

2017 年



“Today I will give you a special test,” said the English teacher with a smile on his face.

All the students set up straight and__1_ for the test to begin. The teacher began to__2__ the test papers to all the students. __3—he finished handing out the test papers, he asked them to begi n.

The students were very__4__to see that there was not a question but a black dot(圆点)in the centre of the paper. The teacher__5_ the students' surprise and said , "I want you to_6—about

what you see there. ”

At the end of the class , the teacher took all the students' answer sheets(答题纸)and read the answers. _7__ of them described the black dot. After reading all the answers ,the teacher said,

“ Here every one only paid atte ntio n to the black dot ,8 no one wrote about the white paper. ”The whole class listened_9_,because they were afraid to fail in the exam.

Then the teacher said,“ Don't worry about your__10_ for this test. I just want you to think about our life. The white paper is like our whole life and the black dot in the centre of the

paper_11_problems in our daily life. ”

Our life is a _12. given to us by God(上帝),with love and care. __13__,we just pay attention to the problems like illnesses and poverty(贫穷),and never see that these problems are very_14 compared to everything else we have in our life.

So we should try to take our eye off our problems and_15__ each mome nt life gives us.

1. A.

2. A. searched B. looked C. voted

C. give


D. waited

don ate e-mail B sell

3. A. After B. Before C. Un til D. While

4. A. happy B. surprised C. excited D. sad

5. A. forgot B. remembered C. no ticed D. hated

6. A. talk B. write C. hear D. lear n

7. A. All B. None C. Some D. Ma ny

8. A. because B. although C. if D. but

9. A. sile ntly B. an grily C. happily D. quickly

10. A. prese nts B. marks C. suggesti ons D. tasks

11. A. helps B finds C represe nts D. solves

12. A. problem B. gift C. mome nt D. door

13. A. Still B. Also C. Besides D. The n

14. A. serious B. big C small D. importa nt

15. A. refuse B. stop C waste D. enjoy


A gia nt panda ran away from the zoo in London. He walked and walked and became __1__. He walked into a restaura nt , where he found a__2__ at an empty table. The waiter took the pan da's order.

After he __3__ his dinner , the panda stood up , calmly pulled out a gun which he had hidden , and fired into the air.__4_ he turned around and walked toward the door.

Naturally , the waiter was horrified ( 恐惧的),but he tried hard to pull himself together and stopped him for a (n )__5_ .

The panda said to him ,“ What do I look like to __6_ ?” The waiter an swered ,“ Well , a gia nt pan da , of course. ” “ That's right ,” said the pan da.

"LooJp. ” And he walked out.

The waiter called the __7__. When they arrived the waiter told them the whole story , __8__the pan da's words “ lookit up ” So the police officer __9__ a young man out to get an encyclopedia (百科全书).

The young man returned with the encyclopedia. The officer __10 “ panda ” and there was the an swer ," Giant pan da , lives in China , eats shoots 竹笋) and leaves.”

1. A. tired B. angry C. crazy D. hungry

5. A. talk B. excuse C. questi on D. expla nati on

6. A. us B.

him C.


D. them

7. A. bosses B. police C.

neighbors D. customers

8. A. about B. like C. without D. in cludi ng

9. A. sent B. took C. drove D. in vited


A father and his daughter were flying a kite in the park. The young daughter was a little bit tired , so they took a __1__on the bench (凳子).When the daughter saw an old man selling apples , she asked her father to buy her an apple. Her father did n't bring much money with him , but it was eno ugh to buy two apples. So he did , and gave ___2__ of them to his daughter , smili ng.

His daughter held one apple in her left hand and the other in the right hand. Then the father asked her if she could __3__ one of the apples with him. When the girl heard this , she quickly took a bite (咬)from one apple. And before her father could speak ,she also took a bite from the __4__apple.

The father was __5__. He won dered what mistake he made so that his daughter acted in such a

2. A. seat B. note C.

3. A. ordered B. fini shed

4. A.

So B.

Once C.

waiter D. n ewspaper C. served D. cooked Then D. Also

10. A. turned to B. asked for C. looked up D. called on

greedy(贪婪的)way. He was lost in thought. Perhaps he was just thinking too much, his daughter was too__6__ to un dersta nd about shari ng and giv ing. A smile disappeared from his face.

Suddenly, his daughter with an apple in her left hand said. “Daddy, have this one! It is much juicier and__7__. ” Her father was speechless. He felt__8__ about making the judgment(判断)so quickly about a small child. But his smile __9__ knowing why his daughter quickly took a bite from each apple.

Don't judge anything or draw a conclusion(结论)too quickly.__10_ spare some more time to un dersta nd things better.

1. A. walk B. shower C. break

2. A. both B. either C. neither

3. A. cut B. wash C. share

4. A. first B. seco nd C. third

5. A. satisfied B. surprised C. moved

6. A. brave B. silly C. young

7. A. sweeter B. bitterer C. saltier

8. A. proud B. great C. bad

9. A. went away B. came back C. ran off

10. A. Always B. Never C. Seldom


I was walking along a busy road when I noticed a young man standing near the crossing selling toys.__I would hurry past such sellers. But I found this young man was __2_ _ , so I stood for some time without cross ing the street. I wan ted to see how he sold his thin gs.

Soon, a young mother with a little girl came by and the child set __3__ eyes on one of teddy bears. The mother asked for the __4_ and it was only one dollar. She__5 _out a 10- dollar note from her han dbag and told the young man that she was givi ng him 10 dollars and wan ted the __6__ back. I was wondering how he was going to do it. He told the young mother to put the money in the bag __7__around his n eck and take out her cha nge.

I realized that this young man depe nded on believi ng people not to cheat him. There was no way for him to know__8__someone would take out more than they should have. I was so __9 _. I bought a car model from him that I did not n eed. As I walked dow n the street , Igave the car model to a kid walking with his father.

I kept thinking that the world would be a better place if we could all lear n to __10__others more, like the young blind street seller.

1. A. Usually B. Exactly C. Hardly D. Probably

2. A. wise B. bli nd C han dsome D. stra nge

3. A. its B their C. her D. his

4. A. man B. child C. price D. help

5. A. threw B. cleared C. gave D. pulled

6. A. change B. note C. bill D. money

7. A. turni ng B. hanging C. look ing D. show ing

8. A. where B. what C. why D. how

9. A. excited B. in terested C. surprised D. touched


help B. un dersta nd C. trust D. man age



One day an an gel(天使)came across three peas. She said she could help each of them __1__a dream.

The first pea wan ted to fly in the sky , and the sec ond on e's __2__was to swim in the sea. The third one said it had bee n __3_ going to a place where it could bring happ in ess to others. The an gel

__4__them where they wan ted to go. The first pea fell on to the __5 _after a long flight and was eate n by a hen. The sec ond one sank into the sea and had to stay in the dark ness Ion ely all its life. The third one flew into a flower pot(花盆)whose __6__ was a poor little girl. Having been ill for a long time , she was very__7__and could n't go outside.

One day, when the girl was walking as usual in the house , she __8__ a small pea plant in the flower pot.__9__ the plant only had two tiny leaves, it seemed to be cheerful. When a light__10_ came , it danced and seemed to be encouraging the girl to cheer up. "I will grow up like this pla nt and I will be better soon ,” she said in a con fide nt voice. From the n on , the girl stayed beside the little pea

plant , watched it and talked with it. Day by day the plant grew taller and taller, and __11__the little girl became better and better. Fin ally , the pea pla nt flowered and the girl returned to her__12__.

Then the an gel came. The pea pla nt waved its leaves to her and said,“ Look! My__13_ has come true and I feel rm the __1_4__pea in the world ! ” The an gel smiled, “ Only the dream that can __15__ others will bring happ in ess in return !"

1. A. expla inB. desig n C. have D. achieve

2. A. wish B. pla n C. game D. prize

3. A. catch ing sight of B. coming up with

C. tak ing part in

D. look ing forward to

4. A. sent B. brought C. showed D. imag ined

5. A. moun tai n B. ground C. river D. buildi


6. A. owner B. volun teer C. maker D. player

7. A. sad B. weak C. fat D. serious

no ticed C. knocked D. grew

8. A. looked B


9. A. When B. Si nee C Though D. If

10. A. wi nd B. rain C. storm D. cloud

11. A. sudde nly B. certa inly C. no rmally D. gradually


Jack's love for birds started when he made his first birdfeeder about six years ago. He filled the feeder with seeds 种子),put it in his backyard and then__1__started coming. He got really__2__in birds as more came. Then he joined a local society. As he realized that more and more birds were dying very__3_ , he wan ted to try his best to help them.

Besides what he has done , he has his own group called Protecting Our Birds. He does_4__about birds , runs a website to teach people about birds and how to help them , and__5__boxes for birds. Not long ago , he found that the bluebirds were nesting (做窝)in the dead trees which were often cut down , __6__he began to make bluebird boxes for the birds in order to save them. Now he wants to use these boxes to__7__the dead trees. He hangs these boxes up in trees and takes __8__down every week to see if the birds are nesting in them. He also writes articles , hoping that more people will__9__protecting

natural ecosystems (生态系统).

“Researching birds is__10. to protecting birds ,” Jack says , "In order to protect birds , we

have to learn and really know about the birds. ”

1. A. bees B. birds C. people D. scie ntists

2. A. n ervous B. weak C. bored D. in terested

3. A. peacefully B. safety C. quickly D. sadly

4. A. practice B. bus in ess C. in struct ion D. research

5. A. builds B. breaks C.

lifts D. pushes

6. A. so B.

butC. though D. because

7. A. take good care of B. take the place of C. catch up with D. come up with

8. A. it B.


C. these

D. them

9. A. wait for B.

send for C. joi n in

D. hand in

10. A. simple B.

crazy C.

importa nt D.



A very rich man Peter lost his sight. The __1 _ told him that only by doing a cornea ( 角膜)

transplant operation could he bring his sight back. Peter __2__ a lot of money for the cornea , but time passed day after day , __3__ came for that. It was all because he was too proud of his “ wealth , '”nd had done many dish on est thin gs.

One day , he took a walk in the park. He raised his head to __4_ the long- awaited sunshine. However , he saw nothing but darkness.


A. joke

B. decisi on

C. dream

D. suggesti

on 14.

A. best

B. proudest

C. bravest

D. happiest 15.

A. support

B. protect

C. help

D. un dersta


12. A. activities B. health C. studies D. job

Just as Peter started feeli ng __5__, some one sudde nly ran into him. “ Don't you have eyes? Don't you see who you hit! I'm millio naire Peter !

Peter said 6

The an swer was from a little boy,“ I'm __7__,

sir. I did n't no tice. Please forgive(原谅) me! ” Suddenly Peter changed his mind and said , "I can forgive you , but you must__8__ me ! ”

The boy said yes repeatedly and Peter nodded with satisfaction and asked , " Is the __9__ big today ?” The boy answered merrily,“ Yes, it is pretty fine today , big and bright !”

Peter smiled. He thought he could feel the sun again. He asked , " Is the park beautiful ?”

“Yes, very! The grass is green and the flowers are pretty. The little __10 _ are so lovely

when the birds sing in them. ”

一11 一he was listening , Peter began to envy(嫉妒)that boy.

Suddenly, he __12_,“ God! How I envy this boy! It's unfair! Why not give me good __13__?”

“ You are wrong !” a woman said to Peter. “ My son is__14 just like you. He could only

tell you so much because that's all I told him !” Tears suddenly 15__ Peter's eyes.

Since then, the city charity has got a lot of money every year. It is from a man named Peter.

1. A. teacher B. doctor C. policeman D. driver

2. A. wasted B. paid C. offered D. gave

3. A. no body B. everybody C. somebody D.an ybody

4. A. enjoy B.find C. face D. watch

5. A. n ervous B. bored C. tired D. sad

6. A. softly B. coldly C. proudly D. an grily

7. A. surprised B. a fraid C. sorry D. puzzled

8. A. look after B.chat with C. wait for D. write to

9. A. wi nd B. sun C. cloud D. moon

10. A. kites B. rivers C. stones D. trees

11. A. As B. Because C Although D. Un less

12. A. un derstood B. cried C. asked D. smiled

13. A. heari ng B. feeli ngs C. sight D. tastes

14. A. deaf B. rich C. bli nd D. normal

15. A. filled B. covered C. toughed D. en



We all think eating fruit means just buying fruits , cutting them and putting them into our __1__. It's not as easy as you think. It's important to know __2- and when to eat.

Fruit should be eaten on an empty stomach. If you eat fruit like that, it will go straight _3__the stomach into the intestines(肠道).It will be good to your health and provide you with ple nty of __4__ for life activities. Fruit is the most importa nt __5__.

But when you eat pieces of bread and then some fruit , it is__6__from doing so. Do you know the reas on?
