
I got the stage fright我怯场了
while I'm gone我不在的时候,you are in charge你负责
I am honoured我真荣幸
blind瞎 ,dumb哑巴 ,deaf聋
please don't make a scene别丢人现眼了
what do you say?你觉得怎么样?
A and I,we decided to get married。a和我决定要结婚
Did I wake you?我吵醒你了吗
sometimes things don't work out the way you thought they would
when we told Joey,he cried his eyes out。Joey一听到就哭得死去活来
get some sleep
aren't you worried about what to get Monica?你难道都不担心要送什么给M吗
was it so good?
whatever happens,happens一切顺其自然
can't wait好期待哦
would it help if i
you've never heard of them?你没听说过吗?
Don't take it personally不是针对你
you are dead inside你的心是死的
what more do you want?你还想怎么样?
we are meant for each other我们是天生一对的
have you guys seen Chanleder?你们有看到··吗?
why are you always so jealous of me?你为什么老是这么嫉妒我?
It's not about me being jealous you.不是我嫉妒你
we are better off without them没有它们我们会更好
we have so much in common
you look nothing like i would have thought你和我想象中的完全不一样
you are way too good for her她配不上你
i wish you a lifetime of happiness with him我祝你和他永远幸福快乐
what do you want from me?你到底想要我怎么样
wouldn't it just be a coincidence?这不是巧合吗?
that is not what this is about?这不是为了那个
Iam a sports car enthusiast我是个跑车热爱者
it‘ll be ok.--will it? will it?一切都会好的,会吗会吗?
are you feeling any better?你有没有好一点
why is this so hard for you to get ?Ithought you were a scientist
how long will you be gone?你会去多久
what does a guy have to do to be taken seriously around here?我要怎么做它们才会觉得我是认真的?
got a sec?有空吗?
how much easier would it be if it were?但如果是的话事情会变得很简单吧
you seem a little distracted你看起来有点心不在焉
have I gone deaf?我聋了吗?
Momentary lapse一时糊涂
I think you are getting upset for nothing.我觉得你是庸人自扰
there is got to be a way 一定会有办法的
when do you come off duty?你们什么时候下班?
I just come by to say sorry我只是过来说声对不起
why so fancy?干嘛这么高兴?
just don't get your hopes up别抱太大希望
Did you lose sleep?你睡不着吗?
you see right through me?你真是太了解我了
why are you so dressed up?怎么打扮得这么漂亮呢?
lemon-flavored 柠檬味的
can you see you for a sec?我可以和你说一下话吗

I am fine never having heard it还好我不用听到
I wasn't rich like you guys我不想你们这么有钱
like i just met you 我又不是第一天见你
don't borrow trouble别杞人忧天了
don't take this personally别在意
Did you eat?吃过了吗?
Doing nothing seldom makes problems go away不采取措施是解决不了问题的
