高中英语第九节 模拟试题九(model test 9)英语听力

高中英语第九节  模拟试题九(model test 9)英语听力
高中英语第九节  模拟试题九(model test 9)英语听力

第九节模拟试题九(Model Test 9)








1. What does the man think Mark should do?

A. Go on with the game.

B. Go over his lessons.

C. Have a good rest

2. What does the man mean?

A. He shares Jack’s opinion.

B. Most people will find basketball boring.

C. Most others don’t agree with Jack.

3. What do we learn from the conversation?

A. The plane’s leaving time remains unknown.

B. The man went to a wrong check-in counter.

C. The man has just missed his flight.

4. Where is the conversation most probably taking place?

A. At an ad agency.

B. At a newspaper office.

C. At a parking lot.

5. What happened to Joe?

A. He was seriously wounded in a mine explosion.

B. He was slightly injured in a traffic accident.

C. He was kept in hospital for a long time.




6. What do they think about the house?

A. They like to live in a modern house.

B. They don’t like the old house at all.

C. They think the old house is more attractive than a modern one.

7. What are they going to do on the farm?

A. They are going to have a picnic on the farm.

B. They are going to help on the farm.

C. They are going to have a horse ride.


8. Why doesn’t the girl like the brown wallet?

A. There isn’t a place to put pictures.

B. It’s too big and heavy.

C. She doesn’t like the colour.

9. How much does the girl have to spend at last?

A. $5.00.

B. $10.00.

C. $13.00.

10. What does the girl decide to buy?

A. A black wallet.

B. A brown belt.

C. A nice tie.


11. Where does the conversation take place?

A. In the library.

B. In the classroom.

C. On the campground.

12. Why has the woman come to talk to the man?

A. To discuss his trip to Beijing.

B. To bring him a message from Professor Grant.

C. To see what progress he’s made on his paper.

13. What seems to be the man’s problem?

A. He can’t sleep at night.

B. He can’t narrow down his research topic.

C. He can’t find a quiet place to study.


14. Where did Peter study after leaving school?

A. In the neighboring country.

B. At home.

C. At college.

15. In which country did his friend get a job?

A. Central Africa.

B. Brazil.

C. The USA.

16. What did his friends decide to do?

A. Have a motorcycle.

B. Fight against bad men.

C. Drive to the USA

17. How long was it before Peter got away from the bad men?

A. Two years.

B. Three years.

C. Four years.


18. How does a person view the new culture in the first stage of culture shock?

A. Everyone is watching me.

B. Everyone is different.

C. I want to go home.

19. What is the third stage of culture shock?

A. The “humor” stage.

B. The “horror” stage.

C. The “home” stage.

20. What is the best title for this mini-lecture?

A. How to Understand Culture Shock?

B. The Stages of Culture Shock

C. The Causes of Culture Shock


Script 听力理解原文

第一节Section a

1. W: Mark is playing computer games.

M. Should he do that when the final exam is drawing near?

2. W: Jack seems to think that this year’s basketball season will be disappointing.

M: That’s his opinion. Most others think differently.

3. W: Is this the check-in counter for Flight 914 to Los Angeles?

M: Yes. But I’m sorry the flight is delayed because of a minor mechanical problem. Please wait for further notice.

4. W: Excuse me, I’d like to place an advertisement for a used car in the Sunday edition of your paper.

M: OK. But you have to run your advertisement all week. We can’t carry it for just Sunday. 5. W: Hello, Joe, haven’t seen you for a while. Are you fine?

M: Oh, yes, but nothing seems to be going right for me. I had a car accident, only a few minor injuries, though.

第二节Section b

6. M: What does your father grow, Marie?

W: He grows potatoes and cabbages, and other things like that, but he grows more wheat than vegetables.

M: And what is that building? It doesn’t look like a house.

W: You are right. We keep cows in it.

M: Mm, I see. That must be the house you live in.

W: Yes. It was built two hundred years ago. It’s very old. But we don’t want to change it. We have been living here since 1938.

M: That’s right. It’s much more interesting than modem houses.

W: I agree.

M: Well, when are we going horseback riding, Marie?

W: Let’s go right after I give you a tour of the farm.

M: OK, that’s great.

7. M: Hi, young lady. How may I help you?

W: Well... yeah. I’m looking for a Father’s Day’s gift.

M: Okay. How about getting your father a new wallet?

W: Hmm. How much is that wallet?

M: Huh... which one?

W: The black one.

M: Oh. It’s only $ 40.95

W: Huh? That’s too expensive for me. Do you have a cheaper one?

M: Hmm. How about this brown leather one?

W: Hmm... I don’t think my father will like the design on the outside, and it doesn’t have a place to put pictures. How much is it anyway?

M: It’s $ 25.99.

W: Hmm. I don’t have that much money.

M: Okay. How much do you have to spend?

W: I’m not sure. Probably about ten dollars or so. I’ve been helping my mo m around the house for the past week to earn some money. This is all I have.

M: Hmm. How about this tie?

W: That’s real pretty, but the price tag says $13.99, and I know I don’t have that much money.

M: Well, let’s just say the tie just went on sale. How about $5.00? What do you say?

W: Oh, thanks. I’ll take it.

W: Wake up, Erik, time to rise and shine.

M: Ha, oh, hi, Jane, I must have fallen asleep while I was reading.

W. You and everyone else. It looks more like a campground than a library.

M: Well, the c lassroom’s too noisy to study in and I guess this place is too quiet.

W: Have you had any luck finding a topic for your paper?

M: No, Professor Grant told us to write about anything on Eastern culture. For once I wish she had not given us so much of a choice.

W: Well, why not write about Chinese culture? You seem to be interested in that part of the world.

M: I am, but there is too much material to cover. I’ll be writing forever, and Professor Grant only wants five to seven pages.

W: So then limit it to one place in China, say Beijing. You’ve been there and you said it’s got lots of places of interest and you enjoyed your trip very much.

M: That’s not a bad idea. I brought many books and things back with me last summer. That would be great resource materials, now if I can only remember where I put them.

9. W: So Peter, you’re going to tell us how to make a million.

M: Well, to go back to the beginning, um, I went to study design after leaving school. And

I was there for two years, um when I left college, I decided to go off and see a bit of the world.

W: Where did you go?

M: Well, a friend of mine got a job in Brazil, so I decided to go and have a look at Brazil. And I had a wonderful time. The social life was very good, and I made a lot of wonderful friends. Some of these friends then decided to drive up to the USA. It seemed like a very good opportunity to see some more of the world, so I joined them. But we had a terrible experience in Central America. We were stolen away by force by bad men, believe it or not, and it was two year before I got away from them.

W: What an extraordinary experience!

10. Well, I think generally speaking, we could say that there are four stages to culture shock. First of all, the “honeymoon” st age. Uh, to the visitor, everything seems new, unusual, and strange. The food, the surroundings, the buildings. And it produces a feeling of excitement—a desire to look around, to experiment, and to explore.

The next stage is the “horror” stage, where the newness wears off, and the visitor sees the country from a different perspective, and often begins to criticize the country, the life, and the values of the people.

The next stage, we could say, is the “humor” stage, where people begin to reflect back and laugh at their mistakes in the earlier stages.

And the final stage, we could say, is the “home” stage where people begin to feel at home, and enjoy living in that foreign country.


Key: 1~5 BCABB 6~10 CCAAC 11~15 ACBCB 16~20 CABAB


《微机原理与接口技术》模拟试题六参考答案及评分细则 一、判断并陈述理由题(不陈述理由不计分)(1分×10=10分): 1.(×)8086CPU的最大模式是为实现多处理器系统而设计的。 2.(√)在8086CPU构成的微机系统中的数据可以存放在几个不连续的段中。3.(×)DMA方式可以实现内存与接口之间数据的直接交换。 4.(×)8086 的可屏蔽中断受到IF标志位的影响,并且需要从数据线上读取中断类型码。 5.(×)构成一个最小8086 CPU的微机系统除了8086、8282、8286至少还需要8284时钟发生器。 6.(√)8086CPU的Ready信号是由外部硬件产生的。 7.(√)8086复位时,(CS)=FFFFH,(IP)=0000H,所以8086在复位后重新启动时,便从内存的FFFF0H单元开始执行指令,使得系统在启动时自动进入系统程序。 8.(×)中断类型码乘以4,就可以得到中断向量的存放地址。 9.(√)多个外设可以通过8259A中断控制器用一条中断请求线向CPU发中断请求。 10.(×)8251是可编程串行通信接口芯片而8255是可编程并行通信接口芯片。 二、选择题(1分×10=10分) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 B B C B A A B A D D 三、填空(每空1分×20=20分): 1.操作码操作数 2.CS DS ES SS 3.00020H 00023H 4.(1)ADD DX,BX (2)ADD [BX]0B2H,CX (3)ADD AL,[BX][SI] (4)ADD WORD PTR [0524H],2A59H 5.数据信息控制信息状态信息 6.程序控制的输入输出方式中断传送方式DMA工作方式 7.工作方式控制字置位/复位控制字 四.简答如下基本概念题:(5分×5=25分) 1.I/O接口电路采用统一编址时对微处理器无特殊要求,只需将I/O接口电路当作存储对于一样对待即可;而独立编址时则对微处理器有特殊要求,需要CPU 的指令系统中包含有访内指令和访外指令以及专门的访内操作和访外操作的控制逻辑。 2.INTR是由可屏蔽中断请求引脚INTR引入的外部硬件中断;而INT n是由软中断指令产生软件中断? 3.因为动态存储器所存的信息是放在芯片内部的电容上的,由于电容的缓慢放电,时间久了会造成数据的丢失。为了保证数据不丢失,必须及时将数据信息读

高中英语单元强化训练unit 2英语听力

高中英语单元强化训练Unit 2 I. 听下面11段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话仅读一遍。 ()1. What’s the relationship between the two speakers? A. Friends B. Husband and wife C. Waitress and customer ()2. What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. A teacher and a student B. A doctor and his patient C. A teacher and his daughter ()3. Who is the woman most probably speaking to? A. A railway porter B. A bus conductor C. A post clerk ()4. What’s the relationship between the two speakers? A. Classmates B. Parent and child C. Shop assistant and customer ()5. What’s the relationship between the two people? A. Father and son B. Teacher and student C. Doctor and patient ()6. What’s the probable relationship between the man and the woman? A. Taxi driver—customer B. Conductor—driver C. Boss—driver ()7. Why does the man apologize to the woman? A. He had to say goodbye to his friend at the airport. B. He didn’t go to the woman’s party last night. C. He had to go to another city with his friend. ()8. How does the woman feel? A. Very glad B. Very painful C. A little angry ()9. How many people are mentioned in the dialogue? A. Two B. Three C. Four ()10. What do you learn from the dialogue? A. The woman watched the basketball game and enjoyed it. B. The woman regretted to have missed the basketball game. C. The woman will watch the basketball game tonight. ()11. Which of the following pictures is right according to the dialogue?


高中英语听力模拟训练(十一) http:///res/2007-12-28/r291382.htm l 请点击此地址下载播放器播放英语听力 听力理解 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Where does the man live? A. In New York. B. In Boston. C. In Washington. 2. What will the man do first? A. Tidy his room. B. Go on a picnic. C. Wear clothes. 3. Why can’t the man meet the woman on Monday? A. He will give a talk about the new office. B. He will go to Seattle. C. He will have a meeting. 4. What does the man suggest the woman do? A. Ask someone else to go with her. B. Go to a different restaurant. C. Go to the restaurant ahead. 5. What does the man mean? A. He didn’t catch the flight. B. He nearly missed the flight. C. He was 25 minutes late for the flight. 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6. For how long is each student allowed to use the computer a day? A. Several minutes. B. One hour. C. A couple of hours. 7. How do some students feel about their keeping machines a bit longer? A. They don’t care. B. They feel unhappy. C. They feel worried. 8. What do the speakers plan to do tomorrow? A. Forbid students to use the computers. B. Give out a notice to solve the problem. C. Allow students to use the computers for longer hours. 听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。 9. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?


2018年12月四级英语听力真题第一套 Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A News Report Directions: In this section, you will hear threenews reports。 At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions。 Both thenews repor t and the questions will be spoken only once。 After you hear a question, yo u mustchoose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C ) and D)。 Then mark thecorresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a si ngle line through the centre。 Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard. 1. A) Land a space vehicle on the moon in 2019. B) Design a new generation of mobile phones. C) Set up a mobile phone network on the moon. D) Gather data from the moon with a tiny device. 2. A) It is stable. B) It is durable. C) It is inexpensive. D) It is sophisticated. Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard. 3. A) It lasted more than six hours. B) No injuries were yet reported. C) Nobody was in the building when it broke out. D) It had burned for 45 minutes by the time firefighters arrived. 4. A) Recruit and train more firefighters. B) Pull down the deserted shopping mall. C) Turn the shopping mall into an amusement park. D) Find money to renovate the local neighborhood. Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard. 5. A) Shrinking potato farming. B) Heavy reliance on import.


高中英语听力训练(三)原文 听力练习 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What does the man mean? A. He is eager to see Joan. B. He doesn?t want to see Joan. C. He will see Joan finally. 2. What is the man?s attitude towards the plan? A. He is against it. B. He doesn?t care. C. He thinks it is reasonable. 3. How will the man go to Detroit? A. By plane. B. By bus. C. By train. 4. Where is the woman?s next stop? A. New York. B. Paris. C. London. 5. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. How to celebrate a festival. B. The origin of a festival. C. How to spend the weekends. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6. What has the man been doing these days? A. On vacation. B. On business. C. On leave. 7. How many countries have the man been to? A. About 6. B. Nearly 16. C. Nearly 60. 8. What do we know about the man? A. He is tired of traveling. B. He is a new member of his company. C. He doesn?t want to settle down now. 听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。 9. Why is the woman still at home? A. She takes the day off. B. She has enough time to go to work. C. She is waiting for the man to go out together. 10. What does the woman think of taking subway? A. Convenient and cheap. B. Convenient but expensive. C. Crowded and expensive. 11. What do we know about the woman? A. She has breakfast in her office.


2010 自考《管理信息系统》模拟试题及答案(2)(考试时间 150 分钟)点击查看 >> 参考答案第一部分选择题 一、单项选择题(本大题共 20 小题,每小题 1分,共 20 分)在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。 1. 下面属于数据的是() A. 数字 B. 声音 C. 视频 D. 以上均正确 2. 反映企业日常生产和经营管理活动的信息是() A. 战略信息 B. 战术信息 C. 作业信息 D. 决策信息 3. ___________________________ 电子会议系统通过卫星把不同城市的会议室联结起来,出席会议的人可能在屏幕上显示,互相自由交谈,是由提供的功能。() A. 业务处理系统 B .过程 控制系统 C. 办公自动化系统 D. 管理信息系统 4. 下列属于战术级管理的是() A. 高层管理 B .中层管理来源:考试大 C. 基层管理 D. 作业层管理 5. 关于企业流程再造说法错误的是() A. 要点在于简化和优化任务之间的联系,减少冗余过程 B. 信息技术使信息流动最佳化 C. 信息技术是业务流程优化和重组的技术基础 D. 是在原有基础上进行的修补,有利于提高效率 6.下列属于应用软件的是() A. 数据库管理系统 B.系统维护软件 C.图像处理软件 D. 操作系统 7. OSI 参考模型中,第四层是() A. 应用层 B. 传输层 C.数据链路层 D. 会话层 8.网络中,打印输出设备属于() A. 网络服务器 B. 工作站 C. 共享设备 D. 用户终端

9. 数据库的功能中,包括数据字典、用户数据、存取路径等的是 ( ) A. 数据库操纵功能 B .数据库运行管理 C. 数据库的建立和维护功能 D. 数据组织、存储和管理功能 10. 下列关于Access说法错误的是() A. 是 Microsoft Office 附带的一个组件 B. 支持超级链接 C .能够在查询过程中进行统计汇总等 D. 操作界面不同于 Word、 Excel 11. Access中,可实现随机查询要求,提高查询灵活性的查询方式是() A. 交叉表查询 B. 参数查询 C. 操作查询 D. SQL 查询 12. U/C 矩阵中, C 代表 ( ) A. 使用 B. 完成 C. 功能 D. 创建 13. CASE 法严格的讲只是一种开发 ( ) A. 过程 B. 步骤 C. 环境 D. 方法 14. 可行性分析的最后成果是( ) A. 项目开发的初步方案 B .可行性分析报告 C. 确定新项目开发有无必要和可能 D. 提供当前现有信息系统的概括 15. 数据字典中,数据结构任选项的表示形式为( ) A. ( ) B. [ ] C. { } D. ( ) 16. 将 2007 年 3月 1 日表示为 20070301,这种编码类型属于 ( ) A. 顺序码 B. 区间码 C. 特征码 D. 十进制码 17. 系统每秒钟执行的作业数是指( ) A. 响应时间 B. 可靠性 C. 吞吐量 D. 处理方式 18. -般适合于比较大的系统的转换方式的是()


高一英语听力 教师:闫芳 听力使用说明 1.每周一次练习,每月(第四周)一次测试。 2.练习的听力内容比较短,并且只有一遍,但形式多样。同学们可以反复收听和练习,必要时可以参看原文,务必做到全部听懂。 3.听力必须经常练习,切不可有“三天打鱼,两天晒网”的不良习惯。 4.有时我们会穿插上听力练习的讲解和技巧。 5.新教材在高一阶段非常强调听说,因此教材配套有很多听力练习。网校听力练习所起的是补充和扩展的作用,不能完全代替日常授课中的听力部分。 Ⅰ.听下列5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的ABC三个选项中选出最佳答案。 1. What are the two speakers talking about? A. Driving in England. B. How to drive a car. C. The right to drive a car in England. 2. What will the woman do this evening? A. Meet her mum at the airport. B. Say good-bye to her mum at the airport. C. Fly to another city together with her mum. 3. Why didn’t the woman enjoy the dance party? hance of seeing Eric. A. She didn’t have the c B. She didn’t like Eric. C. She wasn’t invited to dance with Eric. 4. How much are the orange? A. 6 cents a pound. B. 16 cents a pound. C. 60 cents a pound. 5. What is the man going to do? A. Run to the airport. B. Run to catch the bus. C. Wait for another bus. Ⅱ.听句子,选出正确的答语或于你所听到的句子意思最相近的意向。 1. A. I prefer English. B. I like maths best. C. Yes, I like English best. 2. A. The city was not as good as I had thought. B. The map of the city was better than I had thought. C. The map of the city was so bad that I didn’t like it. 3. A. Yes, I like them. B. I’d like to C. I like apples better. 4. A. I’m not fond of cooking. B. I like to cook for you all.


2016年12月英语四级听力真题第1套 Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Section A Questions 1 to 2 are based on the conversation you have just heard. A) It was dangerous to live in. C) He could no longer pay the rent. B) It was going to be renovated. D) He had sold it to the royal family. 2. A) A strike. C) A forest fire. B) A storm. D) A terrorist attack. Questions 3 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 3. A) They lost contact with the emergency department. B) They were trapped in an underground elevator. C) They were injured by suddenly falling rocks. D) They sent calls for help via a portable radio. 4. A) They tried hard to repair the elevator. B) They released the details of the accident. C) They sent supplies to keep the miners warm. D) They provided the miners with food and water. Questions 5 to 7 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 5. A) Raise postage rates. B) Improve its services. C) Redesign delivery routes. D) Close some of its post offices. 6. A) Shortening business hours.


高中英语听力训练原文及答案 第一节(共5小题) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出选项,并标在试卷的相对应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答相关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.When will the woman discuss her class project with the man? A.During the man’s class. B.After today’s class. C.Tomorrow. 2.Where does this conversation most probably take place? A.In a garden. B.In a kitchen. C.In a market. 3.How does the woman’s sister go to university ? A.By bus. B.On foot. C.By subway. 4. What was the weather like last Saturday ? A.It was sunny. B.It was raining all day. C.It turned fine in the afternoon. 5. What does the man mean ? A.He knows what’s wrong with the watch.

B.The woman needs to buy another new battery. C. The clock shop can probably repair the woman’s watch. 第二节(共15小题) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出选项,并标在试卷的相对应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. What did the woman do last night? A.She saw a film. B.She went shopping. C.She watched a football match. 7.Why couldn’t the man keep in touch with the woman last night? A.The woman’s mobile phone was stolen. B.The woman’s mobile phone was power off. C.The man had something important to do. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8.What is the weather like these days? A.Hot. B.Cold. C.Rainy. 9.Where is the typhoon expected to come from? A.The mainland. B.The western Pacific. C.The man’s city.

《编译原理》模拟期末试题汇总 6套,含答案

《编译原理》模拟试题一 一、是非题(请在括号内,正确的划√,错误的划×)(每个2分,共20分) 1.计算机高级语言翻译成低级语言只有解释一种方式。(×) 2.在编译中进行语法检查的目的是为了发现程序中所有错误。(×) 3.甲机上的某编译程序在乙机上能直接使用的必要条件是甲机和乙机的操作系统功能完全相同。 (√ ) 4.正则文法其产生式为 A->a , A->Bb, A,B∈VN , a 、b∈VT 。 (×) 5.每个文法都能改写为 LL(1) 文法。 (√) 6.递归下降法允许任一非终极符是直接左递归的。 (√) 7.算符优先关系表不一定存在对应的优先函数。 (×) 8.自底而上语法分析方法的主要问题是候选式的选择。 (×) 9.LR 法是自顶向下语法分析方法。 (×) 10.简单优先文法允许任意两个产生式具有相同右部。 (×) 二、选择题(请在前括号内选择最确切的一项作为答案划一个勾,多划按错论)(每个4分,共40分) 1.一个编译程序中,不仅包含词法分析,_____,中间代码生成,代码优化,目标代码生成等五个部分。 A.( ) 语法分析B.( )文法分析C.( )语言分析D.( )解释分析 2.词法分析器用于识别_____。 A.( ) 字符串B.( )语句 C.( )单词 D.( )标识符 3.语法分析器则可以发现源程序中的_____。 A.( ) 语义错误 B.( ) 语法和语义错误 C.( ) 错误并校正D.( ) 语法错误 4.下面关于解释程序的描述正确的是_____。

(1) 解释程序的特点是处理程序时不产生目标代码 (2) 解释程序适用于 COBOL 和 FORTRAN 语言 (3) 解释程序是为打开编译程序技术的僵局而开发的 A.( ) (1)(2) B.( ) (1)C.( ) (1)(2)(3) D.( ) (2)(3) 5.解释程序处理语言时 , 大多数采用的是_____方法。 A.( ) 源程序命令被逐个直接解释执行 B.( ) 先将源程序转化为中间代码 , 再解释执行 C.( ) 先将源程序解释转化为目标程序 , 再执行 D.( ) 以上方法都可以 6.编译过程中 , 语法分析器的任务就是_____。 (1) 分析单词是怎样构成的 (2) 分析单词串是如何构成语句和说明的 (3) 分析语句和说明是如何构成程序的 (4) 分析程序的结构 A.( ) (2)(3) B.( ) (2)(3)(4) C.( ) (1)(2)(3) D.( ) (1)(2)(3)(4) 7.编译程序是一种_____。 A. ( ) 汇编程序B.( ) 翻译程序 C.( ) 解释程序 D.( ) 目标程序 8.文法 G 所描述的语言是_____的集合。 A. ( ) 文法 G 的字母表 V 中所有符号组成的符号串 B.( ) 文法 G 的字母表 V 的闭包 V* 中的所有符号串 C.( ) 由文法的开始符号推出的所有终极符串 D. ( ) 由文法的开始符号推出的所有符号串 9.文法分为四种类型,即0型、1型、2型、3型。其中3型文法是_____。 A. ( ) 短语文法 B.( ) 正则文法 C.( ) 上下文有关文法 D.( ) 上下文无关文法 10.一个上下文无关文法 G 包括四个组成部分,它们是:一组非终结符号,一组终结符号,一个开始符号,以及一组 _____。 A.( ) 句子B.( ) 句型 C.( ) 单词 D.( ) 产生式 三、填空题(每空1分,共10分)


英语听说 作业二(test 4) 注意: 1)本次作业是一套听力小测验,配套mp3请在英语听说“课程资源”——“homework”目录中下载。播放时请将电脑的声音调成单声道。 2) 本次作业截止日期到2011年4月8日,为避免最后时刻网络突发问题而无法提交,请同学们抓紧时间尽早完成。过期不接受任何原因的迟交。 3) 本次作业为系统自动批改,请同学们点击提交前仔细检查,确认不要错交成其它课程的作业或选错答案,一旦提交将无法修改。 Part A. Short Conversations Directions: In this part, you will hear 5 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be spoken only once. 1. A. $9. 00. B. $18.00. C. $36.00. D. $54.00.D 2. A. At a dress shop. B. At a hairdresser's. C. At an airport. D. At a grocery store.B 3. A. Harry will be late. B. Harry hates to pick people up. C. Harry will be there exactly at 7:30. D. Harry will be waiting.C 4. A. Shopping for new clothes. B. Having a party. C. Looking for her black dress. D. Getting dressed.D 5. A. He does not like the apartment. B. He is concerned about the rent for department. C. He wants to live in the apartment. D. He agrees with the man.B Part B. Longer Conversations Directions: In this part, you will hear 2 conversations. At the end of each conversation, two questions will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. Question 6 and 7 are based on the following conversation. 6. A. She is waiting for the man. B. She is waiting for her mother. C. She is waiting for a bus. D. She is waiting for it to stop raining.C 7. A. Co-workers. B. Strangers. C. Relatives. D. Friends.B Question 8 and 9 based on the following conversation. 8. A. He has a habit of breaking promise. B. He is not capable of helping the woman. C. He is not free these days. D. His uncle doesn't let him do it.C 9. A. She doesn't understand him. B. She shows her understanding. C. She is a little bit angry.


2018年12月第1套四级听力 Section A News Report Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the center. Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard. 1.A) Land a space vehicle on the moon in 2019. B) Design a new generation of mobile phones. C) Set up a mobile phone network on the moon. D) Gather data from the moon with a tiny device. 2.A) It is stable. B) It is durable. C) It is inexpensive. D) It is sophisticated. Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard. 3.A) It lasted more than six hours. B) No injuries were yet reported. C) Nobody was in the building when it broke out. D) It had burned for 45 minutes by the time firefighters arrived. 4.A) Recruit and train more firefighters. B) Pull down the deserted shopping mall. C) Turn the shopping mall into an amusement park. D) Find money to renovate the local neighborhood. Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard. 5.A) Shrinking potato farming. B) Heavy reliance on import. C) Widespread plant disease. D) Insufficient potato supply. 6.A) It intends to keep its traditional diet. B) It wants to expand its own farming. C) It is afraid of the spread of disease. D) It is worried about unfair competition. 7.A) Global warming. B) Ever-rising prices. C) Government regulation. D) Diminishing investment. Section B Conversation Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversations you will hear four questions. Both the conversations and the question-s will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B),


Popular Science and Modern Technology 现代科学技术 【耳听为实】 第一节 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试题卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 现在你有5秒钟的时间阅读第1小题的有关内容。 1. Who does the woman think invented the light bulb? A. Edison. B. Einstein. C. Elia. 2. What does the man mean? A. For years they’ve been working hard at the research. B. For years they are working hard at the project. C. For years they’ve been studying hard. 3. What are they talking about? A. Aids. B. Population. C. Cancer. 4. What are they talking about? A. About a friend’s addre ss. B. About the software. C. About how to look for information from the Internet. 5. Which function of the following is mentioned in the dialogue? A. Answering a phone. B. Sending short messages. C. Taking photos. 第二节 听以下3段独白,每段独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试题卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段独白读两遍。 听下面一段独白,回答第6至第8小题。现在你有15秒的时间阅读这三个小题。 6. Why do we say the computer is a useful machine? A. It can help us a lot. B. We can use it to play games. C. It can help us to find jobs. 7. What do many teachers and parents complain about? A. Their students and children use computers to play games. B. Computers let them lose their jobs. C. Computers bring people a lot of trouble. 8. What can we learn from the passage? A. Computers also bring us trouble. B. Computers bring us happiness only. C. Computers are bad for people’s health. 听下面一段独白,回答第9至第11小题。现在你有15秒的时间阅读这三个小题。 9. Who made most of the things in your school bags?
