



1. do you like playing ______ by yourself ?

a. on

b. around

c. with

2. would you like _______ ice cream ?

a. some

b. any

c. many

3. have you finished _____ your homework?

a. with

b. do

c. doing

4. i won’t visit that place ______.

a. any better

b. more

c. any more

5. how much are the _____?

a. bread

b. potatos

c. tomatoes

6. would you like some _______?

a. milk

b. milks

c. milk’s

7. they are from different _______.

a. country

b. countrys

c. countries

8. why are ______ interested in _______?

a. chinese , tea

b. chineses , teas

c. chinese , teas

9. could you help ____ with ____english , please ?

a. i , my

b. me, me

c. me,my

10. usually go to church every sunday。

a the brownsbbrown c. the brown

11. _____ young should look after ______ old.

a. the, the

b. a, a

c. the, a

12. the little boy gets____on his way home.

a. lose

b. lost

c. loses

13. i like going to school ______ foot.

a. by

b. on

c. with

14. can i try this dress_____.

a. in

b. on

c. up

15. either the apples or the milk_____ good for your health.

a. is

b. are

c. do

16. when did you arrive______ the cinema?

a. at

b. in

c. /

17. mother bought two ______ for me.

a. shoes

b. pair of shoes

c. pairs of shoes

18. i don’t have _____ money to buy a ticket to london.

a. some

b. many

c. enough

19.beef is usually a _______ in a meal.

a. soup

b. main course

c. desert.

20._______ lives in the palace.

a. queen

b. queens

c.the queen



this is a picture of the twins’ room. it is a nice room. lucy’s books are on the desk. her schoolbag is on the floor. lily’s pencils are on the books. her bag is behind her chair. their coats are behind the door. we can’t see lucy and lily in the picture. they are not at home.

() 1. this is a picture of lily and lucy’s room.

() 2. lucy’s schoolbag is behind the chair.

()3. lucy’s and lily’s coats are on the chair.

()4. lucy and lily are not at home.

()5. their room is nice.


this is jim’s room. it’s not big, but it’s very clean. there is a

bed in the room. it’s near the door. under(在??下)the bed, there are two balls. there is a desk and a chair near the window. there is a bookcase beside the desk. on the bookcase, there

are many books and newspaper(报纸). there are two

pictures in the room, too. they are on the wall.


1. the balls are ______.

a. near the window

b. on the desk

c. under the bed

d. beside the desk

2. jim’s bed is ______.

a. near the door

b. near the window

c. on the bookcase

d. on the wall

3. ______ are on the wall of jim’s room.

a. the books

b. the balls

c. the newspapers

d. the pictures

4. jim’s ______ are on his bookcase.

a. books

b. newspaper

c. pictures . a and b

5. jim’s room is ______.

a. big

b. not clean

c. dirty(脏的)

d. not big


americans usually eat three meals a day. breakfast usually comes before eight o’clock in the morning. they usually have eggs, some meat, bread, fruit juice and coffee. lunch is

be tween twelve and one o’clock. it is like a light meal and working people must take lunch with them or get it near workplace.

children in school take sandwiches, fruit, and cookies with them or eat in school. supper, the main meal, is between six and eight in the evening. people cook it carefully. they may have meat or chicken, turkey and duck. they may all have potatoes or rice, vegetables or salad. the drink is coffee,

tea or milk. then comes the dessert.

1. americans have breakfast ________.

a. after eight o’clock

b. at eight o’clock

c. before eight o’clock in the morning

d. in the morning

2. _______ is the most important meal in a day.

a. breakfast

b. lunch

c. meals

d. supper

3. what does “light” mean in chinese? _______

a. 重的

b. 有用的

c. 轻的

d. 不太重要的

4. americans usually have breakfast and supper at ______.

a. home

b. office

c. inn

d. work place

5. when americans have supper, _______ comes last.

a. drink

b. meat

c. dessert

d. vegetables

三.选择正确的答案,完成对话。(每小题2分,共计20分。) dialogue 1.

a:miss,we want to _____ now.

b: ok, your name and your room number ,please?

a: kitty and mickey, room 215 and 216.

b: you’ve stayed here for five days, is that______?

a: yes, that’s right.

b: that ______be 150 dollars.

a: well, _______ you are.

b: thank you. ________ to our hotel next time. goodbye!

a: bye-bye.

1. a. check in b. check out c. checks out

2. a. properb. correct c. right

3. a. will b. would c. is

4. a. there b. herec. that

5. a. thank you b. welcome c. welcomes

dialogue 2

a: good morning. do you have any rooms with ______nice view? b: sure. ______ kind of room would you like, double or single room? a: two double rooms, please.

b: all right. how _______ will you be with us?

a: about five days. by the way , wh at’s the price per night?

b: 30 dollars or rmb 240 a night______service and tv.

a: that’s very fine. thank you.

b: would you please ____ the form, please.

a: certainly.

a: ok. enjoy your stay here.

6. a. a b. an c. the

7. a. which b. whatc. how

8. a. manyb. oftenc. long

9. a. tob. for c. with

10. a. write b. fill inc. read

part ii


1. no, time, see, long


2. birthday, a, sam, present, send, i


3. hard, a,work, should, student


4. too, is, am, expensive, afraid, i, it


5. to, my. this, time, is, london, first




1. turn left at the crossroads


2. take the order now


3. worry about my future


4. look forward to my birthday


5. give me a hand




can you_______________________?

2. 互相握手在中国很常见。

it is very common to _________________in china.

3. 他匆匆到达机场。

he got to the airport _________________.

4. 总而言之,我不喜欢雨天。

_____________, i don’t like rainy days.

5. 中国以悠久的历史而闻名。

china ___________________its l


一.1-5 bbccc6-10 acaca 11-15 abbba16-20 accbc 二.21-25 tfftt 26-30 caddd31-35 cddac

三. 1-5 bcbbb 6-10 abccb

四.1. long time no see

2. i send sam a birthday present.

3. a student should work hard.

4. i am afraid it is too expensive.

5. this is my first time to london.


1. 在十字路口左转

2. 现在点菜

3. 担心我的未来

4. 期盼我的生日


1. give me a hand

2. shake hands

3. in a hurry

4. in a word

5. is famous for



1. 本试卷分为第一、第二两卷。第一卷三大题,满分120分:第二卷两大题,满分30分,


2. 答卷前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。


1. 单项选择(共20小题:每小题2分,满分40分)。


1. in those days,everybody in the village___to church every sunday.

a. went

b.has gone


d.will go

2.don’t forget to lock the door___.

a.no,i’m not

b.yes,i have

c.no,i won’t

d.yes,i’m sure

3.the next meeting will take place___tuesday morming.





4.i ran into ted yesterday .i___him since graduation.

a.hadn’t seen

b.don’t see

c.won’t see

d.didn’t see

5.jane went away ___i could say goodbye to her.





6.you should have your car ___as soon as possible.

a.to fix




7.you will be shown around the city, musenms,sports centres and some other places,___other visitors seldom go.





8.is she going to send the book back?

___not.i think she will keep it.





9.the news spread quickly ___soon everybody knew what had happppend.





10. ___the truth,we are not willing to cut down on workers in order to out costs.



c.to tell

d.to have told

11.i kept telling you about it ,but you ___listen.





12.i was at the office all weekend ___care of importhant business.


b.to take



13.i thought the film was pretty good,but my brother didn’t think___.





14.the police questioned all the students,but___of them had seen the thief.





15. ______everybody know,the farming industry is in serious difficulties.





16.i tried phoning her office ,but icouldn’t___.

a.get up

b.get through

c.get off

d.get along

17.could i___your name .please? yes,it’s jenkins. sandra jenkins.





18.i think we’ve discussed everything we need to ___,what time is it?

a.through the way

b.in the way

c.on the way

d.by the way

19.by the time the guests come ,i expect to ___all the food.

a.have prepared




20.i can’t find my glasses, i must have___them on the bus.







in ancient egypt(古埃及),people believed that the cat was a

god .when a___21___died its owners showed their sadness by the strange habit of shaving their eyebrows off in the 19th century ,the famous english writer charles dickens had a cat who was very __22__of him .the cat didn’t like to _23__dickens working too hard .at night ,when the cat wanted to say

__24__writing to his master ,he often__25__dickens’s candle with his paw(脚爪).

when animals become pets, the result,after a number of generations,is a smaller animal with a smaller brain. rabbits (兔子),__26__,which live as pets in a garden,are less intelligent than their __27__cousins ,of course ,man doesn’t always keep __28__for pleasure.many animals have to work for their masters.

there was __29__a farm in namibia, africa, which had 80

goats .a mother monkey took the goats to the hills every day and brought them back at night .she __30__knew exactly

which goats were hers which is more than many humans could do.

21. a.catb.monkeyc.rabbitd.goat

22. a.sure b.fondc.afraidd.proud

23. a.makeb.help c.seed.force

24. a.stop b.startc.enjoy d.keep

25. a.held on b.looked forc.put out d.picked up

26. a.finally b.of course c.howeverd.for example

27. a.happy b.wouldc.famousd.small

28. a.animals b.gardens c.cousinsd.candles

29.a.again b.soon c.oftend.once

30. a.never b.sometimesc.seldom d always




i want to tell you the story of one of my old friends called bob,his teachers called him a troublemaker ,they also said that he had no future and no hope . but now he owns a small secondchand bookstore store which makes him enough

money to live on and also to support his mother .

he told me that after he finished grade nine ,he went to study

at a technical college ,he was a pretty bad student so he became ode of the gang (一帮)ieaders there ,many of them got caught many times for fighting.

it looked like nothing could change his life , that was until one sad day when his father died ,that changed everything .

after his father died, his mother had to work very hard to make enough money to support the family ,he told me that he really pitied his mum after his dad died , he felt that he needed to

earn some money rather than let his mum work alone ,he loved reading cartoon(卡通)books and had been collecting them for years ,as his family was short of money he decided that he should sell them, he did this by the side of the road where his mother was selling food.

soon he realised that his books were very popular. so he decided to set up his own business, he started his business by going around buying cartoon books from other people.he bought them for 25% and then sold them for half price. he

could make enough money to help support the family.

he was at a troublemaker to his teachers but he is a hero to me ,if you are judged as abad student or as someone being astupid, i suggest you pay no attention to what they say, just do your best in everything ,don’t give up s o easily ,believe in yourself ,if you think that you can do it ,then you can, believe me, one day you could be mors successful than those persons who looked down upon you

31. what does the author want to tell the readers?

a.how a young man helpen his mother.

b.how a young man graduated from college.

c.people can change when they are determined to.

d.people can be successful after they lose a family member.

a.pitied his mother

b.got caught for fighting

c.wanted to work with his mother

d.had to sell food by the roadside

a. sold all his cartoon books

b. found others liked cartoon books

c.could write his own cartoon books

d.could buy cartoon books from others


caffeine (咖啡因) is in many foods and drinks. more than 60 plants ,incuding coffee beans(豆) .tea leaves ,and cocoa beans (the source of chocolate). have caffeine .in addition companies add it to some drinks and now putting caffeing in more products . for example new kinds of mineral .water and juice have caffeine.

when we eat or drink caffeine, it wakes us up and makes our hearts work a little faster. caffeine also helps some medicine work faster, and helps stop some headaches.

homever, caffeine has some bad effects. if we have it at night we may not be able to sleep. too much caffeine can make us feel angry or unconfortabel.many doctors say that caffeine is not good for children or women who are pregnant(怀孕的)。if people eat or drink a lot of caffeine, their hearts will start working too fast.

in addition to all these effects,caffeine is habit forming, just like cigarettes ,after people start drinking caffeine stopping can be very difficult. a lso,after people start drinking caffeine they want more and more ,a little caffeine is not bad for most

grown-ups ,but people should cut down on caffeine if they are getting too much.

34. according to the text, companies add caffeine to .

a. tea leaves

b.mineral water

c.coffee beans

d.cocoa beans .

a.caffeine has changed our eating habits

b.young people love to go to coffee shops

c.americans are now taking more caffeine

d.products with caffeine are always attractive

a. school children

b. doctors and nurses

c. women working at home

d. people staying up late at night


a. caffeine and your health

b. caffeine and its bad effects

c. high production of ceffee beans

d.effects of caffeine on children and women


fun games and activities play all important role in making picnics enjoyable, here are some examples.

picnic games for all age groups: running and jumping

races .playing balloons are some of the very popular picnic games for children. growncups in the picnic mood often enjoy taking part in children’s games too. while organizing picnic games that suit all age groups. think of all those going to the picnic and think of their preferences. picnic games for grown cups can include playing frisbee(飞盘),ball games and other sports activities. prepare playing cards and board games for those who may not be able to take part in active games.

family picnic games:family picnics are for all the family members to get together and share some priceless moments with each other. when on a family picnics, spend quality time with your family members ,chat with them and take about what you have not spoken about, due to your busy company picnic games: company picnics are team-building events, organized with the

purpose of nurturing(培养)team spirit in the company employees and developing in them a sense of belongnss towards the organization. you can organize outdoor sports,

team games and enjoyable activities for the team members. make sure that the company picnic turns out to be a refreshing break from work for the team.

a. teams

b. races

c. picnics


39. what kind of games do children probably like best?

a. playing cards

b. throwing frisbee

c.team sports

d.running races

40. the under lined words a. school mates

b.family members

c.people working for you

d.people sitting next to you

41.why do companies organize games?

a. to select the strongest teams.

b.to make the organizers more famous.

c.to build a link between work and play.

d.to help their employees build team spirits.


the california llighway patrol had a special program early one morning ,in a car park they showed parents how to keep children safe while riding in a car.

the officers and medical experts(专家)showed the parents how to pronerly place a child safety seat in the car , the seat must be tightly fastened so that it will not move.they told the

parents how to place a child in a safety seat and how to use a car’s belt to lock down a safety seat.

people brought their children with them along with their safety seats,the experts showed them how to position their seats properly. the experts also looked at the seats that the parents were using to make sure they were not damaged or broken. safety sents were too loose(松)or the straps(安全带)were too low for the children.the patents were given new seats if their children’s seats were damaged or unsafe.

it is a law in califoraia that all children must be in a safety seat when they are in a car , a child must be in a safaty seat until they are six vears old or weigh at least 60 pounds.

anybody driving with a child in the car without a safety seat will be fined. he will have to pay a ticket, and he will get a mark on his driving record called a point. if a person receivers too

many points on his driving record, he will perhaps lose his right to drive.

42.in the special program parents were taught how___.

a. to place a bell on the cat seat

b. to use the child safety seat correctly

c.to hide their children in a safe place

d.to fasten the child on the car properly

43. the underlined word resolved in paragraph 4 most probably means___.





44.according to a californian law a child must be in a safety seat if he is___.

a.sitting in the front seat

b.on the way to school



1.she _______(宾格)

2.country _______(复数)


4. three _________ (序数词)

5.china ________ (形容词)

6.i ______ (名词性物主代词)

7.boy (复数)

8.swim _______ (现在分词)

9. photo _______(复数) 10. mouse ________(复数)


() 1. look! lucy is ______ a new red dress. she is beautiful today.

a. with

b. put on

c. in

d. wear

() 2. -- __________? -- my bike is broken.

a. what is it

b. what is wrong with you

c. where is it

d. whose is this

() 3. there are so many people in the shop. you must ________ your things.

a.look at

b.look after

c.put away

d.put on

() 4. i have two good pen friends. one is an american, ______ is in england.

a. the other

b. another one

c. another

d. other

() 5. -- _______ are his football clothes?-- under the bed.

a. where

b. who

c. whose

d. what

() 6. -- thank you very much!-- ________.

a. youre right

b. all right

c. you are welcome

d. ok.

() 7. the coat _____ the wall isnt kates. its ______.

a. on; his

b. to; mine

c. in; he

d. under; him

()8.juice and water are healthy drinks,_____ coke isnt healthy

drink. a.andb.butc.or d.so

() 9.can i have _____ water?

a.these b.somec.one d.those

()10.lingling is in __________.

a.class four,grade one b.grade one,class four

c.class four,grade one d. class four , grade one


1. the boys like to listen to music when they do ______ (they) homework.

2. my mothers work is _____ (make) our city safe.

3. one day, mr green asked mrs green ______ (go) shopping for him.

4. we would brush our (tooth) twice a day.

5. this book is the lightest and ______ (thin) of all the books.

6. she is ______ (good) than alice at swimming.

7. janet ______ (get) up at 7:30 a.m. every day, so she is always late for


8. i think the ______ (four) lesson is the most difficult in this book.

9. look at the sign. the library is _____ (close) from 1:00 p.m to 2:00 p.m.

10. jason is used to ______ (watch) tv the whole night.


1. we are making a model plane. (变成一般疑问句)

2. the boys are sitting under the tree. (对划线部分提问)

3. look out of the window. (改为否定句)

4. we can see some birds over there. (对画线部分提问)

______________________________________________________ _______________

5. these girls have some apples. (改为单数句子)

______________________________________________________ _______________


a. lets go to t he zoo.

b. can you spell “window”?

c. good evening, da

d.d. good night.

e. this is mr zhang.

f. look at the new car.

g. come and sit here.h. its my favourite colour.

( )1. 傍晚见到父亲说:___________

( )2. 你想说这是我最喜欢的颜色:________

( )3. 你想叫人拼写窗户这个单词,可以说:_________

( )4. 你叫汤姆过来坐,可以说:________

( )5. 你想请别人欣赏这辆红色法拉利小轿车,可以说:_______

( )6. 想邀请别人一起去动物园,可以说:________

( )7. 睡前对母亲说晚安,应表达为:________

( )8. 你向helen介绍一下张老师,应该说:______


alan is an english boy. now he studies in shanghai yucai middle school. he is

in grade seven. he has a dog. it`s black and white. the dog`s very clever. alan likes

it very much. its faveorite food is bone (骨头). every day when alan gets home, the dog meets him in front of (在??前面) the house.

alan`s friend, jenny is an american girl. she is in shanghai, too. they are in the same grade. but in different classes. she has a pet panda. it`s also a black and white, but it`s not a real (真正的) panda. it`s a toy. the panda is very clean (干净的). jenny often washes it in water. where is the panda now? oh, it`s sleeping (睡觉) with jenny. every night it sleeps with jenny.

( ) 1. where is alan from?

a. england

b. america

c. canada

( ) 2. what`s alan`s pet dog`s favorite food?

a. fish

b. meat

c. bone

( ) 3. what grade is jenny in?

a. seven

b. eight

c. nine

( ) 4. what does the dog do when alan gets home from school?

a. it sleeps with him

b. it meets him in front of the house

c. it runns with him.

( ) 5. what animal is black and white according to the passage (根据文章)?

a. cat

b. dog

c. panda
