
first:iron man

after being held captive in an afghan cave, an industrialist creates a unique

weaponized suit of armor to fight evil. the incredible hulk

bruce banner, a scientist on the run from the u.s. government, must find a cure

for the monster he emerges whenever he loses his temper. however, banner then must

fight a soldier whom unleashes himself as a threat stronger than he. iron man 2

with the world now aware of his identity as iron man, tony stark must contend

with both his declining health and a vengeful mad man with ties to his fathers legacy. thor

captain america: the first avenger the avengers

the next viewing sequence should be: iron man 3 thor: the dark world captain america: the winter soldier guardians of the galaxy avengers: age of ultron ant-man next year,two marvel films will be shown,they are captain america:civil war and

doctor strange.they are worth looking forward to. thats all,thanks for your listening.篇二:英语演讲ppt good morning everyone ! i?m pleasure to be on the stage and bring you a speech !

and my topic is we are young . last week we have learned an article by bertrand russell .

these is a sentence touched to me .“most people ,when they are left free to fill

their own time according to their choice , are at a loss to think of anything

sufficiently pleasant to be worth doing . ” i fell into deeply thought because

sometimes i will face this situation too . then i thought why . why i am the most

people ? suddenly , some words appear in my mind . “ youth is the season of dreams

of flying ! ” yes , we are young ! our mind should be filled with dreams and know

where is our dream , how to achieve her ! but why i am not ! perhaps there is so much

temptation in our life that we will be disoriented . but now i know we are young and

the dreams of youth are invincible ! imagine this , if we have a dream and know where

is her , how to get her . are we still don?t know what we should do ? so , do you

have think about this problem ? let me give you a few examples to look at how others

treat their dreams . arnold schwarzenegger , everyone knows him . he is the one knows

what he really wants . when he is a 15 years old boy , he want to be the champion

of world bodybuilder . then , he train himself five hours a day . at 20 years old,

he became the youngest ever word bodybuilder champion . then he wants to be a actor .

but everyone told him it?s impossible . they said: are you kidding me . hear your

accent, as long as you have the strange accent, you can?t be an 英语演讲ppt模板-学说英语是一种艺术

learning to speak english is an art ladies and gentlemen: i thank you for being here. i’m going to get straight to the point. all traditional learning methods are futile.

most college graduates still can’t speak fluent english. this proves english students aren’t learning. some people seem to speak english well. children think these people speak great english because they don’t know the


americans think these people speak great english because they are non-native

english speakers anyway.






don’t think you can learn english by hanging around americans. don’t think you can master english by going abroad. why? because what you learn is vague and limited. you pick up a little here today. you pick up a little there tomorrow. you end up saying almost the same thing every day. english is like an ocean. there is no limit to what you can learn. you cannot learn aimlessly.





you should learn to speak first. make speaking english your number one priority. once you start to speak, the rest will be easy. learning to speak english is not a big deal. it’s not that difficult. it’s no more than a speaking technique. it’s just like children learning to speak. they mimic their mothers’ voices. when they’re alone, they speak to themselves.




we started off the wrong way right from the beginning. we don’t need to analyze sentences. children don’t need to learn how to write. they don’t need to learn k.k. phonetics. they don’t even need to learn the abcs before they can speak english. all you have to do is listen to the cd and follow it. learn through intense repetition.

speak to yourself from dawn to dusk.




with this method, you’ll enjoy speaking english. you’ll discover it’s lots of fun. you’ll enjoy interacting. you’ll look forward to meeting people. breaking the ice will be a piece of cake. you’ll feel english is an art. you’ll speak like an artist. your words will be like paint on canvas.




one breath english is the best way. it’s a great shortcut. the results speak for themselves. you have to try. you owe it to yourself. it will be the best decision you ever made. thank you all for listening! good luck to everyone here.





关于安全英语演讲稿5篇 关于安全英语演讲稿1 recently, the news that u.s attack on china's internet is always exposed. and the question of how to stay online safely raises a lot of discussion in our country. as a result, in the era of rapid development of network, we must take measures to protect our security of privacy and property effectively. 最近的新闻都揭示了美国对中国网络的攻击。如何安全地上网在我国引起了大量的讨论。结果是在网络飞速发展的时代,我们必须要采取有效的措施来保护我们的隐私和财产安全。 from my perspective, in the first place, we should call attention to our personal information. not only do we not offer them at random in some strange websites, but we need to distinguish right from wrong among the numerous websites. furthermore, it is inevitable that some secure anti-virus soft wares can be installed. and it will make it possible for that network can run more steadily. in addition to doing some work by ourselves, the government needs to draw up some policies to preserve national cyber security. it involves probing for deeply rooted reasons, devising creative solutions, developing high-tech talents and strengthening the supervision. 从我的角度来看,首先,我们应该关注我们的个人信息。我们不仅不随随便便在一些奇怪的网站提供自己的信息,而且我们需要在众多的网站之间明辨是非。此外,安装一些安全的杀毒软件是必须的。这使得网络运行更加稳定。除了我们自己该做一些努力之外,还需要政府制定相关政策来保护国家网络安全。这就涉及到探究深层次的原因,想出有创造性的解决方案,发展高新技术人才、加强监管。 although scientists still cannot overcome the problem completely, they are studying a great deal about how to protect our national cyber security. however, consciousness of cyber security should not decline.

The Safety(安全知识)演讲稿

The Safety 尊敬的各位老师、亲爱的同学们: 你们好!今天很荣幸能站在这里给大家讲解关于“小学生安全”的问题,这次讲解的目的,是让在座的小学生们明白安全的重要性,社会各界对未成年人的保护和小学生们如何自我保护。 首先,从先前观看的视频可以看出,“安全第一”并不只是普通人所关注的问题,就连电影中的“武林高手”也在反复强调着“安全第一”,安全的重要性也就不言而喻了。电影中的“安全第一”带着很强烈的喜剧色彩,但现实中的安全却不容留有任何的质疑和拖延。安全是一个永远的话题,大到国家安全,世界安全,小到每一个人每一个情绪所能感觉得到的安全。安全成了人们最为关注的话题之一,生命、财产安全、身体上的安全、食品安全、行车安全……。在此,我姑且把安全划分为外部安全和内部安全两方面。外部安全,是社会提供给我们生存、生活的环境的安全;内部安全是每个人保证自身由心理到行为所达到的一种安全状态的安全。外部安全主要依靠的是国家、社会各界的力量来保证,而内部安全则主要依靠自身来调节,但外部安全与内部安全也不是截然不同的,它们相辅相成,互相依存,密不可分。说到这里,我想大家对安全的重要性已

经有了更深的了解。安全,Safety,我们可以Safety的组成字母来分析它,每一组字母作为首字母可得出几个新的词汇:school, action, family, emotion, tele-,youth,那么我们以下就围绕这几个词开始讲解。 我们常说,青少年是八九点钟的太阳,是社会主义现代化建设的未来,是国家和社会主义事业的接班人,肩负着历史和时代赋予的神圣使命。这是一个特殊的群体,也是一个至关重要的群体,是祖国未来发展的中坚力量。因此,保护好青少年就是保护祖国的未来。事实上国家和社会也给予了他们特殊的保护,国家颁布施行《未成年人保护法》、《预防未成年人犯罪法》等法律法规,出台各项保障未成年人合法权益、促进未成年人健康成长的政策措施等就是明证。未成年人保护法规定的对未成人的保护分为家庭保护、学校保护、社会保护和司法保护四个方面,对于未成年人来说,家庭和学校是与其联系最为紧密的场所;社会保护则贯穿未成年人保护的始终,渗透在未成人各日常生活的各种活动中,而我今天给大家讲解的就是从法律的角度阐述(司法保护),因此,我着重讲解的是从家庭和学校以及现存主要社会生活环境方面来说,即school, family, tele-,归在外部安全的范畴。解释一下tele-是电子类的(产品、科技)的前缀词,其后可接不同的词组成不同的意思,e.g. telephone, t e l e g r a p h,t e l e c o m,t e l e v i s i o n……。


英文ppt演讲稿 1.today, my topic is about a tv series. 2.its name is my chief, my regiment. 3.the tv drama is based on the award-winning novel by lan xiaolong, which shares the same title. https://www.360docs.net/doc/5319317308.html,n focuses on a less-well known part of chinese military history, during the war of resistance against japanese aggression in 1942. 5.in that year, 100,000 strong soldiers were sent to myanmar to support british allied force operation. 6.we call them chinese expeditionary force. 7.one of their aims was to protect the yunnan-myanmar road.it's also called burma road. 8.the road was very important as it served as a war supply route to china, after chinas ports fell under japanese. 9.the chinese troops won several key battles, but later had to make a strategic withdrawal. 10.of the 100,000 soldiers to fight, only around 40,000 returned home. 11.now let's come back to the series. 12.my chief, my regiment is described as tough but with tender hearts. 13.it would be easy to say that the drama is popular because of the action and fighting it includes, but this is only part of the story.


安全英语演讲稿 Ladies and gentlemen, Today, I stand before you to address the issue of safety. Safety is a critical aspect of our lives that we must pay attention to in everything we do. Whether it is at home, on the road, or at work, safety should always be a top priority. First and foremost, let us talk about workplace safety. As employees, it is our right to work in a safe and healthy environment. Employers have a responsibility to provide us with the necessary training and equipment to ensure our safety. We must always adhere to safety protocols and procedures, such as wearing protective gear and following proper handling techniques. By doing so, we not only protect ourselves but also our colleagues. Moreover, safety on the roads is another crucial area that we often overlook. Every day, thousands of accidents occur due to reckless driving, speeding, and other forms of negligence. It is our duty as drivers to follow traffic rules and regulations for the well-being of ourselves and others. Avoiding distractions, maintaining a safe speed, and using seat belts are just a few examples of how we can contribute to a safer road environment. In addition to workplace and road safety, it is essential to remember the significance of safety at home. We must ensure that our homes are free from hazards and properly maintained. Regularly checking electrical appliances, installing smoke detectors, and keeping emergency numbers handy are small but effective steps towards safeguarding our homes. Lastly, electronic safety is an area that has gained considerable attention in recent years. With the widespread use of the internet and technology, it is crucial to protect ourselves from online threats. Cybersecurity measures such as using strong passwords, keeping software updated, and being cautious about sharing personal information are necessary to prevent cyber-attacks and protect our privacy. In conclusion, safety is a paramount concern in all aspects of our lives. By prioritizing safety at work, on the roads, at home, and online, we can create a safer environment for ourselves and those around us. Remember, safety should never be compromised, and it is everyone's responsibility to promote and practice safe behaviors. Let us all work together to ensure a safer future.


关于安全英语演讲稿1 recently, the news that u.s attack on china's internet is always exposed. and the question of how to stay online safely raises a lot of discussion in our country. as a result, in the era of rapid development of network, we must take measures to protect our security of privacy and property effectively. 最近的新闻都揭示了美国对中国网络的攻击。如何安全地上网在我国引起了大量的讨论。结果是在网络飞速发展的时代,我们必须要采取有效的措施来保护我们的隐私和财产安全。 from my perspective, in the first place, we should call attention to our personal information. not only do we not offer them at random in some strange websites, but we need to distinguish right from wrong among the numerous websites. furthermore, it is inevitable that some secure anti-virus soft wares can be installed. and it will make it possible for that network can run more steadily. in addition to doing some work by ourselves, the government needs to draw up some policies to preserve national cyber security. it involves probing for deeply rooted reasons, devising creative solutions, developing high-tech talents and strengthening the supervision. although scientists still cannot overcome the problem completely, they are studying a great deal about how to protect our national cyber security. however, consciousness of cyber security should not decline. only in this way, we just enjoy the convenience brought by the network. 尽管科学家仍无法完全克服这个问题,但是他们正在研究大量关于如何保护我们国家网络安全的办法。然而,不应该放松网络安全意识。只有这样我们才能享受到网络带给我们的便利。 关于安全英语演讲稿2 when a variety of problems plague the information systems, the critical importance of information security becomes the focus of people's concern. it does deserve the unprecedented emphasis. it is widely accepted that information security, to some extent, outweighs other spheres in the field of information. so the related authorities, enterprises, institutions and organizations place the high priority on it.


ted安全生产总结演讲 尊敬的评委老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家好!首先感谢大家给我这个机会来分享我对于安全生产的一些总结和思考。近年来,我们国家在安全生产工作上取得了很大的进步,但仍然面临着很多挑战和困难。作为一名热爱生活、热爱学习的青年人,我们应该以身作则,积极参与到安全生产中去,为创建一个安全、和谐的社会作出贡献。 首先,我们要提高安全意识。安全意识是安全生产的基础,没有安全意识,就很难形成一种安全的环境。我们要时刻牢记安全第一的原则,不管是在校园、工作场所还是在家庭,都要将安全放在首位。通过参加安全教育、参观安全生产基地等活动,我们可以更加深入地了解安全知识,掌握安全技能,提高我们的综合素质,增强自己的安全意识。 其次,我们要做到责任心强。安全生产是每个人的责任,我们不能单纯地依靠政府或企业的管理,而应该从自己做起。无论是工作还是生活中,我们都要时刻注意身边的安全隐患,并及时报告相关部门。同时,我们还应该积极参与到安全管理中去,提出合理化的建议,为安全生产贡献自己的力量。 再次,我们要加强安全培训。安全培训是提高我们的安全意识和安全能力的重要途径。通过参加安全培训,我们可以不断增加自己的安全知识,学习安全技能,提高自己的应对突发事件的能力。在学校中,我们可以组织开展一些安全培训活动,邀请相关的专家来给我们讲解安全知识,开展安全技能培训等。

通过这些努力,我们可以将安全培训的成果运用到实践中去,做到知行合一。 最后,我们要强化安全管理。只有安全管理得当,才能保证安全生产的顺利进行。我们要建立起一套完善的安全管理制度,并将其贯彻于各个环节。同时,我们还要加强对安全生产的监督和检查,及时发现和纠正安全隐患,确保安全生产工作的顺利进行。在学校中,我们可以建立安全管理组织,定期召开安全会议,加强对安全工作的宣传和教育,提高全体师生的安全意识,形成一个共同维护安全的良好氛围。 总之,安全生产工作是一项长期而艰巨的任务,需要全社会的共同努力才能取得成果。作为年轻人,我们要积极参与到安全生产中去,在平时的工作和生活中,要时刻注意安全,树立起安全第一的理念。只有我们每个人都做好自己的本职工作,才能最大限度地保障每个人的安全。让我们共同努力,为创建一个安全、和谐的社会而奋斗! 谢谢大家!


关于安全用火的英语演讲稿 People are alarmed by the succession of campus fires in recent years. In each of these accidents, heavy casualties were reported –houses were burned down, students lost their lives, and properties were damaged. Faced with such a chilling fact, people keep asking, “What on earth results in these repeated tragedies?” A brief survey of them reveals that human factors still prove to be the leading causes. For example, three of these fires were caused by the students' use of electric water-heaters. As students often leave the heaters unattended, the risks are rather high should the water in the bottle boil dry while no one is around to turn off the power. In other cases, fires were also caused by stoves, candles, cigarette butts, etc. Since most of these disasters could have been prevented if proper precautions had been taken, students should be better educated on the importance and measures of fire control. The following three reminders are of particular importance for us students: First, learn how to use a fire extinguisher. Second, double-check candles, heaters, stoves and other electric appliances, and make sure there are no open flames before leaving rooms. Lastly, do not smoke in the dorm.


关于安全演讲稿英语作文(5篇) 关于安全演讲稿英语作文(精选篇1) When a variety of problems plague the information systems, the critical importance of information security becomes the focus of people's concern. It does deserve the unprecedented emphasis. It is widely accepted that information security, to some extent, outweighs other spheres in the field of information. So the related authorities, enterprises, institutions and organizations place the high priority on it. Information Security concerns a range of problems- information interception, loss, damage etc. Business and military information leakage will have an devastating impact. For the information owners and monitors, they must drive their efforts to enhance the security protection and maintenance. For example, a strict control over the access to the secret data shouldn't be absent. The network and software provider should take a set of tailored protection measures targeting different computer crimes. The security issues should be also considered at the legislative level, so we are clamoring for a law designed to clamp down on various cyber crimes. 关于安全演讲稿英语作文(精选篇2) change want me to be safe to i want to be safe i have read this report, a domestic company asked a representative of the united states to conduct on-the-spot guidance. the representative of the united states has stood strong when he entered job location. he said:” all visitors to the site must wear safety helmet, i wear a helmet for my own safety.” after reading this story, i could not help applauding for his safety awareness.i want to be safe, so i will do risk analysis properly and seriously with my colleagues before work, this will root out incipient fault.


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除网络安全英文演讲稿 篇一:英语演讲网络安全 withtherapiddevelopmentoftheinternet,howcanweprotec tprivateinformation? whetheryou’repayingyourbillsorcatchinguponthenews,passwordsare oneofthemostimportantsafeguardstoprotectyourpersona linformationontheInternet.Avoidpasswordsthatcouldea silybeguessed,suchasyourchild’ sname,yourbirthday,oryourphonenumber.Don’tusethesamepasswordformorethanonewebsiteandgetinthe habitofchangingyourpasswordseverytwotothreemonthsto protectyourpersonaldataonline.

Ifyouliketoshoponline,becautiouswhendoingbusinesswi thunfamiliarretailers.manyunsuspectingshoppershaveh adtheirpersonalinformationstolenastheresultofonline shoppingscams.Don’tgiveoutanymoreinformationthanwhatistrulynecessaryt ocompleteyourpurchase. softwaredevelopersarecontinuallylookingfornewwaysto helpyouprotectyourpersonalinformationonline. 篇二:网络安全演讲稿 亲爱的同学们: 大家好!很高兴在这里和大家一起探讨有关网络安全的演讲,说到互联网大家应该并不陌生,身为90后的我们生 活在21世纪这个信息时代里,是网络让我们的生活更加丰 富多彩。网络在我们的生活中发挥着重要的作用,扮演着重要的角色,我们的衣食住行都离不开网络的联系。网络通讯让我们联系他人更加方便,使世界变成一个地球村,网上购物也方便了我们的生活。身为学生的我们上网可以及时了解实事新闻,开阔视野。真是鼠标一点,大千世界尽收眼底! 可是这样的生活我们真的放心吗?网络带给我们益处 的同时就不会给我们带来弊端吗?答案是可想而知的,网络也确确实实给我们带来了很多危险,网络安全问题不容小视。


安全为主题的英语演讲稿五篇 安全为主题的英语演讲稿1 Every child is the apple in their parents eyes. And every child is the hope of our country. Being the gethering place, campus’ security turns out to be very significant. However, recently years campus security is being threatened. Some extremly people, who have suffered something bad will take revenge on the society. Because they think it’s the society fault to lead their disaster. And school is important to the society and the students are vulnerable groups, who don’t have too much ability to figh t back. So they can easily success. In addition, some teachers’ quality may not good so that the students in school can’t get good education or affect their virtuous soul. What’s worse, some schools may occur the phenomenon of child abuse. There are also some coincidences will threat the campus safty. It’s high time that we should take measures to keep a safe campus. First of all, the school should hire more responsible gate keeper and make specific rules to prevent the social people from coming into the campus. Secondly, when hiring new teachers, the school should not only consider the teachering skill but also the personal quality. The school also have to make some speech for students to increase their safe consciousness. In general, campus security is very important that need all of us to make effort to achieve it. The measures mentioned above are just parts of keeping campus security. I hope people from all walks of life can give their hands to help the student grow healthly. 安全为主题的英语演讲稿2 The roods in our city are usually very busy .There are a lot of


关于平安的英语演讲稿2022 关于平安的英语演讲稿1 Cus security does have a serious effect on our students’ life. For exle, theft and robbery can lead to financial difficulties and increase juvenile delinquency. In addition, if things are stolen all the time, there can be worries and horrors among students. More severely, they can distrust each other. 校园平安对我们学生生活有着很重要的影响。例如,盗窃和抢劫可能导致财政困难,还会增加青少年犯罪的几率。此外,假设东西总是被偷,在学生中会造成忧虑和恐惧。更严重的是,他们会互不信任。 Therefore, we must take effective security measures to prevent these criminal facts. Firstly, we students must work together to watch out any suspicious people on cus. Still, the security division could hire more guards to respond promptly to accidents and other emergencies. Thirdly, there could be more monitors in the public places. Of course, we


关于安全英语作文演讲稿5篇 平安是人类亘古不变的追求;平安是樱花般脆弱生命的爱护神;平安是痛失亲人后哀痛的召唤;平安是很多长眠地下灵魂的碑文;平安是安稳走过人生旅程的护身符。一起来看看关于平安(英语(作文))(演讲稿)5篇,欢迎查阅! 关于平安英语作文演讲稿1 Safety is very important. We often hear people say “safety first”. As a middle school student, we should learn to protect ourselves from every possible danger. Here are some things I do. I hope you can follow them. On your way to school and home. You should obey the traffic rules. You should walk on the right side of the road. Don’t ride your bike too fast. During school, you can’t fight with each other. Don’t play with fire. Don’t bring knife to school. Don’t go out of school without your teacher’s permission. In public places or campus, enough water plugs,extinguishing agents and emergency outlets should be set and prepared for unforeseen circumstances. Above all,a series of precautions must be taken to guarantee the students safety. Lets make the campus safe through our long-term unremitting efforts.


first:iron man after being held captive in an afghan cave, an industrialist creates a unique weaponized suit of armor to fight evil. the incredible hulk bruce banner, a scientist on the run from the u.s. government, must find a cure for the monster he emerges whenever he loses his temper. however, banner then must fight a soldier whom unleashes himself as a threat stronger than he. iron man 2 with the world now aware of his identity as iron man, tony stark must contend with both his declining health and a vengeful mad man with ties to his fathers legacy. thor captain america: the first avenger the avengers the next viewing sequence should be: iron man 3 thor: the dark world captain america: the winter soldier guardians of the galaxy avengers: age of ultron ant-man next year,two marvel films will be shown,they are captain america:civil war and doctor strange.they are worth looking forward to. thats all,thanks for your listening.ƪ¶þ£ºÓ¢ÓïÑݽ²ppt good morning everyone ! i?m pleasure to be on the stage and bring you a speech ! and my topic is we are young . last week we have learned an article by bertrand russell . these is a sentence touched to me .¡°most people ,when they are left free to fill their own time according to their choice , are at a loss to think of anything sufficiently pleasant to be worth doing . ¡± i fell into deeply thought because sometimes i will face this situation too . then i thought why . why i am the most people ? suddenly , some words appear in my mind . ¡° youth is the season of dreams of flying ! ¡± yes , we are young ! our mind should be filled with dreams and know where is our dream , how to achieve her ! but why i am not ! perhaps there is so much temptation in our life that we will be disoriented . but now i know we are young and the dreams of youth are invincible ! imagine this , if we have a dream and know where is her , how to get her . are we still don?t know what we should do ? so , do you have think about this problem ? let me give you a few
