



xxxxxxxxx xxx Introduction

MATLAB is a high-level technical computing language and interactive environment for algorithm development, data visualization, data analysis, and numeric computation. Using the MATLAB product, you can solve technical computing problems faster than with traditional programming languages, such as C, C++, and Fortran.

You can use MATLAB in a wide range of applications, including signal and image processing, communications, control design, test and measurement, financial modeling and analysis, and computational biology. Add-on toolboxes (collections of special-purpose MATLAB functions, available separately) extend the MATLAB environment to solve particular classes of problems in these application areas.

The MATLAB system consists of these main parts:

Desktop Tools and Development Environment

This part of MATLAB is the set of tools and facilities that help you use and become more productive with MATLAB functions and files. Many of these tools are graphical user interfaces. It includes: the

MATLAB desktop and Command Window, an editor and debugger, a code analyzer, and browsers for viewing help, the workspace, and folders. Mathematical Function Library

This library is a vast collection of computational algorithms ranging from elementary functions, like sum, sine, cosine, and complex arithmetic, to more sophisticated functions like matrix inverse, matrix eigenvalues, Bessel functions, and fast Fourier transforms.

The Language

The MATLAB language is a high-level matrix/array language with control flow statements, functions, data structures, input/output, and object-oriented programming features. It allows both "programming in the small" to rapidly create quick programs you do not intend to reuse. You can also do "programming in the large" to create complex application programs intended for reuse.


MATLAB has extensive facilities for displaying vectors and matrices as graphs, as well as annotating and printing these graphs. It includes high-level functions for two-dimensional and three-dimensional data visualization, image processing, animation, and presentation graphics. It

also includes low-level functions that allow you to fully customize the appearance of graphics as well as to build complete graphical user interfaces on your MATLAB applications.

External Interfaces

The external interfaces library allows you to write C/C++ and Fortran programs that interact with MATLAB. It includes facilities for calling routines from MATLAB (dynamic linking), for calling MATLAB as a computational engine, and for reading and writing MAT-files.

MATLAB provides a number of features for documenting and sharing your work. You can integrate your MATLAB code with other languages and applications, and distribute your MATLAB algorithms and applications. Features include:

High-level language for technical computing

Development environment for managing code, files, and data

Interactive tools for iterative exploration, design, and problem solving Mathematical functions for linear algebra, statistics, Fourier analysis, filtering, optimization, and numerical integration

2-D and 3-D graphics functions for visualizing data

Tools for building custom graphical user interfaces

Functions for integrating MATLAB based algorithms with external appli cations and languages, such as C, C++, Fortran, Java?, COM, and

Microsoft? Excel

The basic data structure in MATLAB is the array, an ordered set of real or complex elements. This object is naturally suited to the representation of images, real-valued ordered sets of color or intensity data.

MATLAB stores most images as two-dimensional arrays (i.e., matrices), in which each element of the matrix corresponds to a single pixel in the displayed image. (Pixel is derived from picture element and usually denotes a single dot on a computer display.)

For example, an image composed of 200 rows and 300 columns of different colored dots would be stored in MATLAB as a 200-by-300 matrix. Some images, such as truecolor images, require a three-dimensional array, where the first plane in the third dimension represents the red pixel intensities, the second plane represents the green pixel intensities, and the third plane represents the blue pixel intensities. This convention makes working with images in MATLAB similar to working with any other type of matrix data, and makes the full power of MATLAB available for image processing applications.

The Image Processing Toolbox software is a collection of functions that extend the capability of the MATLAB numeric computing environment. The toolbox supports a wide range of image processing operations, including

Spatial image transformations

Morphological operations

Neighborhood and block operations

Linear filtering and filter design


Image analysis and enhancement

Image registration


Region of interest operations

Many of the toolbox functions are MATLAB files with a series of MATLAB statements that implement specialized image processing algorithms. You can view the MATLAB code for these functions using the statement:

type function_name

You can extend the capabilities of the toolbox by writing your own files, or by using the toolbox in combination with other toolboxes, such as the Signal Processing Toolbox? software and the Wavelet Toolbox? software.

Configuration Notes

To determine if the Image Processing Toolbox software is installed on your system, type this command at the MATLAB prompt.


When you enter this command, MATLAB displays information about the version of MATLAB you are running, including a list of all toolboxes installed on your system and their version numbers.

For information about installing the toolbox, see the installation guide.

For the most up-to-date information about system requirements, see the system requirements page, available in the products area at the MathWorks Web site (https://www.360docs.net/doc/2d14911732.html,).

Related Products

MathWorks provides several products that are relevant to the kinds of tasks you can perform with the Image Processing Toolbox software and that extend the capabilities of MATLAB. For information about these related products, see https://www.360docs.net/doc/2d14911732.html,/products/image/related.html. Compilability

The Image Processing Toolbox software is compilable with the MATLAB Compiler except for the following functions that launch GUIs cpselect




FINANCIAL INNOV ATION Like other industries, the financial industry is in business to earn profits by selling its products. If a soap company perceives that there is a need in the marketplace for a laundry detergent with fabric softener, it develops a product to fit the need .Similarly, in order to maximize their profits, financial institutions develop new products to satisfy their own needs as well as those of their customers; in other words, innovation-which can be extremely beneficial to the economy-is driven by the desire to get (or stay) rich. This view of the innovation process leads to the following simple analysis: A chance in the financial institutions for innovations that are likely to be profitable. Starting in the 1960s, individuals and financial institutions operating in financial markets were confronted with drastic changes in the economic environment: Inflation and interest rates climbed sharply and became hard to predict, a situation that changed demand conditions in financial markets. Computer technology advanced rapidly, which changed supply conditions. In addition, financial regulations became especially inconvenient. Banking institution discovers many old ways of doing business being able to not have earned money again; they provide the masses finance with service and financial products sale neither well. Many financial intermediary is discovered they have no way to raise having arrived at a fund, but these self that will not a suspense of business right away with original tradition finance implement. For existing under new economy environment, research and development puts up banking institution be obliged to being able to satisfy customer need moreover the new product being able to gain a profit of and serving, this process is called financial engineering. In their case, necessity was the mother of innovation. Our discussion of why financial innovation occurs suggests that there are three basic types of financial innovations: Escapism to responding to needing condition change, to the small advantages supplying with condition change and to controlling. We have had one now understandable that banking institution is innovative for instance the cause institutions, let’s look at examples of how financial institutions in their search for profits have produced financial innovations of the three basic types. 1


Household Register Under Supervision of the Ministry of Public Security of P. R. C. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1.Household register has the legal validity that certifies the attorney ship of a citizen and the

relationship of family members, and it is the main reference for the censor and checkup of domiciliary register which is undertaking by the household registration authority. When the functionary of household registration authority censor and verify the household register, the householder and members of this family shall take the initiative in presenting the household register. 2.The householder shall take the household register in safekeeping; the household register is prohibited to be altered, transferred and leased. When the household register is lost, the household registration authority should be informed. 3.The right for registering the household register shall be performed by the household registration authority; any other unit and individual shall not make any records on the booklet. 4.The member of this family shall go to the household registration authority for transacting the declaration and registration, applying bring with the booklet, in case of the increase and decrease of the members and the alteration of registration items. 5.In case of that the whole family moves out of the residency, the household register shall be turned in and cancelled. Record of Dwelling Address Alteration


完税证明-证明范本 第一篇:完税证明 证明 兹有(单位或个人名称)为我单位实施工程,合同造价为肆万壹仟玖佰伍拾贰元整(41952元)。现工程已完工,验收合格。请贵单位办理完税手续。特此证明。 单位盖章 时间 第二篇:完税证明 完税证明 兹有本单位职工冯云,性别:男,身份证号码 532*********6061832 ,为我所专职律师,现本单位和冯云提出解除合同关系,冯云税务均由单位代缴,不欠税费! 特此证明。 用人单位盖章年月日 第三篇:完税证明

完税证明 林西县统壹工贸有限责任公司于2014年增值税完成情况:销项税额:17,061,413.86元 进项税额:15,339,617.86元 应缴增值税额为: 拖欠税款。 特此证明 ,721,796.00元,此税款已于当年全部交清,无林西县国家税务局2014年7月30日1 完税证明 林西县统壹工贸有限责任公司于2014年地方税完成情况:城建税:86,089.80元 教育附加费:51,653.88元 地方教育附加费:17,217.96元 印花税:30,108.37元 水利建设基金:100,361.25元

以上税款已经全额缴纳,无拖欠税款。 特此证明 林西县地方税务局2014年7月30日 第四篇:完税证明 证明 我辖区陕西燕氏农牧科技发展有限公司,纳税识别号: 610*********7091,该企业属区级龙头企业。该企业财务制度规范,自开业以来按照税收相关法律要求,照章纳税,无拖欠税款情况。 特此证明 故市税务所 2014年4月7日 第五篇:完税证明 完税证明 债权人承建我校工程项目,工程款已付清,工程税款已完税。 特此证明。


ANNOUNCEMENTS 1.Household register has the legal validity that certifies the attorneyship of a citizen and the relationship of family members, and it is the main reference for the censor and checkup of domiciliary register which is undertaking by the household registration authority. When the functionary of household registration authority censor and verify the household register, the familia and members of this family shall take the initiative in presenting the household register. 2.The familia shall take the household register in safekeeping, the household register is prohibited to be alterred, transferred and leased. In case of that the household register is lost, the household registration authority should be informed. 3.The right for registering the household register shall be performed by the household registration authority, any other unit and individual shall not make any records on the booklet. 4.The member of this family shall go to the household registration authority for transacting the declaration and registration, applying bring with the booklet, in case of the increase and decrease of the members and the alteration of registration items. 5.In case of that the whole family moves out of the residency, the Household register shall be turned in and cancelled.


中华人民共和国个人所得税完税证明 Certificate of Individual Income Tax Payment People’s Republic of China (2009)京地税个征05688310 No. (2009)BLTI-05688310 填发日期: 译法说明: 一、关于“完税”:译为tax payment或tax clearance均可。 二、关于完税证明编号的翻译:此处“(2009)京地税个征05688310”译为“No. (2009)BLTI-05688310”,其中BLT表示“北京地方税务”、I表示“个人所得税”,仅供参考。怎么译都可以,只要像那么回事。 三、关于“税款所属时期”:这里按其涵义译为“charging period of tax”。此外,译者还见过描述性译法,如“which period of time the taxation belongs to”,也是可以的,只不过生硬了一些,belong to不如charge专业和贴切一些。 四、关于“工资薪金所得”:不建议单独用salary或wage。在英语里,salary指公职人员或公司白领工人按星期、月度等固定时段所领的固定报酬;wage指工厂蓝领工人的计件、计时工资。除此之外,加班工资、补贴、津贴等也属于劳动报酬性收入。这些都统称labor compensation。国外很多大公司的工资单、工资条,上面用的就是compensation。 五、关于“实缴税金”:译为paid-in tax / cleared tax等均可。此处译为amount of tax payment。


关直接征收税款的(如个体户生产经营所得、自行纳税申报纳税的)、纳税人申请开具完税凭证的,税务机关应当为纳税人开具通用完税证或缴款书、完税证明。 凡是扣缴义务人已经实行扣缴明细申报,且具备条件的地区,从2010年起应当向纳税人告知个人所得税纳税情况。具体方式为直接为纳税人开具完税证明;通过税务网站,由纳税人网络查询、打印纳税情况,并告知纳税人开具完税证明的方法和途径;通过手机短信等方式告知纳税人纳税情况,并告知纳税人到税务机关开具完税证明的方法和途径;各地也可以结合实际,确定告知纳税人纳税情况的方式。 对扣缴义务人未实行全员全额扣缴明细申报和实行明细申报但不具备开具条件的地区,税务总局在通知中明确,应积极创造条件,推广应用个人所得税管理系统,扩大全员全额扣缴明细申报覆盖面,尽快实现直接为纳税人开具完税证明。同时,要做好宣传解释工作,说明不能直接开具完税证明的原因,并采取有效措施,保护纳税人的税收知情权。 通知要求各地税务机关要督促扣缴义务人履行告知义务。一方面,要督促扣缴义务人在发放工资扣缴个人所得税后,在工资单上注明个人已扣缴税款的金额;另一方面,纳税人要求扣缴义务人开具代扣、代收税款凭证的,扣缴义务人必须开具。 国家税务总局所得税司相关人士在接受采访时表示,由税务



个人资料 name 姓名 alias 别名 pen name 笔名 date of birth 出生日期 birth date 出生日期 born 出生于 birth place 出生地点 age 年龄 native place 籍贯 province 省 city 市 autonomous region 自治区prefecture 专区 county 县 nationality 民族,国籍citizenship 国籍 duel citizenship 双重国籍address 地址 current address 目前地址present address 目前地址permanent address 永久地址postal code 邮政编码 home phone 住宅电话 office phone 办公电话business phone 办公电话Tel.电话 sex 性别 male 男

female 女 height 身高 weight 体重 marital status 婚姻状况family status 家庭状况married 已婚 single/unmarried 未婚divorced 离异 separated 分居 number of children 子女人数none 无 street 街 lane 胡同,巷 road 路 district 区 house number 门牌 health 健康状况 health condition 健康状况blood type 血型 short-sighted 近视 far-sighted 远视 color-blind 色盲 ID card No.身份证号码 date of availability 可到职时间available 可到职membership 会员,资格president 会长 vice-president 副会长director 理事 standing director 常务理事


中华人民共和国税收通用完税证 Universal Certificate for Tax Paying of the People’s Republic of China (20071) 深地完电: 00496405 (20071) SDWD: 00762405 注册类型: Registration type (港澳台商)独资经营企业 Solely invested corporation (by Hong 填发日期: Issuing date: 征收机关: Tax collecting authority: 专用发票的基本联次统一规定为四联, 各联次必须按以下规定用途使用: Special invoices are basically in quaduplicate, as stipulated on a unified basis, and each copy shall be used in accordance with the following provisions

(一) 第一联为存根联, 由销货方留存备查。 (1) The first copy is the "stub copy", which is kept by the seller for reference; (二) 第二联为发票联, 购货方作付款的记帐凭证。 (2) The second copy is the "invoice copy", which is used by the purchaser as payment record for bookkeeping; (三) 第三联为税款抵扣联, 购货方作扣税凭证。 (3) The third copy is the "credit copy", which is used by the purchaser as a certificate for claiming input tax credit; and (四) 第四联为记帐联, 销货方作销售的记帐凭证。 (4) The fourth copy is the "bookkeeping copy ", which is used by the seller as sales record for bookkeeping. 国家税务总局 State Administration of Taxation 票证监制章Seal for supervising manufacture of the certificates

英文翻译 模板

目录 Housing Consumption and Economic Growth in China (2) 住房消费和经济增长在中国 (10) 摘要 (10) 关键词: (10) 一、介绍 (11) 二、方法 (11) c .固定式测试 (12) d .协整检验 (12) E大肠误差修正模型(ECM)[6] (13) f.格兰杰因果关系检验 (13) 三、应用程序和结果 (14) a .数据和变量 (14) b .固定式测试 (14) e系列是平稳序列 (14) d .误差修正模型 (14) 四、结论 (15) 引用 (15)

Housing Consumption and Economic Growth in China Wang XJ (Wang Xijun) School of Economics & Management, Weifang University of China, xjwang69@https://www.360docs.net/doc/2d14911732.html, Abstract: Consumption is a very important part in social reproduction, and its driving effect on social economic growth always plays the leading role. Housing is the basic living material which is essential for people?s life; housing consumption is the important material condition for the labor force reproduction. This study, based on China?s statistical data from 1985 to 2007,by employing co-integration theory, Granger causality test and error correction model (ECM),respectively investigates the relationship between consumption, housing consumption and economic growth. The empirical result denotes that there exists bilateral Granger causality relationship between consumption and economic growth. For a long period, there exists long term stable equilibrium relationship between GDP, consumption, and housing consumption; consumption and housing consumption both promote the growth of GDP. Housing consumption?s contribution to the growth of GDP is obviously higher than consumption. For a short period, consumption spurs the growth of GDP more than housing consumption. Keywords:Housing consumption; Economic growth; Co-integration ; ECM; Granger causality test I. INTRODUCTION Consumption is a very important part in social reproduction, and its driving

2019-国税完税证明-范文word版 (4页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理所得,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即予以删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑修改文字! == 国税完税证明 国税完税证明 个人独资企业注销后想更名为注册公司,手续怎么办啊 首先,你向国、地两个主管税务机关(如果你公司涉及的所有税在一个局的话,另论)申请开具一个完税证明。先咨询一下税务机关需要哪些税、哪几个纳税年度的完税证明。然后找你的专管员商量一下,以税务机关的名义写一个完税证明。现实中本人遇过这种情况,本来是税务机关写的,他们太懒,叫我自己写得了。写好后,找你的专管员审查一下,看措词行不行,之后再找你专管员把你完税证明上所属纳税年度缴纳税款的台账打印出来。 接着,嘴甜一点,麻烦你专管员带着你去加盖一个税务局的公章(我这里说的是局里的章,不是什么所、什么征收分局之类的章,因为局章才有说服力),可以的话,把你完税的台账按年装订,也盖上税务局的公章。如果税务局另有要求的话,你还有需要把各年度的缴款书逐一复印下来,以作你公司的原始完税证明。 这样子就可以对外发生证明效力了。 为了优化纳税服务,增强社会公众纳税意识,进一步提升个人所得税征收管理质量,根据纳税人的普遍要求,经研究,决定从201X年1月1日起,试行由税务机关按年向扣缴义务人实行了明细申报后的个人所得税纳税人开具《中华人民共和国个人所得税完税证明》(以下简称完税证明)。现将有关事项通知如下: 一、统一思想,充分认识加强开具完税证明工作的意义

由税务机关统一向个人所得税纳税人开具完税证明,是“聚财为国,执法 为民”宗旨的具体体现,符合国际惯例和我国个人所得税完税凭证管理工作的 发展方向。它不仅是税法的要求,也是衡量税务部门税收管理水平的标志,更 是保障纳税人合法权利的需要,其意义重大:一是可以将“聚财为国,执法为民”的宗旨落实到具体工作中,优化纳税服务、树立税务机关良好形象;二是可以贴近纳税人,满足纳税人实际需求,促进税法知识的普及,同时可以增强公 众纳税意识,培养公民依法纳税的责任感和自豪感;三是可以推动全员全额管理工作,加强对扣缴义务人扣缴情况和纳税人纳税情况的交叉稽核和监管,从而 提升个人所得税征收管理水平;四是可以为下一步深化税制改革,向综合与分类相结合的税制过渡奠定基础;五是可以为建立和完善全国征信体系打下基矗因此,各级税务机关务必对此项工作高度重视,加强领导,明确责任,积极创造条件,确保税务机关试行为纳税人开具个人所得税完税证明工作的顺利进行。 二、关于试行开具完税证明的范围 鉴于目前给所有个人所得税纳税人开具完税证明的条件尚不成熟,从 201X年1月1日起,税务机关应区别以下情况,给纳税人分别开具完税证明: (一)对实行了扣缴义务人明细申报、信息化程度较好的地区,以及纳入重 点管理的纳税人,无论扣缴义务人是否给纳税人开具代扣代收税款凭证,以及 纳税人是否提出要求,税务机关均应根据系统内掌握的扣缴义务人明细申报信 息和其他涉税信息,汇总纳税人全年个人所得税纳税情况,经核实后,于年度 终了3个月内,为每一个纳税人按其上年实际缴纳的个人所得税额开具一张完 税证明。? 纳税人在年度中间因出国、向境外转移财产、对外投资等原因需要完税证 明并向税务机关提出要求的,经税务机关核实后,开具其相应期间实际缴纳个 人所得税款的完税证明。? (二)虽实行了扣缴义务人明细申报,但信息化条件暂不具备的地区,纳税 人向税务机关提出开具完税证明要求的,须提供合法身份证明和有关已扣(缴) 税款凭证,经税务机关核实后,开具其相应期间实际缴纳个人所得税款的完税 证明。 三、关于完税证明的式样


Editorial for IEEE Transactions On Power Electronics, January 2013 ORIGINALLY, this editorial was planned to be written in late 2012, but in the last year we have been working intensively with IEEE to reduce time from submission to final publication, and this editorial was written in the summer of 2012, and we are already in the process of finalizing the January issue 2013. This also means that we have two editors for this issue— Prof. B. Lehman, Northeastern University, is fully taking over the duty of Editor-in-Chief as of date January 1, 2013, and Prof. F. Blaabjerg, Aalborg University, is resigning from the job at that date. We have only 100–150 papers waiting for publishing, and keeping in mind 45–50 papers are needed for each issue, this is a short and manageable backlog. By making the electronic versions of manuscripts available so far ahead of time, papers become available for a longer time, and there is a good chance for more citations, which should increase the impact factor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS (TPEL). TPEL remains an outstanding Journal and it contributes dominantly to the power electronics technology and research development globally. The TRANSACTIONS performance is positioned very well in the global Electrical Engineering (EE) journals publications as it is among the top 10 most cited EE journals. In the last year, many indicators of our quality continued to improve: users of the TRANSACTIONS continue to be very satisfied with the paper quality, our reputation in power electronics is rising all over the world by having a fast review process, papers in the TRANSACTIONS are being cited more heavily, and we have continued to print useful future research on important and emerging industrial applications. Our publications are followed very carefully all over the world, and almost every month the TPEL has papers listed between the top 100 downloads from IEEE Xplore registered monthly. It is also worth remarking that the papers are mostly technology papers and not so much review papers. Power electronics has never been as important as it is now. Globally, people talk about global warming and the lack of energy resources. As a result, a number of large R&D programs have been initiated to come up with sustainable solutions based on power electronics. Excellent examples of power electronic emerging research topics and applications include energy effi- ciency, e-mobility and airplanes, micro- and smart-grid, renewable energy, e.g., wind power and photovoltaic, lighting—fields where power electronics are unavoidable. Many companies have had rapid growth because of power electronics technology—in many cases they are called the clean-tech industry. We still see an increased interest in TPEL. In 2011, we received more


各种工具toolbox 工具箱 bench 工作台 vice, clamp 虎钳(美作:vise) saw 锯 bow saw 弓锯 circular saw 圆锯(美作:buzzsaw) compass saw, scroll saw 钢丝锯fretsaw 细锯 handsaw 手锯 chisel 口凿 cold chisel, burin 冰凿 gouge, firmer gouge 半圆凿 plane 刨子 moulding plane 型刨 jack plane 粗刨 rabbet plane 槽刨 drawknife 刮刀 scraper 三角刮刀 rasp 粗锉 file 锉 square 尺

miter 斜槽规 scriber 近线尺 set square, triangle 三角板brace 手拉曲柄锉 hand drill 手钻 drill, bit 钻,有柄钻 gimlet, auger 钻,无柄钻countersink 锥口钻 gauge, marking gauge 量规hammer 锤 mallet 木槌 nail 钉 brad 平头钉 tack, stud 圆头钉 screw 螺丝钉 screwdriver 螺丝刀,改锥screw tap 螺丝攻 nail puller 拔钉器 ruler 尺 tape measure 卷尺 folding ruler 折尺sandpaper, emery paper 砂纸

toolbox 工具箱 bench 工作台 vice, clamp 虎钳(美作:vise) saw 锯 bow saw 弓锯 circular saw 圆锯(美作:buzzsaw) compass saw, scroll saw 钢丝锯fretsaw 细锯 handsaw 手锯 chisel 口凿 cold chisel, burin 冰凿 gouge, firmer gouge 半圆凿plane 刨子 moulding plane 型刨 jack plane 粗刨 rabbet plane 槽刨 drawknife 刮刀 scraper 三角刮刀 rasp 粗锉 file 锉 square 尺 miter 斜槽规


个人所得税完税证明:The People’s Republic of China Individual Income Tax Certificate 税务登记证Certificate of Taxation Registration 地税编号local tax code 国税编号national tax code 地税字号这么翻译:DSZH 成就工资(Merit Pay):绩效工资来自于英文中的Merit Pay但在中国更为贴切的说法提法应该是绩效提薪. 股权(Stock): 福利(Benefit): 津贴(allowance): 奖金(incentive pay): 成就工资(Merit Pay): 基础工资(Base Pay): 以职位为基础(Pay for Job)的基础工资和以能力为基础(Pay for Competency)的基础工资 Salary:从事管理工作和负责经营等的人员按年或月领取的固定薪金. Wages:工人按件,小时,日,周或月领取的工资. 收入差(pay ranges 1,pay structure: 2,pay grades: 3,pay ranges: 4,overlap: 重叠 年终红利(annual bonus 岗位工资post wages 岗位技能工资与岗位效益工资之优劣Discussion on Merits and Demerits of Skill Wages and Benefit Wages of Post 隐性报酬(intrinsic compensation)和显性报酬(extrinsic compensation)。 1.基础工资:Foundation wages 2.职务等级:Duty rank 3.级别工资:Rank wages 4.工资工龄:Wages job seniority 5.职务岗位津贴:Duty allowance 6.特殊岗位津贴基础津:Special allowance 7.基础津贴:Foundation allowance 8.综合补贴:Synthesis subsidy 9.岗位补贴:Post subsidy 10.目标奖:Goal prize 基础工资: Basic Wage (or Salary) 职务等级: Occupation Classification 级别工资: Classification Allowance 工资工龄: Long Service Allowance 职务岗位津贴: Occupation Benefit


编号: QT-20217637 甲 方:______________________________ 乙 方:______________________________ 日 期:_________年________月_______日 英文翻译合同书范本 The parties shall, when making a contract, have corresponding capacity for civil rights and civil conduct.

[标签: titlecontent] 甲方全名: 乙方全名: 甲乙双方经友好协商,就资料翻译服务事宜签订此合同。合同中价格以人民币为单位(含税)。 一、甲方委托乙方将主题为_______________资料由__________文译成__________文,资料共计为字(终以实际的翻译字数为准),甲方同意为此交付对应的服务费用。 二、交稿日期及方式:从合同生效日(即甲方支付翻译费定金日)开始的_____天内(不包括周六,周日),也就是______年_____月_____日起至______年_____月_____日止。如果实际的翻译字数超过了合同约定字数,则按每日平均_____字的速度顺延。如果乙方在合同期内未能完成该翻译项目,则乙方必须按照甲方指定的日期内完成未完成的部分(即该部分)。如果仍未按时完成,则甲方有权仅支付乙方翻译费用总额的5%。稿件交付方式为_____。为减轻双方核算的麻烦,双方在此同意,乙方交稿后,甲方在两日内(确认期)对其予以确认,包括数量和质量。超过两日甲方未做任何答复, 则视为甲方对乙方所交付的翻译稿件为可接


Unit1 1,这个小男孩最喜欢做的事就是搭积木。 What the boy likes to do most is to put together the building blocks. 2,就先前的工作经验而言,约翰是这个职位的最佳候选人。 In times of previous working experience, john is the best choice for this position. 3,我的物理老师经常使用类比来说明一些较难理解的概念。 My physics teacher often uses analogy the explain some difficult concepts. 4在家人和朋友的帮助下,汤姆经营的出版企业逐渐兴旺起来。 With the help of his family and friends, Tom built up his publishing business bit by bit, 5,琳达没能进入那所著名的大学,但她打算重新开始,而不是逃避挑战。 Linda was not able to go to that famous college, but she planned to start all over again rather than giving up the challenge. 6,这个公司有着很好的公众形象。人们总是将它的产品与质量和优质服务联系在一起。This company has a very good public image, people always associate its products with high quality good service. Unit2 1,孩子们很苦恼,因为他们的家长不允许他们在铁路轨道旁玩耍。 The children were pretty annoyed, for their parents couldn’t allow them to play around the railway track. 2,我打赌我只要速度快一点,肯定会比他们先到目的地。 I bet that only if i speed up, surely i'll get to the destination earlier than them. 3,这种糟糕的天气让人不想出去,你还不如在家舒展一下筋骨,做做运动。 Y ou don’t want to go out in such rotten weather. It’s better for you to stay at home to stretch your legs and do physical exercises. 4,已经十点半了,你不应该还在睡觉!快赶到飞机场接你表弟! It’s half past ten and you are not supposed to be sleeping. It’s time to head for the airport to pick up your cousin. 5,是谁想到让迈克来接管这项工程的? Who came up with the idea to ask Mike to take over the project? 6,学校对不同种族背景的学生没有区别对待。 The school makes no distinction in treating students from different racial backgrounds. Unit3 1,他是一个合格的机械师,但他后来却搞起了国际贸易。 He is a qualified mechanic, but he afterwards but eke out her the international trade. 2,他在业余时间报名参加计算机基础知识的培训,但没能坚持到底。 In his spare time enrolled in computer basic knowledge of training, but he can't hold on to the end. 3,校长经过面试,选择了几个优秀的大学毕业生从事教学工作。 The headmaster after the interview, choose a few excellent college graduates teaching work. 4,这份合同对我们公司非常重要,所以写得越具体越好。我要和我的同事们好好谈谈。This contract is very important to our company, so I write have jumped over in detail more. I'm
