


Double Seventh Festival

The Double Seventh Festival, on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, is a traditional festival full of romance. It often goes into August in the Gregorian calendar

This festival is in mid-summer when the weather is warm and the grass and trees reveal their luxurious greens. At night when the sky is dotted with stars, and people can see the Milky Way spanning from the north to the south. On each bank of it is a bright star, which see each other from afar. They are the Cowherd and Weaver Maid, and about them there is a beautiful love story passed down from generation to generation.

Long, long ago, there was an honest and kind-hearted fellow named Niu Lang (Cowhand). His parents died when he was a child. Later he was driven out of his home by his sister-in-law. So he lived by himself herding cattle and farming. One day, a fairy from heaven Zhi Nu (Weaver Maid) fell in love

with him and came down secretly to earth and married him. The cowhand farmed in the field and the Weaver Maid wove at home. They lived a happy life and gave birth to a boy and a girl. Unfortunately, the God of Heaven soon found out the fact and ordered the Queen Mother of the Western Heavens to bring the Weaver Maid back.

With the help of celestial cattle, the Cowhand flew to heaven with his son and daughter. At the time when he was about to catch up with his wife, the Queen Mother took off one of her gold hairpins and made a stroke. One billowy river appeared in front of the Cowhand. The Cowhand and Weaver Maid were separated on the two banks forever and could only feel their tears. Their loyalty to love touched magpies, so tens of thousands of magpies came to build a bridge for the Cowhand and Weaver Maid to meet each other. The Queen Mother was eventually moved and allowed them to meet each year on the 7th of the 7th lunar month. Hence their meeting date has been called "Qi Xi" (Double Seventh).

Scholars have shown the Double Seventh Festival originated from the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD220). Historical documents from the Eastern Jin Dynasty (AD371-420) mention the festival, while records from the Tang Dynasty (618-907)

depict the grand evening banquet of Emperor Taizong and his concubines. By the Song (960-1279) and Yuan (1279-1368) dynasties, special articles for the "Qi Xi" were seen being sold on markets in the capital. The bustling markets demonstrated the significance of the festival.

Today some traditional customs are still observed in rural areas of China, but have been weakened or diluted in urban cities. However, the legend of the Cowhand and Weaver Maid has taken root in the hearts of the people. In recent years, in particular, urban youths have celebrated it as Valentine's Day in China. As a result, owners of flower shops, bars and stores are full of joy as they sell more commodities for love.



浪漫七夕节的英文介绍 :一年一度浪漫的七夕节,与恋人相依相偎共同度过,心中满是甜蜜的滋味。你知道七夕节的来历,那你知道怎么用英语来介绍我们中国的情人节吗?下面就让小编为你解答吧一年一度浪漫的七夕节,与恋人相依相偎共同度过,心中满是甜蜜的滋味。 你知道七夕节的来历,那你知道怎么用英语来介绍我们中国的情人节吗?下面就让小编为你解答吧~ 中国的七夕节的英文是Chinese Valentine's Day.下面就是关于七夕节情人节的介绍:Raise your head on August 4 and gaze at the stars, you will find something romantic going on inthe sky. VALENTINE'S Day in China, the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, falls on August 4 thisyear. That is, on Monday evening, Niu Lang and Zhi Nu will meet on a bridge of magpies(鹊桥)across the Milky Way(银河). Chinese grannies will remind children that they would not be abletoseeanymagpiesonthateveningbecauseallthemagpieshavelefttoformabridgeinth eheavens with their wings. Romantic legend The legend has been handed down for nearly 2 millennia. The story has been recorded as far backas the Jin Dynasty (256-420 AD). Poets composed hundreds of verses on the love story and manytypes of Chinese opera tell the story. The Chinese people believe that the star Vega(织女星), east of the Milky Way, is Zhi Nu and, atthe constellation of Aquila(天鹰座), on the western side of the Milky Way, Niu Lang waits for hiswife. Zhi Nu was said to be the youngest of seven daughters of the Queen of Heaven. With her sisters,she worked hard to weave beautiful clouds in the sky, while Niu Lang was a poor orphan cowherd,driven out of his home by his elder brother and his cruel wife.


有关七夕节的英语作文(中英对照) QiQiao needle This is the earliest QiQiao mode, and later began in han deteriorates. The fissura miscellanea, said: "the Chinese female often in July 7 colour in seven holes, people look to needle with learning." By age LiangZongMou jingchu, said: "the July 7, Pennsylvania is somebody else women wear seven self-expanding floor with gold and silver, or stone for yourself." "And", said: "all topographic exerts on July 7th layer, city of more than GongRen, put a needle. The needle floor." The five WangRenYu YiShi tianbao kaiyuan Tanabata, "said: by jin palace building, forming a hundred yards, high house can be overcome with dozens of people, Chen, fruit wine, with ZuoJu char sacrificial cow female star in nine holes, concubines to wear colors on needle thread for ever, skillfully. Move the hou qing of song, pleasures of people working. Soil is of validity. The correlations TaoZongYi yuan YuanShi records of court said: "the nine lead, QiQiao Tanabata. And, with colorful silk wear lady-in-waiting debut at first, for after finish, who was later lost the contributive to exchange, each person should be." XiZhu should be perfect This is a QiQiao earlier, the common later in QiQiao needle, roughly in the southern. In LiangZong deloitte was alarmed by the age of chu said, "Is TingZhong in Pennsylvania, Chen melon QiQiao in hei subnet. In melon is thought operator shall."


七夕节用英语怎么说 导读:本文七夕节用英语怎么说,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 七夕节用英语怎么说 七夕情人节,大部分人会用Chinese Valentine's Day 来表达,也可以用China's Lover's day来表达,意思差不多。 所以七夕情人节快乐的英语可以说HAPPY Chinese Valentine's Day ! 七夕节故事(一) 七夕节是流传于中国民间的节日,在解放后破除迷信的批判态势下,这个节日和其他民族民间节日一样,处于慢慢淡出和式微的状态。直到文革结束之后,情况才有了好转。但是崇洋媚外的思潮,又开始席卷全国甚嚣尘上。 国人之于欧风美雨,究其心态其实很复杂。有的人内心无比热爱,表面上却不以为然。改革开放以后,不再遮遮掩掩,留学移民、科技移民、投资移民、还有偷渡移民、裸官移民,贪官移民,形形色色,不一而足。向往西方的政治环境,向往西方的生活方式。少数人去得了,多数人去不了。去不了归去不了,但心向往之。 于是乎,洋节日大行其道,平安夜、圣诞节,这些宗教色彩很浓厚的西方节日,在中国一年胜似一年的受到追捧。还有西方的情人节,也受到年轻人的喜爱。不知为了什么,有的人突发奇想,要把中国的

“七夕”,注册为中国的情人节。其实是“欧美情结”在作怪,他们以为欧美就是标准,人家欧美有的肯定好,只要欧美有的,我们就得仿效。就这样中国“七夕”节,变成了所谓“中国的情人节”。这种毫无相干的附会,其实是一种民族虚无主义。 七夕是夏历七月初七日,源于神话故事,民间称天河配。这一夜牛郎织女夫妻俩,拖儿带女踏过鹊桥相聚。乡下的夜空是净朗的,横亘着茫茫的天河,这天夜里,天河奕奕有白气,闪耀五色光芒,那就是牛郎织女相聚顺遂,老人们会让孩子那头跪拜的。跪拜之余,可以祈求。一人只能乞求一事,求多则不灵。 由于牛郎是勤劳的凡人,而织女是灵巧的仙人,所以七夕节这天,除了牛郎织女的相聚以外,还派生出乞巧的内容。村里的大姑娘小媳妇,要向织女讨教女红。人们或用麦秸编扎,或用彩纸剪贴,先置一桥,配以牛郎、织女,男孩、女孩、老牛、喜鹊,或放置案头,或张贴墙壁。祈祷之后,用彩线穿针,如若顺利穿过七个针孔,就算乞巧大获成功。也有“喜蛛验巧”的做法,要在七夕这天逮一只蜘蛛,将其圈在一个匣子里。转天察视蛛网的疏密,如果蛛网织得越密,则证明乞巧越多。 母亲告诉我们,七夕夜深人静之时,躺在豆棚瓜架葡萄藤下,有时会听见牛郎织女的悄悄话。我们几乎每年都要去听的,但是每年都听不到。不是犯困睡着了,就是被蚊子叮包了,妈妈说那是心不诚的缘故,等到来年七夕再听去吧。七夕这天,耕牛也沾光,添草加料,佩戴花环,唤作“老牛过生日”。另外,在这一天,村上的闺女们要


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 用英文介绍七夕节 篇一:情人节英语介绍 TherearevaryingopinionsastotheoriginofValentinesDay .someexpertsstatethatitoriginatedfromst.Valentine,a Romanwhowasmartyredforrefusingtogiveupchristianity. hediedonFebruary14,269A.D.,thesamedaythathadbeendev otedtolovelotteries. 关于情人节的起源有许多种说法。有关人士认为情人节是一个名叫桑特瓦伦丁的人士发起的。他是罗马人,因为拒绝放弃基督教而于公元前269年2月14日惨遭杀害,这一天也正好是全城盛行彩票抽奖的日子。 Legendalsosaysthatst.Valentineleftafarewellnotefort hejailersdaughter,whohadbecomehisfriend,andsignedit "FromYourValentine".otheraspectsofthestorysaythatsa intValentineservedasapriestatthetempleduringthereig

nofemperorclaudius.claudiusthenhadValentinejailedfo rdefyinghim.In496A.D.popegelasiussetasideFebruary14 tohonourst.Valentine.而另外一种说法更具有传奇色彩,相传桑特瓦伦丁曾留下一本日记给了狱卒的女儿,署名为“你的情人”,据说这名狱卒的女儿就是桑特瓦伦丁的情人。还有其它的说法也颇为有趣。比如说有人认为在克劳迪亚斯君王统治时期,桑特瓦仑丁曾经是一名神父,因为公然挑战克劳迪亚斯君王的权威身陷囹圄。所以公元前496年罗马教皇格莱西亚斯特意将2月14日作为一个特别的日子以纪念桑特瓦伦丁。 gradually,February14becamethedateforexchanginglovem essagesandst.Valentinebecamethepatronsaintoflovers. Thedatewasmarkedbysendingpoemsandsimplegiftssuchasf lowers.Therewasoftenasocialgatheringoraball. 此后2月14日就成为了一个具有特殊意义的日子。在这天人们向自己心仪的人传递信息以示爱意。而理所当然的桑特瓦仑丁也就成为了为恋爱中的男女们牵线搭桥的人。在2月14日这天人们会特意做诗或者用一些小礼物送给自己心爱的人。而且人们还会组织各种各样的聚会来庆祝这个特殊的节日。


七夕节来历英文版 TodayisChineseValentine"sDay,wewishallloverscanhaveagoodValent ine"sDay! OrshouldwesayHappyNightofSevens!(七夕 orqixi)orHappyFestivaltoPleadforSkills!(乞巧节 orqiqiaojie)orHappySeventhSister"sBirthday!(七姐诞 orqijiedan)orHappyNightofSkills!(巧夕 orqiaoxi)?ThisisthedayShanghaiisthashadcircledonourlunarcforsometime now,theseventhdayoftheseventhlunarmonth.Todaywewilldisplayourskillat carvingmelons,wewilldecoratethehornsofourneighborhoodoxenwithflowe rsandwewillgotothe"templeofmatchmaker"andpraythatwegethookedup.G oodtimes,goodtimes.ChinaDailyfillsusinontheholiday"shistory: Thefestivalhasitsoriginfromaromantictragedy.Asthestorygoes,oncethe rewasacowherd,Niulang,wholivedwithhiselderbrotherandsister-in- law.Butshedislikedandabusedhim,andtheboywasforcedtoleavehomewitho nlyanoldcowforcompany.Thecow,however,wasaformergodwhohadviolate dimrulesandwassenttoearthinbovineform. OnedaythecowledNiulangtoalakewherefairiestookabathonearth.Amon gthemwasZhinu,themostbeautifulfairyandaskilledseamstress. Thetwofellinloveatfirstsightandweresoonmarried.Theyhadasonanddau ghterandtheirhappylifewasheldupasanexampleforhundredsofyearsinChina. YetintheeyesoftheJadeEmperor,theSupremeDeityinTaoism,marriageb etweenamortalandfairywasstrictlyforbidden.HesenttheempresstofetchZhin u.


双语故事:七夕的中英文介绍 Double Seventh Festival The Double Seventh Festival, on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, is a traditional festival full of romance. It often goes into August in the Gregorian calendar This festival is in mid-summer when the weather is warm and the grass and trees reveal their luxurious greens. At night when the sky is dotted with stars, and people can see the Milky Way spanning from the north to the south. On each bank of it is a bright star, which see each other from afar. They are the Cowherd and Weaver Maid, and about them there is a beautiful love story passed down from generation to generation. Long, long ago, there was an honest and kind-hearted fellow named Niu Lang (Cowhand). His parents died when he was a child. Later he was driven out of his home by his sister-in-law. So he lived by himself herding cattle and farming. One day, a fairy from heaven Zhi Nu (Weaver Maid) fell in love with him and came down secretly to earth and married him. The cowhand farmed in the field and the Weaver Maid wove at home. They lived a happy life and gave birth to a boy and a girl.Unfortunately, the God of Heaven soon found out the fact and ordered the Queen Mother of the Western Heavens to bring the Weaver Maid back. With the help of celestial cattle, the Cowhand flew to heaven with his son and daughter. At the time when he was about to catch up with his wife, the Queen Mother took off one of her gold hairpins and made a stroke. One billowy river appeared in front of the Cowhand. The Cowhand and Weaver Maid were separated on the two banks forever and could only feel their tears. Their loyalty to love touched magpies, so tens of thousands of magpies came to build a bridge for the Cowhand and Weaver Maid to meet each other. The Queen Mother was eventually moved and allowed them to meet each year on the 7th of the 7th lunarmonth. Hence their meeting date has been called "Qi Xi" (Double Seventh). Scholars have shown the Double Seventh Festival originated from the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD220). Historical documents from the Eastern Jin Dynasty (AD371-420) mention the festival, while records from the Tang Dynasty (618-907) depict the grand evening banquet of Emperor Taizong and his concubines. By the Song (960-1279) and Yuan (1279-1368) dynasties, special articles for the "Qi Xi" were seen being sold on markets in the capital. The bustling markets demonstrated the significance of the festival. Today some traditional customs are still observed in rural areas of China, but have been weakened or diluted in urban cities. However, the legend of the Cowhand and Weaver Maid has taken root in the hearts of the people. In recent years, in particular, urban youths have celebrated it as Valentine's Day in China. As a result, owners of flower shops, bars and stores are full of joy as they sell more commodities for love.


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 七夕节英文简单介绍 篇一:七夕节用英语怎么说 七夕节用英语怎么说?如何用英文发七夕节祝福短信 农历七月初七这一天是人们俗称的七夕节,又叫乞巧节,也被大家称为中国的情人节。首先阿卡索外教网祝所有的朋友们,爱情甜蜜,天长地久。接下来,阿卡索外教老师教教大家七夕节用英语怎么说,并为大家准备些有关七夕节英文祝福短信,希望大家喜欢。 七夕节用英语怎么说? 1.Double-seventhDay 2.chineseValentinesDay 而外国朋友常常会这样说: happynightofsevens!七夕节快乐! 对女孩子可以这样问候: happyFestivaltopleadforskills!乞巧节快乐! 七夕节英文祝福短信

1.Ilovethreethingsinthisworld:sun,moonandyou.sunfor morning,moonfornight,andyouforever. 在这个世界上我喜欢三件事,太阳、月亮和你。太阳是白昼,月亮是夜晚,而你是我的永远 2.Totheworldyoumaybeoneperson,buttoonepersonyoumayb etheworld. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界 3.whenItellyouIloveyou,Idontsayitoutofhabit,ortomak econversation.Isayittoremindyouthatyourethebestthin gthateverhappenedtome. 说我爱你,不是出于习惯,也不是没话找话。我这样说只是为了提醒你,爱上你是我生命中最美好的事情。 4.Icantwaittospendtherestofmylifewithyou. 我已经迫不及待的想和你共度余生了。 5.we’llmakeourownfairytale. 我们要书写属于我们的童话 篇二:浪漫七夕节的英文介绍 浪漫七夕节的英文介绍:一年一度浪漫的七夕节,与恋人相依相偎共同度过,心中满是甜蜜的滋味。你知道七夕节


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 七夕节的习俗英语 篇一:七夕节的习俗:七夕节“乞巧”的风俗及相关英语表达 七夕“乞巧”的风俗由来已久,年轻女孩子们在这一天乞求的,不仅仅是巧夺天工的好手艺,还会乞求一段美好姻缘。似乎是TVb剧中经常出现七夕之夜女子祈求姻缘的桥段~不知道今年七夕,有多少人会在星空之下默默祈祷呢? 七夕“乞巧”的风俗: onthatnight,unmarriedgirlsprayedtotheweavingmaidsta rforthespecialgift.whenthestarVegawashighupinthesky ,girlsperformedasmalltestbyplacinganeedleonthewater ssurface:Iftheneedledidnotsink,thegirlwasconsidered tobereadytofindahusband.onceayear,onthisday,girlsco uldwishforanythingtheirheartsdesired. 七夕之夜,未婚女子通常会向织女星乞巧,也会乞求姻缘。她们将一根针放在水面上,倘若针不下沉的话,她们就

能得偿所愿。据说这一晚女孩子们能祈求任何心愿成真。七夕“乞巧”的风俗相关英语表达: 这里“乞巧”的这个“乞”,我们可以说beg,也可以用plead这个词,pleadtobeendowedwithperfectsewingskills.貌似这两个词都和浪漫气氛不符哦,plead其实更常见于法 庭上,律师为某人辩护,就是pleadonescase;而那句我们 耳熟能详的“不认罪”,则是pleadnotguilty,反之“认罪”就是pleadguilty——注意这里的用法,比较特殊哦,是在 动词plead后面直接加形容词guilty——法官就会经常问这句话:Doyoupleadguiltyornotguilty?你可认罪?(好有 包大人的风范啊~) 也有一个更常见的情况,就是被告人pleadinsanity, 以精神失常为借口,试图减轻刑罚。回到七夕乞巧的风俗吧,乞巧是为了精进自己的女红手艺,女红(注意啊注意啊,这里的“红”读音是“工”,不要读错了哦)也就是针线活, 用英语说就是doingneedlework。印象中女红活儿就是刺绣(embroider)吧,不知道现在还有多少女孩子会刺绣活儿呢?似乎大家都更prefer简单易学的十字绣(cross-stitch)了。那么,学十字绣的话,也是需要乞一下巧的吧…… 至于祈求姻缘,这个恐怕还是要看缘分哦,如果两个人是predestinedtobetogether,那么是无论如何都会相遇并 相爱的吧。在这里祝天下有情人终成眷属吧!


七夕节用英语怎么说? 七夕节用英语怎么说?七夕节怎么翻译? Chinese Valentine's Day、Double-Seventh Day、Double Seventh Night、Tanabata festival; 每年阴历7月7日就是七夕节,目前被广泛地称之为中国的“情人节”。 鹊桥The Magpie-Bridge 牛郎星Altair 织女星Vega 织女Weaving maid 牛郎Cowherd 银河The Milky Way 七仙女Seven celestial princesses 织女星的英文为:The star Vega 天鹰座的英文为:constellation of Aquila 七夕节按阴历的,即每年阴历的七月初七,目前被广泛地称之为中国的“情人节”。2009年的七夕节在阳历的8月26号(星期三)。 VALENTINE''S Day in China, the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, falls on August 7 this year. That is, on Thursday evening, Niu Lang and Zhi Nu will meet on a bridge of magpies(鹊桥)across the Milky Way(银河). Chinese grannies will remind children that they would not be able to see any magpies on that evening because all the magpies have left to form a bridge in the heavens with their wings. 经典中英文祝福、表白 1. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢和你在一起时的感觉。


七夕节牛郎织女故事的英语介绍 Rumour has it that the cowboy’s parents died in the primetime ,he was ill-treated by his brother and sister-in- law. Oneday ,his cow counseled him to marry the weaver . The dayarrived,thebeautiful fairymaidens had abath in the river as thecow told . And the cowboy took the fairy’s cloth away suddenly.The fairymaidenswereata loss,they hurriedto puton theclothandfliedawayexcepttheweaver.The weaveragreedthecowboy’sproposa l under the cowboy’s begging. They lived happily afterthe marriage while man tilled the farm and woman weaved .Theylooked aftered each other . The weaver gave a birth to a boyand a girl. Later ,the cow asked them preserve his skin before hisdeath.They can use it when they were in emergency.. They buriedthe cow in tears . 1/ 1


七夕用英语怎么说? 七夕,这个古老的节日近几年再度受到热捧,星空之上的爱情故事看来的确比大洋彼岸的情人节更加让我们心动~如何用英语介绍这个美丽的传说呢?一起来学学“七夕”用英语怎么说吧! Chinese Valentine's Day falls on the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunarcalendar. In China, this day is also known as "The Begging Festival". 阴历7月7日是中国的情人节——七夕。在中国,七夕又称“乞巧”节。 The seventh daughter of the Emperor of Heaven, the Weaving Maid, and an orphanedcowherdwere separated by the Emperor; the girl was forced to move to the star Vega and the cowherd, to the star Altair. They were only allowed to meet on the magpiebridge over the Milky Way once a year on the day of seventh day of seventh lunar month - Chinese Valentine's Day. 七夕的来历,是因为玉皇大帝的女儿织女爱上了穷小子牛郎,两人被强行分开,一年之中,只有七夕当晚才能在鹊桥上见面。 七夕用英语有几种说法: Chinese Valentine's Day 和 Double Seventh Festival 七夕关键词: lunar calendar:阴历,现在通行的阳历是solar calendar。lunar表示“月亮的”,英文名Luna其实是月亮女神的名字,有取这个名字的女生是不是觉得很开心呢? cowherd:放牛人,也即牛郎;同样的一个词是shepherd,羊倌,两个词都有一个-herd后缀,herd有“放牧人”的意思,不过通常都是作为后缀来构成“XX牧人”的词。 magpie:喜鹊,帮助牛郎织女见面的大功臣哦。虽然在七夕的传说中,喜鹊给情人们带来幸福,但是magpie这个词却有一个贬义的用法,就是用来形容话多的人:She chatters like a magpie. 她说起话来就没个完。


中国七夕节的地道英文表达 七夕在网上有很多种翻译方法: Tanabata七夕 Qixi Festival(七夕节) Double Seventh Festival(双七节) Magpie Festival(喜鹊节) 其实这些翻译都有舍近求远之嫌,不了解中国文化的外国人是不会明白的。七夕节的地道英文究竟是啥? 如果你用有道词典查的话,肯定会看到下面四个词条: Tanabata Double Seventh Festival the Chinese Valentine's Day Double Seven Day 像这样网络词典给出的网络表达,我们不能拿来直接用,必须要先辨别对错。 Tanabata 这个词也是七夕的意思,但指的是日本的七夕节。 Tanabata (七夕, meaning "Evening of the seventh"), also known as the Star Festival, is a Japanese festival. 日本的七夕节起源于咱们中国的七夕,七夕是中国的情人节,可是在日本,却和情人节沾不上什么边。和日本新年一样,七夕可以许愿,把心愿写在纸条上,然后挂在树上。

除了日本,韩国也过七夕,英文是:Chilseok,英文解释是这样滴:a Korean traditional festival which falls on the seventh day of the seventh month of the Korean lunisolar calendar. 我们再来看看中国的七夕,英文是什么样的呢? 以下新闻摘自BBC官网(节选) Celebrated this year on August 15, the Chinese Saint Valentine's Day was created in memory of two ancient lovers who were separated by a goddess and only allowed to meet once a year. Many Chinese also commemorate the Western Valentine's Day on February 14, with shop owners and florists cashing on the rush of flowers and gifts for loved or desired ones and restaurants fully booked. 今年8月25日是中国的情人节(七夕),是为了纪念两位被天神分开的、每年只允许见面一次的恋人。 许多中国人也在2月14日庆祝西方情人节,店主和花商们纷纷为心爱或心仪的人兑换鲜花和礼物,餐厅也已被预订一空。 the Chinese Saint Valentine's Day中国情人节(七夕)。个人认为,这是最务实,最有效率的翻译方法。类似地,“梁山伯与祝英台”其实翻译为Chinese Romeo and Juliet(中国的罗密欧与朱丽叶)就可以了。


精选七夕节英语作文带翻译-快乐的七夕 Just had the Chinese valentine's day, also really a little wanting more. Why is that? Because the Chinese valentine's day had is so interesting! In the morning, I get up early, after washing, go shopping with her mother, a big meal and prepared for us. My mother and I bought a chicken, fish, a lot of vegetables, and of course my favorite prawns. At home, I will help my mother to wash the dishes, dad's boy, my mother cooking. Busy morning, we have a big meal preparation, remain open to eat. At this time a little stomach began to make. Mother heard say with smile: "that we began to eat!" Caocao washing my hands and sat on the table, waiting to eat. Wow, when I eat, is already three o 'clock in the afternoon. Because have nothing to do, I just turned on the computer. Online about the lover's blessing is figure, of course, I will bless them. Then I chat with my QQ friends, and about the Tanabata. The sun is setting, the mother also clamour for Internet access, I will let to her. Oh, how happy, how interesting Chinese valentine's day!! 刚刚过了七夕,还真有点意犹未尽。为什么呢?因为这个七夕过 得实在是太有趣了! 早上,我早早起床,洗刷完毕,就和妈妈一起去买东西,为我们 的丰盛大餐而准备。我和妈妈买了鸡、鱼,很多蔬菜,当然还有我最 爱吃的大虾。回到家,我就帮妈妈洗菜,爸爸打下手,妈妈炒菜。忙 了一上午,我们的丰盛大餐准备完毕,就剩开吃了。这时不争气的肚


七夕节的习俗英文简介|七夕节习俗用英 语怎么表达 以下内容是由节假日编辑整理提供的七夕节的习俗英文简介,希望可以帮到你! Ingenuity test by floating needle(投针验巧) Ingenuity test by floating needle is one of the common customs on the festival. Put some water in a vessel and leave it in the open air until it is covered by a film of dust. Then cast a needle or thin straw on it to see the pattern of the shadow at the bottom, so as to test their ingenuity 验巧方法 “投针验巧”:先准备一只面盆,放在天井里,倒入“鸳鸯水”,即把白天取的水和夜间取的水混合在一起。但常常把河水、井水混在一起倒入面盆就算成了,面盆和水要露天过夜,再经第二天即七月初七白天太阳一晒,到中午或下午就可以“验巧”了。 原来面盆里的水,经过半天太阳光照射,表面依稀生成薄膜,于是取引线(即“缝衣针”),轻轻平放在水面上,针不会下沉,水底下,就出现针影,这针影若是笔直的一条,即是“乞巧”失败,若是针影形成各种形状,或弯曲,或一

头粗,一头细,或是其他图形,便是“得巧”。www. Pleading for Skills by Threading a Needle 穿针乞巧 In order to plead for skills, threading a needle(穿针乞巧) is the most long-standing means. It tests the speed of threading a needle under the moon. It is said that the needles used in the contest are the seven-hole needle of the Han Dynasty or the nine-tail needle of the Yuan Dynasty. With more holes than ordinary needles, they are rather hard to handle. 验巧方法: 七夕之夜,女子手执五色丝线和连续排列的九孔针(或五孔针、七孔针)趁月光对月连续穿针引线,将线快速全部穿过者称为“得巧”。 Cobweb as the Determinant(喜蛛应巧) Pleading for skills with cobweb is another common custom in the festival, in which everybody puts a spider into a locket and waits until the next morning to see if there is cobweb and if any, how it looks. The one with a most round cobweb of the most mesh


中国七夕节的英语作文1 "Valentine's Day" is a misreading of the festival, far less is called "Chinese festival of love" more appropriate some. July 7th in Chinese has 2000 years of history, also known as the "Festival" "daughter Festival", also called "double seven" "sweet day" "week" "Qiao Xi" "double seven" "blue night" "needle" and so on, more and more people, especially young people know and understand the cultural connotation of the festival. "Tanabata", she is not Valentine's day, but should be the festival of love. In this love fast-food era, let this break through traditional Chinese virtues of love festival awaken that the pure and beautiful feeling! 中国七夕节的英语作文2 The Double Seventh Festival,on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month,is a traditional festival full of romance. It often goes into August in the Gregorian calendar. This festival is in mid-summer when the weather is warm and the grass and trees reveal their luxurious greens. At night when the sky is dotted with stars,and people can see the Milky Way spanning from the north to the south. On each bank of it is a bright star,which see each other from afar. They are the Cowherd and Weaver Maid,and about them there is a beautiful love story passed down from generation to generation. Long,long ago,there was an honest and kind-hearted fellow named Niu Lang (Cowhand)。His parents died when he was a child. Later he was driven out of his home by his sister-in-law. So he lived by himself herding cattle and farming. One day,a fairy from heaven Zhi Nu (Weaver Maid) fell in love with him and came down secretly to earth and married him. The cowhand farmed in the field and the Weaver Maid wove at home. They lived a happy life and gave birth to a boy and a girl. Unfortunately,the God of Heaven soon found out the fact and ordered the Queen Mother of the Western Heavens to bring the Weaver Maid back. With the help of celestial cattle,the Cowhand flew to heaven with his son and daughter. At the time when he was about to catch up with his wife,the Queen Mother took off one of her gold hairpins and made a stroke. One billowy river
