



A (2019·武昌区调研考试)

Very few of us become fluent in another language by studying it in high school.I made an effort to keep up the little bit of French that I learned in school,but eventually realized that this was 1 .I was well aware that new languages are best learned when 2 ,and that our abilities in that regard decline with age. 3 ,just before my 50th birthday,I 4 for French classes.

After I was 5 to see which group I belonged in,I was 6 at almost the introductory level.I found that it really was true that certain linguistic(语言的) abilities 7 with age.While I'd always thought of myself as a(n) 8 learner,that was no longer the case.I absorbed new vocabulary very 9 .What I learned one week ago seemed to 10 as soon as I learned the next skill.

Now,a couple of years later,I can listen to the news in French and 11 90 percent of it on the first try and read a novel if it's not too difficult.

Who knows what I might still 12 ?

I've learned so much 13 grammar and vocabulary.I've met people from around the world and all walks of life who have the 14 to make fools of themselves in order to 15 something new.I've been taught by patient and inspirational teachers from many 16 of the world,including France,Eastern Europe,the Caribbean and Africa.

Listening to the news as it is 17 to the people of France,I have a renewed 18 of how something can look completely different from another 19 .I've learned that a language is not just a set of words,but a way of 20 .But most of all,I've learned that it really is never too late to learn something new.


1.A.unbelievable B.pointless

C.unbearable D.valueless


2.A.energetic B.curious

C.young D.old

C[根据后半句中的our abilities in that regard decline with age并结合常识可知,年轻的(young)时候学习新语言的效果是最好的,故选C。]

3.A.However B.Therefore

C.Besides D.Meanwhile


4.A.sought B.registered

C.fought D.prepared


5.A.interviewed B.challenged

C.asked D.tested

D[根据空后的to see which group I belonged in并结合语境可知,经过测试(test)来看“我”属于哪一个团体之后,“我”被归(place)为几乎是初级水平,故选D。] 6.A.restricted B.withdrawn

C.appointed D.placed


7.A.fade B.remain

C.disappear D.improve

A[根据第一段中的our abilities in that regard decline with age并结合常识可推知,某些语言的能力会随着年龄的增加而逐渐消失(fade=gradually disappear)。] 8.A.autonomous B.average

C.quick D.dull


C.steadily D.rapidly

B[结合语境及上题解析可推知,作者掌握新词汇的速度很慢,故选B。] 10.A.crowd in B.make sense

C.slip away D.build up

C[根据语境可知,“我”一学习下一个技能,一个星期前学的就消失(slip away)了,故选C。]

11.A.catch B.recite

C.share D.repeat


12.https://www.360docs.net/doc/7c10728373.html,plete B.overlook

C.perform D.accomplish

D[根据语境可知,谁知道“我”仍可能实现(accomplish)什么呢?故选D。] 13.A.except B.beyond

C.through D.including


14.A.confidence B.ability

C.patience D.courage

D[根据空后的make fools of themselves in order to something new可知,此处表示作者遇到了来自世界各行各业的人,他们有勇气(courage)使自己(看起来)愚蠢以学(learn) 一些新的东西,故选D。] 15.A.learn B.experience

C.explore D.possess


16.https://www.360docs.net/doc/7c10728373.html,anizations B.corners

C.classes D.races

B[根据下文的including France, Eastern Europe, the Caribbean and Africa可知,这些老师来自世界的许多地方(corner)。]

C.presented D.conveyed


18.A.understanding B.attitude

C.knowledge D.judgment


19.A.manner B.aspect

C.angle D.direction


20.A.studying B.working

C.living D.thinking


B (2019·江西省五校协作体模拟)

One day a man was asked to paint a boat by the owner of the boat.He brought with him paint and 21 and began to paint the boat bright red,as the owner asked him.While painting,he 22 there was a hole in the boat and decided to 23 it.When he finished painting,he received his 24 and left.

The next day,the owner of the boat came to the painter and 25 him with a nice check,much 26 than the payment for painting,the painter was 27 .“You've already paid me for painting the boat!”he said.

“But this is not for the paint 28 .It's for having repaired the hole in the boat.”

“But it was such a(n) 29 service.Certainly it's not worth 30 me such a high amount for something so unimportant!”

“My dear friend,you do not 31 .Now let me tell you what 32 .When I asked you to paint the boat,I 33 to mention about the hole.When the boat dried,my kids took the boat and 34 a fishing trip.They did not know that there

was a 35 in the boat.I was not at home at that time.When I returned and noticed they had taken the boat,I was 36 because I remembered that the boat had a hole.Imagine my 37 and joy when I saw them returning from fishing.

“Then,I 38 the boat and found that you had repaired the hole!You see,now,what you did?You 39 my children!I do not have enough money to pay your ‘small’ good deed.”

So,no matter who,when or how,just 40 repair all the “leaks” you find.


21.A.chains B.brushes

C.beliefs D.pens


22.A.consulted B.reminded

C.found D.confirmed

C[根据该句中的there was a hole in the boat可知,当他在油漆时,发现(find)船上有一个洞。]

23.A.repair B.wipe

C.hide D.measure

A[根据该句中的there was a hole in the boat以及下文的内容可推知,他发现船上有一个洞并决定修补(repair)这个洞。]

24.A.benefit B.baggage

C.key D.money

D[根据该句中的When he finished painting并结合常识可知,当他结束了油漆工作之后,收到了钱(money)便离开了。]

25.A.admired B.treated

C.presented D.comforted

C[根据上文可知,在油漆时,他发现船上有一个洞,便将洞修补好了;结合该句中的with a nice check以及下文的内容可推知,为了感谢这位油漆工,船


中考记叙文阅读专题 一、阅读下面选文,完成1~5题。(17分) 与芦苇相遇 四平 ①与芦苇多次相遇,我总感受到一种无法遏止的精神大美。芦苇是生命的一部分。 ②与芦苇再次相遇,是5月在新疆阿尔泰山腹地的鸭泽湖。鸭泽湖里的芦苇,在纯净的阳光中快速拔节,生长出一片明 润的嫩绿,在高天大地之间展露出悦目的生命表情。清明的 晨光中,飘逸的晨雾里,这片清静无忧的芦苇,不仅呈现出“蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜”的意象,也使人觉得它们就是山水 间那一往情深的“伊人”了。 ③芦苇实在是平凡的禾草植物,它们既可以扎根在沼泽、 滩涂、湿地,又能够丛生于野塘、湖泊、河沟,无论水色清浊,不管水味酸咸,都可以平静适应而蓬勃向上。

④与芦苇初次相遇,是三年前一个春天,洪泽湖畔。清嫩 的芦苇摇曳在晨风里,摇醒了苇丛中水鸟的梦。从睡梦中醒来的水鸟们,用欢快的呼叫声开始新一天的生活。。 那些茂盛的芦苇,白天是水鸟们表演的幕布和道具,夜晚就成了它们的纱帐与梦床。到了恋爱、成家或生儿育女的时候,芦苇丛便是它们的浪漫花园、温馨婚房或舒适的产房。无数水鸟的生活和爱情故事,就在芦苇的庇护和见证下,一代代地延续着。 ⑤在漫长的岁月里,芦苇营造出一片片生命的家园。 ⑥陪着湿地专家来到黑龙江扎龙湿地保护区,与芦苇第三次相遇。这里是丹顶鹤的故乡。每当游人散去,喧闹过后,丹顶鹤便会在黄昏之际,尽兴地在安谧的家园戏耍欢歌,享受着一天里最安逸、最温情的时光。在它们的生命深处,芦苇不仅仅是嬉戏的乐园、安宁的梦乡,更是生存的依靠。 ⑦生长在草海岸边的一些芦苇,竟然可以长到五六米高,

像竹子一样挺拔、坚劲。这些芦苇在高原灿烂的阳光下,释 放出难以遏制的活力,也在高原冷峭的风里,抖擞着一身的 豪气,不断舒展着坚韧、持久的生命旗帜。 ⑧在很多地方,因为有了芦苇的存在,让人们收获到如同 他乡遇故知一般的踏实和喜悦。西北巴丹吉林沙漠北缘的居延海,同样自然生长着大量的芦苇,大概因为有了它们,这个大漠深处才有了一个安顿心灵的所在。 ⑨与芦苇最近一次相遇,是在一个傍晚,来到颐和园,走 到昆明湖东南角,落日时分,西边的太阳正向绵延的群山滑落,夕阳落在湖面上,一湖碧水变得像一片融金,随着微风 的不停吹拂,闪耀出无数金针般明灭变幻的光线。突然瞥见 靠近湖岸的一丛丛芦苇,还有一束束蓬松的芦花。置身于古 典建筑之间、原本就充满了沧桑感的它们,在被夕阳勾勒出 形态有致的轮廓的同时,又被湖面泛动的光影所晕染..,悄 然营造出一片温暖而质朴的意境。这些芦苇,在这个布局精


专题限时检测(十一) 完形填空之记叙文体(二) (共3篇,每篇限时18分钟) A (2017·镇江高三一模)It is impossible to perform consistently in a manner inconsistent with the way we see ourselves. In other words, we usually act in direct __1__ to our self-image. Nothing is more difficult to __2__ than changing outward actions without changing inward feelings. One of the best ways to __3__ those inward feelings is to have some “success” under your belt. My daughter Elizabeth has a __4__ to be shy and wants to hold back on new experiences. But once she has __5__ to a situation, it's “full steam ahead”. When she was in first grade, her school had a candy bar __6__. Each child was given thirty candy bars and was __7__ to sell every one of them. __8__ I picked up Elizabeth from school she was holding her “challenge” and needed some __9__ encouragement. It was time for a sales meeting with my new salesgirl. All the way home I taught her how to sell candy bars. I __10__ each teaching point with half a dozen “You can do it — your smile will __11__ them over — I believe in you” phrases. By the end of our fifteen-minute __12__, the young lady sitting beside me had become a __13__ saleslady. At the end of the day, all thirty bars had been sold. She excitedly __14__ as I tucked her into bed that night: “Oh God, thanks for the candy sale at school. It's great.” Elizabeth's prayer reflects the heart's __15__ of every person. We all want to be winners. The next day Elizabeth came home __16__ another box of candy bars. She'd exhausted (用完,耗尽) the __17__ of friendly neighbors, and she was thrust into the cruel world of the unknown buyer. __18__ I offered encouragement and a few more selling tips. And she did it. The experience __19__ two days of selling, two sold-out performances, two happy people, and one boosted __20___. How we see ourselves reflects how others see us. 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者的女儿由于害羞,不愿接受新的体验,但一次全力以赴出售糖果棒的经历却让她及作者均收获良多。 1.A.opposition B.response C.preference D.contrast 解析:选B 根据第一段第一句可知,我们不可能一直表现出与我们看待自己的方式相悖的行为。换句话说,我们通常对我们的自我评价作出直接的反应(response)。

专题12 完形填空记叙文(1)

专题12 完形填空记叙文(1) 【母题来源一】【2019·全国II卷】 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 It’s about 250 miles from the hills of west-central lowa to Ehlers’ home in Minnesota. During the long trip home, following a weekend of hunting. Ehlers ___41___about the small dog he had seen ___42___ alongside the road. He had ___43___ to coax(哄)the dog to him but, frightened, it had ___44___. Back home, Ehlers was troubled by that ___45___ dog. So, four days later, he called his friend Greg, and the two drove ___46___. After a long and careful ___47___. Greg saw, across a field, the dog moving ___48___ away. Ehlers eventually succeeded in coaxing the animal to him. Nervousness and fear were replaced with ___49___. It just started licking(舔)Ehlers’ face. A local farmer told them the dog sounded like one ___50___ as lost in the local paper. The ad had a ___51___ number for a town in southern Michigan. Ehlers ___52___ the number of Jeff and Lisa to tell them he had ___53___ their dog. Jeff had ___54___ in lowa before Thanksgiving with his dog, Rosie, but the gun shots had scared the dog off. Jeff searched ___55___ for Rosie in the next four days. Ehlers returned to Minnesotan, and then drove 100 miles to Minneapolis to put Rosie on a flight to Michigan. “It’s good to know there’s still someone out there who ___56___ enough to go to that kind of ___57___,”says Lisa of Ehlers’ rescue ___58___. I figured whoever lost the dog was probably just as ___59___ to it as I am to my dogs,” says Ehlers. “If it had been my dog, I’d hope that somebody would be ___60___ to go that extra mile.” 41. A. read B. forgot C. thought D. heard 42. A. fighting B. trembling C. eating D. sleeping 43. A. tried B. agreed C. promised D. regretted 44. A. calmed down B. stood up C. rolled over D. run off 45. A. injured B. stolen C. lost D. rescued 46. A. home B. past C. back D. on 47. A. preparation B. explanation C. test D. search 48. A. cautiously B. casually C. skillfully D. angrily


未命名 完形填空 专练 未命名 注意事项: 1.答题前填写好自己的、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 未命名 请点击修改第I卷的文字说明 一、完形填空 The summer before the ninth grade, procrastination(拖延 )affected my life in a deep way. With only a few days until the start of school, I had 1 just one of three homework tasks we were 2 Instead of enjoying my last few moments of 3 , I spent that time doing homework, which was an 4 way to end the vacation. Putting in 100 percent 5 , I always started with strong 6 at the beginning of each school year. 7 I struggled to maintain that energy as the weeks passed. One night, my father and I were having a 8 about college. He told me, " It doesn’t 9 much whether you get into an Ivy League university or just a(n) 10 college-what matters is how you get there and what you do to 11 it". This really spoke to me, because it made me focus more on the 12 of my work rather than the quantity. Thanks to that conversation, I 13 the way I went through life. I started to 14 that trying my 15 best is a thousand times better than simply doing something to get it done. My effort began to 16 in my first year of high school. I had never 17 that my grades in some harder classes could be better than those in the easier ones I took last year. Now I would rather work hard for something and enjoy the 18 of success, than not try at all or give up halfway. Motivation can 19 become a habit if you repeat a(n) 20 that helps you avoid procrastination.

中考 语文记叙文阅读专题训练训练试题整理含答案

中考语文记叙文阅读专题训练训练试题整理含答案 一、中考语文记叙文阅读专题训练 1.阅读下面的文章,完成后面小题 最小的星星也闪光 ①潘小锋是个寡言少语、性格内向的学生,瘦削的脸上有着一双透着忧郁却又叛逆的眼睛。他总是喜欢一个人躲着看他的动漫书,偶尔也会在纸上涂鸦着什么,平时很少参与班集体的活动,与班上的其他同学也极少来往,似乎成了被人遗忘的人。 ②那天,我正在神采飞扬地讲着课,学生都安静地听着。突然,原本安静的教室却被一声窃笑搅起了层层波浪。我怒火中烧循声望去,发现是潘小锋的同桌张晓琴在笑。张晓琴发觉我盯着她,不好意思地低下了头。 ③我铁青着脸说:“张晓琴,你笑什么?” ④张晓琴立马站起来小声说:“老师,他在画你——”并用手指着潘小锋课桌上的纸。 ⑤一下子,全班的目光齐刷刷地锁定在我和他的身上,旁边的几个学生猫着身子偷看他的画,也都偷笑起来。我一个箭步过去,一把抢过他的画,圆睁着愤怒的双眼,看着他在画我上课的样子,真是气不打一处来! ⑥“潘小锋,你给我站到墙角去!”我用强硬的命令口吻叫嚷着。他耷拉着脑袋晃悠悠地走了过去。“上课不听开小差也就算了,竟敢丑化老师,岂有此理!明天叫你家长来。”他仍然低头不语,脸一下子红到了脖子。那堂课是我与他头一回交锋,也是他进入我视线的开始。 ⑦放学后,拿着缴来的画来到办公室,教师应有的品行规范让我平静下来。细细端详他的画,觉得倒十分形象,有几分趣味,心情也渐渐舒展开来。 ⑧第二天,我在办公室静等他和他家长的到来,可是一个上午都没见人影。后来得知他因害怕告诉他父亲实情而挨打,一个人躲进了网吧。知道这一切后我和他父亲一起在一家网吧中找到了他,并把他带回家。 ⑨到他家时天色已晚,天边零星地冒出几颗闪着光亮的星星。他父亲把我让进家门,招呼我:“老师辛苦了!坐一坐,家里太小太乱,不好意思。”我笑笑便坐了下来,环视了一下房间。这是一间不到30平方米的低矮房,墙壁灰暗,摇摆的蛛丝零落地挂在屋角,一些旧式家具零乱地堆放在各处,上面随意堆放着一些图书报刊,看来已许久没整理过了。 ⑩“老师别生气,您喝茶!”我接过茶杯放到桌子上。 ?“你小子净给我惹事,骨头又痒了,想挨揍啊——”他父亲说着就要打他,我连忙制止:“怎么又要打?不是和你说了吗?别总是打孩子。” ?“不是,这野小子自从我和他妈离婚后就没人管,没办法。我也下岗了,一个人忙着照看书摊,难得有时间在家。他要是有空就到我书摊来帮我照看,喜欢看动漫书,没事时也瞎画,我看他有这兴趣就给他报了个绘画班。呵呵——老师,您瞧,这墙上的奖状是他得的奖。” ?我按他指的方向看去,这才注意到墙上贴着好几张奖状。他的书桌上也散落着一些他画的漫画,有各种可爱有趣的人物,惟妙惟肖。我顺手拿起一张来看,这时他父亲迅速地收拾起来,说道:“老师见笑了,小孩子瞎画着玩,上不了台面的。” ?我笑道:“其实,你儿子挺有天赋的,画得不错,他画我的那张我还留着呢,别说,


完形填空(记叙文专题)巩固练习: 谨记做法:(文章)上下文+ (选项)排除法 (1) Looking at the checkout lines at the grocery, I quickly turned my cart to line number three. There were only two women there, and neither had kids or coupons(赠券) ! The store was my first 41 that morning, and I had a half dozen others on my 42 before meeting my husband for lunch. Two minutes turned into ten, and I watched as the other lines moved 43 . I moved my 44 0n the cart and dug for my wallet, trying to 45 . the cashier that it was time to get a move-on. Finally, after fifteen minutes, I took a breath and 46 . Then I heard the cashier tell the women in front of me : "And just like that, he told me what she looked like and l 47 one hundred dollars here to 48_ her groceries. He said not to worry about the 49 , just give it to charity. " The story she was 50 had taken place in the produce department. An older man had witnessed a(n) 51 mama in need. 52 for foods with kids around, she was sticking to her list and 53 the items on her calculator as she went. The gentleman said he had a little 54 0n him that day, so he left one hundred dollars t0 55_ her groceries and, just maybe, add a little wiggle room(回旋的余地) to her 56 . After hearing about the man who had . 57 served a fellow traveler in life, I realized that my hurry, 58 and general worries were 59 . What's five extra. minutes in a line to hear a story of a man sharing his 60 ? Suddenly, I know I could 'wait. 41. A. delivery B. checkout C. journey D. stop 42. A. notebook B. list C. blessing D. admission 43. A. patiently B. clearly C. quickly D. similarly 44. A. items B. dealers C. prospects D. kids 45. A. remind B. debate C. order D. guarantee 46. A. laughed B. noticed C. appreciated D. sighed 47. A. left B. matched C. cost D. promoted 48. A. apply for B. pay for C. look for D. make for 49. A. privilege B. contribution C. change D. decision 50. A. adjusting B. booking C. reading D. sharing 51. A. well-dressed B. good-looking C. worn-out D. easy-going 52. A. Wandering B. Shopping C. Preparing D. Begging 53. A. supposing B. developing C. adding D. presenting . 54. A. principle B. time C. extra D. quantity 55. A. cover B. suit C. carry D. run 56. A. basket B. budget C. property D. response 57. A. rarely B. quietly C. obviously D. occasionally 58. A. anxiety B. happiness C. attention D. eagerness 59. A. treated B. respected C. benefited D. misplaced 60. A. notice B. mistake C. content D. love


高中完形填空专项训练 1 When I come across a good article in reading newspapers,I often want to cut and keep it.But just as I am about to do so,I find the article on the 1 side is as much interesting.It may be a discussion of the way to 2 in good health,or advice about how to 3 and conduct yourself in society.If I cut the front articles,the opposite one is likely to suffer 4 ,leaving one half of it or keeping the text 5 the title.Therefore,the scissors would stay before they start,6 the cutting would be halfway done when I find out the 7 result.Sometimes two things are to be done at the same time,both worth your 8 .You can only take up one of them;the other has to wait or be 9 up.But you know the future is unpredictable—the changed situation may not 10 you to do what is left behind.Thus you are 11 in a difficult position and feel sad.How come nice 12 and clever ideas should gather around all at once? It may happen that your life 13 greatly on your preference of your one choice to the other. In fact that is what 14 is like;we are often 15 with the two opposite sides of a thing which are both desirable 16 a newspaper cutting.It often occurs that our attention is drawn to the thing only 17 we get into another.The 18 may be more important than the latter and give rise to a divided mind.I 19 remember a philosopher’s remarks:“When one door shuts,another opens in life.”So a casual 20 may not be a bad one.1.A.same B.opposite C.either D.front 2.A.get B.bring C.1ead D.keep 3.A.do B.help C.1ead D.dress 4.A.damage B.destroy C.hurt D.injury 5.A.on B.for C.without D.off 6.A.or B.but C.so D.for 7.A.satisfying B.regrettable C.surprising D.impossible 8.A.courage B.patience C.strength D.attention 9.A.given B.picked C.held D.made 10.A.persuade B.agree C.allow D.tell 11.A.filled B.struck C.caught D.attracted 12.A.chances B.conditions C.wishes D.ways 13.A.progresses B.goes C.changes D.improves 14.A.study B.1ife C.society D.nature 15.A.supplied B.connected C.fixed D.faced 16.A.to B.1ike C.as D.by 17.A.as B.until C.before D.after 18.A.following B.former C.above D.next 19.A.still B.also C.almost D.once 20.A.treatment B.action C.choice D.remark


【语文】记叙文阅读专题训练练习题含答案及解析 一、中考语文记叙文阅读专题训练 1.阅读下文,回答问题。 泥泞中,要把母亲的头巾举起 ①一直到我五岁,母亲才肯相信当初医生所说的话﹣﹣我永远不能说话了! ②母亲没有任何表情地接受了这个事实。她觉得我除了不能说话之外,并没有其他任何缺陷。八岁那年,母亲听村里的人说,“冲喜”也许能让我说话,正好又凑上“八”这个吉利数,就打算办回酒席。为这事,本来生活就很艰苦的家里爆发了一场大战。最后,母亲和父亲把财产分割了,两头猪,一人一头。母亲二话没说,叫人宰了那头养了将近一年半的大肥猪,摆了几十桌,请了很多人。看到人们碗里满满的都是肉,我心里忽然有些疼痛。我知道,那是母亲每天起早贪黑劳作的结果啊!那天,我使尽了全身力气,也没有叫出“妈妈”两个字。 ③日子依旧平静地过着,我还是不能说话。但不知道为什么,母亲一直不愿把我带到田野里去。直到有一天,我再三“央求”,母亲才带我来到田野。 ④田野一望无际,远处是一些树,近处是瓜地。瓜地里,那些繁密青绿的叶子组成一面面高大而严实的墙壁,阻挡了外面的世界。田埂上,一些不知名的小草繁茂地生长着,里面还星星点点地夹着开黄花的蒲公英。这场景真的叫人很爽快。 ⑤母亲把我安置在一块宽宽的田埂上,又把头上那块血红的头巾摘下放到我手里,然后告诉我,待会儿要是听到她叫我,就举起头巾。这时,我才明白母亲不带我来田野是怕我走失。 ⑥微凉的风中,母亲朝着深深的田野里走去,每隔一会儿,母亲就要大声地呼喊我几次,我马上就把那块头巾举起来。母亲站在阳光下努力搜寻,直到看见那块血红的头巾在汹涌的绿色中摇荡,她才迅速地弯下腰,继续劳作。 ⑦后来,我看到远处的水塘,想起村里小孩儿手里提着大鱼的情形,顿时心动不已。于是,我翻下田埂,朝着河塘走去。 ⑧我蹲在河塘边,呆呆地看着手指般大小的鱼儿游来游去,多可爱啊!我学着记忆中那些小孩儿的动作,用双手去捧,结果一无所获。我有些无奈,又有些恼怒,心想,一定要找一个宽大的、能漏水的东西来。 ⑨我揉捏着母亲的头巾,有些紧张,可一想,这么好的天气,反正是可以晾干的,就双手撑开头巾向水中放去。看着那些鱼儿在头巾里跳动,我的心里乐开了花,我暗自感谢这头巾,嘴角不自觉地浮现出笑意。 ⑩正当我开心到忘乎所以的时候,母亲的呼喊声又传来了。我不敢将沾满污泥的头巾举起来,心想,母亲呼喊几声后,应该就不会管我了吧。于是,我屏住呼吸,静静地耗着。哪知道,那几声呼喊一过,母亲见我仍没把头巾举起来,就立即停止劳作,奔上田埂,呼喊声也逐渐变得焦急而凄厉,一声接着一声。 ?我心里万分紧张,不知所措。我很想告诉母亲我在这里,不用担心,可我叫不出来。我想要把头巾举起来,可又怕母亲会责罚我。 ?母亲的呼喊声在寂静的田野里越发悲切了,明显地转向哭腔!我再也忍不住,猛地抓起头巾,一股脑儿地把小鱼倒进水里,拼命摇动那血红的头巾,同时“啊啊”地大声叫着,


完形填空专练(二)记叙文(二) A (2016·郑州市高中毕业年级第二次质量预测) I had just started my second year studying at Cambridge University when I was faced with the news I had never expected. A lump in my neck __1__ out to be cancer. I would __2__ six months of chemotherapy (化疗). After the shock, I was struck by this thought: my __3__ didn't have any room for cancer. I had so much I wanted to __4__ and so many goals I wanted to chase. I was faced with the __5__ job of telling my friends and family. Then, I had to decide whether to __6__ in Cambridge and take five exams at the end of the year. My doctor __7__ against it, and so did my parents and teachers. My doctors and teachers convinced me that taking some time off to __8__ and relax would be the best thing for me. I could not think of anything __9__. I did not want to __10__ a year of my life, receiving pity from those around me. Together with my parents, I tried to persuade the university to __11__ me to stay at Cambridge and study only half the course. At the end of the year I would take two exams. It was really a __12__ to persuade them to agree. Treatment began and I was up and down from Cambridge to London every other week. It made me feel __13__,but to a much lesser degree than I had expected. I was __14__ to read, eat and socialize exactly as I used to. I slept a lot and rested a lot, but I also worked hard at my studies. It gave me focus, and it also gave me purpose. Completing my __15__ at the end of term felt like a great personal victory. I took a __16__ to continue studying while undergoing treatment, and it __17__. I was successful in my exams — and more __18__,I made a full recovery. Every person facing a disease like cancer must make the __19__ that are right for them. I am __20__that I made the decision that was right for me. 1.A.stuck B.came C.turned D.worked 2.A.require B.expect C.sense D.arrange 3.A.body B.memories C.family D.dreams 4.A.face B.achieve C.show D.understand 5.A.necessary B.temporary C.difficult D.disappointing


完形填空专项练习题及答案详解 一、高中英语完形填空 1.阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的 最佳选项。 Lydia was a smart girl, very smart. She loved being with her friends, going shopping and doing what every other girl likes to do. There was only one 1 that made Lydia self-conscious(敏感):She was 2 . One autumn day Lydia and her best friend Judy were taking the train to do one of their favorite 3 : shopping. As a normal child, Judy, both caring and patient, spoke to Lydia in 4 language all the time. The train continued to make its occasional(临时) stops when a boy, no older than fifteen years old, sat in the 5 across from Lydia. Lydia couldn't help but notice how often the boy would 6 over at her to watch her move her 7 rapidly. This was one of the things that made Lydia unhappy. "Why must everyone stare at me?" Lydia asked her best friend, trying to 8 the boy's stare. "Doesn't he 9 that I am deaf? There is no need to stare at me. He is probably thinking that I am very 10 or disabled. I 11 people who prejudge(预先判断)others!" Lydia had become quite 12 ... 13 , the train came to a pause, waking up the boy in deep thought then. He got up, ready to get off at his 14 . Instead of hurrying off the train, however, he 15 to Lydia casually and stared to 16 his hands as she had just moments before. "Excuse me, but I couldn't help but notice that you don't like it when people stare at you. I'm 17 I made you uncomfortable. To be honest, just because of that, I 18 to get to "talk" to other 19 in here. I feel self-conscious and different, so I was 20 when I saw you. I thought maybe we could be friends." With that, the boy walked off the train. 1. A. quality B. detail C. difference D. ability 2. A. shy B. deaf C. smart D. selfish 3. A. hobbies B. sports C. experiments D. exercises 4. A. native B. written C. foreign D. sign 5. A. train B. seat C. front D. back 6. A. glanced B. called C. laughed D. pointed 7. A. hands B. position C. baggage D. purse 8. A. catch B. avoid C. disturb D. face 9. A. remember B. care C. understand D. realize 10. A. self-conscious B. attractive C. strange D. painful 11. A. admire B. pity C. dislike D. appreciate 12. A. shocked B. upset C. frightened D. worried 13. A. Suddenly B. Naturally C. Immediately D. Directly 14. A. school B. home C. stop D. store 15. A. drove B. rushed C. announced D. headed 16. A. move B. shake C. raise D. wave


初中语文记叙文阅读专题训练专题训练答案 一、中考语文记叙文阅读专题训练 1.阅读下面文章,完成小题。 把手 张承志 那一年在玉树的巴塘马场,我骑着一匹河曲走马,在暮色苍茫之际赶路。刚刚十九岁的我,骑着那匹“嘎石德乐”(褐色黑鬃嘴微白),渐渐有一丝不安。我绷紧的神经一直在对付它,而我愈来愈觉出来:我驾驭不了它。 那匹马很凶。显然吃饱了豌豆和豆饼的它盘算着怎么挣脱我。我只能死命拉紧嚼子,但勒得马头高仰,马的脾气更被惹起来了。不得已时我看准地势,在上坡时踩稳夹紧,几次松开缰绳。一霎间马如炮弹,只感到它从胯下蹿出,猛地身下抽空,只剩两脚与马连着。 我死命夹着马腹,踩住脚蹬,风呼呼地灌进耳朵。即便冲向坡上,蹄音仍然密如鼓点,转瞬到了山顶——我倒抽凉气,决死地使劲勒紧马缰,逼它小步走着下山。马头几乎被我扯得转到怀里,若没有嚼铁,我猜它会回头咬我。就这么,它圆睁着眼,神情恐怖,我唯有勒紧缰绳,几乎喘不过气——(A)就在人马角力之间,暮色沉降山峦背后,四野陡然暗了。 马头忽左忽右地挣扎,我着意控缰骑稳,绕过高寒草滩密布的草疙瘩,两膝被潮湿的蒿草唰唰擦着,心里只有一个念头:刚才是朝着那个山凹,后来朝左,又绕向右,回家的方向是…… 迷路以后,马似乎比人更显得急躁。它挣扭着我手里的牛毛缰绳,甩着两个穿着锃亮蹄铁的前脚,狠狠地跺着草地。 ——(B)“噗噗”的两声溅在肩头:好像,要下雨了!我的心一下乱了。一迟疑,手松了,嘎石德乐猛地把头一低,疯狂地挖开铁蹄蹿了出去,若不是鞍子备得牢,我连在鞍子上,它会把我和鞍子都甩在屁股后面——我忙扯缰,已不可能,马劫掠着我,向着空旷草滩嗖嗖驰骋,呼呼的风灌进耳朵。 我想歇息一下,索性放开了它。心里这么一想,力气就抽掉了,我无奈也偷空地放松了姿势,一口气冲过了平川。马跑累了,松开了死咬住的嚼铁,步子也缓和下来。我重新勒缰,昏茫的视野里,隔着一片草疙瘩,前面是一道石头砬子裸露的山梁——那个山梁,我有印象,就在我们帐篷的西边。 我长长嘘了一口气,换个姿势歪坐鞍上。走了两步,突然发现,马打了个响鼻仰起头来,它的前腿,正陷进草地。 蹬着脚蹬的靴子下面,就是黑油油翻起的泥巴。 陷入沼泽,不是别人而是我,正在一丝丝地下陷。丑恶的污泥正挣破草皮,凶险地翻动着从马的膝盖一分分露出头来,我攥着缰绳的手硬了。 恐怖像一个魔鬼抱住了我。我想喊叫,但知道没谁会听。我想下马,但下面是泥潭。我好像从嗓子眼里鸣呜哭了一声,又不觉止住了。只有胯下的狂傲的河曲走马,它呼呼喘着粗气,挣一下,腿拔出来,又停一下,再陷下一点。 我只有竭尽全力,勒住缰绳,嘎石德乐也借着我的拉扯,愤怒地高昂马头,一次次地奋力跃起。
