Job Description

Job Description
Job Description

Job Description

Kindergarten teachers introduce basic academics to children from 4 to 6 years old. These academic areas include letter recognition, phonics, numbers, counting and general awareness of nature and science.

They also help develop students' basic language skills and problem-solving abilities and teach children how to function in social situations, such as standing in line, sharing, taking turns and interacting with their peers.

Teachers also develop lesson plans, evaluate performance of students and communicate regarding each student's progress with parents and guardians.


Kindergarten teachers must know how to communicate clearly with, inspire trust and confidence in, and be able to motivate students, as well as understand students' educational and emotional needs. Kindergarten teachers must also be able to recognize and respond to individual and cultural differences in students and to demonstrate flexibility in teaching methods that will increase student achievement.

Teachers are expected to be well organized, dependable, patient and creative in the classroom and when implementing teaching methods. They must also work cooperatively and effectively with other teachers, staff and parents

What Training Do You Need to Become a Kindergarten Teacher?


Kindergarten teachers generally need to have a bachelor's degree in elementary education from an accredited college. Those who already have bachelor's degrees in other majors can attend an accelerated master's program in elementary education.


After graduating from college with a degree in education, some graduates are required to take an exam that tests the graduates' knowledge of material related to the subject they wish to teach.


After satisfying a specific state's requirements for certification, graduates apply for a teaching certificate. This involves sending the appropriate paperwork to the state's Department of Education.

Teaching Certificate

After the department of education approves the paperwork, it sends the graduate his teaching certificate. The credentialed teacher can now legally work for a public school district in the state where the degree was earned

Student Teaching

Before receiving a degree in Education, the prospective kindergarten teacher must successfully complete a student-teaching program. This involves on-the-job training, learning from an experienced teacher.

What Are the Duties of a Kindergarten Teacher?

Nature and Science

Kindergarten students are in awe of the world around them, from insects to animals to trees. These youngsters likely have countless questions about everyday objects and living things. Kindergarten teachers hone in on their interests by incorporating activities in the

classroom and beyond. Teachers use basic science experiments that introduce little ones to the world of science, such as weather, the four seasons, plants and ocean life.

Oral Language Skills and Literacy

One of the best indicators of future literacy success is having well-developed oral language skills in kindergarten.

Kindergarten teachers' duty is to enhance these abilities in youngsters. Teachers read children books and place emphasis on conversation and context, as this helps them retain words and increase their vocabulary. Aside from reading, kindergarten teachers introduce children to new experiences, all while using new words and descriptions as to what the little ones are learning.

Why Is It Important to Become a Kindergarten Teacher?

Kindergarten Teachers are Role Models

Each kindergartner spends several hours daily with her teacher for about 200 days of her formative years; even parents spend less time with these students. Kindergartners are still learning language, skills and social behavior, and the closest adult to learn from -- or at least, the one they're around the most -- is the teacher. Every action he makes and each thing he says as a kindergarten teacher may profoundly affect students for many years.

Not Everyone Should Teach Kindergarten

Teaching kindergarten is an important job, but assigning too many well-qualified members of society to any single social sector leaves gaping holes in others. Business, defense, government and other sectors are important, too. In addition, different people are more capable and interested in different areas of work. For instance, someone who doesn't get along with children but has a knack for math can contribute to society as an accountant, ensuring the financial standing of a business, which ultimately affects the economy. Since not everyone is ideal for teaching kindergarten, only those who can handle the kids, the lesson plans and the cleaning of bodily fluids -- in other words, the good and the not so good -- should consider the job. After all, helping to mold minds at one of the earliest education stages is an important job.

Job Description

Job Description Reporting to the Plant Manager, you will be in charge of Logistics for the plant (warehousing, production planning, suppliers relationship, transportation planning, ...). In particular you will : - work with other departments on all aspects related to supply chain management, and optimize the Supply Chain organization - be responsible for inventory levels to meet customer demands and targets while minimizing the amount of inventory - set up and manage pull flow system including suppliers and customers - manage warehouse operations, take a leading role in continuous improvement and in the resolution of identified problem associated with warehousing and stores processes - actively participate to 8D problems solving and action plans associated - manage interface with Chinese authorities (Customs, warehouse) - lead the preparation and execution of stock takes and organize warehousing to conduct regular cyclic stock counts - within ISO TS 16949: manage “Logistic” processes - coach and develop your teams/people - improve the organization/procedures/effectiveness of your department as soon as necessary The Successful Applicant With a Bachelor's degree or above in Logistics, Production, or even Engineering, you have over 5 years experience in Supply Chain, with at least 2 years experience at a Manager level in the Automotive industry. In particular you have working knowledge of supply-customer relations, and production planning. You have a solid practice on pull system. You are fluent in both spoken and written English and Mandarin. Leading the Customer Service and PMC team. Understand and fullfill the customer’s needs and order, organize the internal resouce to ensure customer satisfaction. Manage the area of responsibility of the logistics, including production plan, material plan, warehouse management, shipping, customer order management , inventory control and continuous improvement, manufacturing orders and delivery to the customer with the exact amounts and at the time specified. Responsible for production planning and buyer management, for F/G WH, raw material WH and

英特尔投资:60多家中国公司Intel Inside

英特尔投资:60多家中国公司IntelInside 来源:第一财经日报 在风险投资看好中国的热潮中,除了行走在幕前的风险投资合伙人之外,IT公司同样以生生不息的创新精神不甘示弱。 在孵化基地、战略型投资、注资风投基金和直接投资的各种模式中,IT巨头一直在灵活地运用这些手段。

中国市场上,不管是初创期的新兴网站还是成熟的软件企业,越来越多地看到了IT巨头的身影,而受到英特尔和思科风险资金青睐的中国企业已经超过100家。 高尔夫、旅游,英特尔公司高级副总裁兼英特尔投资总裁苏爱文的爱好与普通美国中产阶级并无二致。 不知道他做投资的目标是否跟高尔夫一样最短的路径,准确入洞。但是旅游倒是不折不扣地和他的投资生涯密不可分。

比如,每年一度的中国巡视,这次他明显感觉到上海的机场停机坪扩大了,城市交通更拥挤了。交通拥挤会不会成为投资家投资的一个风向标? 苏爱文说,当然。这背后显示的是中国GDP年增长率超过10%,政府也采取了一些有利于投资者的政策,对任何投资者来说中国都极富魅力。 这也正是英特尔在2005年6月专门设立中国技术基金的原因,这项基金总额达两亿美元。它与中东和土耳其、印度、

巴西等三个基金并驾齐驱构成英特尔投资的地域性基金。而在中国,英特尔从1ArrayArray8年开始第一笔战略投资,至今已经向中国内地和香港地区Array个城市的60多家公司投入了资金。 2006年英特尔全球投出的10.7亿美元中,中国大陆、中国台湾和韩国占到了16%。 战略性投资 电讯盈科、亚信、搜狐、德信无线、UT斯达康、珠海炬力

这是英特尔投资的公司中已经被收购或上市的部分。,、A8音乐、新进半导体、信语通、金山、思华科技、易宝、东软这些是目前英特尔投资组合中的公司。 这些公司涉及的行业不一而足,但是他们与英特尔的战略脉搏一起跳动,身上有着英特尔的气息。它们就像英特尔处理器的广告一样:IntelInside。 英特尔将投资的企业分为四类:一是生态系统:这些被投资公司的产品使用英特尔技术,有助于拉动市场对英特尔

JOB DESCRIPTION-Business Development Manager

JOB DESCRIPTION inMotion JOB TITLE: Business Development Manager JOB GRADE: DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: Sales REPORTS TO: APPROVED BY:EFFECTIVE DATE: General Description . Job Responsibilities The job will include, but not limited to: ●Develop new business by identifying new potential customers and penetrating into new accounts. ●Responsible to acquire new sales as well as grow sales volume from both existing and new customers. ●Build relationships with key SI and governmental department to grow our security user base. ●Perform the full sales function, including pre- and post-sales activities. ●Gather & analyze market intelligence data. ●Maintain and achieve customer satisfaction in pursuit of business targets. Job Qualifications Job competencies


英特尔投资中国十年路:曾像VC里的“笨蛋” 作者:杨杨来源: 21世纪经济报道日期:2008.05.04 09:59(共有1 条评论) 我要评论 ·编者按· 十年,不过弹指一挥间。但十年,也足以磨一剑。 中国的风险投资业(以下简称VC),从1998年“中国也有风险投资?”这样的疑问中走过了10年,如今已经是世界上仅次于美国的VC大国。根据科技部提供的数据,目前中国境内有360家VC投资机构,拥有超过660亿元的投资规模。 这还仅仅是一个开始,也不会是一个顿号。 随着相关的政策的放开,创业板的推出,资本市场多层次的建设,以及中国经济的利好发展势头,可以预见的将来是,中国的风险投资行业,将进入快速发展阶段。 下一个十年,将是风险投资的“黄金十年”,依然有挑战,也依然会有磨砺,也会有起落,但“三味真火”之后,炼出的才是真金。 为此,站在这个继往开来的历史节点上,我们推出“风投十年”系列报道,对中国风险投资行业发展中做出重要贡献的人物进行采访,对重大事件重新解读、对未来风投市场的发展问题的建设性探讨,以此为史,记录、见证、反思和展望中国风投业的原生态。 “从2007年开始,我们和国际顶级基金之间的中国竞争才刚刚开始。” 英特尔投资部总监张仲说,他们并不惧怕:与这些进入中国刚两三年的机构相比,英特尔投资已经扎根中国十年。对上轮互联网泡沫破灭仍有记忆的企业们,会对英特尔投资更有信心。“况且我们也还有时间去打好根基。” 英特尔投资(Intel Capital)是完全隶属于英特尔的一家风险投资(Venture Capital,以下简称VC)公司,其使命是为英特尔整体战略提供了解产业的“耳目”和未来战略支持,在此基础上才像一般独立的VC一样追求财务回报。 1998年它就进入了中国,这一年被称为中国风险投资元年。而其对搜狐中国的战略投资开启了风险投资在中国发展的大幕。


JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE:Dormitory administrator of Sichuan University JOB CODE:1221 RECOMMEND SALARY GRADE:In the lower JOB FAMILY:Dormitory administrator DIVISION: REPORTS TO: DEPARTMENT:Logistics Department LOCATION:East Park 4 homes DATE:2013.11.04 SUMMARY: The person in this position is responsible for providing service for students to manage students'life,including Security Management/Water and electricity using/Dormitory area of public property/Public Health Management and so on. SCOPE AND IMPACT OF JOB Basic responsbilities 1.Loving own work , obeying all laws cand regulations of the school 2.Working on time,not lating and leaving early 3.Obeying the shift systemstrictly, runing the handover procedures, doing duty records well


我国的社会转型大致可以划分为转型初期、中期及后期三个阶段,将由计划经济向市场经济转变;从农村社会向城市社会转变;从工业社会向信息社会转变;贫困社会向富裕社会转变。 目前,我国正处在社会转型的中期阶段,在这一时期社会具有以下特点: (1)市场经济体制基本确立,正处于市场规范和调整阶段;(2)城市步入快速发展时期,城市化水平显著提高,城市发展战略急需调整充实;(3)我国正在从农村社会向工业社会转变,产业结构正处于调整与升级阶段;(4)人民生活水平有了大幅度提高,正在向全面小康社会迈进。由此可以看出,磨合与调整是社会转型中期的关键词。 从我国经济社会发展的具体实践来看,社会转型则主要指改革开放以来,我国社会政治、经济发展等各个层面发生的急剧变化。在短短二十多年间,就单从经济体制的变革而言,我国分别经历了以家庭联产承包责任制、国有企业改革以及建立现代企业制度、最终确立社会主义市场经济体制为代表的三个阶段。与此同时,政治体制改革也逐步展开,整个中国社会不论是乡村还是城市,都经历了全面而深刻的变革。对于城市地域而言,这种变革集中表现为社会体制转轨、政治体制改革、社会阶层分化重构、社会发展阶段转变以及城乡文化变迁五个方面。 54 |评论 粗放型经济增长方式是指主要依靠增加生产要素的投入,即增加投资、扩大厂房、增加劳动投入,来增加产量,这种经济增长方式又称外延型增长方式。其基本特征是依靠增加生产要素量的投入来扩大生产规模,实现经济增长。以这种方式实现经济增长,消耗较高,成本较高,产品质量难以提高,经济效益较低。 集约型经济增长方式是指在生产规模不变的基础上,采用新技术、新工艺,改进机器设备、加大科技含量的方式来增加产量,这种经济增长方式又称内涵型增长方式。其基本特征是依靠提高生产要素的质量和利用效率,来实现经济增长。以这种方式实现经济增长,消耗较低,成本较低,产品质量能不断提高,经济效益较高。 intel和英特尔是同义词,已合并。 英特尔 百科名片

Job Description of Regional Sales Manager

Job Description of Regional Sales Manager - Understands company business short term and long term strategy, to meet the customer requirements. - Knows how to close contract negotiation with the customer. - Builds up and maintains good relationship with customers. - Manages customer commitments and obligations. - Achieves the assigned sales revenue target of the company. - Achieves new design to win business target. - Follows up company strategies and sales plans to develop the business in the defined regions. - Closes commercial deals with customers. - New customer and business management. (RFP&RFQ). - Establishes the initial of internal business unit and external contact channel with the customers. - Customer payment and account receivable management. - Works with customers for forecasting and purchase order gaining. - Weekly updates the project status and supports for regular report 工作职责: 1、在指定区域内,推广ITW旗下品牌,建立及保持与经销商的联系,符合公司制订的销售计划,目标政策和工作方式,研究市场及预测市场潜力,完成销售指标; 2、独立完成项目的跟踪以扩大市场份额完成销售任务; 3、为经销商提供销售指引,培训及协助解决有关销售或技术上的问题,并对经销商的销售活动作出评估; 4、根据区域销售趋势,竞争和经济业务状况,协助区域销售经理计划及预测下年度销量,做好全年销售预算; 5、对已有的客户进行跟进服务,并开拓新客户; 6、出席及参与公司的销售会议,经销商会议及各类展览会,处理有关日常活动支出及投诉的各类文件,报告和表格 Responsibility: 1. Make great effort to promote brand of ITW group,build and keep contact with the distributors, formulate sales planning, set goals and objectives, and research market, predict potential market to implement sales and marketing strategy in the assigned markets; 2. Run after the projects independently, and extend market margin in order to complete sales forecast; 3. Provide sales guides, training, technical knowledge and support to distributors in a professional way; al so do the evaluations aim to distributors’ sales; 4. Identify and analyze sales tendency, competition situation and technology development in the assigned markets, and assist regional sales manager to plan and predict following annual sales, make out annual sales budget; 5. Maintain strong relationship with existing distributors and identify new channels. 6. Participate in company’s sales meeting, distributor meeting and various trade show, deal with different costs, appeal documents, reports that related to daily activities. Regular responsibilities:

Job description

Job description Job title : production scheduler Department : pd location:Beijing BDA Full time: yes report to : production manager Job grade : cost center :1011101 1.工作目的 Job purpose (summarize in one statement why this position exists) 根据客户需求,库存和产能,合理排产,满足交货需求 Base on the customer demand, inventory and capacity to reasonable arrange shop floor production, meet the delivery 2.主要工作职责(主要工作成就,期望此职位达到的目标) Principal accountabilities (major end results the job is expected to achieve) 根据订单和销售预测,制订生产计划,通过实施ERP等手段,对计划编制相关信息进行分析并在生产中运用。 Work out production plan according to the order and sales forecast, by implementing ERP system, analyze relevant planning information and apply them in production . 根据库存计划,通过物料查询,自身生产能力评估等分析指导制订生产计划,确保按订单交货,满足质量和数量要求。 According to the inventory plan, through analysis of material inquires and evaluation of self-production ability to ensure delivery by order and meet quantity and quality requirements 负责生产订单的创建,图纸,IP的准备跟踪,生产物料的发出跟踪协调,在生产出现异常时及时主动与生产部门经理及相关部门商量对策,并协商解决方法,及时对生产计划进行适当调整,并采取相应的补救措施,确保产品按时出货,保证生产的稳定性。 Create the PO,follow up the drawing ,IP ,preparation and raw materials issue to shop floor, in the production of abnormal , timely discuss and find solution with production managers and related department , adjust to production plan and take the corresponding remedial measures to ensure timely delivery , guarantee product production stability. 根据生产进度和任务安排生产部员工的倒班和加班,加班需要符合国家劳动法的相关规定。 Arrange production shifts and overtimes according to production schedule schedule and task, overtime is in accord with the relevant provisions of the state law. 对ERP系统内的错误或者与实际情况不符的信息,及时向相关人员反映。 Timely feedback the incorrect information to the related persons ,so that they can update on time. 参与项目转移,新产品开发,变更控制等,配合相关部门安排试生产。 Participate in the project transfer, new product development, change control, to cooperate with the related department and arrange the preproduction 3.主要挑战(描述此主要挑战和复杂的部分) Major challenges(describe the most challenging and complex part of the position) 原材料到货异常多,产品质量异常,设备异常频频发生,需要投入更多的精力关注,并与SCM,PE密切配合,体现良好的沟通能力 Raw materials issue, quality issue and equipment issue is often happened, need to pay more attention to those, and have good communication skills and ability with SCM,PE


英特尔在中国大事记 1985 年,英特尔在北京设立了第一个代表处 1994 年1 月,第一个英特尔架构开发实验室(IADL)成立 1994 年11 月,位于上海的芯片测试和封装工厂破土动工作为英特尔在亚太地区的第一个研究实验室,英特尔中国研究中心(ICRC)于1998 年11 月创建 2002 年5 月,英特尔宣布在中国组装和测试英特尔? 奔腾? 4 处理器 2002 年10 月,英特尔亚太区应用设计中心(ADC)在深圳设立 2003 年8 月,英特尔宣布在四川省成都市投资建立封装和测试英特尔半导体产品的工厂 2005 年5 月12 日,英特尔技术开发(上海)有限公司成立 2005 年6 月,英特尔渠道平台事业部于成立,全球总部设于上海 2005 年6 月,英特尔宣布设立两亿美元的“英特尔投资中国技术基金” 2005 年9 月,英特尔亚太区研发有限公司在上海紫竹科学园区成立

2006 年4 月18 日,中国首批英特尔多核技术实验室在五所高校启动 2006 年7 月,英特尔与信息产业部签署了“共同推进中国农村、城市、企业和物流等信息化的合作备忘录” 2006 年7 月27 日,英特尔发布了十款面向个人和企业的台式电脑、笔记本电脑和工作站的全新英特尔? 酷睿? 双核处理器与英特尔? 酷睿?2 处理器至尊版。新产品的在性能提升40% 的同时功耗降低了40% 2006 年10 月25 日,成都芯片封装测试项目二期工程的竣工 2006 年10 月30 日,英特尔宣布为响应中国政府建设新农村的号召而推出的“世界齐步走,建设新农村”计划2006 年11 月1 日,英特尔和中国教育部共同宣布启动“共创未来教育计划” 2006 年11 月14 日,英特尔公司宣布推出面向服务器、工作站和高端个人电脑的英特尔? 至强? 5300 和英特尔? 酷睿?2 四核处理器至尊版系列处理器 2006 年11 月16 日,英特尔中国研究中心(ICRC)举行博士后工作站正式宣告运行,成为国家人才培养体系的一部分。

Job Description for an Employment Assistant

Job Description for an Employment Assistant JOB TITLE: Employ ment Assistant Division部门: Southern Area南部地区 Department系: Human Resources Management Job Analyst分析者: Virginia Sasaki- Date Analyzed: 12/3/08. Wage Category工资级别: Exempt免税者 Report to: HR Manager Job Code职位代码: 11-17 Date Verified日期验证: 12/17/08 JOB STATEMENT任务叙述 Performs professional human resources work in the areas of employee recruitment and selection, testing, orientation, transfers, and maintenance of employee human resources files. May handle special assignments and projects in EEO/ Affirmative Action, employee griavances, training, or classification and compensation. Works under general supervision. Incumbent exercises initiative and independent judgment in the performance of assigned tasks.专业的人力资源进行区域内工作的员工招聘与选拔、检测、定位、转移、和维护员工的人力资源文件。可以办理的特殊任务和计划在EEO /了肯定性行动计划,员工 griavances、培训、或分类和补偿。在一般性的监督下工作。现任练习主动性和独立判断绩效的分配的任务。 ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS基本功能 1.Perpares recruitment literature and job advertisements for applicant placement. 招聘广告,招聘广告Perpares申请人安排。 2.Schedules and conducts personal interviews to determine applicant suitability for employment. Includes reviewing mailed applications and resumes for qualified personnel.计划并进行个人访谈来确定申请人适合就业。回顾和简历邮寄包括应用人才。 3.Supervise administration of testing program. Responsible for developing or improving testing instruments and procedures.监督管理的测试程序。负责开发和提高检测仪器和程序。 4.Presents orientation program to all new employees. Reviews and develops all materials and procedures for orientation program.提出了对所有新员工入职培训。回顾和发展方向的所有材料和程序,程序。 5.Coordinates division job posting and transfer program. Establishes job posting procedures, responsible for reviewing transfer applicants, arrangeing trsfer interviews, and determining effective transfer dates.协调工作和转让分工张贴程序。建立了工作程序,负责评审张贴转移的申请人,arrangeing trsfer采访,确定有效转移的日期。 6.Maintains a daily working relationship with devision managers on human resources matters, including recruitment concerns, retention or release of probationary employees, and discipline or discharge of permanent employees.保持


英特尔中国团队使命:用通信祭摩尔定律 举办世界性技术峰会向来是全球500 强企业巨头的专利,因为也只有他们才拥有盟主般的主导某种技术或标准的实力。 2002 年12 月3 日,联想集团在北京首次举办了自己的信息技术峰会,开创了国内IT 企业做东倡导产业技术方向与标准的先例。杨元庆在这次峰会上第一次提出了“关联”的概念,传递出实现计算、通信和家电融合的技术构想。 与其他前来捧场的跨国公司代表负责业务与市场者居多不同,英特尔公司派出了掌控技术研发“一把手”的公司副总裁兼首席技术官(CTO)帕特?基辛格,联想到在此之前9月12 日英特尔信息技术峰会上,英特尔公司提出的“计算与通信融合”的口号,以及由帕特?基辛格提出的“英特尔无线自由” 策略,可以看出他是最乐于看到像联想这样的合作伙伴做出如此的回应。 实际上,进入2002 年之后,不论是英特尔中国区总裁陈伟锭,还是英特尔中国区总经理杨旭,都经常通过论坛、专访等各种渠道,向业界和传媒传达类似的信息,为合作伙伴未来的选择做提前的铺垫。 作为全球最大的芯片制造商,同时也是计算机、网络及通信产品的领先制造商,英特尔为什么会对中国IT 企业的成长抱有期许的心态?是因为面临IT 业的严冬不得已而为之,还是其自身一直不变的使命使然?既然并非提供终端产品,何以年年不遗余力在各种学校举办巡展、培训和技术大赛?近两年来接二连三地在中国成立研究中心和实验室用意何在?这些难道就是它进入中国近20 年来既赢得市场又赢得口碑的主要原因吗? 在连续采访了英特尔中国区总裁陈伟锭、总经理杨旭、市场总监庄海鸥、人力资源部总经理康颖涛、OEM 总监洪力,以及渠道和品牌事业部总经理佘晖之后,答案便像冰山一样浮出水面。 产业引擎--见证中国IT 产业分享摩尔定律 37年前英特尔创始人之一戈登?摩尔率先提出,每过一年左右,芯片上的晶体管和电子元件的数量就会增加一倍,这就是多年来一直在业界发挥深刻作用的“摩尔定律”。按照 该定律的预测,无论公司、技术行业抑或社会经济环境出现任何状况,技术都将继续呈指数级增长。对英特尔这样的芯片制造商而言,一旦放慢创新的步伐就等于自取灭亡。这就意味着英特尔自当年推出第一块微处理器之后,就不得不背上双重的责任:一方面必须不断地推出最具竞争力的技术和产品,另一方面要不断地拓展有意并且有能力购买的客户群。 因而,快速增长便成了英特尔的生存方式。每年它都要投入几十亿甚至上百亿美元,用于开发新技术,推出一款又一款体积更小、功能更强的芯片,推动整个计算机业分享摩尔定


英特尔公司概况 英特尔公司(Intel Corporation)总部位于美国加利弗尼亚州圣克拉拉,是全球最大的半导体芯片制造商,同时也是计算机、网络和通信产品的领先制造商。它成立于1968年,具有41年产品创新和市场领导的历史。1971年,英特尔推出了全球第一个微处理器。这一举措不仅改变了公司的未来,而且对整个工业产生了深远的影响。微处理器所带来的计算机和互联网革命,改变了整个世界。 英特尔为全球日益发展的计算机工业提供建筑模块,包括微处理器、芯片组、板卡、系统及软件等。这些产品为标准计算机架构的组成部分。业界利用这些产品为最终用户设计制造出先进的计算机。 2004年,英特尔全球年收入为342亿美元。2005年1月,在达沃斯召开的“世界经济论坛”上,英特尔被评为“全球Top 100最具持续性发展的企业”之一。企业品牌在世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)编制的2006年度《世界品牌500强》排行榜中名列第八,在《巴伦周刊》公布的2006年度全球100家大公司受尊重度排行榜中名列第二十八。该企业在2007年度《财富》全球最大五百家公司排名中名列第一百八十三。 企业外部环境分析 一般环境: 1经济条件 影响英特尔公司成长的几个经济因素包括成本结构因素,全球市场的消费水平以及需求情况,信贷关系,利率、税率水平,市场规模等。 当前全球经济状况的不确定性对整体经济造成了一定冲击,面对从紧的信贷政策和大量负面的财经新闻,消费者和企业会推迟购买计划,这势必将对产品需求及其它相关事宜带来不利影响。 毛利率可能受以下因素的影响,与预期结果产生很大差异:收入水平的变化;产能利用率;启动成本;库存过多或不足;产品组合与价格;库存评估的变动,其中包括合格待售产品在时间上的变动;制造能力;单价变动;长期资产的减损,包括制造、装配/测试和无形资产;工厂生产的时间安排与实施以及相关成本等。 近期影响银行体系和金融市场的金融危机以及可能危及投资银行及其它金融机构的顾虑导致信贷市场紧缩,许多金融市场的资金流动率降低,固定收入、信贷和证券市场市值高度蒸发。信贷危机必然给英特尔业务带来一系列的后续效应,包括主要供货商破产导致产品供应延迟、客户无法申请信贷购买我们的产品和/或客户破产、协议方无法履约对我们的财资运作带来负面影响、费用增加或无法从商业票据发行中获得英特尔运作的短期收益,以及因投资公司无法获得投

Job Description

Job Description Kindergarten teachers introduce basic academics to children from 4 to 6 years old. These academic areas include letter recognition, phonics, numbers, counting and general awareness of nature and science. They also help develop students' basic language skills and problem-solving abilities and teach children how to function in social situations, such as standing in line, sharing, taking turns and interacting with their peers. Teachers also develop lesson plans, evaluate performance of students and communicate regarding each student's progress with parents and guardians. Skills Kindergarten teachers must know how to communicate clearly with, inspire trust and confidence in, and be able to motivate students, as well as understand students' educational and emotional needs. Kindergarten teachers must also be able to recognize and respond to individual and cultural differences in students and to demonstrate flexibility in teaching methods that will increase student achievement. Teachers are expected to be well organized, dependable, patient and creative in the classroom and when implementing teaching methods. They must also work cooperatively and effectively with other teachers, staff and parents What Training Do You Need to Become a Kindergarten Teacher? Education Kindergarten teachers generally need to have a bachelor's degree in elementary education from an accredited college. Those who already have bachelor's degrees in other majors can attend an accelerated master's program in elementary education. Exam After graduating from college with a degree in education, some graduates are required to take an exam that tests the graduates' knowledge of material related to the subject they wish to teach. Certification After satisfying a specific state's requirements for certification, graduates apply for a teaching certificate. This involves sending the appropriate paperwork to the state's Department of Education. Teaching Certificate After the department of education approves the paperwork, it sends the graduate his teaching certificate. The credentialed teacher can now legally work for a public school district in the state where the degree was earned Student Teaching Before receiving a degree in Education, the prospective kindergarten teacher must successfully complete a student-teaching program. This involves on-the-job training, learning from an experienced teacher. What Are the Duties of a Kindergarten Teacher? Nature and Science Kindergarten students are in awe of the world around them, from insects to animals to trees. These youngsters likely have countless questions about everyday objects and living things. Kindergarten teachers hone in on their interests by incorporating activities in the
