


Roberta appeared on the stage. She took a deep breath and began to ___1___. Now she was Portia, a strong–willed ___2___ in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice. The theater was filled with people. She was speaking with a power she had never before experienced, the words flowing ___3___ form her.

___4___, Roberta had never acted in her life before the audition (选拔试演). She ___5___ being in front of other people. She was very ___6___ at school. She had never thought she was good enough at anything to ___7___ much attention. She stayed mostly to herself, making ___8___ friends. She had excellent grades, ___9___ she always thought that something was missing.

Two weeks before the audition, Robertsa’s mother had heard about it and ___10___ her to join in.

“I can’t think of anyone else better suited to ___11___ the part. Remember all the plays you used to act our for us?”

Her mother wouldn’t let the ___12___ drop. “You’re just a little scared (害怕). Everyone gets scared. You know you ___13___ do it. The trick is to look past the ___14___ to find the love of what you’re doing.”

So Roberta had made an appointment (预约) with the head of the Drama Club. She had read the play and found herself excited by the ___15___ of speaking such rich words. In secret she practiced Portia’s part, ___16___ the lines by repeating them over and over. It wasn’t hard; she ___17___ every minute of it. Every time she spoke the words, she had a new ___18___ of the lines, as if Shakespeare had written Portia on many levels.

On the day of the audition, she ___19___ two of Portia’s famous speeches for the auditors. When she had finished, the head of the Drama Club announced the ___20___ was hers.

【1】A.sing B.dance C.speak D.report

【2】A.member B.actress C.player D.character

【3】A.weakly B.rapidly C.smoothly D.slowly

【4】A.At first B.In fact C.After all D.In all

【5】A.hated B.enjoyed C.appreciated D.regretted

【6】A.honest B.shy C.polite D.patient

【7】A.avoid B.focus C.pay D.attract

【8】A.few B.a few C.several D.many

【9】A.or B.so C.for D.but

【10】A.forced B.requested C.encouraged D.reminded

【11】A.accept B.play C.offer D.learn

【12】A.role B.matter C.interest D.grade

【13】A.can B.must C.may D.should

【14】A.anger B.pain C.sadness D.fear

【15】A.purpose B.way C.idea D.importance

【16】A.memorizing B.organizing C.checking D.improving

【17】A.disliked B.loved C.expected D.bore

【18】A.consideration B.description C.selection D.understanding

【19】A.practiced B.planned C.performed D.delivered

【20】A.part B.play C.speech D.position

I recently turned fifty, which is young for a tree, midlife for an elephant, and ancient for a sportsman. Fifty is a nice number for the states in the US or for a national speed limit but it is not a number that I was prepared to have hung on me. Fifty is supposed to be my father’s age, but now I am stuck with this number and everything it means.

A few days ago, a friend tried to cheer me up by saying, “Fifty is what forty used to be.” He had made an

inspirational point, Am I over the hill? People keep telling me that the hill has been moved, and I keep telling them that he high-jump bar has dropped from the six feet I once easily cleared to the four feet that is impossible for me now.

“ Your are not getting older, you are getting better.” says Dr. Joyce Brothers. This, however, is the kind of doctor who inspires a second opinion.

And so. as I approach the day when I cannot even jump over the tennis net. I am moves to share some thoughts on aging with you. I am moved to show how aging feels to me physically and mentally. Getting older. of course, is obviously a better change than the one that brings you eulogies(悼词). In fact, a poet named Robert Browning considered it the best change of all:

Grow old along with me!

The best is yet to me.

Whether or not Browning was right, most of my first fifty years have been golden ones, so I will settle for what is ahead being as good as what has gone by. I find myself moving toward what is ahead with a curious blend (混合) of both fighting and accepting my aging, hoping that the philosopher (哲学家) was right when he said.” Old is always fifteen years from now.”

【小题1】The author seems to tell us in Paragraph 1 that ________.

A.time alone will tell B.time goes by quickly

C.time will show what is right D.time makes one forget the past

【小题2】When the author turned fifty, people around him ________.

A.tried to comfort him B.got inspiration with him

C.were friendlier with him D.found him more talkative

【小题3】The author considers his fifty years of life

A.peaceful B.ordinary C.satisfactory D.regretful

【小题4】We can infer from the passage that

A.the old should led a simple life B.the old should face the fact of aging

C.the old should take more exercise D.the old should fill themselves with curiosity


To forgive is a virtue, but no one has ever said it is easy. When someone has deeply hurt you, it can be extremely difficult to let go of your hate. However, forgiveness is possible, and it can be surprisingly beneficial to your physical and mental health. People who forgive show less sadness, anger and stress and more hopefulness, according to a recent research.

1. Try the following steps.

Calm yourself.2. You can take a couple of breaths and think of something that gives you pleasure: a beautiful scene in nature or someone you love.

Don’t wait for an apology. Many times the person who hurt you does not intend to apologize. They may have wanted to hurt you or they just don’t see things the same way. 3. Keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean becoming friends again with the person who upset you. Take the control away from your offender(冒犯者). Rethinking about your hurt gives power to the person who caused you pain. Instead of focusing on your wounded feelings, learn to look for the help, beauty and kindness around you.

4. If you understand your offender, you may realize that he or she was acting out of unawareness, fear, and even love. You may want to write a letter to yourself from your offender’s point of view.

Don’t forget to forgive yourself. 5. But it can rob you of your self-confidence if you don’t do it. A.Why should you forgive?

B.How could you start to forgive?

C.Recognize the benefits of forgiveness.

D.Try to see things from your offender’s angle.

E. For some people, forgiving themselves is the biggest challenge.

F. To make your anger die away, try a simple stress-management technique.

G. If you wait for people to apologize, you could be waiting an awfully long time.

Recently, a website has carried 1.__________ a survey about the common view on graduates 2.__________ Beijing University.

28% of the interviewed companies think that they 3.________________(satisfy)with the graduates from Beijing University. The graduates in their companies have a wide range of 4._________________(know)and they learn things very quickly and easily.

5._______________, most of the companies don’t think much of graduates from Beijing University. In their eyes, the graduates always stick

6._____________ their own opinions and lack the teamwork spirit

7._____________ they are working. Besides, they may not be satisfied with their jobs even with big companies, and they usually ask too

8._____________. As a result, 34% of the companies insist that

9._____________ will not employ graduates from Beijing University.

In brief, society and even the students themselves expect too much from graduates from Beijing University. That’s 10.______________ a graduate claims that he is rubbish.

Mr. Johnson is a hard working teacher. Every day, he spends too much time with his work. With little sleep and

hardly any break, so he works from m orning till night. Hard work have made him very ill. “He has ruined his

healthy. We are worried about him.” That is which other teachers sa y. Yesterday afternoon, I paid visit to Mr.

Johnson. I was eager to see him, but outside her room I stopped. I had to calm myself down. Quietly I step into the

room. I saw him lying in bed, looking at some of the picture we had taken together. I understood that he missed us

just as many as we missed him.

___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________

【小题1】C 【小题2】D 【小题3】C 【小题4】B 【小题5】A 【小题6】B 【小题7】D 【小题8】A 【小题9】D 【小题10】C 【小题11】B 【小题12】B 【小题13】A 【小题14】D 【小题15】C 【小题16】A 【小题17】B 【小题18】D 【小题19】C 【小题20】A

【小题1】B 【小题2】A 【小题3】C 【小题4】B

【小题1】B 【小题2】F 【小题3】G 【小题4】D 【小题5】E




【小题3】根据前文的Don’t wait进行判断。



1. out

2. from

3. are satisfied

4. knowledge

5. However

6. to

7. when/while

8. much9 they 10. why











【小题1】根据动词短语spend time on sth判断进行改错。




【小题5】what作say的宾语,引导表语从句,which引导表语从句一般在从句作定语。【小题6】根据动词短语pay a visit to判断进行改错。



【小题9】some of the后应加名词的复数形式。



英语每日一练(一) Whenever we hear about “the homeless,”, most of us think of the Developing world. But the 36 is that homelessness is everywhere. For example, how many of us would expect to see people living on the streets of a 37 country like Germany? Kurt Muller and his wife Rita have spent eleven years making 38 for the homeless of Berlin, Germany’s capital. They first 39 one long hot summer when most Germans were 40 on holiday. Kurt and his wife stayed at home, made sandwiches, 41 a table in the street and gave food to the homeless. The Mullers soon realized that food and clothing weren’t 42 . “What these people also need is warmth and 43 ,” says Rita. The Mullers didn’t 44 to give their phone number to the street people and told them to phone anytime. Rita 45 there was somebody at home to answer the phone and their home was always 46 to anyone who couldn’t face another night on the street. The couple were soon 47 all their time and money, so Kurt visited food and clothing companies to 48 donations. Today, over thirty companies 49 donate food and other goods to the cause and volunteers help to 50 them to the homeless. The public also give clothes and money and a shoe producer 51 new shoes. Kurt and Rita receive no 52 for their hard work. “We feel like parents,”says Rita, “and parents shouldn’t 53 money for helping their children. The love we get on the streets is our salary.” Though Rita admits she often gets 54 . She says she will continue with her work because she likes the feeling of having made a 55 in the world. 36. A. result B. truth C. reason D. idea 37. A. traditional B. developing C. typical D. wealthy 38. A. preparations B. houses C. meals D. suggestions 39. A. began B. met C. called D. left 40. A. asleep B. alone C. across D. away 41. A. brought up B. set up C. put aside D. gave away 42. A. enough B. necessary C. helpful D. expensive 43. A. fame B. freedom C. courage D. caring 44. A. hesitate B. agree C. pretend D. intend 45. A. make sense B. found out C. make sure D. worked out 46. A. open B. crowded C. noisy D. near 47. A. costing B. wasting C. taking D. spending 48. A. pay for B. ask for C. look into D. carry out 49. A. completely B. calmly C. regularly D. roughly 50. A. advertise B. sell C. deliver D. lend 51. A. donates B. produces C. designs D. collects 52. A. permission B. payment C. direction D. support 53. A. borrow B. raise C. save D. expect 54. A. surprised B. excited C. tired D. amused 55. A. profit B. difference C. decision D. rule It was a winter morning, just a couple of weeks before Christmas 2005. While most people were warming up their cars, Trevor, my husband, had to get up early to ride his bike four kilometers away from home to work. On arrival, he parked his bike outside the back door as he usually does. After putting in 10 hours of labor, he returned to find his bike gone. The bike, a black Kona 18 speed, was our only transport. Trevor used it to get to work, putting in 60-hour weeks to



(必修三·Unit 1) Ⅰ.单项填空 1.After the class was over,Li Ping apologized ________ the teacher ________ his coming late. A.for; to B.because; to C.to; because D.to; for 答案与解析:D apologize to sb.for(doing)sth.为固定搭配,意为“为(做了)某事而向某人道歉”。 2.The photos ________ me ________ what we did together during our holidays. A.say; about B.remind; of C.tell; with D.remind; / 答案与解析:B remind sb.of sth.意为“提醒某人某事;使某人想起某事”。 3.All of the guests had arrived by 9 o'clock,but the host didn't ________ until 15 minutes later. A.turn down B.turn in C.turn up D.turn out 答案与解析:C句意为:所有的客人9点

都到了,而主人直到9∶15才露面。turn down 拒绝,调低;turn in 交上;turn up 出现,露面;turn out 结果是,证明是。故C项符合句意。 4.The children in the poor areas are starved ________ schooling. A.with B.of C.for D.to 答案与解析:B句意为:贫困地区的孩子渴望受到教育。be starved of sth.=starve for sth.意为“渴望得到某物”。 5.A lot of students ________ round,curious to know what was happening. A.ran B.accumulated C.collected D.gathered 答案与解析:D run 跑;accumulate着重引调量的“堆积、积累”;collect指有计划的、有条理的“搜集”;gather通常指把分散的人或物聚集在一起。句意为:许多学生聚集在一起,好奇的想知道正在发生什么事。因此D项正确。 6.I would have come to see you earlier,but I ________ too busy. A.had been B.were


每日一练 一、晨读记忆 be good to 对….友好 add up 合计 another time 改时间 get sth done 使…被做 calm down 镇定下来 have got to 不得不 walk the dog 遛狗 make a list of 列出 hide away 躲藏;隐藏 be concerned about 关心;挂念 share sth with sb 和某人分享某物 go through 经历;仔细检查 set down 放下;记下 a series of 一系列;一套 be crazy about 对…着迷 on purpose 故意 in order to/ so as to 为了 face to face 面对面地 get along with 与…相处 pack up 收拾,打理行装 according to 按照;根据…所说 have trouble with sb/sth 同某人闹意见;做…有困难communicate with sb 和…交际 throw away the friendship 放弃/终止友谊 try out 试验;试用 join in 参加(活动) far and wide 到处 look to sth 注意,留心某事 fall in love 相爱 ignorant of 无知的 cheat sb (out) of sth 骗取某人某物have the/a habit of doing sth 有做…的习惯 二、交际用语训练 1.—Reading is the best way to pass time on the train.(2014安徽卷) —_______, I never go traveling without a book. A.You are joking B.That's true C.I don't think so D.It sounds like fun 【解析】本题主要考察交际用语。A你在开玩笑吧!B那是真的;C我不这么认为;D听起来很有趣。句义:—看书是在火车上消磨时间的最好的方法。—这是真的,我从来都没有不带书就去旅游。根据句义可知后者同意前者的观点。故B正确。 举一反三: –What’s the noise ? It sounds as if it comes from upstairs. --______ . It must be the window-cleaner working, next door. A.I’m not sure B. I hope not C. I’d rather not D. I don’t think so — I get at least half an hour of exercise almost every day. — Oh great! . A. Good luck B. Cheer up C. Same to you D. Keep it up 2. --- I’m sorry for breaking the cup. --- Oh, ____ --I’ve got plenty. A. forget it B. my pleasure C. help yourself D. pardon me 【解析】本题的四个选项都是交际用语中常考的内容。A没关系(回答对方的道歉)!得了吧(否定对方的提议)!B我的荣幸(帮助对方做完某件事情后面回答对方的感谢)。C请自


七选五专项练习 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 第一篇: _71_ One of the best things you can possibly do is to start you own club. It’s great fun especially if you are the sort of person who feels there’s never anything to do during the school holidays. The first thing you need to come up with is an idea for your club. _72_ Pets, clothes, pop music or dancing groups, sports, making things? The list is endless. Next you need some friends to be in your club with you. _73_ All you need is three or four other people who are interested in the same thing as you. _74 You should all sit down somewhere together with lots of pieces of paper and write down every name you can think up. That’ll keep you busy for ages. At your first meeting you should make up a rule book. And the first rule should be no grown-ups or little/big brothers or sisters! The best clubs are always secret! Now you have just about everything you need, except membership cards. These are very important and again you can speed a lot of time making them. 75 Why not leave some space for a photo of yourself? That will make the membership card really look like it. So there you are, get clubbing! Once you get started you’ll think of loads of more interesting things to do! A.That’s easy. B.Enjoy your own club! C.Invite a designer to join you. D.What are you interest in? E.Some vacation is just around the corner. F.Then you need to pick a name for your club. https://www.360docs.net/doc/6512928611.html,e a bright thick pen to make a special design. 第二篇: Getting your children to study can be a little like getting them to eat their vegetables. __71__ Make a study time and have it at the same time every day.This will help your kids to learn to schedule their day and will give them a sense of control over how they spend their time. Allow them to study in blocks of time,such as for half an hour with a five-minute break in the middle.__72__ Ideal(理想的) study times are after dinner or right after school before dinner. Never allow your children to study in front of the television,as that will encourage passive activity.__73__ You'll also need to help your kids find the right place to study.After you've set up a good study time for little learners,set up a good place where they can get those creative juices flowing. __74__ Make sure there is a table or a desk and a comfortable chair. __75__ This includes helping them out with their homework sometimes and being there for them with the answers to any questions.The input you give your children during study periods will help form a bond and help make studying enjoyable. A.Pick a place where your children can study properly. B.Hold them to the schedule they create for themselves. C.Finally,spend time with your kids when they're studying. D.Keep the atmosphere light and offer lots of encouragement,too. E.Instead,use TV as a treat or a reward when the homework is completed. F.Try to stop this bad habit by offering some sort of reward.


(一) Hollywood movies are regularly filled with sex and violence. They can be exciting films but sometimes all you want is a little light-hearted entertainment. Have you heard of Bollywood? All singing, all dancing and unrealistic, it is the perfect alternative to normal Hollywood movies. Bollywood is the Indian film industry, based in Mumbai, formerly known as Bombay. 1 Yet Bollywood is the largest producer of films in the world. This year the Indian Filmgare Awards, Bollywood's Oscars, turn 50 years old. The typical Bollywood movie usually has the following ingredients: a cup of romance, a tea-spoon of comedy, a dash of international sight-seeing, served with a huge slice of singing and dancing. There will also be one brave hero, one beautiful heroine and one baddie. 2 Bollywood films are full of ideal things and free of daily worries. 3The actors change clothes and locations within a single song. But the audience don't mind. T o Indian movie lovers, especially the poor, such films are a gateway to heaven and the stars are their gods. The films take them to a magical world away from their everyday troubles. The films tell them the impossible is possible and that true love conquers all. 4Behind the beautiful scenes, Bollywood still emphasizes traditional family values. In most films, if two lovers want to break an arranged marriage, they can't just run away. They must win over their parents. Bollywood is a decent refreshing replacement for those over-stimulating Hollywood films. 5They will take you to a brighter, cheerier and more colorful world, where it's still cool to dance around a tree and sing a love song. A.Bollywood has gradually won its reputation on the world stage. B.There is never any mention of politics, poverty or war. C.Most Chinese school kids have probably never seen an Indian film. D.Bollywood films are mostly comic romances with light-hearted incidental music. E. Bollywood pays great attention to traditional values. F.The result is a fun-filled musical. G.So if you're tired of all that Hollywood actions, check out the following Bollywood films. (二) The Internet has opened up a whole new online world for us to meet, chat and go where we’ve never been before. But just as in face to face communication, there are some rules of behavior that should be followed when on line. 1 Imagine how you’d feel if you were in the other person’s shoes. For anything you’re about to send: ask yourself, “Would I say this to the person’


高三英语天天练(1)NAME__ ___ 完型填空 Very few of us become fluent in another language by studying it in high school. I made an effort to keep up the little bit of French that I learned in school,but eventually realized that this was 1 .I was well aware that new languages are best learned when 2 ,and that our abilities in that regard decline with age. 3 ,just before my 50th birthday,I 4 for French classes. After I was 5 to see which group I belonged in,I was 6 at almost the introductory level. I found that it really was true that certain linguistic(语言的) abilities 7 with age. While I'd always thought of myself as a(n) 8 learner,that was no longer the case. I absorbed new vocabulary very 9 .What I learned one week ago seemed to 10 as soon as I learned the next skill. Now,a couple of years later,I can listen to the news in French and 11 90 percent of it on the first try and read a novel if it's not too difficult. Who knows what I might still 12 ? I've learned so much 13 grammar and vocabulary. I've met people from around the world and all walks of life who have the 14 to make fools of themselves in order to 15 something new. I've been taught by patient and inspirational teachers from many 16 of the world,including France,Eastern Europe,the Caribbean and Africa. Listening to the news as it is 17 to the people of France,I have a renewed 18 of how something can look completely different from another 19 .I've learned that a language is not just a set of words,but a way of 20 .But most of all,I've learned that it really is never too late to learn something new. 1.A.unbelievable B.pointless C.unbearable D.valueless 2.A.energetic B.curious C.young D.old 3.A.However B.Therefore C.Besides D.Meanwhile 4.A.sought B.registered C.fought D.prepared 5.A. interviewed B.challenged C.asked D.tested 6.A.restricted B.withdrawn C.appointed D.placed 7.A.fade B.remain C.disappear D.improve 8.A.autonomous B.average C.quick D.dull 9.A.easily B.slowly C.steadily D.rapidly 10.A.crowd in B.make sense C.slip away D.build up 11.A.catch B.recite C.share D.repeat 12.https://www.360docs.net/doc/6512928611.html,plete B.overlook C.perform D.accomplish 13.A.except B.beyond C.through D.including 14.A.confidence B.ability C.patience D.courage 15.A.learn B.experience C.explore D.possess 16.https://www.360docs.net/doc/6512928611.html,anizations B.corners C.classes D.races 17.A.updated B.spread C.presented D.conveyed 18.A.understanding B.attitude C.knowledge D.judgment 19.A.manner B.aspect C.angle D.direction 20.A.studying B.working C.living D.Thinking 语法填空:


高三英语每日一练1 Whenever we hear about “the homeless,”, most of us think of the Developing world. But the 36 is that homelessness is everywhere. For example, how many of us would expect to see people living on the streets of a 37 country like Germany? Kurt Muller and his wife Rita have spent eleven years making 38 for the homeless of Berlin, Germany’s capital. They first 39 one long hot summer when most Germans were 40 on holiday. Kurt and his wife stayed at home, made sandwiches, 41 a table in the street and gave food to the homeless. The Mullers soon realized that food and clothing weren’t 42 . “What these people also need is warmth and 43 ,” says Rita. The Mullers didn’t 44 to give their phone number to the street people and told them to phone anytime. Rita 45 there was somebody at home to answer the phone and their home was always 46 to anyone who couldn’t face another night on the street. The couple were soon 47 all their48 49 donate food and other goods to the cause and volunteers help to 50 them to the homeless. The public also give clothes and money and a shoe producer 51 new shoes. Kurt and Rita receive no 52 for their hard work. “ We feel like parents,” says Rita, “and parents shouldn’t 53 money for helping their children. The love we get on the streets is our salary.” Though Rita admits she often gets 54 . She says she will continue with her work because she likes the feeling of having made a 55 in the world. 36. A. result B. truth C. reason D. idea 37. A. traditional B. developing C. typical D. wealthy 38. A. preparations B. houses C. meals D. suggestions 39. A. began B. met C. called D. left 40. A. asleep B. alone C. across D. away 41. A. brought up B. set up C. put aside D. gave away 42. A. enough B. necessary C. helpful D. expensive 43. A. fame B. freedom C. courage D. caring 44. A. hesitate B. agree C. pretend D. intend 45. A. make sense B. found out C. make sure D. worked


2021届高三高考英语复习7选5题型训练根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案,选项中有两项为多余选项。 It's such a common event that you probably never asked yourself why you sleep. 36 .In fact, for sleep researchers it's one of the biggest unanswered questions in the field. Stop and think about it for a second. Why should we sleep? 37 .But we sleep every night even when we have had plenty of rest. There are, no doubt, several different answers to this question but let's just consider one general purpose of sleep: 38 . Human beings are creatures that are normally active during daylight hours when our senses functions most effectively. 39 .We can't see objects well, our color vision is entirely lost, and we don't have the smelling or hearing sharpness of other animals. So it actually does make sense to have us stay where we are during the dangerous period when night-waking animals are walking here and there. And one sure way to make sure we don't fall down everywhere and get lost or eaten is to have us not move for seven or eight hours rising again only when the light is back and our survival chances are better. It's not the only reason we sleep. 40 . Perhaps even the most important one. A. At night, humans do rather poorly. B. But from a scientific point of view this is far from an ordinary matter. C. Should that put human beings in a terrible situation? D. Sleep as a survival approach. E. Furthermore, if you were designing an animal would you have it come into long periods of unconsciousness every twenty-four hours? F. But in terms of evolution it may have been one of the first reasons. G. Is it because we get tired?

2018届高考英语二轮复习 阅读七选五专练(一)

阅读七选五专练(一) A (2017·安徽百所重点高中二模) All of us know that a balanced diet strengthens the immune system. __1__. The following strategies will help you to jumpstart healthy eating habits. Morning must-haves Researchers at Harvard Medical School discovered that people who took daily breakfast were a third less likely to become obese (肥胖的) than those who skipped this meal. To enjoy the most benefits, the researchers recommended eating whole-grain foods for breakfast as they are rich in fiber. __2__. Main meal wisdom If you need to consume meat, choose fish instead of red meat. Studies have linked high consumption of red meat with cancers such as breast and colorectal cancer as well as heart disease mainly because red meat is very high in saturated (饱和的) fats. __3__. Food preparation __4__. As such, cooking methods such as steaming, baking, grilling, boiling or stir-frying are advised. __5__ Some people like to eat a large meal after a hard day's work. However, large meals late at night can cause indigestion that influences sleep. So it is a very good idea to have a low-calorie fiber drink just before leaving the office. It is also not a good idea to regularly have a late-night meal as this could overburden the digestive system. Remember, minor changes in our eating habits can lead to major changes in our health. A.Light nights B.Fewer night snacks C.Fish, in contrast, contains more heart-healthy fats D.Drinking bean milk supplies the body with plant protein E.Experts always suggest preparing food with as little oil as possible F.But most of us fail to obtain adequate nutrients (营养) due to our troubled lifestyles
