

France attracts more tourists than any other country in the world. Tourists come to see France’s splendid scenery. But mostly they come to see Paris, the capital of France. Paris is considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

For centuries, France has been the center of art and culture in Europe. Some of the world’s greatest artists and writers have worked here. French fashions and cooking are widely admired and copied.

Facts About France

Official name French Republic

Capital Paris

Official language French

Population 64,100,000 people

Rank among countries in population 21st

Major cities Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse

Area 210,000 square miles 544,000 square kilometers

Rank among countries in area 47th

Highest point Mont Blanc

15,782 feet/4,810 meters

Currency Euro


France is the biggest country in western Europe. Most of the land in the north is flat and close to sea level. Hills cover central and southern France, and huge mountains rise along the country’s bo rders. The Pyrenees divide France from Spain, its neighbor to the southwest. The Alps mark its border with Italy and Switzerland to the east.

Most of France has mild weather. However, the French Alps get plenty of snow. Some of the world’s finest ski resor ts are found here. In the southeast, France borders the Mediterranean Sea. The coast along the Mediterranean is called the Riviera. Warm, dry weather and beautiful scenery make the Riviera a famous winter resort. It’s long been associated with wealth and glamour.


The French countryside is divided into tidy farms and dotted with pretty towns. Here and there, old castles loom on hills. The castles were built hundreds of years ago, when nobles ruled France.

Big rivers, like the Loire and the Seine, provide water for French farms. Canals connect the major rivers in France. People can travel on this network of waterways. The canals are like an extra set of highways.


Vineyards and dairy farms in the countryside produce products for which France is best known. Vineyards grow grapes that are made into wine. Cheese comes from the dairy farms.

France produces more wine than any other country in the world. Bordeaux, Burgundy, and Champagne are important grape-growing regions in France. All three have given their names to kinds of wine.

France also is known for producing some of the best cheeses in the world. They include Camembert, chèvre (made from goat’s milk), and Roquefort.


Three-fourths of the people of France live in cities and towns. France has ports, such as Marseille, and factory towns, such as Lyon. Paris, however, is by far the most important French city. About 10 million people live in and around this lively and lovely city.

Artists have long been drawn to Paris. A famous art movement called impressionism was born here. The best-known museum in France—the Louvre—is in Paris. The Louvre contains one of the world’s most famous paintings, the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci.

Tourists also love Paris for its nightlife, restaurants, and sidewalk cafés. They flock to see beautiful buildings such as Notre Dame, a huge church that is more than 700 years old. They visit the Eiffel Tower, a Paris landmark that’s nearly 1,000 feet (300 meters) high.


Paris was founded more than 2,000 years ago. It was just a small town until the AD800s. At that time, France was the western part of a big empire built by a tribe called the Franks. The greatest king of the Franks was Charlemagne. He ruled from 768 to 814. After his death, his three grandsons divided his empire. The western part eventually became France.

For about four centuries, the kings of France had little power. During a conflict with England, the French came to think of themselves as a nation. The conflict, known as the Hundred Years’ War, lasted from 1337 to 1453. After the war, the power of the French king began to grow.

The king’s power peaked with Louis XIV, who ruled from 1643 to 1715. He was known as the Sun King because he took the Sun—the brightest star in our sky—as his symbol. Louis XIV built the world’s grandest palace at Versailles, just outside Paris. All over Europe, people came to think of Paris as a center for art, culture, and fun.


The fun didn’t last. The king and the members of his court lived splendidly, but the French people were dreadfully poor. In 1789, the poor rebelled. They overthrew the king and the nobles. They demanded liberty and equality for all. These events began the French Revolution, which lasted until 1799.

After the revolution, a military leader named Napoleon seized power in France. He led French armies as they conquered much of Europe. Britain and Russia joined forces to defeat him.


France remains a powerful and lively country. It is one of the most important countries in the United Nations. It is also a leading power in the European Union, an organization of European countries. Tourists never tire of Paris and other places in France. More people visit France each year than live there!


首都巴黎是法国政治、经济、文化和交通中心,卢浮宫博物馆和巴黎圣母院誉满全球,香榭丽舍被誉为世界上最美丽的大街,其地上与地下交通四通八达、非常方便,每天客流量达1300万人。巴黎的标志建筑——埃菲尔铁塔像一个钢铁巨人高高地耸立在恬静的塞纳河畔。在法国最大港口和第二大城市马赛,你可以造访大仲马在小说《基督山伯爵》里描写过的监狱——奇伊夫堡。西南部城市波尔多酿酒历史悠久,其葡萄酒驰名于世。特等“波尔多红葡萄酒”列为世界葡萄酒“皇后”,一瓶百年陈酒在国际市场上可售3万多美元。位于地中海岸边的戛纳,是一座风景秀丽、气候宜人的小城,每年在此举办的戛纳电影节热闹非凡,其颁发的金棕榈奖被公认为电影界最高荣誉之一。法国的时装在世界上享有盛誉,选料丰富、优异,设计大胆,制作技术高超,使其一直引导世界时装潮流。在巴黎有2000家时装店,老板们的口号是:“时装不卖第二件”。而在大街上,几乎看不到两个妇女穿着一模一样的服装。法国人天性率真,浪漫,喜欢大自然,有一半以上的法国家庭饲养各种小动物,总数量在3000万只以上。 Its capital, Paris is France's political, economic, cultural and transportation center, the Louvre Museum and Notre Dame de Paris, known around the world, known as the Champs-Elysees Avenue, the world's most beautiful, its ground and underground traffic extending in all directions, very convenient, daily traffic reached 13 million people. Paris landmarks - the Eiffel Tower like a steel giant stands tall on the Seine River in the quiet. In France's largest port and second largest city of Marseille, you can visit the Alexandre Dumas novel "Count of Monte Cristo," too, portrayed in the prison - Fort Qi Yifu. The southwestern city of Bordeaux wine has a long history, its wines worldwide. Principal "Bordeaux red wine" as the world's wine, "Queen", a bottle of aged wine a hundred years in the international market can be sold more than 30,000 U.S. dollars. Located in the Mediterranean coast of Cannes, is a beautiful scenery and pleasant climate of the town, held annually in this crowded Cannes Film Festival, which awarded the Palme d'Or award has been recognized as one of the highest honor the film industry. France in the world-renowned fashion, choice of materials rich, excellent, bold design, production and skilled to lead the world in fashion trends has always been. There are 2,000 boutiques in Paris, the boss who's slogan is: "Fashion does not sell second." In the street, hardly less than two Women dressed in identical clothing. French nature straightforward, romantic, nature-loving, more than half of French households keep a variety of small animals, the total number of 30 million or more.


法国 巴黎 1. 高耸入云的埃菲尔铁塔,流光溢彩的街道,美丽的塞纳河,金碧辉煌的宫殿,浪漫的民族,源远流长的历史…这就是巴黎。 The high Eiffel Tower, the colorful streets, the beautiful river Seine, the glorious palaces, the romantic people, the old history … Paris is a great place to all people in the world. 2. 作为法国的首都,巴黎是一座古老而又现代的城市。这里发生了太多的历史事件,这里有那么多的地方让你流连忘返。 As the capital of France, Paris is a modern city with a long and rich history. So many events took place here and there are so many places for the visitors to have a trip. 3. 320米高的埃菲尔铁塔是巴黎的标志。它建于1889年。 The Eiffel Tower, which is 320 meters high, is the symbol of Paris. It was completed in 1889. 4. 法国是世界上游客流量最大的国家,拥有这么多美丽的景点和许多全球著名的地标建筑,比方说埃菲尔铁塔,每年有7500万来自世界各地的游客观光游玩。 France is the most Visited Countries in the World with 75 million international visitors per year, with so many beautiful places to visit and a number of globally famous landmarks such as the Eiffel tower. 巴黎圣母院 1. 巴黎圣母院坐落于巴黎市中心塞纳河中的西岱岛上,始建于1163年,是巴黎大主教莫里斯·德·苏利决定兴建的,整座教堂在1345年才全部建成,历时180多年。 Notre Dame de Paris located in the Seine in central Paris the Xidai island, built in 1163, the Archbishop of Paris, decided to build Desuli Morris, the whole church in 1345 was completely built and lasted 180 years. 2. 巴黎圣母院是一座典型的哥特式教堂,之所以闻名于世,主要因为它是欧洲建筑史上一个划时代的标志。 Notre Dame de Paris is typical of a Gothic church, the reason is world renowned, mainly because it is a European architectural history landmark sign. 3. 巴黎圣母院是一座石头建筑,在世界建筑史上,被誉为一级由巨大的石头组成的交响乐。虽然这是一幢宗教建筑,但它闪烁着法国人民的智慧,反映了人们对美好生活的追求与向往。Notre Dame de Paris is a stone building in the history of architecture in the world, known as a great rock by the composition of symphony. Although it is a religious building, but it sparking the French people's wisdom, and the reflection of the people for a better life and the pursuit of yearning. 4. 作为荣光之地与神圣思想互相关联的证明──巴黎圣母院,至今已有750年的历史了,它是欧洲宗教建筑登峰造极之作。 As a testament to the correlation between glorious spaces and heavenly thoughts, the Notre Dame de Paris has stood for 750 years as the apex of European religious architecture. 卢浮宫 1.卢浮宫位于巴黎市中心的赛纳河右岸,是巴黎的心脏。 Le Louvre museum is located in downtown Paris right bank of shore Seine, is the heart of Paris. 2.卢浮宫是闻名世界的艺术殿堂,举世瞩目的艺术宝库之一。同时,卢浮宫也是法国历史上最悠久的王宫。 Le Louvre museum is the world's most famous palace of art, the greatest art treasures is to attract worldwide attention. At the same time, Le Louvre museum is France's oldest palace.


The high Eiffel Tower, the colorful streets, the beautiful river Seine, the glorious palaces, the romantic people, the old history … Paris is a great place to all people in the world. 高耸入云的埃菲尔铁塔,流光溢彩的街道,美丽的塞纳河,金璧辉煌的宫殿,浪漫的民族,源远流长的历史…这就是巴黎 As the capital of France, Paris is a modern city with a long and rich history. So many events took place here and there are so many places for the visitors to have a trip. 作为法国的首都,巴黎是一座古老而又现代的城市。这里发生了太多的历史事件,这里有那么多的地方让你流连忘返。 The Triumphal Arch(凯旋门) was finished in 1836. It’s a world famous building, too. The Eiffel Tower(埃菲尔铁塔), which is 320 meters high, is the symbol of Paris. It was completed in 1889. 320米高的埃费尔铁塔是巴黎的标志。它建于1889年 埃菲尔铁塔 The Eiffel Tower (French: La Tour Eiffel, [tu??f?l], nickname La dame de fer, the iron lady) is a puddle iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris. Built in 1889, it has become both a global icon of France and one of the most recognizable structures in the world. The tower is the tallest building in Paris[10] and the most-visited paid monument in the world; millions of people ascend it every year. Named for its designer, engineer Gustave Eiffel, the tower was built as the entrance arch to the 1889 World's Fair. The tower stands 324 metres (1,063 ft) tall, about the same height as an 81-storey building. Upon its completion, it surpassed the Washington Monument to assume the title of tallest man-made structure in the world, a title it held for 41 years, until the Chrysler Building in New York City was built in 1930; however, due to the addition in 1957 of the antenna, the tower is now


France attracts more tourists than any other country in the world. Tourists come to see France’s splendid scenery. But mostly they come to see Paris, the capital of France. Paris is considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world. For centuries, France has been the center of art and culture in Europe. Some of the world’s greatest artists and writers have worked here. French fashions and cooking are widely admired and copied. Facts About France Official name French Republic Capital Paris Official language French Population 64,100,000 people Rank among countries in population 21st Major cities Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse Area 210,000 square miles 544,000 square kilometers Rank among countries in area 47th Highest point Mont Blanc 15,782 feet/4,810 meters Currency Euro VARIED LANDSCAPES France is the biggest country in western Europe. Most of the land in the north is flat and close to sea level. Hills cover central and southern France, and huge mountains rise along the country’s bo rders. The Pyrenees divide France from Spain, its neighbor to the southwest. The Alps mark its border with Italy and Switzerland to the east. Most of France has mild weather. However, the French Alps get plenty of snow. Some of the world’s finest ski resor ts are found here. In the southeast, France borders the Mediterranean Sea. The coast along the Mediterranean is called the Riviera. Warm, dry weather and beautiful scenery make the Riviera a famous winter resort. It’s long been associated with wealth and glamour. THE FRENCH COUNTRYSIDE


History Early man was present in France at least 1.57 million years ago.The first modern humans appeared in the area 40,000 years ago. Romans called this place Gaul at that time. In the first century BC,Julius Caesar conquered Gaul.In the fifth century.In fifth century,Franks established Frankish kingdom.In 1337,the Hundred Years' War break out,England and France went to war.The wars ended in 1453.During the next centuries, France experienced the Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation. A burgeoning worldwide colonial empire was established from the 16th century. In 1789,The French Revolution ended the feudal rule.The country was governed for a period as a Republic, until the French Empire was declared by Napoleon Bonaparte.France went through several further regime changes after Napoleon's defeat, being ruled as a monarchy, then briefly as a Second Republic, and then as a Second Empire, until a more lasting French Third Republic was established in 1870. France was one of the Triple Entente powers in World War I, fighting alongside the United Kingdom, Russia, and their allies against the Central Powers. France was one of the Allied Powers in World War II, but was conquered by Nazi Germany in 1940. The Third Republic was dismantled, and most of the country was controlled directly by the Axis Powers, while the south was controlled by the collaborationist Vichy government. Following liberation in 1944, a Fourth Republic was established. In 1958, the weak and unstable Fourth Republic gave way to the Fifth Republic.It’s the country's current government.After the war decolonization saw most of the French colonial empire become independent, while other parts were incorporated into the French state as overseas departments and collectivities. Since World War II France has been a leading member in the UN, the European Union and NATO, and remains a strong economic, cultural, military and political influence in the 21st century. France established diplomatic relations with China in 1964.It is the first western country that recognize People’s Republic of China. Geography


简介: Introduce 法国(法兰西共和国) France (French Republic) 所属洲:欧洲 Continent: Europe 首都:巴黎 Capital: Paris 主要城市: Major city 马赛,里昂,图卢兹,尼斯Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse, Nice 国庆日:1789年7月14日National Day: 14 July 1789 国歌:《马赛曲》 National Anthem: 《Marseilles 》语言:法语 Language: French 货币:欧元 Currency: Euro 人口数量:6700万Population: 67 million

一句话来描述法国: A sentence to describe France: 法国是一个欧洲国家,首都是巴黎,法国以葡萄酒、名胜古迹和时尚而闻名,法国人民非常浪漫。 France is a European country. The capital is Paris.France is famous for its wine, historic spots and fashion. French people are very romantic. 国旗: The national flag: 法国 France 一个美丽的国家

白色代表国王 蓝色和红色代表公民 白色是平等的。 蓝色就是自由 红色是爱 The white represents the king The blue and red represents citizens White is equality Blue is freedom Red is love
