研究生英语课后翻译 英译汉 汉译英

研究生英语课后翻译 英译汉 汉译英
研究生英语课后翻译 英译汉 汉译英


A Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese



B Translate the following sentences into English.

(1)With China’s successful entry into the WTO, state owned banks(国有银行) are faced with more and more pressure. The big bank intends to merge with two small banks so as to quickly solve the problem of capital insufficiency and enlarge its scale. (2)Because of the recessionary(经济衰退)effect on global economy and inflation (通货膨胀), many small businesses in this city have gone bankrupt or have been swallowed up by giant corporations. It leads to a large number of workers facing unemployment.

(3)He didn’t marry her, because he felt that although pity was closely akin to love, they were still different. He was eager to marry for love, not pity.

(4)Web based training and learning seems to be a perfect way to reach a huge pool of potential students, as well as curtail the high infrastructure and personnel costs of traditional schooling.

(5)With the growing of th is town’s economy, local government intends to tailored a first class nursing home for the needs of the elderly.

(6)The deregulation of financial markets taken by government is very helpful to economical globalization, but, at the same time, it brings some unpleasant influences on domestic economy.

(7)I wish my little brother would desist from playing network games all day, otherwise he would have to discontinue his studies.

(8)One shop began to prolong the shop hours, and all other shops along the same street followed suit.

(9)Following the dramatic currency depreciations(货币贬值) in many East Asian economies in 1997, these countries suffered sharp and lingering recessions. This outcome runs counter to the notion that depreciations ought to boost output because they make domestically produced goods cheaper.


A Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese.



B Translate the following sentences into English.

(1)As to the climate crisis, we are better off with a clean slate than a weak proposal. Because once the proposal is made, politicians will close the climate chapter for some time.

(2)She’s cottoned on that her constant/unstopping stomachache was caused by eating the smoked meat on offer last week at the local market.

(3)That superstar descended on a small costal town, which was splashed across the front page of the local newspaper.

(4)His last-ditch effort to win a place in the business world collapsed, which seemed frustrating. But it was also for the best. From the failure, he could learn a lot. (5)Parents lavish their love and care on their children. However, when they become old, some of them are condemned to live alone.

(6)The present political leaders of our country, in line with his predecessors, were wedded to the belief that we should not retreat in the action against corruption. (7)The school dropouts in poverty-stricken areas came back to school by courtesy of the subsidies from government and donations(捐款) from the kind people.

(8)Under the effective organization of the local government, the damage caused by the flood has been watered down to the minimum.

(9)Superpowers forge ahead in economic development, leaving other countries far behind. But it doesn’t necessarily follow(mean)that they have the final say in everything(hold all the cards in the game).


A Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese.

据美国国家过敏和传染病中心(NIAID)的研究人员说, 往猴子的鼻内喷一次测试疫苗, 猴子就可以免得非典。同时,一些荷兰的科学家已经成功地利用人类抗体保护了白鼬不受病毒侵袭。由亚历山大·博克乐耶夫领导的NIAID科研小组把产生主要非典蛋白的基因(叫做SARSS)插入一种削弱的人类流感病毒,并用这样培养出来的试验疫苗治疗四个猴子。另外四个猴子给以安慰疫苗。把所有的药直接喷进猴子的鼻腔。


B Translate the following sentences into English.

(1)Though difficulties kept on cropping up(出现) in his research work, he still succeeded in finding this new element after solving all the problems.

(2)The train was moving at such a good clip that one day’s travel brought him to the south with scorching sun from the northern part of the country covered with white snow.

(3)During her first voyage to the sea, this ship’s engine broke down, so she was left at the mercy of the rough sea.

(4)While seeking after(pursuing) their own profit, some companies ignore the

farmer workers’(migrant workers’) interest. Recently, the government has been bombarded with the complaints about delayed payment.

(5)With the bird flu emerging(breaking out) in some Asian countries,our government has placed the imported food from those countries under close surveillance.

(6)While economic globalization has brought absolute opportunities to some Chinese, the challenges it causes to others are also unmistakable.

(7)To our relief(satisfied), the vote in this assembly(conference) stopped certain countries from containing China.

(8)With some people, the old saying “One’s character at three years old seals his fate.” is true, but there are many people with different experiences(there are many exceptions).


A. Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.


B Translate the following sentences into English.

(1)Pearl Sydenstricker Buck was born to parents who were missionaries(传教士). She, along lived in China for seventeen years, and was saturated in Chinese culture.

(2)How can you justify your rude behavior towards your parents who love you so much?

(3)He has grown up and has outgrown the adolescent(青春期)bad habits of smoking and drinking.

(4)We hold this to be self-evident(不言自明)that no state is in the position to interfere with the domestic affairs of other nations(干涉别国内政). This is especially true of(适用于)great powers(大国).

(5)Before they came down in the world(家道中落decline), they couldn’t imagine that they would content themselves with the simple life: a small room, dry bread and plain boiled water(白开水pure water).

(6)Though he boasted he would never be taken alive, the outlaw(歹徒)submitted to the police without a struggle when surrounded.

(7)In order to have her higher education, she has to contend fiercely with (fight against)her father who believes that women are doomed to(condemned to) spending their life at the kitchen sink(水槽)/cooking and washing up.

(8)It is feminism that the single mother(单身母亲)has instilled in(灌输)her daughter.


A. Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.



B. Translate the following sentences into English.

(1) At my friend’s suggestion, the room was converted from a single bedroom to a study.

(2) People always connect X i’an with the Big Goose Pagoda and Terracotta Warriors and Horses.

(3) College students must have access to a good library, through which their knowledge and experience can be broadened.

(4) The dam was not strong enough to hold back the flood waters, so that the river had burst its banks and flooded the houses by the river.

(5) Her success was largely due to her efforts. Also her parents’ words were a great encouragement to her.

(6) Through participating in the process of planning our field trip实地考察, my group members and I had to identify our intended learning goals for the students.

(7) I sent in the spirit of revenge an e-mail to everyone in the office which began as follow: “We regret to inform you that you have missed this opportunity...”

(8) Even though this IC (integrated circuit) is supposed to work as a latch circuit(锁存器电路), it can also be made to function as RS (recommended standard) flip flop(触发器).


A. Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese.

(1) 美国并未激起产生恐怖主义根源的原始的民族和种族仇恨,然而,美国也并不能完全脱离干系。在中东地区,基于地域和经济上的考虑使得美国不得不既支持以色列的民主形式,又支持沙特阿拉伯的温和立场。然而,这种支持更多地支持和加剧了灾难性的民族主义,而并没有使经济和军事上的安全得到保证。以色列对占领区的控制使得阿拉伯人越来越多地采取暴力手段。沙特政权之所以能够幸存下来部分上是由于政府总在默默地鼓励基督教原教旨主义者把他们对国内政治的不满发泄在美国和以色列身上。

(2) 帕蒂西?赫威特轻声地说着,她措辞相当谨慎。当她激动的时候,她的声音有些颤抖,“在911事件之后,我们开始在全球范围内建立一个强有力的反恐联盟。但是如果我们要建立一个持久的、真正强有力的国际反恐联盟来确保安全,那么我们就得建立一个同样强有力的经济联盟。因为倘若我们不去解决整个发展中国家所面临的饥饿、苦难、挫败等问题,我们就永远解决不了恐怖主义以及其它危及世界和平的问题。”

B. Translate the following sentences into English.

(1) The increasing reliance of the third industry(tertiary industry)in big cities on guest workers(migrant workers)is entrenched. Without legions of them to participate in the cities’ construction, the development of many cities would grind to a halt.

(2) The development of economy mainly hinges on social stability. Therefore, the overwhelming issue at present is to maintain stability.

(3) An open international metropolis(大都市)should be one with cultural pluralism, where people with different cultural backgrounds coexist peacefully and develop together.

(4) Due to drug abuse(吸毒), he was detached from the people around him. Gradually, he embraced a moral revulsion towards drug abuse and was determined to give it up.

(5) He has a big(spacious) car, a country house(villa别墅), and all the other trappings of success. But he was not in the least happy.

(6) Some people turn a hostile eye toward those who dissent from their view, which doesn’t agree with what an open-minded person should do.

(7) Contrary to what he expected, he failed to be promoted this time. After returning to his home, he vented his anger on his wife.

(8) The American life of way is characterized by reverence(崇敬)for material abundance.


A. Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.



B. Translate the following sentences into English.

(1) She has left her job to take care of the baby and, for better or worse, she can’t afford to think of too much.

(2) To point out that a child has learning disability does not account for why he is having trouble learning. The point is to find out exactly where the problem is.

(3) For some women, bearing children does not have to result in a black and white situation—having to quit work to stay home with the baby or not.

(4) In this novel, Rip is such a character that, except occasionally running errands for his wife whom he feared, idled away(游荡)with his dog all day long in the village.

(5) The performance of the art group attracted so many workers that the audience spilt over from the auditorium to the surrounding area.

(6) In order to achieve a faster development, our country has reached reciprocal agreements with many other countries.

(7) They think that one important manifestations of democracy is all the people can enjoy the freedom of voicing their minds.

(8) The poverty and hardships during his childhood encouraged this president never to waver in his determination to be a self-made man, which has been a model for the world.


A. Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.


B. Translate the following sentences into English.

(1) The fresh morning air, the singing of birds, the trees and flowers on the sides of the street, and the stars at night conspire to make you feel how beautiful the life is. (2) Some Chinese brands have nudged into the international market on the back of competitive pricing. At the same time they haven’t ignored such strategies as product quality, an efficient distribution and after sales service.

(3) Several of her friends brainwashed my sister Mary into believing that her best friend Carol was saying nasty things about her behind her back. Mary was as sorry as she could be when she found out it wasn’t true.

(4) A politician must project himself if he wants to win an election.

(5) With the quicken pace of life, people feel time presses and drive their cars faster and faster, which makes the roadway look like a race track. The automobiles running at a high speed sorely threaten the safety of pedestrians(行人).

(6) Nowadays people become increasingly dependent on automobiles. Despite one mile round trip to work, they will resort to automobiles.

(7) Low in price and good in quality, the commodities made in China have won hearts of the consumers all over the world.

(8) Starting from scratch, Chinese automobile industry has gradually developed into what it is. But with it at the preliminary stage, it is impractical to set an exorbitant quality standard for it.


A. Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.

(1) 但是,如果私人太空机构回避是出于以炫耀为目的的太空载人旅行,那么,有充分的理由相信,他们将为那些出于私人、商业、科学以及其他原因想要或需要去太空旅行的人们提供良好的服务。在许多美国及国际公司,在俄罗斯出资的旅行项目中——实际上,除美国航空航天局外的其他任何地方——太空旅行正在成为现实。既然太空旅行正在成为现实,我们就要问为什么这之间经历了如此漫长的过程。在40多年的时间里,人们一直没有停止过太空之旅。在莱特兄弟第一次飞行之后的40年,相比之下,商业化的太空旅行是一项昂贵的令人发怵的行业,同时也是一项广泛和正在发展的行业。尽管期望建立和商业化的太空旅行互应的其他旅行形式有些荒唐,同样的,质问美国航空航天局居然乐意把自己的责任让私人太空机构来承担是不为过的。

(2) 然而,在那些见证了太空时代的逝去的所有里程碑式的事件当中,有着许多令人担忧的事情,或许最为令人担忧的是1969年在尼尔·阿姆斯特朗和布兹·阿尔德林首次登上月球后的头几分钟。诺曼·米勒在休斯敦等待目睹鹰号的着陆,他记录了当他看到记者们从电视


B. Translate the following sentences into English.

(1) Previous problems remain unsolved in the wake of the war. Over and above, deep enmity has set in between two civilizations.

(2) One of the lasting legacies of this activity is that it gave us a singular insight into the preciousness of the good environment.

(3) First and foremost, in the face of hyperbolic tributes, we should never be proud. Only by doing this, can we triumph over difficulties for greater success.

(4) The reporters came in droves to welcome the hero returning home with high praise. In the face of flowers and applause, he waxed eloquent excitedly about his space trip.

(5) Surrounded by the mountains, he marveled at the transcendental beauty of nature, totally oblivious of the secular unhappiness.

(6) It is a pity his arrival coincided with our departure!

(7) Not willing to hang around and only indulge himself in past success, he decided to embark on a new career.

(8) We sat entranced by her beauty, not realizing the hidden import of her words.


The pearl 吉纳,一位穷渔夫,刚发现了一颗非常大而且非常珍贵的珍珠,准备去最近的城镇把它卖掉。他急切需要钱给刚给蝎子螫伤的孩子看病。吉纳发现珍珠前,他---一位可以看病的医生拒绝给孩子治病,因为吉纳付不起治疗费。 一个小镇就像个集群动物,有神经系统头肩膀和肢。它与其他城镇不想连。因此没有两座城镇是相似的。城镇里还有完整的感情。要知道消息是怎样传遍整个小镇的可是个难解之谜。消息传得似乎比小男孩冲出去告诉别人的速度还快,比女人隔着篱笆大声说消息的速度还要快。? 在吉纳胡安纳和其他渔夫回到吉纳的茅草屋前,小镇的神经正随着消息--吉纳发现了世界上最大的珍珠--传播而奔腾,跳动。跑得气喘吁吁的小男孩还没说出这个消息,母亲们早已知晓了。消息席卷而过茅草屋,激起波浪泡沫,然后冲进镇里的石头灰泥瓦房里。消息传到正在花园里散步的牧师,他的眼中露出若有所思的表情,他想起教堂的有些地方该维修了,他纳闷珍珠值多少钱。他想知道是否为吉纳的婴儿施过洗礼,或是否主持过他的结婚仪式。消息传到零售商那儿的时候,他们看着卖的不太好的男式衣服。?? 消息传到医生那儿的时候,他正在给一位妇人看病,这位夫人的疾病其实就是“年龄太老的问题”,尽管他们两人都不承认这点。弄清楚谁是吉纳后,医生变得严肃认真而又明智起来。医生说,“他是我的一个病人,我在给他的孩子治疗被蝎子螫伤的伤口。”眼珠在肿眼泡的眼眶内转来转去,医生想起巴黎,想起那他住过的既宽敞又豪华的房间。越过他的老年病人,医生仿佛看见自己坐在巴黎的一家餐馆,男侍者正在打开酒瓶。 消息早早地传到了教堂前乞讨者,他们咯咯地高兴地笑着,因为他们知道没有比突然


英译汉重点:Unit 1 (1) Promising are the cross-cultural studies seeking to support Darwin’s theory that facial expressions are universal and researchers found that the particular visible pattern on the face, the combination of muscles contracted for anger, fear, surprise, sadness, disgust, happiness is the same for all members of our species, but this seems helpful until it is realized that a person’s cultural upbringing determines whether or not that emotion will be displayed or suppressed, as well as on which occasions and to what degree. 力求证明达尔文关于面部表情是共同的这一理论的跨文化研究给人极大的希望,研究者发现脸部的某些看得见的形状,即因愤怒、恐惧、惊讶、悲伤、厌恶、幸福而紧缩的肌肉组合,我们人类各成员都是一样的。但是这似乎无济于事,只要我们意识到一个人生长的文化决定了这种情感是否会表露或压抑,决定了在何种场合和多大的程度上会表露或压抑。 (2) The stumbling block of assumed similarity is a “troublem,” as one English learner expressed it, not only for the foreigner but for the people in the host country with whom the international visitor comes into contact.正如一个学习英语的人所表达的那样,相似性的假设这个的绊脚石是一个“麻烦”,不仅仅是对于来访的外国人,就连这个外国人接触的东道国的人也都是个问题。 (3) They abstract whatever fits into their personal world of recognition and then interpret it through the frame of reference of their own culture. 他们只提取出那些适合他们认可的个人世界的东西,然后按照他们自身文化为参考系来加以解释。 (4) A worse language problem is the tenacity with which someone will cling to just one meaning of a word or phrase in the new language, regardless of connotation or context. (2008 Paper A) 更糟糕的问题是死死抱住新语言中一个词汇或短语的一种意义,而不顾隐含义和语境。 (5) The confidence that goes with the myth of similarity is much more comfortable than the assumption of differences, the latter requiting tentative assumptions and behavior and a willingness to accept the anxiety of “not knowing.” (2009 Paper A)相信相似性的神话比设想存在差异更让人觉得舒服,因为后者要求试探性的设想和行为并且乐意接受由于“不知”而产生的焦虑。 Unit 3(1) The key to Crockpot stepfamilies is time and low heat. I’ve already stressed the importance of being patient with the integration process and not trying to force love, care, or togetherness. Often, in an attempt to quickly combine various ingredients such as people, rituals, and backgrounds, stepfamilies use the food processor, microwave, pressure cooker, and blender integration styles. 瓦罐煨汤式融合的继亲家庭的关键是温火慢炖。前文我已经强调了整合过程中有耐心,而不强迫关爱、强迫关心、强迫在一起的重要性。通常,为了快速的将诸如人,仪式和背景等原料合并一体,继亲家庭采用食品加工式,微波炉式,高压锅式和果汁机式的融合方式。 (2) Stepfamilies need time to adjust to new living conditions, new parenting styles, rules, and responsibilities. They need time to experience one another and develop trust, commitment, and a shared history. They need time to find a sense of belonging and an identity as a family unit. None of these things can be rushed. (2008 Paper A) 继亲家庭需要时间来适应新的居住环境,新的父母家教风格,规矩和责任。他们需要时间来相互体验,产生信任,形成忠诚,创造共同的历史。他们需要时间来寻找作为一个家庭的归属感和认同感。所有这些都不能操之过急。继亲家庭需要时间来适应新的居住条件,新的父母家教风格,规矩和责任。他们需要时间来寻找作为一个家庭的归属感和认同感。 (3) A watched pot never boils. 心急水不开。 (4) Meredith considered it her “down time” to relax and read a good book, Terry enjoyed playing with friends, while Joe mastered his latest computer game. Meredith会把闲暇时间当作者“工歇时间”,放松自己,读一本好书。Terry喜欢和朋友们一起玩,而Joe则精通又一种最新的电脑游戏。 (5) It is quite normal for a stepparent to have close bonds with one stepchild, be working on bonds with another, while experiencing a distant relationship with an older child. (2009 Paper A) 对继父或继母来说,和一个继子女有着亲密的关系,正在和另一个继子女建立关系,还和年纪较大的那个继子女有一定距离,这些都是很正常的。 Unit 4 (1) When economists first began to measure the sources of economic growth, what previously had been considered an unexplained residual became identified as human capital. 当经济学家开始测定经济发展的因素时,从前被认为是无法解释的剩余因素被决定为人力资本。 (2) The term “human capital” suggests to some a depersonalization of individual and is associated in the popular mind with a dehumanizing society that equates men with machines. “人力资本”这一术语让人觉得是剥夺人的个性,在公众的脑海里联想到将人与机器等同的异化社会。 (3) When we think about an appropriate investment strategy in China, and the development of its regions, it is very important to understand that optimizing over the full portfolio of investment—both human and physical capital—promote the highest rate of growth. 当我们思考在中国的适当投资策略以及各地区发展的时候,十分重要的是要知道,优化人力资本和实物资本投资组合将推动最高速度的发展。 (4) There are benefits to education that are not directly captured by individuals; these externalities are likely to be quite large in China.教育的收益有些并不是个人直接获得的,这些间接受益在中国很有可能是巨大的。 (5) It is important to evaluate government activity on a quantitative basis, to screen the bad investments from the good ones and to conduct policy on a factually informed basis. (2008 Paper A) 对政府的活动进行量化评估,剔除坏的投资保留好的投资,实事求是地执行政策,这是至关重要的。 (6) Labor markets are so distorted that wages do not reflect this true marginal contribution of educated labor to the economy. 劳动市场如此被扭曲,结果工资没有反映出受教育的劳动者对经济的真实的边际贡献。 (7) However, evidence indicates that the true rate of return to education and skill formation is very一high and that the imbalance is symptomatic of a serious distortion of current policy that retards economic development in China. (2009但是,事实表明教育和技术培养的实际回报率非常之高,而且这种(投资的)不平衡是当前政策严重扭曲的典型表现,而这(种不平衡的投资政策)阻碍了中国经济的发展。 Unit 5(1) The synergies between the goals of gender equity, poverty alleviation and environmental sustainability are explored below in terms of addressing poverty, health, climate change, natural disasters and creating sustainable livelihoods by


1. Contrast Between English and Chinese Put the following into Chinese, pay special attention to the linguistic differences between English and Chinese. Sentence translation: 1.Now that you are in for it, you must carry on. 2.Cigarettes were the death of me. 3.If the man who was seen to take an umbrella from the City Church last Sunday evening does not wish to get into trouble, he will return the umbrella to No. 10 Broad Street. 4.If you confer a benefit, never remember it; if you receive one, remember it always. 5.Her sighs made it clear that she was unhappy. 6.They had no running water where they lived. Nor did they have any conveniences of life such as gas and electricity. 7.Theatre will be reinvented and become much freer and more imaginative. 8.Nowadays it is understood that a diet which contains nothing harmful may result in serious disease if certain important elements are missing. 9.By the end of the war, 800 people had been saved by the organization, but at a cost of 200 Belgian and French lives. 10.It should be noted that he and she were extremely close allies. Passage translation: It seemed a point scored for her side when Joanne, panicked that her father-in-law would bungle the turnoff for the Pulaski Skyway, shattered the tip of her cigarette against the back of the seat and a live ash fell on the baby?s belly. It went unnoticed for a second until Corinne screamed; then they all saw it, a little flea of fire glowing beside the perfect navel. Joanne jumped, and squealed with guilt, and flapped her hands and stamped her feet and hugged the baby against her, but the evidence could not be destroyed; a brown dot of char on the globe of immaculate skin. Corinne continued her screams, splicing them with shrill hard gasps of intake, while everyone rummaged through purses and pockets for Vaseline, butter, toothpaste – anything for an urgent. Mother had a tiny bottle of toilet water given her in a department store; Joanne dabbed some of this on, and in time Corinne, shaken by more and more widely spaced spasms of sobbing, mercifully dragged her injury with her into the burrow of sleep. 2. Cohesion 1.When Smith was drunk, he used to beat his wife and daughter; and the next morning, with a headache, he would rail at the world for its neglect of his genius, and abuse, with a good


我们整个经济的发展战略,能源、交通是重点,农业也是重点。农业的发展一靠政策,二靠科学。科学技术的发展和作用是无穷无尽的。 Our strategy f or developing the econom y as a whole gives priorit y to energy, comm unication and agriculture. Agricultural develo pm ent depends f irst on policy and second o n science. T here are no lim its to the develo pm ent of science and technolo gy经济活动对环境有着潜在的威胁,对此人们已经有了进一步的认识。目前在一些国家已经有了一些组织,负责督促政府、企业甚至个人,无论干什么首先要有环境意识。现在人们已经不再把环境保护看成是可做可不做的事情了。 T here has been considerable progress in recog nizin g the poten tial threats t o the environm ent that econom ic activity poses. Nowadays, there are already som e environm ental grou ps ens uring t hat go vernm ents, f irm s and even individ uals rarely act without consi dering the environm ental consequences of their actions. Enviro nm ental issues are now no longer consi dered m arginal. 在这个国家的历史上,教育从来没有像现在这样对我们如此重要。从能源危机到环境污染,从生活水平的提高到空间探索,即将到来的21世纪充满了种种挑战。要战胜那些挑战,不论怎样,在很大程度上取决于教育的质量。Never in the nat ion’s hi story has it s educati on been s o im portant as n ow. From energy crises to air polluti on,and f rom the im provem ent of the standard of living to space ex ploration, the approaching world of the 21st century is f ull of challenges whose resolu tio n, f or better or worse,will depend largely on the qual ity of education. 中国的环境教育起步较晚,它是随着中国环境保护事业的发展而发展起来的。中国是一个发展中国家,但与工业化国家一样面临着较大范围,较大规模的经济开发活动,同时人口压力较大,环境保护和生态平衡问题引起了政府、人民以及科技与教育工作者的极大关注。 China’s enviro nm ental education started only quite recently and it has been growing in conf orm ity with the developm ent of China’s env ironm ental protectio n. As a developi ng cou ntry, China is engaged in econom ic activities o n a scale as large as that in the industrialized coun tries.Meanwhile,it is also ex periencing the pressure of a huge population.T he issue of environm ental protection and balanced ecology has aroused great concern f rom the governm ent, the ordinary people and the peop le in the f ields of technology and educatio n. 在我们的社会里,一个人的成功还是以他的收入来衡量的。人们要求增加收入,就像希望较高的收入能带来舒适的生活一样,实则是希望获得成功。因此,不管工作如何枯燥乏味,只要能出人头地,他是能够忍受下去的。 In our society, success is s till m easured by incom e. And the desire that m en feel to increase their incom e is quite as m uch a desire f or success as f or a comf ortable life, which a higher incom e can bring.No matter how dull the work m ay be, it becom es bearable if it is a m eans of building up a reputatio n. 为了接待每年数以万计的外国游客,我国旅游部门正在想方设法改善旅游住宿设施。许多地区正在开发新的旅游中心,兴建更多的现代化宾馆,培训更多的外语导游,以适应日益发展的旅游业的需要。 T o receive m illion s of f oreign visitors annually, China’s touri sm departm ents are trying every poss ible m eans to im prove accomm odation f or tourists.In m any places, new tourist centers are being ex ploited, m ore and m ore m odern hotels are being set up and f oreign-language-speaki ng touri st gui des being trained s o as to suit the growin g dem ands of tourism industry. 我们的国家要走向现代化,最大的障碍并不是资源问题,也不是资金问题,更不是技术问题,而是十几亿人口的素质问题。资金可以积累,技术可以创造,也可以引进,但是十几亿人口的素质是无法引进的,这必须靠我们去提高。 If our country is to achieve m odernization,the biggest obstacle is not the shortage of natural resources,nor the lack of f unds,still less the problem of technology,but rather the qualit y of the m ore than one billi on peop le, f or f unds can be accum ulated, technolo gy can be created or im ported,but the overall quality of the huge population, which canno t be im ported, m ust only be im proved by ourselves. 振兴科技和繁荣经济,必须坚持教育为本。重点是普及义务教育,积极发展职业教育和成人教育,适度发展高等教育,优化教育结构,逐步形成政府办学为主与社会各界参与办学相结合的新体制。 T he vitality of science and technolog y and the prosperity of econom y m ust be based on education.T he educational system should be im proved in a way that com pulsory education is popu larized, vocational and adult education vigoro usl y strengthened, higher educatio n m oderately developed and educational structure stron gly opt im ized so that a new educational system can be gradually shaped in which education is m ainly run by the governm ent with the help of various circle. 改革开放以来,我国个人收入分配的平均主义逐步被打破,个人收入差距也在逐渐拉开。其中,向合理拉开距离的方向发展是主流。但与此同时,一些不合理的因素也在发展。当前比较突出的是,不同行业之间,不同社会群体之间个人收入的差距在明显拉大,对这些问题要予以高度重视。 Since the im plem entation of the ref orm and the opening-up po licy,China’s equalitariani sm in personal incom e has been gradually losing grou nd with increased disparit y in the incom e of individuals. T houg h the event is gro win g towards a proporti onate trend, a num ber of disproportio nate f actors are also developin g, the m ost striking one being the ever-enlarging disparit y in personal incom e between diff erent occupations and social grou ps.And t his sh ould receive our due attentio n. 要让我们的国产名牌为世界尽可能多的消费者认可,广告创作就必须使用国际共通的语言,而不能局限在自己的传统文化和传统手法之内。优秀的广告会跨越语言文字的障碍,而优秀的创意就是国际语言。 T o make our native-m ade brands recognized by as m any consum ers as possib le, instead of being conf ined to our traditional culture and techniq ues, we should advertise our goals in a way that is understo od to the uni versal comm unity.Brilliantly m ade advertisem ent can surm ount the barrier of language while brilliant creation itself is universal language. 他是我所认识的人中唯一肯指出我对错误并帮助我改正的人。He is the only person I know wh o will po int ou t m y m istakes and help me correct them. 科学家们已经做了无数次实验表明,在改进人的行为方面,表扬比批评有 效得多。Scientists have done countles s ex perim ents to show that praise is f ar m ore effective than criticism in im proving hum an behavior. 他们就更加严厉地惩处犯罪分子地必要性取得了一致的意见,但谈到是否应 该恢复死刑时却出现了意见分歧。T hey agreed on the necessity of punishi ng crim inals m ore severely, but when it cam e to whether the death penalt y shou ld be brough t back,diff erences of opinion occurred. 众所周知,我们的许多问题至少部分地是由于没能交流思想而引起的。It is well kno wn that m any of our problem s are caused in part by f ailure to comm unicate. 如果让我来决定我们是要一个没有自行车地城市呢,还是要一个没有汽车的 城市,我会毫不犹豫地选择后者。If it were lef t to m e to decide whether we should have a city witho ut bi kes or a city witho ut cars, I should not he sitate a m om ent to pref er the latter. 你不必再去多想判断上的那些失误,重要的是尽量避免再犯。T here is no need f or you to dwell on those m istakes in judgm ent any m ore. What is im portant is to try your best to avoi d m aking them once again 当今的大学生,尽管他们努力地想使自己成才,但对未来还是很模糊。 (establish o neself) T oday’s uni versity stu dents are struggling to establis h them selves, but they still have am biguous f eelings about their f uture. 在对一个关键的问题作结论时,如果只相信所谓的专家而不相信自己,不根 据调查的结果,不根据实验的数据,那是在冒险。(run the risk of ;blind f aith in) W e run the risk of m aking critical decisio ns, not on t he basis of what we know, the f indings of investigat ion s,and the data of ex perim ents,but on the basis of blind f aith in prof essed ex perts 有人认为考试是很重要的,但也有人认为考试有不少弊端。所以考试留下了 一个未能解决的问题——考试对教育有什么影响?(open questio n) Som e people think ex am inations are second to no ne, but som e think ex am inations have a lot of disadvantages.Ex am inations leave us an open essential quest ion-w hat inf luence do exam inations ex ert on education. 他不但是位出色的银行家和公认的贸易专家,而且还是位经验丰富的企业主 管。 He is an ex perienced banker and an acknow ledged trade ex pert, not to m ention an ex cellent m anaging director. 由于经济不景气,房地产经纪人正处于或降低房价或减少销售量的两难境 地。 Because of the econom ic depression,real estate agents are in the dilemm a of whether to lower prices or let sales f all off. 汽车轮子给我们带来了更好、更为便利地交通时,它也应该对诸如空气污染、 交通事故、交通拥挤之类的许多问题负责。(be guilty f or) While wheels have brou ght wit h them better or m ore convenient transportat ion,they are guilty of m any sins,such as air polluti on,traff ic accidents and traff ic congestion. 美国人对汽车的热爱以及他们较大的工作流动性是出了名的。(be noted f or) Am ericans are noted f or their love f or cars and great job m obility. 一个妇女所获得的教育程度越高,就越有可能走出小家庭这个环境,到社会 上去实现自我。(be likely to; realize oneself) T he higher a wom an’s educatio nal attainm ent,the m ore likely she is to go out of the private settin g of the nuclear f am ily and to realize herself in the comm unity. 在一些国家的敦促下,联合国对该过施加压力,迫使其放弃研制和使用核武 器。(pressure sb to do) Urged by som e other countries,the United Natio ns has pressured the country to give up develop ing and us ing nuc lear weapons. 不少大学生更关心怎样在毕业后谋得一份报酬优厚得工作,怎样在这个充满 竞争得社会里迅速得到提升。(be concerned with) Many college students are f ar m ore concerned with how to get a highly-paid job on graduatio n and how to receive a quick prom otion in the com petitive society. 一个有工作的妇女既要照顾她的孩子和老人,又要设法保住这份工作,是一 件非常困难的事。(hold down ) It is a dem anding task f or a working wom an to look af ter her parents and her children while hol din g dow n a job. 大多数自然资源保护主义者认为,在良好的生态环境中人类最易兴旺发达, 而各种野生动物的生存则是这种良好生态环境的标志。(conservationis t; survival) Most conservati oni sts bel ieve that hum ans thrive best in ecol ogical health an d that the sign of this health is the surviva l of a diversity of wild anim als. 人与野生动物之间的差别之一就在于,前者能就他们改变自然的种类及规模 作出明智的选择。(as to) One of the diff erences between hum ans and wild an im als is that/l ies in t hat f orm er can m ake a wise choice as to the kind and scale of the change they m ake to nature. 进到报负,人们往往把它与地位、名誉和权利连在一起,因此,长期以来许 多人不愿意谈论自己的梦想。(identif y with) Am bition is alwa ys iden tif ied with rank, f ame and power. T heref ore m any people have been unwill ing to tal k about their dream s f or s long tim e. 野心常被认为是带有贬义的。这是因为有些一心追求自己利益的人不择手段 地要达到目的,损害了他人。(comm ensurate with; sin gle-m inded) Am bition i s of ten regarded as being com m ensurate with bad sen se because the single-m inded have tried to achieve their goals by f air m eans or f oul and of ten harm others. 不难现象,没有理想与报负的世界会是怎样的。这只会是一个没有进步、 令人厌烦的社会。(shorn of) It is not diff icult to imagine a world shorn of am bition. It would probably be a world with no pro gress and no develo pm ent. And,of course,it would be a tedious world. 所谓理想的好人实际上并不一定对社会有益;人们对好人的标准一直有不同 的看法。 So-called ideally good m en, in f act, are not always of benef it to society and the standards of goodness have lo ng been argued. 1


考研英语翻译技巧之英译汉 汉英互译一直是考研英语中的难点,小编整理英译汉中常涉及的难点提出一些建议,并以实际案例进行解析,帮助大家掌握英译汉的翻译技巧,快速掌握英译汉,为考研成功进行最后的冲刺。 难点 1.多为长难句 英译汉句子平均的单词量在30个左右,而且结构复杂,修饰成分多,考生很容易因没有理清句子结构而造成翻译得南辕北辙的现象。 2.需要联系上下文来理解词义 考研英语的英译汉是给你一篇文章,然后从中划出5个句子,因此就必须把词句的含义放到原文中来理解,切不可断章取义,有的词语翻译出来的意思与其本意可能会有不同,这正是英译汉要考察的要点之一。 建议 首先要拥有一定的单词量,背单词不能只知道其常用的意思,还应知道其作为其它属性或者完全与本意看似不相关的其他含义,这样才能在联系上下文翻译的时候对单词的含义做到触类旁通;其次,要有对长难句的“免疫”能力,可以在做阅读题的时候,把典型的复杂长难句记下来,试着划分句子结构,做到熟能生巧。最后,平时可以多看一些英文文章,培养一下语感,有助于对句子含义的整体把握。 真题解析 Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written on the ANSWER SHEET(10 points)(2014年考研英语真题Part C) Music means different things to different people and sometimes even different things to the same person at different moments of his life. It might be poetic, philosophical, sensual, or mathematical, but in any case it must, in my view, have something to do with the soul of the human being. Hence it is metaphysical; but the means of expression is purely and exclusively physical: sound. I believe it is precisely this permanent coexistence of metaphysical message through physical means that is the strength of music。(46)It is also the reason why when we try to
