

CD-1 Good Morning

Good morning, good morning,

And how do you do?

Good morning, good morning,

I`m fine, how are you?

CD-2,3 The Alphabet song




W and X Y Z

Happy, Happy, I am happy

I can sing my A B C

CD-4,5 Happy Birthday To You

Happy birthday to you.

Happy birthday to you.

Happy birthday dear (my) friend.

Happy birthday to you.

CD-6 Bingo

There was a farmer had a dog.

And bingo was his name, sir.

B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O.

And bingo was his name, sir.

There was a farmer had a dog.

And bingo was his name, sir.

_-I-N-G-O, _-I-N-G-O, _-I-N-G-O.

And bingo was his name, sir.

CD-7 Under The Spreading Chestnut Tree Under the spreading chestnut tree

There we sit both you and me.

Oh , how happy we will be!

Under the spreading chestnut tree

CD-8 Ten Little Indians

One little , two little , three little Indians, Four little , five little , six little Indians, Seven little , eight little , nine little Indians, Ten little Indians boys.

Ten little , nine little , eight little Indians, Seven little , six little , five little Indians, Four little , three little , two little Indians,

One little Indians boy

CD-9,10 Hello,

Hello, hello.

Hello, how are you?

I`m fine, I`m fine.

I hope that you are, too.

CD-11 Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star Twinkle, twinkle, little star.

How I wonder what you are!

Up above the world so high.

Like a diamond in the sky.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star.

How I wonder what you are!

CD-12 Head, Shoulders,Knees and Toes Head, shoulders, knees and toes,

knees and toes.

Head, shoulders, knees and toes,

knees and toes.

And eyes and ears and mouth and nose. Oh, head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes!

CD-13 Row, Row, Row Your Boat Row, row, row your boat,

Gently down the stream.

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily.

Life is but a dream.

CD-14 Clap, Clap, Bow

Clap, clap, bow, bow, bow,

Clap, clap, bow, bow, bow,

Stamp, Stamp, Stamp, Stamp, Stamp, Turn around and bow, bow, bow.

CD-15 Days Of The Week

Sunday, ra-ra-ra,

Monday, ra-ra-ra,

Tuesday, ra-ra-ra,


Thursday, ra-ra-ra,

Friday, ra-ra-ra,


That makes a week.

CD-16 Twelve Months

January ,February,

March, April,

May and June,

July and August,September,

October, November, December.

CD-17 Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumptysat on a wall

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king`s horses,

And all the king`s men

Couldn`t put Humpty Dumpty together again.

CD-18 Are You Sleeping?

Are you sleeping, are you sleeping,

Brother John, brother John?

Morning bells are ringing,

Morning bells are ringing,

Ding, ding, dong! Ding, ding, dong!

CD-19 Teday Bear

Teday bear, Teday bear, turn around,

Teday bear, Teday bear, touch the ground. Teday bear, Teday bear, show your shoe, Teday bear, Teday bear,

Show what you can do.

CD-20 Where`s Mr. Thumb?

Where`s Mr. Thumb?

Where`s Mr. Thumb?

Here I am. Here I am.

How are you today, sir?

Very well,I thank you.

Run and hide, Run and hide.

Where`s Peter Pointer?

Where`s Peter Pointer?

Here I am. Here I am.

How are you today, sir?

Very well, I thank you.

Run and hide, Run and hide.

Where`s Mary Middle?

Where`s Mary Middle?

Here I am. Here I am.

How are you today, sir?

Very well, I thank you.

Run and hide, Run and hide Where`s Mrs. Ring ?

Where`s Mrs. Ring?

Here I am. Here I am.

How are you today, sir?

Very well, I thank you.

Run and hide, Run and hide. Where`s Little Pinky?

Where`s Little Pinky?

Here I am. Here I am.

How are you today, sir?

Very well, I thank you.

Run and hide, Run and hide. Where are the fingers?

Where are the fingers?

Here we are. Here we are .

How are you today, guys?

Very well, we thank you.

Run and hide, Run and hide.

CD-21 My Bonnie

My Bonnie lies over the ocean,

My Bonnie lies over the sea,

My Bonnie lies over the ocean, Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me! *Bring back , bring back ,

bring back my Bonnie to me! bring back, bring back ,

bring back my Bonnie to me! Oh, blow, ye winds, over the ocean, Oh, blow, ye winds,over the sea, Oh, blow, ye winds,over the ocean, bring back my Bonnie to me!

CD-22 Do Re Mi

Doe, a deer,a female deer,

Ray, a drop of golden sun,

Me, a name I call myself,

Far, a long, long way to run,

Sew, a needle pulling thread,

La, a note to follow sew,

Tea, a drink with jam and bread,

That will bring us back to doe.

Do re me fa so la ti do so do!

CD-23 Hickory, dickory, dock

Hickory, dickory, dock.

The mouse ran up the clock

The clock struck one,

The mouse ran down,

Hickory, dickory, dock.

Hickory, dickory, dock.

The mouse ran up the clock

The clock struck two,

The mouse ran down,

Hickory, dickory, dock.

Hickory, dickory, dock.

The mouse ran up the clock

The clock struck three,

The mouse ran down,

Hickory, dickory, dock.

CD-24 Let`s Sing Together

Sing, sing, together,

Merrily, merrily sing.

Sing, sing, together,

Merrily, merrily sing.

Sing, sing, sing, sing.

CD-25 Eensy Weensy Spider

Eensy Weensy Spider went up the water spout. Down came the rain and washed the spider out. Out came the sun and dried up all the rain.

And Eensy Weensy Spider went up the spout again.

CD-26 Train is A-coming

Train is A-coming, oh, yes,

Train is A-coming, oh, yes,

Train is A-coming, train is A-coming,

Train is A-coming, oh, yes,

Bus is A-coming, oh, yes,

Bus is A-coming, oh, yes,

Bus is A-coming, bus is A-coming,

bus is A-coming, oh, yes,

CD-27 Mary Had A Little Lamb

Mary had a little lamb,

little lamb, little lamb,

Mary had a little lamb,

It`s fleece was white as snow.

And everywhere that Mary went,

Mary went, Mary went,

Everywhere that Mary went,

The lamb was sure to go.

CD-28 Miss Mary Mack

Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack.

All dressed in black, black, black.

With silver buckles, buckles, buckles.

Up and down her back, back, back.

Miss Betty Bean,Bean, Bean.

All dressed in green, green,green.

With an orange zipper, zipper, zipper.

Up and down her seam, seam, seam.

CD-29 London Bridge Is Falling Down

London bridge is falling down, falling down,

falling down.

London bridge is falling down,

My fair lady.

Take a key and lock her up, lock her up,

lock her up.

Take a key and lock her up,

My fair lady.

CD-30 Jingle Bells

Dashing through the snow,

in a one horse open sleigh.

O`er the fields we go, laughing all the way.

Bells on bobtail ring, making spirits bright.

Oh! What fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight. Jingle bells! Jingle bells! Jingle all the way!

Oh! What fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh, hey! Jingle bells! Jingle bells! Jingle all the way!

Oh! What fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh!

CD-31 Two Little Blackbirds

Two little blackbirds sitting on a hill,

One named Jack and the other named Jill.

Fly away, Jack, fly away, Jill

Come back, Jack, come back

Two little blackbirds sitting on a hill,

One named Jack and the other named Jill.

CD-32 We Wish You A Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas.

We wish you a Merry Christmas.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year! *Good tidings to you, wherever you are.

Good tidings to you for Christmas and a happy new year! We wish you a Merry Christmas.

We wish you a Merry Christmas.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

CD-33 Edelweiss

Edelweiss, Edelweiss,

Every morning you greet me.

Small and white, clean and bright,

You look happy to meet me.

*Blossom of snow, may you bloom and grow,

Bloom and grow forever.

Edelweiss, Edelweiss,

Bless my hometown forever.



1..Hello song 歌词(Lyrics) Hello, hello, hello how are you? I'm fine, I'm fine , I hope that you are too. Hello, hello, hello how are you? I'm fine, I'm fine , I hope that you are too 2.. Finger Family 歌词Lyrics Daddy finger, Daddy finger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? Mammy finger, Mammy finger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? 3..《ABC song》歌词 A B C D , E F G H I J K , L M N O P Q R S , T U V W X Y Z Now I know my ABC, tell me what you think of me 4.. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 歌词 Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! When the blazing sun is gone, When there's nothing he shines upon, Then you show your little light, Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.


童谣好习惯 一、学习好习惯 课前预习效果好 课前预习早, 方法很重要. 字词不理解, 自学查资料. 疑难标记号, 课堂再研讨. 处处勤动脑, 效果呱呱叫. 专心听讲 你拍一,我拍一,清早到校去学习; 你拍二,我拍二,门门功课我都爱; 你拍三,我拍三,铃响坐好不拖延; 你拍四,我拍四,眼到心到好身姿; 你拍五,我拍五,头脑清醒不迷糊; 你拍六,我拍六,课程过半要加油; 你拍七,我拍七,不懂举手问问题; 你拍八,我拍八,积极回答老师夸; 你拍九,我拍九,记好笔记有要求; 你拍十,我拍十,认真听讲长知识. 爱提问 小朋友,勤思考,爱提问,真是好. 问宇宙,真浩淼,银河系,知多少? 问自然,太奇妙,进化律,可知晓? 问历史,三国事,唐宋诗,谁知道? 问语文,问数学,问外语,问美术, 爱读书,善学习,常动脑,很重要. 知错就改

作业有错当天改,考试有错记心间;说话有错忙道歉,行为有错不重犯. 不推责任不傲慢,知错就改人人赞. 查询资料觅珍宝 天地广,历史长,宇宙万物真奇妙. 遇疑难,查资料,增广见闻很重要. 查字典,学汉字,笔画笔顺错不了. 查词典,学词语,读音意义都知道. 查网络,搜网页,百科知识真不少. 查著作,耐心读,博大精深助思考. 勤学习,爱思考,查询资料觅珍宝. 不拖拉 小朋友要牢记, 做作业要专心. 不聊天不玩耍, 不回头不张望, 时间老人走得快, 我们要珍惜每分钟. 不磨蹭,效率高, 良好习惯早养成. 仔细审题 做题目,别着急, 读题审题要仔细. 题目长,读几遍, 关键词语要注意. 动动脑,想一想, 题目思路要理清. 审题清楚再动笔, 准确答题乐悠悠. 勤动笔 花儿满园开,蜜蜂把蜜采.


100首儿歌歌词大全 一只小蜜蜂呀,飞到花丛中呀,飞呀,飞呀。 二只小耗子呀,跑到粮仓里呀,吃呀,吃呀。 三只小花猫呀,去抓小耗子呀,追呀,追呀。 四只小花狗呀,去找小花猫呀,玩呀,玩呀。 五只小山羊呀,爬到山坡上呀,爬呀,爬呀。 六只小鸭子呀,跳到水里面呀,游呀,游呀。 七只小百灵呀,站在树枝上呀,唱呀,唱呀。 八只小孔雀呀,穿上花衣裳呀,美呀,美呀。 九只小白兔呀,竖起长耳朵呀,蹦呀,蹦呀。 十个小朋友呀,一起手拉手呀,笑呀,乐呀。 1什么1,棍子1。 2什么2,鸭子2。 3什么3,耳朵3。

4什么4,帆船4。 5什么5,钩钩5。 6什么6,大肚6。 7什么7,拐杖7。 8什么8,眼镜8。 9什么9,汽球9。 10什么10,棍子打棒球。 一根棍子轻轻打, 二双筷子里外扒, 三人小组爱说话, 四个小兵不害怕, 五个朋友力气大。 起床歌-小宝宝,起得早,睁开眼,眯眯笑,咿呀呀,学说话,伸伸手,要人抱穿衣歌-小胳膊,穿袖子,穿上衣,扣扣子,小脚丫,穿裤子,穿上袜子穿鞋子。

小镜子-小镜子,圆又圆,看宝宝,露笑脸。闭上眼,做个梦,变月亮,挂上天。 小铃铛-叮铃铃,叮铃铃,一会远,一会近。小宝宝,耳朵灵,听铃声,找到铃。 学画画-小宝宝,学画画,大蜡笔,手中拿,画小鸭,叫嘎嘎,画小马,骑回家。 大鞋子-大鞋子,象只船,爸爸穿,我也穿,一二一,象前走,走呀走,翻了船。 逛公园-逛公园,宝宝笑,东看看,西瞧瞧,花儿香,鸟儿叫,小草绿,小树摇。 看画报-小娃娃,看画报,睁大眼,仔细瞧,布娃娃,哈哈笑,伸伸手,要你抱。 搭积木-大积木,红黄兰,小宝宝,最爱玩,搭火车,钻山洞,盖高楼,连着天。 小汽车-小汽车,嘀嘀嘀,开过来,开过去,小宝宝,当司机,送妈妈,上班去。 斗虫飞 斗虫飞‘’斗虫飞‘’飞到南山吃露水‘’ 露水吃不到‘’回来吃青草。 妈妈抱宝宝坐在膝上‘’用手拉起宝宝的两手‘’将他的两个食指对拢再分开‘’边唱这个歌谣.慢慢地一说“ 斗虫飞” 宝宝就会自己对拢食指. 摇煤球


It’s A Small World It’s a small world after all, It’s a small world after all, It’s a small world after all, It’s a small, small world. There’s a world of laughter, a world of tears. There’s so mush that we share and it’s time we’re aware. It’s a small world after all. Jingle bells Dashing through the snow in a one-horse open sleigh. O’er the fields we go, laughing all the way. Bells on bobtail ring, making the spirits. Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh. Hey! Jingle bells! Jingle bells! Jingle all the way! Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh! Little Perter Rabbit Little peter Rabbit has a fly upon his nose. Little peter Rabbit has a fly upon his nose. Little peter rabbit has a fly upon his nose. And he flicked it’til it flew away. Little Sunny Water Little sunny water sleeping in a corner. Wake up, Wake up, Wash your face and make a bumble shake. Oh, shake it to the right and shake it to the left.


Six little ducks 六只小鸭子 Six little ducks that I once knew, fat ones,skinny ones , fair ones too , 我曾经认识六只小鸭子,肥的、瘦的、漂亮的也有 But the one little duck with the feather on his back, 但其中一只背上羽毛软柔柔He led the others with a quack , quack , quack ! 它呱呱呱带领其他小鸭走quack , quack , quack ! quack , quack , quack ! He led the others with a quack , quack , quack ! 它呱呱呱带领其他小鸭走Down to the river they would go , 它们朝着小河往前走 Wibble wobble , Wibble wobble , to and fro ! 摇摇晃晃来来回回走 But the one little duck with the feather on his back , 但其中一只背上羽毛软柔柔He led the others with a quack , quack , quack ! 它呱呱呱带领其他小鸭走quack , quack , quack ! quack , quack , quack ! He led the others with a quack , quack , quack ! 它呱呱呱带领其他小鸭走Home from the river they would come, 它们离开小河往回走 Wibble wobble , Wibble wobble , ho hum hum ! 摇摇晃晃打着哈欠走 But the one little duck with the feather on his back , 但其中一只背上羽毛软柔柔He led the others with a quack , quack , quack ! 它呱呱呱带领其他小鸭走quack , quack , quack ! quack , quack , quack ! he led the others with a quack , quack , quack ! 它呱呱呱带领其他小鸭走 JUMP FOR ME跟我跳 Jump,jump,jump for me跳,跳,我跳 Jumping is fun,you will see跳跃的乐趣,你会看到 Jump high,jump low跳的高,跳低 Jumping,jumping we will go跳跃,跳跃,我们将 Twist,twist,twist with me捻度,捻,捻与我 Twisting is fun,you will see扭的乐趣,你会看到 Twist left,twist right扭左,右扭 Twisting,twisting day and night扭,扭日夜


中华经典童谣 各位读友大家好!你有你的木棉,我有我的文章,为了你的木棉,应读我的文章!若为比翼双飞鸟,定是人间有情人!若读此篇优秀文,必成天上比翼鸟! 篇一:1 最经典的一百首童谣 1 最经典的一百首童谣天天锻炼身体好。1. 北京的儿歌小小子儿,坐门墩儿,哭着19. 小懒猪小懒猪,睡懒觉,等它起来日喊着要媳妇儿,要媳妇儿干吗呀?点灯,说高照。背起书包赶快跑,跑到学校迟到了。话儿,吹灯,做伴儿,明天早晨给你梳小辫20. 布娃娃布娃娃,布娃娃,大大的眼睛儿。黑头发。一天到晚笑哈哈,就是不说话。又 2. 我们都是好朋友小鸟儿,成群飞。小鱼干净,又美丽,我来抱抱你,做你的好妈儿,成群游。小朋友,手拉手,排成队伍向妈。前走。唱着歌,拍着手,我们都是好朋友21. 别生气小妹小妹别生气,明天带你去3. 雪娃娃下雪啦,下雪啦,我来堆个雪娃看戏,我坐椅子你坐地,我

吃香蕉你吃皮。娃。雪娃娃,来看家,太阳出来不见啦。22. 阿牛和老牛有个孩子叫阿牛,阿牛上4 找朋友找呀找呀找朋友,找到一个好朋山放老牛,老牛哞哞叫阿牛,阿牛友,敬个礼,握握手,我们都是好朋友。 5 回家骑老牛。5. 瓜苦瓜满脸是皱纹,冬瓜脸上搽香粉,23. 冬夜长冬天夜里长,夏天白天长,夏黄瓜脸上长痘痘,西瓜脸上画花纹。天比冬天夜里短,冬天比夏天夜里长。24. 山上一只虎山上一只虎,林中一只鹿,6. 做作业小猫小猫你别闹,现在不能把你路边一只猪,草里一只兔,还有一只鼠,数抱。我要认真做作业,得朵红花给你瞧。一数,一、二、三、四、五,虎、鹿、猪、7. 小兔子乖乖小兔子乖乖,小兔子乖乖,兔、鼠。把门儿开开,快点开开,妈妈要进来。不开,25. 笨孩子二加二,等二四,七加七,扳不开,我不开,妈妈没回来,谁来也不开。手指,左手不够扳右手,右手不够扳脚趾,8. . 小花


英语经典儿歌 1.ABCsong 2.Do- Re- Mi 3.Ten little Indians 4.Head and shoulders knees and toes 5.Apple round 6.Old Macdonal 7.Jingle bell 8.Happy New Year 9.Are you sleeping? 10.D ay of the Week 11.Eight Little Baby Ducks 12. If you are happy 13.Edelweiss(雪绒花) 14.Twinkle, twinkle, little star 15.Two Little Blackbirds 16.We Wish You A Merry Christmas 17.Mary Had a Little Lamb 18. London Bridge is Falling Down 19.Colours 20. I can sing a rainbow

部分歌词 1. ABC Song (字母歌) come together, come to me while I sing the ABC. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RS and TUVW and XYZ. Now you ve heard my ABC. Tell me what you think of me. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N L P Q R S and T U V W and X Y Z. now y ou ve heard our ABC. Let us hear your ABC. All together sing with me. Let us try our ABC. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S and T U V W and X Y Z. now you ve heard our ANC. Let us hear your ABC. Do-Re-Mi(哆-来-咪) Doe a deer a female deer. Ray a drop of golden sun. me a name I call mys elf, Far a long long way to run. Sew a needle pulling thread. La a note tha t follow sew. Tea a drink with jam and bread. That will bring us back to d oe, oh oh oh, Doe ray me far sew la tea doe. Sew, doe. Day of the Week(星期之歌) Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. (Rep eating 3 times.) Are You Sleeping?(你睡了吗) Are you sleeping, are you sleeping? Brother John, brother John. Morn


1..Hello song 歌词(Lyrics) Hello, hello, hello how are you? I'm fine, I'm fine , I hope that you are too. Hello, hello, hello how are you? I'm fine, I'm fine , I hope that you are too 2.. Finger Family 歌词Lyrics Daddy finger, Daddy finger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? Mammy finger, Mammy finger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? 3..《ABC song》歌词 A B C D , E F G H I J K , L M N O P Q R S , T U V W X Y Z Now I know my ABC, tell me what you think of me 4.. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 歌词 Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! When the blazing sun is gone, When there's nothing he shines upon, Then you show your little light, Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.


100首童谣歌词大全 一只小蜜蜂呀,飞到花丛中呀,飞呀,飞呀。 二只小耗子呀,跑到粮仓里呀,吃呀,吃呀。 三只小花猫呀,去抓小耗子呀,追呀,追呀。 四只小花狗呀,去找小花猫呀,玩呀,玩呀。 五只小山羊呀,爬到山坡上呀,爬呀,爬呀。 六只小鸭子呀,跳到水里面呀,游呀,游呀。 七只小百灵呀,站在树枝上呀,唱呀,唱呀。 八只小孔雀呀,穿上花衣裳呀,美呀,美呀。 九只小白兔呀,竖起长耳朵呀,蹦呀,蹦呀。 十个小朋友呀,一起手拉手呀,笑呀,乐呀。 1什么1,棍子1。 2什么2,鸭子2。 3什么3,耳朵3。 4什么4,帆船4。 5什么5,钩钩5。 6什么6,大肚6。 7什么7,拐杖7。 8什么8,眼镜8。 9什么9,汽球9。 10什么10,棍子打棒球。 一根棍子轻轻打, 二双筷子里外扒, 三人小组爱说话, 四个小兵不害怕, 五个朋友力气大。 起床歌-小宝宝,起得早,睁开眼,眯眯笑,咿呀呀,学说话,伸伸手,要人抱穿衣歌-小胳膊,穿袖子,穿上衣,扣扣子,小脚丫,穿裤子,穿上袜子穿鞋子。小镜子-小镜子,圆又圆,看宝宝,露笑脸。闭上眼,做个梦,变月亮,挂上天。小铃铛-叮铃铃,叮铃铃,一会远,一会近。小宝宝,耳朵灵,听铃声,找到铃。学画画-小宝宝,学画画,大蜡笔,手中拿,画小鸭,叫嘎嘎,画小马,骑回家。大鞋子-大鞋子,象只船,爸爸穿,我也穿,一二一,象前走,走呀走,翻了船。逛公园-逛公园,宝宝笑,东看看,西瞧瞧,花儿香,鸟儿叫,小草绿,小树摇。看画报-小娃娃,看画报,睁大眼,仔细瞧,布娃娃,哈哈笑,伸伸手,要你抱。搭积木-大积木,红黄兰,小宝宝,最爱玩,搭火车,钻山洞,盖高楼,连着天。小汽车-小汽车,嘀嘀嘀,开过来,开过去,小宝宝,当司机,送妈妈,上班去。 斗虫飞


英文儿童歌曲《apple tree》歌词: Apple round,apple red. Apple juicy apple sweet. Apple apple I love you, Apple sweet I love to eat. Apple round,apple red. Apple juicy apple sweet. Apple apple I love you, Apple sweet I love to eat. If You are Happy儿歌歌词: If you happy and you know it,clap your hands. If you happy and you know it,That you are ready,want to show it. If you happy and you know it,stamp your feet. If you happy and you know it,That you are ready,want to show it. If you happy and you know it,nod your heads. If you happy and you know it,That you are ready,want to show it. If you happy and you know it,Hipo-Ya Yat. If you happy and you know it,That you are ready,want to show it. If you happy and you know it,To a part. If you happy and you know it,That you are ready,want to show it. 《多来咪-Do Re Mi》的英文歌词. Let's start at the very beginning A very good place to start When you read you begin with A B C When you sing you begin with Ro-re-mi Do-re-mi Do-re-mi The first three notes just happen to be



主题:100首童谣(内容非常好适合小宝宝) 一只小蜜蜂呀,飞到花丛中呀,飞呀,飞呀。 二只小耗子呀,跑到粮仓里呀,吃呀,吃呀。 三只小花猫呀,去抓小耗子呀,追呀,追呀。 四只小花狗呀,去找小花猫呀,玩呀,玩呀。 五只小山羊呀,爬到山坡上呀,爬呀,爬呀。 六只小鸭子呀,跳到水里面呀,游呀,游呀。 七只小百灵呀,站在树枝上呀,唱呀,唱呀。 八只小孔雀呀,穿上花衣裳呀,美呀,美呀。 九只小白兔呀,竖起长耳朵呀,蹦呀,蹦呀。 十个小朋友呀,一起手拉手呀,笑呀,乐呀。 1什么1,棍子1。2什么2,鸭子2。 3什么3,耳朵3。4什么4,帆船4。 5什么5,钩钩5。6什么6,大肚6。 7什么7,拐杖7。8什么8,眼镜8。 9什么9,汽球9。10什么10,棍子打棒球。 一根棍子轻轻打,二双筷子里外扒, 三人小组爱说话,四个小兵不害怕, 五个朋友力气大。 起床歌-小宝宝,起得早,睁开眼,眯眯笑,咿呀呀,学说话,伸伸手,要人抱

穿衣歌-小胳膊,穿袖子,穿上衣,扣扣子,小脚丫,穿裤子,穿上袜子穿鞋子。小镜子-小镜子,圆又圆,看宝宝,露笑脸。闭上眼,做个梦,变月亮,挂上天。小铃铛-叮铃铃,叮铃铃,一会远,一会近。小宝宝,耳朵灵,听铃声,找到铃。学画画-小宝宝,学画画,大蜡笔,手中拿,画小鸭,叫嘎嘎,画小马,骑回家。大鞋子-大鞋子,象只船,爸爸穿,我也穿,一二一,象前走,走呀走,翻了船。逛公园-逛公园,宝宝笑,东看看,西瞧瞧,花儿香,鸟儿叫,小草绿,小树摇。看画报-小娃娃,看画报,睁大眼,仔细瞧,布娃娃,哈哈笑,伸伸手,要你抱。搭积木-大积木,红黄兰,小宝宝,最爱玩,搭火车,钻山洞,盖高楼,连着天。小汽车-小汽车,嘀嘀嘀,开过来,开过去,小宝宝,当司机,送妈妈,上班去。 斗虫飞 斗虫飞'斗虫飞'飞到南山吃露水' 露水吃不到'回来吃青草。 妈妈抱宝宝坐在膝上'用手拉起宝宝的两手'将他的两个食指对拢再分开'边唱这个歌谣.慢慢地一说“斗虫飞”宝宝就会自己对拢食指. 摇煤球 摇啊摇'摇煤球'煤球大啊装不下' 煤球小啊装不了。 让宝宝躺在毯子上'爸爸妈妈对站'各拎着毯子的两个角'一边摇一边唱。 找朋友(边唱边做动作)


56首经典儿歌歌词大全 1、做早操 早上空气真叫好,我们都来做早操。 伸伸臂,弯弯腰,踢踢腿,蹦蹦跳,天天锻炼身体好。 2、饭前要洗手 小脸盆,水清请,小朋友们笑盈盈,小手儿,伸出来, 洗一洗,白又净,吃饭前,先洗手,讲卫生,不得病。 3、小手绢 小手绢,四方方,天天带在我身上。 又擦鼻涕又擦汗,干干净净真好看。 4、搬鸡蛋 小老鼠,搬鸡蛋,鸡蛋太大怎么办?一只老鼠地上躺, 紧紧抱住大鸡蛋。一只老鼠拉尾巴,拉呀拉呀拉回家。 5、大骆驼 骆驼骆驼志气大,风吹日晒都不怕。 走沙漠,运盐巴,再苦再累不讲话。 6、螳螂 螳螂哥,螳螂哥,肚儿大,吃得多。飞飞能把粉蝶捕, 跳跳能把蝗虫捉。两把大刀舞起来,一只害虫不放过 7、大蜻蜓 大蜻蜓,绿眼睛,一对眼睛亮晶晶, 飞一飞,停一停,飞来飞去捉蚊蝇。 8、小鸭子 小鸭子,一身黄,扁扁嘴巴红脚掌。 嘎嘎嘎嘎高声唱,一摇一摆下池塘。 9、拍手歌 你拍一,我拍一,天天早起练身体。 你拍二,我拍二,天天都要带手绢。 你拍三,我拍三,洗澡以后换衬衫。 你拍四,我拍四,消灭苍蝇和蚊子。 你拍五,我拍五,有痰不要随地吐。 你拍六,我拍六,瓜皮果核不乱丢。 你拍七,我拍七,吃饭细嚼别着急。 你拍八,我拍八,勤剪指甲常刷牙。 你拍九,我拍九,吃饭以前要洗手。

你拍十,我拍十,脏的东西不要吃。 10 、小螃蟹 小螃蟹,真骄傲,横着身子到处跑, 吓跑鱼,撞倒虾,一点也不懂礼貌 11 、庆六一 儿童节,是六一,小朋友们真欢喜。 又唱歌来又跳舞,高高兴兴庆六一。 12、花猫照镜子 小花猫,喵喵叫,不洗脸,把镜照, 左边照,右边照,埋怨镜子脏,气得胡子翘。 13、蚂蚁搬虫虫 小蚂蚁,搬虫虫,一个搬,搬不动,两个搬,掀条缝, 三个搬,动一动,四个五个六七个,大家一起搬进洞。 14、小青蛙 小青蛙,呱呱呱,水里游,岸上爬, 吃害虫,保庄稼,人人都要保护它。 15、花儿好看我不摘 公园里,花儿开,红的红,白的白, 花儿好看我不摘,人人都说我真乖。 16 、红绿灯 大马路,宽又宽,警察叔叔站中间, 红灯亮,停一停,绿灯亮,往前行。 17 、七个果果 一二三四五六七,七六五四三二一。 七个阿姨来摘果,七个篮子手中提。七个果子摆七样。 苹果、桃儿、石榴、柿子、李子、栗子、梨。 18、睡午觉 枕头放放平,花被盖盖好。 小枕头,小花被,跟我一起睡午觉,看谁先睡着。 19 、吃荸荠 荸荠有皮,皮上有泥。洗掉荸荠皮上的泥,削去荸荠外面的皮,荸荠没了皮和泥,干干净净吃荸荠。 20 、小云骑牛去打油 小云骑牛去打油,遇着小友踢皮球,皮球飞来吓了牛,摔下小云撒了油。 21 、盆和瓶 车上有个盆,盆里有个瓶,乒乒乒,乓乓乓,不知是瓶碰盆,还是盆碰瓶。



01Edelweiss 雪绒花 Edelweiss,Edelweiss,雪绒花,雪绒花, Every morning you greet me.每天清晨你问候我. Small and white,clean and bright,小巧洁白,清纯亮丽. You look happy to meet me.看见我,你多高兴. Blossom of snow,盛开的雪花, may you bloom and grow,愿你开放生长. Bloom and grow forever.永远开放生长. Edelweiss,Edelweiss,雪绒花,雪绒花, Bless my hometown forever.永远保佑我的故乡. 03Twinkle,Twinkle,Little Star 小星星 Twinkle,twinkle,little star. 小星星,眼睛眨, How I wonder what you are!多想知道你像啥! Up above the world so high.远在天上高高挂. Like a diamond in the sky.闪闪发光大钻石, Twinkle,twinkle,little star. 小星星,眼睛眨, How I wonder what you are!多想知道你像啥! 04 Hello 哈罗 Hello,hello.哈罗,哈罗. Hello, how are you?哈罗,你好吗? I'm fine,I'm fine.我很好,我很好.

I hope that you are,too. 我希望你也很好. 06 Hey Diddle Diddle 摇啊摇 Hey diddle,diddle,摇啊摇,摇啊摇, The cat and the fiddle,小提琴和小猫, The cow jumped over the moon,母牛跳过了月亮; The little dog laughed小狗见了哈哈笑, to see such sport,做做运动真美妙, And the dish ran away with the spoon.汤勺跟着盘子跑. 07 Mozart's Lullaby 摇篮曲 Sleep,little one go to sleep,睡吧,睡吧,我的小宝宝. so peaceful the birds and the sheep.小鸟和羊群多么安静, Quiet are meadow and trees,牧场和树林静悄悄, even the buzz of the bees.蜜蜂也不再嗡嗡叫. The silvery moon beams so bright.银色的月光多么皎洁, Down through the window give light.通过窗子送来光亮. O'er you the moon beams will creep.噢,月光将会慢慢移动. Sleep,little one go to sleep,睡吧,睡吧,我的小宝宝. Good night,good night.晚安,晚安. 08Six little Ducks 六只小鸭子 Six little ducks that I once knew,从前我认识六只小鸭子,


英文儿歌歌词集合1.《walking,walking》 Walking,walking Walking,walking Hop,hop,hop Hop,hop,hop Running,running,running Running,running,running Now let’s stop Up and down. 2.《How are you》 Hello,hello Hello,how are you I’m fine. I’m fine. I hope that you are too. 3.《Teddy bear》 Teddy bear,teddy bear,turn around Teddy bear,teddy bear,touch the ground Teddy bear,teddy bear,show your shoes Teddy bear,teddy bear,that will do.

4.《Head shoulders knees and toes》 Head shoulders knees and toes,knees and toes Head shoulders knees and toes,knees and toes Eyes and ears and mouth and nose Head shoulders knees and toes,knees and toes 5.《Incy wincy spider》 Incy wincy spider climb up the water spout Down came the rain and wash poor Incy out Out came the sunshine and dried up all the rain And Incy wincy spider climb up the spout again 6.《Baby shark》 Baby shark Doo doo doo doo Baby shark Doo doo doo doo Baby shark Mummy shark Doo doo doo doo Mummy shark Doo doo doo doo


一百首童谣 一只小蜜蜂呀,飞到花丛中呀,飞呀,飞呀。二只小耗子呀,跑到粮仓里呀,吃呀,吃呀。三只小花猫呀,去抓小耗子呀,追呀,追呀。四只小花狗呀,去找小花猫呀,玩呀,玩呀。五只小山羊呀,爬到山坡上呀,爬呀,爬呀。六只小鸭子呀,跳到水里面呀,游呀,游呀。七只小百灵呀,站在树枝上呀,唱呀,唱呀。八只小孔雀呀,穿上花衣裳呀,美呀,美呀。九只小白兔呀,竖起长耳朵呀,蹦呀,蹦呀。十个小朋友呀,一起手拉手呀,笑呀,乐呀。 1什么1,棍子1。2什么2,鸭子2。 3什么3,耳朵3。4什么4,帆船4。 5什么5,钩钩5。6什么6,大肚6。 7什么7,拐杖7。8什么8,眼镜8。 9什么9,汽球9。10什么10,棍子打棒球。 一根棍子轻轻打,二双筷子里外扒, 三人小组爱说话,四个小兵不害怕, 五个朋友力气大。 起床歌-小宝宝,起得早,睁开眼,眯眯笑,咿呀呀,学说话,伸伸手,要人抱 穿衣歌-小胳膊,穿袖子,穿上衣,扣扣子,小脚丫,穿裤子,穿上袜子穿鞋子。小镜子-小镜子,圆又圆,看宝宝,露笑脸。闭上眼,做个梦,变月亮,挂上天。 小铃铛-叮铃铃,叮铃铃,一会远,一会近。小宝宝,耳朵灵,听铃声,找到铃。 学画画-小宝宝,学画画,大蜡笔,手中拿,画小鸭,叫嘎嘎,画小马,骑回家。 大鞋子-大鞋子,象只船,爸爸穿,我也穿,一二一,象前走,走呀走,翻了船。 逛公园-逛公园,宝宝笑,东看看,西瞧瞧,花儿香,鸟儿叫,小草绿,小树摇。 看画报-小娃娃,看画报,睁大眼,仔细瞧,布娃娃,哈哈笑,伸伸手,要你抱。 搭积木-大积木,红黄兰,小宝宝,最爱玩,搭火车,钻山洞,盖高楼,连着天。 小汽车-小汽车,嘀嘀嘀,开过来,开过去,小宝宝,当司机,送妈妈,上班去。 斗虫飞 斗虫飞'斗虫飞'飞到南山吃露水' 露水吃不到'回来吃青草。 妈妈抱宝宝坐在膝上'用手拉起宝宝的两手'将他的两个食指对拢再分开'边唱这个歌谣.慢慢地一说“斗虫飞”宝宝就会自己对拢食指. 摇煤球


英语儿歌45首歌 词 2018.6 1. Hello song 歌词(Lyrics) Hello, hello, hello how are you? I'm fine, I'm fine , I hope that you are too. Hello, hello, hello how are you? I'm fine, I'm fine , I hope that you are too 2. Finger Family 歌词Lyrics Daddy fin ger, Daddy fin ger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? Mammy fin ger, Mammy fin ger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? Brother fin ger, Brother fin ger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? Sister fin ger, Sister fin ger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? Baby fin ger, Baby fin ger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? 3. 《ABC so ng》歌词 A B C D , E F G H I J K , L M N O P Q R S , T U V W X Y Z Now I know my ABC, tell me what you think of me 4. Twi nkle Twi nkle Little Star 歌词 Twinkle, twinkle, little star,


经典共享:100首童谣 1什么1,棍子1。2什么2,鸭子2。 3什么3,耳朵3。4什么4,帆船4。 5什么5,钩钩5。6什么6,大肚6。 7什么7,拐杖7。8什么8,眼镜8。 9什么9,汽球9。10什么10,棍子打棒球。 一根棍子轻轻打,二双筷子里外扒, 三人小组爱说话,四个小兵不害怕, 五个朋友力气大。 起床歌-小宝宝,起得早,睁开眼,眯眯笑,咿呀呀,学说话,伸伸手,要人抱 穿衣歌-小胳膊,穿袖子,穿上衣,扣扣子,小脚丫,穿裤子,穿上袜子穿鞋子。 小镜子-小镜子,圆又圆,看宝宝,露笑脸。闭上眼,做个梦,变月亮,挂上天。 小铃铛-叮铃铃,叮铃铃,一会远,一会近。小宝宝,耳朵灵,听铃声,找到铃。 学画画-小宝宝,学画画,大蜡笔,手中拿,画小鸭,叫嘎嘎,画小马,骑回家。 大鞋子-大鞋子,象只船,爸爸穿,我也穿,一二一,象前走,走呀走,翻了船。 逛公园-逛公园,宝宝笑,东看看,西瞧瞧,花儿香,鸟儿叫,小草绿,小树摇。 看画报-小娃娃,看画报,睁大眼,仔细瞧,布娃娃,哈哈笑,伸伸手,要你抱。 搭积木-大积木,红黄兰,小宝宝,最爱玩,搭火车,钻山洞,盖高楼,连着天。 小汽车-小汽车,嘀嘀嘀,开过来,开过去,小宝 宝,当司机,送妈妈,上班去。 斗虫飞 斗虫飞'斗虫飞'飞到南山吃露水' 露水吃不到'回来吃青草。 妈妈抱宝宝坐在膝上'用手拉起宝宝的两手'将他的 两个食指对拢再分开'边唱这个歌谣.慢慢地一说 “斗虫飞”宝宝就会自己对拢食指. 找朋友(边唱边做动作) 找啊找啊找朋友(摇晃头高兴的样子) 找到一个好朋友(点头) 敬个礼呀(把手伸到眼睛旁边) 握握手(同人握手) 你是我的好朋友(先指别人再指自己) 再见! (向人挥手) 动物叫 先让宝宝根据图片学认各种动物'如小猫'小狗'小 鸡'小鸭'小羊等'等宝宝认识了各种动物后可以唱 以下儿歌: 小猫怎么叫,喵喵喵 小狗怎么叫,汪汪汪 小鸡怎么叫,叽叽叽 小鸭怎么叫,嘎嘎嘎 小羊怎么叫,咩咩咩 老牛怎么叫,哞哞哞 老虎怎么叫,噢噢噢 青蛙怎么叫,呱呱呱 学自然界的各种声音 下雨了'哗哗哗;打雷了'轰隆隆; 刮风了'呼呼呼;小河流水哗啦啦; 汽车响'嘀嘀嘀;飞机飞'嗡嗡嗡; 宝宝笑'哈哈哈;拍拍手'叭叭叭。 我有一个金娃娃。 金鼻子金眼睛金头发。 第一天,我到河边去玩耍,丢了我的金娃娃。我哭 我哭,我伤心地哭。 第二天,我到河边去洗衣,看见了我的金娃娃。我 笑我笑,我哈哈地笑。 第三天,日本鬼子进了我的家,偷了我的鸡,抢了 我的鸭,最后给我了三嘴巴。 第四天,红军叔叔来到我的家,还了我的鸡,还了 我的鸭,最后给我了大红花。 第五天,阿姨叫我买苹果,我买了一箱烂苹果。阿 姨打我,阿姨骂我,阿姨告诉爸爸,爸爸告诉妈 妈,妈妈告诉奶奶,奶奶告诉爷爷,爷爷告诉同学, 同学告诉老师,老师告诉校长,校长打电话,说: “一不许动,二不许笑,三不许露出你的小白牙。 本来要打你三百六十五下,马马虎虎打三下。一二 三,剁猪肝;四五六,揪肥肉;七八九,按电钮, 给大家贴几个手指谣,很多和当当妈的奥尔夫班儿 歌有异曲同工之妙。


1、Twinkle, twinkle, little star 一闪一闪小星星 Twinkle twinkle little star 一闪一闪小星星 How I wonder what you are? 我想知道你是什么? Looking at your magic light 看着你闪着魔幻般的光芒 Watching over us tonight 在晚上注视着我们 Before my dreams take me away 在我的梦想带走我之前 I kneel beside my bed and pray 我在床旁边下跪并且为 For all the children in the dark 所有在黑暗中的孩子祈祷 Till tomorrow, twinkle little star.... 直到明天,闪光小星星…. Promise me you'll twinkle little star.... 请你许诺我,闪光小星星…. Cos everybody needs a little star. 因为大家需要一个小星星。 2、We Wish You A Merry Christmas 我们祝你圣诞快乐 We wish you a Merry Christmas.我们祝你圣诞快乐, We wish you a Merry Christmas.我们祝你圣诞快乐, We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.我们祝你圣诞快乐并新年快乐, Good tidings we bring to you and your kin.我们把佳音带给你及你的亲友, Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year. 圣诞佳音并新年佳音。 3、Walking,walking 走啊走 Walking,walking,Walking,walking.走啊走啊走啊走, hop,hop,hop.跳,跳,跳, hop,hop,hop.跳,跳,跳, running,running,running.跑,跑,跑,
