

Unit 5

charity n.慈善机构

illness n.疾病

education n.教育

research n.调查,研究

interviewer n.采访者

blindness n.失明

blind adj. 失明的

mostly adv.主要地,一般地

cure vt.治愈,治好

medical adj.疾病的,医疗的

treatment n.治疗,对待

volunteer n.义务工作者,志愿者vi.自愿做;义务做operation n.手术

training n.训练,培训

afford vi.& vt.买得起,能做

operate vi.做手术

proud adj.自豪的,骄傲的

develop vi.发展

quickly adv.迅速地,很快地

disease n.疾病

payment n.付款,报偿

rich adj.富有的

product n.产品,制品

set vi 创建,建立

set up建起,设立

basic adj.基础的,基本的

correct adj.正确的

war n. 战争

organize vt.组织,筹备

toothache n.牙痛

least adv.最小,最少

at least至少,不少于

pain n.疼痛

fever n. 发烧

stomach ache胃痛

headache n.头痛

cough n.咳嗽

flu n. 流行性感冒

be used to习惯于,适应

certainly adv.无疑,确定

enter vi.& vt.进来;成为……的一员,加入

Unit 6

glad adj.高兴,愉快

pancake n.烙饼,薄饼

reduce vt.减小,缩小

turn off关掉

recycle vt.回收利用,循环利用

private adj.私有的,自用的

lead vi.& vt.导致,造成(后果);带路

mountain n.高山,山岳

stream n.小河,溪

active adj.积极的

step n.步骤,措施

sort vt.整理,把……分类

plastic n.塑料

separate vi.& vt.分开,分离

organization n.组织,团体,机构

truck n.卡车

law n.法律

create vt.创造,创建;创作

cut vt.切,割

cut down砍到

punish vt.处罚,惩罚

produce vt.制造,引起,使产生

June n.六月

treasure n.财富,珠宝

valuable adj.宝贵的,很重要的

rule n.规则,规章

fisherman n.渔民

catch vt.接住,抓住;逮住

meeting n.会议

recently adv.不久前,最近

daily adj.每日的,日常的

tap n.龙头,旋塞

strict adj.严格的,严厉的

March n.三月

dust n.沙土,尘土

wood n.木头,木料

insect n.昆虫

human n.人

hen n.母鸡

silent adj.不说话的,沉默的

simple adj.易做的,简单的

reusable adj.可重复使用的,可再次使用的litter n.垃圾,废弃物

Unit 7

deaf adj.聋的introduce vt.把……介绍给

disabled adj. 有残疾的excellent adj.优秀的,杰出的,极好的elderly adj.年老的regular adj.规则的;持久的,稳定的homeless adj.无家可归的

expect vi.& vt.预料,预想

mental adj.思想的,精神的;精神健康的

disability n.缺陷,障碍

chance n.机会

event n.(体育运动的)比赛项目;大事

similar adj.相像的,类似的

athlete n.运动员

complete vt.完成,结束

task n.任务,工作

coach n.教练

northern adj. 北方的;北部的

position n.名次;位置,方位

confident adj.自信的

background n.出身;背景

closely adv.接近

achieve vt.达到(某目标、地位、标准)

memory n.回忆,记忆

proper adj.正确的,恰当的

owner n.物主,所有权人,主人

impossible adj.不可能的

hard-working adj.工作努力的,辛勤的

impolite adj.不礼貌的,粗鲁的

son n.儿子

April n.四月

countryside n.乡村,农村

effort n.气力,努力;费力的事

difference n.差别,差异,不同

addition n.增加,添加

in addition除……以外,还

result n.后果,结果

as a result因此

August n.八月

host vt.主办,主持

record n.记录

gold n.金牌;金子,黄金adj.金色的

silver n. 银牌;银adj.银色的

bronze n.铜牌

sale n. 出售,销售

Unit 8

manner n. 举止,礼仪value n.价值观,是非标准interrupt vt.插嘴,打扰content n. 内容

obey vt.遵守elder n.年长者

line n. 行,列spit vi.啐唾沫,吐痰

turn n.(依次轮到的)机会conclusion n.结论

concert n. 音乐会,演奏会common adj.普通的,常见的attention n.注意,专心run n. 一段时光

pay attention to注意

drop vi.& vt.落下,掉下

messy adj.肮脏的,凌乱的

greet vt.和(某人)打招呼,欢迎

formal adj.正规的,庄重的

kiss n.& v.吻,亲吻

cheek n. 面颊

airport n. 机场

gentleman n.有教养的人;(称呼或指男子,尤其是不认识的)先生

lady n.女士,女子

generally adv. 一般地,通常;普遍地

period n.一段时间,时期

voice n.嗓音

public adj.公众的,公共的n.民众,群体

in public公开地,在别人面前

smoothly adv.平稳地,顺利地

either det., pron.(两者中的)任何一个adv.(用于否定词组后)也stranger n.陌生人

behave vi.表现

housework n. 家务劳动

quick adj. 快的,迅速的

reply vi.& n.回答,答复

sign n.招牌,标牌,指示牌

colourfu l adj.颜色鲜艳的

warn vt.提醒注意,使警惕

description n. 描写,说明

park v. 停(车)

meaning n. 意思,意义

excuse vt.原谅,宽恕

repeat vt.重复

tower n.塔,塔楼

avoid vt.避免,防止

suddenly adv. 突然地

purpose n.意图,目的

moral adj.道德的,精神的


牛津译林八年级上册词汇专题复习 1. 名词词汇填空题考点: 1) 词性变形: 2) 变复数: 1. 直接加s 2. 以辅音字母+y结尾去y改i加es,如study-studies 以元音字母+y结尾直接加s,如boy-boys 3. 以f,fe结尾去f,fe改v加es,如leaf-leaves wife-wives (初中阶段除了giraffe是直接加s) 4. 以o结尾有生命的加es,没有生命的+s,如potato-potatoes studio-studios 有生命的:hero potato tomato mango 5. 以s,x,sh,ch结尾+es,如brush-brushes box-boxes glass-glasses beach-beaches (但是stomach-stomachs) 6. 单复同形:sheep-sheep fish-fish(鱼) Chinese-Chinese Japanese-Japanese 7. 不规则:man-men woman-women mouse-mice child-children tooth-teeth foot-feet(但是walkman-walkmans human-humans German-Germans)

3) 所有格: 表示人和时间的名词,要注意所有格,如:ten minutes’ work。名词所有格是表示所属关系,有以下三种表达方式:‘s; of所有格;双重所有格of +’s 所有格,表示两者共有的,the lily and lucy’s 表示家,店名,诊所等,at the doctor’s, at the Green’s ; 例题: 1.Would you please let me know the __________ (win) names? I’d better write them down now. 解析:根据names,可确定前面应该填一个人,所以把win变为winner。然后根据names复数可知winner也要加s,最后应该是赢家的名字,所以还需加所有格 答案:winners’ I wonder how to use these two different English-English _____________ (字典) correctly. 解析:先拼出单词dictionary,然后圈关键词two可知这里应该填复数 答案: dictionary 2.My grandfather, as a Jew, did stand to fight against the __________ (German) in WWII. 解析:根据句意可知应该填德国人,然后应该是填复数,表示与德国人对抗。 答案:Germans


Unit1 1过去n、past 2现在,目前 n、present 3刚才adv、just 4曾经/used to 5自…以来conj、since 6曾经adv、ever 7北方得,北部得adj、northern 8已婚得,结婚得adj、married 9妻子n、wife(pl、wives)10街区n、block 11自…以来prep、since 12在…期间prep、over 13把…变成…/turn …into 14污染;污染物n、pollutionpollute,polluted 15工厂n、factoryfactories 16废料;废品n、waste 17意识到;实现vt、&vi、realize (=realise) 18改进,改善vt、&vi、improve19形势,情况n、situation 20在某种程度上/in someway s 21然而adv、however 22不可能得adj、impossiblepossible, possibly 23以前,过去,已经adv、before 24孤独得,寂寞得adj、lonelylonely,alone 25不时,有时,偶尔/from tim eto time 26尽管,即使这样adv、anyway 27丈夫n、husband 28采访;会见n、interviewinterv iewrer 29一生/all one'slife30还,仍adv、yet31近来,最近adv、recentlyrecent 32过去得adj、past 33环境n、environment 34交通车辆,运输工具n、transport 35环境,条件,状况n、condition36返回vi、return 37最近,上一次;最后adv、last 38到(在)国外adv、abroad 39小学教育得;初级得adj、pri mary 40保持联系/keep in touch(with) 41交流,交际vi、&vt、municat e 42交流,交际n、munication 43(答语)正就是,没错adv、exac tly 44习惯于,适应于/be/ get used to 45狭窄得adj、narrow 46开阔得空地n、open space Unit 2 1旅行n、travelling(=trave ling) traveller 2嘿,喂excl、hey 3想念,思念vt、Miss 4极好得,美妙得adj、fantastic 5(在)室内得adj、indoor 6过山车,环滑车n、roller coaster 7速度n、speed 8乘坐n、ride 9卡通片,动画片n、cartoon 10人物n、character 11这样得(人或物)det、&pron、 such 12例如/such as 13(庆祝)游行n、parade 14魔法n、magic 15派,馅饼n、pie 16感觉到,意识到vt、feel 17两人,两件事物;几个人n、cou ple 18一对;几个,几件/acouple of 19在…末尾/atthe end of 20城堡n、castle 21沙;沙滩n、sand 22农村,乡下n、countryside 23结束adv、over 24结婚,嫁,娶vi、&vt、marryma rried 25死得adj、dead 26美丽;美人n、beauty 27海边得adj、seaside 28主题公园n、theme park 29帆船运动,航行n、sailing 30除了…以外prep、except 31景色,风景n、view 32高山n、mountain 33公事;商业;生意n、business 34出差/on business 35直达得,直接得adj、dire ctdirectly 36航班;航行n、flightfly 37要点n、point 38细节n、detail 39美味得,可口得adj、delicio us 40海鲜n、seafood 41机场n、airport 42亲戚n、relative Unit 3 1联网得,在线得adj、online 2节目;计划,方案n、programme 3遥控器n、remote contro l 4(表示惊奇、高兴等)啊excl、ah 5频道n、channel 6鍵盘n、keyboard 7机件;单位n、unit 8(电脑)主机n、main unit 9鼠标n、mouse (pl、mice/mou ses) 10显示屏,屏幕n、screen 11文字处理n、wordprocessing 12收到,接到vt、receive 13导游,向导n、guide 14图标n、icon 15点击vi、&vt、click 16亚洲n、AsiaAsian 17非洲n、AfricaAfrican 18欧洲n、EuropeEuropean 19美洲n、America American 20世界著名得,举世闻名得adj、 world-famous 21贸易n、trade 22南方得,南部得adj、southe rnsouth


初中八年级英语易错题专题解析 1.He will do what he can___________(work) out the problem for others. 答案:to work 解析:句意:他将做他能做的目的为了解决问题。表示目的to do。Can后面省略了do,因此用to work。 2.Nothing____________(be) diifficult if we put our heart into it. 答案:will be 解析:if引导的条件状语从句主将从现。If后面是从句,因此前面是主句,将来时。 3.I’m sure you__________(feel)better after taking enough rest at home. 答案:will feel 解析:句意:我确定你们将会感觉好些,因此用将来时will feel 4.I’m sorry for___________(knock) all your books off the desk. 答案:knocking 解析:非常抱歉我把你的书从桌子上撞下来了。For是介词,后面用动词-ing形式。 5.There comes Grandfather’s_________on the phone. A.noise B.sound C.voice D.shout 答案:C 解析:句意:来自爷爷的声音,noise指噪音,sound指自然界的各种声音,voice指人的声音,shout喊叫。 6.If we don’t do anything to keep___________,we will have some problems_________health. A.fit;with B.health;with C.healthy;to D.fit;on 答案:A

牛津译林版 八年级上册 Unit2 知识点

重点短语 1.British English英式英语 2.American English美式英语 3.in Year 8/in the 8th grade在8年级 4.discuss sth.with sb.和某人讨论某事 5.in class在课堂上 6.offer sb.help给某人提供帮助 7.spend time on/(in)doing sth.花时间在某物上/做某事 8.look through浏览,快速查看 9.at first起初,首先 10.keep(on)doing sth.继续,重复做某事 重点句型 1.Why don't sb.do sth.? 2.Among all my subjects,I like...best. 3.主语+has/have less+不可数名词+than… 4.主语十has/have the least+不可数名词。 5.主语十has/have fewer+可数名词复数+than……

6.主语+has/have the fewest+可数名词复数。 Unit2 知识点 1、Why don’t/doesn’t/didn’t+主语+谓语动词原形+其他.....为什么不....呢? Why don’t you go to the party? Why didn’t you give them some advice? Why not have a good sleep? 2、in Year 8= in the 8th grade 3、during 介词 4、bring in bring sb sth=bring sth to sb 把某物带给某人 5、discuss sth=take about sth 讨论某事 discuss sth with sb=have a discussion with sb 与某人讨论某事 6、offer sb sth=give sb sth=offer sth to sb=give sth to sb 给某人某物 7、end the meeting 结束会议 8、win 赢得奖品、比赛、名次、战斗(宾语) winner 获胜者


Unit 1 1过去n.past 2现在,目前 n.present 3刚才adv.just 4曾经/used to 5自…以来conj.since 6曾经adv.ever 7北方的,北部的adj.northern 8已婚的,结婚的adj.married 9妻子n.wife (pl. wives) 10街区n.block 11自…以来prep.since 12在…期间prep.over 13把…变成…/turn …into 14污染;污染物n.pollutionpollute,polluted 15工厂n.factoryfactories 16废料;废品n.waste 17意识到;实现vt.&vi.realize (=realise) 18改进,改善vt.&vi.improve 19形势,情况n.situation 20在某种程度上/in some ways 21然而adv.however 22不可能的adj.impossiblepossible, possibly 23以前,过去,已经adv.before 24孤独的,寂寞的adj.lonelylonely, alone 25不时,有时,偶尔/from time to time 26尽管,即使这样adv.anyway 27丈夫n.husband 28采访;会见 n.interviewinterviewrer 29一生/all one's life30还,仍 adv.yet31近来,最近 adv.recentlyrecent 32过去的adj.past 33环境n.environment 34交通车辆,运输工具n.transport 35环境,条件,状况n.condition 36返回vi.return 37最近,上一次;最后https://www.360docs.net/doc/439896826.html,st 38到(在)国外adv.abroad 39小学教育的;初级的adj.primary 40保持联系/keep in touch(with) 41交流,交际vi.&https://www.360docs.net/doc/439896826.html,municate 42交流,交际https://www.360docs.net/doc/439896826.html,munication 43(答语)正是,没错adv.exactly 44习惯于,适应于/be/ get used to 45狭窄的adj.narrow 46开阔的空地n.open space Unit 2 1旅行n.travelling (=traveling) traveller 2嘿,喂excl.hey 3想念,思念vt. Miss 4极好的,美妙的adj.fantastic 5(在)室内的adj.indoor 6过山车,环滑车n.roller coaster 7速度n.speed 8乘坐n.ride 9卡通片,动画片n.cartoon 10人物n.character 11这样的(人或物)det.&pron.such 12例如/such as 13(庆祝)游行n.parade 14魔法n.magic 15派,馅饼n.pie 16感觉到,意识到vt.feel 17两人,两件事物;几个人n.couple 18一对;几个,几件/a couple of 19在…末尾/at the end of 20城堡n.castle 21沙;沙滩n.sand 22农村,乡下n.countryside 23结束adv.over 24结婚,嫁,娶vi.&vt.marrymarried


Unit 1 1.thirsty/ 'θ?:sti/ adj. 口渴的 2.honest/ '?nist/ adj. 诚实的;正直的 3.secret/ 'si:kr?t/ n.秘密 4.keep a secret保守秘密 5.joy/ d??i/ n. 欢乐,高兴,乐趣 6.care/ k??/ vt.& vi. 关心;关注,在意 7.care about关心,关怀 8.yourself/ j?:'self/ pron. 你自己; 9.teenager/'ti:ne?d??(r)]/( 13岁到19岁的)青少年 10.magazine/?m?ɡ?'zi:n/n.杂志 11.good-looking/?g?d'l?k??/ adj. 好看的; 漂亮的 12.humorous/'hju:m?r?s/adj.幽默的;诙谐的 13.polite/ p?'la?t/ adj.礼貌的 14.tidy/ 'taidi/ adj.爱整洁的,整洁的 15.make/ meik/link v.成为,适合 16.trust /tr?st/vt.信任 17.lie/ lai/ n. 谎言 18.joke/ d??uk/ n. 玩笑; 19.true/ tru:/ adj.确实的,的确 20.generous/ 'd?en?r?s/ adj.慷慨的;大方的 21.willing/ 'wili?/ adj. 乐意的,愿意的; 22.any time/ 'eni ta?m /adv.(=anytime)在任何时候 23.voice/ v?is/ n. 嗓音; 24.singer/ 's???/ n. 歌手; 25.almost/ '?:lm?ust/ adv. 几乎,差不多; 26.round/ raund/ adj. 圆形的27.sense/ sens/ n.感觉;观念,意识 28.humour/ 'hju:m?/n.〈英〉幽默=〈美〉humor 29.bored / b?:d /adj. 无聊的 30.fit/ fit/可容纳,装进 31.knock/ n?k/ vt. 碰,撞,把…撞击成 32.onto/ '?ntu/prep.到…的上面 33.straight/ streit/ adj.笔直的; 34.sweet/ swi:t/ adj.可爱的,惹人喜爱的 35.smile/ smail/ vi. 微笑; 36.personality/ ?p?:s?'n?liti/ n. 个性; 37.choose/t?u:z/ vt.& vi. 选择; 挑选; 38.worse /w?:s/ adj.更差,更糟,更坏( bad 的比较级); 39.worst/ w?:st/最差;最糟; 最坏; (bad 的最高级); 40.height/ hait/ n. 高,高度 41.weight/ weit/ n. 重量 42.sec. /sek/ 秒; (=second)秒 https://www.360docs.net/doc/439896826.html,petition/?k?mpi'ti??n/ n. 竞争; 比赛;竞争 44.test/ test/ n. 测试,考查 45.swimmer/ 'swim?/ n. 游泳者; 46.plan/ pl?n/ n. 计划; 打算 47.social/ 's?u??l/ adj. 社会的 48.social worker n.社会工作者 49.ponytail/ 'p??nite?l/ n.(女子的)马尾辫 50.shy/ ?ai/ adj. 害羞的 51.square/ skw??/ adj.方形的 52.smiling/'sma?l??/ adj. 微笑的,带


charity n.慈善机构 illness n.疾病 education n.教育 research n.调查,研究 interviewer n.采访者 blindness n.失明 blind adj. 失明的 mostly adv.主要地,一般地 cure vt.治愈,治好 medical adj.疾病的,医疗的 treatment n.治疗,对待 volunteer n.义务工作者,志愿者vi.自愿做;义务做operation n.手术 training n.训练,培训 afford vi.& vt.买得起,能做 operate vi.做手术 proud adj.自豪的,骄傲的 develop vi.发展 quickly adv.迅速地,很快地 disease n.疾病 payment n.付款,报偿 rich adj.富有的 product n.产品,制品 set vi 创建,建立 set up建起,设立 basic adj.基础的,基本的 correct adj.正确的 war n. 战争 organize vt.组织,筹备 toothache n.牙痛 least adv.最小,最少 at least至少,不少于 pain n.疼痛 fever n. 发烧 stomach ache胃痛 headache n.头痛 cough n.咳嗽 flu n. 流行性感冒 be used to习惯于,适应 certainly adv.无疑,确定 enter vi.& vt.进来;成为……的一员,加入

glad adj.高兴,愉快 pancake n.烙饼,薄饼 reduce vt.减小,缩小 turn off关掉 recycle vt.回收利用,循环利用 private adj.私有的,自用的 lead vi.& vt.导致,造成(后果);带路 mountain n.高山,山岳 stream n.小河,溪 active adj.积极的 step n.步骤,措施 sort vt.整理,把……分类 plastic n.塑料 separate vi.& vt.分开,分离 organization n.组织,团体,机构 truck n.卡车 law n.法律 create vt.创造,创建;创作 cut vt.切,割 cut down砍到 punish vt.处罚,惩罚 produce vt.制造,引起,使产生 June n.六月 treasure n.财富,珠宝 valuable adj.宝贵的,很重要的 rule n.规则,规章 fisherman n.渔民 catch vt.接住,抓住;逮住 meeting n.会议 recently adv.不久前,最近 daily adj.每日的,日常的 tap n.龙头,旋塞 strict adj.严格的,严厉的 March n.三月 dust n.沙土,尘土 wood n.木头,木料 insect n.昆虫 human n.人 hen n.母鸡 silent adj.不说话的,沉默的 simple adj.易做的,简单的 reusable adj.可重复使用的,可再次使用的litter n.垃圾,废弃物



Unit 1 1. thirsty adj.口渴的 2. honest adj.诚实的;正直的 3. secret n. 秘密 4. keep a secret 保守秘密(短语) 5. *joy n. 欢乐,高兴;乐趣 6. care vi. & vt. 关心,关注,在意 7. care about 关心,关怀(短语) 8. yourself pron. 你自己 9. *teenager n. (13至19岁的)青少年 10. magazine n. 杂志 11. good-looking adj. 好看的,漂亮的 12. humorous adj.幽默的 13. polite adj.礼貌的 14. tidy adj.爱整洁的,整洁的 15. make v. 成为;适合 16. trust vt. 信任 17. lie n. 谎言 18. joke n.玩笑 19. true adj.确实的;的确 20. *generous adj.慷慨的,大方的 21. *willing adj. 乐意的,愿意的 22. any time(=anytime) 在任何时候(短语) 23. voice n.嗓音 24. singer n.歌手 25. almost adv.几乎,差不多 26. round adj.圆形的 27. sense n.感觉;观念,意识 28. *humour n.幽默(英)=(美) humor 29. bored adj.无聊的 30. fit vi可容纳,装进 31. knock vt.碰,撞;把...撞击成 32. *onto prep. 到…的上面 33. straight adj笔直的 34. sweet adj可爱的,惹人喜爱的 35. smile vi.微笑 36. *personality n个性 37. choose vt.& vi. 选择;挑选 38.worse adj更差,更糟,更坏 (bad的比较级) 39.worst adj最差,最糟,最坏 (bad的最高级)


牛津译林八年级上册阅读理解知识梳理 【知识梳理】 知识点一、细节理解题 1、细节理解题的基本要求和特点 初中英语阅读理解最基本的要求是“能从一般性文章中获取和处理主要信息”。对 这种“获取和处理主要信息”能力的考查,主要采用的方式就是细节判断。这类题在 阅读理解题中占据半壁江山,做好这类题是确保基础分的关键。同时,弄清细节,正 确获取信息,也是把握文章主旨的前提。因此,要特别重视做好这类题。 细节题就是指那些针对文章细节描写或与文章情节发展相关的事实所设置的问题。 这类题主要测试考生获取信息及对文章所提供信息的理解能力。 2.设题方式 1) 此类题型多数以特殊疑问词设问,设问的检测点针对某一具体行为、地点、时间、原因、方式、数量等。细节题是用来进一步表达主题,体现中心思想的,往往针对短 文某个细节来设题。做此类题时,应快速捕捉信息,可能是一些事例、数字等,阅读 时要有针对性。此类考查事实和细节的题目大多数是针对文章的细节设计的。 2) 常见的命题方式 Which of the following is NOT true according to the information in the passage? Which of the following is mentioned in the passage? What is the example of . . . as described in the passage? The author mentions all of the following except . . . The reason for . . .is . . . The author states that . . . According to the passage, when (where, why, how, who, etc. )...? Which of the following is right? Which of the following is not mentioned? Choose the right order of this passage .


译林版初中八年级单词整理表 八年级上册 Unit1 thirsty 口渴的 honest adj.诚实的;正直的secret n.秘密 keep a secret vi.&vt.保守秘密 joy n.欢乐,高兴;乐趣 care vi.&vt.关心,关注,在意care about 关心,关怀 yourself pron.你自己 teenager n.(13至19岁的)青少年magazine n.杂志 good-looking adj.好看的,漂亮的humorous adj.幽默的 polite adj.礼貌的 tidy adj.爱整洁的,整洁的make linking v.成为;合适trust vt.信任 lie n.说谎 joke n.玩笑 true adj.确实的;的确generous adj.慷慨的,大方的willing adj.乐意的,愿意的 any time adv.在任何时候 voice n.嗓音 singer n.歌手 almost adv.几乎,差不多 round adj.圆形的 sense n.感觉;观念,意识humour n.〈英语〉幽默 bored adj.无聊的 fit vi.可容纳,装进knock vt.碰,撞;把…撞击成onto prep.到…的上面straight adj.笔直的 sweet adj.可爱的,惹人喜爱的smile vi.微笑 personality n.个性 choose vi.&vt.选择;挑选worse adj.更差,更糟,最坏worst adj.最差,最糟,最坏height n.高,高度 weight n.重量 sec. (=second) abbr.秒competition n.竞赛,比赛;竞争 test n.测试,考查 swimmer n.游泳者 plan n.打算,计划 social adj.社会的 social worker n.社会工作者 ponytail n.马尾辫 shy adj.害羞的 square adj.方形的 smiling 微笑的,带着笑意的handsome adj.英俊的 fat adj.胖的 hard-working 勤奋的,工作努力的patient adj.耐心的 smile vi.微笑 unhappy adj.不快乐的,悲伤的excellent adj.杰出的,极好的 Unit2 advertisement (=ad)广告British adj.英国的biscuit n.〈英〉饼干lorry n.〈英〉卡车rubber n.〈英〉橡皮American adj.美国的eraser n.〈美〉橡皮soccer n.〈美〉英式足球vacation n.〈美〉假期cookie n.〈美〉饼干 fall n.〈美〉秋天 store n.〈美〉商店 truck n.〈美〉卡车 yard n.〈美〉院子 movie n.〈美〉电影 mixed adj.男女混合的;混合的French n.法语 foreign adj.外国的


八年级英语上册复习试题及答案全套 英语单元复习试卷 (8A Unit 1) I. 用所给单词的适当形式填空 l. What do I have to do if want to be ____________ ? ( thin) 2. She want to be a____________(sing) when she grows up. 3. What is the ____________ (high) of Yao Ming? 4. The funny boy often makes us ___________ (laugh). 5. My friend is always willing _________ (share) things and help others. 6. My best friend has a good sense of ____________ ( humorous) . 7. Of all the teachers in the school, Mrs Smith is the _________ (patient) with students 8. The more you read, the ___________ (wealth) you will feel in spirit. 9. Shanghai is _____________ ( large) than any other city in China. 10. ---Which do you think is ____________ (valuable) , time or money? --Time, I think. When time is gone, it never comes back II. 单项选择 l. Shanghai is larger than __________in China. A. any city B. any other city C. any cities D. all the cities 2. We must do ___________ work with__________ people. A. more, less B. less, less C. fewer, fewer D. more, fewer 3. His composition is____________ better than mine. A. more B. very C. much D. a lot of 4. ---_____________honest boy you are! ---Thank you! A What an B. What C. How an D. What a 5. ---The Internet service fees are too high, and the speed is too slow. ---That's why Premier Li Keqiang asks operators (运营商)to provide ________ Internet. A. many cheaper and quicker B. very cheaper and quicker C. more cheaper and quicker D. much cheaper and quicker III.阅读理解 A new term might be the best time to make new friends, but it can be hard to begin the first conversation. Below are four useful ways. Take a look. Search for common interests. Talking about shared interests, such as sports and popular talent shows, is the easiest way to make a successful talk with someone. Welcome the silence. In fact, sometimes silence is needed in order to continue a conversation. Remember that if you say something, the other person may need time to understand it. Keep it positive(积极的). To make great small talk, you should keep things fun. You should be cheerful and able to laugh over things that aren’t very interesting. These will make the other person want to keep talking to you. Take it as a learning experience. Every time you meet someone from other places, it’s a good chance to learn something new. You can learn more about their cultures and nations. These make you a more interesting person to talk to as well. 1. How many ways are mentioned to start a conversation in the reading? A. Only one. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.


最新牛津译林版八年级英语上册复习试题及答案全套 牛津译林版英语单元复习试卷 (8A Unit 1) I. 用所给单词的适当形式填空 l. What do I have to do if want to be ____________ ?( thin) 2. She want to be a____________(sing) when she grows up. 3. What is the ____________ (high) of Yao Ming? 4. The funny boy often makes us ___________ (laugh). 5. My friend is always willing _________ (share) thingsand help others. 6. My best friend has a good sense of ____________ ( humorous) . 7. Of all the teachers in the school, Mrs Smith is the _________ (patient) with students 8. The more you read, the ___________ (wealth) you will feel in spirit. 9. Shanghai is _____________ ( large) than any other city in China. 10. ---Which do you think is ____________ (valuable) , time or money? --Time, I think. When time is gone, it nevercomes back II. 单项选择 l. Shanghai is larger than __________in China. A. any city B. any other city C. any cities D. all the cities 2. We must do ___________ work with__________ people. A. more,less B. less,less C. fewer,fewer D. more,fewer 3. His composition is____________ better than mine. A. more B. very C. much D. a lot of 4. ---_____________honest boy you are! ---Thank you! A What an B. What C. How an D. What a 5. ---The Internet service fees are too high, and the speed is too slow. ---That's why Premier Li Keqiang asks operators (运营商)to provide ________ Internet. A. many cheaper and quicker B. very cheaper and quicker C. more cheaper and quicker D. much cheaper and quicker III.阅读理解 A new term might be the best time to make new friends, but it can be hard to begin the first conversation. Below are four useful ways. Take a look. Search for common interests.Talking about shared interests, such as sports and popular talent shows, is the easiest way to make a successful talk with someone. Welcome the silence. In fact, sometimes silence is needed in order to continue a conversation. Remember that if you say something, the other person may need time to understand it. Keep it positive(积极的). To make great small talk, you should keep things fun. You should be cheerful and able to laugh over things that aren’t very interesting. These will make the other person want t o keep talking to you. Take it as a learning experience. Every time you meet someone from other places, it’s a good chance to learn something new. You can learn more about their cultures and nations. These make you a more interesting person to talk to as well. 1. How many ways are mentioned to start a conversation in the reading? A. Only one. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five. 2. You can start a meaningful conversation by according to the reading.


牛津译林版八年级英语上册阅读理解专项练习 A Nowadays, more and more apps have come into the world. Most of them make our life better. Look at four apps below: 1. If you have problems in remembering English words, which app can help you? A. Baicizhan. B. Douban FM. C. Flipboard. D. Moment Camera. 2. When you use Flipboard, you can . A. listen to music B. learn English C. take pictures D. know about news 3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the form above? A. Douban FM is a music app for you to sing songs. B. Flipboard gives you a chance to choose the news that interests you. C. Baicizhan just shows the Chinese and English meanings of a new word. D. Flipboard app was founded two months later than Moment Camera app. B Jack's parents are puzzled(困惑的). Every morning their two boys are nice to each other and they never argue(争吵).
