







(1)This book is not about empty words and false promises, rather about cooperation needed by deaf people from those who speak to them. Any person who is ______1____ to give his cooperation by practicing the following points will not only make conversation ____2____ for deaf people, but also for ____3______.

1. A. allowed B. willing C. welcome D. shy

2. A. funny B. inspiring C. helpful D. easier

3. A. himself B. ourselves C. every one D. others

答案:B C B

(2)Education is not only the teaching and learning of knowledge, but also the development of a person’s _____________.

A. politeness

B. habit

C. interests

D. character


(3)At first I couldn’t believe it ! There were no ______1______ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _____2______.

1. A. desks B. lights C. students D. buildings

2. A. home B. bed C. class D. work

答案:A C


(4)The other day I was sitting in a small restaurant ___1____ a quiet drink and a talk with a few friends when it suddenly _____2_____ me that almost everyone in the restaurant was smoking. It wasn’t long____3_____ the whole room was filled with smoke.

1. A. have B. had C. having D. have had

2. A. seemed B. struck C. sank D. showed

3. A. ago B. after C. before D. now

答案:C B C

(5)She ______1____ how nervous he was and _____2____ he should stand near the stage ______3______ he could watch and follow the play.

1. A. wondered B. imagined C. noticed D. examined

2. A. agreed B. suggested C. persuaded D. encouraged

3. A. where B. when C. that D. there

答案:C B A

(6)When it was ready, he made a copy of it which looked ________1______ like the first one but worth only $ 2,000. This he took to the shop, which ____2______

it without a question.

1. A. only B. surely C. nearly D. exactly

2. A. accepted B. received C. refused D. rejected

答案:D A


(1)It is time for the government departments over the world to introduce emission (废气排出)controls on all cars and ______1_____ the public transport system to encourage people to ____2_____their cars at home.

1. A. increase B. reduce C. improve D. raise

2. A. wash B. repair C. drive D. leave

答案:C D

(2)The news _______1_____ twenty minutes later. The gunman had _____2____ for a ride and then ______3_____ out the driver. He was possibly _____4______ the Southern State Parkway in a white Ford.

1. A. continued B. lasted C. spread D. arrived

2. A. bought B. borrowed C. stolen D. stopped

3. A. send B. found C. left D. pushed

4. A. calling from B. fleeing from C. heading for D. looking for

答案:A D D C


(1)Harry Field also studying biology said they wanted to make as much _____1___ as possible to force the ______2_____ to realize what everybody was having to ________3______.

1. A. effort B. time C. trouble D. noise

2. A. townspeople B. other students

C. government officials

D. truck drivers

3. A. stand B. accept C. know D. share

答案:D C A

(2)A picture of the ring appeared in the newspapers. A reader thought he _____1____ the ring. The next day, another picture appeared in the papers which _____2______ a famous dancer walking out to a plane for Paris. Behind her was a woman ______3____ a large diamond ring.

1. A. saw B. knew C. found D. recognized

2. A. showed B. drew C. printed D. carried

3. A. carrying B. dressing C. wearing D. holding

答案:D A C


(1)Waste things can, __________should, be treated properly.

A. but

B. yet

C. still

D. and


(2)At times, he would turn, sit down, and __________ go on his knees.

A. almost

B. even

C. often

D. rather


(3)It has been many years since I was last in London, ________ I still remember something that happened during the visit.

A. and

B. for

C. but

D. as


(5)China’s culture heritage is one of the oldest and richest i n the world.

Its influence has spread across much of Asia, and it has had a particular effect

on nations such as Japan, Korea and Vietnam. Learning the Chinese language is one way of ________________ Chinese culture.

A. appreciating

B. bringing

C. developing

D. improving



(1)Four students from Burlington College of Higher Education are in the bell tower of the _____1______ and have made up their minds to ________2_____ the bell nonstop for two weeks as a protest against heavy trucks which run ______3____ through the narrow High Street.

1. A. college B. village C. town D. church

2. A. change B. repair C. ring D. shake

3. A. now and then B. day and night C. up and down D. over and over

答案:D C B

(2)It was early morning in summer. In the streets, sleepy –eyed people were moving quickly, heading towards their ____1____. This was the beginning of another

____2_____ day in New York City. ______3____ this day was to be different.

1. A. jobs B. homes C. houses D. offices

2. A. working B. hot C. same D. ordinary

3. A. And B. So C. But D. Thus

答案:A D C

(3)“Don’t be afraid,”he said and started to swim towards the river bank,

________ the boy with him.

A. pushing

B. dragging

C. holding

D. catching




2003 Shanghai

Farmers, as we all know, have been having a hard time of it lately, and have turned to new ways of earning income from their land. This involves not only planting new kinds of crops, but some 1 ways of making money, the most unusual of which has got to be sheep racing. Yes, you heard me 2 ! A farmer now holds sheep races on a regular basis, and during the past year over 100,000 people have 3

to watch the race." I was passing the farm on my way to the sea for a holiday," one punter(赛马经纪人) told me, "and I thought I'd have a look. I didn't believe it was serious, to tell you the truth." According to a regular visitor, betting on sheep

is more interesting than betting on horses. "At proper horse races everyone has already studied the form of the horse 4 , and there are clear favorites.

5 nobody has heard anything about these

6 ! Most people find it difficult

to tell one from another in any case." I stayed to watch the races, and I must admit

that I found it quite 7 . In a usual sheep race, half a dozen sheep race down

hill over a course of about half a mile. Food is waiting for them at the other end

of the 8 just to give them some encouragement, I ought to add! The sheep run surprisingly fast. 9 they have probably not eaten for a while. Anyway, the crowd around me were obviously enjoying their day out at the races, 10 by their happy faces and the sense of excitement.

1. A. common B. strange C. swift D. illegal

2. A. honestly B. surprisingly C. completely D. correctly

3. A. showed off B. brought up C. turned up D. looked forward

4. A. behind time B. in progress C. in advance D. in time

5. A. But B. Therefore C. Moreover D. Otherwise

6. A. horses B. sheep C. races D. stories

7. A. exciting B. dangerous C. boring D. peculiar

8. A. race B. hill C. track D. field

9. A. if B. so C. yet D. although

10. A. observing B. judging C. considering D. inferring

答案:1-5 BDCCA 6-10 BACDB


1. 从后半句“the most unusual”可推断出答案为strange。

2. 肯定所听到的虽然离奇却是千真万确。

3. turned up表示“出现”的含义, 说明很多人出席现场观看比赛.

4. in advance表示"事先,预先"的意思, 用以说明“赌马”事先可以了解参赛马的情况


5. 该选项考查考生对上下文逻辑关系的把握,因为是转折关系,故选But。

6. 该题考查对文章主体的理解,正确选项为sheep。

7. 从上下文对赛羊过程的描述及读到短文最后一个词excitement,可以推断作者对这样


8. 因为是指比赛的跑道,故答案为track, 虽然羊是沿着山路往下跑, 但因为是比赛,因


9. 该题考查上下文逻辑关系,正确选项为although。表示“尽管”羊没吃东西,但因为


10. 该题考查词义的辨析,答案judging by是“通过…来判断”的意思。


The British love to think of themselves as polite and everyone knows how fond

they are of their "pleases" and "thank you". Even the simplest business such as buying

a train ticket requires 1 seven or eight of these. Another 2 of our good manners is the queue. New-comers to Britain could be forgiven for thinking that queuing rather than football was the 3 national sport. Finally, of course, motorists generally stop at crossings. But does all this mean that the British should consider themselves more polite than their European neighbors? I think not.

Take forms of address(称呼) for example. The average English person -- 4 he happens to work in a hotel or department store -- would rather die than call a stranger "Sir" or "Madam". Yet in some European countries this is the most basic

of common address. Our 5 "you" for everyone may appear more democratic, but

it means that we are forced to seek out complicated ways to express 6 . I

am all for returning to the use of "thee" and "thou" (Thee and thou are old-fashioned poetic words for "you"); "you" would be 7 for strangers and professional relationships.

And of course, the English find touching and other shows of friendship truly terrifying. Have you noticed how the British 8 ever touch? Personally, I

find the Latin habit of shaking hands or a friendly kiss quite charming. Try kissing

the average English person, and they will either take two steps backwards in horror; or, if their escape is 9 , you will find your lips touching the back of their head. Now what could be 10 than that?

1. A. at least B. at most C. less than D. not more than

2. A. signal B. scene C. sign D. sight

3. A. true B. original C. superior D. advanced

4. A. if B. whether C. when D. unless

5. A. universal B. unique C. regular D. normal

6. A. politeness B. gratitude C. democracy D. consideration

7. A. ordered B. reserved C. offered D. stocked

8. A. highly B. mostly C. hardly D. nearly

9. A. confirmed B. assured C. jammed D. blocked

10. A. better B. ruder C. more polite D. more frightening

答案:1-5 ACADA 6-10 ABDCB

1. 通过上下文可以看出人们对礼貌用语反复使用不厌其烦, 故正确选项为at least。

2. 该题是近义词辨析,正确答案为sign,表示“迹象”的意思。

3. 正确答案为true,表示“真正的”意思。

4. 答案为unless,表示“除非”的含义,该题考查句子内的逻辑关系。

5. 该题考查近义词辨析,正确选项为universal,表示“普通使用的”含义。

6. 该题是归纳全文的关键词,考查理解归纳能力,正确答案为politeness。

7. 正确答案为reserve,表示“留作专用的”含义。

8. 上下文理解中有否定含义,正确答案为hardly。

9. 从情景中可以得知逃避受到阻碍,答案是blocked。

10. 正确选项为ruder,用例子说明何为粗鲁之举。


Education is not only the teaching and learning of knowledge, but also the developing of a person’s _______1______.

Now liberal education (开明教育)has a great effect on the world. Much work has been done to ______2_______ better ways of teaching. Students are _____3_____ to have their own thought and their own ideas when they have lessons which are often held in the form of group discussions. They are probably guided to use the knowledge ____4______. In liberal education punishment _____5______ exists. Teachers and students are just like friends. The idea is of course a perfect one if it can really be carried out. However, it only ______6____ in the imagination and will never be ______7_____. We must admit that children should _____8_____ be guided properly. Just close your eyes and think how many students ______9______ in every hundred _____10______ will carry out the duties of a student if they are not _______11______. What is the use of advice only if it is not supported by a ____12____ degree of control and punishment ? It is ______13______ for us to judge the success and failure of the kind of education now, but from the bad behavior (行为)of the children who are actually the result of ______14_____, we can see that something must be done to ______15______ these children. (字数216)

1. A. politeness B. habit C. interests D. character

2. A. master B. find C. make D. hold

3. A. ordered B. encouraged C. used D. driven

4. A. seen B. noticed C. learned D. met

5. A. still B. no longer C. always D. for ever

6. A. goes B. lives C. comes D. exists

7. A. realized B. supported C. understood D. produced

8. A. at least B. in the end C. ever D. in life

9. A. it is B. it seems C. there are D. are

10. A. which B. that C. he D. they

11. A. pulled B. pushed C. permitted D. protected

12. A. reasonable B. remarkable C. strict D. small

13. A. easy B. hard C. possible D. proper

14. A. liberal education B. group discussion C. education

D. teaching

15. A. punish B. excuse C. help D. trust


1. D 和上文中提到的一个人的“知识”能形成对照的是“性格”。其他的三个词:“礼貌”、“习惯”、“兴趣”涵盖的内容都比较小。

2. B 由于开明教育是一种新的教育方式,因此是人们一直努力去发现和寻找的。A 项“master”,掌握了;C项“make”和D项的“hold”都不能表达出人们努力的过程及这种教育方式的“新”。

3. B 因为是以小组讨论的形式进行课堂活动,而学生们要表达自己的思想和想法,这与学生们习惯的传统教学方式不同,因此,需要鼓励。

4. C 知识当然是“学习”到的,不会是A“看到”、B“注意到”或D “遇到”。

5. B 传统教育中的“惩罚”在“开明教育”中不会再存在,这正是两种教育方式的不同。

6. D 从本句的连词“However”开始,作者的语气有了转折,这种理想中的“开明教育”只是存在于“想象”中。exist in 亦为固定搭配,表示“存在”。

7. A 接上句,既然只存在于想象中,那么就不会被实现,而不是“支持”、“明白”、“产生”。

8. A 本句意思为“我们必须承认孩子们至少应该被适当地进行引导”。at least 意为“至少”;B项“最终”;C项“曾经”;D 项“生活中”均不符合上下文意思。

9. C 主语为how many students, 因此后面不应该是单数,排除A、B项。从结构上分析C为最佳。

10. B 这是一个定语从句,修饰students, 关系代词that在从句中做主语。Which 不能修饰人;C、D项均不能引导定语从句。

11. B 学生学习是需要教师的引导的,此处的pushed 相当于guided,told。

12. A 此句话表达了作者的中心思想:如果对于学生只有建议而没有适当的约束和惩罚,那么会是有效的吗?其他三个词: “remarkable”, “strict”, “small”, 均不能表达作者的意思。

13. B 因为这种教育形式仍是“尝试”,因此,现在还很难判断它的成功与失败。

14. A 孩子们的不良行为正是这种“开明教育”的后果,符合全文讨论的“开明教育”的利弊,尤其是作者想说明它的负面影响。

15. C 正因为有上文中所说的不良行为,所以,我们需要做一些事情来帮助他们。


I met this guy who told me an amazing story. He was 1 Scotland on a motorbike by himself. One late afternoon he was on the road between Aberdeen and Elgin. He was travelling along, miles from any village, when he saw a really 2 girl standing by the road, hitchhiking(沿途搭车). Anyway, he stopped and said he would give her a 3 to Elgin. She got on and he drove off. He said he 4 having her on the back, as it was nice 5 . But after a time he forgot that she was there. Suddenly he 6 her, but he realized that he couldn’t feel her knees 7 against him! He 8 behind him but...she wasn’t there.

He said he felt frightened 9 his life! He felt cold all over. He thought she must have 10 off the back. So he turned round and 11 back along the road. He didn’t find her. He went to see if she had crawled(爬) into a field or something. But he didn’t find her. So he began to think that she might have been 12 by someone else.

Anyway, he drove on towards Elgin and didn’t see anyone 13 he came to

a pub. He decided to 14 so that he could talk to someone and he thought he ought to tell 15 . He went into a pu

b and talked to the barman. He told the barman what had happened. He said the barman didn’t seem to be at all 16 . He just carried on 17 the glasses.

Then the barma n said, “You’re not the 18 person to come in here and tell the same 19 . That girl you think you picked up 20 seven years ago...in a motorbike accident.”

1. A. touring B. searching C. defending D. circling

2. A. poor B. attractive C. tall D. terrible

3. A. help B. lift C. service D. trip

4. A. chose B. came C. meant D. liked

5. A. business B. event C. company D. action

6. A. thought B. considered C. remembered D. called

7. A. pressing B. turning C. going D. running

8. A. looked B. took C. felt D. seized

9. A. out of B. in case of C. in place of D. to the best of

10. A. jumped B. kept C. kicked D. fallen

11. A. raced B. walked C. got D. watched

12. A. picked up B. searched for C. taken away D. brought back

13. A. when B. until C. although D. since

14. A. wait B. enter C. stop D. march

15. A. someone B. nobody C. the father D. the police

16. A. worried B. surprised C. moved D. satisfied

17. A. breaking B. waving C. knocking D. drying

18. A. first B. last C. right D. honest

19. A. story . message C. lie D. truth

20. A. was saved B. ran away C. died D. left


1-5 ABBDC 6-10 CACAD 11-15 CABCA 16-20 BDAAC


六年级上册语文知识与能力能力训练答案(2013-2014年) 出版社标准答案 出版社:海天出版社 课本:人教版 1山中访友 1. 汩汩挺拔清凉飞流湛蓝深深 2. 默默无闻,为大众服务赞美和敬佩鸟儿露珠默契和情谊联想 3. 人朋友 4. 这山中的一切,都是我的朋友 我站立之处成了看雨的好地方,这是天地给我的恩泽 5. 走进山林 C ui ge yin xian chun 歌唱昭告喧闹 热爱 2山雨 1. (1)无字的歌谣远近轻重 (2)琴键无数轻捷柔软的手指一首又一首优雅的小曲 2. (1)溪云初起日沉阁,山雨欲来风满楼 (2)对唐王朝博西山的衰巧的无限惋惜 3.草虫的村落 1. 斑(斓)(俏)丽劳(倦)静(谧)寒(暄)(僻)静亲(戚)烘(烤) 2. (1)茂盛的森林游侠拟人作者的想象在纵横驰骋 (2)好奇友好的攀谈略 (3)黑甲虫小圆虫细密的草茎甲虫们 3. (1),。,,。 (2)在池塘这个小小世界里,随处可见各种各样的水生动物忙碌着,生命就是这样生生不息。 (3)他们的泳姿,就像裁缝手中的缝针那样迅速而有力池鳐缝针 那神态,仿佛她是天底下最伟大的游泳好手水蛭游泳好手 4.索溪峪的“野” 1. 2打勾 2. (1)望而生畏浩气长舒怦怦直跳 (2)拔地而起千峰万刃亭亭玉立 3. 惊险的美,磅礴的美,随心所欲的美,不拘一格的美 “水”野 野物“野”索溪的猴子调皮十足 在索溪峪的天然野性中的游客们也返璞归真 4. 怦怦直跳拔地而起亭亭玉立断臂悬崖 5. (1)翠绿欲滴柔韧纷披经冬未凋奇思妙想凝重冬天 (2)B (3)热爱和喜爱最后一段 单元自测1

1. 唱和音韵蕴含陡峭辨认静谧勤勉优雅 2. (1)情意街景苦冥凶恶作为如似 (2)生死天地生死新旧是非信疑 3. 化作春泥更护花虫声新透绿窗纱卧看满天云不动造物无言却有情 4. 无论都不但而且不但而且既也 5. (1)无 (2)无 (3)岑寂肃穆端庄圣洁 5.詹天佑 1. 一詹天佑是我国杰出的爱国工程师 2. 挠毅浆蔑庸崖壁惹 3. 开工重视一定压制平庸粗疏 4. 轻蔑居庸关高山深涧悬崖峭壁清政府腐败无能和帝 国主义的强势下以及帝国主义者的嘲笑和蔑视 5. (1)最新式贫瘠枯瘦缓缓 (2)总分总 (3)第一件:毕业晚会上老师的特别叮嘱 第二件:地理课后回击对中国的嘲笑 6.怀念母亲 1. 生我的母亲祖国母亲崇高的敬意真挚的爱慕 2. 朦胧凄凉斑马一篇爱慕蒙古妻子班级总编开幕 3. (1)屡次我的生母祖国母亲作者远居在外,对生母和祖国母亲的怀念与日俱增。 (2)凄凉故乡沉默朦胧凄惨冷落因为作者身在异国小城,想起了故国的亲朋好友,心里有了忧愁,思念。心中也多了一丝甜蜜,一些宽心,一点安慰 4. (1)白色棕色暗蓝碧蓝 (2)怀念故乡 (3)最后一段爱国,思乡 7彩色的翅膀 1. 碧空如洗水落石出人工授粉 2. 我就相信这些小精灵会爱我们祖国的海岛,会在这里安居乐业 战士们必须给西瓜花进行人工授粉 3. 细细地端详着轻轻地闻着慢慢地咬着心田战士们收获西瓜后的喜悦,激动和自 豪的心情。 4. 1.第一句 2.选第2个第 1个第1个第 1个 3.无 8 中华少年 1. 三 8

小学 语文知识专题训练(修改病句)

小学语文知识专题训练(修改病句) 以下病句都用修改符号修改 修改符号的种类及写法 一、改正下列病句: 1、妈妈常对我说起那过去的往事,要我们珍惜今天的幸福生活。 2、我们从小要学会爱劳动的好习惯。 3、每个学生都应该上课专心听讲的好习惯。 4、出席今天会议的有工人、学生、机关干部等一百多人参加了晚会。 5、平静的河面上,有一只小船迎着风浪向岸边驶来。 6、多读好书,可以丰富和提高我们的知识。

7、气象小组的同学,每天早上都记录和收听当天的天气预报。 8、我高兴得坐立不安。 9、我遇到困难的时候,同学们总是虚心而热情地帮助我。 10、我们对于生存环境太重要了,必须要保护它。 11、是从北京出发,在路上一共三天。 二、改正下面句子中指代不明之处: 1、老师把王虹和晓敏喊到跟前,对她说:“上课要积极发言。” 2、小丽和小华一起去上学,她在路上捡到一个钱包。 3、张文和王勤约定一起在自己家做作业。 4 、李刚和小海是好朋友,他经常帮助他。 三、改正下面句子中搭配不当之处: 1、昨天的值日生把教室打扫得整整齐齐。 2、“六一”节那天,同学们穿着新艳的衣服和红领巾到学校参加庆祝活动。 3、城外耸立着一座小巧的房子。 4、我们要继承和发扬老一辈的革命事业。 四、找出下面句子中归类不当的地方并改正: 1、幼儿园经常给我们吃哈密瓜、西瓜、苹果、西红柿等水果。 2、学校的体育室摆满了足球、排球、篮球、地球仪等体育器材。

3、奶奶家养了许多鸡、鸭、鹅、牛、马等家禽。 4、昨天,参加国庆节联欢会的有工人、农民、小学生、解放军、青年等。 五、修改病句。 1、老工人在马路上协助交警保持交通秩序。 2、秋天的田野里,到处能看到果实成熟的景象和芳香。 3、今年,我们的王老师又光荣地被评为“市先进班主任”的称号。 4、我猜想他肯定是一个六年级学生。 5、小亮的肩头被沉重的米袋压得喘不过气来。 6、看了这本书,很受教育。 7、桌子上的闹钟走了一圈,一个小时又过去了。 8、庐山瀑布、大明湖、趵突泉是济南的三大名胜。 9、游泳运动员打破了一次又一次世界记录。 10、通过老师的帮助,使我改正了缺点。 11、桌子上有尺子和钢笔,这是她的,那是他的。 12、我们通过并讨论了中队计划。 13、火辣辣的阳光暖和地照射着大地。 14、我们要学习和发扬赖宁的英雄事迹。 15、一切任何困难都难不倒我。

2017高考英语完形填空汇总和答案 完美打印版

While high school does not generally encourage students to explore new aspects of life, college sets the stage for that exploration. I myself went through this 41 process and found something that has changed my 42 at college for the better: I discovered ASL-American Sign Language(美式手语). I never felt an urge to 43 any sign language before. My entire family is hearing, and so are all my friends. The 44 languages were enough in all my interactions(交往).Little did I know that I would discover my 45 for ASL. The 46 began during my first week at college. I watched as the ASL Club 47 their translation of a song. Both the hand movements and the very 48 of communicating without speaking 49 me. What I saw was completely unlike anything I had experienced in the 50 .This newness just left me 51 more. After that, feeling the need to 52 further, I decided to drop in on one of ASL club`s meetings. I only learned how to 53 the alphabet that day. Yet instead of being discouraged by my 54 progress, I was excited. I then made it a point to 55 those meetings and learn all I could. The following term, I 56 an ASL class. The professor was deaf and any talking was 57 . I soon realized that the silence was not unpleasant. 58 , if there had been any talking, it would have 59 us to learn less. Now, I appreciate the silence and the 60 way of communication it opens. 41. A. searching B. planning C. natural D. formal 42. A. progress B. experience C. major D. opinion 43. A. choose B. read C. learn D. create 44. A. official B. foreign C. body D. spoken 45. A. love B. concern C. goal D. request 46. A. meeting B. trip C. story D. task 47. A. recorded B. performed C. recited D. discussed 48. A. idea B. amount C. dream D. reason 49. A. disturbed B. supported C. embarrassed D. attracted 50. A. end B. past C. course D. distance 51. A. showing B. acting C. saying D. wanting 52. A. exercise B. explore C. express D. explain 53. A. print B. write C. sign D. count 54. A. slow B. steady C. normal D. obvious 55. A. chair B. sponsor C. attend D. organize 56. A. missed B. passed C. gave up D. registered for 57. A. prohibited B. welcomed C. ignored D. repeated https://www.360docs.net/doc/2b3636593.html,stly B.Thus C.Instead D.However 59.A.required B.caused C.allowed D.expected 60.A.easy B.popular C.quick D.new


一、语病专项练习 1 ()A、只有密切接触社会,联系群众,才能对国家安危和人民忧乐提出具有真知灼见的意见。 B、“熟读唐诗三百首,不会吟诗也会吟”这句话,写诗的适用,为文的也适用。 C、对科学问题上的是非之争,不应采取压服的方式,尤其不能搞文字狱一类的东西,历史上凡是这样做了的,没有一次有好结果。 D、驾车经过此地时,他发现一边放着一个写满红字的牌子,看上去字迹不很清楚。 2 ()A、《医师法》明确规定,在世界上许多国家和地区注册医师必须要加入当地的医师协会。 B、用社会科学的理论和方法研究互联网,是社会科学工作者面临的新课题。 C、牌匾格调低俗怪诞,固然不雅;崇洋媚外,带有殖民文化色彩,也为国人所不耻。 D、我国今年国债发行规模一千九百五十二多亿元。 3 ()A、交通研究所研制的能净化低标号柴油废气的过滤器,为环保作出了贡献。B、为贯彻实施《教师法》,万寿县于三八节前夕已报销了所有拖欠教师的医疗费。C、木材加工厂的厂长汇报了他们如何引进先进技术,积极改进本厂设备,发动职工努力学习新设备的使用方法,从而推出了一系列新产品。 D、商店公然出售盗版软件,对这种践踏出版法的行为,我们必须严厉打击。 4 ()A、中国人民自从接受了马克思主义之后,中国的革命就在毛泽东同志的领导下从胜利走向胜利。 B、我们要改革和完善符合科学技术发展客观规律的与社会主义市场经济相适应的科技新体制。 C、今年9月份,“西湖达利”有两位不到30岁的年轻人推到了针织分公司和制衣分公司常务副总的重要位置上,这意味着“西湖达利”开始在人力资源的培养上贯彻它的快半拍意识。 D、一百年前,一位虽还听得见雷声但已听不见大型交响乐队演奏自己的乐曲的五十七岁的倔强的单身老人,最后一次举拳向着咆哮的天空,然后逝去了。 5 ()A、张口“人权”闭口“人权”的那些议员老爷们,请问美国的白人警察对黑人实施的“人权”究竟是什么货色? B、奥地利的登山俱乐部遍及全国。拥有25万会员,根据会员每年的经济收入况,缴纳一定的会费。 C、目前中国经济面临的问题,最根本的仍是需求不足。从这样的宏观经济现状出发,仍需要继续实行积极的财政政策,以促进经济结构调整,加快基础设施建设,包括推动西部开发。 D、十年间,图书年出版品种增加了一倍多,而总印数基本持平,说明图书的平均数下降了一倍多。 6 ()A、近三年,这个县的粮食总产量,以平均每年递增百分之二十的速度,大踏步地向前发展。 B、河水的来源除了地下水等之外,还有雨水也是它的来源之一。 C、怀素的奔放,八大山人的风骨是汉民族的骄傲,然而梵高的激情、马蒂斯的韵律也早为中国人民所倾倒。 D、全国普通高校招生生源计划编制工作会议近日在山西太原举行。根据计划,今年中央部门所属普通高校面向西部及少数民族地区的生源计划将有所增长,全国各省、自治区、直辖市的高考录取率都将超过30%。 7 ()A、这是一个英雄的母亲,是一个有着坦荡胸怀的母亲。 B、文章分析了无产阶级和资产阶级在各个历史时期进行斗争时所采取的战略特点。 C、香烟走私十分猖獗,我国海关已把打击走私香烟列为重点。 D、作者本人时代的和阶级的局限,不能不在他的作品中有所反映,这是我们评价古代文学作品必须注意的问题。 8 ()A、上网的诱惑令现代人无法拒绝,但昂贵的网上消费又使网迷们心痛不已。 B、日前从有关部门证实,2000年9月入学的我国高中新生,将不再使用沿用20年的现行高中语文教材。各地中学可根据自己的情况,自行决定在人民教育出版社编写的《高中语文试验


2014年贵州省铜仁市中考数学试卷 参考答案与试题解析 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题4分,共40分) 1.(4分)(2014?铜仁)的相反数是() A.B.C. ﹣D. ﹣ 分析:根据只有符号不同的两个数互为相反数,可得一个数的相反数. 解答: 解:的相反数是﹣, 故选:D. 点评:本题考查了相反数,在一个数的前面加上负号就是这个数的相反数. 2.(4分)(2014?铜仁)下列计算正确的是() A.4a2+a2=5a4B.3a﹣a=2a C.a6÷a2=a3D.(﹣a3)2=﹣a6 考点:同底数幂的除法;合并同类项;幂的乘方与积的乘方. 分析:根据合并同类项,可判断A、B,根据同底数的除法,可判断C,根据积的乘方,可判断D. 解答:解:A、系数相加字母部分不变,故A错误; B、系数相加字母部分不变,故B正确; C、底数不变指数相减,故C错误; D、负1的平方是1,故D错误; 故选:B. 点评:本题考查了同底数幂的除法,同底数幂的除法底数不变指数相减. 3.(4分)(2014?铜仁)有一副扑克牌,共52张(不包括大、小王),其中梅花、方块、红心、黑桃四种花色各有13张,把扑克牌充分洗匀后,随意抽取一张,抽得红心的概率是()A.B.C.D. 考点:概率公式. 分析:由有一副扑克牌,共52张(不包括大、小王),其中梅花、方块、红心、黑桃四种花色各有13张,直接利用概率公式求解即可求得答案. 解答:解:∵有一副扑克牌,共52张(不包括大、小王),其中梅花、方块、红心、黑桃四种花色各有13张, ∴随意抽取一张,抽得红心的概率是:=. 故选B. 点评:此题考查了概率公式的应用.用到的知识点为:概率=所求情况数与总情况数之比.


基础知识强化训练(十一) 1.下列词语中加点的字,读音全部正确的一组是 A.蓓蕾(bèi)毗邻(bǐ)讥诮(qiào)应酬(chóu) B.蛮横(hèng)强劲(jìng)症结(zhēng)连累(lèi) C.忏悔(chàn)谛听(dì)莠草(yòu)谙熟(ān) D.撰稿(zhuǎn)玷辱(diàn)悖逆(bèi)曲解(qǔ) 2.下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一组是 A.缄默戎马倥偬得龙望蜀刻鹄类骛B。遐迩瑕不掩瑜应接不暇焚膏继晷 C.锱铢矫柔造作殒身不恤万里平筹D.饿殍追本朔源畏葸不前腾挪叠宕 3.依次填人下列各句横线处的词语,恰当的一组是: ①从学校毕业走上工作岗位,并不意味着学习的。 ②由于劳资双方不断的经济纠纷,原来签署的合同协议终于被了。 ③在日常生活中,人们的耳朵对环境的,和眼睛不同,完全没有休息的时候。 ④在阶级社会里,上层建筑一般都是经济基础的。 A.中止终止反应反映B.终止中止反映反应 C.中止终止反映反应D.终止中止反应反映 4.下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一句是: A.山水诗经过长期酝酿,最终能够在诗坛上独占鳌头,开宗立派,千秋之功当属南宋诗人谢灵运。 B.我们对入校新生进行了一次摸底测试,结果成绩悬殊,良莠不齐。 C.在茫茫沙漠中,缺粮少水,我们大家只有休戚与共才能共渡难关。 D.过分的循规蹈矩的人就缺少了创新精神,这并不是新时代所欢迎的人。 5.下列各句中,没有语病的一句是: A.他用铁一般的事实和确凿的证据,剥下了这个正人君子的真面目。 B.保护和建设好草原,需要采取建立责任制和加强法制双管齐下,否则,将愧对子孙后代。 C.由服装专家组成的评委会,根据饭店特点和时装特色相结合的原则,对服务员着装进行了评判。 D.要搞好法律监督,检察人员就必须具有熟练的业务知识和不畏权势、敢于斗争的精神。 6.为下面这段文字的画线处,填入恰当的语句: 有些少年朋友说:“我想学好作文,就是太难了,没有信心。其实甲你想不费吹灰之力,轻易地就学会学好作文,那当然是不行的;但你只要乙,那就一定能学会学好。 (1)填入甲处最恰当的一项是(): A.锲而不舍,金石可镂。千里之行,始于足下。 B.千里之行,始于足下。锲而不舍,金石可镂。 C.铁杵磨成针,功到自然成。天下无难事,只怕有心人。 D.天下无难事,只怕有心人。铁杵磨成针,功到自然成。 (2)填入乙处最恰当的一项是() A.愿意学,有恒心地学,认真学,讲究方法地学 B.愿意学,认真学,讲究方法地学,有恒心地学 C.认真学,愿意学,讲究方法地学,有恒心地学


语文知识专项训练: 第一课时 ①、詹天佑不怕困难,也不怕嘲笑,毅然接受了任务,马上开始勘()测线路。哪里要开山,哪里要架桥,哪里要把陡坡铲平,哪里要把弯度改小,都要经过勘测,进行周密计算。詹天佑经常勉励工作人员说我们的工作首先要精密不能有一点儿马虎大概差不多之类的说法不应该出自工程人员之口他亲自带着学生和工人,扛着标杆,背()着经纬仪,在峭壁上定点、测绘。塞外常常是狂风怒号(),黄沙满天,一不小心还有坠()入深谷的危险。不管条件怎样恶劣,詹天佑始终坚持在野外工作。白天他翻山越岭,勘测线路;晚上,他就在油灯下绘图,计算。遇到困难,他总是想:这是中国人自己修筑的第一条铁路,一定要把它修好;否则,不但那些外国人要讥笑我们,而且会使中国工程师失掉信心。 1、短文第一句话是()句,起()作用。 2、短文第二句运用了修辞手法是(),仿写一句话。 3、给没加标点的句子加上标点。 4、用“/”给短文分四层,并概括层意。 5、给带点字注音。 6、“否则”的意思是()。写一句话 7、短文反映了詹天佑()的工作态度、()的工作作风和()的爱国之心。 第二课时 ②、肖邦在法国巴黎一住就是18年。为了祖国,也为了生计,肖邦四处奔波。疲劳加上忧愤,是肖邦的肺结核病复发了。1849年10月,他终于躺倒在病床上。弥留之际,肖邦紧紧握着姐姐路德维卡的手,喃喃地说:“我死后,请把我的心脏带回去,我要长眠在祖国的地下。” 1.”弥留之际“的意思是;肖邦临死前嘱托姐姐的事是,从此处可以体会到。 2.把这句话改成第三者转述的话。 3.用“弥留之际”造句。 4.“弥”用音序查字法查大写字母,用部首查字法查部,请用“弥”组两个词、。 5.肖邦为什么疲劳,又为什么悲愤? 第三课时 ③.我是个出名的调皮蛋,经常变着花样刁难姥姥。一天,我用双手死死地捂住姥姥的双眼,让她摸着剪窗花。岂知工夫不大,一副“喜鹊登枝”便完成了。嗬!梅枝与喜鹊形象生动,大小疏密无可挑剔。我服了,可还耍赖:“姥姥,你从我手指缝里偷着往外看了!”


第1课文言文两则 1.我发现“之”的意思不一样,我能写出不同的意思。 (1)弈秋,通国之善弈者也。(的)(2)惟弈秋之为听。(的) (3)一人虽听之。(弈秋的教导)(4)思援弓缴而射之。(它,指天鹅) (5)虽与之俱学。(他,指前一个人)(6)弗若之矣。(他,之前一个人) 2.我发现下列带点字古今意思完全不一样,我能分别写出来。 (1)及其日中如探汤。古义:热水今义:食物煮后所得的汁水 (2)我以日始出时去人近。古义:距离今义:从所在地到别的地方 (3)孰为汝多知乎?古义:智慧今义:知识 3.请根据课文内容填空。 (1)虽与之俱学,弗若之矣。为是(其智弗若与)?曰:(非然也)。 (2)我以日始出时(去人近),而日中时(远也)。 4.请根据课文意思填空。 (1)《学弈》告诉我们(学习或做事情都应该专心致志,不可三心二意的道理,就像我们听过的《小猫钓鱼》故事告诉我们的道理一样。 (2)两小儿的问题“孔子不能决也”,反而被“两小儿笑曰:‘孰为汝多知乎?’”从这里,我们可以看出孔子是一个(实事求是、诚实谦虚)(或:知之为知之不知为不知,不知为不知,是知也)的人。(用一两个成语或一句名言表达) 5.解释加点字。 (1)通国之善弈者也。善于(2)使弈秋诲二人弈。教导 (3)思援弓缴而射之。拉、古时指带有丝绳的箭 (4)我以日始出时去人近。认为、离 (5)孔子不能决也。判断(6)孰为汝多知乎。谁、你

6.用自己的话说说下列句子的意思。 1.一人虽听之,一心以为有鸿鹄将至,思援弓缴而射之。 一个人虽然也听弈秋的教导,心里却总想着有天鹅飞过,想拉开弓箭射下它。 2.孰为汝多知乎? 谁说您多智慧呢? 3.我以日始出时去人近,而日中时远也。 我认为太阳刚出来时离人近,而到了中午时离人远。 4.此不为远者热而近者凉乎? 这不是远的热而近的就凉吗? 5.根据课文内容填空: (1)一个小孩认为“日始出时去人近”的原因是: 日出初大如车盖,及日中则如盘盂。 (2)另一个小孩认为“日初出远,而日中时近”的原因是: 日出初沧沧凉凉,及其日中如探汤。 (3)两个小孩在认识上产生分歧的最主要的原因是: 看问题的角度不同,当然结论就会大不一样,这就告诉我们对待问题要多角度去观察、思考。 8.读下面的句子,说说它们分别用了什么修辞方法。 (1)为是其智弗若与?曰:非然也。(设问) (2)日初出大如车盖,及日中则如盘盂。(比喻) (3)此不为远者小而近者大乎?(反问) (4)孰为汝多知乎?(反问)


高考完形填空专项训练步步高 抓好三方面●跨好三大步●做好三结合 ------谈完形填空解题技巧中学生在做完形填空题时存在的问题,概括起来有以下三方面: 1.不善于抓文章的主旨大意,并以此为中心展开对整篇文章的推理、判断,导致理解上出现偏差,甚至和文章的中心相悻。 2.容易受定势思维的影响,对文意分析不透,忽视特定语境中知识的运用。 3.对完形填空题怀有厌倦、畏惧心理,以至做题时处于应付状态,做题能力得不到提高。 那么,怎样才能提高做完形填空题的能力呢?我们应从以下三方面入手训练思维能力和解题技巧:抓准主旨、透析文意、理清逻辑。并在做题过程中把这三方面与做完形填空的三大步骤“通读、精读、复读”有机结合,明确每步的思维主攻方向。即抓好三方面,跨好三大步,做好三结合。 一、通读短文抓主旨 一般情况下,完形填空短文都不给标题,不容易把握文章的主题和大意。但短文首句通常不设空格,这就为我们窥视文章全貌提供了一个窗口,而尾句往往是文章的总结、结论或点睛之笔,所以抓住开篇启示作用的首句和总结概括性的尾句是必要的。借助于首尾句给予的启示,克服不良心理的影响,满怀信心,全神贯注,目光越过空格,注意能体现文章大意的关键词句,尽力从整体上理解短文大意,这是逐空填词的重要依据和基础。如果一开始就忙于见空填空,势必无法从整体上把握全文概要,无法形成连贯的思路,只见树木不见森林,理解偏离文章的中心,造成顾,此失彼的错误,甚至影响做题速度。 抓住了文章的主旨大意后,我们围绕主旨大意去阅读、预测、推理、判断,往往会收到事半功倍的效果。尤其是一些干扰性强,容易使人犯想当然错误的选项就会迎刃而解。 二、精读短文析文意 在基本抓住文章的主旨后,应逐句精读短文,逐题分析选项,对特定的语境做深人的理解,克服“定势思维”,根据全文大意和词不离句,句不离文的原则,逐项填空。切不可以单纯的词汇辨析或语法角度去做题,而应以能否恰如其分地表达文意作为选择最佳答案的唯一标准。要吃透文意,理解到位,我们应做到以下几点: 1.从上下文的角度考虑,注意其内在联系。就题论题,断章取义,忽视上下文的信息提示是我们常犯的错误。因此我们在做题时要注重暗含的信息提示,找准突破口,确保文意畅通。 2.从词汇意义及用法、惯用法和搭配的角度去考虑,准确判断。NMET完形填空题中考查词汇意义及用法、惯用法和搭配的题目逐年增多,必须结合上下文把握文意,研读

部编中考 语文文学常识练习题及答案

一、中考语文专项练习:文学常识 1.下列关于文学文化常识的表述有误的一项是() A. 《资治通鉴》是北宋司马光主编的一部编年体通史。 B. 戏剧人物的塑造,大都通过人物的语言,包括对话、独白、旁白来进行。 C. 普希金,俄国诗人,其诗作《假如生活欺骗了你》表现了他对生活的热爱,对理想的追求和对未来的憧憬。 D. 老舍,原名舒庆春,被授予“人民艺术家”的称号,其代表作《雷雨》被誉为“东方舞台上的奇迹”。 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】D项,老舍,原名舒庆春,被授予“人民艺术家”的称号,其代表作有:《骆驼祥子》《四世同堂》《茶馆》。《雷雨》是话剧作家曹禺的话剧。故选D。 故答案为:D 【点评】本题考查的是文学常识的辨析能力,考查的是课内篇目的出处、作家作品等有关的内容。解答此题关键以课本的注释为主,注意平时的积累。注意对选项进行逐项的审读,仔细辨析判断。 2.下面有关文学常识的表述,错误的一项是() A. 《诗经》是我国最早的诗歌总集,也是我国诗歌现实主义传统的源头。 B. 老舍,现代作家,主要作品有小说《骆驼样子》,话剧《茶馆》《龙须沟》等。 C. 我国清代小说家吴承恩所著的《西游记》,被鲁迅先生称之为“神魔小说”。 D. 《变色龙》的作者是俄国作家、戏剧家契诃夫,其短篇小说往往带有讽刺意味。 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】ABD表述正确。C 吴承恩是明代著名小说家,不是清代的。 故答案为:C 【点评】本题考查对作家作品常识的积累能力。回答此类问题,主要看平时的积累情况。学习中,要对重要作家作品和一些常见的文学文化常识加强记忆并做好积累,适当做一些强化练习。 3.下面关于唐诗中的题材或意象分析正确的一项是() A. 诗歌中,“月”的意象除了代表相思,往往还蕴含孤独或苍凉,如张继的“月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠”。 B. 诗歌中,“酒”的意象一般蕴含解愁忘忧,如孟浩然的“开轩面场圃,把酒话桑麻”。 C. 从题材方面来讲,唐诗大致可分为边塞诗,如李白《夜上受降城闻笛》;山水田园诗,如杜甫《月夜忆舍弟》;思乡诗,如王维《九月九日忆山东兄弟》。 D. 从情感上来讲,唐诗大致可分为表达愉悦之情的,如岑参的《逢入京使》,还有表达哀伤之情的,如杜甫的《闻官军收河南河北》。 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】A.分析正确。


高考英语完形填空 2008年 Evelyn Glennie was the first lady of solo percussion in Scotland. In an interview, she recalled how she became a percussion soloist (打击乐器独奏演员) in spite of her disability. “Early on I decided not to allow the 36 of others to stop me from becoming a musician. I grew up on a farm in northeast Scotland and began 37 piano lessons when I was eight. The older I got, the more my passion (酷爱) for music grew. But I also began to gradually lose my 38. Doctors concluded that the nerve damage was the 39 and by age twelve, I was completely deaf. But my love for music never 40 me. “My41 was to become a percussion soloist, even though there were none at that time. To perform, I 42 to hear music differently from others. I play in my stocking feet and can 43 the pitch of a note (音调高低) by the vibrations (振动). I feel through my body and through my 44. My entire sound world exists by making use of almost every 45 that I have. “I was 46 to be assessed as a musician, not as a deaf musician, and I applied to the famous Royal Academy of Music in London. No other deaf student had 47 this before and some teachers 48 my admission. Based on my performance, I was 49 admitted and went to 50 with the academy’s highest honors. “After that, I established myself as the first f ull-time solo percussionist. I 51 and arranged a lot of musical compositions since 52 had been written specially for solo percussionists. “I have been a soloist for over ten years. 53 the doctor thought was a totally deaf, it didn’t 54 that my passion cou ldn’t be realized. I would encourage people not to allow themselves to be 55 by others. Follow your passion; follow your heart, they will lead you to the place you want to go.” 36. A. conditions B. opinions C. actions D. recommendations 37. A. enjoying B. choosing C. taking D. giving 38. A. sight B. hearing C. touch D. taste 39. A. evidence B. result C. excuse D. cause 40. A. left B. excited C. accompanied D. disappointed 41. A. purpose B. decision C. promise D. goal 42. A. turned B. learned C. used D. ought 43. A. tell B. see C. hear D. smell 44. A. carefulness B. movement C. imagination D. experience 45. A. sense B. effort C. feeling D. idea 46. A. dissatisfied B. astonished C. determined D. discouraged 47. A. done B. accepted C. advised D. admitted 48. A. supported B. followed C. required D. opposed 49. A. usually B. finally C. possibly D. hopefully 50. A. study B. research C. graduate D. progress 51. A. wrote B. translated C. copied D. read 52. A. enough B. some C. many D. few 53. A. However B. Although C. When D. Since


[浅谈语文知识能力的分层]语文知识能力训练答 案 十多年来,语文教学的成绩是不可低估的。自从80年代初,叶 圣陶先生提出建立听、说、读、写的语文训练系统的主张以来,语 文教学便开始了一个新的探索阶段。十多年来,围绕语文能力训练 问题,无论在教材建设还是教法改革上都取得了长足的进步,教学 效果也是显著的。但同时也必须看到,语文教学从以老师讲授为主 改变为以能力训练为主,这是一个十分艰巨的过程。它不仅需要改 变教学方法,而且必须完成某些教学观念的转变,必须解决教学内 容方面的一系列问题。否则,比较严密、比较科学的语文能力训练 系统是不可能真正建立起来的。 在这样一个过程中,产生种种争论,是十分正常的。 我想讲三点意见。 第一,对“语文知识”必须再认识。 过去只重视理论性较强的某些学科知识(如语法、修辞、文体等),而忽视具体指导读写实践的实用性知识,这种情况近年已有 所改变。但问题还很多。把传授大纲所允许涉及的知识与加强语文 能力训练放在同一个平面上看待,这是一种脱离能力训练实际的倾向。这样做,很不利于减轻负担。我认为“语文知识”应当分类处理,区别对待。有些是要反复记忆、反复练习的(比如常用字词等),有些是不必讲多少概念而应重在实际操作的(比如某些实用 性较强的方法,或需要学生形成习惯的某些思维定式),有些是大 致了解即可、临到用时再查书也来得及的,有些是只需要有所感受、不必强调记忆的,有些是需要系统讲的、有些是不必系统讲的等等;只有经过这样的处理,减轻负担、学以致用的目的才有可能实现。 而这实际上是对语文教学内容的某种改造,不是哪位教师个人所能 完成得了的。 第二,必须研究各项语文能力的层级。

六年级下册 语文知识与能力训练全部答案

六年级下册语文知识与能力训练全部答案第1课文言文两则 1.我发现“之”的意思不一样,我能写出不同的意思。 (1)弈秋,通国之善弈者也。(的)(2)惟弈秋之为听。(的) (3)一人虽听之。(弈秋的教导)(4)思援弓缴而射之。(它,指天鹅)(5)虽与之俱学。(他,指前一个人)(6)弗若之矣。(他,之前一个人)2.我发现下列带点字古今意思完全不一样,我能分别写出来。 (1)及其日中如探汤。古义:热水 今义:食物煮后所得的汁水 (2)我以日始出时去人近。古义:距离 今义:从所在地到别的地方

(3)孰为汝多知乎?古义:智慧 今义:知识 3.请根据课文内容填空。 (1)虽与之俱学,弗若之矣。为是(其智弗若与)?曰:(非然也)。 (2)我以日始出时(去人近),而日中时(远也)。 4.请根据课文意思填空。 (1)《学弈》告诉我们(学习或做事情都应该专心致志,不可三心二意 的道理,就像我们听过的《小猫钓鱼》故事告诉我们的道理一样。 (2)两小儿的问题“孔子不能决也”,反而被“两小儿笑曰:‘孰为汝多知乎?’”从这里,我们可以看出孔子是一个(实事求是、诚实谦虚)(或:知之为知之不知为不知,不知为不知,是知也)的人。(用一两个成语或一句名言表达)

5.解释加点字。 (1)通国之善弈者也。善于(2)使弈秋诲二人弈。教导 (3)思援弓缴而射之。拉、古时指带有丝绳的箭 (4)我以日始出时去人近。认为、离 (5)孔子不能决也。判断(6)孰为汝多知乎。谁、你 6.用自己的话说说下列句子的意思。 1.一人虽听之,一心以为有鸿鹄将至,思援弓缴而射之。 一个人虽然也听弈秋的教导,心里却总想着有天鹅飞过,想拉开弓箭射下它。 2.孰为汝多知乎? 谁说您多智慧呢?


完形填空(一) It was the afternoon of December 24, the day before Christmas, but I had to stay to tidy the office. The only thing that 1 my day was the beautifully decorated 2 in our waiting room and a 3 sent to me by a fellow I was dating—a dozen long-stemmed red roses. Suddenly, our receptionist came and said there was a lady outside that urgently needed to speak with me. As I stepped out, I noticed a young 4 woman with a baby in her arms standing there. 5 , she explained that her husband—a prisoner in a nearby 6 to visit her husband in prison and 7 he had never seen his son. So prison—was my next patient. She told me she wasn‘t she 8 me to let her wait here ahead of time. I agreed. 9 , it was Christmas Eve. A short time later, her husband arrived—with chains on his feet, cuffs on his hands, and two armed guards 10 him. The woman‘s tired face11 when her husband took a seat beside her. I watched them laugh, cry, and share their 12 . He seemed like a gentle and honest man. At the end of the 13 , the man had to go back and I 14 him a Merry Christmas. He smiled and thanked me and said he felt 16 for Christmas. On hearing this, I was 17 with a wonderful idea. saddened by the 15 that he hadn‘t been able to get his wife I‘ll never forget the 18 on both their faces as the prisoner gave his wife the beautiful, long-stemmed red roses. I‘m not sure who 19 the most joy—the husband in giving, the wife in receiving, or myself in having the opportunity to share in this 20 moment. 1. A. enjoyed B. brightened C. relaxed D. presented 2. A. office B. Christmas Father C. Christmas tree D. furniture 3. A. gift B. regards C. message D. package 4. A. ordinary-looking B. good-looking C. tired-looking D. frightened-looking 5. A. Happily B. Quietly C. Excitedly D. Nervously 6. A. going B. determined C. expected D. allowed 7. A. why B. how C. that D. when 8. A. persuaded B. demanded C. begged D. pleased 9. A. After all B. In all C. All in all D. Above all 10. A. near B. around C. behind D. before 11. A. turned pale B. went red C. lit up D. turned away 12. A. child B. tears C. joy D. sorrows 13. A. meeting B. appointment C. discussion D. conversation 14. A. said B. showed C. wished D. hoped 15. A. words B. fact C. idea D. scene 16. A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything 17. A. encouraged B. struck C. provided D. inspired 18. A. sadness B. happiness C. look D. smiles 19. A. experienced B. received C. gave D. accepted 20. A. unforgettable B. sad C. happy D. special
