







完美雅思ROCK- 赵岩




兵法云:知己知彼,百战不殆。我们要想获得雅思高分,就必须先了解什么样的雅思作文可以得到6分、7分甚至8分,也可以说我们要清楚为什么考官只给了我们的作文5分,5.5分,甚至更低的分数。对这个问题清楚了,我们才能对自己目前写作中的弱点、丢分点有一个基本了解,才能够清楚自己下一步努力提高的地方在哪里,事半功倍的针对性训练也才finally Mission Possible.


小作文Task 1评分标准(Band 5 ~ 9)


大作文Task 2评分标准(Band 5 ~ 9)


第三:剑桥7雅思写作范文及考官点评解析。第一篇范文:Test 1 task 1


Good Points好的方面:

1.Focuses on the key features of the information;抓住了题目信息中的关键点,

比如5个国家在那些方面的数据及时间;食品、饮料与烟草在5个国家的消费上都占据第一位,衣着第二位,休闲与教育占第三位;列出了每一项消费中那个国家最多及最少国家及数据(Task achievement切题方面);

2.Clearly groups the countries, support figures and clearly present an overview

能够利用排位形式将国家与其辅助数据描述出来,并将整个情况作了明确地描述(Task achievement & Coherence and cohesion);

https://www.360docs.net/doc/604684469.html,rmation is organized with clear signaling and some effective referencing

and linking信息的组织明确,利用排位方式并且引用了数据进行支持性说明(Coherence and cohesion文章连贯性与连接词的有效运用);

4.Apart from one or two errors in basic grammar, simple structures are

accurate and easily understood除了一、两处基本的语法错误,该考生所用

的句型虽然简单,但是使用准确,容易理解(Grammatical range and accuracy);

Poor points丢分的地方:

1.No clear reference to what the percentages represent 这里的主要问题是该考

生只是简单描述而没有对百分比代表的内容做进一步解释,例如根据题目给出的信息,很清楚的表明,土耳其在食物方面花费最多,爱尔兰其次,瑞典最少。而本文作者只是简单交代了一下百分比数据没有进一步解释数据意味着什么(Task achievement);

2.Key comparison needs more expansion本文作者只是做了些简单的对比,例

如3项消费的总体排名,缺乏展开对每一项各个国家之间的数据进行对比及解释(Task achievement).

3.Although not all ideas are clearly linked and the overall progression is

achieved by repetition in the final section文章作者没能够将所有关键信息都很清晰地组织起来,这个文章在展开过程中运用了过多重复的方式,也就是说模式都是一样的,在第二、三、四段中的写法都是先写排名,再交代数据,形式过于单调。(Coherence and cohesion);

4.The range of vocabulary is rather narrow and just sufficient for the task词

汇比较匮乏而且过于简单,例如引用数据只用got, were, 反复、N次用到系动词were,基本没有用到其他稍微复杂动词、形容词、副词等,给人感觉该考生词汇量掌握过少,过于简单(Lexical resource);

5.The attempt to paraphrase the rubric shows limited flexibility 这里还是说文

章的结构过于简单,没有变化、缺乏灵活性,只运用了消费排名去组织信息(Coherence and cohesion);

6.Several spelling and word form errors and quite a lot repetition. Similarly,

the range of sentence forms is not wide, with few examples of complex structures 有几处单词拼写错误,而且重复使用简单词汇(were)及过于简单表达句型(They were; they got, etc),没有运用到复杂的从句(Grammatical range and accuracy & Lexical resources);

综上所述,我判断考官对于本文的分项评分大概为:Task achievement 6分;Coherence and cohesion 6分;Lexical resource 5分;Grammatical range and accuracy 5分,因此小作文总分为5.5分。

第二篇范文:Test 1 task 2


response; Coherence & cohesion; Lexical resource; Grammatical range and accuracy”来尝试着对该考官的范文进行解析:

1.Task response; Coherence & cohesion 论题回应与文章结构及连贯性

Paragraph 1: 考官利用第一段转述论题,并没有发表自己的观点。

Paragraph 2:论述论题的一方面即“any child can be taught to become a good sport person or musician”. 作者这里是站在这一方的支持者角度argue现在的教育系统就是建立“任何孩子都能够在经历有针对性的训练、教育掌握不同的技能。”

Paragraph 3:论述论题的另一方面即“some people are born with certain talents to be great at doing certain things.”作者在这一段也只是站在这种观点supporters 角度来论述,并没有明确给出自己的opinion。

Paragraph 4:在这一段,笔者明确地提出自己的观点即I personally think that…,然后进一步展开论述。

Paragraph 5:结尾段,考官利用两个连接词“but, then”串联三个短句,来再次强调自己的观点“I agree that any child can be taught particular skills, but to be really good in areas such as music, art or sport, then some natural talent is required.”小孩子可以通过训练学会一些技能,但是要做到最好是需要天赋的。

总结:考官在这篇范文中给我们提供了写这类Discuss both views and give your own opinion的一种经典的思路(文章的构架)即:






这个结构perfectly回应题目要求Discuss both views and give your own opinion.







2.Cohesive devices 连接词的运用

1)首先,我们注意到考官并没有我们使用firstly, secondly或者to begin with,

moreover, furthermore或者on the one hand(讲问题一方面), on the other








Paragraph 1: when, for example;

Paragraph 2: including, so;

Paragraph 3: however, in other words, and, no matter;

Paragraph 4: while, but, as;

Paragraph 5: but, then.



太复杂,避免over use,即反复使用同一个词。

3.Lexical resource & expressions

1)Verb 动词(不包括be, have, get, give等略简单词)

Paragraph 1: try to explain;

Paragraph 2: be taught to acquire; be based on; find; support; acquire(出现2次);

Paragraph 3: believe; differentiate(区别、区分);train; play; become;


Paragraph 4: think; inherit(继承,遗传); allow; excel(表现杰出);manage;

reach; succeed; learn; exploit; develop;

Paragraph 5: agree; be taught; require;

2)其他词(形容词、副词)、词组与key expressions

Paragraph 1:1. relative importance of natural talent and training;

2. A frequent topic of discussion;

3. Different levels of ability;

Paragraph 2: 1. obviously;

2. education system;

3. the belief that…;

4. acquire certain skills;

5. those associated with..(那些与…相关的)

6. from our own school experience;

7.plenty of evidence to support the view/point/opinion/argument

that…; 有充足的证据表明…

8. acquire these skills with continued teaching and guided


Paragraph 3: 1. Some people believe that…;

2. What differentiates… from…; 将…与…区分开来

3. There is more to the skill than a learned technique; 掌握一项


4. this extra talent;

5. no matter how good; how frequently a child practices;

Paragraph 4: 1. I personally think/believe;

2. Some people do have talents that are…;

3. probably inherited via (通过) their genes;有些人的确可能是


4. Such talents can give individuals a facility for certain skills

that allow them to excel; while more hard-working students

never manage to reach a comparable level. 这种天赋使得一些







5. But, as with all questions of nature vs. nurture, they are not

mutually exclusive. 但是,尽管对于先天天赋与后天努力的



6. Good… and exceptional sports stars have probably succeeded

because of both good training and natural talents.

7. Without natural talent, continuous training would(表示虚拟

语气)be neither(既不)attractive nor productive(有成果

的),and without training, the child would (表示虚拟语气)

not learn how to exploit(开发、利用)and develop their talents.




Paragraph 5:1. in conclusion (常规用法)

2. I agree that…, but (however)….提出自己的观点。这种句型



4.Grammatical range and accuracy时态的选择与使用:

Paragraph 1: 一般现在时

Paragraph 2:一般现在时

Paragraph 3: 一般现在时;现在完成时(强调过去动作对现在的影响及


Paragraph 4: 一般现在时;现在完成时;虚拟语气

Paragraph 5: 一般现在时

总结:从时态的选择来讲,可以看到雅思作文中运用最多的无非是一般现在时(陈述一般事实general facts)、现在完成时(强调过去动




总结:该范文运用了非常丰富的句型,而且表达准确。具体来说如下:第一段: 简单句+when(连接词)简单句;

第二段: 1.简单句(主语+谓语+宾语)+ that引导从句+介词短语(including…);

2. So(连接词)引导简单句+简单句(主+谓+宾)+that引导从


第三段:1. However, 主语+谓语+that引导从句+what+谓语+宾语+who引导从句+from sb+who引导从句。这是一个复杂长句,但是基本结构非常清楚。

2. 简单句+and(连接词)+简单句

第四段:1. 主语+谓语+that引导从句(主语+谓语+宾语)+that引导从句

2. 简单句+while(连接词)+简单句

3. But, + as + with引导介词短语,+ 简单句

4. 简单句(主语+谓语)+ because of 短语

5. Without(介词短语)+ 简单句(虚拟语气)+ and + 介词短




第三篇范文:Test 2 task 1

这是雅思考官写的一篇Task1范文。首先,建议大家在没有阅读范文前,可以在自己先分析一下这个图表中我们需要描写的key features及可能需要做的comparison,如果能动手自己写一篇就更好了。

第一步:审题。这个line chart描述的对象是四种肉“chicken”“Beef”“Lamb”“Fish”,横轴是时间(从1979到2004,暗示交代数据的句子时态应为过去式),纵轴为Grams per person per week每人每周消耗的克数。

第二步:观察。从1979到2004,Chicken的line总体是“上行”趋势,最低是1979年150单位,最高时是2004年的250单位,而且可以看出Chicken的consumption是这四种肉中,在1979年排第三,略低于lamb,然而到了1980年超过lamb到第二位,到1989年又超过了之前最受欢迎的beef,已经跃升为第一了,并一直持续到2004年;Beef和Lamb的lines总体来说“下行”趋势明显,而且Beef的消费量从1979到2004这一阶段一直都要比Lamb高;Fish的Line 从1979到1984略微有一点“下行”趋势,然后就基本保持平稳。而且Fish的consumption是这几种肉中最低的。




1.Task achievement切题







键交汇点都做了准确地描述。我们在写line chart的时候,一定要注意对



2.Coherence and cohesion 连贯性及连接词的使用


以,我们可以总结的一条写line chart的重要经验就是注意观察横、纵轴











l连接词的使用:between..and; while; however, during; so; although; but;

on the other hand; and; overall. 全部都是我们非常熟悉的,但是笔者用


but, however, on the other hand,因此我们在自己写作的时候,也应该尽




3.Lexical resource 词汇的运用




l下面我们看看考官在范文中关键词汇的选择及运用。动词:illustrate,show (显示,表明);consume (题目中consumption),eat; decrease, fall,

decline (下降), soar(急速上升),increase, remain, overtake(超过);名词:

graph, change, amount, food, consumption,quantity, consumption levels,

trend, popularity, period; 形容词及副词:by far(目前为止), the most,

popular, similar, around, much less(少得多), just over, dramatically(急

剧地), approximately(大约地), around, respectively(分别地), just below

(刚刚在。。。之下), the least popular(最不受欢迎的), the most stable

(最稳定的), upward(向上的), almost.因此,关于词汇的选择、使用








第二,虽然说这些词“相对简单”,但是作者用的非常准确,例如,by far

the most popular; in similar quantities; much less fish was consumed; fell

dramatically to approximately 100 grams and 55 grams respectively; but

much less significantly to just below; 等。这些副词词汇的运用、语言表













换,比如表示变化大,dramatically, significantly, had soared,表示下降

用了decline, fall, decrease, 等。所以,我们写作的时候,在这方面也








作者只是用了food, eat在两处进行了简单地替换。所以,大家在考试


如本文中的核心词是consumption,但注意不是show, graph, different



4.Grammatical range and accuracy 语法运用及准确性

l小作文中的时态用的相对较少。本文第一段介绍图表用了一般现在时,表示general facts。第二、三、四段用一般过去式交代过去时间的情况。

第四段用到一个过去完成时had soared强调过去动作(从1979到2004

年)对过去(2004年)的影响。最后一段,the graph shows一般现在时,



绍general facts),还有一般过去时(介绍过去发生的facts),可能用的







l考官用到了that of,在写作文写作中非常好用的一个expression. 例如,The consumption of chicken, on the other hand, showed an upward trend,

overtaking that of lamb in 1980 and that of beef in 1989. 在此句中“that

of”就是替代the consumption of。简单、实用。大家应该掌握这个


第四篇范文:Test 2 task 2



这个题目的main argument就是一方认为每种罪行都要有固定的惩罚措施,量刑好固定(说的通俗一点就是比方说杀人就该枪毙)另一方认为,量刑要考虑具体


在雅思考试的作文题目里,Discuss both views and give your own opinion是常见的一类题目,遇到这类题目其实大家应该感到轻松些,因为这类题目写起来其实要相对容易一点,首先文章的结构安排其实已经很清楚了,就是:

第一段(introductory paragraph)用2~3句话提出论题。

第二段(paragraph 2)论述论题的一方面。

第三段(paragraph 3)论述论题的另一方面。

第四段(paragraph 4)提出自己的观点。

第五段(paragraph 5)结论陈词。

有一点需要特别注意的是,第二段(一方面)篇幅应该和第三段(另一方面)篇幅基本相同或者略有主次(如4:6或6:4),不宜对比过于悬殊,考官会认为你one part is more fully covered than the other, 而丢分。

Moreover,这类题目(D.B.A.G.O=discuss both views and give your own opinion)的另一个特点是我们在give our own opinion的时候,一般情况下,都可以combine 前面论述过的双方观点,这样相当来说也好写很多,但是我们要注意在提出自己观点这部分一定要将观点展开论述(如进行例证),即要做进一步的分析与论述,而不能仍像2,3段中那样概述而过。


下面我们来分析一下考官对本篇7.5分的考生范文做的评语及其评分依据。我还是从Task response; Coherence and cohesion; Lexical resource; Grammatical range and accuracy这四项雅思作文评分标准来解析:

1.Task response 应题

Good points(好的方面):

l This is a thoughtful and well-argued response to the task. “本文是一篇有一定见解而且对论题论证充分的文章。”考官的这句评论提示我们,雅思



l The candidate examines the opposing views of the topic and gives a clear opinion that is well developed and supported. “考生对论题的两方面都进




Poor points(丢分的方面):

l To reach the highest band a more clearly-signalled conclusion would be needed. “如果要取得最高的分数,该文章需要一个更清晰的结论。”该



clearly-signalled即为In conclusion; To sum up; Above all, 等结论信号词



2.Coherence and cohesion

Good points(好的方面):

l A clear opinion is well developed and supported. “论点清晰、论证、例证充分。”

l The argument (a set of reasons that show something is right or wrong, true or untrue) is well organized and linking is well managed throughout. “论证组


Poor points(丢分的方面):

l The development of the answer is not helped, however, by poor control of paragraphing which sometimes confuses the links across different sections.

This is a weak feature of the script which limits the overall rating. 考官在这













3.Lexical resource

Good points(好的方面):

l An excellent range of vocabulary is used with a sophisticated level of control and only rare slips. “词汇的选择极其丰富,而且考生对词汇运用显示出




?动词(Verb):support; convict; reconsider; lead; know; commit; accuse;

result; compare; ensure; establish; move; kill; provide; foresee; set; hold;

pay; cause; gain; steal; exempt.

?名词(Noun):fixing punishment; crime; issue; argument; view; a deterring effect; society; individual; punishment; act; court; jury; penal

decision; criminal; justice; approach; court; circumstances; motivation;

consideration; prerequisite; justice; equity; self-defense; a serial killer;

victim; opinion; position; solution; laws; case; exemption; penalty;

competition; fine; harm; violation; profit; violator; thief; famine; distress;


?形容词、副词:debatable; deterring; social; largely; arbitrary; subjective;

perfect; minimum; maximum; certain; liable.

?Excellent expressions非常好的表达方式: 1. has been a debatable issue;

2. There are many arguments supporting both views;

3. On the one hand,

fixed punishments have a deterring effect on society; 4. be subject to a

certain punishment if they are convicted with a given crime; 5. They will

consider committing this act (crime) in the first place; 6. The deterring

effect also leads to social stability and security, through…; https://www.360docs.net/doc/604684469.html,rgely

arbitrary; a high level of injustice caused by this subjective approach of

different courts; 8.On the other hand, taking the circumstances of a

crime and its motivation into consideration is a prerequisite for

establishing and ensuring justice and equity; 9.In my opinion, an

intermediary position between both solutions is the perfect way to

establish and ensure justice and equity;





consideration, exemption, violation等)。形容词和副词应用的也很准确,

增加了语言表达的精彩程度,尤其是deterring, debatable, subjective, liable









4.Grammatical range and accuracy

l The range of structures is also wide and most sentences are accurate and precise, but they are some errors and omissions. These however, are only

minor and do not affect communication. 前面的句型expression中已经介










2015年6月6日雅思写作(一) 题目类别society 提问方式Discussion 考试题目 Some people prefer to provide help and support directly to those in their local community who need it. Others, however prefer to give money to national and international charitable organizations. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 有人认为给需要救助的人自己的帮助更加可取,有人认为给有需求的国家或国际援助组织提供经济援助更加重要,讨论两种观点,给出你的意见。 Although people in industrialized countries lead a high standard of living, it is undeniable that there are still 1.2 billion people living below the poverty line. In order to solve poverty-related problems, I feel that all kinds of help should be encouraged and respected. Giving a helping hand to those who are in need in the local community seems reasonable. It is because even in the richest countries, there are still a lot of people, such as disabled people and orphanages, suffering from famine and extreme poverty. For this reason, it is easy and convenient for us to help our fellow citizens, such as donating food or clothing to them, so that we can see the result of our actions immediately. By contrast, it is rather difficult to track expenditure of international aids, which might result in corruption in some cases. Those who donate money to domestic and international charities believe that the collection of money has a tremendous effect on the poor countries compared with other forms of help. This is because few people are able to donate a large amount of money to construct schools, hospitals and roads in poor areas. Instead, governments and charities can achieve this. International aids can also purchase vaccines which are available in developed countries by using the money raised worldwide and save millions children’s life. In my view, minor proportion of donated money and other sorts of help should be appreciated equally as long as the money reaches to those who need it desperately. The government could run campaign and encourage door-to door help. At the same time, charitable organizations should make every penny count for donors.(word count:274)


Question 1 答案:TRUE 关键词:large numbers of people, build the pyramids 定位原文: 第1段第2句: “The conventional picture is that…” 解题思路: 此题通过定位词可以迅速定位至首段第2句话,题干对文章定位句的概括性改写分析如下:generally believed — conventional picture, large numbers of people — tens of thousands of slaves. 因此答案很明显应该是TRUE。 Question 2 答案:FALSE 关键词:hieroglyph, Egyptian monument 定位原文: 首段第5句: “While perusing a book…” 解题思路: 此题定位词在文中原词出现,可以快速定位。文中定位句指出Clemmons是在一本关于埃及古迹的书中读到的象形文字信息,而题目却说她在一座埃及古迹的墙上发现了象形文字,显然题目与文章相悖,因此此题答案为FALSE。 Question 3 答案:NOT GIVEN 关键词:experiment, bird flight 定位原文: 无 解题思路: 题干的定位信息在文章中未出现,此题为最典型的“原文完全未提及型”,故答案为NOT GIVEN Question 4 答案: TRUE 关键词:theory 定位原文: 第4段首句:”Earlier this year...”今年早些时候,他们把Clemmons空头理论付诸实验 解题思路: 题目与文章完全相符,因此此题答案为TRUE Question 5


雅思写作真题汇总修订 版 IBMT standardization office【IBMT5AB-IBMT08-IBMT2C-ZZT18】

0107 国内 A类小作文流程图? 大作文:需不需要把艺术课列为高中必修课。 ? 澳洲?A类小作文柱图, 大作文Many universities offer online courses to student instead of deliverying on campus. 积极还是消极development ? 0112 国内小作文?柱图 大作文?Some cities have vehicle-free days, when private cars, trucks, motorcycles are banned in the city center. Public transportations like buses, taxis and metros are advised. To what extent do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. ? 澳洲?A类小作文柱图, 大作文is it neither possible nor useful for a country to provide university places for 一大批年轻人?

? 0114 国内 A类小作文table 三年的income output profit? 大作文Some people say job?satisfaction is more important than job security, others think people cannot always enjoy their jobs. So having a permanent job is more important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. ? 澳洲 A类小作文饼图, 大作文some girls tend to choose arts subjects, but boys choose to study science subjects. What are the reasons? Do you think this trend should be changed? ? 0121 国内 A类小作文饼图?留在英国和离开的原因? 大作文:The best way for the government to solve traffic congestion is to provide free public transport 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. AD? ? 澳洲?A类3个饼图关于中学生毕业后就业率,失业率和继续读书。


剑桥雅思3 T est2 task1 The chart shows that Britain, among the four European countries listed, has spent most heavily on the range of consumer goods included. In every case, British spending is considerably higher than that of other countries; only In the case of tennis racquets does another country, Italy, come close. In contrast, Germany Is generally the lowest spender. This is most evident in photographic film, where Germany spends much less than Britain. Germany only spends more than another country, France, in two cases: tennis racquets and perfumes. Meanwhile, France and Italy generally maintain middle positions, averaging approximately similar spending overall. Specifically, France spends more on CDs and photographic film but less on tennis racquets than Italy does. Italy's spending on personal stereos is only marginally greater than that of France, while spending on toys is equal between the two. It is clear from the data given that there are some significant differences in spending habits within Europe. TEST 2 T ASK 2 Overall, I disagree with the opinion expressed I would like to begin by pointing out that 'traditional skills and ways of life' are not automatically of one country, but of a culture or community. In many ways, the history of civilization is me history of technology: from the discovery of fire to the invention of the wheel to the development of the Internet, we have been moving on from previous ways of doing things. Some technologies, such as weapons of mass destruction, are of negative impact. Others, such as medical advances, positively help people to live better or longer, and so very much help traditional ways of life. Surely, few people would seek to preserve such traditions as living in caves Interestingly, technology can positively contribute to the keeping alive of traditional skills and ways of life. For example, the populations of some islands are too small to have normal schools. Rather than breaking up families by sending children to the mainland, education authorities have been able to use the Internet to deliver schooling online. In addition, the Internet, and modern refrigeration techniques, are being used to keep alive the traditional skills of producing salmon; it can now be ordered from, and delivered to, anywhere in the world. In conclusion, without suggesting that all technology is necessarily good, I think it is by no means pointless', in any way, to try to keep traditions alive with technology. We should not ignore technology, because it can be our friend and support our way of life. T est3 task1 The data shows the differences between developing and industrialized countries' participation in

2015年6月6日 雅思大作文解析

2015-6-6 Task 2 An ask 2 Analysis Some people p ople prefer to provide help and support directly to loca local community who need it. Others prefer to give money to national and international charitable organizations. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.有?人喜欢直接帮助社区中需要帮助的?人。也有些?人喜欢把钱投给国内或国际慈善组织。讨论这两个观点并且表达你?自?己的想法。 1Topic 话题 Charity 2Question type 题型Discuss 3 5W ANALYZE THE QUESTION审题 (WHO+what+when+where+why+how) WHO: people WHAT: do charity How: direct support vs money donation Where: local vs national & international 4identify key words and their synonyms 关键词理解 support directly=direct involvement give money to=donate charitable organizations=charities 5identify all the writing tasks 确定全部写作任务 1. some people prefer direct help 2. others donate to non-pro?t organizations 3. own opinion Brainstorming and organ d organizing ideas 写作思路 Direct support Donation to non-profit 6Necessary: 必要性 组织运作不当,造成损失: charity frauds Bene?ts: 重要性 积极参与:direct involvement 及时?高效: concretely helping ?立竿?见影: make a signi?cant difference Necessary: 必要性 有些问题单纯本地解决不了 not easy to tackle at the local level Bene?ts: 重要性 资本有效运作:Meet more basic needs with fewer dollars 减税福利:tax bene?ts for helping globally



Passage1 Question 1 答案: H 关键词: national policy 定位原文: H段第1句“The New Zealand Government…” 解题思路: 这一段的首句就以一种叙事口吻向考生交代了新西兰全国上下正在开展的一场为残疾人服务 的战略,该句含义为“新西兰政府已经制定出一项‘新西兰残疾人事业发展战略’,并开始进入广泛咨 询意见的阶段。”另外,在该段其它语句中也提到the strategy recognises..., Objective 3...is to provide...等信息,非常符合题干中account一词的含义。 Question 2 答案: C 关键词: global team 定位原文: C段最后一句“The International Institute of…” 解题思路:这句含义为“在世界卫生组织的建议下,国际噪声控制工程学会(I-INCE)成立了一个国际工作小组来”,这句话中international能够对应题干中的global, 而working party能够对应team。这是对应关系非常明显的一道题目。 Question 3 答案: B 关键词: hypothesis, reason, growth in classroom noise 定位原文: B段第3句“Nelson and Soil have also suggested...” 解题思路:在该段首句中就出现了classroom noise这个词,因此该段有可能就是本题的对应段落。在接下来的叙述Nelson and Soil have also suggested...中,suggest一词能够对应题干中的hypothesis 后一句中的This all amounts to heightened activity and noise levels,与题干中的one reason相对应 Question 4

Simon考官范文-雅思写作Task 2: problem/solution(问题与解决办法) essay

题目: In the developed world, average life expectancy is increasing. What problems will this cause for individuals and society? Suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce the impact of ageing populations. 范文: It is true that people in industrialised nations can expect to live longer than ever before. Although there will undoubtedly be some negative consequences of this trend, societies can take steps to mitigate these potential problems. As people live longer and the populations of developed countries grow older, several related problems can be anticipated. The main issue is that there will obviously be more people of retirement age who will be eligible to receive a pension. The proportion of younger, working adults will be smaller, and governments will therefore receive less money in taxes in relation to the size of the population. In other words, an ageing population will mean a greater tax burden for working adults. Further pressures will include a rise in the demand for healthcare, and the fact young adults will increasingly have to look after their elderly relatives. There are several actions that governments could take to solve the problems described above. Firstly, a simple solution would be to increase the retirement age for working adults, perhaps from 65 to 70. Nowadays, people of this age tend to be healthy enough to continue a productive working life. A second measure would be for governments to encourage immigration in order to increase the number of working adults who pay taxes. Finally, money from national budgets will need to be taken from other areas and spent on vital healthcare, accommodation and transport facilities for the rising numbers of older citizens. In conclusion, various measures can be taken to tackle the problems that are certain to arise as the populations of countries grow older. (265 words, band 9)


雅思写作真题总汇_IELTS雅思 学术类: 1. The tables compare the amount of students who study at different levels of education in different countries? ( 比较不同国家的教育水平) 2. Compare people's income and tax in different countries. ( 不同国家人民收入与税金之比较。) 3. Compare the different household tasks and who does them. ( 比较男女在家事上的内容不同及其分担比率。) 4. Compare the difference between the rates of car theft, insurance costs and number of policemen. ( 比较各国之汽车被偷率、保险金高低和警察人数多寡之不同。) 5. Describe what kind of jobs people do in relation to their university major . ( 描述毕业生工作职务与大学在校主修之关系。) 6. Describe how water is gathered? ( 试描述水之取得) 7. Compare the construction of houses and how well they insulate the houses in summer and winter. ( 比较三个房子在冬天.夏天的结构及隔热情形) 8. The tables compare the amount of students who study at different levels of education in different countries? ( 不同国家之学生修读的教育程度总额之不同,教育水平之比较) Task 2 : 1现代生活中,许多人认为现在的工作压力比以前大了,闲暇时间更少,你的看法如何?Many people think that work nowadays is more stressful and less leisurely than in the past, how about you opnion? 2有人认为现代科技的不断发展,传统文化和技术必会灭亡,继续保持传统的文化和技术已经没有意义了,你的看法? As the development of modern science and technology, some aspects of traditional culture are being lost, so some people think that the traditional culture and technology will be replaced by

剑桥雅思考官写作范文:Major influence on your personality

剑桥雅思考官写作范文:Major influence on your personality 本文剑桥雅思考官写作范文的Topic是Research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence on your personality and development than any experiences we may have in our life. Which do you consdier to be the major influence? 剑桥雅思考官写作范文对于雅思考生来说具有很好的参考价值,望考生从中学习到其优点,在今后的雅思写作当中合理运用。 Topic: Research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much moreinfluence on your personality and development than any experiences we may havein our life. Which do you consdier to be the major influence? 题目:研究显示,我们与生俱来的特点对我们的影响比后天的得到的经验大。那你认为什么是最大的影响因素呢? 剑桥雅思考官写作范文: Today the way we consider human psychology and mental development isheavily influenced by the genetic sciences. We now understand the importance ofinhereited characteristics more than ever before. Yet we are still unable todecide whether an individual's


8月6日雅思大作文真题参考范文| 间隔年的优劣 势~ 每场雅思考试之后,第一时间分享本场考试雅思A类大作文的范文权威解析。欢迎每周锁定。 2020年8月6日 雅思大作文题目 间隔年的优劣势 Some students take one year off between finishing school and going to university in order to travel or to work. Do you think advantages outweigh disadvantages? 解析&审题 题材:教育 题型:讨论优劣类 关键词:students + one year off + travel or work 需要讨论的观点:上大学前先旅游或工作一年的优劣势 建议思路:双边讨论+自己的观点 复现情况:《剑桥雅思5》,test 2 ;2015年2月28日 《剑桥雅思系列》今年已经出到第15本了,但本次考题居然重复了《剑桥雅思5》上的一道题目,也是重复2015年2月28日雅思原题。这道题目太经典了,相信很多学生都曾经练习过,或者背诵过相关范文。因此,今天参加雅思考试的同学应该是感觉很幸运了。 我们知道,雅思作文题目中,要么是给出现象,要么是给出观点,然后让考生讨论“现象是好是坏”或者“是否同意这个观点”。无论是讨论“好坏”,或者讨论是否“同意观点”,其实都需要考生寻找论据来证明自己的看法。本作文提出的是一个现象,即一些国家鼓励高中毕业生先去工作一年或者旅游一年,再回来上大学,然后要求考生论证“这样做的好处和坏处”。 由于题目明确要求讨论“好处和坏处”,因此本题不宜采用“一边倒”结构方式,也就是不适合只论证好处,或者只论证坏处,而是要同时讨论好处和坏处,也就是“双边讨论”。稍微想一想,我们不难发现“工作一年或旅游一年”的好处:开拓视野,学习人际关系技巧(物质层面),更了解自我的需求(心理层面)。但也可能有坏处:工作或旅游一年后,可能不再想回到大学,从而失去接受大学教育的机会。这样讨论完毕之后,就来到“双边讨论”的一个最重要的环节,即提出自己的观点。唐老师已经在多个场合下反复强 调,“双边讨论”后一定要明确提出自己的观点,即到底是否支持“工作一年或旅游一年”,并给以简单的论证。这里,我觉得可以选择支持,因为开拓视野和了解自我实在在重要了,这会让之后的大学生活过得更充实,更有目的性,不至于浪费时光;同时,认为这一年会让一些学生不再上大学的可能性越来越小,因为大学学历在当今工作市场上已经成为一个必须条件。这样,在结论段,我们就从两个方面来论证自己的观点:一是正面论述自己的观点,二是反驳反方的观点。 以下范文来自《剑桥雅思5》给出的高分范文。唐老师拟对范文进行解读和分析。 高分范文


雅思写作流程图解析 朗阁海外考试研究中心刘雅敏 相比较其它小作文题型,雅思写作中的流程图对于很多考生来说都会感觉束手无策,尤其 是拿到题目时无从下手。这主要是由流程图的考察重点决定的。不同于图表题型在表达方 式上的固定,流程图更加能够考察考生“真正的”词汇量。虽然流程图出题频率不算高(去 年48场A类考试中,流程图出现6次),且普遍集中在工业生产过程和自然现象这两类,但题材差距很大,2014年的6场考试以及今年出现的2次流程图的具体题材如下: 由于题材不同,所以每次考试的词汇要求都不同,这无疑增加了考生的备考难度。 另外,一般情况下流程图都是以图片而非数字形式出现,所以有不少刚接触流程图的同学 认为它更接近大作文的语言风格。其实不然,流程图的文章风格偏客观描述,而且与其它 小作文题型一样,流程图还有一个特点——主要扩展顺序为时间顺序,这一点不同于大作 文主要以逻辑顺序为扩展顺序。无论大作文还是小作文,逻辑性是一切文章的灵魂,而要 想使流程图的写作逻辑严密,就要按照时间顺序展开,并加入恰当的时间顺序连接词。 除了小作文的共性外,流程图又有自身在表达方式上的特殊要求。具体而言,要注意两点:动词的使用和三大句型的运用。 一、动词的使用

考生面临的比较普遍的问题就是:图里面的词汇可能认识的只有一半,碰到这种情况,考 生应尽量猜,运用常识和看图猜词意。图里面可能会给出一定数量的动词,也可能没有给出。具体而言,一般会出现三种情况: 1. 图详细+注解详细 流程图中出现过的词汇可以使用一次,第二次出现的时候尽量换成其同义词甚至可以是近 义词。但即使猜出了大概含义,找出同义替换仍然比较困难。对此,有两种解决方案: 1). “名词动用”,如果原图给出了某个词的名词形式,在你的作文中可以将其转变成该词 的动词形式。同理,形容词可以换成副词(通常在该形容词后加-ly),副词变成形容词。 比如剑桥真题6 Test 3的范文中:原图第二个步骤中的“food”, 作者改成了动词“feed”。 2). 根据“下义词”,找出其“上义词”,比如说“furnace”(熔炉)在“玻璃瓶的回收”之类的 流程图中都会出现,我们称之为“下义词”(即含义较具体),而其“上义词”(即概括性较 强的表达)可以是“a container”。 2. 图详细+注解简略 这种情况要求考生把图片中出现的、而注解中表述比较简略而省掉的信息运用考生会的表 达方式补充出来,尤其注意动词的使用。比如:“玻璃瓶的回收”这一流程中有个步骤是把 碎玻璃倒进熔炉里面将其融化,图片画得较详细:一个椭圆形的鼎样容器,上面画的温度 计显示融化玻璃的具体温度数值,燃料是用木炭还是煤炭还是天然气……但下面的注解可 能只有三个单词:the melting process。显然,我们不可能只用这三个单词描述这一步骤,原因很简单,即考生都熟悉的一个悲剧——图描述完了,字数没写够!遇到这种情况,建议考生用自己的话把图表信息补充完整。 3. 图简略+注解更简略 同样还是以“玻璃瓶的回收”流程为例,其中一个步骤是玻璃瓶被重塑成新瓶子、并注入相 应液体产品后,被卡车送到超市,消费者购买并使用。该步骤在原图中只出现了两个名词——“supermarket”和“customers”。实战中有相当数量的考生只用一句话说完了这个步骤(比如:These bottles are transported by trucks to supermarkets, and then they would be bought by consumers.)。这种写法与上面的写法后果是一样的——


雅思写作Task1饼状图考官范文(4) 本文为大家收集整理了雅思写作Task1饼状图考官范文(4)。认真研读一定的雅思范文及作文模板可以帮助我们检验自己的写作水平,并能很好地吸收和应用优秀范文里的优秀内容。 The table below shows CO2 emissions for different forms of transport in the European Union. The Pie Chart shows the percentage of European Union funds being spent on different forms of transport. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information in the graph below.

Sample Answer: The given graphs provide information on the amount of Carbon dioxide emission per person from different vehicles in the European Union and also show the expenditures on different modes of transportations. As is observed from the given illustration, the highest amount of CO2 per person is emitted by the Air transports and European Union spends highest percentage of funds for the road transportation system. According to the bar graph, a single passenger of a personal cars emit around 130 gm of CO2 per kilometer while a passenger in a bus contribute to 65 gm of emission per kilometer. Coaches, maritime and rail passengers emit the lowest amount of CO2which is about 50 grams per passenger in a kilometer. Finally a single passenger of airplane contributes to 370 km of CO2 per kilo which is the highest amount of CO2 emission among the given transportations. Based on the pie chart, the European Union spent the highest amount (52%) on the road transportation system while spent only 1% or 2% on ports, waterway airport


雅思资料分享群:430104023(厦门) 2014年雅思A类写作真题全年汇总2014年雅思A类写作真题汇总: 2014.1.9 雅思写作真题(雅思A类写作) The best way for government to solve the traffic congestion is to provide free public transport 24 hours a day, 7days a week. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2014.1.11 雅思写作真题(雅思A类写作) Nowadays many young people in work force change their jobs or careers every few years. What do you think are the reasons for this? Do the advantages out-weight disadvantages? 2014.1.18 雅思写作真题(雅思A类写作) Children find it difficult to concentrate on or pay attention to school. What are the reasons? How can we solve this problem? 2014.1.25 雅思写作真题(雅思A类写作) International community should act immediately to encourage countries to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels, such as oil and gas. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2014.2.1 雅思写作真题(雅思A类写作) Some people believe that the best way to produce a happier society is to ensure that there are only small differences between the richest and the poorest members. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2014.2.13 雅思写作真题(雅思A类写作) Towns and cities are attractive places. Some suggest the government should spend money putting in more works of art like paintings and statues to make them better to live in. Do you agree or disagree? 2014.2.15 雅思写作真题(雅思A类写作) Some people think success of life is based on hard work and determination but others think there are more important factors like money and appearance. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
