





校区: _____________ 班级:________ :_________________ 成绩:_____________







4. ()





9. ()10.()

二、听对话,根据对话容选择下列相应图片,将图片标号填在相应的括号里. 短文读二遍。



2. ()

3. ()

4. ()

5. ()




Yangyang Mike Sara Guoguo Baobao

1. ( )






四、Circle the word you hear。(共3分)

1、When did your mom give you your birthday (card ,party)?

2、Do you have a (car,card)?

3、Do you see that (part ,

park )?




1. late face ( )

2. did wise ( )

3. sleep easy ( )

4. wear ear ( )

5. ago host ( )



1. 疾 病: ___B__ 1. ________

2. ______

2. 公共场所:

3. ________

4. _______ _

3. 交通工具: 5. ________ 6. _____

4. 服 装: 7. ________ 8. ________

5. 星 期: 9. ________ 10. ____ ___


A. ride a horse

B. walk the dog

C. clean the classroom

D. read a book

E. sing on the stage

F. set five bowls G . line up H. do word puzzles I. learn to fix the computer J. hurt my leg

1_____ 2_____ 3_____ 4 _____ 5 _____

A. taxi

B. headache

C. subway

D. toothache

E. shirt

F. Tuesday G . backache H. suit I. yesterday J. bank K. Wednesday L. airport

6_____ 7_____ 8_____ 9_____ 10 _____

八、请把每道题的对话容补充完整, 将其标号填写题前括号。(共20分)

( ) 1. ----Are you smoking?


-----You should stop ______, it’s bad for you.

A. smoke

B. smokes

C. smoking

()2.----What did you do yesterday afternoon?

-----I ______ a letter.

A. send

B. sent

C. sending

( ) 3.--_______ did you come back from London? --Last week.

A. How

B. When

C. Who

( ) 4.--What _______ they often wear to school?

--They wear school uniforms.

A. did

B. are

C. do

( ) 5. ----Where was Yangyang last weekend?

----Yangyang _______at home last weekend.

A. was

B. is

C. were

( ) 6. -- What are you _______ today?

-- I am _____ a denim jacket and a denim skirt.

A. wearing/wear

B. wearing/wearing

C. wear/wearing

( ) 7._______ plus five hundred is one thousand.

A. Five hundred

B. Five hundreds

C. Fifth hundred

( ) 8. Look! Here Bus NO.7 ________.

A. coming

B. comes

C. came

( ) 9. ----What is your uncle wearing?

-----He is wearing a black suit_________ a blue tie.

A. and

B. of

C. with

( ) 10. --Did Tom ________ in the sea this summer vacation? -- No, he didn’t.

A. swims

B. swam

C. swim



The Clever Crows

It’s a hot day. A mother crow and her two kids are flying in the sky. They are very thirsty. So mother says to her children ,” let’s find some water to drink.” They find a jar(广口瓶)on the floor. There’s some water in the jar. But it’s not full . But their beaks(鸟嘴)are too short. They can’t drink the water. Little crow doesn’t know what to do. Mother crow looks at the jar, and then she asks her children to put some stones into the jar. Oh,the jar is full now! How clever the mother crow is !

( ) 1. It’s a day.

A. cold

B. warm

C. hot

( ) 2. The crows are .

A. hungry

B. thirsty

C. sick

( ) 3.They need some .

A. food


C. noodles ( ) 4. They put some into the jar.


B. stones

C. bananas ( ) 5. The mother crow is very .


B. beautiful

C. bad


作文范文: 周末的活动(第一人称和第三人称) I/He did many things last Sunday. I/He did homework. I/He learned to sing English songs. I/He went shopping with my mom. I/He visivted my grandparents. I/He had a great time. 假期旅行 I/He went to Hangzhou with my parents this summer vacation. I/He went there by train. I/He visited many places. I/He bought some things. I/He was very happy. I/He enjoyed my holiday. 奥运会 The Olympic Games have a very long history. The ancient Olympic Games began in 776BC in Greece. Only men could take part. It stopped a long time ago. People held the first modern Olympic Games in 1896 in Athens. Men and women could take part. Beijing hosted the 29th Olympic Games. The Chinese athletes won 51 gold medals, 21silver medals and 28bronze medals. We all were proud of our country. 介绍一位朋友 I have a good friend. Her name is Lily. She is tall. She likes singing. She often wears a nice dress. She is 1.70m and her size is large. 介绍自己 My name is …I was born in the years of Monkey. I like monkeys very much. Because my birth-year animal is also Monkey. I `m as smart as a monkey. I am 1.60m. my size is Medium . Football is my favorite sport.


描述某件物品 tips: 1)为什么要送同学礼物?I will go to high school. 2)要送给谁?I want to give … a gift. 3)要送什么礼物?It’s a … 4)礼物的形状,颜色,大小,价钱…… I t’s in the shape of … It’s 颜色 It’s 大小 It’s …yuan

介绍某个人 tips: 1)小学即将毕业了。I will go to high school. 2)印象最深的是谁? 3)可以介绍外貌特征,高矮胖瘦,职业,交通工具,年龄,性格,爱好,喜欢的食物,喜欢的颜色 tall, short, big eyes, small mouth, long hair, fat, thin, job, teacher, student, by bus, by car, by bike, kind, serious, smile a lot, playing football, drawing pictures, singing, noodles, hamburgers, green, red, color 4)毕业后,会想念

保护环境 tips: 1)我们为什么要保护地球? We have only one earth. 2)我们应该怎么做?We should… 3)我们不应该怎么做?We shouldn’t 4)希望环境越来越好 5)必须有“应该做的”和“不应该做的”

描述六年小学生活 tips: 1)我们即将小学毕业 I will go to high school. I am sure we all have many sweet memories. 2)介绍一个班集体 There is/are …… in our class. 3)每个年级,做过什么,有什么感受 I am sure we all have many sweet memories. In grade 1, 4)想念老师和同学


小学六年级毕业英语试卷 姓名 ____________ 班级 ____________ 分数 ____________ 听力部分 、 听句子,选择你所听到的单词, 将字母标号填入括号内。 ( ) 1. A. pupil B. people C. paper D. purple ( ) 2. A. son B. sun C. some D. Sam ( ) 3. A. tree B. sweet C. street D. straight ( ) 4. A. right B. write C. white D. what ( ) 5. A. coat B. can 't C. count D. come ( ) 6. A. cake B. take C. make D. lake ( ) 7. A. tha nk B. thi nk C. thin D. thi ng ( ) 8. A. price B. prince C. prize D. piece ( ) 9. A. nothi ng B. everyth ing C. anything D. someth ing ( ) 10. A. earache B. headache C. toothache D. stomachache 二. 根据听到的 内容选择恰当的应答句,将字母代号填入括号内: 10 ( )9. A. I want a shirt. B. I don ' t like the colour. C. Show me that red one, please. ( )10. A. Hold on, please. B. Sure, it is over there. C. Sorry, but he isn ' t here. ( )1. A. That ' s all right. ( )2. A. Yes, I have. ( )3. A. Yes, there is. 4. A. It ' s in Shanghai. 5. A. No, I ' m not ( )6. A. There are two. ( )7. A. From Shanghai ( )8. A. It ' s three yuan. B. Yes, I can. C. Thank you. B. OK. Here you are. C. Yes, I can. B. Yes, it is. B. Sorry, I don B. All right. B. Yes, there are B. I n Class One. C. Yes, they are. t know . No, I can ' t. C. You ' re welcome. C. I have two. C. In the classroom. B. They ' re sixty yuaC. They ' re made in China.


六年级英语上册学习重点(单元句型和单词)谁最棒,比比看! Unit1 句子: 1.What did you do this summer? 今年夏天你干什么了? I went back to Canada. 我回到加拿大。 2.When did you come back? 你什么时候回来了? I came back last Thursday. 我上周四回来了。 3.Did you go to see your grandparents? 你看望爷爷奶奶了吗? Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t.是的。看望了。/没有。 短语: Wrote a story 写故事went back to Canada 回到加拿大 made cakes 做蛋糕came back 回来 went to the airport 去机场finished the piano lessons 完成钢琴课 return the books 还书win the football match 赢得足球赛 Unit2 句子: 4.Why did you stand on your head? 你为什么倒立呢? Because I wanted to practice kung fu. 因为我想练习功夫。 5.What happened to you? 你怎么了? I hurt my right leg. 我伤了右腿。 6.What did you say? 你说什么了? I said you should stop eating too much. 我说你应该少吃点儿。 短语: Stand on your head 倒立practice kung fu练习功夫 go to hospital 去医院cut my finger 切伤了手指 fell 摔倒cry 哭hurt 受伤broke 折断scratched抓伤 eating too much 吃的太多playing computer games 玩电脑游戏smoking 抽烟 Unit3 句子: 7.Where did you go last weekend? 上周末你去哪里了? We flew to Hangzhou. 我飞到了杭州。 8.How did you go to Hangzhou? 你怎样去的杭州? We went there by air. 我们坐飞机去的。 9.Who invented those vehicles? 谁发明的交通工具? Some smart people did. 一些聪明的人。 短语: Last weekend 上周末yesterday afternoon 昨天下午 on Friday morning 周五早上flew飞/ drove驾驶/ took the train to Hangzhou 坐火车去杭州the Spring Festival Fair春节庙会 the train station 火车站by air/ bus/subway/taxi/train, on foot those vehicles 那些交通工具some smart people 一些聪明的人


六年级下册全册教材分析 六年级下册是小学阶段的最后一册课本。小学在升入初中前的最后一个学期内要对整个小学阶段所学的主要词汇和语音进行比较全面和系统的复习。本册教材以话题为纲,以交际功能和语言结构为主线,引导学生开展语言实践性活动或完成具有一定意义的的语言任务。本册教材共6个单元,前五个单元都是针对话题对前几年所学知识的复习,第六单元是阶段的复习单元。 Unit1 What are you looking for? 学生在对物品描述中能从形状、外观特点、物体比较大小、颜色等几方面进行准确地表达。学生能在寻找物品的情境下就寻找物品What are you looking for? I’m looking for ...和描述物体特征What does it look like? What shape is it? It’s …in the shape of...的话题灵活地进行问答。 Unit 2 Can you tell me about her? 本单元的话题为描述人物,主要涉及亲戚、朋友等,是在上一单元复习表述物品的基础上,进一步复习描述人物。主要是复习介绍人物的年龄、样貌、职业、生日、等相关信息,也包含了介绍人物擅长做什么、喜欢做什么等,要求学生能再恰当的情境中交际运用。How old is …He/She is… .What’s …like ?He/She/It’s… When was…born?He/She was born …How much is it ?It’s /They’re… .Can you tell me more about her/him? She/He … He/She is good at …He /She enjoys … Unit 3 Let’s live a low-carbon life 本单元是围绕环保话题展开的。引导学生了解保护环境的具体途径和方法,利于帮助学生养成良好的节能生活习惯。同时,引入了低碳生活的概念,帮助学生理解这些理念和做法,并能够自觉地落实到自己的日常生活中。复习巩固以Do, Don’t , Let’s 等引导的祈使句。能听懂及简短介绍地球日、节约能源、保护动物、爱护植物等环境保护、低碳生活的内容,并能就相关内容简单提问或交流;能够对It tells… to …. 和I think…. 这样比较复杂的句式在语境中充分地理解,并在相应的场景中尝试运用。 Unit 4 What’s the weather like? 本单元涉及话题内容均在以往教材中出现,学生在三年级上册第五单元学习了如何谈论天气“What’s the weather like?” “It’s sunny/warm/rainy/windy/cold/snowy.”等; 在四年级上册


Unit 1 What did you do this summer? 一、核心词汇 1. 名词:farm 农场Thursday 星期四mountain 山,山脉glasses 眼镜 problem 问题 2. 动词:play 玩swim 游泳let 让,允许 3. 形容词:strong 健壮的,强健的 4. 限定词:some 一些 5. 感叹词:please 请 二、拓展词汇 1. 名词:airport 飞机场vacation 假期camp(夏令)营,营地gift 礼物fun 乐趣weekend 周末fox 狐狸machine 机器ox 牛,公牛Xerox复印机 2. 动词:write 写return 归还visit 访问,拜访learn 学,学习;学会catch抓住fish 钓鱼miss 思念,想念enjoy 享受……乐趣;喜欢win 获胜;赢得比赛carry 拿,搬,带 3. 形容词:interesting 有趣的,有意思的best 最好的 4. 副词:also 也,同样first 第一;首次 5. 代词:both 二者,两者都 6. 介词:into进入, 到……中during 在……期间;在……过程中 7. 短语:gobackto 回去haveagreattime 玩得开心,过得愉快nowonder 难怪,怪不得comebackfrom 从……回来oneday 一天goodforyou 你真好alotof 许多,大量buy… for 给……买……apairof 一双;一条;一副 三、核心句型 1. — Whatdidyoudothissummer? 你今年夏天干什么了? — Oh,IwentbacktoCanada. 噢,我回加拿大了。 解读:这是询问某人做过什么的句型及其回答,是 what 引导的一般过去时的特殊疑问句。 举一反三: — WhatdidyoudolastThursday? 你上星期四做什么了? — Iplayedfootball. 我踢足球了。


六年级下册全册分析 一、全册知识点梳理和分析 (一)本册涉及的主要话题以及相关话题的上位知识分析 本册教材涉及的话题有寻物,外貌特征,保护环境、电话用语、介绍天气、 在毕业前能为学校做些什么,有关夸奖,将做某事以及保持联系。这些话题涉及到 所有内容学生们在一至六年级上都已经学过,在本册教材中重点是把这些所学过 的知识进行有效的整合,从而达到使学生从只会说句子到会说篇章的程度。 上位知识:学生在一至九册已经学过有关一个人的姓名、年龄、生日、属相、职业、爱好、性格特点等知识;学过节日、日期、自然、现在进行时和比较句式、描述 物品形状、特点等的表达;一般将来时be going to和will的两种结构及情态动词can的表达法,也学过了形容词比较级和最高级的表达。 (二)教学重难点: 教学重点: 话题1:寻物 What are you looking for, Lingling? I’m looking for my… I can’t find … What does it look like?/what’s it like? .It’s in the shape of… It’s … 话题2:物品特征 What shape is it? It’s in the shape of… It’s …with… 话题3:物品归属 Is this yours? Yes, it is./No it isn’t. Mine is smaller than this one. 话题4:兴趣爱好 What’s his hobby? He’s interested in… She likes (doing)… She enjoys (doing)…


北京版小学英语六年级上册全册教案 目录 Unit1 What did you do this summer《lesson2》 (2) Unit1 What did you do this summer《lesson4》 (11) Unit2 What happened to your neck《lesson5》 (17) Unit2 What happened to your neck《lesson6》 (21) Unit2 What happened to your neck《lesson8》 (32) Unit3 How did you go to Hangzhou《lesson9》 (42) Unit3 How did you go to Hangzhou《lesson10》 (50) Unit3 How did you go to Hangzhou《lesson11》 (55) Unit3 How did you go to Hangzhou《lesson12》 (57) Unit4 Revision Lesson13 Reading (60) Unit5 When did the ancient Olympic games begin《lesson15》 (65) Unit5 When did the ancient Olympic games begin《lesson16》 (69) Unit5 When did the ancient Olympic games begin《lesson17》 (73) Unit5 When did the ancient Olympic games begin《lesson18》 (85) Unit6 What is he wearing?《lesson19》 (89) Uni7What are the twelve animals?《lesson23》 (107) Unit7What are the twelve animals?《lesson24》 (113) Unit7 What are the twelve animals?《lesson25》 (119) Unit8 Revision《lesson26》 (133)


北京版六年级下册小升初英语测试卷(含答案)【精品】 一、听录音,判断所听内容与图片是否相符 1.Do you often play tennis? 2. 3.听音,选出正确的图片() A. B. 4.His brother ________ a train________ last week. 二、听录音, 5.How did Wu Yifan go to Turpan? A. By plane. B. By train. 三、听录音。根据所听短文选择相应的答案 6.How many apples has Kitty? A. Two. B. Three. C. Five. 7.听录音,根据短文内容选择正确的答案。 (1)Daming has got a _______ from Simon. A.DVD B.book C.picture (2)The DVD is about _______. A.stamps B.pandas C.elephants (3)Daming is very _______. https://www.360docs.net/doc/4217221096.html,eful B.sad C.happy (4)Daming has got lots of _______ of pandas. A.pictures B.stamps C.toys (5)Simon and Daming are _______ together.

A.cleaning the room B.collecting stamps C.watching the DVD 四、听录音,根据听到的内容记录相关信息 8.听音,选单词或短语填空,补全短文。 go to school music get up go to bed go home Hello, my name is Sam. Today is Monday. I ________at 6:3. After breakfast, I ________by bike. In the morning I have ________I like it very much. In the afternoon I play football with my friends. Then I ________. I do my homework after dinner. I ________ at 8:30. This is my day. 五、选出不同类的单词 9.选出下面单词中不同类的单词() A. pear B. orange C. rice 10.Mike is heavier than Zhang Peng. A. kitchen B. farmer C. bigger 11.选出与划线单词同类的一项:Good morning! A. bad B. summary C. afternoon 六、看图读短语。找出与图片相符的短语 12.为下列句子选择对应的图片 A. B. C. D. (1)Show me your ruler.________ (2)Open your book.________ (3)Close your pencil box.________ (4)Carry your bag.________ 七、看图读句子。找出与句子内容相符的图片 13.读句子,找出与句子内容相符的图片匹配 A. B. C. D. E.


题号 一 二 三 四 五 得分 一、把下面的单词归类。(每词 分,共 分)
(时间: 分钟 总分: 分) 六 七 八 九 总分
(食品): (球类):
(家具): (服装):
二、把与单词相应的图片的字母标号写在单词后面的横线上。(每小题 分,共 分)

三、填上适当的单词,补全对话。(每空 分,共 分) ’
四、选择恰当的答语。(每小题 分,共 分)




五、学校体育活动中心有许多俱乐部,李小明要加入篮球俱乐部。请根据教练 明 的对话填写下面的表格。(每空 分,共 分)
’ 和李小

’ ’
’ 2

六、阅读下面的名片,然后选择正确的做法。(每小题 分,共 分)
() () () ()

和她的朋友要去野餐,请阅读下面的对话后为他们列一个购物单。(每空 分,共 分) ’
’ (购物单)

八、阅读下面小文章,把价格写在对应物品下的横线上。(每小题 分,共 分)
九、书面表达。(任选一题,作文纸自备)( 分)
根据所给图画内容,用 句左右的话描述 ’
假设你是 或 ,根据表格内容,介绍你的一家人。 4


六年级英语综合练习 (时间: 60 分钟满分:100分) 校区: _____________ 班级:________ :_________________ 成绩:_____________ 听力(30分) 一、听句子,看一看图画是否与所听到的容相符,相符的写“√”,不相符的写“×”。每 句话读两遍。(共10分) 1.() 2.() 3.() 4. () 5.() 6.() 7.() 8.() 9. ()10.() 二、听对话,根据对话容选择下列相应图片,将图片标号填在相应的括号里. 短文读二遍。 (共5分) 1.() 2. () 3. () 4. () 5. () A B C D E 三、看图听短文,想一想大家做了什么,将图片序号填在相应人物的括号。短文读二遍。 (共10分) Yangyang Mike Sara Guoguo Baobao 1. ( ) 2.() 3.() 4.() 5.() A B C D E 四、Circle the word you hear。(共3分) 1、When did your mom give you your birthday (card ,party)? 2、Do you have a (car,card)?

3、Do you see that (part , park )? 笔试(70分) 五、判断下列单词中画线字母部分发音是否相同,相同的用“√”,表示,不相同的用“×” 表示。(共5分) 1. late face ( ) 2. did wise ( ) 3. sleep easy ( ) 4. wear ear ( ) 5. ago host ( ) 六、读单词,将单词按照相同的类别分类,将其标号填写在相应的横线上,其中有一个单 词不属于任何一类。(共10分) 1. 疾 病: ___B__ 1. ________ 2. ______ 2. 公共场所: 3. ________ 4. _______ _ 3. 交通工具: 5. ________ 6. _____ 4. 服 装: 7. ________ 8. ________ 5. 星 期: 9. ________ 10. ____ ___ 七、读词组看图,选择与图意相符的词组,将其标号填写在横线上。(共20分) A. ride a horse B. walk the dog C. clean the classroom D. read a book E. sing on the stage F. set five bowls G . line up H. do word puzzles I. learn to fix the computer J. hurt my leg 1_____ 2_____ 3_____ 4 _____ 5 _____ A. taxi B. headache C. subway D. toothache E. shirt F. Tuesday G . backache H. suit I. yesterday J. bank K. Wednesday L. airport


小学六年级毕业英语试卷 姓名班级分数 听力部分 一、听句子,选择你所听到的单词,将字母标号填入括号内。10 ()1. A. pupil B. people C. paper D. purple ()2. A. son B. sun C. some D. Sam ()3. A. tree B. sweet C. street D. straight ()4. A. right B. write C. white D. what ()5. A. coat B. can’t C. count D. come ()6. A. cake B. take C. make D. lake ()7. A. thank B. think C. thin D. thing ()8. A. price B. prince C. prize D. piece ()9. A. nothing B. everything C. anything D. something ()10. A. earache B. headache C. toothache D. stomachache 二. 根据听到的内容选择恰当的应答句,将字母代号填入括号内:10 ()1. A. That’s all right. B. Yes, I can. C. Thank you. ()2. A. Yes, I have. B. OK. Here you are. C. Yes, I can. ()3. A. Yes, there is. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, they are. ()4. A. It’s in Shanghai. B. Sorry, I don’t know. C. No, I can’t. ()5. A. No, I’m not B. All right. C. You’re welcome. ()6. A. There are two. B. Yes, there are C. I have two. ()7. A. From Shanghai B. In Class One. C. In the classroom. ()8. A. It’s three yuan. B. They’re sixty yuan C. They’re made in China. ()9. A. I want a shirt. B. I don’t like the colour. C. Show me that red one, please. ()10. A. Hold on, please. B. Sure, it is over there. C. Sorry, but he isn’t here. 三、听短文,判断正误,用“√”,“×”,表示在括号内。10 ()1. Tom is ten years old. ()2. Tom has a brother. ()3. Tom doesn’t have any hobbies.

北京版-英语-六年级下册-Unit 1 What are you looking for 4 练习

北京版六年级英语下册Unit one4 1. “ Are you OK!” “ ___ .” A. Oh, sorry. B. Here you are C. Yes, I’m fine D. No, I’m all right 2.There ___ a pen and thre e rulers in the pencil-box. A. are B. is C. have D. be 3. ___ three balls under the desk. A. Have B. There’s C. There D. There are 4. It’s time ____. A. play football B. play a football C. to play football D. to play the foo tball 5. There ___ any milk in the bottle. A. is B. are C. isn’t D. aren’t 6. There is a photo ___ my family ___ home. A. in;of

B. of; at C. with; at D. in; at 7. It’s a bike. Do you _____? A. want to go B. want a go C. want go D. wants a go 8. Don’t ____. It’s too high. A. make B. carry C. jump D. fly 9. —“Can you make a paper ship?” —“Yes, it’s too ___. “ A. hard B. easy C. high D. old 10. —“ ____? ”—“ There is a house near the trees.” A. How’s near the trees B. What’s near t he trees C. Whi ch’s near the trees D. What near the trees

北京课改版英语六年级下册Unit1 Lesson1练习卷(解析版)(六年级)同步测试.doc

北京课改版英语六年级下册Unit1 Lesson1练习卷(解析版)(六年级)同步测试姓名:_____________ 年级:____________ 学号:______________ 题型选择题填空题简答题xx题xx题xx题总分得分 一、xx题 (每空xx 分,共xx分) 【题文】英汉对对碰。 run踢足球swim跑dance游泳look for跳舞 play football寻找 【答案】 【解析】 考查学生对英语单词和短语的汉语意思的掌握情况。 【题文】用所给词的正确形式填空 1.What did Sara (say)? 2.Who will go ( ask) Lingling? 3.There are a few (apple). 4.Which water (bottle) is bigger? 5.Would Sara (use)Yangyang’s water bottle? 【答案】 1.say 2.to ask 3.apples 4.bottle https://www.360docs.net/doc/4217221096.html,e 【解析】 评卷人得分

1.Sara说什么了?前面助动词did,后面应用动词原形。 2.谁将去问玲玲?应用go to ask表达去问。 3.有几个苹果,应用复数apples。 4.那个水瓶更大。谓语动词是单数,所以用单数名词bottle。 5. Sara想用洋洋的水瓶吗?情态动词would后应用动词原形。 【题文】我会译 1.What’s it like? 2.I like running. 3.What is Sara’s water bottle like? 4.Is Sara’s water bottle big? 5.What did Sara say? 【答案】 1.它什么样? 2.我喜欢跑步。 3. Sara的水瓶什么样? 4. Sara的水瓶大吗? 5. Sara说什么了? 【解析】 1. 考查句型 what is …like?“……怎么样?”。 2. like +doing “喜欢做某事” 3. 考查句型 what is …like?“……怎么样?”。water bottle“水瓶”。 4. 考查一般疑问句和形容词big。big “大的”。 5. 考查what引导的特殊疑问句。 【题文】句型转换。 1. What do you do after class in the afternoon? (根据实际情况回答) 2.Do you have sports? (肯定回答) 3.I do my homework at home. (对划线部分提问) 4.What’s your favourite sport? (根据实际情况回答) 5. There are a few water bottles on the ground.(同义句) There are water bottles on the ground. 【答案】 1.I have sports. 2.Yes, I do. 3.Where do you do your homework? 4.Football./Running/… 5.some 【解析】 1. 答案不唯一。学生可以根据自己的情况做出正确答案。 2. 对于由助动词do位于句首的一般疑问句的回答,肯定回答需用:Yes, sb. do(does). 3. 考查特殊疑问句。对地点进行提问,需用特殊疑问词“where”。


UNIT CAN YOU TELL ME MORE ABOUT HER? 一、核心词汇 1.名词: vacation假期shoulder肩膀flower花grass草;草坪skirt裙子sock 短袜crayon有色粉笔;蜡笔idea主意;想法face脸student学生 2.动词: feed喂养smile笑 3.其他: nervous紧张不安的 二、拓展词汇 1.名词: Canada加拿大uncle叔叔hobby兴趣,爱好farm农场spring春天sheep 羊birthday生日March三月eraser橡皮player运动员melanin黑色素 2.动词: enjoy 喜欢,享受help帮助buy买sound听起来develop生长 3.形容词: strong强壮的beautiful美丽的,漂亮的little小的cute可爱的famous著名的kind和蔼的round圆形的professional专业的,职业的darker较暗的lighter较淡的sunny阳光充足的 4.代词: she她it它everything一切,每件事 5.副词: almost几乎,差不多before以前,从前 6.介词: during在……期间 7.短语: go fishing去钓鱼summer vacation暑假 a pair of一双,一对good at擅长 三、核心句型 1. Can you tell us about your uncle?你可以告诉我们一些关于你伯父的事情吗? 解读:此句是由情态动词can引导的一般疑问句,用于提出“请求、许可”,意为“……会/能/可以做……吗?”。 举一反三:— Can you give her one book?你能给她一本书吗? — Yes, I can. 是的,我可以。


小学六年级毕业英语试卷姓名班级分数 听力部分 一、听句子,选择你所听到的单词,将字母标号填入括号内。10 ()1. A. pupil B. people C. paper D. purple ()2. A. son B. sun C. some D. Sam ()3. A. tree B. sweet C. street D. straight ()4. A. right B. write C. white D. what ()5. A. coat B. can’t C. count D. come ()6. A. cake B. take C. make D. lake ()7. A. thank B. think C. thin D. thing ()8. A. price B. prince C. prize D. piece ()9. A. nothing B. everything C. anything D. something ()10. A. earache B. headache C. toothache D. stomachache 二. 根据听到的内容选择恰当的应答句,将字母代号填入括号内:10 ()1. A. That’s all right. B. Yes, I can. C. Thank you. ()2. A. Yes, I have. B. OK. Here you are. C. Yes, I can. ()3. A. Yes, there is. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, they are. ()4. A. It’s in Shanghai. B. Sorry, I don’t know.C. No, I can’t. ()5. A. No, I’m not B. All right. C. You’re welcome.()6. A. There are two. B. Yes, there are C. I have two. ()7. A. From Shanghai B. In Class One. C. In the classroom. ()8. A. It’s three yuan. B. They’re sixty yuan C. They’re made in China. ()9. A. I want a shirt. B. I don’t like the colour. C. Show me that red one, please. ()10. A. Hold on, please. B. Sure, it is over there. C. Sorry, but he isn’t here.


北京版英语小学六年级上册第一单元测试 姓名:班级:成绩: 听力部分40% 一、听写单词。10% 二、看图判断正误10% 1.() 2.() 3.() 4.() 5.() 6.() 7.() 8.() 9.()10.() 三、听短文填写信息。10% Class name:(11)class For whom:a 6-year-old(12) Time:From(13)20th to Aug,19th Cost of the class:(14)yuan Place of school:on apple street,beside(15) 四、听对话,填上空白部分。10% A.Where did you go(16)(17)?

B.I(18)(19)Sara’s house and we(20)the evening together. A.Tell me what you(21). B.We(22)(23).We made a birthday card for her mom. A.So you(24) a lot of(25). 笔试部分60% 五、替换句子。6% (26)What did you do this summer? I went back to Canada. (27)What did you do this summer? I went to a summer camp. (28)Where did you go last night? I went to Sara’s house. 六、写出过去式。15% (29) 七、单项选择5% 30.I()see the dentist this morning. A.went to B.go to C.had better 31.What ()he()? A.did B.do C.went 32.I()my grandparent. A.visit B.visited C.see 33.We ()our own clothes in the summer camp. A.watched B.washed C.wash D.watch
