




凤凰古城国家历史文化名城,曾被新西兰著名作家路易艾黎称赞为中国最美丽的小城。这里与吉首的德夯苗寨,永顺的猛洞河,贵州的梵净山相毗邻,是怀化、吉首、贵州铜仁三地之间的必经之路。 209国道和湘黔省道从县境穿叉过,铜仁大兴机场距县城仅27公里,交通实为便利。







影后的豆腐我们也吃了,芙蓉镇的美艳也见识过了,过了身后不远的芙蓉镇大桥我们就到了湘西的金凤凰宋祖英的家乡了,同时也是著名歌唱家何继光的家乡。 20xx年,宋祖英在世界的音乐殿堂维也纳金色大厅进行了首个华人演唱会,吸引了全世界的眼光。婉转动听的山歌让人如痴如醉;全身上下光芒四射的苗家盛装更是人人叹为观止。苗家人为什么那













ladies and gentlemen , welcome to Fenghuang, the place where were arriving is one of the two most beautiful town in China----the old town of fenghuang, its a very important point that connects huaihua hunan and tongren guizhou together.and its the hometown of mr shengcongwen.

fenghuang has wonderful natural landscapes,its very hot for travelling since the old time. even a lot of teleplays were produced here.fenghuang is also a dradle for famous people ,shencongwen and xiongxiling are both spent their childhood here.now, lets set out

to enjoy these fantastic good views.


This is the former residence of shencongwen,a very famous auther, archaeologist and historian in china.

lined in the zhongying street in the south part of the fenghuang old town, the residence is a typical spacious ancient countryard with special tectonic style of ming and qing dynasty. walk into the yard, you can find that there is a small patio in the center of the countryard. which is built with red rock. around the patio , there are about 10 rooms which are small but decorated by special carved wooden windows .its so beautiful.

common people,and know their tragic lives. this special experience stunned up his enthusiasm of writhing . so in 1919, mr shen went to beijing alone, and began his hard writing . after his series of works WEST OF HUNAN FRINGE TOWN were punished, mr shen became nation -wide well -known.at that time, he was even as famous as luxun, another famous auther in chiese literature area. its said that shencongwen is the one who is the most possible to win the prize.

mr shen devoted all his life to writing,his 5-million word works are though as the precious legacy to the world

literature.meanwhile, these works are also very veluable date for researching the history of hunan province and even china.


上海中英文导游词 【篇一:上海景点导游词(英文)shanghai travel and tours guide】 shanghai travel and tours guide located at the center of the mainlands coastline, shanghai has long been a major hub of communications, transportation, and international exchange. the municipality covers an area of 6,341 square kilometers and has a population of more than 13.5 million. shanghai is chinas largest economic comprehensive industrial base, and a famous historical and cultural city. the city consistently attracts investment and is seen as an ideal venue for business gatherings. it is also a must on any agenda during a tour of china. shanghai has fostered a comprehensive transportation network that incorporates land, sea, and air travel, as well as a convenient urban transportation system. more than 300 airlines serve the city, proving direct flights to more than 20 countries and regions. the addition of the shanghai pudong international airport, which went into operation in 1999, is expected to increase the annual passenger volume to some 20 million. special tourist trains running between shanghai and the neighboring provinces of jiangsu and zhejiang, as well as tourist bus routes along newly-constructed expressways, offer great convenience for regional travel. shanghai has more than 400 travel agencies to assist visitors, and the 127 star-rated hotels offer a total of 40, 000 guest rooms. visitors to shanghai are not only dazzled by the modern metropolis and gateway to a developing china, but are also able to immerse themselves in the unique shanghai culture, a combination of chinese and western elements. colorful festivals and celebrations dot the yearly shanghai activities calendar, such as the shanghai nanhui peach blossoms festival, shanghai international tea culture festival and shanghai china international art festival. shanghai has also introduced special tour packages aimed at the different interests of visitors, such as bicycling tours,


编号:上海的英文导游词 甲方: 乙方: 签订日期:年月日 X X公司

导游词的宗旨是通过对旅游景观绘声绘色地讲解、指点、评说,帮助旅游者欣赏景观,以达到游览的最佳效果。下面是关于上海的英文导游词,分享给你们。谢谢支持。 上海玉佛寺英文导游词 Ladies and gentlemen, today we are going to visit a famous Buddhist temple---the Jade Buddha Temple. Before visiting the temple, I’d like to say a few words about the religious situation in Shanghai. Our constitution stipulates that every Chinese citizen is ensured the freedom of religious belief. There are four major religions in practice in Shanghai, namely, Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, and Christianity, which is sub-divided into the Catholic Church and the Protestant Church. When it comes to Buddhist temples in China, they are usually classified into three sects, i.e. temples for meditation, for preaching and for practicing Buddhist disciplines. The Jade Buddha Temple is a temple for meditation, and is well-known


鼓浪屿的导游词 鼓浪屿位于厦门岛的西南偶,与厦门市隔海相望。小岛是音乐的沃土,有“钢琴之岛”、“音乐之乡”的美名。小岛上气候宜人,鸟语花香,绿树成阴,美丽的花朵竞相开放。鼓浪屿上有许多著名的景点,如:日光岩、菽庄花园、海底世界、皓月园、百鸟园等。 现在,我们所处的位置是鼓浪屿的码头—龙头码头。 请大家跟随我走,这里就是皓月园,是纪念民族英雄郑成功的主题公园,公园里耸立着高大雄伟的郑成功雕像。皓月园景色迷人,明代建筑和与海滨的沙鸥、树木、海景山色相辉映,构成了一副天然的图画。 大家来看,这就是鼓浪屿中最引人注目的海底世界。这里拥有来自世界各大洲,各大洋的海水鱼、淡水鱼三百五十多种。在海底世界里,有海洋馆、海豚馆、企鹅馆等。但是最新颖的,非那条海底隧道莫属不可啦走进海底隧道,你可以不用潜水,“与鱼共游”。在海洋馆里,我们可以看见巨鲨、巨鱼工、医生鱼、海龙、海马等,五花八门,各种各样。瞧,在企鹅馆里,小企鹅那圆溜溜的、白白挺挺的肚子,那黑黑的脊背,它走起路来一摇一晃,可爱极了。在抹香鲸标本馆里,有一只国内最大的抹香鲸标本,全长18.6米,重46吨。海豚馆里的节目最精彩了海豚、海狮的表演令人目瞪口呆,它们用尖尖的嘴奋力顶起皮球;它们姿态优美地跃过空中的大圆环;它们友善地亲

吻驯养师的脸颊。 接下来,我们来菽庄花园观赏。这里风光万千,具有江南园林的韵味。园内有眉寿堂、真率亭、四十四桥、十二洞天等景观。菽庄花园里还有“钢琴博物馆”呢。 接着,我们要去日光岩。日光岩俗称“晃岩”,是鼓浪屿的最高峰,位于鼓浪屿中偏北部的龙头山。站在日光岩上往下望,鼓浪屿的景色尽收眼底。 百鸟园是我们今天游玩的最后一个景点了。它由一张巨型网覆盖,园内有鸟类二十多种,两千多只,其中包括国家级的保护鸟类几十种。百鸟园里鸟语花香,人和鸟儿友好相处。 这次的游玩就到这了,希望你们喜欢我,喜欢鼓浪屿,把这一份快乐带回去和家人一起分享。祝你们旅途愉快,一路顺风鼓浪屿的导游词2各位团友: 大家好今天我们游览“海上花园”鼓浪屿。 现在我们的车行驶在中山路上。中山路是厦门目前最繁华的商业街,它建于20世纪二三十年代,又是一条老街,街旁建筑为骑楼式(将楼的下层部分做成柱廊式人行道,使楼层的一部分跨建在人行道上,用以避雨、遮阳、通行,故名骑楼),这是厦门一大特色。中国南方城市和东南亚国家的城市多有这种驶楼。这主要是考虑到厦门地处亚热带,有时阳光照射强烈,风雨交加,行人可以在骑楼下防晒避雨,自由行走,随意购物。中山路是厦门的主要商业街,也是厦门的文明街,品种繁多齐全,国货、洋货均有。


外滩英语导游词 【篇一:英语导游词外滩】 the bund and environs the bund is 1500-stretch along the huangpu river, running from the waibaidu bridge in the north to the yan’an road in the south. that the beginning of the 19 century, the area was a mere shallow waterfront covered with reeds. as a resule of opium war in 1840s, the bund area became the site of some of the earlist foreign settlements after shanghai was opened as one of five “treaty ports” listed in the unequal nanjing treaty imposed by foreign powers. block after block of buildings were thbuilt in the 20 century. they houses the embassies, hotels , clubs, companies, agencies and banks. in1930s, it was described as the wall street in the far east for the large number of banks and financial institutions. in 1990s,the bund area underwent a great physical transformation, followed by a renovation completed by 2010.the shanghai government also managed to highlight this area as a tourist attraction. on the riverfront a promenade was raised to prevent the city from flooding and offer visitors a wide walkway for take photos and relaxing in front of the beautiful harbor. the promenade also sees locals doing morning exercises and lovers making good of the romantic evenings. though the physical change on the waterfront was great, the skylines of this area didn’t change. the municipal government renovated the old buildings, highlighting them as the best tourist attractions of shanghai. known as “gallery of world architecture”, it means 23buil dings in a line. they are in a variety of styles, ancient and modern, chinese and foreign. when the night falls, all the lofty buildings along the bund, outlined with beautiful artistic lights, look like a giant crystal palace, presenting a special charm. w ith offering the best scenic scenes of the city, the bund is also a traffic hub in the new network. the main streets running west-east


Welcome to the beautiful city JiNan which is the capital of ShanDong Province. Now we are in the BaoTu spring park in the center of JiNan . In order to give you a general impression, let me make a brief introduction of the park. The park is located in the downtown area of the city, with Mt. Thousand Buddha to the south, Quancheng Square to the east, and Daming Lake to the north. There are altogether 34 springs in the park. Of course the main and most beautiful one is the Baotuquan Spring, which you will be watching in a moment. The park has two main gates, the east gate and the south ga te. Today we’ll enter from the south gate. Ok, this way please. Ladies and gentlemen, here we are in front of the south gate. The south gate of the park is at the middle of Luoyuan Avenue. It was built in 1995. With its unique outline integrating both traditional and local traits, it is claimed to be the number one gate of Chinese gardens. Isn’t it splendid! Shall we go in. Just in front of us is the most famous spring, Baotuquan. It was called Luoshui in ancient time and got its present name form the Song Dynasty. It has a long history and has been the source of the Luo River. The three major springs gush simultaneously from underground with thundering sound, which are described as fountains constantly pumping water. The pool of the water is 30 meters long and 20 meters wide. The spring water keeps its temperature around 18 degrees centigrade all year round. With clear deep water in the spring pool on one side visitors feel as if they were in a fairyland on earth. Many writers, philosophers and poets left poems and verses in praise of the wonderful scene. Look, that pavilion on the west side of the pool is called the Billow Observation Pavilion. It was built in the fifth year of Tianshun emperor of the Qing Dynasty (1461). There are stone tables and benches in it so that visitors can enjoy the scene while relaxing. Embedded on the west wall of the pavilion is the writing of billow observation by a calligrapher of the Qing Dynasty. The stone inscription of No.1 Spring was written by Wang Zhonglin, a famous calligrapher of the Qing Dynasty. Baotuquan Spring carved on a monument to the west of the pavilion was left by Hu Zanzong, governor of Shandong during the Qing Dynasty. On the north bank of the east pool at waterside is the renowned Penglai Tea House, which was visited respectively by Emperor Kangxi and Qianlong, who sat here by the window and enjoyed the colorful charms of the springs over a cup of fragrant tea. A common saying goes that if you don't drink the spring water when you come to JiNan. It is a pity! Now lets have a taste. En Wonderful ! 欢迎来到美丽的城市济南是山东省的省会。现在我们在其间公园在济南的中心。为了给你一个总体印象,让我做一个简短的介绍公园的。公园位于城市的市区,太千佛南,泉城广场东边,


上海英文版导游词 上海英文版导游词 发布时间:2020-03-15 上海,简称“沪”或“申”,是中华人民共和国直辖市,国家中心城市,超大城市,中国的经济、交通、科技、工业、金融、贸易、会展和航运中心,首批沿海开放城市。接下来是小编为您整理的上海英文版导游词,希望对您有所帮助。 上海英文版导游词1Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Did you sleep last night? Great. Im sorry, the baggage was delayed last night. As the baggage car broke down, we had to ask for another one. By the way, have you opened your luggage? No wonder its sunny outside. Our tour guide often said, /the guests brought the suhine in the bag./. I thank you for that. Good well. I have announced the schedule for breakfast. Today we will go to the old city of the sea, that is, the location of the Yu Garden and the Yu Garden mall. Our car is driving in the Bund. Your left is the famous Huangpu river. Well be here later. In order to save time, I would like to talk about Chinese garde and Yu Garden before I get to Yu Garden. In China, garde are divided into three major categories: Royal Garde, private garde and temple garde. Yu Garden belongs to private garde. Chinese garde have many skills, such as borrowing scenery, blocking scenery and so on. But they are all made up of four basic facto. These four facto are water, plants, buildings and rockery. Most of the private garde are in the south of the Yangtze River, just because there are many water sources and stones suitable for making rockery. Yu Garden is the Ming dynasty built more than 400 yea ago. The owner surnamed pan, is a senior official. He built this garden to please his parents and make them enjoy their old age. Therefore, the word /Yu/ of Yu Garden takes its meaning of /Yue Yue/. Its a pity that his parents could see Yu Garden fall and die. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the pan family was weak and its descendants sold the garden to the local guild. There is another reason why Yu Garden is famous. In 1853, a sword Club uprising broke out in Shanghai, and a hall was used as the headquarte. Today, Yu Garden is a must go place. So I suggest that there we must not become separated, the best you closely, okay? Here is the parking lot. If someone here, please remember the bus number three last number is 121. I think its best not to happen. I will be holding a small red flag, all of you will accompany Mr. Zhang dianhou. Are


福建厦门鼓浪屿导游词 女士们,先生们: 大家早上好!很开心今天能够和大家一起游览厦门鼓浪屿。我是大家厦门之行的地接导游。我姓连,大家可以叫我小连。今天为我们开车的是蓝师傅。蓝师傅在旅游行业可是德高望重的,由他行车,大家可以放心、安心。 现在我们的车行驶在中山路上。中山路是厦门目前最繁华的商业街,它建于20世纪二三十年代,又是一条老街,街旁建筑为骑楼式(将楼的下层部分做成柱廊式人行道,使楼层的一部分跨建在人行道上,用以避雨、遮阳、通行,故名骑楼),这是厦门一大特色。中国南方城市和东南亚国家的城市多有这种骑楼。这主要是考虑到厦门地处亚热带,有时阳光照射强烈,有时又是风雨交加,行人可以在骑楼下防晒避雨,自由行走,随意购物。中山路是厦门的主要商业街,也是厦门的文明街,品种繁多齐全,国货、洋货均有。 各位团友,渡船时间约为六分钟,下面我向大家简单介绍鼓浪屿。看,对面的小岛就是鼓浪屿,这条江叫鹭江,也叫厦鼓海峡,宽600米。鼓浪屿面积1.78平方公里,人口1.9万。宋元时期称“圆沙州”,明朝始称鼓浪屿。因岛的西南海边有一块大岩石,长年累月被海浪冲出一个大洞,每逢潮涨,海浪扑打岩洞,发出如擂鼓的声音,所以人们叫它为“鼓浪石”,小岛也就叫鼓浪屿了。现为国家重点风景名胜区,是福建旅游景区“十佳”之首。 各位团友,码头到了,这个码头是1976年新建的,以前的码头很小,是1937年建的。这里原来是西方列强贩卖中国劳工出洋乘船的地方,那时,洋人辱称中国劳工为“猪仔”,这里也曾被称为“猪仔码头”。大家看过《海囚》这部电影吧,那“海囚”就是从个码头乘船出发的。1976年为解决乘船拥挤的问题,政府投资建了这个“钢琴码头”。因为鼓浪屿是“音乐之岛”,要使游人一踏上鼓浪屿就能感受到音乐的氛围,大家看这是不是有点像张开的三角钢琴? 各位团友,鼓浪屿除了少量观光电瓶车外,没有其他车辆,在岛上步行别有情趣。现在我们一边走一边观赏鼓浪屿欧陆建筑的风采吧! 1840年鸦片战争以后,厦门成了“五口通商”口岸之一,帝国主义强占鼓浪屿达5年之久。先后有13个国家在岛上设立领事馆。同时,商人、传教士、人贩子纷纷踏上鼓浪屿,建公馆、设教堂、办学校、炒地皮、贩劳工,还成立领事团,设工部局和会审公堂,把鼓浪屿搞成“公共地界”(租界),成为半封建半殖民地的典型。抗战时期,鼓浪屿又因是“万国公地”成为难民避难所。1941年12月7日,日军发动太平洋战争,偷袭珍珠港,强占了鼓浪屿。


上海外滩英文导游词_外滩英语导游词 外滩是上海的标志,许多游客去上海游玩都会去那里参观,导游带领各国各地的游客时,要用中英文做好解说。下面是带来的上海外滩英文导游词,仅供大家参考。 上海外滩英文导游词篇一游客朋友你们好! Tourists friend you are good! 现在我们来到上海黄浦江畔的外滩,首先,我对各位的参观游览外滩表示欢迎,并预祝各位旅游愉快。 Now we came to Shanghai bund across the huangpu river, first of all, I to your visit welcomed the bund, and wish every travel time. 新外滩共有五条旅游路线,在您的左手边是被誉为“万国建筑博览”的壮观建筑群和宽敞的中山路,您的右手边是波光粼粼的黄浦江以及前程似锦的浦东陆家点缀金融贸易区,眼前为新颖独特的观光游览区。这建筑群、中山路、观光区、黄浦江、陆家嘴仿佛乐谱中的五线谱,勤劳上海人民则好似串串间符,正组成最新最华美的乐章,欢迎着各位来宾的光临。 New bund article were five travel route, on your left is known as the "all nations building expo" grand buildings and spacious zhongshan road, your right hand side is the shimmering 1 / 23

huangpu river and the beautiful pudong lujia ornament financial and trade zone, the eyes for novel and unique tourism recreational area. This complex, zhongshan road, sightseeing area, the huangpu river, as if the music lujiazui, Shanghai people are industrious staff like clusters of operators, is between the latest and most colorful movement, welcome to the guests. 外滩它过去曾是上海老城厢外的一块芦苇丛生的荒滩地。 The bund it used to be Shanghai residences of the a ruined reed land. 1840年第一次鸦片战争以后,紧锁的国门被殖民者洋炮轰开了,上海也被迫辟为商埠。从那时起,各式各样的西洋式建筑随着殖民者的“抢滩”而纷纷耸立,至本世纪30年代初,上海已从海滨小邑一跃成为远东最大的都市。 1840 years after the first opium war, keep the doors were opened, the colonists shelling Shanghai also forced to bi commercial port. From then on, all kinds of western architecture with the colonists were "" subordinate to the stands, 30 s, from Shanghai has little beach towns have had become the far east. The largest cities 眼前这些具有欧洲文艺复兴时期风格的建筑,虽然不是出自同一2 / 23


新外滩英语导游词 friends: now we come to shanghai huangpu river bank bund, first, i tour to everybody visit bund to express the welcome, and wishes in advance each traveling to be happy. new bund altogether has five traveling routes, nearby yours left hand is by the reputation is wan guo constructs reads extensively the magnificent architectural complex and spacious zhongshan road, nearby your right hand is the wave light clear huangpu river as well as the future resembles the brocade the pudong land to embellish the financial trade area, at present for is novel uniquely goes sightseeing the tour area. this architectural complex, zhongshan road, go sightseeing the area, the huangpu river, lu jiazui in the as if music five spectra, the industrious shanghai people seem between the string string the symbol, is composing most newly the most gorgeous music movement, is welcome fellow guests' presence. the powder can call bund simple saying, it passed once was the desolate beach place which outside the


上海英文导游词 篇一:上海景点导游词 ilding.ThecongresspassedtheParty'sprogramandresolutions,ele ctedthecentralcommittee,anddeclaredthefoundingoftheCPC. ShanghaiLibrary ThenewShanghaiLibrary,whichcoversanareaofsome80,000squareme ters,hasacollectionof13millionbooksandisconsideredoneofthet optenlibrariesintheworld.Thelibraryincorporatestheopen-stac ksapproachfavoredintheWest,whichallowsforconvenienceinborro wingbooks. ShanghaiGrandTheater LocatedinthenorthwesterncornerofPeople'sSquare.theShanghaiG

randTheatercovers70,000squat,meters.Itisactuallycomposedoft hreetheaters.Thetheaterscanaccommodateperformancesofballeto pera,symphonies,chambermusicmoderndramas,andmusicals.Thethe ateralsoownsthelargest,fullyautomaticstageinAsia.Thetheater hasbecomeasymbolofmoderncultureinShanghai. DuoLunRoad CulturalCelebrities'Street,locatedalongDuolunRoadandsurroun dingareas,isalivingmemorialtothemodernculturalcelebritiesof Shang-haiandisalsoacondensationofmodernculture.SuchChinesel iterarygiantsasLuXun,MaoDun,GuoMoruoandYeShengtaolivedandwr otehere,makingtheroadanimportantfeatureinChina'smoderncultu ralhistory.Inaddition,thefamousGongfeiCafe.CelebritiesMansi on,theShanghaiArtOperaTroupe,andHaiShangJiuLialsodisplaythe accumulatedculturalatmosphereofDuolunRoadtoday.


上海外滩英文导游词_外滩英语导游词外滩是上海的标志,许多游客去上海游玩都会去那里参观,导游带领各国各地的游客时,要用中英文做好解说。下面是学习啦带来的上海外滩英文导游词,仅供大家参考。 上海外滩英文导游词篇一游客朋友你们好! T o u r i s t s f r i e n d y o u a r e g o o d! 现在我们来到上海黄浦江畔的外滩,首先,我对各位的参观游览外滩表示欢迎,并预祝各位旅游愉快。 N o w w e c a m e t o S h a n g h a i b u n d a c r o s s t h e h u a n g p u r i v e r, f i r s t o f a l l, I t o y o u r v i s i t w e l c o m e d t h e b u n d,a n d w i s h e v e r y t r a v e l t i m e. 新外滩共有五条旅游路线,在您的左手边是被誉为万国建筑博览的壮观建筑群和宽敞的中山路,您的右手边是波光粼粼的黄浦江以及前程似锦的浦东陆家点缀金融贸易区,眼前为新颖独特的观光游览区。这建筑群、中山路、观光区、黄浦江、陆家嘴仿佛乐谱中的五线谱,勤劳上海人民则好似串串间符,正组成最新最华美的乐章,欢迎着各位来宾的光临。

N e w b u n d a r t i c l e w e r e f i v e t r a v e l r o u t e, o n y o u r l e f t i s k n o w n a s t h e a l l n a t i o n s b u i l d i n g e x p o g r a n d b u i l d i n g s a n d s p a c i o u s z h o n g s h a n r o a d, y o u r r i g h t h a n d s i d e i s t h e s h i m m e r i n g h u a n g p u r i v e r a n d t h e b e a u t i f u l p u d o n g l u j i a o r n a m e n t f i n a n c i a l a n d t r a d e z o n e, t h e e y e s f o r n o v e l a n d u n i q u e t o u r i s m r e c r e a t i o n a l a r e a.T h i s c o m p l e x,z h o n g s h a n r o a d, s i g h t s e e i n g a r e a,t h e h u a n g p u r i v e r,a s i f t h e m u s i c l u j i a z u i,S h a n g h a i p e o p l e a r e i n d u s t r i o u s s t a f f l i k e c l u s t e r s o f o p e r a t o r s,i s b e t w e e n t h e l a t e s t a n d m o s t c o l o r f u l m o v e m e n t, w e l c o m e t o t h e g u e s t s. 外滩它过去曾是上海老城厢外的一块芦苇丛生的荒滩地。 T h e b u n d i t u s e d t o b e S h a n g h a i r e s i d e n c e s o f t h e a r u i n e d r e e d l a n d. 1840年第一次鸦片战争以后,紧锁的国门被殖民者洋炮轰开了,上海也被迫辟为商埠。从那时起,各式各样的西洋式建筑随着殖民者的抢滩而纷纷耸立,至本世纪30年代初,上海已从海滨小邑一跃成为远东最大的


鼓浪屿导游词 鼓浪屿是厦门有名的旅游景点之一,很多游客夏天的时候会去游玩,导游要给游客做好景点的详细介绍。下面是学识网带来的鼓浪屿导游,欢迎查看。 鼓浪屿导游篇一 各位游客,今天我们来到厦门鼓浪屿。 我们现在到了码头,渡船差不多要6分钟。看,对面就是鼓浪屿,这条江叫鹭江,也叫厦鼓海峡,宽600米,鼓浪屿总面积平方米,人口万。为了解决乘船的拥挤为题,所以建了这个“钢琴码头”。因为鼓浪屿是“音乐之岛”,大家看,这像不像一台张开的三角钢琴! 各位游客,我们现在来到了日光岩,这是日光岩寺新修的山门,我们先看前方巨石上的三幅石刻,这好像是一个人写的,其实是“三人所书”。日光岩又称龙头山,与厦门的虎头山隔海相望,一龙一虎把守厦门港,叫“龙虎守江”。 各位游客,这里是一间钢琴博物馆,里面有30台钢琴,听,里面还传出优美的钢琴声!鼓浪屿也有许多出名的钢琴家。 各位游客,我们来到了毓园。毓轩是林巧稚大夫的纪念园。这里展示了林大夫的平凡而又伟大的一生。 各位游客,光阴似箭,日月如梭,如果游客对鼓浪屿有兴趣,有空可以到鼓浪屿走走,这里欢迎你们。这次旅游就告一段落了!~~鼓浪屿导游篇二

今天,我要带大家去厦门市的一个美丽小岛—鼓浪屿游玩。前往鼓浪屿的交通工具只有一个—渡轮。现在就让我们乘坐渡轮来到美丽的鼓浪屿吧。 鼓浪屿位于厦门岛的西南偶,与厦门市隔海相望。小岛是音乐的沃土,有“钢琴之岛”、“音乐之乡”的美名。小岛上气候宜人,鸟语花香,绿树成阴,美丽的花朵竞相开放。鼓浪屿上有许多著名的景点,如:日光岩、菽庄花园、海底世界、皓月园、百鸟园等。 现在,我们所处的位置是鼓浪屿的码头—龙头码头。 请大家跟随我走,这里就是皓月园,是纪念民族英雄郑成功的主题公园,公园里耸立着高大雄伟的郑成功雕像。皓月园景色迷人,明代建筑和与海滨的沙鸥、树木、海景山色相辉映,构成了一副天然的图画。 大家来看,这就是鼓浪屿中最引人注目的海底世界。这里拥有来自世界各大洲,各大洋的海水鱼、淡水鱼三百五十多种。在海底世界里,有海洋馆、海豚馆、企鹅馆等。但是最新颖的,非那条海底隧道莫属不可啦!走进海底隧道,你可以不用潜水,“与鱼共游”。在海洋馆里,我们可以看见巨鲨、巨鱼工、医生鱼、海龙、海马等,五花八门,各种各样。瞧,在企鹅馆里,小企鹅那圆溜溜的、白白挺挺的肚子,那黑黑的脊背,它走起路来一摇一晃,可爱极了。在抹香鲸标本馆里,有一只国内最大的抹香鲸标本,全长米,重46吨。海豚馆里的节目最精彩了!海豚、海狮的表演令人目瞪口呆,它们用尖尖的嘴奋力顶起皮球;它们姿态优美地跃过空中的大圆环;它们友善地亲吻驯养师的
