


Starter Module 1 Unit 3







二、1、What is

2、My name is

3、I am

4、She is

5、His name is

6、Her name is

7、He is

8、It is

三、this is , She , Hello , friend , Her , Nice to , too , to go ,See you




4、He , my

5、your ,I

6、you , you



五、1 - 5 C B B A B

六、1、It's time to go now.

2、This is my friend , Betty、

3、Can you spell it , please?

4、What's your name?

Starter Module 2 Unit 3

一、eleven , twelve , fourteen , twenty , eighteen ,fifteen ,seventeen , nineteen , thirteen ,sixteen

二、A、fifteen bags

B、eleven chairs

C、nineteen books

D、twelve girls

E、fourteen boys

三、one , three , five , seven ,nine , eleven , thirteen , fifteen ,seventeen、nineteen









五、1、What's your name , Can you spell it , How are you , How old are you、years old , What class , Class Five

2、How many boys are there , There are How many , are there , twelve


Starter Module 3 Unit 3










一、1、What colour





四、1、What , are , They're

2、in , bird , What colour

3、What are these , They're , What colour are they , How many , There are

五、1、red , yellow , blue





七年级上册英语课时特训答案外研版第二单元 Starter Module 2 Unit 1答案 一、1 - 4 B G C D 5 - 7 F E H 二、1 - 4 D A C B 三、1、please 2、book 3、draw 4、listen 5、stand 6、close 四、略 五、1、put up your hand 2、sit down 3、stand up 4、close your book 5、open your book Starter Module 2 Unit 2答案 一、1、陈老师的班 2、a new student 3、电话号码 4、sit down 5、What class 6、stand up

7、合上你的书本 8、举起你的手 9、Class Three 10、my English lesson 二、zero , one , two , three , four , five , six , seven , eight ,nine , ten 三、1、two five one , three eight zero 2、our seven six , five eight nine 3、one eight nine , six five seven 4、three eight six , seven five two 四、1、four , six 2、two , four 3、five , seven 4、one ,three 5、six , eight 6、seven , nine 7、eight , ten 8、three , five 五、1、011357 2、two eight seven four nine 3、1350570 4、five seven six eight four one three 5、3996435 六、1、what's , It's , telephone number 2、My number , telephone number



Module 4 Period One (时间:60分钟) Ⅰ.介副词填空 1.When black people moved from the southern states of the USA ________ the northern industrial cities, they took their music with them. 2.The words of early blues songs often consisted ________ a single line repeated two or three times before changing. 3. 4. They noticed that people preferred to percussion breaks in the songs because they were the best parts to dance ________. 5. Herc and other DJs made them longer by using two records on two turntables, side ________ side. 6. Later, they experimented ________ different vocal and rhythmic approaches, using rhyming words. 7.People were bored ________ the pop music of the day. 8.Disco and rock music were both ________ decline in the mid-1970s. 9. Hip hop took advantage ________ that and provided a kind of disco music for people who hated disco. 10.There were a lot of West Coast rappers based ________ California. 答案 1.to 2.of 3.as 4.to 5.by 6.with7.with8.in9.of10.in Ⅱ.单词拼写 1. Hip hop is an American cultural m________ which started in the 1970s at block parties in New York. 2.Our class c________ of 48 students. 3.The sun e________ from behind the clouds. 4.The d________ of the quality made the manager embarrassed. 5.I do believe it is possible for different ethnic groups to live together in h________. 6. It's not a hotel in the ________ (传统的) sense, but rather a whole village turned


人教版七年级上册语文秋天的怀念课时特训答案 秋天的怀念训第1题答案 shì;xiǔ;qiáo;cuì;shàn 秋天的怀念训第2题答案 瘫痪;寂;捶;诀;雅;叨 秋天的怀念训第3题答案 史铁生;《我的遥远的清平湾》;《命若琴弦》; 《务虚笔记》;《我与地坛》;《病隙碎笔》 秋天的怀念训第4题答案 略 秋天的怀念训第5题答案 摘录略。 作用:①点明时间,故事发生在秋天。 ②暗示作者的情感,。我”对母亲的情感和秋天这个季节有共通之处,都令人惋惜,也都有一种收获,“我”在这个秋天里收获了母爱,收获了生存勇气。 秋天的怀念训第6题答案 1她怕“我”看到落叶凋零的萧条景象而触景伤情,伤感痛苦,丧失生活的信心。 2她想以菊花傲霜斗寒而怒放的精神,让“我”重新扬起生活的风帆。“我”的回答点燃了母亲心中希望的火花,让她似乎看到了儿子的坚强。 秋天的怀念训第7题答案 感到意外和不安,为自己只顾自己的痛苦而没有想到母亲的身体状况而深深自责。 秋天的怀念训第8题答案 同是开放的菊花,虽然它们各有独自的色彩,各有独自的特点,可它们在这个开放的季节中,都尽情地绽放出了自己的灿烂,展现出了自己的精彩。人的境遇也应似这花儿般不尽相同,也应似这花儿般热烈地释放出自己的精彩。

秋天的怀念训第9题答案 要和妹妹一起相互扶持着积极地去面对生活,坚强地活下去——这是母亲最后的,也是最大的心愿,更是对母亲的最深切的怀念。 秋天的怀念训第10题答案 A、② B、④ C、③ D、① 秋天的怀念训第11题答案 第一件:“我”因一场噩梦而担心父亲,后来通过了电话才安心。 第二件:父亲因为没人接电话而担心儿子一家是否煤气中毒了,特地赶来察看。 秋天的怀念训第12题答案 心理:“劈头就问”表现了父亲焦急万分,担心儿子一家煤气中毒;“缓缓地说”是因为父亲得知儿子全家平安,内心感到轻松释然。 表情描写要抓住眼神和脸色,答案略。 秋天的怀念训第13题答案 示例:它是风雨中的一把雨伞,黑暗里的一束亮光,保护、照亮着我们的生命。 秋天的怀念训第14题答案 略 感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。


六年级英语课时训练答案 一. Listen and choose. 选出你所听到句子中含有的单词或词10分 ()1. Jim goes to Beijing ________ . A. by ship B. by subway C. by train ()2._______ at a red light. A. Stop B. traffic C. Wait ()3.How can I get to the ________ . A. hospital B. cinema C. post office ()4.I’m going to buy a ________ . A. post card B. magazine C. dictionary ( ) 5. Plant the _______ in the soil . A. seeds B. sprout C. plant 二.Listen and choose.(听问题,选答句)10分 ( ) 1. A. Turn left then go straight. B.I go to the museum by car. ( ) 2. A. She works in the bank. B. She goes to work by subway. ( ) 3. A. He likes collecting stamps. B. He is an accountant. ( ) 4.A.She likes making kites. B. She is thin and pretty. ( ) 5.A. I’m going to buy a book.. B. I’m going this afternoon. 三.Listen and number. 听音排序10分 笔试部分(70分) 四.选出不同类的一项。(5分) ()1. A. bus B. bike C. train D. how ()2.A.cinema B.morning C. afternoon D. evening ()3. A. writer B. school C. teacher D. singer ()4. A. sun B. rain C. play D. cloud ()5. A. where B. who C. what D. hobby 五. 根据所给提示,把括号中的字母组合成合适的单词。(5分) 1、It comes from the clouds . It’s the . (inar ) 2、He plays in the film . He is an . ( tcaor ) 3、You can go to school by . ( ibek ) 4、Don’t turn right, please turn . ( eltf ) 5、Put some seeds in the soil, water them , in several days ,you can see a ( a t l p n ) 六、选择与图画相符的句子,并将图片的字母标号填到相对应的句子前面括号内。5 ( ) 1. My father goes to work by bike every day. ( ) 2. We’re going to make a card for Sarah. ( ) 3. He helps sick people. ( ) 4. Let's go to the Great Wall this weekend. ( ) 5. My aunt is an engineer. She works in a car company. 六.选择。(10分) ( ) 1. do you go to Shenzhen(深圳),By bus or by car? A. What B. How C. When


外研版英语精品资料(精修版) Period Two (时间:50分钟) Ⅰ.短语填空 2.Everyone ________ to bring a bottle of wine to the party. 3.To catch that train, you'd better ________ for the station immediately. 4.Although ________,she bravely blinked back her tears. 5.The others were ________ when Joe bought a new car! 6.I ________ an old school friend in Oxford Street this morning. 7.Astronauts in flight must ________ weightlessness. 8.The machine made in the 1980s is still ________ now in the factory. 9.She ________ people she meets as raw material for her fiction. 10.________ was a TV tower that we couldn't see clearly because of the fog. 答案 1.has a population of 2.is supposed to 3.set off 4.in pain 5.green with envy 6.came across7.adjust to 8.in use9.makes use of10.In the distance Ⅱ.完成句子 1.他很快使自己适应了这个国家炎热的天气。(adjust) He ________ himself very quickly ________ the heat of the country. 2.完成了作业,他出去玩了。(独立主格) ________ ________,he went out to play. 3.他一大早就动身去车站了。(set off) He ________ ________ for the station in the earlier morning. 4.他除了脸部受伤外,一条胳膊也断了。 ________ ________ the injuries to his face, he broke an arm.


英语七年级上册课时特训答案 Starter Module 1 Unit 3 一、1、friend 2、she 3、teacher 4、spell 5、fine 6、meet 二、1、What is 2、My name is 3、I am 4、She is 5、His name is 6、Her name is 7、He is 8、It is 三、this is , She , Hello , friend , Her , Nice to , too , to go ,See you 四、1、His 2、He 3、She 4、He , my 5、your ,I 6、you , you 7、Her

8、you 五、1 - 5 C B B A B 六、1、It's time to go now. 2、This is my friend , Betty、 3、Can you spell it , please? 4、What's your name? Starter Module 2 Unit 3 一、eleven , twelve , fourteen , twenty , eighteen ,fifteen ,seventeen , nineteen , thirteen ,sixteen 二、A、fifteen bags B、eleven chairs C、nineteen books D、twelve girls E、fourteen boys 三、one , three , five , seven ,nine , eleven , thirteen , fifteen ,seventeen、nineteen 四、1、fourteen 2、sixteen 3、Twelve 4、Eleven 5、Seventeen 6、thirteen 7、eighteen 8、Nine 五、1、What's your name , Can you spell it , How are you , How old are you、years old , What class , Class Five


Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.Open all the ________ (curtain) and turn up the lights.(2015·全国Ⅱ,阅读B) 2.________ (ignore) the difference between the two research findings will be one of the worst mistakes you make.(2015·安徽,27) 3.________(item) like T-shirts that allow volunteers to be recognized publicly for their contributions can help strengthen role identity.(2015·江苏,阅读C) 4.My only mistake was that I dropped some on the floor while I ________ (pack) them up. 5.She would push my dirty clothing over,and I would lay my books on her tidy desk.We both got tired ________ each other. 6.In his application for the volunteer job,the author went through ________(challenge) survival tests. 7.It was a rainy morning and the children,mainly boys with various learning difficulties,refused ________ (settle) for the start of the lesson. 8.If you're truly ________ (concern),you'll know when your neighbor needs some cheering up—a bunch of flowers or a helping hand when it's needed. 9.A few people ________(agree) while most people ________(agree),so no ________(agree) was made. 10.________(concern) the toll-free(免交通费) policy on the express way,what ________(concern) us most is the traffic jams while some ________(concern) about the safety. 答案 1.curtains 2.Ignoring 3.Items 4.was packing 5.of 6.challenging7.to settle 8.concerned9.agreed;disagreed;agreement10.Concerning;concerns;are concerned Ⅱ.单句改错(每句仅1处错误) 1.I wasn't doing anything on the purpose to make myself better. 2.I went to live there in order to being near him. 3.They have got the power to changing the world. 4.But then I guess I couldn't stand it longer.


外研版精品英语资料(精校版) Period Three (时间:50分钟) Ⅰ.用所给动词的适当形式填空 1.The story was so ________that nearly everybody was ________to tears.(move) 2.We are ________in the novel which is very________.(interest) 3.I am ________about the result.I have never spent a more ________day.(worry) 4. We were all ________out when we got to the top of the hill.We never thought the climb was so________.(tire) 5. His kind words were very ________.Though we had lost the match, we were ________and were determined to train harder.(encourage) 6.At that moment I saw him ________ the road.(cross) 7.I was glad to see the children well ________ care of.(take) 8.It's wrong of you to leave the machine ________.(run) 9.I was surprised to find my hometown ________ so much.(change) 10.Do you know the boy ________ under the big tree?(lie) 答案 1.moving;moved 2.interested;interesting 3.worried;worrying 4.tired;tiring 5.encouraging;encouraged 6.crossing7.taken8.running9.changed 10.lying Ⅱ.用名词性从句完成句子 1.这个青年已成为他5年前想成为的人。 The young man has become ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 5 years ago. 2.我的建议是我们都应该保持冷静。 My suggestion is ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________. 3.现在的问题是我们什么时候到达学校。


2020年七年级下册英语课时特训答案 一、单项选择 1. does it take to get to school? Twenty minutes. A. How B. How far C. How long D. How many 2. 一 it from the radio station? 一It’s about 5 kilometers. A. How long B. How far C. How much D. How many 3.一How do you school? 一I take the train. A. get B.get to C. arrive D.arrive to 4.I walk to school every day.____? A. What about you do B. What do you C. How about you D. What about your 5. How do the students get to school Monday morning? A. on B.in C. at D.for 6一. your teacher____home? 'Yes, sh e does. A. Do; drive B.Does; drive C. Do; drives D. Does drives 7.1 never go to school by bus ; I walk to school . A. usually B. sometimes C. often D. every day 8. He has to take a boat to work.

人教版(新起点)英语五年级上Unit 4《Shopping Day》(Story Time)课时训练(含答案)

Unit4 Story Time课时训练 一、请你根据汉语写出正确的单词。 1. There is a pet ________ (商店) next to his school. 2. Peter counts (数) his ________ (钱). 3. His father gives him 5 dollars for ________ (洗) the car. 4. It is ________ (仍旧) there. 二、请你把下面的短语与相对应的汉语匹配。 (1) an ice-cream A. 非常 (2) very much B. 多少 (3) wash the cars C. 宠物商店 (4) how much D. 一个冰淇淋 (5) pet shop E. 洗车 三、请你用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. He ________ (go) in to see a cute, brown puppy. 2. One day, he ________ (come) in and asked the shopkeeper. 3. He just has 25 ________ (dollar). 4. ________ mum gives ________ (he) 2 yuan for an ice-cream. 5. Peter ________ (take) his money and goes to the pet shop. 6. He wants ________ (buy) it. 7. To his surprise, the puppy is ________ (go)! 8. He likes ________ (play) football. 四、请你根据课文内容回答问题。 1. What grade is Peter in? _____________________________________________________________________ 2. What does Peter like very much? _____________________________________________________________________ 3. Who buy the puppy for Peter? _____________________________________________________________________


Unit 5. Do you have a soccer ball? 第2课时(Section A 2a-3c) 1.Hey, Helen, Let’s go! Let’s...是以动词let开头的祈使句,意为“让我们...”let’s是let us的 缩略形式,用于提出建议或征求别人的意见,后接动词原形。构成短语:let sb. do sth.“让某人做某事”,其中sb.若是代词,则应用宾格形式。其肯定回答为OK./All right./That sounds good/grat/interesting/...等;其否定回答可用:Sorry,I.../No, let’s...如:-Let’s watch TV!让我们看电影吧!-Sorry, I’m busy.对不起,我很忙。 【例】()Let _____go and play soccer. A.he B. us C. our D. ours >>点拨:let后接代词的宾格形式。let sb. do sth让某人做某事。 【跟踪练习】用所给词的适当形式填空 Let _____(he)help you with your Chinese. 2.We’re late!我们迟到啦! late为形容词,意为“迟的,晚的,迟到的”,常见的词组有be late for sth.,意为“做某事迟到”。如:He is always late for school.他上学总是迟到。 【例】()-Is he late _____class? -No, he isn’t. A.to B. for C. in D. at >>点拨:本题考查短语be late for sth.“做某事迟到”。 【跟踪练习】根据句意及汉语提示拼写单词 You are ____(迟到),Wang Lin. 3.Let’s play basketball.让我们打篮球吧。 play作动词时,意为“打;玩;演奏”,在此句中意为“打球”。当play+球类名 词时,名词前不加冠词a/an/the;但当play+乐器类名词时,其名词前一定要加定冠词the。如:play tennis打网球,play the violin拉小提琴。 【例】)()-Do you _____tennis? -Yes, I do. A.play B. has C. play the D. plays >>点拨:体育活动也属于玩的项目。当play后接体育活动时,可翻译为“玩;打”等。但要注意,表示体育活动的名词前不能加冠词。 【跟踪练习】()-Do you have ____soccer ball? -Yes, I do. I often play _____soccer with my friends. A. a; the B. a; / C. /; the D. a; a 4. That sounds good.那听起来不错。 sound做连系动词时,意为“听起来”,后接形容词作表语。此句是“That+系动 词+表语”的句式,其中that指代前一个人说的话,做主语时,谓语动词用单数。如:That music sounds sweet.这音乐听起来美妙悦耳。 【例】()-Let’s go and play soccer! -OK. ____. A.That sounds good. B. I have. C. Don’t good. D. I don’t. >>点拨:sound为连系动词,意为“听起来...”,后面通常接形容词,表示说话人对事物的感受。 【跟踪练习】()-Shall we go and play computer games? -Sounds ____. I love computer games. A. no B. boring C. good D. well


Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.If steel is heavier than water,why are ships able ________ (float) on the sea?(2015·浙江,16) 2.In his black and blue suit and with ________ oxygen tank fastened on his back,Larry dived from boats into the middle of the ocean. 3.The climate here ________ (be) quite pleasant,the temperature rarely,if ever,reaching 30 ℃ in summer. 4.The destruction of such species could prevent researchers ________ (find) cures for certain diseases. 5.We have launched another man-made satellite,________ is announced in today's newspaper. 6.Our success depends ________ whether everyone works hard. 7.It was difficult for the helicopters ________ (get) close to the roof of the building because of the heavy smoke. 8.I could feel the wind ________ (gentle) blowing through my hair,it was a warm summer breeze. 9.As we know,getting angry not only does harm ________ one's health but also has a bad effect ________ the relationship between people. 10.It is none of your business ________ other people think about you.Believe in yourself. 答案 1.to float 2.an 3.is 4.finding 5.which 6.on7.to get8.gently9.to;on10.what Ⅱ.单句改错(每句仅1处错误) 1.This is such interesting a film that I have seen it twice. 2.Whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on if this problem can be solved. 3.General speaking,he is a smart boy except his carelessness. 4.The river is so polluted that every day we can see a lot of things being floating on the water. 5.Because there is no air or wind on the moon,the footprints may stay there for million of years. 6.Teachers can help them learn to take risks in an atmosphere that they feel confident about doing so. 7.The new bridge is three times width of that one built last year. 8.The twin brothers stood under the tree,puzzling and saying nothing. 9.The storm came so violent that it ruined the whole crops.


七年级上册英语课时特训答案(2016) Starter Module 1 Unit 1 一、e , F , y , T , M , N ,l , i , P , Q , j , g 二、Ee/Gg , Aa/Cc , Hh/Jj , Ji/Ll , Uu/Ww ,Pp/Rr , Ww/Yy , Rr/Tt 三、(A)1 - 7 C G Q A h P M (B)1、M , N ,S ,s , A , o等 2、O ,o ,e ,a ,K ,c ,L等 四、Jj , Kk , Cc , Gg , Tt , Yy , Ww , Ll ,Nn ,七年级上英语课时特训答案参考 五、1 - 5 f i d a g 6 - 10 c b e h 略 六、1、Goodbye 2、name , Good morning 3、class/everyone , afternoon , Mrs/Ms/Miss Starter Module 2 Unit 1 一、1 - 4 B G C D 5 - 7 F E H 二、1 - 4 D A C B 三、1、please 2、book 3、draw 4、listen 5、stand 6、close 四、略 五、1、put up your hand 2、sit down 3、stand up 4、close your book 5、open your book Starter Module 3 Unit 1 一、A、book B、cat C、flower D、bird E、dog F、pencil G、map

H、pen 二、H F G B E D C A 一、1、What's , football , Write , F-O-O-T-B-A-L-L , Thank you 2、What's this , a ruler , No , sorry , How do 3、What's this in English , It's an , you spell it , E- R-A-S- E-R 4、in English , How many birds , There are 四、1 - 7 B B B B A A C 五、1、What's this in English? 2、Write it on the blackboard. 3、How do you spell "pencil"? 4、How many books are there? 5、I am twelve years old. 以上资料来源可靠,专业可信,将助您更好的提升办公效率。 以上资料来源可靠,专业可信,将助您更好的提升办公效率。 以上资料来源可靠,专业可信,将助您更好的提升办公效率。 以上资料来源可靠,专业可信,将助您更好的提升办公效率。 以上资料来源可靠,专业可信,将助您更好的提升办公效率。


2020年精编外研版英语资料 Module 6 Period One (时间:60分钟) Ⅰ.介副词填空 1.In 1972, a meeting of the World Heritage Committee agreed ________ a list of places in the world which had outstanding cultural importance. 2. 3. They used fire for cooking food and also for light, warmth and protection ________ wild beasts. 4.Parts of the cave have been badly affected by rain and exposure ________ the air. 5. e of the use of fire ________ humans. 6.Today, however, Zhoukoudian is ________ serious danger. 7.Pollution from nearby cement factories has also contributed ________ the problem. 8.We have requested that the government get involved, but we also need assistance ________ ordinary people. 9.It is ________ vital importance that we do something. 10. Since the discovery was made in the 1920s, Zhoukoudian has become an important place for archaeologists ________ all over the world. 答案 1.on 2.with 3.from 4.to 5.by 6.in7.to8.from9.of10.from Ⅱ.单词拼写 1.The city invested 6 billion yuan to p________ the character of the old town. 2.In the 1920s, archaeologists discovered some p________ human bones there. 3.Four sites where Beijing Man and his r________ lived were discovered on the northern face of Dragon Bone Hill.


最新教学资料·外研版英语 Module 5 Period One (时间:60分钟) Ⅰ.介副词填空 1.I've been in Yunnan for two months now and I'm still astonished ________ how varied the landscape is. 2.Opposite it is the 5,500 meter Yulong Xueshan Mountain, its peak covered ________ snow. 3.Seen from above, the old town is a maze of canals, little bridges and tiny cobbled streets that tourists get lost ________. 4. Three rivers run ________ the city and wherever you go, you hear the sound of rushing water. 5.They sit in small circles in the square,________ their babies on their backs. 6. They have the custom ________ playing cards on card tables in the middle of the street. 7.He was between 80 and 90 years old, but full ________ energy. 8. The Naxi language is the only hieroglyphic language still ________ use and over 1,000 years old. 9. Lijiang is a city of painters and writers, but Naxi culture is particularly famous ________ its music. 10. Although people may seem very different ________ you, we all laugh, cry, and need love and friendship. 答案 1.by 2.with 3.in 4.through 5.with 6.of 7.of8.in9.for10.from Ⅱ.单词拼写 1. It is the women who run Naxi society, and until recently, Naxi women inherited all p________.
