



提高生产率improve productivity

促进信息交流和贸易往来promote trade activity across border


更多娱乐时间、生活更丰富leisure lives have been enriched

科技具有教育性和益智性educational and intelligence-enhancing

音乐、电影、专辑、视频music files, albums, video clips

裁员make people redundant

工作生活的差别越来越模糊boundary between work and play is blurred

不愿外出活动sedentary lifestyle

以个人为中心的社会concerned about one’s own way of life, an insular society develops and forms

过分依赖因特网inactive lifestyle rely excessively on the internet for running errands

人与人交流少personal interaction reduces

关系难以保持hard to maintain and improve relations with friends and family

对社会和家庭都不利detrimental to family life or social relations within or outside of work

缺乏社会生活和实践经验social life and practical experience

引起疾病lifestyle diseases, such as obesity, stroke, diabetes, heart diseases

机器代替人力replace manpower

人们缺少思考如何解决问题work out solutions to problems under different circumstances

被动接受信息receive information passively

突发事件可以通过信号来确定人的位置in the event of an emergency, locate trapped or injured people using the signals

from their mobile phones

浏览网页internet browsing

说话声音过大,让人感觉不舒服speak at an increased volume, feel uncomfortable

信息可能被第三方截取或偷听intercept, eavesdrop in

有可能增加患癌几率increase the risk of suffering cancer

农业化向工业化转变make a transition from agriculture to manufacture

工业生产品多样化manufactured goods

现代科技的基础the prototype of modern technologies

现代科技是早期科技的革新innovations of those inventions in the earliest days of the Industrial Revolution

人口过快增长rapid population growth

资源使用inefficient energy use

环境问题environmental conditions deteriorating 动植物减少decline in fauna and flora

生活在贫困线以下living on, near or below the poverty line 提高生产力boost productivity

增加粮食产量increase crop yields

不治之症incurable diseases

增加工作灵活性introduce flexibility

减少上下班时间reduce interruptions and commuting time 增加员工动力increase staff motivation

节省办公空间和设备save office space and other facilities, reduce costs

管理员工和监督工作manage homeworkers, monitor performance

难以集中培训导致员工技术和工作质量下降lead to possible deteriorating of employee’s skills and work quality

难以保持团队精神,缺乏交流,疏远感maintain team spirit, lack communicating, a sense of isolation among homeworkers

空间小,易管,拷贝方便,不易损坏take up little space, easier to manage, instantly copied, wear overtime

减少油墨纸张的消耗cut down on ink production, paper and lumber production

方面读者携带使用reader-friendly type, size and font are adjustable

传统书对眼睛伤害程度低一些less harmful to eyes, less eye strain over extended reading time

不需要辅助阅读设备require no power source or reading device

现代通讯工具增加了口头交流的比重the proportion of oral communications

文字交流方式different forms of communications

目的、读者、语气和场合purpose, audience, tone and context

对事情的充分解释provide adequate explanation

逻辑的组织arrange and express thoughts logically

清楚的表达自己make the purpose clear

给出正确和完整的信息give correct and complete details

语气neutral and warm in tone

减少误会lessen the possibility of misunderstanding XXX的普及the popularity of XXX

对生活质量的要求更高higher demand on standards of living

电脑和自动化设备computerization and automation

支付得起更多娱乐able to afford recreational activities

适应科技keep the pace with the fast development of technology

工作时间外的工作work beyond normal working hours


有助于学习技能acquire new skills

提高思考问题能力critical thinking skills)

分析问题能力analytical skills

解决问题的能力problem solving skills

加强理论知识theoretical knowledge

增加实践经验practical experience

帮助学习者提高就业前景improve career prospects 提高社会技能improve social skills

交流技巧hone communication skills 适应环境的能力adapt to new environment 提高身体素质develop physical fitness

帮助学生养成良好生活习惯educate them to lead or maintain a healthy lifestyle

提高道德标准意识heighten one’s awareness of moral standards

遵守社会规范conform to rules accepted by the society 履行责任assume responsibility

提高学生对艺术、诗歌和文学的欣赏水平develop an appreciation of art, poetry and literature

媒体和信息科技提供机会media and information technologies make different learning opportunities available

激烈竞争中生存survive fierce competition

提高能力和专业才能improve qualification specialized expertise 教育观念转变education concept is in transition

学生不限制在一个年龄段之间students are not confined to a certain age group

人生价值value of life

求知欲quest for knowledge 精神需要(spiritual needs)

终生教育lifelong education

面对面交流face to face interaction

口语相互影响engage at close range and are influenced by each other’s verbal communication

社交能力social skills

意识团队重要性become aware of the importance of cooperation in group

让学生关系紧张result in the interpersonal conflict

紧张、自信心不足、自私的性格linked to high anxiety levels, self-doubt and selfishness

作弊promote cheating

从各种各样的观点和经验中受益benefit from a diversity of perspectives and experiences

突出个人能力achieve personal distinctions

有利学生个人发展personal achievement

强调一致性concerted effort

有动力lack motivation

造成团队进度不快achieve little progress

效果不佳outcomes are not successful

调整教学材料和教学方法adjust materials and methods of instruction

适合学生adjust curriculum to student’s aptitude 掌握学习节奏teach at a faster or slower pace

不会骄傲自满reduce arrogance

导致学生缺乏自尊心foster lower self-esteem

对学习成绩缺乏期望lower aspirations

养成学生对学业不积极的态度develop negative attitudes toward school

厌学心理resistant to schooling

进一步拉大优秀学生和落后学生的差距widen the gap between the low and high achievers

学生之间激烈的竞争result in fierce rivalry among students 打好基础lay a solid foundation

有助于职业发展career development

前车之鉴summary of antecedents

借鉴前人知识draw on the empirical knowledge of the generations before us

避免走弯路avoid taking a wrong path

把握今天做出正确决定make a wiser decision at the present time 关注自身文化背景cultural identity

保持民族自豪感preserve ethnic dignity

社会团结social solidarity

世界日新月异undergo dramatic changes

历史可能歪曲事实distort the truth

扩大视野broaden their horizons

提高分析和比较信息的能力the ability to analyze and compare information

增加课业负担add to the pressure a student experiences

与学生生活社区不大have no relevance to the community in which students are living

基因特征genetic tendencies

给予我们内在的能力和特征endow us with inborn abilities and traits

行为模式behavioral patterns

思考模式ways of thinking

双胞胎fraternal twins

分开抚养reared apart

相似之处show many similarities

在一起抚养rear under the same condition

会有很大的不同do not resemble each other

环境的影响和约束influenced and conditioned by environment 拓宽知识面have a broad knowledge of many subjects 沉迷于电脑obsessed with the computer

严重影响学习create distractions

影响视力impair vision

过分依靠电脑excessive reliance on computer use

在交通上浪费时间no waste of time in transportation 残疾学生students with disabilities

多媒体使得教学更加生动make the class more lively with the use of multimedia

按照自己的接受程度尽心学习learn at their own pace

提高学习效率improve the efficiency of study 减少老师负担even out workloads

增加学习乐趣increase learning enjoyment

提问和反馈之间的停滞lag time between student input and feedback

太多干扰使得学生分散注意力too many distractions at home

需要更强的自制力demand a high level of autonomy and commitment

沟通障碍cause communication barriers

因材施教teach students in accordance with their own characteristics and differnces

监控学生不良行为discern students’ inappropriate behaviors 对于社会有害的认识be aware of social evils

校园暴力school violence

滥用药物misuse of drugs

酗酒alcohol-related problems


反社会行为anti-social behavior

监督学生在校表现monitor the behavior of youths at school

提高道德准则的认知increase their awareness of moral standards

模仿大人的行为imitate the way parents speak and behave 分辨对错tell right from wrong

行驶监护权commit their guardianship

为监护不当承担责任accountable for negligence

给予指导provide parental guidance

树立正确的道德观和价值观cultivate a child’s value and behavior

付出相应的代价pay a price for being neglectful parents 管教不严lack of discipline

虐待abuse or neglect

社会环境social settings

身心健康326physical and mental health

以暴力解决问题solve problems by means of violence 逆反心理result in rebellion

影响小孩和父母的关系impair the relation between children and parents

对父母的憎恨incite hatred for their parents

失去对学习和生活的自信have little confidence on their study and future life

建立自尊keep their self-respect 导致自闭症cause autism

管教孩子的方式 a form of discipline

对自己犯的错误有更深的记忆gain a profound understanding of their faults

时刻提醒自己不再犯相同的错误prevent them from committing the same errors

不敢勇于尝试和面对失败afraid to try and fail

表现出不足够的自制fail to demonstrate considerable self-regulation

缺乏独立性lack of independence

不能单独面对困难和解决问题conquer difficulties and handle different situations

一无是处feel unworthy

悲观压抑suffer high levels of depression

使得小孩不能表现自我deny children the opportunity to express individuality

养成良好生活习惯form appropriate behavior patterns

改正不良行为stop their misbehaviors

选择正确的成功之路take the right path to success

缺乏良好教育机会lack of the access to quality education

不好的家庭环境without a living and nurturing home


体验不同事物的机会have few opportunities to broaden experiences

无法拓展人际圈difficult to expand their social networks

办事屡屡碰壁encounter obstacles but obtain no support from others

承担起家里的负担bear a burden, including domestic affairs

变得更加成熟have the maturity to behave and think like an adult

韧性more resilient

忍受困难have extraordinary endurance of hardships

承受压力more accustomed to pressure and problems

接受挑战more willing to take on challenges 与人为善being kind-hearted

形成自己的人际圈 a strong circle of friends

巩固基础333reinforce their education with homework and reading

增加责任感strengthen his or her sense of responsibility 增加知识improve general knowledge

提高基本技能increase mastery of basic academic skills,

such as reading, writing, spelling, and mathematics

学会适应压力deal with stressful feelings

死记硬背的人rote learner

抑制想象力little room for imagination

过分强调成绩overemphasize school performance

不利于身心健康physical, psychological and emotional well-being

居无定所have to cope with displacement frequently 教育的连续性educational continuity

学习情况一直被监督regular supervised study periods

成绩提高很快high achievement standards

集体生活communal life

学生与社会隔离experience social detachment 与父母关系疏远alienate children from parents 无法满足感情需求emotional needs

同龄群体不良影响几率大peer groups become a more significant force

获得社会和工作经验gain experience, especially first-hand experience

学习并锻炼技能learn and exercise skills

增加对工作的责任感strengthen the sense of responsibility/obligation

形成团结互助的良好社会风气help others on an impromptu basis 建立信任build mutual trust



分散注意力constitute a distraction

课程设置更合理better academic and extracurricular programmes

受到更多关注individual attention from teachers

薄弱环节solve students’ problems individually 老师教学监督经验更加丰富professional teaching staff

费用较高fees are exorbitant

大部分人无法承担unaffordable for much of the population

物质上的攀比show off material wealth and personal belongings

学生两极化lead to polarization among students 优越感feel superior to others

平衡学习和工作maintain a balance between their studies and the workload from part-time jobs

为未来的专业选择做好准备identify career preference and areas of interest

将知识应用于实践apply what they learn in practice

提高决策能力和处理问题的能力develop decision-making and problem-solving skills

适应社会需求fail to meet the requirements of employers

不能够应付可能出现的困难unable to cope with hardships incurred 遭受打击suffer setbacks

找不到符合自己性格和兴趣的工作hard to find jobs that match one’s characters and interests

提高学生对于课堂的兴趣arouse students’ interests in class 提高教学质量improvement of instruction

开展师生对话open up an evolving dialogue

包含偏见contain prejudice

干扰教学进程disrupt teaching

污蔑和诽谤之嫌comment on teachers with contempt and defamatory remark

得到应有的尊重gain the respect they deserve

迎合学生cater for students

缓解压力reduce stress

使人放松help us to relax

培养情绪create a mood

营造良好校园环境create a favourable school environment

保持和增强身体各部分机能maintain or increase their level of physical, mental, social, and emotional functioning

建立良好个人形象develop a positive self-image

发展良好的体育精神develop good sportsmanship

注重公平竞争和诚实value fair play and honesty

劳动力总体需求下降 a fall in the overall demand for labour 劳动法labour market regulations

对年轻人抱有偏见和不信任prejudice against young inexperienced workers

教育不够inadequate education

缺乏培训lack of appropriate training

缺乏对劳动力市场的清晰理解 a clear understanding of the job market

对工资和职业期望过高exceedingly high occupational and wage aspirations

缺乏对雇主的忠诚lack of loyalty to employers

性格多变mercurial nature

刺激经济发展stimulate the economy

完善劳动与就业相关法律法规enact laws that provide workers with protection

杜绝就业歧视prohibit age discrimination 保障劳动者利益protect workers’ rights

了解社会需求和就业形势take a closer look at the trends in the labour market

积极参加社会实践和岗前培训participate actively in internships and pre-career training

单亲家庭single-parent hoseholds

对情感需求无法得到满足emotional needs left unattended

教育不够妥善improper parental care

没有正确的引导receive no instruction on an ongoing basis 行为不良serious misconduct

同龄群体的影响delinquent peer group

对物质财富的强烈追求a strong desire for material wealth and luxury lifestyles

不择手段illegitimate means

和平时期的征兵peacetime conscription

培养团结精神和团队精神immense unity and team spirit

不注重个性发展emphasize conformity, instead of individuality

违背意愿against the will

耽误个人发展impede personal development

漠视人们生命的价值和快乐the value and happiness of civilians’ lives in peace

缓解劳动力缺乏relieve labour shortages

显示社会的团结demonstrate social solidarity

新颖有效的教育形式349a very original and effective educational model

为地处偏远和行动不便的人、工作时间不稳定的人提供里教育机会those with restricted mobility, such as the elderly, disabled and injured

文档资料易储存、提取、打印和阅读documents and materials

缺少面对面交流lack of in-person contact with faculty members

很难及时得到反馈wait for a long time before receiving feedback about assignments

不是所有都承认网络教育学历not all work industries acknowledge online degrees


海平面上升sea level rise

放射物质的废物处理radioactive waste disposal

生活环境恶化deteriorating environement

干旱水灾沙尘暴酸雨droughts floods sand storms and acid rain 可替代能源alternative energy

食品供应不足food supply problem



对环境有利的科技environmentally friendly technology

以环境为代价at the cost of environment

资源使用不当或无节制unchecked and reckless use of resources 植树造林afforestation

使用可更新能源例如取之不尽的太阳能make most of renewable energy, including inexhaustible natural resources, like the sun

地方性全球性regional worldwide

共享地球资源share the Earth’s supply

污染会从一个地方传播到另一个地方transport pollution from one location to another

单方面的努力是不够的unilateral moves are not enough

国际合作采取更多行动take strong multilateral actions

由当地政府解决tackled by the local or national government

造成环境问题的原因因地区而异causes and solutions differ from one region to another

国际经验未必适用于某个特定的地区international practices might not apply locally

大量破坏环境的气体environmental destructive gases

噪音污染和水污染noise and water pollution

工业废气industrial air pollution

汽车尾气car emission

技术的发展technological development

一些减轻影响的措施已经实施mitigation measures have been taken

致力于发明使用可再生和清洁能源的汽车driven to develop the vehicles that are powered by other forms of energy

阻止人们使用汽油discourage people from using petrol 必要的交通工具irreplaceable means of transport

转移人们的注意力distract attention from the root cause of the problem

发展环保汽油create cleaner fuels

其他可更新能源generation of renewable energy 没有获得安全引用水的途径no access to safe drinking water

地下水的过度使用unsustainable use of groundwater resources

人口过快增长rapid population growth

工农业和家庭的需求增大increasing farming, industrial and domestic demand

收集雨水harvest rain

废水循环利用aquifer protection and recharge

导致垃圾的增多258the increment of rubbish

一次性产品short-lived or disposable items

垃圾任意排放discharge of refuse

改进工业生产modify industrial production

减少资源使用reduce raw material inputs

采取相关垃圾循环再利用措施disposal and recycling schemes

抑制野生植物生长stunt growth if wild plants

农作物茁壮成长bigger stronger plants

增加产量lead to higher output

植物抗旱produce drought-resistant plants

抵御病虫害crop varieties that withstand pest attacks 降低土壤肥沃程度reduce soil fertility

土壤质量下降soil degradation

病虫害免疫力提高acquire more resistance

环境污染,破坏生态系统pollute and destroy local ecosystems

化肥残留农作物persist and build up in the body

损害生物多样性reduce biodiversity

食物单一化homogeneous diets


身份感208sense of identity

人类的长期存在the long-term survival of humanity

服饰体现了当地的特色national costume or regional costume can express local identity and emphasise uniqueness

民族自豪感的源泉 a source of one’s national pride 国家形象national symbol

民族服装是社会、婚姻和宗教的身份和地位indicate social, marital and/or religious status

发现文化之间的不同之处obvious differences between cultures

社会习俗和历史的标志symbol of the social customs and history of a place

文化资源cultural resource

保护老建筑old architectural works

保护文化preserve culture values

丰富的建筑遗产old architectural works

地区的形象create its identity

连接过去和现在桥梁bridge the present and the past history

建筑的多样性establish some variations among the buildings

宏伟的高层建筑grand high-rising structures

修复成原来的模样restored to its original/authentic state of existence

老建筑古建筑历史建筑aged buildings

与经济发展有冲突an antithesis of development 技艺craftsmanship

大量的金钱和时间commitment of time and money

破烂不堪worn out

建筑风格architecture or a style of buildings 突出和塑造一个地区的形象highlight or create its identity

赏心悦目please the eye

建筑物的外观和内部the exterior and the interior

与周围环境相协调blend into its setting

结构颜色纹理装饰灯光structure colour texture ornamentation lighting

视觉吸引力visual appeals have no market value


实际使用问题practical utility

收藏大量物品house a large collection of selected objects

不能触碰forbid physical contact

历史讲解provide interpretation

关注当地文化concentrate on the host region’s culture 特定的主题concentrate on a particular subject

人种学人类学ethnology anthropology

陌生枯燥的unfamiliar abstract and uninteresting

歌舞表演operas and concerts

电影和录像movies videos and videotapes

有些展品item on exhibition


各国特色的食物ethnic food

时间观念time conscious

产生压力和疲倦easily induce fatigue and stress 对健康的威胁 a threat to health

减少了休闲时间 a drop in leisure time

导致工作和家庭之间的冲突lead to work-family conflicts

长时间的工作未必都有效率和效益long hours are not necessarily productive hours

不能补偿时间所产生的压力high pay can’t compensate for unrelating time pressure

士气低下low morale

旷工率和辞职率高high absenteeism and turnover 对工作热情commitment toward their work 提高收入improve take-home pay

争取工作和晋升的机会increase job security and promotion opportunities

工作稳定job security

基本收入basic pay

工作相关的回报job-related benefits

工作环境和条件working conditions

工作节奏比较适当able to cope with work pace

好的同事、同伴和上司good rapport with coworkers, peers and superiors

接受训练和指引receive training and counseling 能够发挥全部潜能的机会attainment of full potential

获得别人的认同receive recognition

进行革新和创造的机会given the opportunities for innovation and creativity

成功的感觉experience a feeling of success

对工作的期待随着自己的经历改变而改变expectations varied as their experience changed

充分发挥自己的能力make the best use of one’s abilities 提高技能和增加经验improve skills and gain new experiences 换工作switching jobs

发展多种技能acquire a wide array of technical skills 丰富个人简历enhance the resume

提高个人的市场价值和工作稳定性improve marketability and job security

稳定的工作机会就会很少continued employment will be meager 在竞争中失利vulnerable to the competition

职业生存in terms of career survival

没有高枕无忧的空间there is no room for complacency

接受挑战、把握机会take on new challenges and seize opportunities

理智的职业选择 a sound career move

离开目前的雇主leave the current employer

会给自己一种新期待 a sense of anticipation

一种学习的热情generate an enthusiasm to learn

对自己的职业发展弊大于利do more harm than good to one’s career 跳槽job-hopping

适应新环境adjust to the new environment

视为威胁seen as a threat

工作表现不能被轻易认同readily being recognized

反映低承受力和对雇主的低忠诚度reflect badly on the job candidate’s resilience and loyalty

缺乏工作动力lack of self-motivation

重新招聘restart a new recruiting process

休息时间不够充分inadequate leisure time

高压力和快节奏的生活方式live a high-pressured, fast-paced lifestyle

时间和金钱管理不当poor time and money management 兼顾家庭和工作juggle work and family commitment 不切实际的期待unrealistic expectations

对事情的处理方式interpret events and situations

合理的饮食有助于改善自身健康proper eating contributes to feelings of well-being

定期运动exercise regularly

平衡自己的责任和确立首要的事情balance obligations and set priorities

习惯自己的每天生活忽略一些问题的潜在影响become accustomed to your daily activities and overlook their cumulative effect

养成良好的心态nurture a good state of mind

争取减少忧虑block out worries

有决断力be assertive

看作是正面挑战而不是威胁positive challenges, not a threat 处理好和其他人的矛盾resolve conflicts with other people

通过体育社交活动或业余爱好来摆脱压力release yourself from daily stresses with group sports, social events and hobbies

人生阶段226life stages

宗教信仰religious belief

教育程度educational level

兜圈子掩盖误导spinning shading misleading

信任是一种美德honesty is regarded as a core virtue 建立彼此之间的信任build up mutual trust

不用担心前后是否一致statements are consistent


顾及他人的感受protect/spare a person’s feelings 减少尴尬lighten the embarrassment


忽视其他人的利益disregard the well-being of others




雅思写作技巧-大作文开头段经典套句 A proverb says:"..." 有句谚语说:“...” As the proverb says:"..." 如谚语说:“...” Everybody knows that... 每个人都知道... Generally speaking... 一般说来... It can be easily proved that... 很容易证明... It goes without saying that... 不用说... It is quite clear that...because... 很明显...,因为... It is often said that... 人们常说... Many people often ask this question:"...?" 很多人常问这个问题:“...?” It is ture that... ...是真实的 No one can deny that... 谁也不能否认... One thing which is equally important to the above mentioned is... 与上述同样重要的一件事是... The chief reason why... 为什么...的主要原因是... We must recognize that... 我们必须承认... There is no doubt that... 无疑... I'm of the opinion that... 我认为... In my point of view... 在我看来...

This can be expressed as follows... 这能够从以下几点说明... The reasons are presented below... 原因例举如下... To take... for an example... 以...为例... Therefore we should realize that... 所以我们应该了解... We have reasons to believe that... 我们有理由相信... Now that we know that... 既然我们知道... What is more serious is that... 更严重的是... Anyway,I agree with the idea of... 不管怎样,我同意... I side with the latter opinion... 我同意后一个观点... In a word... 总来说之... In conclusion... 由此得出结论... On account of this we can find that... 由此我们能够知道... The result is depend on... 结果视...而定 Therefore,the findings reveal the following information... 所以,这些发现揭示了以下信息... Thus,this is the reason why we must... 所以,这就是我们为 什么必须... To sum up... 总来说之...


雅思作文常见开头结尾形式 注:如下方式,雅思写作针对性强,且略带模板印迹,同学应在充分理解结构的基础上,用上面的方法去灵活写作 雅思大作文第一段一定要包括这样三个基本要素:“背景句”,“话题”和“观点”。这三个部分是完整统一的,一定不能忽略。 第一,背景句:背景句主要起到引题的作用,但要紧密联系题目中的话题。其方法是围绕题干中的关键词或核心词展开。 背景句的写作方法: 1 联系社会背景:任何一个话题肯定都于一定的社会发展息息相关,所以联系关键词的社会背景是一种最简单、最常用的方法。具体可以有以下5种句式: 1) The 21st century witnesses --- 2) With the development of science and technology,--- 3) In modern society, --- 4) It is quite common these days that --- 5) Recently,--- 例如:There are social, medical and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of mobile phones? 参考背景句: The late 20th century witnessed the boom of science and technology, which gave rise to a series of technological innovations, including the mobile phone. 或with the development of science and technology, the mobile phone is more and more available to and popular with common people. 2 重述话题:有的时候题干里是有一个背景介绍的,这时候我们只需将题目所给话题重新复述一遍即可。但切忌原样照搬照抄,不过可以将原文中的词汇和句式进行同义转换。转换句型可以有以下三种. 1) it is generally believed that --- 2) it is said that--- 3) it is reported that--- 例如:Nowadays, people are facing more and more work-related stress. State the possible reasons for this phenomenon and make some recommendations about how to combat it. 参考背景句: It is generally believed that individuals are confronted with psychological and physical stress coming from work. 3解释中心词: 即将中心词进行解释或展开说明。此种方法一般适合容易下定义的词比如图书馆。可以有以下三个句型: 1)It is known to all that --- 2)As is known to all, --- 3)--- is known as--- 例如:The main purpose of public libraries is to provide books and they should not waste their


雅思大作文开头段模板 第一大模板法:①引题+ ②一方观点+另一方观点+ ③我方观点 ①引题:九大引题方法 一:①在谈到……时,人们对于这个充满争议的话题所持的观点各不相同。 ①When talking about (/it comes to /it refers to) _____, people’s opinions are divergent on such a controversial 有争议的issue. 有分歧的 二:①最近经常辩论的一个问题是…… ①A much debated issue these days is whether …… ①There is a public (/general) debate (/discussion/ controversy) today (/nowadays) on (/about/ over/ as to) the problem (/issue) of …… 三:①最近……的问题已经引起了人们广泛的争议。 ①Recently the problem(/issue)of _____ + has drawn(/aroused) public (/worldwide) attention. + has caused(/aroused) wide (/general/ considerable/ international) concern. + has arisen(/loomed up/ cropped up) as controversial(/as noteworthy/ more distinctly for settlement). 四:①近来……的问题已经广为天下人所知。 ①Recently the issue(/problem) of ……has been in the limelight (/brought into focus/ brought to public attention/ posed among the general public). 在公众的注意之下 五:①在过去的……年里,很多城市面临了……的严重问题。 ①In recent(/ the past ……) years, many cities (/nations/ people) have been faced with (/plagued with/ troubled with/ experienced/ witnessed/ undergone) the(/a/an) serious problem of(/acute shortage of/ alarming increase in) …… 六:①如今我们国家面临的最为紧迫的任务之一是…… ①One of the burning(/pressing/interesting) problems facing (/confronting/ troubling) our nation (/society/ world/ community) today is that …… 七:①现在很多人谈论的最热门的话题之一是…… ①One of the biggest issues(/ hottest topics/ most popular things/ most serious problems)many people talk (/complain) about now is …… 八:①随着…… ①With the rapid(/marked/ amazing) development(/increase/improvement/expansion/growth/ decline) of __, ①With the general(/growing/ common) recognition (/realization/ acknowledgment) of _____, ①With the general (/growing/ common) commitment (/devotion/ dedication) to_____, ①With the general(/growing/ common) interest in(/concern over/ enthusiasm for)_____, ①With _____ playing an increasingly big role in _____, a growing number of _____. ①With _____ attaching much importance to _____, an increasing number of _____. 九:①如今有一种……趋势。 ①Nowadays(Currently/ Recently), there is a growing (/ unhealthy) tendency to (/in/ that) …… ②一方观点+ 另一方观点:两大表述方法 一:②一些人认为……,另一些人认为……。


第一段: 1.nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the purpose that university education serves. 2.However, whether they should mainly provide job-related skills or pure knowledge to graduates has caused heated debate. 3.My view is that practical skills should be the main focus of universities. 第二段: 4.to start with, there is no denying that the purpose of receiving education is to obtain knowledge and skills, which will enable the graduates to become qualified employees in the future job market. (第一原因) 5.this is becausemost of them, after graduation, will enter workplace, earn a living, and support their own families. . (进一步阐释) 6.in view of this, universities, as service providers, have to give top priority to the students real needs. (观点成立) 第三段 7.moreover, focusing on the job related skills can benefit the university itself. (第二观点) 8.a typical example is that 3D technology has become aheatedtopic after the Avatar made the world crazy. (举例说明) 9.if a university can quickly respond and consolidate teaching resources to offer courses about 3D, not only will its graduates bemore competitive in the job market, but the university itself will keep pace with the technological development and more forward. (例证解释说明) 第四段: 10.however, there are also arguments supportingthe opinion that universities should only offer knowledge to students for its own sake. (反方观点) 11.it is evident that, if studentsare interested in these theoretical knowledge, they probably become scientists and scholars, who will make greater contribution to the society. (反方观点合理性) 12.Despite that, there students are few/the minority and most of them are more concerned with job-related skills. (驳斥反方观点) 13.consequently, theoretical knowledge should not be put in the first place by universities. (观点小结) 第五段 14.in sum, the major function of universities should be providing students job-related skills, guaranteeing high rate of employment, and thus making the society function well.


IELTS套句式写作大全 第一部分:TASK1图表写作套句精选 1.the table shows the changes in the number of...over the period from...to... 该表格描述了在...年之...年间...数量的变化。 2.the bar chart illustrates that... 该柱状图展示了... 3.the graph provides some interesting data regarding... 该图为我们提供了有关...有趣数据。 4.the diagram shows (that)... 该图向我们展示了... 5.the pie graph depicts (that).... 该圆形图揭示了... 6.this is a cure graph which describes the trend of... 这个曲线图描述了...的趋势。 7.the figures/statistics show (that)... 数据(字)表明... 8.the tree diagram reveals how... 该树型图向我们揭示了如何... 9.the data/statistics show (that)... 该数据(字)可以这样理解... 10.the data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that... 这些数据资料令我们得出结论... 11.as is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the diagram/graph/chart/table... 如图所示... 12.according to the chart/figures... 根据这些表(数字)... 13.as is shown in the table... 如表格所示... 14.as can be seen from the diagram,great changes have taken place in... 从图中可以看出,...发生了巨大变化。 15.from the table/chart/diagram/figure,we can see clearly that...or it is clear/apparent from the chart that... 从图表我们可以很清楚(明显)看到... 16.this is a graph which illustrates... 这个图表向我们展示了... 17.this table shows the changing proportion of a & b from...to... 该表格描述了...年到...年间a与b的比例关系。 18.the graph,presented in a pie chart, shows the general trend in... 该图以圆形图形式描述了...总的趋势。 19.this is a column chart showing... 这是个柱型图,描述了... 20.as can be seen from the graph,the two curves show the flutuation of... 如图所示,两条曲线描述了...的波动情况。 21.over the period from...to...the...remained level. 在...至...期间,...基本不变。 22.in the year between...and... 在...年到...期间... 23.in the 3 years spanning from 1995 through 1998... 1995年至1998三年里... 24.from then on/from this time onwards... 从那时起... 25.the number of...remained steady/stable from (month/year) to (month/year). ...月(年)至...月(年)...的数量基本不变。 26.the number sharply went up to... 数字急剧上升至...


雅思写作图表作文的主体段如何构思 作为文章的最核心的内容,主体段的完整质量在很大程度上决定了考生最后的成绩,因此完成结构合理,用词准确的主体段就成为高分作文的关键。对于雅思写作A类的task one 图表类作文来说,主体段的写作任务就在于要求考生在规定的时间范围内,对题目所示图表等信息进行逻辑性的归纳和总结,并将其用准确地和高质量的英文进行语言表达。 但总结发现,对于很大一部分的考生来说,在理解图表内容和准确描述数据信息这两个方面都存在着一定的困难。部分考生无法准确把握图表信息,同时理清其逻辑关系和信息的重点,而仅仅能够对图表中的单个信息点进行机械化的罗列,从而造成评分要求中TASK ACHIEVEMENT一项的得分很低;另外一部分考生则没有很好的数据信息描述的能力,对于图表作文中常用的表达方式没有很好的把握,或用简单和重复的语言,或在表达上出现一定量的语法错误,从而导致评分要求中对语言应用能力方面的扣分。 那么,图表类作文的主体段到底如何进行构思和行文呢?如何把握图表中的重点信息和核心内容?在行文过程中哪些表达方式是必不可少的呢? 根据图表作文题中题目信息的特点,图表作文可以分成两大类,我们将其定义为“与时俱进”和“定时定点”两种,表现在具体的图表上也就是说如果在图表中有出现以时间推进为基准的数据比较,则归类为“与时俱进”类;反之,如果图表中未有出现以时间推移而变化的信息,则将其归入“定时定点”类。 本文将重点讨论“与时俱进”类图表作文的构思基本原则,从而希望能够为广大考生提供复习和练习的指导。 构思基本原则 由于在这一类的图表作文中存在随时间变化而变化的数据和信息,因此,我们在进行这类图表作文的构思时,需要把握一个基本的准则,也就是应该根据时间的推移对数据点进行描述,也即是说,从初始点的描述开始,随着时间的推移,逐一描述进程中的关键信息点,直至终止点。例如,如果在图表中出现1950-2000的变化趋势,则应该从1950年开始描述,并逐步向后推移直至描述到2000年的信息点。 何为关键信息点 上一点中我们提到了随时间推移需要对关键的信息点进行描述,那么哪些才是所谓的关键信息点呢?一般来说,起始点和终止点的描述是必不可少的,其次,图表中出现的极值点


雅思作文模板句必备50句型 A 1.the table shows the changes in the number of...over the period from...to... 该表格描述了在... 年之... 年间... 数量的变化。 2.the bar chart illustrates that... 该柱状图展示了... 3.the graph provides some interesting data regarding... 该图为我们提供了有关... 有趣数据。 4.the diagram shows (that... 该图向我们展示了... 5.the pie graph depicts (that.... 该圆形图揭示了... 6.this is a cure graph which describes the trend of... 这个曲线图描述了... 的趋势。 7.the figures/statistics show (that... 数据(字表明... 8.the tree diagram reveals how... 该树型图向我们揭示了如何... 9.the data/statistics show (that... 该数据(字可以这样理解... 10.the data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that... 这些数据资料令我们得出结论... 11.as is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the diagram/graph/chart/table... 如图所示... 12.according to the chart/figures... 根据这些表(数字... 13.as is shown in the table... 如表格所示...


剑盟雅思预备学院官网:https://www.360docs.net/doc/4c12341927.html,/ 雅思大作文模板的漂亮结尾 雅思大作文模板的漂亮结尾!一个好的结尾自然也会为作文带来很高的分数,因此同学们在复习的过程中,不要仅仅侧重于一个漂亮的开头,也要适当的来关注我们作文的结尾,这样才能够让我们的大作文拿到高分! 1. “烂招”解救烤鸭于危难 在巨大的时间压力下,很可能你没有来得及写末段,请记住这个“烂招”:写下In conclusion, I personally believe that ……, 在省略号部分抄上原题的观点。比如最近有一道考题:Some people think that economic progress is the most important way to measure a country's success. Other people think other factors are also important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 在剩下最后一分钟时写下:In conclusion, personally, I believe that economic progress is not the most important way to measure a country’s success, and other facts must be taken into consideration. 这个末段给人一种强烈的“扣题”感,理由很明显,紧紧地扣住题目啦! 2. 高招体现缜密思维 “烂招”其实在某种程度上不赖。但是对于追求真正写作能力的同学,想要写出“圆满示“回响”。这个词是我们接下来讨论的关键。首先,我们必须区分“repeat”和“echo””的末段,那就要明白一个基本道理:有始才有终,善始才能善终!映射到雅思作文上,这句话的意思是:写好了首段和主体段,才能够写出“圆满”的末段。下面给各位烤鸭仔细分析一下末段与首段之间的关系,末段与主体段之间的关系。 首先需要给大家介绍一个词汇——回响,英文对应为echo,名词表示“回声”,动词表。Echo表示意义一致,但是使用不同的说法让读者能够想起前面陈述过的内容,而低级repeat指的是copy,高级repeat指的是paraphrase。 圆满的末段做到“首尾呼应” 末段回响首段立场 (The concluding paragraph echoes the thesis statement in the opening paragraph)


【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】 范文的思路好了。这样好的东西,可惜不是我整理的,是一个叫landfish姑娘收集的,厉害! v105 Some people claim that the disadvantages of the car are more than the advantages,do you ag ree or disagree? 范文1 The birth of cars has made an enormous change to our life. In the past, we travelled fro m one place to another only by foot, nowadays, cars can do the same job . It goes withou r saying that the invention of cars bring great benefits to all of us. but as an ancient prove rb goes, no garden without weeds. Car is no exception. Owing a car has a lot of advantages. For one thing, car provides us the most convenient wa y of transportation. we can get around freely without spenting a lot of time. Emotionally, I always found driving is so exciting. For another , it is comfortable to drive a car.in winte r.Drivers always can stay warm and dry even in rainy weather .In addition, drivers are saf er in their cars when they are out at night. While cars bring the human a large number of merits ,their side-effects gradually come t o the surface .Firstly, running a car needs a lot of oil,which is getting less and less.The incre asing number of cars contributes the lack of energy.Secondlly,as more and more cars are util zed,the traffic ecpecially in big cities is getting heaver and heavier,which leads to the seriou s traffic jam.Moreover,the inceasing numbers of cars ,which excaust sent a huge quantitie s of carbon monoxide into atmosphere.It makes the air of cities unbreathable, it strips peop le’s contact with fresh air. Therefore, the new energy should be explored to replace the oil so that our envionmental p ollution can be avioded , and the strick law should be issued to keep the numbers of cars un der control. Thus, our heavier traffic can be solved!


雅思图表作文经典套句50句1.该表格描述了在…年之…年间…数量的变化。 2.该柱状图展示了… 3.该图为我们提供了有关…有趣数据。 4.该图向我们展示了… 5.该圆形图揭示了… 6.这个曲线图描述了…的趋势。 7.数据(字)表明… 8.该树型图向我们揭示了怎样… 9.该数据(字)可以这样理解… 10.这些数据资料令我们得出结论… 11.如图所示… 12.根据这些表(数字)… 13.如表格所示… 14.从图中可以看出,…发生了巨大变化。 15.从图表我们可以很清楚(明显)看到… 16.这个图表向我们展示了… 17.该表格描述了…年到…年间a与b的比例关系。 18.该图以圆形图形式描述了…总的趋势。

19.这是个柱型图,描述了… 20.如图所示,两条曲线描述了…的波动情况。 21.在…至…期间,…基本不变。 22.在…年到…期间… 23. 1995年至1998三年里… 24.从那时起… 25.…月(年)至…月(年)…的数量基本不变。 26.数字急剧上升至… 27.…至…期间…的比率维持不变。 28.…的数目在…月(年)达到顶点,为… 29.比率维持在… 30.…的比例比…的比例略高(低)。 31.…与…的区别不大。 32.该图表表明…的数目增长了三倍。 33…逐年减少,而…逐步上升。 34.…的情况(局势)到达顶(高)点,为…百分点。 35.数字(情况)在…达到底部。 36.数字(情况)达到底部(低谷)。

37. a是b的…倍。 38. a增长了… 39. a增长到… 40.比例高(低) 41.…数字呈上升趋势。 42. …到…发生急剧上升。 43.从…到…,下降速率减慢。 44.从这年起,…逐渐下降至… 45.与…相似 46.与…相同 47.…与…之间有许多相似(不同)之处 48. a于b有共同之处。 49. a与b之间的差别在于… 50.…年…急剧上升。


范文第一段: Children who grow up in families which are short of money are better prepared to deal with the problems of adult life than children who are brought up by wealthy parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Some feel that the children of low income families are better equipped to deal with difficulties posed by the ‘real world’ when they grow up and they also believe the privileged children of wealthy families are less fit to deal with these difficulties . The implications and veracity of this argument seem self-evident, but in fact require closer examination. ( 58words ) 名师点评: 最后 1 句为主题句。此段的主题句稍微有点特殊,它的确否定了前面所提到的观点,从而表达出了自己的观点,此外还引出了下文。特别是最后半句: but in fact require closer examination ,感觉是在抛砖引玉。 范文第二段: The popular wisdom is that children of poorer families learn early on the value of a buck, and are thus naturally better suited to stretching moneywhen times get tough in adulthood.


雅思小作文模板句必备50句型 A 1.the table shows the changes in the number of...over the period from...to... 该表格描述了在...年之...年间...数量的变化。 2.the bar chart illustrates that... 该柱状图展示了... 3.the graph provides some interesting data regarding... 该图为我们提供了有关...有趣数据。 4.the diagram shows (that)... 该图向我们展示了... 5.the pie graph depicts (that).... 该圆形图揭示了... 6.this is a cure graph which describes the trend of... 这个曲线图描述了...的趋势。 7.the figures/statistics show (that)... 数据(字)表明... 8.the tree diagram reveals how... 该树型图向我们揭示了如何... 9.the data/statistics show (that)... 该数据(字)可以这样理解... 10.the data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that... 这些数据资料令我们得出结论... 11.as is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the diagram/graph/chart/table... 如图所示... 12.according to the chart/figures... 根据这些表(数字)... 13.as is shown in the table... 如表格所示... 14.as can be seen from the diagram, great changes have taken place in... 从图中可以看出,...发生了巨大变化。 15.from the table/chart/diagram/figure, we can see clearly that...or it is clear/apparent from the chart that... 从图表我们可以很清楚(明显)看到... 16.this is a graph which illustrates... 这个图表向我们展示了... 17.this table shows the changing proportion of a & b from...to... 该表格描述了...年到...年间a与b的比例关系。 18.the graph, presented in a pie chart, shows the general trend in... 该图以圆形图形式描述了...总的趋势。 19.this is a column chart showing... 这是个柱型图,描述了...


好的东西,和大家分享,看这个帖子的人肯定比较多,大家别冒险背诵,了解一下范文的思路好了。 v105 some people claim that the disadvantages of the car are more than the advantages,do you agre e or disagree? 范文1 the birth of cars have made an enormous change to our life.in the past,we travel from one pl ace to another only by foot,nowaday,cars can do it .its goes withour saying that the inventi on of cars bring great benefit to all of us.but as proverb goes:no garden without weeds.ca r is not exception. owing a car has a lot of advantages.for one thing,car provide us the most convient way of tr ansportation.we can get around freely without spenting a lot of time.emotionally,i always fo und driving is so exciting.for another,its the comfortable to drive a car.In winter.driver s always can stay warm and dry even in rainy whether,in addition,drivers are usually safe i n their cars when they are out at night. Cars bring the human merits,their side-effects graudually come to the surface.firstly,to ru n a car need a lot of oil,which is getting less and less.the increasing number of cars contr ibute the lacking of energy.secondlly,as more and more cars are used,the traffic ecpeciall y in big cities is getting heaver and heavier,which lead to the serious social problem--traf fic jam.in addition,the inceasing numbers of cars ,which excaust sent a huge quantities of c arbon monoxide into atmosphere.it make the air of cities unbreathabe,it strip people contac t with frensh air. therefore,the new energy should be explored to replace the oil so that our envionmental poll ution can be avioded .and the strick law should be issued to keep the numbers of cars unde r control.thus,our heavier traffic can be solluted! 范文2 Private cars vs Public traffic As traffic problems become more and more serious in many cities of developed and developin g countries, their governments have to try hard and loads of money and energy have been spen t to deal with them. Firstly, it is not efficient for the commuters to use their private cars to and back from th eir workplaces. Occasionally we can see they have to sit on the wheels wasting time and fue
