

Components of large C Culture :

Social institutions and organizations.

Language and other communication systems.

Customs, habits and behavioral patterns.

Value systems, world views, national traits, aesthetic standards, thinking patterns.

Knowledge about nature and man himself and artistic development.

Culture Onion

Dutch scholar Fons Trompenaars (1998) describes culture in three layers:

a) The outer layer: the explicit culture products, which refer to the observable things like language, food, buildings, house, monuments, agriculture, markets, fashion and art, which are the symbols of

a deeper level of culture.

b) The middle layer: norms and values, reflected by the explicit factors

c) The core: assumptions about culture. From the fundamental relationship with the nature, mankind likes the core: meaning of life. Thus, in this sense "culture is anything but nature ." Characteristics of Culture

1. Culture is transmissible

2. Culture is shared. Members of a culture share a set of ideas, values, and standards of behaviors, and this set is what gives meaning to their lives, and what bonds them together as a culture.

3. Culture is mostly learned unconsciously /acquired.

Culture is learned, not inherited(遗传的). It derives from one’s social environment, not from one’s genes.

4.Culture is symbolic.

5. Culture is integrated. To keep the culture functioning, all aspects of the culture must be integrated.

6. Culture is dynamic. Culture is subject to change. It’s dynamic rather than static(静态的), constantly changing and evolving under the impact of events and through contact with other cultures. It changes through three most common mechanisms: innovation(创新), diffusion(传播)and acculturation(文化适应).

7. Culture is ethnocentric(民族中心主义的).

8.Culture is the guiding principles for actions.

Key terms

Enculturation(社会文化适应):Enculturation is the socialization process you go through to adapt to your society. (社会文化适应指人们学习适应自己所在社会的文化的社会化过程)。Acculturation(文化适应):

Acculturation, or cultural adaptation, refers to an individual’s learning and adapting to the norms and values of the new host culture. (文化适应指人们学习和适应新文化的社会规范和价值观念的过程)。

Separation and segregation(分离和隔离):the maintaining one’s original culture and not participating in the new culture. (指在文化适应过程中保留了原有文化,完全没有接受和习得新文化)。

Integration (文化整合): It takes place when individuals become an integral part of the new culture while maintaining their culture integrity. (文化整合指人们在文化适应过程中成为新文化中的一部分,同时又保留了自己文化的完整性)。

Assimilation (文化同化):It is the degree to which an individual relinguishes an original culture

for another. When individuals are assimilated into the mainstream culture, they lose their previous culture. (文化同化指人们放弃原有文化接受新文化的程度。一旦被主流文化同化,人们就失去了原有的文化)。

Marginalization(边缘化):Marginalization or deculturation refers to losing one’s cultural identity and not having any psychological contact with the larger society. (边缘化指人们不仅失去自己原有的文化身份,而且与广大社会失去了心理联系)。

Culture shock(文化冲击,文化休克)It refers to the traumatic experience that an individual may encounter when entering a different culture. (文化冲击指人们在进入一种新文化环境中遭遇的痛苦和难忘的经历)。

Key terms

Intercultural competences:refer to the ability to understand and adapt the target culture; in another word, it refers to the sensitivity to cultural diversity, i.e. the ability to behave in an appropriate way and to adapt to one’s communication and interaction according to the context.(跨文化能力指的是理解和适应目标文化的能力,换句话说,它指的是对于文化多样性的敏感性。例如,根据具体的交际环境,恰当的得体的行为和对于交际与交往的适应)。

Communicative competence is part of social competence, which is an individual ability, i.e. behavior and skills, to control his or her social environment. (交际能力是社会能力的一部分,是个体的能力,例如行为或者技巧,来控制他或者他的社会环境)。

Intercultural communication competence involves cognitive, affective and operational aspects, which are inseparable. (跨文化交际能力涉及到认知的,情感的和行为能力,他们是密不可分的)。

Definition of communication

1. It comes from the Latin word “communicate”, it means to give or to exchange. Now, the most common meaning of “communication”is to give or exchange information or ideas.

2. Communication is our ability to share our ideas and feelings. (the basis of all human contact)

3. Communication is a dynamic, systematic process in which meanings are created and reflected in human interaction with symbols.

4. Communication is the exchange of messages between peoples for the purpose of achieving common meaning.

Components of Communication

1. Source

2. Encoding

3. Message

4. Channel

5. Noise

6. Receiver

7. Decoding

8. Receiver response 9. Feedback 10. Context.

Mode of communication

Linear Model of Communication; Interactive Model of Communication

Verbal communication: communication done both orally and in written language

Nonverbal communication: communication whose messages are not conveyed in words. Characteristics of communication

1) Communication is dynamic 2) Communication is interactive 3) Communication is irreversible 4) Communication takes place in both a physical and social context Communication is rule-governed

Symbols or codes are the basic ingredients of communication.

Communication can not be retrieved

Communication takes place in both a physical and a social context

Communication does not take place in a vaccum.

Definition: Intercultural communication

1. Intercultural communication refers to communication between people of different cultural backgrounds.

2. Intercultural communication is communication between people whose cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.

Forms of intercultural communication

1. Interracial Communication

2. Interethnic Communication (民族间的交际,属同一人种但属不同民族,中国各兄弟民族间的交往)

3. Intra-cultural Communication

4. inter-regional communication

Features of Intercultural communication

1. It is a universal phenomenon.

2. The communication between cultures has a long history.

3. Intercultural communication is a common daily occurrence.

An Outline of Chinese Culture

Chinese history began with two legendary figures—Emperor Huang(黄帝)and Emperor Yan(炎帝) How Yao and Shun Passed the Thrones to the Worthy and the Capable(尧、舜禅让)How Yu, the Great, Conquered the Flood(大禹治水)

四书:The Four Books, namely, The Great Leaning(《大学》), The Doctrine of the Mean (《中庸》), The Analects of Confucius(《论语》), and Mencius(《孟子》)

五经:The Five Classics, namely, The Book of Songs/Odes(《诗经》), The Book of History(《书经》/《尚书》), The Book of Changes(《易经》I Ching ), The Book of Rites(《礼记》), and The Spring and Autumn Annals(《春秋》)

The Literary Achievements during Ming and Qing Dynasties

We boast the representative masterpieces as the four great novels of the Ming Dynasty Outlaws of the Marsh by Shi Naian, T he Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong, Journey to the West by Wu Cheng’en and Jin Ping Mei by Xiao Xiaosheng, which shows that novel writing had reached maturity.

The Qing Dynasty featured with such works as The Scholars, a satirical novel by Wu Jingzi and Cao Xueqin’s A Dream of Red Mansions. Pu Songling’s collection of short stories about ghosts and fox spirits(demons), Strange Tales from the Carefree Studio, through these tales the author censures(谴责)the evils of the society he lived in.

Culture shock

Definition:Culture shock is precipitated (使…突然陷入;促成) by the anxiety that results from losing all our familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse.

Culture shock also can be defined as “the physical and emotional d iscomfort one suffers when going to live in another country or place and is something all international students will face.

The term “culture shock”can be defined in another way as certain needs and requirements that are not being met by foreign culture and society.

Culture shock refers to the anxiety experienced when one experiences the loss of their home culture, family and support system and is confronted with the task of understanding a new culture. Four stages for Culture Shock

1.euphoria(〔心〕欣快症,异常欣快--蜜月期). In this stage, you are excited about living in a different place, and everything seems to be marvelous. You like everything, and everybody seems to be so nice to you. Also, the amusement of life in a new culture seems to have no ending.

2. a downturn(下降趋势,下转)as disillusionment arise. This is called the Frustration Stage/ Crisis /Hostility Stage. You begin to notice that not everything is as good as you had originally thought it was. You become tired of many things about the new culture. Moreover, people don't treat you like a guest anymore. Everything that seemed to be so wonderful at first is now awful, and everything makes you feel distressed and tired. You may encounter many problems in transportation, shopping, or interpersonal communication. You may feel that people may no longer care about your problem, and they don’t like foreigners. You may start to complain and reject the host culture. Physical symptoms including aches and pains in limbs, headaches, fatigue and lack of energy, loss of appetite, inability to get a good night’s sleep/insomnia, stomach upsets, and frequent colds or flu. Regression: You spend much of your time speaking your own language, watching video from your home country, and eating food from home. You may remember only the good thing about your home country

3. Adjustment/Recovery.

The third stage is characterized by gaining some understanding of the new culture. A new feeling of pleasure and sense of humor may be experienced. One may start to feel a certain psychological balance. You may not feel as lost and starts to have a feeling of direction. The individual is more familiar with the environment and wants to belong. You start feeling more positive, and you try to develop comprehension of everything you don't understand. The whole situation starts to become more favorable; you recover from the symptoms of the first two stages, and you adjust yourself to the new norms, values, and even beliefs and traditions of the new country. You begin to see that even though the distinction of the culture is different from your own, it has elements that you can learn to appreciate.

4. integration

After you went through a series of emotional ups and downs, that is to say you have experienced the previous three distinct stages of emotional change, you have reached a point where you actually feel good because you have learned enough to understand the new culture. You can understand and accept the things that initially made you feel uncomfortable or strange. This lessens much of the stress. Now you feel comfortable and have adjusted to the new culture. You find your new cultural identity.

How to Deal with Cultural Shock?

1. Be aware of the symptoms

2. Develop friendships with people around you

3. Have a sense of humor

4. Ask questions about social customs

5. Take a course or read a book on inter-cultural communication

6. Develop positive attitude (open-minded)

7. Spare time for relaxation 8. Go to the outside and try to look for something you are interested in

Origins of surnames:看名字是根据什么原因取的

a) The totems worshiped by ancestors: In primitive society, people took many natural phenomena or animals as the totems;云、水、龙、熊、牛、马、骆、鹿、羊、鱼

b) The country/state established by or manor(封地) conferred to the ancestors. 秦、楚、

齐、鲁、吴、宋、郑、卫、陈、晋、燕. In manors, people used the manor name as their surname:范、荀、隋、赵、韩、魏、上官、屈.

c) One’s ancestor’s title of nobility:王、侯.

d) One’s ancestor’s official post:司马、司徒、司空、上官、尉、帅.

e) The name of the ancestor’s residential place:西门、东门、东方、南宫、池、江、西廓.

f) Ancestor’s occupation:陶、士、巫、师、商、乐.

g) The transliteration of the surname(double-surname)from minority nationality:呼延、宇文、慕容、长孙、尉迟、独孤.

h) Some surname of minority nationality become a typical Han surname:爱新觉罗→金、罗、艾、洪.

implication and cultural notions in names

an ambition, a will, morality(操守):achievement:refinement(脱俗): distinguishedness(出众): longevity(长寿)

Some cultural notions contained in names

a) ancestry-worshipping(崇祖) notion b) Confucianism-worshipping(崇儒)

c) Success-seeking (建功立业) notion: d) Virtue advocating notion: e) Luck notion:

f) Jade-loving(崇玉) notion: g) Notion of longing for official

Style(字) Style, as an addition to the name, is taken at the age of 20. Style can meet the need of ethics of respecting seniors. In ancient times, King/emperor could address his subjects by their names, the senior do the inferior. Reversely, the inferior had to address the senior by their styles. People of the same generation(平辈) also address each other by styles.

Assumed name (号) Assumed name is an interesting phenomenon. Before Tang Dynasty, only some scholars (文人雅士)。Up to the middle of Northern Song Dynasty, assumed names boomed, attributed to 欧阳修、苏轼、王安石。

Name and style(字)were given by one’s senior(尊长),but they can’t reflect one’s characteristics, interests ambitions(志趣),experience etc. in his adulthood. An assumed name can do that.

About English names

1)About surname

The origins of surnames are as follows:

Place of identity : Some names indicate where the person came from, e.g., Norman , Moor, Hall, Chesterfield , and Wood.

Occupation: Cook, Clark, Taylor, Smith, Turner(车削工),Butler(配膳师), Thatcher(盖屋顶者), Chandler(蜡烛/肥皂制造商), and Cooper

Family relationships:Surnames were also coined from first names to indicate family relationships, as Robertson ,Donaldson, MacDonald, O’Patrick, Watkins, Thomas

Ethnic identity: English names: the name plus “son”, as Robertson, Donaldson, Scottish names : “Mac”, or “Mc”added before the name, as MacDonald ; Irish names : “O”placed before the name ,as O’Patrick.

Personal characteristic: Long, Little, Young, Moody, Fox, Brown, Rich, and Newman Culture and Taboos

1) Social taboos:

A) In English-speaking countries, if you want to visit somebody, you should make an appointment in advance. The unexpected visit was/is not acceptable.

B )People in English-speaking countries are expected to avoid talking shop

C) In English-speaking country, Christians regard suicide as sin, so suicide is not an appropriate topic.

D) In social communication, Westerners avoid talking about privacy which includes age, income, wealth, marriage, love affairs.

E) Chinese care about some faults, bad habits, just as an old Chinese saying goes “When you beat somebody, avoid hitting him in the face, when you speak, don’t rake up (重提不愉快之事,翻旧账)other’s faults”

In English-speaking communities, there are some social taboos:

(1)It is unlucky to have a black cat cross the road in front of you.

(2) The bride should not see the husband on the morning before the wedding.

(3) The killing of crickets in the house will bring bad luck.

(4) To pass under a ladder brings bad luck. (从梯子下面走过会带来厄运。)

(5) Lighting three cigarettes from one match brings bad luck to the third person.

(6) To break a mirror brings seven years' bad luck. (打碎镜子会带来7年厄运。)

(7) Opening an umbrella in the house is bad luck. (在屋中撑伞会倒霉。)

2) Taboo in public situations.

“First come, first served(先来后到)”;

Sneezing is a normal physiological reaction /phenomenon.

3) taboos about diet

The Chinese almost eat any animal and even the internal organs of animals. But people from English-speaking counties don’t like fat, and the skin, feet head and internal organs, some animal’s meat such as dog’s meat, snake’s meat. They dislike garlic and vinegar and strange soups. When the mouth is full of food, one should not utter(中国人“食不言,咽不语”.). Chinese shouldn’t rap the empty bowls with chopsticks for that’s what a beggar does.

During the dinner, the diners should not belch(打嗝), loosen the belt and go to the toilet.

At a Cantonese dinner, the diners should not eat chicken head, wings and tail, but leave them to the seniors in the family.

For the Spring Festival dinner, there must be a dish of fish implying “年年有余”. “鱼”and “余”are homophonic characters in Chinese.

For some local wedding dinner, the fish head, tail and fish bones are not allowed to be eaten, because people hope that the new couple will remain a devoted couple to the end of their lives (白头偕老),a complete couple(有头有尾).

In some places, the cooked fish in a dish is not allowed to be turned over or it may imply the ship will capsize(翻船). It’s a taboo for fishermen.

Tea water is Chinese’s favorite drink, northern Chinese like jasmine tea (茉莉花茶/花茶),the southern Chinese prefer green tea or black tea.

For those who know about sado (茶道,tea culture), they won’t like to mix other things like milk, sugar with tea, but would enjoy the pure tea. The tea made the previous day won’t be drunk next day (隔夜茶), it’s harmful to health.

Chinese care about the way of drinking tea: to sip tea (呷茗)not drink unrestrainedly(牛饮).

It’s believed in the West and the East, that tea can predict something, though it’s somewhat superstitions if the tea stalks in a cup float/stand upright (erect), the tea drinker will be pleased for

it’s a omen that a distinguished guest is coming.

The British people think, if someone happened to (无意中) cover (covered accidentally) a tea-pot, it predicts an unexpected visitor will arrive.

If two women share the tea in the same pot, that means one of them or someone from either family will give birth to a child by the end of the year. It hints an unexpected guest is to come.

When the stalk is hard, the comer is male, if the stalk is soft, it will be a female visitor.

In Japan,for no reason can you insert chopsticks vertically into the food. Because this is an inauspicious sign. Moreover,it is thought to be an impolite behavior when you suck the end of a chopstick.

Everyone, whether you are Muslim or non-Muslim, should take off your shoes when entering into the mosque. Visitors should follow the Muslim style of dress: men should wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts; women should cover all their exposed skin.

4) taboo about gift-presenting

The number of flowers should be odd(单数), for it’s believed t he even number will result in misfortune/bad luck.

White flowers are denied because the white color symbolizes misfortune or death. So one is not expected to give white flowers to the patient in hospital.

If you are invited to a France family for dinner, you can bring some flowers, but untied. Do not bring the chrysanthemum; they’re only to be used at the funeral in France.

Purple flowers are the flowers of death in Mexico

On the international occasions, these two kinds of flowers 石竹花pink 杜鹃花Azalea are not the proper gifts for guests as the French people think it will bring forth disasters. Convallaria majalis(铃兰花) are not the suitable gift for friends as it implies the termination of friendship


花even Odd Even,misfortune/bad luck.

白花Deny,hospital misfortune or death

German tulips the merciless flowers

France chrysanthemum untied funeral

French 石竹花pink 杜鹃花

Azalea, 菊花forth disasters. 哀悼

friends Convallaria majalis(铃兰花) the termination of friendship

Polish dried or withered flowers the end of friendship Brazilian Purple flowers funerals as the symbol of death. Europe the ones with strong aroma patients

Europe Small flowers/big flowers mid-aged people/ the young Europe Lotus for sacrifice

The Easter potted






Latin American handkerchief,knives, scissors

and other gifts like these

small household


your friendship to an end.

linked to tears.

The Russians Sending money


single number

Bread and salt


charity and insult.


Men to women perfumes, dresses and


embarrass other people

Chinese Clocks or watches

5) taboo about festival

The Westerners especially value the New Year’s Day

They are very careful about this day that can ensure good luck in the coming year. They believe what kind of person the first visitor to their house is a person with black hair, or at least it’s the black –haired friend or acquaintance, he will bring the host good luck: If the first visitor is a woman, it also will be the evil omen for the new year.

If a family member acts as the first visitor, he will be sent out of the house before midnight to make some preparation. He should carry some gifts not necessarily expensive such as bread symbolizing ample food and clothing(丰衣足食) or coin/salt as the symbol of wealth and fortune.

6)religions taboo:

In the Bible, there are the records of The Ten Commandments《上帝十诫》reported(转述) by Moses (摩西):十诫大意:

(1) 不可崇拜上帝以外的其它神(2) 不可敬拜偶像(3) 不可妄称上帝的名字

(4) 当守安息日(5) 当孝敬父母(6) 不可杀人(7) 不可奸淫

(8) 不可偷盗(9) 不可作假证害人10) 不可贪恋他人财产

For Catholicism/-city, t here other taboos: with 2-3 week after the funeral, the deceased’s relatives/family members should avoid interviewing guests, joining in large-scaled party or ball party.

Catholic priests are not allowed to get married. Most Italians are are catholic who don’t use Christmas Tree but play with toys.

According to the diet taboos described in Islam’s Koran, the dirty animals such as pigs/swines, donkeys, mules and dogs are not edible, the oxen, sheep, chicken, ducks and birds slaughtered without killers’chanting the name of Allah(未诵安拉之名而宰杀) ;the banning of eating tigers, leopards, wolves, eagles, and snakes; the inland Islams cannot eat the fish without scales and gills(无鳞无鳃鱼) and other fish that don’t look like fish (e.g. seafoods ) ;

Also in Koran, alcohol drinking is forbidden, a devout Muslim won’t touch and sell alcohol drinks. So no alcohol drinks are served at the Muslims’banquets and the hosts will not propose a toast(敬酒)。

For Muslimism/ Moslem/Muslin, there are some taboos: they don’t eat pork, and animal blood, wine and drink with alcohol, don’t worship idol, Moslems are not allowed to get married with close relatives, and the followers/ disciples of other religions.

Some religions—including Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and various branches of Christianity such as the Methodists(卫礼公会), the Baptists,—forbid or discourage the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Female Moslems usually stay at home instead of working outside, they should avoid gazing at

males, instead they should lower vision while coming across male Moslems, male and female Moslems are not supposed to embrace each other in public, a woman should veil her face in the presence of strangers;

Only veiled women are allowed to enter the mosque. Men shaking hands with women is considered a taboo by the Moslem countries.






When meeting a lama, it is not appropriate to hug him or shake hands with him, but a namaste (合十礼).

In Tibet, whistling in the house is thought to be inauspicious. People whistle only when they are exorcising evil spirits(驱邪).

In Tibet, smoking, consuming alcohol or making unnecessary noise in a monastery.

Touching, walking over or sitting on any religious texts, objects or prayer flags(幡经)in a monastery.

Causing anything to be killed in a monastery.

Intrusive photography of a monastery especially when people are performing religious ceremonies. Always ask for permission.

Harming vultures(秃鹫), or yaks(牦牛)and sheep wearing red, yellow or green cloth. Stepping on the threshold(门槛)when entering a Tibetan house.

Do not watch a sky burial without permission. If it is allowed, do not take photos.

People should keep quiet on the top of mountains. It is believed that loud noise will result in heavy snow, storms or hail.

Clapping hands (鼓掌)behind others is also considered impolite.

Do not use paper printed with Tibetan language to scrub anything

Spitting before somebody.

Placing trash in the fire.

Public displays of affection.

Wearing shorts.

Women should not shake their skirts in front of others. It will bring bad luck to other people. Never touch the head of another person.

Colors and Taboos

color symbol orange vigor

red Vitality and fierce love, purple respect and good wishes

pink faithful love, yellow contempt.


Chinese white mourning”

(funeral/death). red happiness and joy,enthusiasm,

stimulation (bull - fighting),

excitement, courage/ bravery

West red imperious(专横),

irritable(暴躁), and


white purity, virtues and marital happiness American red implies “stop”

Male married Green hat his wife commits


Chinese Back,dark mystery, seriousness and


dark solemnity and justice

West dark death, ill omen and


Brazil Purple,dark

brown,yellow Sadness,unfortunate,desperate

American Purple,yellow

yellow gown Judas

Islams yellow the death green get rid of evil spirit or diseases,the

green area in deserts

Bulgarians bright green he non-government

primary identification

Peasant Party

Japan lily ,black and

white, green

and deep grey


Malaysian yellow death

Singapore purple, Black,

white, yellow

United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain, Iran,Qatar, Yemen and Oman

pink, purple

and yellow

negative brown,

black and

green, blue

and red and

white colors


Egyptians black and blue

purple, green,white, red, orange

Romania black negative connotation. White/red/

green pure and simple, love, hope, yellow as a caution

Italian purple green and


French 黄色,”13”red, elegant, fashion and gorgeous, noble

yellow and

blue colors

China yellow honor and respect(尊贵), solemnity,

monarchical power(君权),


Rome yellow indispensable religious color. America yellow expectation, missing of relatives and



菊花,认为它是不祥之花, 但德国人和荷兰人对菊花却十分偏爱。




德国蓝色的矢车菊(国花), 不要把白色玫瑰花送朋友的太太,因为它是赠送情人的礼品,也避免用郁金香。在送鲜花时,切不要用纸包装。

瑞士国花是金合欢花(acacia flower),如送红玫瑰可以送1枝,也可送20枝,但不要送3枝










埃及人(Egyptian)忌讳黄色(yellow), 以黄色为不幸,丧葬之色.

叙利亚(Syria )也忌用黄色(yellow), 他们认为它表示死亡。埃塞俄比亚人(Ethiopian)出门做










欧美人视黑色为哀丧之色. 俄罗斯人(Russian)也忌讳黑色


Numerals and taboo Shandong,the age of 41,Beijing area and Zhejiang Province, the ages

55 and 66 ,Age73 and 84,Age 100

Funeral taboos

The funeral can not be held on Sunday or in some certain days such as the New Year’s Day.

When the coffin is going to be interred, people can not walk in front of it.

Do not cry violently , because people in these countries think it is polite to control the emotion of sadness at the funeral.

People in India think that it is impolite and disrespectful to the decedent if people at the funeral didn’t cry violently and not being very miserable.

In Japan,when attending a funeral, people can not say such words, again, soon, frequent(ly), one by one, again and again…People must dressed in black.

Taboos in the Chinese funeral

People whose family member passed away can't cut hair , comb hair and shave during the period of funeral .It's to show gratitude for their upbringing elder for their breeding.

Women can't visit grave, or it will cause this family to have no offspring.

People with disability(无资格)for crime sentence are forbidden to visit parents' grave, because it might make the dead grievous.

In Germany and Indian, people there usually bring with rose to attend a funeral or mourn for the death, as a result of it, people can not present the alive with rose. These are the same as lily(百合花)in India.

When sleeping, people there can not head westward, because in Thailand, people think that sunset represents death.

Animal and Taboos A universal phenomenon around the world


To Chinese----most fearful of owls: A Chinese proverb: 夜猫子进宅,无事不来;夜猫子抖搂翅,大小有点事儿. the owl: a god of plague(瘟神).

To Europeans---one of the inauspicious/ominous birds


To Chinese----loving cuckoo’s calls, the messenger of spring :

To Europeans---different interpretations: before April 6, an inauspicious omen on April 28, a very auspicious year

Cock: To Chinese: a favorite bird, no taboo about it

To the Westerners: its crows imply: 1. on the fence or at dusk: bad weather

2. at midnight: someone nearby has died of disease.

3. near the front door: an unexpected visitor The Western farmers like white cocks/ roosters, believing they can protect the farms and benefit the hosts. But it will be inauspicious to kill a white cock for meal.


To the Westerners: intelligent(有灵性),foretelling the lucks:

1. building nests on the beams: good luck for the hosts

2. leaving the house before the normal departure time: the sign of misfortune


To Chinese: diligence

To the Westerners: “the messenger of good luck”

1. staying on one’s hand: getting rich;

2. staying on one’s head: getting famous


To Chinese: no taboos about it

To Westerners: good luck:

1. staying on a person’s body: good luck

2. sticking to you, not to shake it off

3. killing it: misfortune.


To Chinese: no taboos

To the Westerners: unfaithful, abandoning their former hosts; associating black cats with witches, signifying something inauspicious, connecting human with the spirits/ghosts

To the Westerners:

1. move toward or running by one: misfortune

2. sitting still beside one, signifying peace

3. rubbing your body repeatedly, meaning good luck

4. yawning at you, a good chance


To Chinese: human’s faithful friends To the Westerners: human’s faithful friends; prophet dog’s barking: symbolic

1. whispering without reason: predicting someone from the family meet with an accident

2. howling at night, the sign of death or disaster

3. howling at a patient’s door: the coming death for him

4. dog’s pleasant greeting to a visitor: a good friend and good luck for the host

5. dog’s continual barking at the visitor, a bad friend and misfortune for the host

6. running through between the groom and bride, an ill omen, but a kiss will prevent the misfortune from occurring.

7. killing dogs, bad luck for seven years



a. A euphemism is a word or phrase that stands in for another word or phrase, chosen to mask or soften the true meaning of what is being expressed.

b.A euphemism is a polite word or phrase, which is used to describe a controversial or indiscreet activity.

c. The substitution of a mild, indirect, or vague expression for one thought substitute


d. That figure of speech which consists in the substitution of a word or expression of comparatively favorable implication or less unpleasant associations, instead of the harsher or more offensive one that would more precisely designate what is intended.

(1)Euphemisms for professions: road-sweeper or dustman(扫大街的))看例子

(2) diseases : social disease(社会疾病): syphilis(梅毒)and AIDS(艾滋病)tuberculosi 肺结核):lung trouble(肺部毛病):pneumonia(肺炎): the old man’s friend(老年之友)

(3) Defecation (如厕)

(4)Death Death (in English):

(5) Pregnancy (怀孕

Nonverbal communication

for example, facial expression, personal space, eye contact, use of time, and conversational silence.

2. Functions of Nonverbal Communication

1)Repeating 2)Complementing 3)Substituting 4)Regulating5)Contradicting

3. Behaviors and means of nonverbal communication.

1) Kinesics: Our body language 2) Head Movements 3) Arm movements 4) Hand gestures


Nepalese, Sri

Lankan, some

Indians and some


nodding the head No”

Bulgarians Shaking one’s head agreeing

southern India moving one’s head from side to side not a negation.

Western culture lowered head defeat or uncertainty

Asian lowering one’s head indication of intent listening.

E-S countries toss his head angry,disappointed,bored,or


E-S countries nod his head greeting an acquaintance

a single girl tossing her hair over to her back, together

with one hand flickingthe hair.

courting or flirting

United States pound his fist on the table emphasize a point in a discussion Moving head from the right to the left “Ok”, hesitation, having no idea

of sth. Just so-so,even


men big arm movements Threaten the listener and more


Japanese men far fewer arm movements draw attention to the speaker

Arab men Gestures and waving signal happiness but also anger puts his arms back with one hand seizing other palm a sense of superiority and


two hands grip with fingers clamped and the thumbs rub each other ells proud and self-satisfied, bored, nervous and worried or vexed

crossing of two forearms on the chest sign of honesty.

gripped hand gesture frustrated or hostile

E-S counties A tower carefree and leisurely, unrestrained. Englishman The V-shaped finger you may get a punch for it means

“Fuck you!”

North America and many of European twists his forefingers and middle fingers of

both hands

Good luck for you!but in some

other countries, it symbolize

“breaking off relations

Americans Circling an index finger near the right

temple crazy or something wrong with one’s brain or mind lead to mis

Chinese 同上use your brain!

American patting one’s head giving comfort, or encouragement,

or affection.

American forefinger up to his throat level and moves


get involved in troubles American finger changes into a downward palm I’m full up to here”

Some Western

an erected thumb (竖大拇指)Give me a lift, please.


Australians,Nigeria 同上Fuck,An insulting gesture Japan: “5”, and in Germany, for the number 1. An insulting gesture

Japan O.K gesture looks like a coin, “money”. French O.K gesture “zero”or “worthless”. Germans,Brazilians O.K gesture a rude or insulting gesture American thumbs his noses defiance or contempt

English-speaker presses his thumb on the desk one has brought someone else under


American wags his forefinger not to do something, implying that

someone is doing something wrong. E-S country sweeping someone off”contempt someone else to leave

E-S natives the upward palm obedience without any threatening.


palm down, the forefinger extended and pointing and fingers


E-S countries points to a person with a thumb a sneering/jeering gesture. Chinese slap his face. regrets

West stretched out his right hand held weapons had no hostility


(1)The order of the handshake: usually, the initiative to shake hands with each other, friendly

and respect.When guests visit, the host should take the initiative to shake hands, to welcome and thank ; When the guests leave, the host should be passive to shake hands;

Etiquettes for handshaking

1.Generally, don't shake hands with people while sitting;

2. In conversation with others casually shake hands with another person, shake hands cold;

It is strictly prohibited in others head shake hands with each other;

If meal, there is necessary to shake hands, should leave the seat to shake hands with each other,

not to shake hands or food at the dinner table above.

(2)Order for people of different positions shake hands : Superior and elders first hand, the lower and the younger follow; Handshake between heterosexual order: ladies usually initiate handshake;

Men usually shake a lady’s fingers; if a lady doesn’t a man can nod or bow to greet.

Two forms of politician’s handshake: two forms:

(1) the glove handshake:

One’s two hands cup fiercely the other’s hand;

(2) Keeping grasping another person’s right hand, the holder’s left hand makes some “intimate”actions: touching the other’s wrist, arm, shoulder or even the neck.

Handshake customs with Chinese characteristics

(1) When a Chinese shakes hands with his superior or a distinguished guest, he should slightly

bend forward to show respects. But the westerners consider this gesture to be humble.

(2)If a Chinese gentleman wears a hat and shakes hands with another person, it’s not necessary to take off the hat, but a male Westerner thinks it polite to take off the hat before he shakes hands. (3)Chinese usually first shake hands and then stand closer, with hands grasped by both. But people from E-S countries think that communication should keep a proper body distance, a kept handshake is viewed as a taboo. According to their customs and etiquette, the proper handshake is that two hands grasp each other for a moment and then release. A long handshake is only acceptable when government leaders or politicians want to pose for photo-taking.

Application of Handshakes

Country or Region Type of handshake

United States Firm handshake

France Soft handshake

Germany Firm handshake, for men, traditionally accompanied by a slight bow

Japan Handshake with arm firmly extended, accompanied by bow

Middle East Handshake and free hand placed on forearm of other person

Pursed lips

Pursed lips might be an indicator of distaste, disapproval, or distrust.

Lip biting

People sometimes bite their lips when they are worried, anxious, or stressed.

Covering the mouth

When people want to hide an emotional reaction, they might cover their mouths in order to avoid displaying a smile or smirk.

Clasping the hands behind the bac k might indicate that a person is feeling bored, anxious, or even angry.

Rapidly tapping fingers can be a sign that a person is bored, impatient, or frustrated.

Crossed legs can indicate that a person is feeling closed off or in need of privacy.

Facial Expressions

1. Smiling

Different implications of smiling in different cultures and people’s attitudes towards it People in all cultures smile at times; however, the meaning of a smile may vary. Depending on the culture, it can indicate joy and amusement, but it also can indicate embarrassment.

In an attempt to appear open and friendly, people in the United States smile a lot. Everyone smiles at everyone. To those in other culture the American smile often appears insincere and frozen (sneering).

To guarantee that the teeth are hidden, Japanese women tend to put a hand in front of their mouths when laughing. The women who greet customers in banks and stores with a deep bow do not really smile by U.S. standards. They look pleasant, but they don’t really smile at the customer the way an American would.

Germans smile, but not nearly as much as people in the United States do. They will say bluntly(直率地), “Life is severe, and there is very little to smile about.”Germans are very reserved, but for reasons different from those of Japanese. The smile is yet another emotional display that is rooted in one’s culture. The whole world smiles, but the amount of smiling, the stimulus that produces the smile, and even what the smile is communicating often shift from culture to culture.

In America, a smile can be a sign of happiness or friendly affirmation. Although these same

meanings are found in the Japanese culture, the smile also can mask an emotion or be used to avoid answering a question. In Korean culture, too much smiling is often perceived as the sign of a shallow person.

Smiles and laughter usually convey friendliness, approval, satisfaction, pleasure, joy, merriment. This is generally true in China as well as the English-speaking countries. However, there are situations when some Chinese will laugh that will cause negative reactions by Westerners.

Don't touch Middle ground Touch

Japan Australia Latin American

United States France Italy

Canada China Greece

Scandinavia Ireland Spain, Russia

Northern Europe India , Middle East Portugal Some Asian countries

Culture and Values

The four dimensions

1. individualism-collectivism;

2. uncertainty avoidance;

3. power distance;

4. masculinity-femininity.


The values Americans live by may seem strange to you. As a result, you might find the actions confusing, even unbelievable. Scholar Kohls has developed a list of 13 commonly held values which help explain why Americans act as they do. He avoids labeling these values positive or negative.

1. Personal control over the environment/personality

Americans do not believe in the power of fate, and they look at people who do as being backward, primitive, or na?ve(childish).

2. Change seen as natural and positive

In the American mind, change is seen as indisputably good, leading to development, improvement, progress. Many older, more traditional cultures consider change disruptive and destructive; they value stability, continuity, tradition, and ancient heritage —none of which are considered very important in the Unites States.

Most Western countries value individualism and people strive hard to achieve individual identity in terms of possessions and achievement in their professions. Many eastern countries don’t stress competition. Decisions are usually made from the perspective of group interests. Sometimes individuals have to sacrifice their own interests to achieve what is good for the group.

2.Uncertainty avoidance is the value dimension by which a cultural group’s reaction to uncertain and ambiguous situations can be examined. According to Hofstede, cultures with high-uncertainty-avoidance emphasize social stability and security and often feel threatened at new ideas and innovations.

5. Individualism/independence

Americans view themselves as highly individualistic in their thoughts and actions. They resist being thought of as representatives of any homogeneous group. When they do join group, they believe they are special, just a little different from other members of the same groups.

9. Action/work orientation

“Don’t just stand there,”says a typical bit of American advice, “do something!”This expression, though normally used in a crisis situation, in a sense describes most Americans’

working life, where action —any action —is seen as superior to inaction.

The masculine cultures are characterized by qualities that are usually found in males, such as assertiveness, ambition, achievement, love of material possessions; while feminine cultures are characterized by female-oriented qualities: caring, nurturing, modesty and cooperation etc.

So the teachers in a masculine culture will praise the students for their assertive behavior and their efforts in competing with others in academic learning as well as in a sporting event. But such students may receive criticism from the teachers in feminine cultures because social accommodation is more highly regarded.


6) Helping Yourself and Refusing:It is polite to take some of everything that is passed to you. But if there is something you may not like, you may quietly say: "No thank you."

7) Second Helpings:The hostess may or may not ask if you would like a second helping, according to the formality of the meal. If she does and you accept it, you should pass your plate to her or to the servant with the knife and fork still lying on it.

11) Leaving the Table:It is impolite for a guest to leave the table during a meal, or before the hostess gives the signal at the end. When the hostess indicates that the dinner is over, she will start to rise from her seat and all the guests rise from theirs at the same time.

16. It is polite to finish eating every thing on your plate.

17. When drinking to someone’s health, you raise your glasses, but the glasses should not touch.

It still appears at almost all social activities, the most common occasions being business dinners, birthday parties, wedding feasts and sacrifice ceremonies in which liquor must be the main drink to show respect and express happiness. Chinese hospitality requires that people toast each other and drink heartily. Formal toasts are still the norm in China.

Gift-giving Etiquette

We seldom can go wrong when we give a gift to others. In general people love to give and receive gifts. They are reminders of pleasant times and friendships. But each country has its seasons and occasions for giving gifts.

Gift-giving in America

*Lavish(浪费), extravagant gifts are definitely out. American businesspeople have shown restraint when presenting or receiving gifts. Anything worth more than 25 dollars will go right to the bottom line.

*Gifts are opened in front of the giver. The gift is admired, and appreciation is expressed verbally. Business gifts to the office or department, such as a basket of fruit or box of candy, are opened immediately and shared by all. (The manager's taking the gift home to share with his or her family is considered to be in poor taste.)

Gift-giving in China

In China, high value is placed on the practice of Guanxi(关系)which is rooted in Confucian values. It is thought that individuals who share a Guanxi network are committed to one another by an unwritten code of mutual support and benefit. Relationships are built and sustained through the exchange of favors and gifts in attaining goals that are beneficial for both parties.

Since the Chinese view business gifts as symbols of friendship, trust, and mutual obligation, it is best to select items that best represent one's own culture. It is not necessary that the gifts should be

expensive, but they should be thoughtfully chosens


1.Iceberg:{Edward. 7. Hall.--标志着“跨文化交流”学科的开始} Culture can be viewed as an iceberg. Nine-tenths of an iceberg is out of sight (below the water line). Likewise, nine-tenths of culture is outside of conscious awareness. The part of the cultural iceberg that above the water is easy to be noticed. The out-of-awareness part is sometimes called “deep culture”. This part of the cultural iceberg is hidden below the water and is thus below the level of consciousness. People learn this part of culture through imitating models. / Above the water: what to eat, how to dress, how to keep healthy;Below the water: belief, values, worldview and lifeview, moral emotion, attitude personalty 2.Stereotype:定型主义 a stereotype is a fixed notion about persons in a certain category, with no distinctions made among individuals. In other words, it is an overgeneralized and oversimplified belief we use to categorize a group of people. 3.Ethnocentrism: 民族中心主义Ethnocentrism is the technical name for the view of things in which one’s own group is the center of everything, and all others are scaled and rated with reference to it. It refers to our tendency to identify with our in-group and to evaluate out-groups and their members according to its standard. 4.Culture:Culture can be defined as the coherent, learned, shared view of group of people about life’s concerns that ranks what is important, furnishes attitudes about what things are appropriate, and dictates behavior. 5.Cultural values: Values inform a member of a culture about what is good and bad, right and wrong, true and false, positive and negative, and the like. Cultural values defines what is worth dying for, what is worth protecting, what frightens people, what are proper subjects for study and for ridicule, and what types of events lead individuals to group solidarity. 6.Worldview: A worldview is a culture’s orientation toward such things as God, nature, life, death, the universe, and other philosophical issues that are concerned with the meaning of life and with “being”. 7.Social Organizations: The manner in which a culture organizes itself is directly related to the institution within that culture. The families who raise you and the goverments with which you associate and hold allegiance to all help determine hoe you perceive the world and how you behave within that world. 8.Globalization: refers to the establishment of a world economy, in which national borders are becoming less and less important as transnational corporations, existing everywhere and nowhere, do business in a global market. https://www.360docs.net/doc/758079513.html,munication: Communication is any behavior that is perceived by others. So it can be verbal and nonverbal, informative or persuasive, frightening or amusing, clear or unclear, purposeful or accidental, communication is our link to the rest of the humanity. It pervades everything we do. 10.Elements of communication process:交流过程的基本原理 (1).context: The interrelated conditions of communication make up what is known as context.


考试需知:考试前每一列学生把课本放在第一排。考试时间为2.5个小时,试卷1为闭卷考试,前面40分钟用于完成试卷1。待老师收上试卷1后,发下课本,学生做试卷2,试卷2 为开卷考试。可携带纸质词典进考场,不许携带电子词典及手机进考场。 Test Paper 1 Ⅰ. Filling the blanks: 1.Generally speaking, in terms of contextuality, the communication in the West is low-contextual while that in the East is high-contextual 2.Generally speaking, in terms of world views, the West adopts Dualistic view, while the East adopt s holistic view 3.Generally speaking, in terms of thought patterns, the West follows Analytic and abstract thinking, while the East follows synthetic and concrete thinking 4.Generally speaking, in terms of discourse patterns, the West uses Deductive pattern, while the East uses inductive pattern 5In the Axial Age, the great thinkers in China are Confucius,

跨文化交际 期末复习资料

Part 1 Comprehensive Check (15*2)每课的练习A Part 2 Multiple Choice (25*1)每课的练习E复习题的变体;另外请中看第五章 Part 3 E-C Translation(10*1)每课的练习C Part 4 Term-matching(10*1) Part 5 Multiple function(5*5)其中三道是简答题,两道是案例分析。 Terms/questions: 1. Economic globalization: the integration of national economies into the international economy through trade, foreign direct investment, capital flows, migration, and the spread of technology. 2. Barber system –Farming communities traded their surplus produce in exchange for products and services without the medium of money. –Human society has always traded goods across great distances. 3. Global village:real time events 、the time and space compression –All the different parts of the world form one community linked together by electronic communications, especially the Internet. 4. Melting-pot大熔炉: a socio-cultural assimilation of people of different backgrounds and nationalities. 5. Diversity: refers to the mix of people from various backgrounds in the labor force with a full mix of cultures and sub-cultures to which members belong. 6. Intercultural communication: refer to communication between people whose cultural backgrounds are distinct enough to alter their communication event. Perception 7. Culture: can been seen as shared knowledge, what people need to know in order to act appropriately in a given culture. Culture: a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, and norms, which affect the behavior of a relatively large group of people 8. Enculturation(文化习得): all the activities of learning one’s culture are called enculturation 9. Acculturation(文化适应): the process which adopts the changes brought about by another culture and develops an increased similarity between the two cultures. 10. Ethnocentric(文化中心主义):the belief that your own cultural background is superior. 11. Communication: mean to share with or to make common, as in giving to another a part or share of your thoughts, hopes, and knowledge. 12. Components of Communication: Source交际邀请 The source is the person with an idea he or she desires to communicate. Encoding编码 Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately), humans are not able to share thoughts directly. Your communication is in the form of a symbol representing the idea you desire to communicate. Encoding is the process of putting an idea into a symbol. Message编码信息 The term message identifies the encoded thought. Encoding is the process, the verb; the message is the resulting object. Channel交际渠道 The term channel is used technically to refer to the means by which the encoded message is transmitted. The channel or medium, then, may be print, electronic, or the light and sound waves of the face-to-face communication.


跨文化交际练习 班别:学号姓名 Directions: For each problem in this part, you are presented with one situation with four utterances underneath. Read the description on each situation with the utterances and decide which is/are the appropriate utterance(s) in that situation where communication is done in English. 1. On the way home, a student addresses his cousin Li Ming in English: a. “Hello, cousin!” b. “Hello, Li Ming!” 2. In the office of the English Department An English student studying in China is telephoning the secretary of the department. Jack: “Hello, I’d like to speak to Li Ming, please.” Song: a. “I’m Li Ming.” b. “This is me.” c. “Li Ming is speaking.” 3. In the students’ dormitory Andrew: “ Would you like to watch a football match?” Xiao Zhang: a. “I’d love to, but I’m busy at the moment.” b. “I haven’t finished my homework yet.” c. “ Excuse me, but I’m not free.” 4. At a friend’s home in England. A Chinese student gives a birthday present to her English friend. Mary: “Thank you. It’s beautiful.” Xiao Zhao: a. “Really? Do you like it?” b. “Don’t mention it. It’s only a small thing.” c. “I’m glad you like it.” 5. At a bus stop Man: Excuse me, do you know which bus goes to London Road, please? Woman: Sorry, I’ve no ideas. Man: a. It doesn’t matter. b. Oh. c. Thank you anyway. 6. Joyce is talking to her friend, Brenda. Joyce: “Do you mind posting this letter for me on your way home, Brenda?” Brenda:a. You’re welcome. b. I don’t care. c. I don’t min d. d.No, not at all. 7. In a factory, Li, the guide, is interpreting for a group of foreign guests. When they have finished visiting one workshop, he would like the group to follow him to the next workshop. He says: a. This way, please. b. Come here! c. Follow me! d. Move on! 8. Li had something to tell the manager, Mr Smith. He went to his place, entered the room and said: a. You’re not busy, I hope. b. Got a minute? c. Can I have a word with, Mr Smith. d. I’m terribly sorry to trouble you, Mr.Smith. 9. You’re v isiting a new British friend. His house is very beautiful. Do you _______ a. tell him how beautiful it is ? b. ask how much it costs? c. ask if he’ll take you round every room? 10. You’ve arranged to meet a friend at 2pm. But you missed the train and you know you’ll be at least two hours late. Do you ________ a. decide not to meet your friend, and phone him the next day? b. phone him, apologize and tell him you’ll be late? c. decide not to phone, and just arrive late? 11. A British friend is having dinner at your house. His plate is empty. You offer him more food and he says no. Do you ___ a. keep offering until he says yes? b. just put the food on his plate without asking again?



Test Paper Ⅰ. Filling the blanks: 1.G enerally speaking, in terms of contextuality, the communication in the West is low-contextual while that in the East is high-contextual 2.G enerally speaking, in terms of world views, the We st adopts Dualistic view, while the East adopts holistic view 3.G enerally speaking, in terms of thought patterns, the West follows Analytic and abstract thinking, while the East follows synthetic and concrete thinking 4.Generally speaking, in terms of discourse patterns, the West uses Deductive pattern, while the East uses inductive pattern 5In the Axial Age, the great thinkers in China are Confucius, Lao Tze, Mo Tze, and the great thinker in India is Siddhartha Gautama, the great figure in Palestine are Hebrew prophets, and the great thinkers in the West are Plato, Homer and Archimedes Ⅱ. Choose the best answer: 1.Non-verbal messages are classified into two comprehensive categories: those that are primarily produced by the body, such as_________,________,_______; and those that the individual combines with the setting, such as _______, _______, _______.D A.physical contact, eye contact, paralanguage; space, time, man B.facial expression, touch, taste; space, time, silence C.appearance, movement, gesture; surrounding, occasion, man D.movement, smell, paralanguage; space, time, silence 2.In Chinese writing, there are usually more adjectives, proverbs and allusions than in English writing. Some Western scholars name this style “flowery”, stating that its aim is to give a more fanciful impression than information, and the information is usually of beauty, fragrance, happiness, and any other “goodness”aspects so as to attract people. We may term this style as_______-oriented. Western writing is more direct with objective inform ation. To them, much-repeated words may mean less after a while. We may term the Western writing as ________-oriented.C A. adjective, objective B. Chinese, Western C. impression, information C. indirect, direct 3. As to the human nature orientation, the traditional Western belief holds that _______, while the Asian people believe that_______.B A. basically good; basically bad B. evil but perfectible, basically good C. the mixture of good and evil; the mixture of good and evil; D. unknown 4. As to the Man-Nature orientation, the traditional Western belief holds that _______, while the Asian people believe that_______.D A. subjugation to nature; harmony with nature B. harmony with nature; mastery over nature


定义题 1. What is “intercultural communication”? P6 refer to communication between people whose cultural backgrounds are distinct enough to alter their communication event. There are three kinds of things you need to learn if you want to be able to communicate effectively with Westerners. First, you need to learn a foreign language, usually English. Second, you should learn as much as possible about Western cultures. However, studying English language and Western culture is not enough. You should also learn something about what happens when people from different cultures try to communicate with each other —in other words, "intercultural communication." 2.What is a culture? P13 A culture is essentially a group of people who carry many of the same ideas in their heads. Culture: can been seen as shared knowledge, what people need to know in order to act appropriately in a given culture. Culture: a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, and norms, which affect the behavior of a relatively large group of people 3.What are stereotypes?P13 Stereotypes means very broad generalizations such as “British people are polite,”“Americans are friendly”, and so forth. It is a derogatory word. It means that image, idea, character that has become fixed or standardized in a conventional form without individuality and is therefore false and shallow. Stereotypes may have a basis in fact, but they are too broad and shallow, and they give us the mistaken idea that a people’s culture can be summed up easily in a few short , simple statements. Stereotypes are also dangerous because they may trick us into believing that knowing a few stereotypes is the same thing as understanding another culture. 4.What does “interpretation” means?P24 A very important aspect of intercultural communication is “interpretation”, t he process of deciding what foreigners’ words and actions mean and why they do what they do. For example, when Xiao Li tries to understand why the taxi driver asked for so much money, she is “interpreting” his behavior. 5.I n dividualist p32 Individualist culture is one in which people tend to view themselves as individuals and emphasize the needs of individuals. In general, Western culture tends to be individualist. They view themselves as independent of collectives; are primarily motivated by their own preferences, needs, rights, and the contacts they have established with others; give priority to their personal goals over the goals of others; and emphasize rational analyses of the advantages and disadvantages to associating with others. 6.Collectivist P32 Collectivist culture is one in which people tend to view themselves as members of groups (families, work units, tribes, nations), and usually consider the needs of the group to be more important than the needs of individuals. Most Asian cultures, including China's, tend to be collectivist. People see themselves as parts of one or more collectives; are primarily motivated by the norms of, and duties imposed by, those collectives; are willing to give priority to the goals of



1.monochronic time (M Time) :It schedules one event at a time. In these cultures time is perceived as a linear structure just like a r i b b o n s t r e t c h i n g f r o m t h e p a s t i n t o t h e f u t u r e. 2.polychronic time (P Time) :schedules several activities at the same time. In these culture people emphasize the involvement of people more than schedules. They do not see appointments as ironclad commitments and often break them. 3.intercultural communication :is a face-to-face communication between people from different cultural backgrounds 4.host culture is the mainstream culture of anyone particular country. 5.minority culture is the cultural groups that are smaller in numerical terms in relation to the host culture. 6.subculture is a smaller, possibly nonconformist, subgroup within the host culture. 7.multiculturalism is the official recognition of a country’s cultural and ethnic diversity. 8.cross-cultural communication is a face-to-face communication between reprentatives of business,government and professional groups from different cultures.


跨文化交际复习资料 Unit 1&2 Reviewing Papers for Intercultural Communication Unit 1&2 I. Keywords (1) Sender/Source: A sender/source is the person who transmits a message.(信息发出者/信息 源:信息发出者/信息源指传递信息的人。) (2) Message: A message is any signal that triggers the response of a receiver.(信息:信息指引起 信息接受者反应的任何信号。) (3) Encoding: It refers to the activity during which the sender must choose certain words or nonverbal methods to send an intentional message. (编码:编码指信息发出者选择言语或用非 言语的方式发出有目的的信息的行为。) (4) Channel/Medium:It is the method used to deliver a message. (渠道/媒介:渠道/媒介指发 送信息的方法。) (5) Receiver: A receiver is any person who notices and gives some meaning to a message. (信息 接受者:信息接受者指信息接收者是指注意到信息并且赋予信息某些含义的人。) (6) Decoding: It is the activity during which the receiver attaches meaning to the words or symbols he/she has received.(解码:解码指信息接受者赋予其收到的言语或符号信息意义的 行为。) (7) Feedback: The response of a receiver to a sender’s message is called feedback.(反馈:反馈 指信息接收者对信息源信息所做出的反应。) (8) Noise: It is a term used for factors that interfere with the exchange of messages, including


Unit 9 Intercultural Adaptation Some Ideas Related to Culture Shock and Adaptation Strategies 1. Culture Shock What is culture shock Culture shock is a common experience of people who have been suddenly transplanted abroad. It refers to phenomena ranging from mild irritability to deep psychological panic and crisis. It is associated with feelings in the person of estrangement (being unfriendly or hostile to others; alienation), anger, hostility, indecision, frustration, unhappiness, sadness, loneliness, homesickness, and even physical illness. The person undergoing culture shock views his new world out of resentment, and alternates between being angry at others for not understanding him and being filled with self-pity. Culture shock is caused by the anxiety that results from losing all our familiar signs and symbols or social contact. Those cues or sighs include various ways in which we adapt ourselves to the situation of daily life: When to shake hands and what to say when we meet people, when and how to give tips, how to buy things, when to accept and when to refuse invitations, when to take statements seriously and when not. These cues, which may be words, gestures, facial expressions, or customs, are acquired by all of us in the course of growing up and are as much a part of our culture as the
