE YOU RECEIVED MY P/I, IS THERE ANY QUESTION OR PROBLEM WITH YOU??再问何时开L/C?或汇订金过来.....如客户没回复,那你应该(很有必要)打个电话过去问清情况。是价格问题还是临时发生改变??客户是,还在等最终客户的确认?还是其它问题?然后根据情况做一些措施看能否挽回这一张订单。?

Dear Sir, Good morning! Hope you have got a wonderful weekend! For several days no news from you, my friend. Now I am writing for reminding you about our offer for item of **** dated ** ** ** according to your relative inquiry. Have you got (or checked) the prices or not? ( You can add some words to introduce your advantage of your product or something else to attract the customer). Any comments by return will be much appreciated. It will be our big pleasure if we have opportunities to be on severice of you in near future. Looking forward to your prompt response, Thanks and best regards, Yours Faithfully Kevin?

回复C:如果仍然没有回音的话,可以在一、两个月后再写一封信。?Dear Sir, Now I am writing for keeping in touch with you for further business. If any new inquiry, welcome here and I will try my best to satisfy you well with comptetitive prices as per your request. By the way, how about your order (or business) with item ***? If still pending I would like to offer our latest prices to promote an opportunity to cooperate with each other. Thanks and best regards, Kevin


如何跟进客户的邮件? 通过邮件与客户取得联系,是做外贸的最主要的途径。 一. 跟进客户的邮件中要注意哪些问题? 1.简洁:客户上班时间要处理很多事情。80-100个单词,不能太少,也不能太多。最简单的句式表达最明确的意思。突出重点。 2. 专业:英语用词要专业。专业词汇给对方的感觉就是做我们这一行的。如果什么都不懂,这个缩写需要解释,那个也需要,那客户会选择你吗?另外,我们要把产品了解清楚,在邮件中体现出你的专业度。有问必答, 重点突出,意思明确, 思路要清晰。 3. 真诚:回复客户的邮件要注意语言用辞,表示出对客户的尊敬,对待客户一定要真诚,表达出自己以及公司的合作诚意。 4. 及时:回复客户邮件要及时提供给客户准确的产品信息。当天的邮件一定要当天回。如果不能回复,一定要给客户一个回应,告诉他目前不能回的原因和什么时候能够回复客户。注意各国时差,欧洲客户一般下午3点前回复就可以了。美国客户上午一上班或者下午下班前发。 5. 规范:规范的格式(字母大小写,段落,单词拼写,语法检查。)主题:点睛之处;问候语;落款。内容较多时,注意分段或者分序号。 8. 与客户合拍:顺应客户的习惯,使用客户的一些专业词汇表达方式,客户的格式。按客户的格式提供产品资料或者报价。 9. 语气委婉:多用连接词,如As you know, to be honest, frankly, etc. 10. 细心:注意检查是否忘记添加附件,添加后要记得打开再仔细检查一遍。 二.报价后如何跟进? 一般客户会在第一封邮件中要求提供报价及一些产品详细资料。报价根据不同市场,不同需求推荐不同的产品,价格一般不能太高,也不能太低。给客户报价后,一般分为以下几种情况: 1.报价后,根本无回复。 1. 这时,可以考虑隔1天或2天再给客户重发一次,或者直接发邮件询问客户是否收到报价,是否有任何问题? (1)通过客户网站或者询盘信息,如果认为该客户为目标客户。多重发几次,重点强调我司产品的独特优势。也可以尝试推荐给客户其他款式的产品,让客户知道我们还有其他很多的款式,询问客户是否对其它款式感兴趣?如果客户再无回复,通过介绍公司新产品,市场动态,行业动态,吸引客户眼球,在节假日的时候及时给客户发问候,争取获得客户的好感,继续跟进,获得客户回复的机率就更高。(2) 如果不是此行业或者询盘内容比较泛,信息不全面,查不到公司网站的客户,建议重发几次,如果还无回复,就可以放弃了。 2. 报价后,客户有回复,但是反映价格太高,或者说现在采购的价格很低。 做为一个业务员,我们经常给客人报完价后,一般客户都会收到客人说价格高,毕竟谁去买东西,都想买到价格便宜,质量好的产品,自己去买东西的时候,同样也会有这样的想法。价格高,这个都是一般客人的第一反应,关键看我们怎么去引导客人,让他觉得你这个产品就值得这个价钱。因为当客户说“你们的价格太高了”时,我们看到的应该是一个可以马上促成的“积极信号”。因为在他的眼里,除了“价格太高”之外,实际上已经接受了除这个因素之外的其他各个方面。 那么面对这样一个问题,我们应当采取何种策略呢? (1)必须先做自我的心理调整。 (2).运用同理心,肯定对方的感受,充分理解客户。

2. 如何让客户回复邮件10步走

1. 客户不回邮件? 作为一名新手,客户不回你的邮件,会受打击。做为有经验的业务,客户太多,一个个的跟进,费神,累人。 刚给客户报价了之后一定要做到勤跟进。在第一个月最好能够跟进到十次以上,后续就客户情况可以放缓步伐了。 报完价后第一件事情就是询问客户对于我们报价的看法,评价,并且要问几次。很多人都知道,有一部分客户在这个时候就会给你回复了的。 一.询问客户对报价的看法 Dear xxx, Hope everything goes well with you! Have you kindly checked my offer? Hope they are workable for your market! It is regret that I haven't received any information from your side. May I have your idea about our offer? We will try to satisfy you upon receipt of your reply. If there is anything we can do for you, we shall be more than pleased to do so. Hope we can build good cooperation with you and your company. Best regards 二.追问客户的评价,求回复 Dear xx How are you recently? Several days no news from you have you got my enquiry for xxxx? Fully understand that you are too busy to reply us. But we are still await for your comments. We need your feedback to go ahead. Thank you in advance. Many thanks and best regards.


外贸询盘跟进邮件范文 一、买家询盘为泛问所有产品 询盘格式通常如下: We are interested in all your products, could you please send us more information and sles about your products and price list? 可参考如下模板回复: DearSir/ Madam, Thanks for your inquiry at Alibaba.. We are professional supplier for plush toys at petitive price, located in Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province. Here is the attachment with some pictures of our products that may suit your requirements, for more, please check our website, and select the products that you??re interested in. We have great interest in developing business with you, should you have any inquiries or ments, we would be glad to talk in details through MSN:XXX\ mails or any way you like. (附件内容可挑选一些公司主打产品)


外贸加油站-详细解读外贸跟进邮件的九个要素 销售通常是在面谈过后以及电话过后才刚刚开始,而后面的跟进是销售过程中一个重要的组成部分,邮件跟进的方式是最快也是最省钱和容易操作的方式。 为何跟进邮件如此重要,有效的跟进邮件有什么特点。 我们业务员通常需要赢得订单,完成业绩目标。因此写邮件的时候通常会站在自己的角度出发写邮件,给客户催单的感觉,这就容易一种容易进入死循环,客户就很少回应。 我们要向客户展示出和我们合作的前景有多么好,我们是关心客户的。而不是把东西卖给客户,让客户掏钱就完事了。我们要让客户明白我们可以帮他们节约成本,增加收入,提高生产率等,我们是对客户有好处的合作伙伴。 我们需要向客户表达出我们对客户的潜在需求是了解的,客户提出的技术要求是可以达到的,让客户感受到我们对他的关心,是提高跟进邮件回复率的关键因素。 强大外贸跟进邮件的九个要素 1. 写一个吸引眼球的主题。主题简单明了专业即可。主题不要写”How do you feel about our price”或“How do you feel our samples quality”,而是换一个方式说明可以给客户带来什么利益比如写”How to raise 15% profit with new ipad case “”How to save more cost when you purchase from China” 2. 让邮件个性化。给重要的客户不要写普通的邮件。要有个性化的内容。比如:给客户发送重要的打折信息,尾货库存信息,最新产品设计信息,和客户支持服务信息。个性化的措辞将有利于提高15%的点击率和10%的转化率。 3. 向客户说明为何我们要给他发跟进邮件。比如公司刚刚举行完一个会议,对客户需要的样品或产品生产的安排计划,或者产品有新的设计思路要和客户沟通等。 4. 向客户说明我们的邮件是友好的。需要向客户说明接收我们的邮件是免费的,以便客户采取下一步行动,确定是否需要再次接收。通常我们在邮件底部添加一个链接,让客户选择是否需要再次接收我们的邮件,这个简单的确认动作会让有效的客户回复率增加一倍。 5. 不能操之过急,让客户感觉我们在催单。通常外贸业务员都想快点让客户下单,快点让客户确认消息。这种想快速结束销售流程的思路是不对的。因为客户


一.询问客户对报价的看法 Dear xxx, Hope everything goes well with you! Have you kindly checked my offer? Hope they are workable for your market! It isregret that I haven't received any information from your side. May I have youridea about our offer? We will try to satisfy you upon receipt of your reply. If there is anything we can do for you, we shall be more than pleased to do so. Hope we can build good cooperation with you and your company. Best regards 二.追问客户的评价,求回复

Dear xx How are you recently? Several days no news from you have you got my enquiry for xxxx? Fullyunderstand that you are too busy to reply us. But we are still await for your comments. We need your feedback to go ahead. Thank you in advance. Many thanks and best regards. 三.本着小强精神,保证客户收到了报价,重发报价 Hello, xxx,


Hope you are fine, my friend.It is regret that I haven't receive any information from your side. May I have your idea about our offer? We will try to satisfy you upon receipt of your reply. As we don't want to lost a good customer like you!If there is anything we can do for you, we shall be more than pleased to do so. Hope we can build good cooperation with you. 如果客人还没有回信,一周后再问客人不回信的真实原因.(一般情况,70%的客人会告诉你他的原因) Glad to contact you again!Have you kindly check my offer? Hope they are workable for your market! Sorry that we still don't receive any information from you. I would apprreciate for your any comment about our offer, including price, quality, sercive. No matter if it is positive answer, It is great help for us to meet your requirement.Waiting for your favorable reply soon! 之后的日子里,可以尝试新产品的报价,刺激下客人的神经. 我通常是这样写的:good day!my quotation of digital photo frame you might have received and considerated. could you kindly advise your comments at your earlier convenience? if the products isnot you are expecting,pls advise me your details requirement, i will re-offer asap.i am of service at any time! 但是,不同的客人,我会变换着写邮件,让客人知道我们公司,产品的存在.我不会把客人缠得太紧,约十来天给他一封邮件我通常这样回复的: Dear ***,Wish you have a nice day!May I ask whether you have received my quotation?Now I am sending it again,if you have any other ideas.Please feel free to contact me.We will do much better if you can give any advices to us.I am waiting for your reply ASA P.Best regardsWennie. 但是,想成功可不是容易的事情. dear sir have you received our quotation of ..., if you have any further question,please don't hesitate to contact us.we are waiting for you comment about our quotation.we hope that we can establish a good business relationship with you in the nearest future.your prompt reply will be appreciate. 回复A:直接去函敦促 Dear Hugo Chu, Wish everything well with you and your esteemed company ! We are in receipt of your letter dated Aug 10 , and as requested was expressed you 3 catalogues for our refrigeration goods . We hope they will reach you in due course and will help you in making your selection . Wish we will promote business as well as friendship! Best wishes ! Kevin 回复B:先写邮件问清情况。本人觉得先写邮件问清情况,简单的询问,如HA VE YOU RECEIVED MY P/I, IS THERE ANY QUESTION OR PROBLEM WITH YOU? 再问何时开L/C 或汇订金过来.....如客户没回复,那你应该(很有必要)打个电话过去问清情况。是价格问题还是临时发生改变? 客户是中间商,还在等最终客户的确认?还是其它问题?然后根据情况做一些措施看能否挽回这一张订单。 Dear Sir, Good morning! Hope you have got a wonderful weekend! For several days no news from you, my friend. Now I am writing for reminding you about our offer for item of **** dated ** ** ** according to your relative inquiry. Have you got (or checked) the prices or not? ( You can add some


关于跟踪客户的方法 跟踪,骚扰! 让客户记着你,这次不合作,至少下次再采购的时候能够想起你,给你一个报价,参与竞争的机会。 事实证明,大部分的客户都是通过不断地跟踪得来的,至少我的大部分客户都是如此。 关键问题在于一部分外贸业务员不知道如何跟踪,一旦发出去的价格石沉大海,便束手无策了。尝试以下几种跟踪方法: 1、报价时,信息比较全面,本身就给客户留下比较专业,比较诚恳的印象,客户会比较愿意跟专业的供应商合作。 2、有效期话题:例如你的有效期20天,在最后的几天,我们可以借有效期为题通知客户,若要下单请在有效期内!再或者,你就通知客户,现在市场价格已经开始上涨,但是我们的有效期还可以适应,请尽快通知我们!这样个客户留下了比较守承诺的印象。 有效期内,客户未答复,则可以在有效期结束的第二天,就要通知客户,我们的有效期已经失效,但是如果再需要,请来信咨询,我们还会提供比较合适的价格给您。 3、事件营销:节日等等 4、交货期跟踪:在价格有效期内,可以利用交货期做文章,例如询问客户到底什么时候要,是否比较急,如果您不能及时下订,我们其他订单排在前面,可能会影响您的船期。 5、重复报价:这招比较常用,估计很多人都在用。只要价格调整了,就发价格给客户,即便是本身价格未变,但是由于海运费,汇率等因素的影响,还是会变化,告知客户。 6、询问需求法,这个方法也可以常用,例如说,不知道你最近是否有订单,请即时通知我,我给你报一个价格,参考一下。 7、同行刺激法,这个方法不能常用,但是我曾经用这个方法让客户很感兴趣,最终拿到过订单,就说是,最近您所在的地区需求量非常大,我们连着发了几批去那边的货,我记着您也是需要这批货的,不知道你最近有没有需求?(这个要特别小心使用,万一客人说你把你现在客人的名称告诉,你确实没有就有傻了) 还有很多,上面七条都是我常用的,虽然并不是每一个客户都能拿下来,至少,我没有让客户忘记我,对方有需求的同时,至少还会告诉我,寻求报价,经过谈判也曾经拿下了好多客户! 这就是一个好的开始,如果进入不了实际的谈判阶段,你的产品再好,价格再有优势,也是白搭!


询问客户对报价的看法 Dear xxx, Hope everything goes well with you! Have you kindly checked my offer? Hope they are workable for your market! It is a regret that I haven’t received any information from your side. May I have your idea about our offer? We will try to satisfy you upon receipt of your reply. If there is anything we can do for you, we shall be more than pleased to do so. Hope we can build good cooperation with you and your company. Best regards. 追问客户的评价,求回复 Dear xxx, How are you recently? Several days no news from you, have you got my enquiry for xxx? Fully understand that you are too busy to reply us. But we are still waiting for your comments. We need your feedback to go ahead. Thank you in advance. Many thanks and best regards. 本着小强精神,保证客户收到报价,重发报价 Hello,xxx, Wish you have a nice day! May I ask whether you have received my quotation? Now I am sending it again. If you have any other ideas, pls fell free to contact me. We will do much better if you can give any advices to us. Waiting for your favorable reply soon! Best wishes 利用报价的有效期给客户一点压力 Hello,xxx, Hope everything goes well!!! It is Bella. We are in receipt of your inquiry dated on xxx and quote you as follow:xxxxxx. Pls kindly check whether price is workable. Because price will be invalid on xxxx. Wish we will promote business. Best regards. 最后一次寻求客户对所询价产品的意见,附上产品目录表 Good day! My friend, Bella again. My quotation of xxx you might have received and considered. Could you kindly advise your comments at your earliest convenience? Enclosed is the E-catalog of Kington, pls kindly chk! If there is any item you are in need of, pls contact me! I’ll be more than pleasure to offer the information you want. Thanks... I am of service at any time! BR


外贸如何跟进客户? 实例: 在11月的广交会上,遇见了一个客户。谈的不错,也寄了样品过去。说很多客户都是寄了样边没了回音。无论怎样,跟进工作总是要进行。想问下啦,邮件该如何跟进呢?就是如何开口询问客户那边对产品的反馈信息呢? 问题指导: 一般情况下如果没订单催了也没多大用,不过一定要问。客人对你的产品和公司感兴趣他自动会联系你的,不管时间长短;如果是对你们压根儿不敢兴趣的客户再跟进也不会合作,顶多就是落个好印象。我一半都是随意轻松的跟进,但是有没有单我心里都已经有底了。一般来说要注意跟进而不要催客户,不给客户造成压迫感。先确认是否收到样品. 如收到,是否有疑问等.基本上这样,让客户认可产品后再谈下一步问题.如客户不满意,可发一些在客户市场卖得比较好的产品图片供参考. 寄出样品后就应该给客户发封e-mail,然后告诉他大致的到达时间。如果过了预计时间一周都没有消息,就可以再发一封e-mail问问他对那些样品的看法。如果还没有回复,那就基本上只能放弃了。因为基本上可以断定那个客户暂时不愿意合作。 实战经验 1. 作生意,首先要了解,最好要精通自己的产品。这一点对新人来说尤其是很重要,如果产品都不熟悉的话,肯定在和客户交往的时候很被动。我寄出样品后一般等客人的回复。部分客人收到样品后会回复收到你们的样品的消息,如果到后几天还没有回复,我会问:How do you feel our sample?Looking forward to hearingfrom you soon.然后等消息。其实遇到这样的事情无一定论的,客户是自己谈的,要根据具体 问题,具体分析。 我来公司的时候,就给自己下了个死任务,一个月内熟悉产品,要求做到最主营产品了解非常透彻,然后在此基础上有所延伸。当然我说的了解非常透彻也是不大可能的,毕竟一个月的时间太短。那至少大路边的问题都应该知道。 也许大家会说上班就那点时间,哪里来的时间啊。没有时间找时间。尤其是对做业务的我们来说,在最初的几个月里一定不要吝惜花费时间,也不要太计较这些。也许老板没有让你加班,为了以后有更好的发展,那就利用可以利用的时间来吧。现在网络发达了,我们不会的问题可以及时问网友或者同行。这样边学边用,用不了多久就能上手。


第一次接到询盘,你用多少回盘换来一句回复?该怎样做,客户才回你呢? 明明询盘了,就突然消失了?你们遇到过吗? 为什么询盘后就不见了?还是根本就消失不见了? 经过我浏览大家的外贸邮,神似的纠缠,没有回音也是白搭,只有客户回复了,即使只是告诉你不想要了,你就已经打入了客户,至少你可以继续。。。。哈哈,如何掌握节奏?万不得已,只有出绝招了! 我的第一次报价 Thank you for your inquiry of Adult Diaper. We are pleasure that you are interested in our products Adult Diaper and Adult pull up Diaper. we are the first and largest company which specialized in ### in China, have more than # years experience in handmade production. http:// We've sent the products' photo in the attachment and detailed information of the product below: For the payment:Western Union..... For the Shipment : DHL, ..... We look forward to receive your reply. Sincerely, (过几天,没回复) Dear XXX, Wish everything well with you! We are in receipt of your letter dated Aug 10 , and as requested send you a catalogue for more information . We hope they will reach you and will help


如何跟踪客户(外贸函电篇) 一、买家询盘为泛问所有产品 询盘格式通常如下: We are interested in all your products, could you please send us more informa tion and samples about your products and price list? 可参考如下模板回复: Dear Sir/ Madam, Thanks for your inquiry at https://www.360docs.net/doc/2916167394.html,. We are professional supplier for plush toys at competitive price, located in Na njing City, Jiangsu Province. Here is the attachment with some pictures of our products that may suit your requirements, for more, please check our website, and select the products that you’re interested in. We have great interest in developing business with you, should you have any i nquiries or comments, we would be glad to talk in details through MSN:XXX \ mails or any way you like. (附件内容可挑选一些公司主打产品) 客户泛泛咨询时,往往真实购买意图一般,除非其正好需要/感兴趣您现在的产品或您挑选出的主打产品。对能给予继续回复的客户应继续重点追踪,没有回复的客户则可以考虑不必花费大量时间追踪。 二、买家询盘为针对公司具体产品发的询价 此类询价目标性较强,真实有效性较高,需重点跟进。已经根据买家询盘内容做出了具体回复,并同时报了价格,但买家没有再发邮件过来。 建议可发以下类似邮件提醒买家: Dear Sir/ Madam, Good morning! For several days no news from you, my friend. Now I am writing for reminding you about our offer for item of XXX dated XXX according to your relative inqui ry at https://www.360docs.net/doc/2916167394.html,. Have you got (or checked) the prices or not? Any co mments by return will be much appreciated. (可根据客户要求的产品加上自己产品的特色) It will be our big pleasure if we have opportunities to be on service of you in n


外贸如何跟进客户邮件最新模版 1.Dear Jain, How is everything going? As the samples were sent out and received last week,may I know if you got the samples yet?How do you like it?We are appreicated your feedback of the samples so that we can go to the next steps. (或者把samples 改成quote,details) Looking forward to your reply. Best Regards and Thanks, Celeste 2.Hi Jain, Do you see my offer?What is your opinion?(Is there any updated information about xx?Do you have any news for xx?Any comment about our xx ?) Is there anything I can do at this stage to support you?we will be obliged if you kindly let us know. Have a nice day.Thanks. Celeste 3.Hi Jain, Glad to contact you again! Sorry that we still don't receive any information from you. I would appreciate for your any comment about our offer, including price, quality, service. No matter if it is positive answer, It is great help for us to meet your requirement. Waiting for your favorable reply soon! Best regards. Celeste 4.Hi Jain, Good day. Still no answer from you,how about the xx samples or quote?Fully understand you are busy,but I need to confirm the xx with you(it is my job responsibilty to follow up you and collect the clients' comment to improve my work and offer you quick response)

外贸客户邮件跟进 (1)

如果客人还没有回信,一周后再问客人不回信的真实原因.(一般情况,70%的客人会告诉你他的原因)? Glad to contact you again!Have you kindly check my offer? Hope they are workable for your market! Sorry that we still don't receive any information from you. I would apprreciate for your any comment about our offer, including price, quality, sercive. No matter if it is positive answer, It is great help for us to meet your for your favorable reply soon!? 之后的日子里,可以尝试新产品的报价,刺激下客人的神经.? 我通常是这样写的:good day!my quotation of digital photo frame you might have received and considerated. could you kindly advise your comments at your earlier convenience? if the products isnot you are expecting,pls advise me your details requirement, i will re-offer am of service at any time!? 但是,不同的客人,我会变换着写邮件,让客人知道我们公司,产品的存在.我不会把客人缠得太紧,约十来天给他一封邮件我通常这样回复的:? Dear ***,Wish you have a nice day!May I ask whether you have received my quotation?Now I am sending it again,if you have any other feel free to contact will do much better if you can give any advices to am waiting for your reply regardsWennie.? 但是,想成功可不是容易的事情.? dear sir have you received our quotation of ..., if you have any further question,please don't hesitate to contact are waiting for you comment about our hope that we can establish a good business relationship with you in the nearest prompt reply will be appreciate.? 回复A:直接去函敦促? Dear Hugo Chu, Wish everything well with you and your esteemed company ! We are in receipt of your letter dated Aug 10 , and as requested was expressed you 3 catalogues for our refrigeration goods . We hope they will reach you in due course and will help you in making your selection . Wish we will promote business as well as friendship! Best wishes ! Kevin? 回复B:先写邮件问清情况。本人觉得先写邮件问清情况,简单的询问,如HA VE YOU RECEIVED MY P/I, IS THERE ANY QUESTION OR PROBLEM WITH YOU??再问何时开L/C?或汇订金过来.....如客户没回复,那你应该(很有必要)打个电话过去问清情况。是价格问题还是临时发生改变??客户是,还在等最终客户的确认?还是其它问题?然后根据情况做一些措施看能否挽回这一张订单。? Dear Sir, Good morning! Hope you have got a wonderful weekend! For several days no news from you, my friend. Now I am writing for reminding you about our offer for item of **** dated ** ** ** according to your relative inquiry. Have you got (or checked) the prices or not? ( You can add some words to introduce your advantage of your product or something else to attract the customer). Any comments by return will be much appreciated. It will be our big pleasure if we have opportunities to be on severice of you in near future. Looking forward to your prompt response, Thanks and best regards, Yours Faithfully Kevin?


如何跟进客户的邮件 如何跟进客户的邮件, 通过邮件与客户取得联系,是做外贸的最主要的途径。 一. 跟进客户的邮件中要注意哪些问题, 1(简洁:客户上班时间要处理很多事情。80-100个单词,不能太少,也不能太多。最简单的句式表达最明确的意思。突出重点。 2. 专业:英语用词要专业。专业词汇给对方的感觉就是做我们这一行的。如果什么都不懂,这个缩写需要解释,那个也需要,那客户会选择你吗,另外,我们要把产品了解清楚,在邮件中体现出你的专业度。有问必答, 重点突出,意思明确, 思路要清晰。 3. 真诚:回复客户的邮件要注意语言用辞,表示出对客户的尊敬,对待客户一定要真诚,表达出自己以及公司的合作诚意。 4. 及时:回复客户邮件要及时提供给客户准确的产品信息。当天的邮件一定要当天回。如果不能回复,一定要给客户一个回应,告诉他目前不能回的原因和什么时候能够回复客户。注意各国时差,欧洲客户一般下午3点前回复就可以了。美国客户上午一上班或者下午下班前发。 5. 规范:规范的格式(字母大小写,段落,单词拼写,语法检查。)主题:点睛之处;问候语;落款。内容较多时,注意分段或者分序号。 8. 与客户合拍:顺应客户的习惯,使用客户的一些专业词汇表达方式,客户的格式。按客户的格式提供产品资料或者报价。 9. 语气委婉:多用连接词,如As you know, to be honest, frankly, etc. 10. 细心:注意检查是否忘记添加附件,添加后要记得打开再仔细检查一遍。 11、持之以恒,有耐心,有恒心

在跟进过程中,从不同角度,变换不同话题与客户保持沟通,沟通的过程,也是宣传产品,增加产品知名度的过程,使客户能够了解KBB品牌。在沟通过程中需要掌握沟通的频率,建议一个月一次或三周一次,不宜频率过高,以避免使客人反感。 建议议二个跟踪客户的方法: 1、定期发送新产品给客户,这一方式往往会有不可低估的效果; 2、节假日向客户发送问候和节日卡片。 二(报价后如何跟进, 一般客户会在第一封邮件中要求提供报价及一些产品详细资料。报价根据不同市场,不同需求推荐不同的产品,价格一般不能太高,也不能太低。给客户报价后,一般分为以下几种情况: 1.报价后,根本无回复。 1. 这时,可以考虑隔1天或2天再给客户重发一次,或者直接发邮件询问客户是否收到报价,是否有任何问题, (1)通过客户网站或者询盘信息,如果认为该客户为目标客户。多重发几次,重点强调我司产品的独特优势。也可以尝试推荐给客户其他款式的产品,让客户知道我们还有其他很多的款式,询问客户是否对其它款式感兴趣,如果客户再无回复,通过介绍公司新产品,市场动态,行业动态,吸引客户眼球,在节假日的时候及时给客户发问候,争取获得客户的好感,继续跟进,获得客户回复的机率就更高。 (2) 如果不是此行业或者询盘内容比较泛,信息不全面,查不到公司网站的客户,建议重发几次,如果还无回复,就可以放弃了。 2. 报价后,客户有回复,但是反映价格太高,或者说现在采购的价格很低。 做为一个业务员,我们经常给客人报完价后,一般客户都会收到客人说价格高,毕竟谁去买东西,都想买到价格便宜,质量好的产品,自己去买东西的时候,同样也会有这样的想法。价格高,这个都是一般客人的第一反应,关键看我们怎么
