english movie

english movie
english movie





排名评分中文名英文名上映时间影片版本视频编码多音轨音频编码[001] 9.1 肖申克的救赎.The.Shawshank.Redemption.1994.

[002] 9.1 教父1.The.Godfather.1972.BDRip.x264.2Audio.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[003] 9.0 教父2.The.Godfather.Part.II.1974.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[004] 8.9 黄金三镖客.The.Good.The.Bad.And.The.Ugly.EX.1966.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv [005] 8.9 低俗小说.Pulp.Fiction.1994.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[006] 8.8 辛德勒的名单.Schindlers.list.1993.HDTV.2Audio.MINISD-TLF.mkv

[007] 8.8 十二怒汉.12.Angry.Men.1957.DVD9.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[008] 8.8 飞越疯人院.One.Flew.Over.The.Cuckoos.Nest.1975.BDRip.X264.AAC.miniSD-TLF. [009] 8.8 星球大战5.帝国反击战.Star.Wars.V-The.Empire.Strikes.Back.1980.HDTVRip.x264.A [010] 8.8 蝙蝠侠前传2:黑暗骑士.The.Dark.Knight.2008.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv [011] 8.8 魔戒3王者归来加长版.The.King.Extended.Edition.2003.HDRip.X264.AAC.miniSD [012] 8.8 星球大战4-新的希望.Star.Wars.A.New.Hope.1977.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[013] 8.7 卡萨布兰卡.Casablanca.1942.BDRip.x264.2AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[014] 8.7 七武士.Seven.Samurai.1954.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[015] 8.7 好家伙.Goodfellas.1990.BDRip.x264.AAC..miniSD-TLF.mkv

[016] 8.7 搏击俱乐部.Fight.Club.1999.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[017] 8.7 上帝之城.City.Of.God.2002.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[018] 8.7 魔戒1:魔戒现身.The.Fellowship.of.the.Ring.2001.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv [018] 8.7 魔戒1魔戒现身加长版.The.Fellowship.Of


[019] 8.7 夺宝奇兵.Indiana.Jones.And.The.Raiders.Of.The.Lost.Ark.1981.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF [020] 8.7 后窗.Rear.Window.1954.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[021] 8.7 非常嫌疑犯https://www.360docs.net/doc/529305179.html,ual.Suspects.1995.BD.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[022] 8.7 惊魂记.Psycho.1960.HDTVRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[023] 8.6 西部往事.Once.Upon.a.Time.in.the.West.1968.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[024] 8.6 沉默的羔羊https://www.360docs.net/doc/529305179.html,mbs.1991.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv [025] 8.6 黑客帝国1.The.Matrix.1999.BDRip.x264.2Audio.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[026] 8.6 七宗罪.Se7en.1995.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[027] 8.6 记忆碎片.Memento.2000.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[028] 8.6 生活多美好.Its.A.Wonderful.Life.1946.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[029] 8.6 魔戒2双塔奇兵加长版.The.Two.Towers.Extended.Edition.2002.HDRip.X264.AAC. [030] 8.6 日落大道.Sunset.Boulevard.1950.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[031] 8.6 奇爱博士.Dr.Strangelove.1964.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[032] 8.6 西北偏北.North.By.Northwest.1959.BD.3Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[033] 8.6 公民凯恩.Citizen.Kane.1941.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[034] 8.6 这个杀手不太冷加长版.Leon.The.Professional.1994.BDRip.x264.2Audio.AAC.mini [035] 8.5 现代启示录.Apocalypse.Now.Redux.1979.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[036] 8.5 阿甘正传.Forrest.Gump.1994.BD.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[037] 8.5 美国丽人.American.Beauty.1999.HDTVRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[038] 8.5 美国X档案.American.History.X.1998.BluRay.MINISD-TLF.mkv

[039] 8.5 出租车司机.Taxi.Driver.1976.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[040] 8.5 迷魂记.Vertigo.1958.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[041] 8.5 终结者2-审判日.Terminator2.1991.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[042] 8.5 阿拉伯的劳伦斯.Lawrence.of.Arabia.1962.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[043] 8.5 异形.Alien.DC.1979.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[044] 8.5 天使爱美丽.Amelie.2001.BDRip.x264.2AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[045] 8.5 机器人总动员.W ALL-E.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[046] 8.5 拯救大兵雷恩.Saving.Private.Ryan.1998.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[047] 8.5 发条橙.A.Clockwork.Orange.1971.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[048] 8.5 闪灵.The.Shining.1980.HDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[049] 8.4 光荣之路.Paths.of.Glory.1957.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[050] 8.4 无间行者.The.Departed.2006.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv[051] 8.4 钢琴


[052] 8.4 杀死一只知更鸟.To.Kill.A.Mockingbird.1962.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[053] 8.4 异形2.Aliens.II.1986.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[054] 8.4 窃听风暴.The.Lives.of.Others.2006.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[055] 8.4 千与千寻.Spirited.Away.2001.D9.3Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[056] 8.4 M就是凶手.M.1931.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[057] 8.4 美丽心灵的永恒阳


[058] 8.4 双重保险.Double.Indemnity.1944.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[059] 8.4 唐人街.Chinatown.1974.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[060] 8.4 梦之安魂曲.Requiem.for.a.Dream.2000.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv [061] 8.4 第三个人.The.Third.Man.1949.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[062] 8.4 洛城机密.L.A.Confidential.1997.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD.mkv

[063] 8.4 落水狗.Reservoir.Dogs.1992.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[064] 8.4 从海底出击.Das.Boot.1981.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[065] 8.4 碧血金沙.The.Treasure.Of.The.Sierra.Madre.1948.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[066] 8.4 巨蟒与圣杯.Monty.Python.and.the.Holy.Grail.1975.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[067] 8.4 城市之光.City.Lights.1931.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[068] 8.4 潘神的迷宫.Pan'https://www.360docs.net/doc/529305179.html,byrinth.2006.HDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[069] 8.4 桂河大桥.The.Bridge.On.The.River.Kwai.1957.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[070] 8.4 愤怒的公牛.Raging.Bull.1980.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[071] 8.4 无耻混蛋.Inglourious.Basterds.2009.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[072] 8.3 致命魔术.The.Prestige.2006.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD.mkv

[073] 8.3 2001太空漫游.2001.A.Space.Odyssey.1968.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv [074] 8.3 回到未来.Back.to.the.Future.1985.HDTVRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[075] 8.3 美丽人生.La.vita.e.bella.1997.HDTVRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[076] 8.3 雨中曲.Singin .in.the.Rain.1952.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[077] 8.3 飞屋环游记.Up.2009.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[078] 8.3 [阿凡达] Avatar.2009.BDRip.X264.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[079] 8.3 摩登时代.Modern.Times.1936.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[080] 8.3 热情似火.Some.Like.It.Hot.1959.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[081] 8.3 帝国的毁灭.Der.Untergang.2004.HDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[082] 8.3 莫扎特传.Amadeus.1984.BDRip.x264.2AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[083] 8.3 全金属外壳.Full.Metal.Jacket.1987.HDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[084] 8.3 天堂电影院.Cinema.Paradiso.1989.BDRip.x264.2Audio.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv [085] 8.3 马耳他之鹰.The.Maltese.Falcon.1941.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[086] 8.3 勇敢的心.Braveheart.1995.BD.4Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[087] 8.3 罗生门.Rashomon.1950.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[088]8.3美国往事.Once.Upon.A.Time.In.America.1984.HDTVRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv [089] 8.3 彗星美人.All.About.Eve.1950.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[090] 8.3 老爷车.Gran.Torino.2008.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[091] 8.3 大都会.Metropolis.1927.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[092] 8.3 绿里奇迹https://www.360docs.net/doc/529305179.html,e.1999.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[093] 8.3 象人.The.Elephant.Man.1980.HDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[094] 8.3 大独裁者.The.Great.Dictator.1940.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[095] 8.3 罪恶城市.Sin.City.UNRATED.ReCut.EXT.2005.BD.MINISD-TLF.mkv

[096] 8.3 贫民窟的百万富翁https://www.360docs.net/doc/529305179.html,lionaire.2008.BluRay.MINISD-TLF.mkv

[097] 8.3 蝴蝶梦.Rebecca.1940.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[098] 8.3 桃色公寓.The.Apartment.1960.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[099] 8.3 骗中骗.The.Sting.1973.HD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[100] 8.3 角斗士.Gladiator.2000.HDTVRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[101] 8.3 大逃亡.The.Great.Escape.1963.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[102] 8.3 夺宝奇兵https://www.360docs.net/doc/529305179.html,st.Crusade.1989.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv [103] 8.3 星球大战 6.绝地大反击.Star.Wars.VI-Return.of.the.Jedi.1983.HDTVRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[104] 8.3 不可饶恕.Unforgiven.1992.HDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[105] 8.3 偷自行车的人.Bicycle.Thieves.1948.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[106] 8.3 大白鲨.jaws.1975.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[107] 8.3 蝙蝠侠诞生.Batman.Begins.2005.BD.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[108] 8.2 银翼杀手.Blade.Runner.Final.Cut.1982.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[108] 8.2 银翼杀手.Blade.Runner.Final.Cut.1982.HDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv [109] 8.2 虎胆龙威.Die.Hard.1988.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[110] 8.2 卢旺达饭店.Hotel.Rwanda.2004.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[111] 8.2 码头风云.On.the.Waterfront.1954.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[112] 8.2 史密斯先生到华盛顿.Mr.Smith.Goes.To.Washington.1939.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv [113] 8.2 老无所依.No.Country.for.Old.Men.2007.BDRip.x264.2AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv [114] 8.2 老男孩.Oldboy.2003.BDRip.x264.2AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[115] 8.2 历劫佳人.Touch.of.Evil.1958.HDTVRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[116] 8.2 第七封印.The.Seventh.Seal.1957.Repack.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv [117] 8.2 冰血暴.Fargo.1996.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[118] 8.2 第九区.District.9.2009.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[119] 8.2 幽灵公主.Princess.Mononoke.1997.HDTV.3Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[120] 8.2 绿野仙踪.The.Wizard.of.Oz.1939.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[121] 8.2 镖客三部曲之二-黄昏双镖客.For.a.Few.Dollars.More.1965.BD.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[122] 8.2 盗火线.Heat.1995.BD.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[124] 8.2 火车怪客.Strangers.on.a.Train.1951.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[125] 8.2 死亡幻觉.Donnie.Darko.D.C.2001.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[126] 8.2 铁窗喋血.Cool.Hand.Luke.1967.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[127] 8.2 正午.High.Noon.1952.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[128] 8.2 灵异第六感.The.Sixth.Sense.1999.BDRip.x264.2Audio.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv [129] 8.2 美人计.Notorious.1946.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[130] 8.2 血色将至.There.Will.Be.Blood.2007.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[131] 8.2 猎鹿人.The.Deer.Hunter.1978.HDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[132] 8.2 满洲候选人.The.Manchurian.Candidate.1962.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[133] 8.2 安妮霍尔.Annie.Hall.1977.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[134] 8.1 杀死比尔.Kill.Bill.V ol1.2003.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[135] 8.1 摔角王.The.Wrestler.2009.BD.MINISD-TLF.mkv

[136] 8.1 偷拐抢骗.Snatch.2000.HDTVRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[137] 8.1 野战排.Platoon.1986.HDTVRip.x264.AAC.HALFCD-TLF.mkv

[138] 8.1 谋杀绿脚趾.The.Big.Lebowski.1998.HDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[139] 8.1 将军号.the.general.1926.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[141] 8.1 荒野生存.Into.the.Wild.2007.HDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[142] 8.1 用心棒.Yojimbo.1961.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[143] 8.1 乱.Ran.1985.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[143] 8.1 乱.Ran.1985.HDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[144] 8.1 夜长梦多.The.Big.Sleep.DC.1946.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[145] 8.1 百万宝贝.Million.Dollar.Baby.2004.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[146] 8.1 狮子王.The.Lion.King.SP.1994.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[147] 8.1 一夜风流.It.Happened.One.Night.1934.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[148] 8.1 布莱恩的一生.Life.of.Brian.1979.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv


[150] 8.1 控方证人.Witness.for.the.Prosecution.1957.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv[151] 8.1 谍影重重


[152] 8.1 野草莓.Wild.Strawberries.1957.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[153] 8.1 海底总动员.Finding.Nemo.2003.HDTV.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[154] 8.1 猜火车.Trainspotting.1996.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[155] 8.1 伴我同行.Stand.By.Me.1986.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[156] 8.1 毕业生.The.Graduate.1976.BD.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[157] 8.1 玩具总动员.Toy.Story.1995.BD.3Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[158] 8.1 乱世佳人(全屏版).Gone.with.the.Wind.1939.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv [158] 8.1 乱世佳人.Gone.With.The.Wind.1939.HDTVRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv [159] 8.1 终结者.Terminator.1984.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[160] 8.1 星际迷航.Star.Trek.2009.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[161] 8.1 偷天情缘.Groundhog.Day.1993.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[162] 8.1 疤面煞星.Scarface.1983.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[163] 8.1 爱情是狗娘.Amores.perros.2000.DVD9.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[164] 8.1 突变第三型.The.Thing.1982.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[165] 8.1 料理鼠王.Ratatouille.2007.BD.3Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[166] 8.1 热天午后.Dog.Day.Afternoon.1975.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[167] 8.1 甘地传.Gandhi.1982.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[168] 8.1 V字仇杀队.V.for.Vendetta.2005.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[169] 8.1 恐惧的代价.The.Wages.Of.Fear.1953.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[170] 8.1 两杆大烟枪.Lock.Stock.and.Two.Smoking.Barrels.repack.1998.HDTVRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv [171] 8.1 愤怒的葡萄.The.Grapes.of.Wrath.1940.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[172] 8.1 十二猴子.Twelve.Monkeys.1995.BDRip.x264.2AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[173] 8.1 八部半.Eight.And.A.Half.1963.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[174] 8.1 淘金记.The.Gold.Rush.1925.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[175] 8.1 赌城风云.Casino.1995.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[176] 8.0 猎人的夜晚.The.Night.of.the.Hunter.1955.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[177] 8.0 恶魔.Les.diaboliques.1955.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[178] 8.0 萤火虫之墓.Hotaru.No.Haka.1988.D9.2Video.5Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[179] 8.0 公主新娘.The.Princess.Bride.1987.HDTVRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[180] 8.0 超人特工队.Incredibles.2004.HDTVRip.x264.2AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[181] 8.0 纽伦堡大审判.Judgment.at.Nuremberg.1961.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[182] 8.0 杀手.The.Killing.1956.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[183] 8.0 日落黄沙.The.Wild.Bunch.DC.1969.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[184] 8.0 仁心与冠冕.Kind.Hearts.And.Coronets.1949.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[185] 8.0 人类之子.Children.of.Men.2006.HDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[186] 8.0 杀手没有假期.In.Bruges.2008.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[187] 8.0 驱魔人.The.Exorcist.DC.1973.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[189] 8.0 日出.Sunrise.A.Song.Of.Two.Humans.1927.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[190] 8.0 黄金时代.The.Best.Years.Of.Our.Lives.1946.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[191] 8.0 寻子遇仙记.The.Kid.1921.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[192] 8.0 花街春梦.Nights.of.Cabiria.1957.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[193] 8.0 江湖浪子.The.Hustler.1961.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[194] 8.0 电话谋杀案.Dial.M.for.Murder.1954.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[195] 8.0 谜一样的双眼.The.Secret.In.Their.Eyes.2009.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[196] 8.0 失婴记.Rosemary s.Baby.1968.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[197] 8.0 艾得伍德.Ed.Wood.1994.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[198] 8.0 心灵捕手.Good.Will.Hunting.1997.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[199] 8.0 迷离世界.Harvey.1950.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[200] 8.0 大鱼.Big.Fish.2003.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkv[201] 8.0 金刚.King.Kong.1933.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[202] 8.0 欲望号街车https://www.360docs.net/doc/529305179.html,d.Desire.1951.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[203] 8.0 硫磺岛来信.Letters.From.Iwo.Jima.2006.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv [204] 8.0 血色入侵_Let.The.Right.One.In.2008.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[205] 8.0 杀死比尔2.Kill.Bill.V ol.2.2004.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[206] 8.0 潜水钟与蝴蝶.The.Diving.Bell.and.the.Butterfly.2007.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[207] 8.0 木兰花.Magnolia.1999.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[208] 8.0 辣手摧花.Shadow.of.a.Doubt.1943.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[209] 8.0 洛奇.Rocky.1976.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[210] 8.0 足迹.Sleuth.1972.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[211] 8.0 神秘河.Mystic.River.2003.HDTVRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[212] 8.0 战地军魂.Stalag.17.1953.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[213] 8.0 撞车.Crash.2004.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[214] 8.0 非洲皇后.The.African.Queen.1951.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[215] 8.0 相见恨晚.Brief.Encounter.1945.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[216] 8.0 电视台风云.Network.1976.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[217] 8.0 夺魂索.Rope.1948.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[218] 8.0 雌雄大盗.Bonnie.And.Clyde.1967.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[219] 8.0 加勒比海盗.黑珍珠号的诅咒the.Caribbean.The.Curseof.the.Black.Pearl.2003.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[220] 8.0 鸭羹.Duck.Soup.1933.D5.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[222] 8.0 本杰明·巴顿奇事.The.Curious.Case.of.Benjamin.Button.2008.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[223] 8.0 曼哈顿.Manhattan.1979.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[224] 8.0 大路.La.Strada.1954.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[225] 8.0 换子疑云.Changeling.2008.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[226] 8.0 巴顿将军.Patton.1970.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[227] 8.0 卧虎藏龙.Crouching.Tiger.Hidden.Dragon.2000.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv [228] 8.0 人猿星球.1968.Planet.of.the.Apes.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[229] 8.0 阿尔及尔之战.The.Battle.of.Algiers.1966.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[230] 8.0 对话.The.Conversation.1974.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[231] 7.9 阳光小美女.Little.Miss.Sunshine.2006.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv [232] 7.9 圣诞夜惊魂.The.Nightmare.Before.Christmas.1993.BDRip.x264.AAC.miniSD-TLF.mkv

[233] 7.9 灵欲春宵.Whos.Afraid.of.Virginia.Woolf.1966.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[234] 7.9 四百击.The.400.Blows.1959.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[235] 7.9 侠盗罗宾汉.The.Adventures.Of.Robin.Hood.1938.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv [236] 7.9 穆赫兰道.Mulholland.Dr..2001.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[237] 7.9 乱世儿女.Barry.Lyndon.1975.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[238] 7.9 西线无战事.All.Quiet.On.The.Western.Front.1930.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv [239] 7.9 桃色血案.Anatomy.of.a.Murder.1959.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv [240] 7.9 斯巴达克斯.Spartacus.1960.HDTV.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[241] 7.9 楚门的世界.The.Truman.Show.1998.BD.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv [242] 7.9 僵尸肖恩.Shaun.of.the.Dead.2004.BDRip.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[243] 7.9 龙猫.My.Neighbor.Totoro.1988.D9.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[244] 7.9 光荣战役.Glory.1989.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[245] 7.9 怪物公司.Monsters.Inc.2001.BDRip.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv [246] 7.9 贵妇失踪案https://www.360docs.net/doc/529305179.html,dy.Vanishes.1938.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[247] 7.9 玩具总动员2.Toy.Story.II.1999.BD.3Audio.MiniSD-TLF.mkv [248] 7.9 毒药与老妇https://www.360docs.net/doc/529305179.html,ce.1944.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[249] 7.9 费城故事.The.Philadelphia.Story.1940.D9.MiniSD-TLF.mkv

[250] 7.9 剪刀手爱德华.Edward.Scissorhands.1990.BD.MiniSD-TLF.mkv









The Great Queen Secondeok 2009.05.25 TV 320P REAL



第一篇:100部英文电影 100 部超级好看的英文电影 1,魔法灰姑娘〔超级推荐〕(安妮海瑟薇主演) 2,贱女孩〔超级推荐〕(林赛罗汉主演) 3,灰姑娘的玻璃手机〔超级推荐〕 4,美人鱼〔超级推荐〕(里面音乐也很好听) 5,舞出我人生〔超级推荐〕(励志的!刚出了第二部) 6,录取通知书 7,水瓶座女孩 8,倒霉爱神(林赛罗汉主演) 9,儿女一箩筐 10,冰雪公主〔超级推荐〕 11,我的朋友是明星〔超级推荐〕 12,辣妈辣妹〔超级推荐〕(林赛罗汉主演) 13,物质女孩〔超级推荐〕 14,疯狂金龟车(林赛罗汉主演) 15,平民天后〔超级推荐〕 16,公主日记(不用说勒)〔超级推荐〕(还有第二部哟!) 17,歌舞青春〔超级推荐〕[很热的电影!(ⅰ和ⅱ都喜欢) 18,律政俏佳人 19,麻辣宝贝〔超级推荐〕 20,恋爱刺客 21,美少女啦啦队〔超级推荐〕 22,12月男孩〔超级推荐〕(哈利波特演的哟)

23,足球尤物 24,魔法双星 25,超完美男人〔超级推荐〕 25,劲歌飞扬〔超级推荐〕 26,纽约时刻 27,奶牛美女 28,穿prada的恶魔〔超级推荐〕 29,天生一对 30,高校天后〔超级推荐〕 31,像乔丹一样 32,牛仔裤的夏天〔超级推荐超感人~〕 33,初恋的回忆〔超级推荐欣慰~〕 34,甜心辣舞〔超级推荐〕 35,花豹美眉 36,女兵报道 37,女生向前翻〔超级推荐很立志!〕 38,小姐好辣 39,欧洲任我行 40,留级之王 41,风云才女(希尔顿酒店继承人之一尼克?希尔顿首部主打影片!这是一部有关大学女生校园生活的喜剧,影片描述大学校园里一群正处于青春叛逆期、蠢蠢欲动的特权阶层少男少女平日里生活的点点滴滴……有点点sex)〔超级推荐i love hilton sisters〕 42,谁领风骚〔超级推荐女生的可怕和可爱〕


Good communication is the key to success when learning online. You should take the opportunity to get to know your teacher and classmates through email and by participating in Internet discussions. It?s true that learning the technology needed to take part in a class you may need to ask how to your assignment on the Web. But , don? t worry ! If you have a problem ,ask for help. There?s no such thing as a stupid question , so answers freely is what makes the Internet such a great medium for learning. Online classroom teacher Mike Roberts was asked about what he “As a teacher , I need the students to ask questions so that I know what areas of my lessons ?s what is great about teaching and learning over the Internet. In an ordinary classroom , time is limited , so students classroom , students are always asking questions. They really seem to feel asking me for the information that they need. They also share a lot of valuable ideas with each other in a way that you don?t usually see in a regular classroom.”


一、(2013 上海卷) Section B Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. restore B. recall C. processing D. previously E. necessary F. locating G. instead H. fascinating I. elsewhere J. As infants, we can recognize our mot hers within hours of birth. In fact, we can recognize the 41 of our mother ' s face well before we can recognize her body shape. It ' s 42 how the brain can carry out such a function at such a young age, especially since we don' t learn to walk and talk until we are over a year old. By the time we are adults, we have the ability to distinguish around 100,000 faces. How can we remember so many faces when many of us find it difficult to 43 such a simple thing as a phone number? The exact process is not yet fully understood, but research around the world has begun to define the specific areas of the brain and processes 44 for facial recognition. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology believe that they have succeeded in 45 a specific area of the brain called the fusiform face area (FFA), which is used only for facial recognition. This means that recognition of familiar objects such as our clothes or cars, is from 46 in the brain. Researchers also have found that the brain needs to see the whole face for recognition to take place. It had been 47 thought that we only needed to see certain facial features. Meanwhile, research at University College London has found that facial recognition is not a single process, but 48 involves three steps. The first step appears to be an analysis of the physical features of a person ' s face, which is similar to how we scan the bar codes of our groceries. In the next step, the brain decides whether the face we are looking at is already known or unknown to us. And finally, the brain furnishes the information we have collected about the person whose face we are looking at. This complex 49 is done in a split second so that we can behave quickly when reacting to certain situations. 该说明文由话题“人类几乎天生就能够辨认人脸”展开去,详细阐述了人类大脑是如何一步步进行人脸识别的。 41. 【答案】【J】composition 【解析】名词,意为“结构,组成”,这里表示“认出母亲的脸部构成”。

English Movies Appreciation

English Movies Appreciation 姓名:庞丽雅学院:历旅学院 班级:11历21 学号:11022028 Life of Pi " Life of Pi " is directed by Chinese director Ang Lee of the Hollywood, the film tells the story of a young boy called pie and a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker drift at sea for 227 days. It is hard to imagine that a little boy can live in peace with a fierce tiger for 227 days.What an amazing journey. At the very start,there was a hyena,zebra,orangutan and a tiger in the boat.Then the hyena ate the zebra because of https://www.360docs.net/doc/529305179.html,ter the tiger also ate the hyena leaving pie and itself.In order to avoid being ate by the tiger.,pie made a raft which is linked to the boat by a string.And he got some biscuit and cans from the boat.Some days past,they drifted to a unnamed island whose shape like a woman.But he found it was a dangerous island which will be drown in the night.As a result ,he left it and keep drifting forehead.Finally ,he reached to the seashore.He saw the tiger walked into

英语分类记忆词汇大全 看好莱坞电影必备英语常识

看好莱坞电影必备英语常识 看好莱坞电影必备英语常识 Damn it!(可恶!) 此句往往从某个孤胆英雄的嘴中冒出,发音要轻,然口气要重! 此英雄往往正面临生死抉择,例如是先剪蓝线还是先剪红线等。 说时要有壮士一去不复返的气势! 此句适合用在被MM拒绝时,向MM的背影恕秭! 万万不可忘记要配合以右手中指的朝天一刺! 本文章来自于https://www.360docs.net/doc/529305179.html, 博客 It`s none of your business!(关你屁事!) 此句已接近经典! 当你在网上浏览不健康网站遭到网吧老板的劝阻时, 它往往能建下奇功! Come on! 此句因拥有太多含义,所以注释欠奉。 但它确实非常necessary! 所有的鬼佬一天不说个十七八遍就会浑身发痒。 它的经典之处你就好好体会吧! What the fucking is going on?(到底他母亲的怎么回事?) 通常此话出于黑人之口,且口气最宜为疑惑,不解,愤怒等等。 若是白人则多数时候会说-What the hell is going on? 意义相同而适用于更多场合。 说此话之人身份通常为上级,且相处较久。 不过如果你出差回家时看见老婆身边躺着个赤条条的陌生人,那它可就派上大用场了! You son of bitch! (你个狗母亲养的!) 令人意外的是,最爱说这句话的往往是女性。 越高贵,越端庄的女性越容易在压力达到一定值时便会脱口而出。

万万不要和有文化的MM顶嘴,否则被骂了还以为受表扬了呢! All rise! (全体起立!) 国产英语老师最误人子弟的就是口语太差,爱说想当然口语。 从小学到高中英语课代表一直喊的是-Stand up! 当然没什么不可以,但为什么不说标准的话呢?就象我们朗读中文时说普通话一样! It's bullshit! (胡说八道!屁话!) 这句话一旦学会,包你用的乐不思蜀。 用途太广泛啦! 最绝是和老妈抬杠时搬出来,用你的眼睛直视她,以忏悔的口气恕秭。 什么?你老妈是外交官? 就当我没说过!不过…… 你妈贵姓? Ditto! (俺也是!) 本不是常用语,不过看过"幽灵"一片的人都染上了男主角的坏习惯。 从来不说I love you! 总是"俺也是,俺也是!"的把MM们气得口吐白沫! 实际上你也可以说"Me too!"或"Me also!",不过总是不够文艺腔! 差了那么一点点味道和情调。 How can I forget such a beautiful girl/sexy boy? 此句在重逢某个你早已心仪的MM或GG是不妨拿来用用! 当对方还沉浸在陶醉中时, 你可以利用这段时间好好想想对方的名字! I had no choice!(俺也是被逼无奈啊!) 最常用此话的要数那些被男主角逼到悬崖边上的家伙们 下面来一个现场剧本,活学活用: B:How can I forget such a beautiful girl? I love you! A: Ditto! (woman and man do something) A&B:Come on! Come on! (the door open) A&B:Damn it! C(shouting):What the fuc k is going on? B.It's none of your business! C:You son of bitch! All rise!



Section B Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. Beyond two or three days, the world’s best weather forecasts are based on guesswork, and beyond six or seven they are worthless. The Butterfly Effect is the reason. For small pieces of weather — and to a global forecaster, small can mean thunderstorms and snowstorms—any ___41___ fails rapidly. Errors and uncertainties ___42___, gathering upward through a chain of unstable features, from dust devils (尘旋风) and windstorms up to continent-size eddies (旋风) ___43___ satellites can see. The modern weather models work with a network of points of the order of sixty miles apart, and even so, some ___44___ data has to be guessed, since ground stations and satellites cannot see everywhere. But suppose the earth could be covered with sensors spaced one foot apart, rising at one-foot ___45___ all the way to the top of the atmosphere. Suppose every sensor gives perfectly ___46___ readings of temperature, pressure, dampness, and any other quantity a meteorologist (气象工作者) would want. Exactly at noon a(n) ___47___ powerful computer takes all the data and ___48___ what will happen at each point at 12.01, then 12.02, then 12.03 … The computer will still be unable to predict whether Princeton, New Jersey, will have sun or rain on a day one month away. At noon the spaces between the sensors will ___49___ alterations that the computer will not know about, tiny variations from the ___50___. By 12.01, those alterations will already have

英语movie REPORT

Movie Report Enjoy movies,enjoy our lives.Movies come from life and they are still higher than life. So movies constantly hit the soft place in our hearts. In recent days, I have watched several classic movies, for example, Legally Blonde, Pride and Prejudice,You′ve Got Mail, Troy, Chicken Run, etc. These movies show me foreign cultures, foreign ideas, philosophy of life,and much food for thought. Blonde girl is effected by prejudice, however, not every blonde girl is only superficially beautiful, like Elle Woods. Elizabeth′s love declarations “o nly love can let me into the marriage hall” i s also an uncompromising attitude to life. From You′ve Got Mail I feel that love is so beautiful, and the karma is so elusive.What is hero — fight for motherland, fight for honor, or fight for love? You maybe find the answer from Troy. Chicken Run is an entertaining yet thought-provoking movie. Though it′s a cartoon, it moves me deeply andMel Gibson′s spirit of persistence is worth of my learning. Furthermore, funny or fantastic English movies increasedmy interest in English learning. Learning English through watching movies is much more amused than through text book. Watching English movies especially those without


film industry 电影工业 cinematograph 电影摄影机, 电影放映机 cinema, pictures 电影院(美作:movie theater) first-run cinema 首轮影院 second-run cinema 二轮影院 art theatre 艺术影院 continuous performance cinema 循环场电影院 film society 电影协会,电影俱乐部(美作:film club) film library 电影资料馆 premiere 首映式 film festival 电影节 distributor 发行人 Board of Censors 审查署 shooting schedule 摄制计划 censor’s certificate 审查级别 release 准予上映 banned film 禁映影片 A-certificate A级(儿童不宜) U-certificate U级 X-certificate X级(成人级) direction 导演production 制片adaptation 改编 scenario, screenplay, script 编剧scene 场景exterior 外景

lighting 灯光shooting 摄制to shoot 拍摄 dissolve 渐隐,化入,化出fade-out 淡出fade-in 淡入 special effects 特技slow motion 慢镜头editing, cutting 剪接montage 剪辑 recording, sound recording 录音 sound effects 音响效果 mix, mixing 混录 dubbing 配音 postsynchronization 后期录音合成 studio 制片厂,摄影棚 (motion)film studio 电影制片厂 set, stage, floor 场地 properties, props 道具 dolly 移动式摄影小车 spotlight 聚光灯 clapper boards 拍板 microphone 麦克风,话筒 boom 长杆话筒 scenery 布景 电影摄制filming shooting camera 摄影机 shooting angle 拍摄角度


高考英语选词填空复习 选词填空的考点 1) 词汇方面:以实词为即名词、动词、形容词、副词 2) 语法方面:考察词性之间关系和句子结构分析能力 3) 逻辑方面:考察上下文联系 选词填空的解题步骤 第一步:整理选项classify the options 我们应该根据词性把选项中的每个单词进行分类归纳标,标出它们的词性。 标注词性时注意的问题 1. 不认识的单词看词缀(更多后缀请看拓展1) 考察:-ive ___________________________________________ -ate ___________________________________________ -acy ___________________________________________ -dom ___________________________________________ -ship ___________________________________________ -some ___________________________________________ 名词-ly ___________________________________________ -dom ___________________________________________ -wards ___________________________________________ (形容词)-ly ___________________________________________ -ic, ics ___________________________________________ 【keys】 -ive adj 后缀 -ate v. 后缀;表示“成为……,处理,作用” separate, operate, indicate -acy n. 后缀;表示"性质,状态,境遇" democracy, accuracy, diplomacy

My favorite movie英语作文-我最喜欢的电影

My favorite movie英语作文-我最喜欢的电影 We should have seen the movie "Nuanchun"! "Grandpa, this is" Nuanchun "left me". "Grandpa, leave me". This is the "spring" in the movie shout touch one deeply in the heart. The flowers grew up a life of life. When she was two years old, her father and mother died, and the little flower became an orphan. A family of people adopted her, but often beat her, scold her, not to eat her meals. In the case of no alternative, the little flower escaped. She ran out of the straw, and was adopted by a good grandfather. In the new family, grandpa is very fond of her, but little aunt but despise her, she wanted to go over and over. But the flowers never said ill aunt. In an unintentionally, listen to aunt said to eat one hundred small grasshopper can have little brother. So, while the flowers every day after school time to catch the grasshopper. She went to the side of the mountain all the mountains, the hand cut, the foot wear swollen, but she still continue to catch. Twenty bottles were used up, to catch one hundred grasshopper. When the front one hundred grasshopper get aunt, aunt Speechless. She held her close to the flower and accepted the flower. From now on, the family had a happy day.


The Beginnings When Harvey Wilcox bought a piece of land in Southern California in 1887 and named it ‘Hollywood’, he had no idea that only a few years later filmmakers would make this spot the movie center of the world. However, it was Thomas Edison who laid the first milestone in American cinema history by inventing his Kinematoscope in 1891. In 1894 Edison presented his film Black Diamond Express to the audiences which set the foundation of the new entertainment. The first genius in early film history was D.W. Griffith who realized that the static camera was not enough to mediate his vision and by starting to use close-ups, cross-cutting, fade-outs and other camera technique he invented movie editing. While he was also the first person to shoot a film in Hollywood, namely In Old California (1910), his greatest success remains The Birth of a Nation (1915), a three-hour epic of the Civil War


Unit 1 in order to no longer\not…any longer suffer from on purpose be concerned about go through set down get\be tired of get along with join in calm down add up 1.I_________________watching television;let’s go for a walk. 2.We started early_______________arrive before dark. 3.The country has_________________too many wars. 4.They are going to________________the singing. 5.She_________________your safety,you should come back earlier next time. 6.Although I am a new comer, I________________my classmates very well. 7.I didn’t do it_________________. It was an accident. 8.__________________3,4and 5and you\ll get 12. 9.She often_______________headaches. 10.I have ________________everything that the teacher said. Unit 2 because of such as play a part in at present make use of come up even if be based on believe it or not communicate with at the end of make voyages to 1.________________,more than half of our body weight comes to water. 2.Nowadays China______________important____________in the world. 3.A number of questions_______________at the meeting. 4._________________she is working abroad and she will come back next year. 5.This play________________ a true story. 6.We’ll have an exam in English______________January. 7.I think you’d better_______________your spare time better. 8._________________ we achieve great success in our work, we should no be proud. 9.We can now_______________ people on the other side of the world by using internet. 10.The football match was put off______________the terrible weather. Unit 3 be fond of care about change one’s mind make up one’s mind give in give up as usual prefer…to…be familiar with find out give out bring up 1.Can you________________ what time the train leaves? 2.Children are _______________in a better way by their educated mathers. 3.Many boys _______________playing football after school. 4.Li Ping_______________ watching TV at home_____________ going out for playing. 5.Are you_____________ the popular song? 6.She is a brave fighter, she never_______________. 7.Once he has _______________, nothing can change it. 8.My brother does not _____________the details of a book. 9.His father gets up early______________ and does exercise outside. 10.The doctor persuaded my father to_________________ smoking and drinking to much.

英语作文-a movie review

"District 9" is a terrific science-fiction film that works as political commentary, blood-splattering action flick and sneaky-funny comedy. It gets you, in its opening seconds, and won't let go until its final moments, when it's transformed into a most unlikely buddy picture. And then you will hope for a sequel which is called "District 10", perhaps. Twenty years ago, a gigantic UFO stopped over the city of Johannesburg, carrying malnourished and sick aliens named “prawn”. Unable to operate the ship any more, the aliens were allowed to inhabit the area called District 9 in the city. Most people look upon them with distaste. The prawns are ugly, violent, and root around in the trash. They love to eat cat food. By now, the people of Jo'burg want them out of their city, so a new township is built for them far away: District 10. Moving is a job for Multinational United (MNU), a private contractor with ruthless mercenaries and much weaponry. Heading the program, though, is a commis named Wikus Van Der Merwe (Sharlto Copley). Employed by MNU, he is assigned the task of expelling the aliens into a more remote area. He is accidentally exposed to an alien’s liquid during the operation and begins to mutate into the species in District 9. The style of the movie very much resembles a documentary with interviews and TV footage. Actually, this is the films charm. During some scenes, I was even under the delusion that such chaos might have occurred on Earth, or could happen in real life. At the same time, the movie manages to surprise you with an original screenplay and leaves you with a lot to ponder. As many of us have been brainwashed by Hollywood, you can only expect a 'humans vs. aliens' movie to be full of action and scattered plot. But this film awakes us from the introspection of human sin and wrongdoing, if the inhabitants in the slum were not aliens but real people, are we sure the same thing could not happen today? Isn't it a reflection of what the powerful do to the disadvantaged in the world today? As doubts fulling with my heads, I even began to wonder which side I should root for during the screening.


Foreigners often fail to appreciate the formal code of greeting in France. The French shake hands with everyone(family, children, strangers), at home, on the way to work, at work, on leaving work, on the way home from work, etc. Thus, in an office , perhaps a dozen people, no work will be done for the first half hour while 41 who have not met since the day before, remind each other who they are. However, it is important to remember with whom one has shaken hands on any one day. The French 42 it as extremely bad manners to shake hands twice, as though one had not taken enough 43 for the first time. It is still the 44 to say “Bonjour ” and “Au revoir ” to others when entering or leaving a shop or bar. This is not because the French are too 45 . It is because they see acknowledging(注意) the existence of others as a way of 46 being rude. This may seem unbearably slight to others, but to the French it is most important. Manners mean civilization to them. Kissing is not so much of a(n) 47 of French life as others supposed. But when it does take place, it must be done 48 , according to the rules. The 49 order is left cheek, right cheek, left cheek---very formal, very stylized. In Paris four kisses are sometimes permitted: left, right, left, right. 41.BC 42.B 43.BD 44.AB 45.CD 46.A 47.AD Barack Obama has been a hit in China. Apart from holding talks with Chinese leaders, the president ___41___ the Chinese with a lively question-and-answer session with college students. A .avoiding B .regard C .correct D .properly AB .custom AC .anyone AD .feature BC .those BD. notic CD .polite
