


Motor Vehicle Registration Certificate

NO.: *440017407xxx*


Driving License of the People’s Republic of China No. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Name: XXX XXX Sex: Male Nationality: China Address: XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX (Seal of Issuing Agency) Date of Birth: 19XX-XX-XX Issued Date: 19XX-XX-XX Class: Valid From: 20XX-XX-XX Valid For: 10 Years ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Driving License ofthe People’s Republic of China (Second Sheet) No.XXXXXXXXXXXX Name: XXX XXXXXX File No. XXXXXXXXXX Record:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX. (Bar Code)*XXXXXXXXXXX* (Back of Primary Card)

CODE OF DRIVING LICENSE CLASSES A1 Large passenger vehicle and A3, B1, B2 C4 Three-wheel motor vehicles A2 Tractor and B1, B2 C5 Auto-transmission automobiles for handicaped A3 City bus and C1 D Three-wheel motorcycles and E B1 Medium-sized passenger vehicle and C1,M E Two-wheel motorcycles and F B2 Large truck and C1, M F Light motorcycles C1 Small-size automobiles and C2, C3 M Wheel type self propel machinery C2 Auto-transmission automobiles N Trolley buses C3 Low-speed truck and C4 P Trams No other agencies or individuals are allowed to detain this certificate except the Public Security Vehicle Administration Office. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (Back of Second Sheet Card) Record: (null)


I WAS born in the year 1632, in the city of York, of a good family, though not of that country, my father being a foreigner of Bremen, who settled first at Hull. He got a good estate by merchandise, and leaving off his trade, lived afterwards at York, from whence he had married my mother, whose relations were named Robinson, a very good family in that country, and from whom I was called Robinson Kreutznaer; but, by the usual corruption of words in England, we are now called - nay we call ourselves and write our name - Crusoe; and so my companions always called me. I had two elder brothers, one of whom was lieutenant-colonel to an English regiment of foot in Flanders, formerly commanded by the famous Colonel Lockhart, and was killed at the battle near Dunkirk against the Spaniards. What became of my second brother I never knew, any more than my father or mother knew what became of me. Being the third son of the family and not bred to any trade, my head began to be filled very early with rambling thoughts. My father, who was very ancient, had given me a competent share of learning, as far as house-education and a country free school generally go, and


四川省成都市车辆管理所规定,在将国外驾照换成国内驾照时,须由车辆管理所指定的正规有资质翻译机构翻译。成都伊莱特翻译公司是正规注册的且有资质的专业翻译机构,所盖翻译专用章为车辆管理所认可,我公司出具的驾照翻译件可以使您成功换领中国驾照,联系方式:零二八-六六二三七五三零。到目前为止,我公司已为成千上万的客户成功换领中国驾照。 中华人民共和国机动车驾驶证/Permis de Conduire de la République Populaire de Chine 证号/Numéro permis 姓名/Nom et prénom: 性别/Sexe : / 国籍/Nationalité:中国/Chinoise 住址/Adresse 出生日期/Date de naissance 初次领证日期/Date de délivrance 准驾车型/ Catégories 有效起始日期/ Date de validité 有效期限/Durée de validité 年/ ans 准驾车型代号规定CATEGORIES DE VEHICULES POUR LESQUELLES LE PERMIS EST V ALABLE

除公安交通管理机关以外,其他单位或个人一律不得扣留此证/curitépublique, aucun unité ou individu ne peut suspendre ce permis. 中华人民共和国机动车驾驶证副页/Page auxiliaire du Permis de Conduire de la République Populaire de Chine 证号/Numéro permis 姓名/Nom et prénom档案编号/Numéro de dossier 记录/Note请于年月日前九十日内申请换领新驾驶证。/Veuillez renouveler le nouveau permis avant 90jours du 残疾人专用小型自动挡载客汽车 Mini bo?te automatique pour les voitures particulières de handicapés


此中文譯本僅供參考之用,文義如有歧義概以英文版本爲準 巨濤海洋石油服務有限公司 Jutal Offshore Oil Services Limited 之 組織章程大綱及細則 於2005年11月24日註冊成立 開曼群島

秘書證明書 巨濤海洋石油服務有限公司 Century Yard, Cricket Square Hutchins Drive P.O. Box 2681 George Town Grand Cayman British West Indies 吾等,Codan Trust Company(Cayman)Limited,作為巨濤海洋石油服務有限公司(「公司」)的助理秘書,謹此證明以下均是經公司全體股東於2006年8月28日通過而採納的書面決議案的真實副本,且該等決議案自獲採納以來並未作出修改。 議決: 1.採納公司新組織章程細則(「組織章程細則」)(隨附由公司一位董事簽署 並註有「A」字樣以供識別的副本)以取代及取締本公司現有組織章程細則; 2.公司的法定股本通過增設662,000,000股與現有股份享有同等權利的每股面 值0.01元的額外股份(「股份」)由380,000港元增加至7,000,000港元。 (簽署) Jonathan Law 代表 Codan Trust Company(Cayman)Limited 助理秘書 日期:2006年8月29日

公司法 獲豁免股份有限公司 巨濤海洋石油服務有限公司 經修正與重述的組織章程大綱 (於 2006年2月28日由單一股東 根據通過的特別決議採納) 1.本公司名稱為Jutal Offshore Oil Services Limited巨濤海洋石油服務有限公司。 2.本公司註冊辦事處為the office of Codan Trust Company (Cayman) Limited,Century Yard, Cricket Square, Hutchins Drive, P.O.Box 2681 GT, George Town, Grand Cayman, British West Indies。 3.在本組織章程大綱下述條文所規限下,本公司的成立宗旨並無限制。 4.在本組織章程大綱下述條文所規限下,本公司根據公司法第27(2)條規定擁有,且能 夠在任何時候或不時行使作為一個具有充分行為能力的自然人所擁有的全部行為能力,而不論是否符合公司利益。 5.除非已獲正式取得執照,否則本組織章程大綱不允許本公司經營根據開曼群島法例 須在取得執照下方可經營的業務。 6.除為加強在開曼群島以外地區的業務外,本公司將不會在開曼群島與任何人士、公 司或機構進行業務來往;但本條文不應被詮釋為妨礙本公司在開曼群島執行及訂立合約及在開曼群島行使一切在開曼群島以外地區經營業務所需的權力。 7.本公司股東的責任以其當時各自持有股份的未繳股款為限。 8.本公司的股本為港幣380,000元,分為38,000,000股每股港幣1.00元的股份。 9.本公司可行使公司法內的權力以在開曼群島註銷及在其他司法管轄地區註冊。


英文驾照公证书 篇一:最新版中国驾照公证样本翻译件 Driving License of the People’s Republic of China License’s No.: Name:Sex: Female or MaleNationality: China Date of Birth: Date of First Issue: Class: Valid Period: From** to ** Codes of Driving License Classes Driving License of the People’s Republic of China License No. Name: File No. Record: Please submit certificate of physical condition in**, afterwards, submit certificate of physical condition every **. 我趣旅行网专注海外自助游服务平台产品涵盖美国、 加拿大、澳洲、新西兰等目的地 篇二:最新版驾驶证翻译公证模板 Driving License of the People’s Republic of China

No. ****************** Name: ** ***** Sex: Male Nationality: P. R. China Address: *************************************************** ******************************* Date of Birth: ** JAN 19** Date of First Issue: ** OCT 20** Class: Valid Period: ** OCT 20** ~ ** OCT 20** Seal: Traffic Management Bureau of Nanjing Public Security Bureau, Jiangsu Province Bar code. *3230021309796* No organization or individual but the traffic authority of the public security bureau may detain this driving license. Driving License of the People’s Republic of China No. ****************** Name: ** *****File No. ************* Record: Valid from ** SEP 20** till the valid date.. Please accept inspection in 30 days after ** OCT 20** if there has reduction on the score by illegal actfrom ** SEP 20** till ** OCT 20**. Record: Please accept inspection in 30 days after the end of each scoring cycle.The inspection can be


《兰亭集序》(林语堂两种英文翻译版本) 永和九年,岁在癸丑,暮春之初,会于会稽山阴之兰亭,修禊事也。群贤毕至,少长咸集。此地有崇山峻岭,茂林修竹;又有清流激湍,映带左右,引以为流觞曲水,列坐其次。虽无丝竹管弦之盛,一觞一咏,亦足以畅叙幽情。 是日也,天朗气清,惠风和畅,仰观宇宙之大,俯察品类之盛,所以游目骋怀,足以极视听之娱,信可乐也。 夫人之相与,俯仰一世,或取诸怀抱,晤言一室之内;或因寄所托,放浪形骸之外。虽取舍万殊,静躁不同,当其欣于所遇,暂得于己,快然自足,不知老之将至。及其所之既倦,情随事迁,感慨系之矣。向之所欣,俯仰之间,已为陈迹,犹不能不以之兴怀。况修短随化,终期于尽。古人云:“死生亦大矣。”岂不痛哉! 每览昔人兴感之由,若合一契,未尝不临文嗟悼,不能喻之于怀。固知一死生为虚诞,齐彭殇为妄作。后之视今,亦犹今之视昔。悲夫!故列叙时人,录其所述,虽世殊事异,所以兴怀,其致一也。后之览者,亦将有感于斯文。 第一种翻译(个人觉得稍显生硬): This is the ninth year of Yungho (AD353) Kueichou in cycle. We met in late spring at the Orchid Pavilion in Shanyin to celebrate the Water Festival. All the scholar friends are gathered, and there is a goodly mixture of old and young. In the background lie high peaks and deep forests, while a clear, gurgling brook catches the light to the right and to the left. We then arrange ourselves, sitting on its bank, drinking in succession form the goblet as it floats down the stream .No music is provided, but with drinking and with song, our hearts are gay and at ease. It is a clear spring day with a mild, caressing breeze, the vast universe, throbbing with life, lies spread before us, entertaining the eye and pleasing the spirit and all the senses. It is perfect. Now when men come together, they let their thoughts travel to the present. Some enjoy a quiet conversation indoors and others play about outdoors, occupied with what they love. The forms of annulment differ according to temperaments, but when each has found what he wants, he is happy and never feels old, then as time passes on and one is tired of his pursuits, it seems that what fascinated him not so long ago has become a mere memory. What a thought! Besides, whether individually we live a long life or not, we all return to nothingness. The ancient regarded death as the great question. Is it not sad to think of it? I often thought that the people of the past lived and felt exactly as we of today. Whenever I read their writing, I felt this way and was seized with its pathos. It is cool comfort to say that life and death are different phases of the same thing and that a long span of life or a short one does not matter. Alas! The people of the future will look upon us as we look upon those who have gone before us. Hence I have recorded here those present and what they said. Ages may pass and times may change, but the human sentiments will be the same; I know that future readers who set their eyes upon these words will be affected in the same way.


Driv er’s License of the People’s Republic of China No. Name: Gender: Nationality: P. R. China Address: Date of Birth: Date of First Issue : Class: Valid Start Date: Valid Period: Color Photo Traffic Police Detachment of XXX Public Security Bureau

( Duplicate ) License of the People’s Republic of China Driv er’s No. Name: 名字File No: Record: Please apply for a new driver’s license in 90 days before .

Codes of License Class Class Types of Vehicles Allowed Other Types of Vehicles Allowed Large?Passenger?V ehicle A1 A3、B1、B2、C1、C2、C3、C4、 M Tractor A2 B1、B2、C1、C2、C3、C4、M City Bus A3 C1、C2、C3、C4 Medium Bus B1 C1、C2、C3、C4、M Large Truck B2 C2、C3、C4 Small Car C1 Small Automatic Transmission Car C2 C4 Low-speed Truck C3 Three-wheeled Automobile C4 Disabled Only Small Automatic Transmission Passenger Vehicle C5 E、F Ordinary Three-wheeled Motorcycle D F Ordinary Two-wheeled Motorcycle E Light?Motorcycle F Wheel Type Self-propel Vehicle M Trolley Bus N


翻译服务合同(含英文译本) 甲方:_________ 地址:_________ 乙方:_________ 地址:_________ 甲乙双方本着友好协商、共同发展的原则签订本翻译服务合同,其条款如下: 一、甲方委托乙方为其提供翻译服务,及时向乙方提交清晰、易于辨认的待译资料,提出明确要求,并对乙方的翻译质量进行监督。 二、乙方按时完成翻译任务(如发生不可抗力的因素除外),向甲方提供已翻译好的打印件及电子文件各一份。具体交稿日期由双方商定。对于加急稿件,交稿期限由双方临时商议。 三、乙方对甲方提供的任何资料必须严格保密,不得透露给第三方。 四、翻译工作量统计:电子译稿:按电脑统计的中文版字符数计算(中文版word2000中"不计空格的字符数");打印译稿:按中文原稿行数×列数统计计算(行×列)。 五、乙方按优惠价格向甲方收取翻译费用:英译汉为_________元/千字符(_________字以上)。

六、乙方可以在翻译开始前为甲方预估翻译费,甲方付款时则按实际发生的工作量支付给乙方翻译费用(工作量统计方法见本合同第四条)。 七、乙方承诺,交稿后,免费对翻译稿进行必要修改,不另行收取费用。 八、付款方式:甲方在收到乙方译稿的当日按实际费用先支付乙方翻译总费用的50%,余款应在交稿后的_________日内付清,如第_________日余款还未付清,则甲方每延误一天需要向乙方交纳翻译总费用_________‰的滞纳金。 九、乙方应当保证译文的翻译质量和翻译服务达到行业公允的水平,如对译文的翻译水平发生争议,应由双方共同认可的第三方评判,或者直接申请仲裁。 十、本合同一式两份,双方各执一份,经甲乙双方签章后生效。 甲方(盖章):_________ 乙方(盖章):_________ 代表(签字):_________ 代表(签字):_________ 签订地点:_________ 签订地点:_________ _________年____月____日_________年____月____日 附件: translation agreement

天净沙 秋思 英语翻译版本

天净沙秋思 马致远 枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马,夕阳西下, 断肠人在天涯。 译作1:Tr. Wayne Schlepp译 Tune to “Sand and Sky” ----Autumn Thoughts Dry vine,old tree,crow at dusk Low bridge,stream running,cottages Ancient road,west wind,lean nag The sun westerning And one with breaking heart at the sky’s edge 省略冠词,减掉了拖沓松散之感,有节奏rhythm和音律melody美 缺少韵脚美和以文为画的意境美译作2:丁祖馨译 To the Tune of Tianjingsha Withered vines hanging on old braches, Returning crows croaking at dusk. A few houses hidden past a narrow bridge, And blow the bridge a quiet creek running。Down a worn path,in the west wind, A lean horse comes plodding.The sun dips down in the west, And the lovesick traveler is still at the end of the world. 无形象美,hidden好,动态描述美学效果 译作3:许渊冲译 Tune: Sunny Sand Autumn Thoughts Over old trees wreathed with rotten vines fly crows; Under a small beside a cot a stream flows; On ancient road in western breeze a lean horse goes. Westwards declines the setting sun. Far,far from home is the heart-broken one. 押韵,每句句首都是介词译作4:翁显良译 Autumn Crows hovering over rugged trees wreathed with rotten vine--the day is about done. Yonder is a tiny bridge over a sparkling stream,and on the far bank, a pretty little village. But the traveler has to go on down this ancient road, The west wind moaning,his bony horse groaning, trudging towards the sinking sun,father and father away from home. 译作5:周方珠 Autumn Thought To the Tune of Sky-Clear Sand Withered vine,old tree,a raven at dusk crows, Tiny bridge,thatched cottages,the stream flows, Ancient road, bleak wind,a bony steed slows. The setting sun in the west glows, The sorrow of the heart-broken traveler grows


一个牧羊人放牧(放牧)他的羊,突然一辆全新的跑车出来的尘云朝他走来。一个年轻人在一个新的设计师,设计师,设计师太阳镜和一个设计师领带。他窗外,牧羊人问道,“如果我告诉你你有多少羊在这里,你会给我一个?”牧羊人的男人,那么他的和平羊回答说:“当然,为什么不呢?”这个年轻人 他的车,拿出他的,连接手机,在互联网上浏览到一个页面,他叫了一个卫星导航系统(卫星导航系统),他打印出来彩色,150页的报告他的高科技,他转向牧羊人说:“你有1586只羊。”“没错。牧羊人说:“我猜你可以我的羊之一。“牧羊人的年轻人说,“嘿,如果我能你到底你是什么,你会给我回我的羊吗?”年轻人想了一(一个),然后说,“好了,吗?”“你是一个顾问(顾问),”牧羊人说。“哇!”年轻人说,“但是你怎么了吗?”“不需要猜测。”牧羊人回答说,“你在这里出现 没人给你打电话。你想要一个答案,我已经知道,我问一个问题,很明显你不知道一件事关于我的生意…现在给我回我的羊。” 地震是人们害怕的东西。有一些地方很少或根本没有地震。世界上大多数地方,然而,他们定期(有规律的)。国家有很多地震通常很山区(多山的)。谈论最多的地震在美国于1906年在旧金山。超过700人死于它。最强的一个在北美是在1964年。它发生在阿拉斯加。 强烈的地震并不总是那些杀死大多数人。1755年,最强的一个地震记录是在葡萄牙。大约有2000人死亡。1923年,一个非常强大的地震袭击了东京,横滨的日本。一百四十人死亡。他们中的大多数死于火灾,地震之后。有史以来最严重的地震是1976年在中国。大量的人死亡最糟糕的地震曾经报道也在中国,400000人死亡或受伤。这次地震发生在1556年。地震的人很多,原因是担心我们经常不知道当他们到来。人不能为它做准备。 从前,在一座美丽的花园,在这最美丽的蝴蝶很漂亮,赢得了很多选美竞赛1她变得非常骄傲.一天天,顽皮的蟑螂(蟑螂)受够了她的炫耀,并决定给她一个教训。 她去看蝴蝶,在大家面前她告诉她,她不是真的那么漂亮,和这只蝴蝶赢得了比赛2法官已经决定.在3(真正的),蟑螂是最美丽的。 蝴蝶很生气,对蟑螂说:“我4(打)你在选美比赛,不论法官你自己选择。” “你我accept.看周六,”回答了蟑螂,和左5等待回复。 周六大家都去6美投标蝴蝶到达完全胜利的自信,直到她看到7评委们:蟑螂、蠕虫、蝴蝶.所有8首选蟑螂的丑陋和臭味。 蝴蝶剩下9(抽泣)和失望,希望从未进入她生命中另一个选美比赛。10(幸运的)蟑螂原谅了蝴蝶为她骄傲和他们成了朋友。


北方民族大学外文文献翻译 译文题目对于Android系统的介绍 原稿题目An Introduction to Android System 系(部)名称: 计算机科学与工程学院 学生姓名:王紫晴 专业: 信息管理与信息系统 学号: 20122395 指导教师姓名:张海霞 北方民族大学教务处制

目录 An Introduction to AndroidSystem (1) 1.Android system architecture (1) 2. Android released version (2) 3. Androidapplication features (2) 4. Android development environment (3) 5. AndroidProgram structure (3) 6. Logcat tools (4) 7. Hello World (5) 对于安卓系统的介绍 (6) 1.Android系统架构 (6) 2. Andorid已发布的版本 (7) 3. Android应用特色 (8) 4. Android开发环境 (9) 5. Android程序结构 (9) 6. Logcat工具 (11) 7. Hello World (11)

An Introduction to AndroidSystem Abstract In many organizations, database development is from the beginning of enterprise data modeling, enterprise data modeling to determine the scope of the organization and the general content of the database. This step usually occurs in an organization's information system planning process, it is intended to create an overall description or interpretation of the organization data, rather than the design of a specific database. A particular database provides data for one or more information systems, and the enterprise data model (which may contain many databases) describes the range of data maintained by the organization. In enterprise data modeling, you review the current system, analyze the need to support the nature of the business domain, describe the need for further abstraction of the data, and the planning of one or more database development projects. 1.Android system architecture Android's system architecture uses a layered architecture of the idea, as shown in figure. From the top to the bottom layer of a total of four, respectively, the application program layer, application framework layer, the system library and the Android runtime and Linux kernel. Each layer function is briefly described as follows: 1) application layer The layer provides a number of core application packages, such as contact management, calendar, SMS, browser, maps and e-mail, etc.. At the same time, people can use the Java language to design and write their own applications, and these procedures and those of the core applications are equal and friendly coexistence. 2) application framework layer This layer is the foundation of Android application development, the developer is in the majority of the situation is in dealing with it. Application framework layer including the window manager, inform manager, content providers, system view, the location manager, phone manager, resource manager, manager, activity manager and XMPP service of ten parts. On the Android platform, developers can fully access the API framework used by the core application. Also, any application can publish its own function module, and other applications can use the function modules that have been released. Based on this mechanism, the replacement of the platform itself, a variety of application components, it is very convenient for users. 3) the system library and the Android runtime Library system includes nine subsystems, respectively is the layer management, media library, SQLite, OpenGLEState, freetype, WebKit, SGL, SSL and libc, include core library and the Dalvik virtual machine running Android. The former is compatible with the most of the Java language to call the function, and includes the core library for Android, such as android.os, https://www.360docs.net/doc/3a332010.html,, android.media and so on. The latter is a Java virtual machine based on the register, the Dalvik virtual machine is


可爱的南京 南京,她有层出不穷的风流人物,和彪炳千秋的不朽业绩。大都会特有的凝聚力,吸引了无数风云人物、仁人志士在这里角逐争雄,一逞豪彦。从孙权、谢安到洪秀全、孙中山,从祖冲之、葛洪到李时珍、郑和,从刘勰、萧统到曹雪芹、吴敬梓,从王羲之、顾恺之到徐悲鸿、傅抱石,还有陶行知、杨廷宝等等,中国历史上一批杰出的政治家、军事家、科学家、文学家、艺术家、教育家、建筑家等荟萃于此,在这块钟灵毓秀的土地上一圆他们的辉煌之梦。他们是中华民族的优秀儿女,巍巍钟山、滚滚长江养育了他们,为他们提供了施展抱负的舞台,他们也以自己的雄才大略、聪明智慧为中华民族的灿烂文明增添了流光溢彩的新篇章。 Nanjing-the Beloved City Nanjing has witnessed the continuous emergence of many distinguished talents and noble hearts as well as monumental achievements that shone through the ages. Attracted by her special appeal, a great number of powerful figures and people actuated by high ideals have stayed in or frequented this metropolis to contend for the lead or to give play to their genius and virtues. Military commanders such as Sun Quan and Xie An; political leaders such as Hong Xiuquan and Dr. Sun Yat-sen; scientists like Zu Chongzhi, Ge Hong, Li Shizhen and Zhenghe; men of letters such as Liu Xie, Xiao Tong, Cao Xueqin and Wu Jingzi; artists like Wang Xizhi, Gu Kaizhi, Xu Beihong and Fu Baoshi; educators such as Tao Xingzhi; and architects like Yang Tingbao—all these renowned historical figures used to settle on this blessed land to have their splendid dreams fulfilled. The towering Purple Mountains and billowing Yangtze River nurtured them and provided them with arenas in which to realize their aspirations. By virtue of their genius, vision, and sagacity, these best and brightest sons and daughters of the nation made spectacular contributions to the resplendent Chinese civilization. 南京,她自新中国建立以来发生的巨大而深刻的变化更加使人欢欣鼓舞。从1949年4月23日始,人民真正成为这座古老城市的主人。金陵回春,古城新生,昔日饱尝的屈辱和灾难,至此如同梦魇终被摆脱。人民在自己的土地上辛勤劳作,把古老南京装扮得面貌一新。特别是近十年几来,改革开放又给这座美丽的名城注入了新的活力,崭新的工业、通达的运输、如画的城市建设、兴盛的第三产业、多姿的文化生活,都使这个具有古都特色的现代都市焕发出勃勃英姿。孙中山先生所预言的:“南京将来之发展未可限量也”,正在逐步成为现实。 南京,这座古老而年轻的历史文化名城,是多么的可爱! The tremendous changes that have taken place in Nanjing since New China was founded are even more inspiring, just as the much quoted couplet from a poem written
