


Haier is the world's fourth largest white goods manufacturer and is the official home appliances sponsor of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.As of 2007, the Haier Group has established a total of 64 trading companies (19 located overseas), 29 manufacturing plants (24 overseas), 8 design centers (5 overseas) and 16 industrial parks (4 overseas). Consistent with Haier's position as a global brand, the company employs over 50,000 people around the world. In addition, Haier boasts a 58,800-strong sales network which last year accounted for a global turnover of 118 billion RMB (16.2 billion USD). Guided by the branding strategy of CEO Zhang Ruimin, Haier has advanced through the 'brand building,' 'diversification,' and

'internationalization' stages, and since 2005 has embarked on the fourth stage: "Global Branding." Haier has enjoyed a growing international reputation over the past 24 years. 19 of the companies products, including refrigerators, air conditioners,

washing machines, televisions, water heaters, personal computers, mobile phones, and kitchen appliances have been rated as "Top Brands" in China, and China's General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine has named Haier refrigerators and washing machines as among China's "Top Global Brands." In 2006, for the fourth consecutive year, Haier was ranked first in terms of overall leadership among mainland Chinese companies in the Wall Street Journal Asia's annual survey of Asia's 200 Most Admired Companies. In March 2008, the Financial Times once again added Haier to its list of Top 10 Chinese Global Brand Names with survey respondents ranking Haier number one in terms of product quality, trust, innovation, management, and branding. In May 2008, Haier ranked 13th on Forbes' Reputation Institute Global 200 list.As of June 2008, the company has been awarded 8333 patents, with 1996 for Haier design team inventions. In 2007 alone Haier obtained 875 patents; 502 were invention patents.Haier has participated in the

institution and modification of nine international standards, as well as 152 national and 425 industry standards, with three international standards set to launch in the near future. Of all the Chinese household appliance companies, Haier by far leads the way in the creation of international, national, and industry standards. Haier management models such as "OEC," "market chain," and "Integration of Individuals and Goals" have been case studies at Harvard Business School, the University of Southern California; IMD in Lausanne, Switzerland; INSEAD in France, and Kobe University. Haier's "market chain" management model has been included in the European Union's case study library.


TCL Group Co., Ltd. was founded in 1981, in just 20 years time, TCL from a name without the propagation of local state-owned enterprises have developed into a more than 100 billion yuan in total

assets, the brand value of 7.5 billion and employs more than 30,000 people in large state-controlled enterprise groups. In 1999 TCL sales reached 15 billion yuan and exports worth 240 million U.S. dollars, the annual growth rate for 10 consecutive years remained at 50%. Today, TCL has been across the home appliances, communications, information, electrician four industries, starting from the traditional communications, electronics company to a "3C" integrated into the core of the information industry as the leading mainstream Internet access equipment suppliers and service providers transfer, and become the most competitive one of the top three electronics.

In the long-term practice, TCL Group, in order to advance ideas and action, take the initiative to recognize and cultivate the market, creating a "marketing plans", "Services Marketing" and "Regional market development strategy" to expand in markets such as new ideas, covering the establishment of nationwide marketing network, formed its own core competitiveness. TCL advocate

corporate culture is also productive business philosophy, emphasized that "today's culture is tomorrow's economy", the system refined the "famous Chinese brand, building first-class enterprise", "create value for customers, creating opportunities for employees, creating benefits for the community" and the "dedication, teamwork, innovation," the core of Values. TCL is China's outstanding corporate culture based on traditional culture, absorbing the essence of the Western scientific management formed with eclectic ability to "Alloy culture" and "immigrant culture."


TCL集团有限公司创办于1981年,在短短的20年时间里,TCL从一个名不经传的地方国有企业发展成为一家拥有100多亿元总资产,品牌价值75亿元,员工超过30000人的大型国有控股企业集团。1999年TCL销售总额达1 50亿元,出口创汇2.4亿美元,年增长速度连续10年保持在50%以上。如今的TCL已横跨家电、通讯、信息、电工四大产业领域,开始从传统的通讯、电子企业向以"3C"整合为核心、信息产业为主导的互联网接入设备主流供应商和服务商转移,并成为中国最具竞争力的电子三强企业之一。


造了"有计划的市场推广"、"服务营销" 和"区域市场发展策略"等市场拓展新理念,建立了覆盖全国的营销网络,形成了自己的核心竞争力。TCL倡导企业文化也是生产力的经营理念,强调"今日的文化就是明日的经济",系统提炼了"创中国名牌,建一流企业"、"为顾客创造价值,为员工创造机会,为社会创造效益"和"敬业、团队、创新"的核心价值观。TCL企业文化是以中国优秀的传统文化为基础,吸收西方科学管理精髓,形成了具有兼收并蓄能力的"合金文化"和"移民文化"。

在企业经营中,TCL坚持经营变革与管理创新,大力推进企业产权制度改革,通过授权经营,落实了企业经营风险责任机制和利益激励机制。TCL通过采取灵活机动的资本运营机制,先后兼并了香港陆氏彩电项目、河南美乐电视机厂、内蒙古彩虹电视机厂、金科集团和翰林汇软件公司,并与美国Lotus Pa cific合作,进入了信息网络终端产品和信息服务领域。TCL投资创办了爱思科微电子集成电路公司,介入了通讯系统设备制造、移动电话和锂离子电池等高科技领域。TCL已开始进行产业结构调整,将逐步实现由传统家电产品制造商向互联网设备的主流厂商转变。



青岛简介 青岛位于太平洋西岸、中国山东半岛南部(东经119°30′~121°00′、北纬35°35′~37°09′),东、南濒临黄海,西、北连接内陆。陆地面积11282平方公里,海域面积12240平方公里,常驻人口904.6万人。现辖市南、市北、李沧、崂山、黄岛、城阳6个区和即墨、胶州、平度、莱西4个县级市。 青岛是中国历史文化名城、中国道教的发祥地之一。早在五六千年前,就有人类生存和繁衍,留有丰富多彩的新石器时代文化。青岛有2个国家历史文化名街,144处国家、省和市级文物保护单位。成功当选“东亚文化之都”。中国国际儿童电影节、中国国际小提琴赛、中国电影表演艺术家学会“金凤凰奖”、万达东方影都落户青岛,被誉为“影视之城”和“音乐之岛”。 青岛是中国首批对外开放城市。与国外65个城市结为友好城市或友好合作关系城市。2000多家国际商社、公司和金融机构在青岛常设办事机构。2014年,外贸进出口总额799亿美元,到账外资60.8亿美元。纳入国家“一带一路”战略规划,被确定为新亚欧大陆桥经济走廊主要节点城市和海上合作战略支点城市。获批国家级财富管理金融综合改革试验区。 青岛是中国区域经济中心城市、重要国际贸易口岸和海上运输枢纽,中国五大外贸口岸之一。2014年实现生产总值8692.1

亿元,一般公共财政预算收入895.2亿元。汇集了海尔、海信、双星、澳柯玛、青岛啤酒、南车四方等众多知名企业和名牌产品,现有中国驰名商标91个。青岛港与全球700多个港口有贸易往来,2014年货物吞吐量4.8亿吨,集装箱吞吐量1658万标准箱,进口原油吞吐量居中国港口第一位。青岛空港有121条国际国内航线,2014年旅客吞吐量1641.2万人次、货邮吞吐量20.44万吨。 青岛是中国优秀旅游城市。海岸线长863公里,有49个海湾和69个岛屿,岸线曲折,岬湾相间。属北温带季风区,具有海洋性气候特点,是著名的旅游度假、休闲观光、商务会展目的地城市。青岛素有"红瓦绿树、碧海蓝天"的城市风貌,八大关被称为“万国建筑的一部经典”,崂山享有“海上名山第一”的美誉。每年举办国际啤酒节、国际消费电子博览会等100多个展会。2014年接待游客6843.9万人次。2015世界休闲体育大会将于9月12日至21日举办。 青岛是重要的奥运城市、中国的"帆船之都"。2008年第29届北京奥运会和第13届残奥会帆船比赛在青岛举办。之后,沃尔沃环球帆船赛、克利伯环球帆船赛、国际帆船联合会世界杯帆船赛等重要帆船比赛相继在青岛举办,每年8月举办青岛国际帆船周。


海尔公司简介英文版 Haier is the world's fourth largest white goods manufacturer and is the official home appliances sponsor of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.As of 2007, the Haier Group has established a total of 64 trading companies (19 located overseas), 29 manufacturing plants (24 overseas), 8 design centers (5 overseas) and 16 industrial parks (4 overseas). Consistent with Haier's position as a global brand, the company employs over 50,000 people around the world. In addition, Haier boasts a 58,800-strong sales network which last year accounted for a global turnover of 118 billion RMB (16.2 billion USD). Guided by the branding strategy of CEO Zhang Ruimin, Haier has advanced through the 'brand building,' 'diversification,' and 'internationalization' stages, and since 2005 has embarked on the fourth stage: "Global Branding." Haier has enjoyed a growing international reputation over the past 24 years. 19 of the companies products, including refrigerators, air conditioners,


修改时间:2012-1-9 基金项目:2010年江苏省社科基金项目《基于语际翻译的视觉翻译理论与实践研究》(编号:10yyd027);江南大学青 年科学研究基金资助项目(编号:2010WQN001) 作者简介:朱敏华(1975-),女,江苏盐城人,江南大学外国语学院讲师,在读博士生,研究方向:商务英语、应用语言学;杨祖宪(1954-),男,江苏无锡人,江南大学外国语学院副教授,研究方向:商务英语、国际商务。 从功能目的论视角看企业简介的汉英翻译 ———以中国知名家电企业网页简介为例 朱敏华,杨祖宪 (江南大学外国语学院英文系,江苏无锡214122) 摘要:目前许多国内企业的英文简介晦涩难懂、不能达意。在功能目的论的指导下,本文在 分析、对比中英文企业简介的文本功能和特点的基础上,对一些中国知名家电企业网站的英译简介的语言性、文体性及文化性翻译问题进行分类分析,然后提出一些翻译策略,以期帮助译者提高企业简介的翻译质量。 关键词:功能目的论;翻译;翻译策略;企业简介中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 中国已成为世界家电生产基地之一,国内家电龙头企业与世界级同行频频交手或合作。但要深入对方的“后方”,获取更多国际市场消费者的青睐或进一步提高其知名度,其英文公司简介便起着举足轻重的作用。笔者浏览了不少国内家电企业网站,收集、分析了它们的英译简介,发现许多译文晦涩难懂、词不达意,并且思维模式汉化,显得“忠实有余,通顺不足”。[1]这既妨碍读者了解企业,又影响企业形象。有感于此,作者在功能目的论的指导下,以一些知名家电企业网站的英文简介中出现翻译问题为例,进行分类分析,然后提出一些翻译策略。 一、中英文简介的文本功能及特点 Newmark (2001)根据布勒(Buhler )等的语言功 能理论归纳出翻译的三种基本文本形式,即表达型(expressive text )、信息型(informative text)和呼唤型文本(vocative text )。 [2] 企业简介总体上是信息呼唤 型文本,起介绍企业、宣传产品、招商引资等功能。这类文本更注重宣传的社会效应,而文字符号所荷载的美学意义或个性特征则往往处于从属地位。 [3] 虽然中、英文企业简介同属信息呼唤型文体,但李永红(2007)[4]和宁海霖、许建忠(2008)[1]的研 究通过实例论证,指出“中、英文企业简介在内容、价值观、语言风格和文章结构等方面存在着差异,并认为明确、了解这些差异是进行企业简介汉英翻译的前提”。但不少译者意识不到其中的语言、文体风格和文化差异,直接将原文转换成英文,导致译文错误迭出、艰涩难懂,不能达到Nida (1969)提出的“功效对等”(equifunctional),[5]这就违背了英译简介的初衷,即违背了功能目的论的原则。笔者将针对一些知名家电企业网站的英译简介中出现的失误进行分类分析,在此仅从学术角度探讨,以期能得一管窥之见,不含对相关单位贬责诋毁之意。 二、英译简介常见失误分析 1.语言性翻译失误。汉语和英语属于不同的语 系,语言特征有很大差异。但很多企业简介的译文在用词、句法等方面都受中文束缚,没有照顾到目的语的表达习惯。 (1)词汇层面。词汇翻译是真正意义上的翻译的第一步。词汇层面的主要问题有用词不符合惯例、搭配错误、词汇冗余等。如有些单词“直译”过去,使人产生别的联想意义。如海尔公司的英文简介中“企业精神”被译为“enterprise spirit ”,而“spirit ” 139


海尔集团企业战略管理 公司简介 海尔集团是世界白色家电第一品牌,中国最具价值品牌。海尔在全球建立了29个制造基地,8个综合研发中心,19个海外贸易公司,全球员工总数超过6万人,已发展成为大规模的跨国企业集团。 2010年,海尔实施全球化品牌战略进入第五年。海尔将继续发扬“创造资源、美誉全球”的企业精神和“人单合一、速决速胜”的工作作风,升入推进信息化流程再造,以人单合一的自主经营体为支点,通过“虚实网结合的零库存下的即需即供”商业模式创新,努力打造满足用户动态需求的体系,一如既往地为用户不断创新,创出中华民族自己的世界名牌! 企业文化 海尔文化的核心是创新。它是在海尔二十年发展历程中产生和逐渐形成特色的文化体系。海尔文化以观念创新为先导、以战略创新为方向、以组织创新为保障、以技术创新为手段、以市场创新为目标,伴随着海尔从无到有,海尔文化本身在也不断创新、发展。 第一个十年,创业,创出中国第一品牌;第二个十年,创新,走出国门,创国际化企业;第三个十年,创造资源,实施全球化品牌战略。 一、海尔理念 发展战略创新的四个阶段 1、名牌战略阶段(1984年--1991年) 特征:只干冰箱一个产品,探索并积累了企业管理的经验,为今后的发展奠定坚实的基础,总结出一套可移植的丰管路模式。

2、多元化战略阶段(1992年--1998年) 特征:从一个产品向多个产品发展,从白色家电进入黑色家电领域,以“吃休克鱼”的方式进行资本运营,无形资产盘活有形资产,在最短的时间 3、国际化战略阶段(1998年--2005年) 特征:产品批量销往全球主要经济区域市场,有自己的的海外经销商网络与售后服务网络,Haier品牌已经有了一定知名度、信誉度与美誉度。 4、全球化品牌战略阶段(2005年--) 特征:海尔在当地的国家创造自己的品牌,海尔品牌在世界范围的美誉度大幅度提升。 二、三个方向的转移 依据:企业过去是以利润的最大化为目的,而现在企业则以用户满意的最大化为目的。 ①管理方向的转移:从直线职能性组织结构向业务流程再造(BPR)的市场链转移-扁平化:以顾客至上为中心,流程间互为市场,成为扁平而非直线职能的结构。 -信息化:以顾客至上为中心,各流程成为过程连续、信息畅通的市场链。 ②市场方向的转移:从国内市场向国外市场转移 ③产品方向的转移:从制造业向服务业转移 三、海尔模式 海尔在全球市场中取胜的竞争模式是:人单合一。 人单合一模式包括“人单合一”、“直销直发”和“正现金流”。 “人单合一”:人要与市场合一,成为创造市场的SBU. “直销直发”:直接营销到位、直接发运到位,是实现“人单合一”的基础;只


H?RMANN BEIJING DOOR PRODUCTION CO. LTD. A good reputation must be earned -August H?rmann, company founder,1886-1994

H?RMANN BEIJING DOOR PRODUCTION CO. LTD. H?rmann,from Germany,your strong partner for gate, doors, operator. About us In the market for construction components, more and more gates, doors, frames and operators carry the H?rmann name, making H?rmann Europe's leading provider of such products. This leadership of the family company has been attained through decades of continuous growth as a result of innovation, ensured quality and proximity to the customer International growth The H?rmann Group is an internationally-oriented, fast-growing company. Gates, doors, frames and operators are manufactured for the markets in Europe, North America and Asia at highly-specialised factories. Employing 6,000 staff, this 100% family-owned company has achieved over 1 billion euros in sales. A tight network of more than 50 company-owned subsidiaries and numerous authorised dealers in over 30 countries ensures proximity to customers. Production locations for the H?rmann Group ?H?rmann KG Amshausen, Germany ?H?rmann KG Antriebstechnik, Germany ?H?rmann KG Brandis, Germany ?H?rmann KG Brockhagen, Germany ?H?rmann KG Dissen, Germany ?H?rmann KG Eckelhausen, Germany ?H?rmann KG Freisen, Germany ?H?rmann KG Ichtershausen, Germany ?H?rmann KG Werne, Germany ?H?rmann Alkmaar B.V., Netherlands ?H?rmann Genk NV, Belgium ?H?rmann Legnica SP. ZO.O, Poland ?Seuster KG, Lüdenscheid, Germany ?Berner Torantriebe KG, Rottenburg, Germany ?Sch?rghuber Spezialtüren KG, Ampfing, Germany ?Tortec Brandschutztor GmbH, Wolfsegg, Austria ?Garador Ltd., Yeovil, UK ?Tubauto SAS, Sens, France ?H?rmann Flexon LLC, Leetsdale, PA, USA ?H?rmann LLC, Montgomery, IL, USA ?H?rmann LLC, Vonore, TN, USA ?H?rmann Beijing Door Production Co. Ltd., China ?H?rmann Tianjin Door Production Co. Ltd., China


Chapter 1 ·Company introduction translation practice 随着我国改革开放和市场经济的不断发展,国内与国外公司之间的贸易不断增加,外国人在国内投资开办的独资、合资(joint-ventured)公司迅速增多,特别是中国加入世界贸易组织后,国内公司与世界各国公司联系更加紧密,合作愈加频繁。在这种日益紧密频繁的交往中,尤其是在进行商品买卖交易过程中,无论是买方还是卖方都要对彼此有足够的了解,才能促进商业关系的建立和买卖交易的完成。同时,国内公司要与世界公司接轨,必须更多地了解国际规范和国外公司的情况。然而双方语言的差异,往往造成理解的偏差,给双方的互相了解和合作带来了困难和阻碍。因此,对所交易公司的基本情况的翻译,是贸易成功的首要条件和必要因素。 1.公司介绍 1.1公司介绍的概念: 有关公司法人的成立、性质、经营范围、组织机构、管理经营特色向社会予以介绍以扩大公司影响所使用的一种商务文书。 1.2公司介绍的基本内容:企业的历史(history),发展现状和成就,公司信息(corporate information),行政管理状况(executives and management),前景, 企业文化和价值观(value ,ethics, culture, vision and philosophy) ,公司治理,(corporate governance) ,产品服务范围(products and services) 以及企业领导人致词 (president’s message)。例:Passage A: ABC公司成立于XX年,专业生产和出口XXX,集产品设计、研发和生产于一体。我公司地处XX市,交通便利。我司所有产品采用国际质量标准,产品远销海外,享誉海内外众多市场。我司现有工厂占地面积XX平方米,XX多名员工。年销售额逾XX美金,百分之XX 的产品远销海外。为了保证客户满意度,我们引入了先进的设备设施,并在生产各个环节贯彻完善的质量检查措施。同时,我们已通过XX认证。 Established in (成立年份), (公司英文名称) is a professional manufacturer and exporter that is concerned with the design, development and production of (行业产品). We are located in (公司所在城市), with convenient transportation access. All of our products comply with international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of different markets throughout the world. Covering an area of (工厂占地面积) square meters, we now have over (员工人数)


海尔公司英文简介 海尔集团是全球大型家电第一品牌,,目前已从传统制造家电产 品的企业转型为面向全社会孵化创客的平台。下面由小编为你提供的海尔公司英文简介,希望大家喜欢。 海尔公司英文简介(一) Haier was incorporated in 1984, entrepreneurship in 26 years, insist on entrepreneurship and innovation spirit, create world famous brand from a shaky business has become a global collective small factory owns more than 70,000 employees, 20xx turnover 1357 billion yuan of globalization group company."Haier" has become the first brand for global white goods, and was Newsweek (Newsweek website named as the world top ten innovative company.Haier to create the age of the Internet world famous brand.The Internet age world famous brand is characteristic of can quickly meet the user's individualized demand, the enterprise needs to mass customization rather than mass manufacturing.Haier seize Internet opportunities to solve this challenge, and actively explore practice "win-win" mode, single unity through "DaoSanJiao" organizational innovation and "end-to-end" independent operation body construction, realizes from "sell products" to "sell service" transition,


海尔集团简介 About Haier 海尔集团创立于1984年,创业26年来,坚持创业和创新精神创世界名牌,已经从一家濒临倒闭的集体小厂发展成为全球拥有7万多名员工、2010年营业额1357亿元的全球化集团公司。海尔已跃升为全球白色家电第一品牌,并被美国《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)网站评为全球十大创新公司。Founded in 1984, the Haier Group has been dedicated to innovation and creating a world famous brand over the past 26 years. Originally a small collective plant on the verge of bankruptcy, it has now grown into an international group which has more than 70,000 employees around the globe and realizes a turnover of 135.7 billion yuan in 2010. Haier has ri sen to be the world’s No.1 brand of consumer appliances. In addition, it was selected as one of the world's Top 10 innovative companies issued by USA Newsweek’s website. 海尔要创造互联网时代的世界名牌。互联网时代世界名牌的特点是能快速满足用户的个性化需求,企业需要大规模定制而非大规模制造。海尔抓住互联网的机遇解决这一挑战,积极探索实践“人单合一双赢模式”,通过“倒三角”的组织创新和“端到端”的自主经营体建设,实现从“卖产品”到“卖服务”的转型,创造出差异化的、可持续的竞争优势。 Haier aims to create a world famous brand in the age of the Internet, which features satisfying the personalized needs of users in a short time. What such a business needs is large-scale customization rather than massive production.Taking this opportunity provided by the Internet, Haier addressed this challenge and actively explored and practiced the “Win-win Mode of Individual-Goal Combination”. Through “Inverted Triangle” organizational innovation and “End to End” ZZJYT construction, it realized the transformation from “selling products” to “selling services” and fostered differentiated and sustainable competitive advantages. 引领潮流的研发优势——海尔累计申请专利1万多项,居中国家电企业榜首,并率先实现国际标准的零突破。海尔累计已经参与了61项国际标准的起草,其中27项标准已经发布实施。海尔通过标准输出,带动整个产业链的出口。 Trend-leading R&D advantages ---- The Haier’s patent applications total over 10,000- ranking first among Chinese home appliance firms. Haier takes the lead to make breakthroughs in international standards. It participated in the drafting of 61 international standards, 27 of which have been issued and implemented. The company boosts the export of the entire industry chain through standard output.零距离下的虚实网融合——海尔在国内市场有强大的市场营销网络优势,并与互联网进行充分的融合,以“零距离下的虚实网融合”创出第一时间满足用户第一需求的竞争力。“虚网”指互联网,通过网络社区形成用户黏度;“实网”指营销网、物流网、服务网,第一时间送达用户满意。因此许多世界名牌将他们在中国的销售全部或部分委托给海尔;海尔也通过他们在国外的渠道销售海尔产品,形成了资源互换,加快了海尔进军世界市场的步伐。 Zero-distance virtual and practical network combination ---- Haier has enormous marketing network advantages in China. In full combination with the Internet, it developed the competitiveness of catering to the demand of consumers in the quickest time via “zero-distance virtual and practical network combination”.“Virtual network” refers to the Internet, which forms customer loyalty through online communities; “Practical network” refers to the marketing network, logistic network and service network, which helps realize the quickest delivery. Therefore, a lot of world-noted brands commission


Content outline: https://www.360docs.net/doc/6918362742.html,pany profile 2.the company introduced CEO https://www.360docs.net/doc/6918362742.html,pany industry 4.the products of the company 5.how to promote Haier products 6.the modes of transport 7.Haier washing machine Questionnaire

company profile Haier Group is a leading global set of home appliance solutions provider and virtual-real fusion distributors. The company was founded in Qingdao in 1984.Since the venture, Haier adhere to the user demand as the center of the innovation system to drive the sustainable and healthy development of enterprises, from an insolvent, was on the verge of collapde of the collective small plant development to become the world’s largest household appliance manufacturers

On 2011, Haier Group global turnover of 150900000000yuan,17countries in the world with more than 80000emplyees,Haier users around the world more than 100 countries and regions. In the domain of white goods. Haier Group holds a number of consumer life brand .Which, according to the statistics of Haier brand, has won for three consecutive years the world’s largest sales of household appliances brand(data source: Euromonitor International Euromonitor).


海尔集团面试英语口语大全 Q:What contribution did you make to your current(previous)organization? (你对目前/从前的工作单位有何贡献?) A:I have finished three new projects,and I am sure I can apply my experience to this position.(我已经完成个新项目,我相信我能将我的经验用在这份工作上。) Q:What do you think you are worth to us? (你怎么认为你对我们有价值呢?) A:I feel I can make some positive contributions to your company in the future.(我觉得我对 贵公司能做些积极性的贡献。) Q:What make you think you would be a success in this position?(你如何知道你能胜任这 份工作?) A:My graduate school training combined with my internship should qualify me for this particular job.I am sure I will be successful.(我在研究所的训练,加上实习工作,使我适合 这份工作。我相信我能成功。) Q:Are you a multitasked individual?(你是一位可以同时承担数项工作的人吗?) Q:Do you work well under stress or pressure?(你能承受工作上的压力吗?) A:Yes,I think so. A:The trait is needed in my current(or previous)position and I know I can handle it well.(这种特点就是我目前(先前)工作所需要的,我知道我能应付自如。) Q:What is your strongest trait(s)?(你个性上最大的特点是什么?) A:Helpfulness and caring.(乐于助人和关心他人。) A:Adaptability and sense of humor.(适应能力和幽默感。) A:Cheerfulness and friendliness.(乐观和友爱。) Q:How would your friends or colleagues describe you?(你的朋友或同事怎样形容你?)A:(pause a few seconds)(稍等几秒钟再答,表示慎重考虑。) They say Mr.Chen is an honest,hardworking and responsible man who deeply cares for his family and friends.(他们说陈先生是位诚实、工作努力、负责任的人,他对家庭和朋友都很 关心。) A:They say Mr.Chen is a friendly,sensitive,caring and determined person.(他们说陈先生 是位很友好、敏感、关心他人和有决心的人。) 常用句子 1.Enclosed herewith are two copies of my diplomas and a copy of my resume for your reference.兹随函附寄毕业证书两份及简历表一份,仅供参考。 2.Enclosed you will find a copy of my resume and my photo.I believe that they may be found satisfactory.附上我历表和照片,希望您满意。 3.You will find enclosed an outline of my education and copies of three letters of recommendation.随函寄上本人学历的简要概况及三封推荐信。 4.Enclosed you will find a letter of recommendation from Mr.Wang,Head Professor of English Department and a copy of my transcript. 随函附上英文系系主任王先生的推荐函一封及本人成绩单一份。 5.You can see from the data sheet that is enclosed that I now have an interest in securing a satisfying position. 1
